1975-02-17 RM Exhibitsr _ r 1 _ r U^,~- ~ ~'` ~~ ~ ~ Y t;r-~. y~•-~ ~ SIERRA CLUB ~ Joseph Leconte Chapter ~,~ ~LL ; . , ~ ~> asiE~ o,~ T o explore, enyay and preserve the naixon's f orests, waters, unldli f e and wilderness '~CLGB ~'~ ~\ ,1~~ ~-~~-~-~+.~.~,~~,-rte ~y /C~~-~.-~-~.a .--i~y..,~z~e 9 ~)'~' /`r^ ~^C7"~t'l~~/ ""~°' "''7y1,{n;lo',~.~i.,~~"y~-k1E^!1 e . ~~ ,~.,~,1. ~ /% ~~.~,-~.cu~.1L .,~Ltr-~-c~..#-c~` Ct-~c.~-c~- ~,~lC.,.r ~~1~-t~--+~ r~_9- C.:~B~ ,~-~-~~~ ~ , ~~ / ~~,1--~.,~~ ..~.-Q-~..t,~. ~~,, ~ _ ~ `~~ I , f y~J~ -'-~`"`~ (~.~~1/'rYl/t.,~,U,L,"~C.,~~..,Y,r``.~ "",~ L~ ,l~.~y~ '-" ~~f~/~~.-^~'~., ~t~.~ ~k~ ~;~~ G~ ' ~- ~ for ~... ~~. ~' _ ' Cam- ~ -~....~ ~.~.,..~ ~~.~.- Statement of James C Dixon, 921 Reilly Drive, Wilmington, N C 28401 to County Commissioners of New Hanover County (10 am February 17, 1975) Regarding Partisan Versus Non- Partisan Election of County Commissioners 1 Research by Political Scientists nationally reveals certain consequences of the adoption of non-partisan election of officials 2 Non-partisanship is widely adopted at the city level tvit~l ?/3 of U S cities using it 3 The non-partisan ballot is more likely to be adopted in homogeneous middle-class cities where there is less social cleavage and small proportions of working- class and ethnic group members 4 To what extent has non-partisanship succeeded in ?-emoving party politics from local government? This varies from place to place Often the parties continue to be important as in Chicago which has a non-partisan council 5 One consequence of non-partisan elections is that they lead to an increased voice in local affairs for persons who normally vote Republican in those places where the parties tend to have the support of differing socio-economic groups Why? 1) Low turnout is usuall among low income and minority groups who often vote Democratic and is even more marked in non-partisan elections 2) In many urban areas Republicans are in a minority and the non-partisanship reduces the registration advantages of Democratic candidates 6 Does non-partisanship result in "better qualified" candidates winning office? 1) What is the definition of "better qualified'? 2) Non-partisanship gives an advantage to high income, "respectable", whites, Anglo-Saxon candidates with prestige jobs, in short) to the "country club set." 3) A consequence of this is failure of local government to be responsive to "ghetto" blacks, and working class people in general 4) Why are working class and minority candidates disadvantaged relative to well-educated white~(a) Low vote turnout, (b) In non-partisan elections recruitment of candidates tends to be left to civic associations and ad hoc groups rather than to party organizations This tends to give an advantage to middle-class candidates 7 Another consequence of non-partisanship is to strengthen the influence of newspapers One publisher said, "you can't tell the players without a scorecard and we sell the scorecards " 8 Non-partisanship contributes to the reelection of incumbents particularly when combined with at-large elections They have a name recognition advan- tage The argument is that the voter does not have the opportunity to hear organized criticism of incumbents from an opposition party and that the positions of incumbents are well nigh impossible for even interested citizens to keep track of When the only challenge to an incumbent comes from an unknown name on the ballot he is more likely to be reelected than if he is challenged by a candidate backed by an opposition party 9 Non-partisanship tends to weaken the two party system at all levels by eliminating a source of recr it ent of candidates who may later seek higher offices This results from a tii~~~ in non-partisan communities to force persons to choose between being active in partisan or in non-partisan politics It is often been difficult for one person to combine these 10 The assertions of the impact of non-partisanship are often exaggerated by both opponents and proponents 11 On balance, I recommend keeping the present system for electing county commiss- ioners as it has worked well Selected Bibliography Duane Lockard, The Politics of State and Local Government (2d ed) (NY, Macmillan, 1969), pp 214-238 Thomas R Dye, Politics In States and Communities (2d ed) (Englewood Cliffs, N J Prentice-Hall, Inc 1973) pp 266-277 Charles E Gilbert and Christopher Clague, "Electoral Participation and Electoral Systems In Larger Cities," 24 Journal of Politics (1962) pp 323-30 Eugene C Lee, Nonpartisan Politics (Berkeley University of California Press, 1960) Oliver P Williams and Charles R Adrian, "The Insulation of Local Politics under the Non-Partisan Ballot," 53 erican Po>;ticai Science Review (1959), pp 1052-63 Robert Salisbury and Gordon Black, "Class and Party in Partisan and Non-partisan Elections," 57 Am,„~r,;~?n Science Review (Sept, 1963), pp 587-97 DISCUSSION AT MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17, 1975 RE TAX REVALUATION PROGRAM Chm Davis Discussion of the Tax Revaluation Program under Mrs Wright Comm Vaughan May I say that I look forward to this Comm Wright Well, I'm glad you do Why didn't you listen last week? The first one, I wanted to get a comparison of valuations by townships for last year and this year Do you have that yet? County Mgr Eller No ma'am, I don't I'll be glad to try to get it for you Comm Wright 0 k Appreciate it Now, Mr O'Shields, on the tv show on the 12th, you were speaking about finding errors in the subdivisions, and you said that Cole-Layer-Tremble--you were talking about them--and you made the statement they have been told to look at the whole area Now who told them? Comm O'Shields Well, I have made mention of that and I think this Board has in past meetings in discussions Comm Wright Were you referring to the motion that we passed telling them to redo the whole job? Comm Vaughan Point of order! Point of order! Chm Davis Mr Vaughan has a point of order Comm Vaughan I don't think Mr O'Shields can be held accountable at this meeting for what he hasn't said at this meeting Chm Davis I'd have to agree with that Comm Wright Now look, this is a question of what the public's been told about what's going on in our tax thing Now, if he has information that he's putting out to the public that I do not have, I think I need the benefit of the same information, and I'm asking on what basis did you make that statement? Comm O'Shields I made the statement on the basis of information that I have and comments that have been made in these