1976-12-20 RM ExhibitsRESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNT Y COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, OF INTENT TO CLOSE A PORTION OF SECOND OR FORTY SE VENTH STREET IN WINTER PARK GARDENS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the Chairman and Members of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County are of the opinion that a portion of Second or Forty Seventh Street in Winter Park Gardens of New Hanover County, North Carolina, should be closed, and the closing of same is in the public interest. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, in regular meeting assembled on this the ~~~~' day of 4~1A , ,~.~"~.~ ~~~ x.976, as follows 1 The Board of County Commissioners intends to close a portion of Second Street or Forty Seventh Street in Winter Park Gardens in New Hanover County as follows a. That portion of Second Street or Forty Seventh Street running from Wrightsville Avenue to Maple Street for a distance of 330 feet, and the County Clerk is hereby directed to cause this resolution to be published once a week for four successive weeks pursuant to G S, 153-A-241a 2, That the Commissioners will hear all persons interested in opposing this closing at a hearing to be held on the ,/;~'=~" day of ,;~,_,,~,~ ~.L, , ~,~~ 107, at 9 30 a, m, in the Assembly Room of the County Administrative Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the County Clerk is hereby direct,~d to send by registered mail or certified mail a copy of this resolution to all owners of property adjoining the portions of the above street as reflected by the tax records of New Hanover Coixnty who did not join in the request for such closing, and to post in at least two places along said portion of street proposed to be closed a notice of said hearing R.. The foregoing resolution of the Board of Commissioners of New Iianover County adopted at a meeting aforesaid. Chairman of the`Board. of County,;' Commissioners ____ ,~~~ _. ~ ~..-, , ~~°~ ~. A TTY ST `°=~ :~ Count' Clexk ,. <~ ~ _ ~~~. .. -- -2- r w' ~ MEMORANDUM November 29, 1976 To Mr Dan Eller County Manager New Hanover County Board of Commissioners From Larry J Powell ~,~ Tax Administrator Subject 1976 Listing Penalty .. ~ i Enclosed please find a letter from Mr Ernest H Keith requesting the listing penalties charged to his clients be released Our standard instructions to taxpayers are that obtained, however, request for the extension must be days before the close of the listing period The re the reason for the extension and the Board of County must approve the request Therefore, on January 31, late to act upon Mr Keith's request extensions may be received seven (7) west must outline Commissioners 1976, it was too Mr Keith's listing has been retyped to include date of listing and amount of listing penalty Mr Keith further requests that he be advised of a time on December 20, 1976, at which he may appear before the Board LJP/pbc Copy Mr Ernest H Keith Mr Jim Fox ~Ms Alyce Brown E~ZNEST H KEITH Accoun tart t November 22, 1976 SU01 Wnghtsville Avenue ~'~ ilmmgton, N C X8401 Mr. Larry J. Powell Tax Administrator, New Hanover County 119 No. 5th Street ti'Pi lmingt on, N. C ~ 28401 Dear fir. Powell Off 799-1 X91 Res 791 13l 1 bast December I talked with Senator Edward Renfrow about extending the deadline for filing County business taxes. In my conversation with him I understood him to say that the law had been changed and the filing deadline had been extended to 1•Larch I. A few days later, dust to be sur®, I called the tax listing office and talked to a lady there who did tell me that the deadline had been extended for filing business property taxes. On January 31 I found that I had been given some bad