1975-03-03 RM Exhibitsl' r ~ ! ) r ~. ~ (I~ffice (>±~f ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PETER R DA VIS CHM CLAUD O SHIELDS JR V-CHM (~ J~ {y (~T l E ~ f GEORGE E ALPER P tt ~In D )PT ~lIIUnL~I M H VAUGHAN V IVIAN 5 WRIGNT ~~ 1_ _ 1'~ =\OCtjl ~[~IC ~1 `,~{CPPf DAN W ELLER COUNTY MANAGER ~llmlttgtUtt ~nrtl~ ~L..FICp~IIIM 28'101 JAMES C FOX COUNTY ATTORNEY ~PIP~,1hIItTP (919) 762-09II1 LISE K KING CLERK TO THE BOARD MFM(1R 4 NTIi iM To County Commissioners From Dan Eller ~ ~.~ Date February 28, 1975 Re Expenditure Reduction Policy ..~,~ ~ "" I was requested at the last County Commissioners' meeting to prepare comments concerning a possible expenditure reduction policy for New Hanover County, similar to the one recently adopted by the Mecklenburg Board of County Commis- sioners I would propose that if the County Commissioners wish to adopt such a policy that the following items be included 1 No County employees will attend out-of-state conventions without prior Board approval 2 The policy of prior approval of the County Manager to recruit for vacancies will be continued 3 Employees planning to make any trips of 100 or more miles will give advance notice of at least one day to the Finance Office so that employees from different departments who may be traveling to the same area may ride together There will be no reimbursement for such trips if the trip was not reported one day prior to departure (the Sheriff's Department will have to be excepted from this item since they have to make emergency trips to Raleigh, Goldsboro, and other areas, however, they should be encouraged to advise the Finance Office ahead of time whenever they are making trips if they will be able to carry passengers) 4 Any department wishing to apply for a federal grant will request approval from the Board of Commissioners prior to submitting the grant application When making the request to the County Commissioners, the department shall show both current and future years' costs to the County 5 No new programs requiring additional funds now or in future years will be implemented without prior approval of the Board of Commissioners All agencies receiving County funds will be requested to follow this procedure Ai I~MORANDUM - County Commissioners Page 2 6 Any capital outlay funds which are budgeted but unencumbered and unexpended are to be reviewed by the County Commissioners prior to the issuance of any pur- chase order or any other commitment 7 Establish as County policy that the thermostats in all County-owned or con- trolled buildings are to be set at a maximum of 68 degrees for heating and at a minimum of 76 degrees for cooling All departments are urged to use heating and cooling equipment as little as possible and to continue all energy conservation efforts 8 All planning for land acquisition or construction projects not under contract or otherwise committed is to be terminated Any department or agency wishing to resume planning for such acquisition or construction projects must get the approval of the Board of Commissioners This is to eliminate unnecessary time devoted to such projects These items and any others adopted by the County Commissioners would be in effect through June 30, 1975 At budget time, all items of expenditure are reviewed and any changes in policy or totally new policies can be adopted at that time DWE wgh