meetings that Cole-Layer-Tremble would, when they go back to a subdivision if they make changes, that they will make them through the subdivision until they come to a physical boundary where it would go into either a higher value or a lower value type property Comm Wright Well were you perhaps intending to say that they will do this rather than they have been told? Comm O'Shields No My feeling on it is that they will because they have been told Page 1 of 13 Comm Wright By whom? Comm O'Shields In telling them to go back and check the problem areas in the subdivisions because this is where we have agreed on the fact that lot values in subdivisions seem to draw the biggest com- plaint and also on low acreage Comm Wright I don't believe you'll find that action by our Board any- where in the minutes except by my motion Comm O'Shields No, I don't say that it was necessarily action They were told to go back and look at these things by this Board Comm Wright Not by motion You're referring to discussion by individual members? Comm O'Shields Well, discussion yes, but they were told to do this Comm Wright Then you didn't really have any big basis for making that statement did you? Comm O'Shields Any what? Comm Wright Any basis for making that statement that they have been told It would imply Comm O'Shields I think you can go over there and find that this is what they're doing Now whether or not we tell them through the form of a motion, we indicate this is what we want done and they do it, I mean as long as they get it done, what's the matter? Comm Wright It's a big matter when you put something on the air that the rest of the Board's not aware of Chm Davis I was aware of it Comm Wright Who told them that? Can you answer the question? Chm Davis Yes, ma'am, I'll be glad to It was during all the public hearings I mean the whole thing has evolved, Mrs Wright, we are trying to look into it Comm Wright Have you anywhere in the record of our meetings where the Board took any action as a whole or where there was any motion to that effect other than the original motion? Chm Davis You're saying that anything that there is not a written record Page 2 of 13 Comm Wright They are not obligated to Chm Davis You're saying, then, that the entire discussions of this Board, all public hearings, then are just figments of the imagination Comm Wright No, I'm just asking whose authority by which he made the statement that they have been told Has there been some meeting, has there been some instruction from anybody on the Board, or any group of members on the Board? Chm Davis I got the feeling from our public hearings that Cole-Layer- Trumble would look into their valuations, were going to look into their valuations, and where they found lots wrong, they would also get the other lots, and I don't see why you would disagree with that Comm Wright I'm not disagreeing with that I'm asking if anybody told them that I don't know about because he made that statement Comm O'Shields Well, Cole-Layer-Trumble has also made the statement in my talks with them at the meetings and other places and checking to see what was being done and that if it were being done the way we wanted it done, this is what they have said they are doing Comm Wright You don't have any basis I don't think I may be wrong, but I don't think he should have made that statement on t v unless he had something to back it up with Chm Davis Mrs Wright, this is not the time Comm Wright This is the time Last week wasn't, you said so This week is It's on the agenda Comm O'Shields If I find that it is in error, what I have said, that they are not doing this, I will admit it Comm Wright It's not a question of your saying they're doing it, it's a question of your saying they have been told to do this I took this down in notes when you were on t v and I wondered who had told them Chm Davis We told them to look into these things Comm O'Shields Which program? Comm Wright It was the Jim Burns Show on the 12th when you appeared at 1 15 Comm O'Shields Well, and I program, and I told the they could have it Comm Wright I don't you made if you want to, you can go out to the t v station had them audio tape the 15 minute portion of my Production Manager that, if anybody wanted the tape, need the rest of it This was the one statement which brought up the question Comm Vaughan I'd like to ask a question How come you people are getting Page 3 of 13 on t v all the time? Nobody ever lets me get on there any more Have I done anything wrong? Comm Wright You were on there one night I saw you Comm Vaughan Just once though That's the reason I'm quitting No- body puts me on t v anymore Chm Davis Would you go to the next question? Comm Wright The original motion that I require them to submit new it's still standing, and the question is, Are you going to ignore it? Or are you g• and get new valuations? Just what action to that motion? made which you passed to revised standards and so forth, are you going to rescind it? ping to require them to do it are you going to take in relation Comm Vaughan Would you read the motion as it was passed? Comm Wright Move that this Board direct the County Manager through the Tax Administrator and Cole-Layer-Trumble Company to prepare a revised set of values, standards, and rules and to present this Board with new valuations of property which would accurately reflect market values as of January 1, 1975 That was the motion that you passed on the 20th of January, and you've done nothing with it since Comm Alper Does that mean they would have to revaluate the entire County? Comm Wright That was the meaning of it at the time, and I'm asking whether they're going to stand by their motion or are they just dodging it now Chm Davis It's my impression that they are revaluing Comm O'Shields Mrs Wright, it also says down here in the minutes, "This motion passed with the understanding that if the Tax Administrator and Cole-Layer-Trumble Company could come up with a better method that this be presented to the Commissioners Monday, January 27 " Comm Wright, They did not come up with a better method The method was to go through their revising the values, standards and rules Now, they did not come up with a better method They just said that they were not going to do anything Comm O'Shields No, they did not Comm Wright Yes, they did Mr Rose did Comm O'Shields Well, what came out of that meeting, to the best of my knowledge, was that their recommendations were to go back on an area basis, which you know that they're doing They`ve gone back