1975-04-07 RM ExhibitsA„ ~`J~ %~"~ ~ 6 ~ccua~~ / SIERRA CLUB ~ Joseph Leconte Chapter To explore, enjoy and preserve the nutzon'r f orerts, waters, wzldli f e and wzlderness ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~- ~,d,»,, ~' A ~' ~- ` ~ ~ ~ ~. ~'' ~~i~C~tk~/L;9t~-vd.J>~ (gam ~./t~ ..~.~ n % /l..i~-~. lam" c~w~t.~ ~, ? ~ ~ .t.~~Z~/~-~'@.y~..c...S2. ~ ~ ~ ~~/~ O'er- ~~"~ ,~ ~P.. ' „ i ~~ , ~( n ~- ~ ~,tr ~e7~ r ~;~ ~~ S I E R IZA C L U I3 ~ ~oseph Leconte Chapter sieRxn~~ ! -~~= -. To rxjlore, naloy a~ul ~rescrvc the natzora's forests, zuatcrs, wtldli f e and wsldcrness ~,, CLUB~I.. ~i~ ,A-Prr ~ y ~y r CEO-e-,,~,~y ~ ~~ ~ r~3'v~.. 'l/~'~- ~ ~(.~,,,.~e..~ .vWe,~-o' ~' ~~~ G~.~,/. ~~~j L/ 7t~~ ;~ - :.:w,r ~ ~ C7`+•~-• ~~/`~.e,.- '~ ~~t..ra.,~, p i~~' r~.. /L.~ Win. l r ,,..~` ~ y~„~! ~.~- .~' ' . i ~' ~WJ ~c.~/3~„~....~ ~i~r4.l,J"C:~' . -/~,~~'rv~. /~.y'~y. ~°^~•~'`7 / ~ ~?~~ t? y n ~ r'~9 ~ ~~-~., -.-~-~ h ~ ~/ ~ .iv~a ~"'~ / ~r~rw,,.l, fir,-+/.-~-~,~4 C.~.-~ V ~~ l"i/1` ~.,:i~-,,G~'t,~.r4iq f~. ''~.~~.~~YVGt~~,~~i~-~ i~~ '~ I ~ .~,-~ ,~,,,~-'Y'~uJ' J / ~-~ ,....~::. tom- "''~,, ~;~..v--~'-~-y ~'~%~~ ~~"r~-r~-~,, l-~:.a.~-~ `~ ,,C;;,.,,~.~+ .~,~.,,a/~..w..~ ,,.,~., ~,,,~„ ..a,.y.,.ti,Y ,~-ov.,. .~ o~ ~ ~-^~,..r, :,rte, ~.'r..~.. <. i,u/~.~ Ca. .~.(~y.~v v.~.~~~.t..~j--~c-~b ~`"~ •.,-~l'~-'~ ~.t,~ L'' _ °~Li.~~4.:,.f.. 4.'~.-~:t,/~L3 ` hJ~%i..e.,•-~ 3 -~_ ~`_ _= ~.~ SIERRA CLUB ~ Joseph Leconte Cha t,~ ~, = ter ~~ ~~' ,~ To explore, envoy and preserve the nation's f orests, waters, unldli f e and wildernpess *,RCLUB 'r~,~+'~",err. •a< <x~~` ~~ ~ ~1 ~-~~ ~ ~ ~. ~~.~.~" `-, .. ~~ ; E Ply ~-~ ~ cs~ w =- ~= ~_ ,r„~ , ;. 4~ r; ,_ #stErtxr+ , o ~ ,,tea ~,~ctue . ~,;~l~,t~ do ~. SIERRA CLUB ~ Joseph Leconte Chapter To explore, envoy and preserve the natcon's f orests, waters, unldli f e and wilderness ~ ~ ~ ~.~,r.. ~,Y,~d.~,...~J ,- ,~ -~:.~. a.~....1 ~ X11 G~.~,..~,.~. ~~~ c..~, ~ ~ _ .~,. , ~. ~~~.~. cam, ~ , ~.,~ i L ~ ~ 1 . ~ _~__ y g- _3 y'~''r'` '~ SIERRA CLUB ~ Joseph Leconte Chapter '~" tr'r,. To ex lore en o and rererve the natton'r orertr waters w:lrlli a and wildernerr ~,,c~us , ~~. ,~ 40 ~ ~~w ~~~~~ ~.~! fit'' ~' ~" . -~..~.~.."~.' ~,,-P..~,.. ~'(~' e~..,~- ,w--~.-~ e~-....C~- .P ,2.,.t.~~~ ~ a . ti. ~~~- ~.~~ North Carolina De artment of ~ ~~ ~~ p Natural & Economic Resources JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR., GOVERfrOR JAMES E. HARRiNGTON, SECRETARY 1~.~srch '14, 1975 Mr. Dan Eller, Manager New ~~anover County 14 North Third Street Wilmingtan, North Carolina 28401 Dear Mr. Eller: ( r ~~ j i g ..dlr. 4 olvtsloN ot- ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT lEW1S R. MARTIN DIRECTOR BOX 27687 RALEIGH 27611 TELEPHONE 919 S29r74O SIIBJECT: Interim Review Comments Greater Wilmington Area 201 Facilities Plan (Part 1) Wrightsville Beach -Revised New Sattover County 0 The Division of Environmental Management is currently reviewing Part 1 of the Greater Wilmington Area 201 Facilities Plan. Part 1 of the plan deals with the Wrightsville Beach subarea of the Greater Wilmington Planning Area. The staff review thus far indicates that one of the alternatives considered in the report cannot be considered as a viable alternative as proposed. In order that the Zead Agencies' Engineer pursue those alternatives which are considered viable and not spend an inordinate amount of time further investigating alternatives which cannot be considered viable, the staff conferred with the Engineers on March 5, 1975. and discussed the review of the plan to date. The proposed ocean discharge as proposed is not a viable alternative for the Town of Wrightsville Beach. This decision has been reached after thoroughly reviewing the ocean discharge proposal and supporting statements as well as other sources of information. Rational on which this decision is based is, in part, as follows: a. Waters of the Atlantic Ocean at Wrightsville Beach are assigned Class "SB" classification. Since classified surface waters are "Waters of North Carolina" and since the classification of the waters of the Atlantic Ocean are not