information. The results of which caused the people on the attached list to be late filing their business taxes. I have been advised that the only ones who can abate the late filing penalty are the bounty Commissioners. I am asking for a chance to present this plea to them and explain the reason I feel this penalty should be abated. ghank you for your kind consideration in this matter. Sincerely, ,~ t~ Ernest H. Keith, Accountant Date Listed Amount of Penalty Shoemakers Office Supply 2-6-76 $297 79 H C Williams Trucking 9 -76 27 76 Sani-Tank Septic Tank 3-5-76 20 66 Home Insulation 4-5-76 93 71 Sneeden Food Store 2-6-76 2 36 Sneeden T V Service 2-6-76 1 02 Bowman Garden and Pet Center 3-1-76 25 76 Sasser Auto Sales 5-7-76 17 39 Debbie Outlet 3-5-76 8 25 Ernest H Keith 7-7-76 72 Dan Inman Septic Tank Service 9-15-76 17 16 Harley Davidson of Wilmington, Inc 3-29-76 206 83 EBCO, Inc 3-31-76 139 61 Mathias P Hunoval 6-25-76 6 02 D 6 L Trucking Company 7-9-76 48 28 Winter Park Shell Service 8-17-76 10 77 Safety Equipment Co of Goldsboro, Tnc 2-3-76 34 31 McDonald Beauty Shop 2-9-76 1 38 ~,. ~ ref:.. ~i ~a~ LARRY J. POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMONDE BLAKE,JR Appraisal Supervisor 119 NORTH FIFTH STREET ~ianuber ~f `, #~iimmgtott, .~ c(C 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Thru November 30, 1976 762-0391 1976 1975 Regular Scroll Charges $ 9,887,734 29 $ 8,125,391 15 Discoveries Added 1,432,117 70 1,152,943 09 $ 11,319,851 99 $ 9,278,334 24 Less Abatements - 39,308 43 - 78,884 41 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co 11,280,543 56 9,199,449 83 Total Collected - 4,567,531 96 - 2,522,698 64 Outstanding Balance $ 6,713,-01.1 60 _ $ 6,676,751 19 Percentage Collected 40 50 27 40 Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 466,470 92 $ 332,356 19 Less Abatements - 4,654 36 - 136 07 Total Collections to Date - 93,778 65 - 57,094 92 Outstanding Balance $ 368,037 91 $ 275,125 20 Percentage Collected 20 30 17 20 Back Taxes Personal Property $ 328,845 80 $ 343,874 95 Less Abatements - 268 72 - 94 83 Collections to Date - 17,380 71 - 20,391 23 Outstanding Balance $ 311,196 37 $ 323,388 89 Percentage Collected 5 3% 5 9% Total money processed through collection office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to date, $7,119,378 17 This report is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1976 Respectfully submitted, Ja ie B Straughn Co lector of Revenue ~O~ ~~ MAE B STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue JBS/pbc L MEMORANDUM December l6, 1976 To Mr Dan Eller New Hanover County Board of Commissioners From Larry ~T Powell Tax Administrator ~ub0ect Abatements and Refunds Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the city or town limits, or the personal property is located wlthi.n the county 1 Samuel Barfield $ 20 07 (Refund) 2 Carl Bender, Jr 51 78 (1971 ~ 1972) 3 Carol Benton 47 86 4 Norwood Blake 59 10 5 Annie Brett 25 07 (1975) 6 Thelma Brittain 13 32 7 Lillie Brown 44 55 8 Bush 8 Cook Leasing Co 38 39 9 Charlene Fishing Vessel 146 63 10 G~illlam Deese 22 95 11 Robert Dobo 26 64 12 Donald Hinson 14 24 ]_3 Leota Henson 14 24 14 William H Jackson 31 2.8 15 James Johnson 21 88 (1969) 16 Graham Merritt 41 88 17 E M Mooneyham 40 46 18 Elbert Morgan 21 67 19 James Mozingo 49 28 (1975 & 1976) 20 Elizabeth Pelham 12 38 21 J F Power, Jr 62 87 22 Robert E Shepard 60 84 23 Sandra Sparkman 32 67 24 William Sutton 86 13 25 Stanley Wallace 30 02 (1975) 26 Jenks Whittington 26 30 27 Alexander Glilder 20 10 (1975) 28 Lehman Wood 9 72 29 Frank Yarbough 46 89 (1975 Refund $13 27 6 1976 abatement) Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged 1 Darlyne Cash $ 29 41 2 Beverly C'ausey 16 36 (1975) 3 Paul Crossnickle 17 16 (1975) 4 Herbert Curtls~ 1Q 44 (1975) 5 G N Dunn 30 77 6 Free Love & Golden byre Ledge 608 77 (1975 & 1976) 7 Hettle Green 53 87 (1966 1968 - 1974) 8 Ruth Hewlett 40 47 (1975) 9 ShZrl_ey Jackson 22 62 (1975) 10 Robert Jenkins 1.6 36 (1975) Mr Dan E_11er New Hanover County Board of CommLSSioners December 16, 19.76 Page 2 t 11 Elizabeth Jenkins ~ 3 88 12 James Johnson 11 74 ?