to Figure 8 Island, they've gone to Wrightsville Beach Page 4 of 13 Comm Wright At that meeting, Buck, if you'll go back to the tape of the meeting, you'll see that Mr Rose, who sat right there, made the statement that their values were correct and they were standing on their values and that was all they admitted to that day, that they were standing on their values The rest of the meeting was devoted to discussion from the taxpayers who were present Now, that's on the tape of the meeting Comm O'Shields What Mr Rose--the statement he's made--as long as he's under contract to New Hanover County, what he made and what he said about his values, he might feel to be true, but if we, as a Board, determine that we aren't satisfied with it, then he's going to do exactly what we've told him to do And that's they're going to do the job and get it right Conran Wright Well, have they admitted privately that it was wrong? He said publicly it was right Comm O'Shields They have admitted mistakes in it They've said that in public Comm Vaughan Wait a minute May I interject one thought? It seems to me we're talking about the fact--I've heard this said before--that these people say what they've done is right What they're talking about is the principle Obviously they know they`ve loused up an awful lot of it There's no question in anybody's mind, therr's or anybody else's This woman had a $200,000 valuation on a piece of property today with nothing just a piece way down on the lower end of Myrtle Crove Sound Road It wasn't even on the water Comm Wright And they didn't do anything about it, did they? Comm Vaughan Well I know, but there's something wrong Comm Wright And you didn't even want to hear her when she first came in, did you? That's why all this has gotten to the point that it's gotten to Comm Vaughan No, I didn't want to hear her because I think there may be 2,000 people like her, and I think the Board of Equalization and Review is set up legally for that purpose, that you don't want to hear them twice Chm Davis Mr Eller, what did Mr Powell say about that one piece? County Mgr Eller He said that there was a mistake in it and that they have corrected it, that the land value that they now have on it is $4,830 and the building is $830 for a total of $5,660 Comm Wright Has Mr Powell changed that on her abstract now? County Mgr Eller He said he wasn't sure whether she had been mailed a revised abstract, but if she hasn't been,. he would see to it that she did get one Page 5 of 13 Mrs Cecelia Pleasants May I address the Board? Chm Davis Let Mrs Wright finish, please Comm Wright Do you have something on Mrs Kennedy? Chm Davis Mrs Wright, I am the Chairman and this Board feels like that you should finish and then you've asked Mrs Pleasants and we'll hear Mrs Pleasants Comm Wright Who brought up Mrs Kennedy? It wasn't I Chm Davis Who brought up Mrs Kennedy? Comm Wright 0 K How about speaking, Mrs Pleasants Chm Davis Mrs Pleasants, if you'll wait your turn, please Mrs Wright, would you please continue Comm Wright This Board is impossible to understand You sit here meeting after meeting and--I was talking about this awhile ago--somebody will come in and they'll sit here for a couple of hours, and you'll fall all over yourselves welcoming them to the meeting 'cause you're so glad to have the public here But when somebody comes who knows something about the subject and tries to have some input, you insult them, and I think it's a shame It shouldn't happen on a Board like this Chm Davis We have not insulted anybody Comm Wright Now, if she had something to say about this particular case-- she talked to the lady, too Chm Davis This Board has bent over backwards to be courteous to everybody Comm Wright That wasn't the way it was this morning When she walked in the door, ya'll started murmuring--I heard you When she got up to talk about another thing, you laughed Now, if that isn't rude, what is? Comm Vaughan Well, the first day she was here, you said you didn't like her Comm Wright That was the first impression I learned to like her because I know what she can do since then Comm Vaughan Well, my first impression was good, my second impression Comm Alper Come on! Come on! Stop kidding around Look time is getting more this is juvenile Come on Page 6 of 13 Comm Wright I have the same question Are you going to rescind your motion or are you going to stand by it? Chm Davis The motion Comm Vaughan I think she's got a good point, Peter This Board has made a motion and passed a motion can you read that thing? Has somebody got it here? Chm Davis It is my understanding, Mike, that they are changing values and they are changing values Comm Wright They did not prepare a revised set which referred to a manual That was what the motion was, and they have not done that Comm Vaughan I'm going to turn the next page I hope I voted against it Comm Wright You did, the others voted for it Comm Vaughan Because I knew it was impossible Comm Alper There is no earthly way for them to revaluate the entire County Comm O'Shields But why--let me ask you this, Vivian--why is the thing in the paragraph under there, under that vote, that this motion passed with the understanding that if the Tax Administrator and Cole-Layer-Trumble could come up with a better method that this be presented to the Conunissioners Monday, January 27, and at that time was where they said that as far as throwing the whole thing out, I reckon, that they were opposed to that, which I am opposed to it, and that they would go back through the sections where there are troubles and make changes Comm Wright That wasn't at the meeting, Buck Mr Rose, in response to our motion Comm O'Shields I don't care what Mr Rose said I'm talking about what he's going to do with being under contract to the County Comm Wright Well, what he said is right important It's in the record of the meeting Now he said he was standing by his values In effect, he was refusing to do what this Board had directed be done at the meeting before The motion is still standing So I'm asking, are you going to stand behind that motion or are you changing it now? Comm Vaughan Well, I make the motion that it be rescinded in its existing form I don't think it is possible Comm Alper I second that motion Page 7 of 13 Chm Davis Any further discussion? All in favor? Comm Alper, O'Shields, Vaughan and Chm Davis Aye Comm Wright Noe I do think it is possible 0 k What procedures are being followed in the changes? They have said publicly that they were right Mr Eller has been quoted