_'' T',-~vZd Ke1]_ey 25 05 14 David Kelley 19 14 15 Lanwlllo Dev Co 71 76 16 James Ligon 15 59 17 Jean Manley 23 93 18 Eds.th Merrill 11 31 19 Alice Miller 15 66 20 Marvin Miller 13 21 21 Florence Murray 32 63 22 David Murrell 48 94 23 Oleander Co 611 52 24 Wesley Perry 15 26 25 Samuel Pressly 121 45 26 Lawrence Robertson 119 82 27 Eva Schaefer 17 42 28 Douglas Shepard 75 73 29 Shore Acres Co 11 70 30 Golah Smith 33 07 31 Tlnkey Sullivan 32 36 32 Unknown (C P & L ) 32 41 33 Walter White 27 60 34 Hrs M L Winner 532 20 35 Unknown 246 23 (1975) (1975 (1975) (1975) (1975) (1975) (1975) (1975 Refund) (1975) (1975 & 1976) (1975) (1971-1975 Refund) (1975) (1975) (1975) (1975 & 1976) (Refund) (1966 thru 1974) (1975 & 1976) Request the following taxes be released as these are clerical and appraisal. errors, in addition, pricing motor vehicles, lot sizes, etc 1 Automotive Rentals Inc $ 13 80 2 Joseph Blake 23 1.7 (Refund) 3 Bessie Foy 2 62 4 Robert Foy 198 18 (1975 8 1976) 5 Ernest George 9 17 6 W~_lllam Gibney 23 44 7 Gardner Greer 132 72 8 John Hunt 2 85 9 Elizabeth Hunter 8 40 10 Demeu Johnson 132 37 11 Connie King 4 88 (1975) 12 J Ryder Lewis 27 60 13 E F Loftin 5 04 14 Robert McLeod ZO 02 (1975) 15 Emanuel Nixon. 105 57 (.Refund $5 57) 16 Howard Parker 57 96 17 Taxicabs Inc 288 97 18 Joseph [~] Taylor 25 14 The following lots will not perk, therefore, they were over-priced Request 'the tax be reduced as reflected below to adjust for this factor 1. W111i_e Hugie $ 54 64 (2 lots adj Cleaver Acres) Mr~ Dan Eller Pdc~w F(anover County Board of Conuni ssioners December 16, 1976 Page 3 2 Wendell Perkins $ 30 50 (Refund) (1 lot add Weaver Acres) 3 Daniel W Trask 137 42 (5 lots adj 4~leaver Acres) Request the following taxes be abated as taxpayers reported incorrect information 1 David Atkinson $ 42 97 2 Oscar Buck 38 86 3 M L Hodges 54 29 1+ Hyman Supply Co 89 89 5 Daniel Jezewskz 48 69 (Refund) E David Murchison 6 29 (Refund) 7 Pau]_ine Murray 3?. 75 8 Powel.l's Millwork 558 36 (1975) 9 Mary Smith 42 98 (]975) The foll.owi.ng taxpayers request the l.istl_ng penalty be released as they certify that they placed the listing in the .mall during January, received the listing sheet late, or listed other property which they .f.el_t covered al1_ tracts 1 David Atkinson $ 19 52 2 Charles Balch 28 12 3 E S Benson 273 52 4 Phillip Burstein 2.5 88 5 Dale Campbell 21 2.9 6 G1inf_red Clemmons 54 56 7 'T'erry Davis 24 51 8 A F Gibson 60 67 9 Jack Glazier 5 97 10 Graybar E1.ectric Co 271 94 11 Robert Knowles 22 95 12 Louise Le Boo S 96 13 Karl McGhee 133 99 14 Paul Miller 22 09 15 Charles Register 24 82 16 Curtis Register 29 2.8 17 Alice Stalvey 19 57 18 Deborah Swarts 4 97 19 Sidney Swarts 43 Ol 20 J E L Wade 57 97 21 Robert Walker 35 38 2 2 George Wright 21+ 4 9 (Refund) (Refund $47 87) (Refund) (Refund) (Refund) (1875) (Refund $2.2 38) (Refund) (Fefund) (Refund) (Refund) Request taxes charged for ]_975 and 1976 as an unknown owner on the following tracts be released as the property zs owned and used for purposes which quall_fles it for exemption 1 152 Acre Island Cape Fear River $152 65 2 4 6 Acres Adj Wood Acres Park 12 32 3 1 Acre Pt F?orne Cemetery 13 39 4 Cemetery 2 Mlle Branch 26 78 Request the above i-terns be placed on the agenda of the County Commissioners' meeting on December 20, 1976 Copy Mr James C Fox Ms Alyce Brown