in the paper saying things were being changed How are they doing it, Mr Eller? County Mgr Eller They have brought back in a number of appraisers, I don't know how many, and are going into these areas where we have pointed out problems as we know them--some that this committee of realtors have brought up--and are looking over the entire area such as Porters Neck, Figure 8, Wrightsville Beach Comm Wright Who's looking over it, Cole-Layer-Trumble or the realtors committee? County Mgr Eller Cole-Layer-Trumble is Now, when we broke up with the realtors, I had suggested and they had indicated that, when they got time, they would--the gentlemen that were there--come up to the office and go through the cards, take a look at them, and see if they found areas that they felt the values were out of line Comm Vaughan What do you mean you broke up with the realtors? Did you have a fuss with them or something? Comm O'Shields No, when the meeting adjourned Comm Vaughan When was that? At this meeting here? Comm O'Shields No, it was at 1~Ir Powell's office County Mgr Eller Now, whether any of them have gone up there and done that or not, I don't know Comm Wright Who's got custody of the abstracts? You said that they were changing some of them in actuality Are the abstracts being tossed around from office to office up there or what are they doing with them? County Mgr Eller As I understand it, the procedure in there, they will prepare the revised abstract, they're all going by Larry Powell, and he's taking a look at them and then mailing out revised abstracts Comm Wright But they are doing the abstracts County Mgr Eller Yes, ma'am, that's my understanding Comm Wright Is he turning over the ones that the people have turned in and signed? Is he turning them over to Cole-Layer-Trumble or are they just sending out new forms? Page 8 of 13 County Mgr Eller I'm not sure I would want to answer that without finding out exactly what the procedure is Comm Wright I'd Iike to know very much County Mgr Eller I think they turned them over to him Comm Wright In the revaluation years, there're three categories of the land that are supposed to be valued with two values--the true and the present use The forest and the horticultural and the agricultural Have they put the two values, the sets of them, on those types of land? County Mgr Eller As I understand that particular thing, that's done on an application basis If you want the use method used, you have to fill out an application Comm Wright How are they sending out special forms for that? I've had several complaints from people with that type land that they did not know about this and that there was no form sent to them and, if they didn'get the request in by a form during the listing period, that they would e eligible for it And that's what brought up this particular question Chm Davis Mr Powell told me that each person who wanted their land under this classification would have to make personal appli- cation to his office This has to be, as I understand it, handled by the Administrator and they have to apply to Mr Powell Comm Wright Yes, I understand they have to apply, but what I'm getting at--apparently they haven't sent out forms or notice or anything on this Chm Davis They have to contact Mr Powell and ask for these forms, and then they get them Comm Wright Now, when we approved these schedules--I think it was December of 1973--for this type land, Mr Powell made the statement that anybody with over ten acres of land, he would send out forms to them at that time Chm Davis I don't recall that Comm Wright It's in the record I've got it at home in some of my letters, but he made that statement at that time Chm Davis We could request him to do that Comm Wright Well, it's in the record that he was going to last year Now, whether he did, I don't know, but I'm wondering whether he's done it this year or not Page 9 of 13 Chm Davis I would think if that was in the record and this Board said to do it, that it mould be done Comm Wright It wasn't that this Board said to do it, it was that Mr Powell said he was going to when we approved those schedules Comm Vaughan Mrs Wright, let me see if I understand what you're talking about there You're talking about the situation where--say my own home is on four acres of land and I'm only using one of it for the home, the other three acres Conan Wright You don't qualify You don't have enough acreage Comm Vaughan How much do I have to have? Comm Wright Ten I think, and it's twenty on one section I think it's twenty for two of the sections require ten acres, the other requires twenty, and right now I forget which is which County Atty Fox I believe it has to be also commercial as I recall Comm Wright Yes, with some income of about $1,000 if I'm not mistaken County Atty Fox Something like that Comm Wright But, the law does say that they will appraise two sets of values on that type of land, and that was my question, to get them to do it Comm Vaughan Is this the one where, if they appraise you at a lower figure than the other figure and you later converted to the higher figure, then you have to go back and tax all the way back? Comm Wright Right For five years back, but they're supposed to appraise it at both sets of values They're supposed to keep two sets of tax records and, if you change the use during the five year period, then they go back and take the higher set and bill you for it according to the law And I don't believe they've put the two sets of values on it from what I've heard from people Chm Davis I think there's a set value on that Comm Wright They're two sets according to the law Chm Davis Right, but I mean first they appraise the land at the market value, then the other for a set value that they will drop it to and that's what you make application to Mr Powell for, then that's when you get that other value, but I mean they don't automatically put it on the abstract Page 10 of 13 Comm Wright But they're supposed to, as I understood it from Powell, they were going to send forms to people who qualified for this type of thing last year since it was fairly new Now I don't know what he's done this year, but I have had complaints that the people didn't know about it and that's why I asked about it Now who, please, recommended that the listing period start on the 15th? Was that Mr Powell? I know at the meeting you (Mr Eller) made the report, but I assume that it was his suggestion, was that right? County Mgr Eller Yes, ma'am, that was a result of our meetings with Cole-Layer-Trumble when we saw that they weren't going to have the things ready to mail out at the time they were supposed to Comm Wright 0 k Now, Mr Fox, the abstract, when they sign it and they check "no" for that personal property thing and they want to do an inventory, there's no place on the abstract for the inventory If the inventory is mailed to them and they send that in later, then they actually haven't listed it during the listing period, have they? County Atty Fox I'm not quite sure I follow you, Mrs Wright You're speaking of Comm Wright The personal property part where you take the 10 percent or have an inventory County Atty Fox No I think that they have offhand reaction would be that they have indicated their ownership of the personal property but have disagreed with the valuation that has otherwise been placed upon it and have agreed that the valuation be completed at a later time Comm Wright Well, would they actually have been able to sign the statement that says they affirm the truth and completeness of listing including any accompanying statements, inventory schedules, and other information--could they actually certify the truth of something accompanying it if it was not accompanying it at the time? County Atty Fox My recollection to that language, Mrs Wright, and I discussed the question of whether the affirmation that you sign in any way binds the taxpayer as to the values indicated of the property I discussed that with the Institute of Government and the Attorney General's Office, and they both indicated that it did not bind the taxpayer I think, as far as the personal property is concerned where the taxpayer says he will not accept the 10 percent figure, that that again leaves the valuation open and would constitute still a proper listing of personal property as such Comm Wright You think they would not be subject to a penalty then for not listing it within the period? Page 11 of 13 County Atty Fox I do not think that they would where they refused to accept the 10 percent figure I don't think they`d be subject to a penalty Comm Vaughan Mrs Wright, may I give you a little information on that? Back in say 1965, '66, '67, back over the years, there was considerable discussion that you'll find in the records on this At that time, we didn't have this listing by maid and mail listing was initiated then to be of help to the people, but there was no compulsion whatsoever However, some of the ideas you're asking about may be in the minutes you may find some of those ideas back there Comm Wright Well, I may go back and check them then I was wanting also, could we get a list of the Cole-Layer-Trumble employees and their qualifications? Mr Powell would have that, wouldn't he? 0 K Now, when will the property cards be turned over to the County actually? Have they given you a date for that? Comm O'Shields I would assume it would be after the informal hearings County Mgr Eller I think they turn those over at the time we begin the hearings of the Board of Equalization and Review Comm Wright Is that what the contract says the~ll do or does it refer to that? County Mgr Eller I believe the contract calls for them to turn those over by April 1 I'd have to check to be sure, but they have to have those to go through the informal hearings so they would have to have them throughout the Comm Wright 0 K Now, the tv show that you and Mr Powell and some others were on, Mr Eller, on the 31st, Mr Powell made the state- ment that he hoped to have the tax base or he thought he would have it by April 30 Do you have any idea what it based that on? County Mgr Eller I would assume he was basing that on the idea that the informal hearings and most of the Board of Equali- zation and Review hearings would have been completed by that time Comm Wright I hope he's right, but I don't think he is One other thing I wanted to request, a list of all the industrial properties for last year and this year County Mgr Eller All industrial properties? Comm Wright Separated by land and buildings for the two years, please There's not an awful lot of them--there's 35 or 50 Page 12 of 13 Comm Vaughan Mrs Wright, he's made a compilation for me I wonder if you would take a look at that It was the ten largest in the County Comm Wright I think I'd like to see them all Comm Vaughan If you go to all of them you're putting Comm Wright There's not that many of them, Mr Vaughan Comm Vaughan There must be 2-3-4-500 Comm Wright No, there's not that many Comm Alper There had better be Comm Vaughan I think that`s asking too much Comm Wright No Well, that's all that I had, and Mrs Pleasants had requested to be heard at this time Comm Vaughan You can ask so much detail on this thing that you hurt them in their present job Comm Wright If I didn't have a reason, I wouldn't ask, Mr Vaughan End of Discussion Page 13 of 13 '~ ~ a. . Federal Point Volunteer Fire Department P. 0. Box 22 Kure Beach, N.C. FEDERAL POINT V. F. D. FIRE DISTRICT The fire station is located on St. Joseph Street at the Automotive Service Centers Carolina Beach, N.C. The fire district extends Prom Northern town limits of Carolina Beach, north along the west bank of the yacht Basin across the Inland Water Way to a point .!~ miles North of State Road 1527, hence west from Masonboro Sound to Route lt21 (.!t miles north of State Road 1527). Southwest to the 3unction of the Tnland Water Way and the Cape Fear River. Hence South along the East bank of the Cape Fear River a2 miles to the Military Ocean Terminal, Suru~y Point, property, known as buffer zone. Hence in a Southeastern direction along the East Boundary of the Buffer Zone to the West Tawn Limits of Carolina Beach. Hence South from the Southern town limits of Carolina Beach and East of the Buffer Zone to the Northern town limits of Kure Beach Hence East to the Atlantic Ocean. Hence North along Atlantic Ocean Coast Line to the Southern town limits. of Carolina Beach. This fire district does not include any property inside the Buffer Zone, nor the town limits of Carolina Beach or Kure Beach. i February 13, 1975 MEMORANDUM TO Mr Dan W Eller, County Manager New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FROM Larry J Powell _~ ~-~ Tax Administrator SUBJ Abatements and Refunds Mrs Mamie D Grant requested she be allowed the Senior Citizens' Exemption Mrs Grant qualifies for this exemption, however, she failed to file for the release in January 1974 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect information 1 Rev Ernest L Newton $ 11 Ol 2 R H Long, Trustee 25 45 3 S Bryan Broadfoot 16 51 4 J 0 Barfield 62 37 (Refund) 5 David L Merrick 60 02 6 Robert Summerlin 47 33 7 W P Matthews 58 45 8 Pleasant Care Inc 34 69 9 Turnell 8 Morgan 33 85 10 Edward L Radford 56 it 11 Arthur D Stein 87 72 (Refund) 12 Max Van Beaver 24 77 13 A R Sharp 7 64 (Refund) 14 Scott Enterprises 41 87 15 Kona Kai Campground 120 30 The following taxpayers request the 100 listing penalty be released as they certify the listing forms were mailed during January 1974 1 F J Weiss, Sr 2 John M Weber 19 59 13 89 Request the following taxes be released as these are clerical errors 1 Thurston L Sullivan 61 20 2 George A Harvey 462 57 (1969-1974) 3 Ross Register 34 23 Abatements and Refunds Page 2 February 13, 1975 4 William H Batten 4 95 5 Alfred H McGuire 3 49 (Refund) 6 Franklin A Brown 15 50 7 Dwight M Peay 56 05 8 Market St Corp 113 23 (Refund) Request the following taxes be abated as they have been double listed 1 Lee V Way 13 47 2 Oliver G Worthington 12 90 3 Graham M Proctor 19 25 4 Linda D Brown 19 18 5 Mackcell Rogers 15 71 6 Suzanna L Roberts 33 89 7 Phillips Petroleum Co 11 85 8 James L Bradham 3 82 9 J M Myers, Jr 159 04 10 Annie J Hatcher 6 74 11 John S Garr 25 25 12 Shirley R Dobbins 15 80 13 National Car Rental 47 95 14 Janet C Blackman 22 36 15 C T Daniel 35 81 16 Luther D Dunn 20 67 17 Larry W Best 15 71 18 John K Peffiffer 32 67 19 Dora McLean 4 11 20 George Hunnicutt 15 45 21 Alex K MacDonald 33 82 22 Dennis W Bronson 44 (1969) (1973) Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the city or town limits, or the personal property is located within the county 1 Michael Walkup 23 51 (Refund) 2 Ernest H Keith 48 40 3 Sasser' s Auto Sales 160 03 4 Michael J Coleman 30 25 5 George B Thormal 83 18 (1967 6 1968) 6 Walter R Lewis 38 16 7 Harry L Jones 7 64 8 Wilbur P Carter 75 31 9 George 0 Schneider 18 57 10 James F Sullivan 34 72 11 John R Robinson 46 42 Abaterlents and Refunds Page 3 February 13, 1975 12 Tony P Roberts 18 03 13 Eustace W Phillips 57 81 14 Roger D Carter 25.31 15 Linda K Young 11 56 16 Todd W Atkinson 35 53 17 Robert T Kelly 27 19 18 Endur P ark and Cycle Center 127 69 19 John K Monds 27 40 20 Richard Blanton 10 78 21 William L Wells 34 25 22 Charles W Plowden 61 26 Request this item be placed on the agenda of the County Commissioners' meeting of February 17, 1975 cc Mrs King LJP/pjr ~a`~ LARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMOND E BLAKE, JR Appraisal Supervisor 119 No Fifth St a ~>Anober ~tirn~ngto~t, ~ ~ ~O~ ~~ 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU JANUARY 31, 1975 1974 Regular Scroll Charges $6,510,471 59 Discoveries Added 1,491,607 14 8,002,078 73 Less Abatements - 22,529 67 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co 7,979,549 06 Total Collected -7,468,763 20 Outstanding Balance 510,785 86 Percentage Collected 93 60 Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 305,089 15 Less Abatements - 16,676 25 Total Collections To Date -102,136 72 Outstanding Balance 186,276 18 Percentage Collected 35 4% Personal Property Taxes $ 343,627 23 Less Abatements - 33,876 33 Total Collections To Date - 26,186 65 Outstanding Balance 283,564 25 Percentage Collected 8 4% MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 762-0391 1973 5,636,844 85 1,333,891 26 6,970,736 11 - 12,723 89 6,958,012 22 -6,395,974 66 562,037 56 91 9 a 361,200 30 - 6,033 50 - 99,225 55 255,941 25 27 9 0 319,437 58 - 207 98 - 30,058 44 289,171 16 9 40 Total money processed through collections office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach to date $11,929,962 79 This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974 Respectfully submitted, ~,Z1LSiC~d nie B Straughn ollector of Revenue JBS/pjr ~-~Yh kc F ~? ~ ~~ RESOLUTION (GRANT AGREEMENT) EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF A ~G~'`~ MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HELD ON FEBRUARY 17 19 75 The following Resolution was introduced by Comm Claud O'Shields, Jr seconded by Chm Peter R Davis adopted read in full, considered and RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING, ADOPTING, APPROVING, ACCEPTING AND RATIFYING THE EXECUTION OF GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT N0. 8-37-0084-02 BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND New Hanover County Commissioners BE IT RESOLVED, by the Commissioners of New Hanover County SECTION 1 That said Commissioners hereby authorizes, adopts, approves, accepts and ratifies the execution of Grant Agreement between the Federal Aviation Administration on behalf of the United States of America and the fnmmi~sinner.c of New Hanover (:ounty SECTION 2 That the execution of said Grant Agreement in quadruplicate on behalf of said by Peter R Davis ~ Chairman and the impression of the official seal of the New HanoVPr (:rn~nt3~ Commissioners and the attestation of said execution by Lise K King , Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized, adopted, approved, accepted and ratified. SECTION 3. That the Airport Manager is hereby authorized (Title of Position, Airport Manager, City Manager, etc.) to execute payment requests under this Grant Agreement on behalf of said !dpi cgj,~,psg of T~Tac.~ Hannvar ('nimfi3~ SECTION 4 That the Grant Agreement referred to hereinabove shall be attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution as though it were ('nmmiecinnPrc fully copied herein. SO FORM 5100-18 (4-70) Pzge 1 0~' 4 pages '~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION GRANT AGREEII~IENT Part 1-Offer Date of Offer FEB 14 X75 New Hanover County Airport Wilmington, North Carolina Project No 8-37-0084-02 Contract No DOT-FA-75-SO-9259 TO New Hanover County North Carolina (herein referred to as {he Sponsor ) FROM The United States of America (acting through the Federal Aviation Administration, herein referred to as the "FAA") WHEREAS, the Sponsor has submitted to the FAA a Project Application dated January 14, 1975 for a grant of Federal funds for a project for develop- ment of the New Hanover county Airport (herein called the "Airport"), together with plans and specifications for such project, which Project Application, as approved by the FAA is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, the FAA has approved a project for development of the Airport (herein called the "Project") consisting of the following-described airport development CFR truck, 1500 gallons of water/foam; CFR auxiliary equipment including lfl proximity suits; all as more particularly described in the property map and plans and specifications incorporated in the said Project Application, FAA FORM 8100-13 PG. t (10-71) SUPERSEDES FAA FORM 1632 PG. t PAGE 1 'Page 2 of 4 pages NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to and for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970, as amended (49 U.S C 1701), and in consideration of (a) the Sponsor's adoption and ratification of the representations and assurances contained in said Project Application, and its acceptance of this Offer as hereinafter provided, and (b) the benefits to accrue to the United States and the public from the accomplishment of the Project and the operation and maintenance of the Airport as herein provided, THE FEDERAL AVIATION AD- MINISTRATION, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES, HEREBY OFFERS AND AGREES to pay, as the United States share of the allowable costs incurred in accomplishing the Project, eighty-two percent (82%) from funds appropriated under the Airport and Airway Development Act as amended, for the CFR equipment and its related auxiliary equipment. This Offer is made on and subject to the following terms and conditions 1 The maximum obligation of the United States payable under this Offer shall be $132,020 2 The Sponsor shall (a) begin accomplishment of the Project within ninety (90) days after acceptance of this Offer or such longer time as may be prescribed by the FAA, with failure to do so constituting just cause for termination of the obligations of the United States hereunder by the FAA, (b) carry out and complete the Project without undue delay and in accordance with the terms hereof, the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970, and Sections 152 51- 152 63 of the Regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration (14 CFR 152) in effect as of the date of acceptance of this Offer, which Regulations are hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations", (c) carry out and complete the Project in accordance with the plans and specifications and property map, incorporated herein, as they may be revised or modified with the approval of the FAA. 3 The allowable costs of the project shall not include any costs determined by the FAA to be ineligible for consideration as to allowability under Section 152.47 (b) of the Regula- tions. 4 Payment of the United States share of the allowable project costs will be made pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 152.65 - 152.71 of the Regulations. Final determination as to the allowability of the costs of the project will be made at the time of the final grant payment pursuant to Section 152.71 of the Regulations Provided, that, in the event asemi-final grant payment is made pursuant to Section 152.71 of the Regulations, final determination as to the allowability of those costs to which such semi- final payment relates will be made at the time of such semi-final payment FAA FORM 5100-13 PG 2 (7-72) ~ SUPERSEDES PREVIOUS EDITION PAGE 2 Page 3 of 4 pages 5 The sponsor shall operate and maintain the Airport as Provided in the Project Application incorporated herein and specifically covenants and agrees, in accordance with its Assurance 20 in Part V of said Application For Federal Assistance (For Construction Programs), that in its operation and the opera- tion of all facilities thereof, neither it nor any person or organization occupying space or facilities thereon will discriminate against any person or class of persons by reason of race, color, creed or national origin in the use of any of the facilities provided for the public on the airport 6 The FAA reserves the right to amend or withdraw this Offer at any time prior to its acceptance by the Sponsor 7 This Offer shall expire and the United States shall not be ob~.igated to pay any part of the costs of the Project unless this Offer has been accepted by the Sponsor on or before March 31, 1975 or such subsequent date as may be prescribed in writing by the FAA 8 The Sponsor hereby agrees that it will incorporate or cause to be incorporated into any contract for construction work, or modification thereof, as defined in the regulations of the Secretary of Labor at 41 CFR Chapter 60, which is paid for in whole or in part with funds obtained from the Federal Government or borrowed on the credit of the Federal Government pursuant to a grant, con- tract, loan, insurance, or guarantee, or undertaken pursuant to any federal program involving such grant, contract, loan, insurance, or guarantee, the following Equal Opportunity clause During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows (1) The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, sex or national origin Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause (2) The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin (3) The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided advising the said labor union or workers' representatives of the contractor's commitments under this section, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment FAA Form 51~~-1~ l~/751 Page 3a of 4 pages (4) The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of 24 September 1965 and the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor (5) The contractor will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order 11246 of 24 September 1965, and by rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the administering agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders (6) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the non- discrimination clauses of this contract or with any of the said rules, regulations or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further government contracts or federally assisted construction contracts in •~ accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246 of 24 September 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of 24 September 1965, or by rule, regulation or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law (7) The contractor will include the portion of the sentence immediately preceding paragraph (1) and the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order 11246 of 24 September 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the administering agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance Provided, however, that in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the administering agency, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States The Sponsor further agrees that it will be bound by the above equal opportunity clause with respect to its own employment practices when it participates in federally assisted construction work Provided, that if the applicant so participating is a State or local government, the above equal opportunity clause is not applicable to any agency, instrumentality or subdivision of such government which does not participate in work on or under the contract The Sponsor agrees that it will assist and cooperate actively with the administer- ing agency and the Secretary of Labor in obtaining the compliance of contractors and subcontractors with the equal opportunity clause and the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor that it will furnish the administer- ing agency with the Secretary of Labor such information as they may require FAA Form 5100-13 Page 3b of 4 pages for the supervision of such compliance, and that it will otherwise assist the administering agency in the discharge of the agency's primary responsibility for securing compliance The Sponsor further agrees that it will refrain from entering into any con- tract or contract modification subject to Executive Order 11246 of 24 September 1965 with a contractor debarred from, or who has not assisted construction contracts pursuant to the Executive Order and will carry out such sanctions and penalties for violation of the equal opportunity clause as may be imposed upon contractors and subcontractors by the administering agency or the Secretary of Labor pursuant to Part III, Subpart D of the Executive Order In addition, the Sponsor agrees that if it fails or refuses to comply with these undertakings, the administering agency may take any or all of the following actions cancel, terminate or suspend in whole or in part this grant (contract, loan, insurance, guarantee); refrain from extending any further assistance to the Sponsor under the program with respect to which the failure or refund occurred until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has been received from the Sponsor, or refer the case to the Department of Justice for appropriate legal proceedings 9 The Sponsor's financial records of the project, established, maintained, and made available t,o personnel of the FAA in conformity to Section 152 63 of the Regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration (14 CFR 152) will also be available to representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States 10 It is understood and agreed that the term "Project Application" wherever it appears in this agreement or other documents constituting a part of this agreement shall be deemed to mean "Application For Federal Assistance (For Construction Programs) " 11 The Sponsor will send a copy of all Invitations for Bids, advertised, or nego- tiated, for concessions or other businesses at the airport to the Government Procurement Specialist, Atlanta Regional Office OMBE, 1371 Peachtree Street, N E - Suite 505, Atlanta, Georgia 30309, or to the local affiliate designated by the OMBE The Sponsor will disclose and make information about the contracts contracting procedures and requirements available to the OMBE or its designated affiliate and minority firms on the same basis that such information is dis- closed and made available to other organizations or firms Responses by minority firms to Invitations to Bids shall be treated in the same manner as all other responses to the Invitations for Bids Compliance with the preceding paragraph will be deemed to constitute com- pliance by the Sponsor with the requirements of 49 CFR 21, Appendix C(a)(1)(x), Regulations of the Office of the Secretary of Transportation FAA Form 5100-13 (2/75) Page 3c of 4 Pages 12. The Federal Government does not now plan or contemplate the construction of any structures pursuant to paragraph 27 of Part V - Sponsor's Assurances of the Application for Federal Assistance dated January 14, 1975, and, there- fore, it is understood and agreed that the sponsor is under no obligation to furnish any areas or rights without cost to the Federal Government under this Grant Agreement However, nothing contained herein shall be construed as altering or changing the rights of the United States and/or the obliga- tions of the sponsor under prior Grant Agreement to furnish rent-free space for the activities specified in such agreements. Page 4 of 4 pages A The Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and ratification and adoption of the Project Application incorporated herein shall be evidenced by execution of this instrument by, the Sponsor, as herein- after provided, and said Offer and Acceptance shall comprise a Grant Agreement, as provided by the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970, constituting the obligations and rights of the United States and the Sponsor with respect to the accomplishment of the Project and the operation and maintenance of the Airport Such Grant Agreement shall become effective upon the Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and shall remain in full force and effect throughout the useful life of the facilities developed under the Project but in any event not to exceed twenty years from the date of said acceptance UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION By ~ ~ (TITLE) Chief, Airports District Office Part II Acceptance The County of New Hanover does hereby ratify and adopt all statements, representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements contained in the Project Application and incorporated materials referred to in the foregoing Offer and does hereby accept said Offer and by such acceptance agrees to all of the terms and conditions thereof Executed this 17th (SEAL) day of February Attes ~ , ~~-~~~r.,. - Title Clerk to the Board CERTIFICATE OF SPONSOR'S ATTORNEY , 19 75 New Hanover CountX~ North Carolina (Name of Sponsor) By w- ~ ~~ Title Chairman I~ .Tames C Fox ,acting as Attorney for New t~anov~x ~ou~}t:y (herein referred to as the "Sponsor") do hereby certify That I have examined the foregoing Grant Agreement and the proceedings taken by said Sponsor relating thereto, and find that the Acceptance thereof by said Sponsor has been duly auth- orized and that the execution thereof is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina ,and further that, in my opinion, said Grant Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the Sponsor in accordance with the terms thereof Dated atW~4~.A~~Ag~Qn, ~Tor~h C~~o~iAathis. 17th day of February 19 75 -~.. ~tle New Hanover County Attorney FAA FORM 5100-13 PG 410-71) SUPERSEDES FAA FORM 1632 PG a PAGE 4