restricted in extent to which the classification applies, it must be interpreted that the "Waters of the Atlantic Ocean" extending from the Beach to the traditional territorial limits (three mils limit) are classified Class SB". ,. Mr. Dan gller Page 2 March 14, 1975 b. Ido wastewaters are allowed to be discharged to waters clasr~ified "SB" unless these wastewaters are treated to the extent necessary to assure the protection of these waters. In addition, nny dis- charge of wastewaters to waters classified "SB" will subject such waters to the potential of xeclassification or closure of the waters for "SB" purposes. c. The proposal does not and cannot guarantee the continuous pro- tection of waters classified "SB" in accordance with water quality standards. d. Waters of the Atlantic Ocean at Wrightsville Beach presently re- ceive no wastewater discharges. Under North Carolina Standards such waters cannot be degraded below the existing level of quality. e. The proposal does not assure compliance with the nondegradatioa provisions of North Carolina Water Quality Standards. f. There is almost a complete lack of knowledge of local physical and environmental conditions in the vicinity of the proposed discharge. Water depths do not appear acceg~table. g. The proposal would only be acceptable as an interim measure since it does not comply with the intent of the Water Pollution Control Act Amendment of 1972 to eliminate discharges to navigable waters. h. An insufficient data base presently exists concerning ocean dis- charges and related possible adverse effects. i. Approval of a discharge into or in the immediate vicinity of recreational waters will result only when there are no other feasible alternatives. Several viable alternatives other than the proposed ocean outfall are identified is the 201 plan. Zn conclusion consideration can only be given to the ocean outfall if: 1. The discharge, as proposed, is made sufficiently beyond the "three mile limit" to assure no adverse impact on Class "SB" waters or, 2. The degree of treatment and control are such that assurance of continuous compliance under s11 operating conditions can be projected. Such a system would require, as a minimum, complete treatment including tertiary filtration followed by disinfection holding followed by disinfection with sufficient emergency holding of treated and untreated wastewaters to assure no discharge of im- properly treated wastewater. Such a system would then only be considered if no other viable alternative ware available. Mr Dnn Eller Pnge 3 March 14, 1975 As mentioned above, other aspects of the review to date were discussed with your Engineers and the Engineers advised of modification, alterntions, or chnnpes which :nc-y be naca®c~nrq prior to ccartifyiug o~ao of thr~ other alternatives proposed in the plan document. IIpon completion of our review, along with review of any necessary xevisians, you will be advised further of our findings. If Y can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~~~~: ~~ ~ Lewis R. Martin cct New Hanover County Health Dept. Henry Von Ossen and Associates Technical Services L. P. Benton Coq Batten Southeastern Field Office Taws of Wrightsville beach .. , .{ Outlook is dim-'r By BETSEY BELL He said, "Individual states 'may propose Staff Writer criteria for the guidelines which are different from EPA's. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH -- Ocean outfall He added that the draft revised guidelines proponents were greeted with less than.. require that any application for outfalis be wonderful news here Wednesday when an certified by the state. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA7 Some of the criteria required of ocean out spokesman told them EPA will be giving the fall plans, accprding to Hopkins, include the outfaUs "long, hard looks." need for ocean. disposal, an examination of Speaking at the Southeastern Water Supply other disposal alternatives and the effect .and Wastewater Conference, David Hopkins, wastewater disposal will have on the ocean chief of EPA's environmental branch In environment. Atlanta, said the ,federal agency is suggesting Hopkins added each outfall application will more research is heeded in the area of ocean be handled on ~a case by case basis, including discharge, information frgm the applicant's :201 facilities Hopkins said although outfalis are an in- .plan .and characteristics of the wastewater terim viability to wastewater discharge, EPA. and its effect on the receiving environment. still does not know enough about the strut-~~; According to Hopkins, EPA will not permit tures and their effects on the environment. outfaUs which fare In violation of state water Paul Denison, engineer with Henry von quality guidelines. Oesen and Associates, a firm proposing an He said disposal sites would be regulated by' ocean outfall for this beach 'town, said the the time and r{3te of discharge and would be capacity of the soil and. estuarine waters of"' munltored for impact on marine environment.. the barrier islands. are taxed to .the limit. Besides .the manltoring, .Hopkins said EPA He added., "We need to collect the wastes would make annual inspections of ocean dis- and dispose of them through an outfall." ;, posal .sites and' would need to perform base According to Denison, preliminary studies. ine and trend assessment surveys. Conducted by the Van pesen firm also poinC`` These surveys include assessment of the to ocean outfalis In Dare, .Carteret, pnslow phys[cal, chemical, geological and biological. and Brunswick counties. structure of a proposed or existing disposal Adding that the progress toward ocean out• site. falls is slow and tedious, Denison said, `"Ade- _ Staling that the goal of the Federal Water quate ,progress [s being delayed due to a laCk~ , ~`"' pollution Control Act 1972 is ;to eliminate of guidelines concerning this problem." wastewater disposal in navigable waters, Denison referred to the fact North Carolina Hopkins said, ,'The. outfalis are an interim presently has no guidelines oh ocean outfalis. solution." Hopkins said EPA is revising. its own outfall.. He .added, "'~Fie_ ocean 15 a fragile and un- guidellnes which were originally adopted in__,::, known environment. We are tying to get 1973. studies doing. ..... .. i~,:, ,. I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not incon- sistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as a member of the Board of Equalization and Review of New Hanover County, North Carolina, and that I will not allow my actions as a member of the Board of Equalization and Review to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God Peter R Davis .~ ~.., ,.George E Alper r U> Claud 0 Shields, Jr William C Taylor ` Vivian S Wright I administered and witnessed the above oath to the Board of Equalization and Review ~' r Witness Clerk of Court rf .- tf ~ - 1 FEDERAL POINT FIRE DISTRICT BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION G ,~ p ~ ~ ~ Beginning at point (1) in the northern city limits of Carolina Beach, N C at the yacht basin, thence in a general northerly direction along the west bank of the yacht basin and the mainland bank of Myrtle Sound to point (2) at Kona Kai Drive, thence westerly along Kona Kai Drive, including property within 500 feet on the north side, to point (3) at its intersection with U S Highway 421, thence southwesterly to point (4) on River Road (SR 1100), 0 8 miles northwest from the Intra Coastal Waterway Bridge on U S Highway 421, thence southwesterly to point (5) where the Intra Coastal Waterway joins the Cape Fear River, thence southerly 0 2 miles along the Cape Fear River to Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point, property, known as "Buffer Zone," to point (6), thence in a general southeasterly di- rection along "Buffer Zone" line to point (7) in Carolina Beach, N C City Limits at Atlanta Ave thence continuing southeasterly along Carolina Beach, N C City Limits and "Buffer Zone" line to point (8) at Kure Beach, N C City Limits, thence in a general northeasterly direction along Kure Beach, N C City Limits to point (9) at the Atlantic Ocean, thence in a general northerly direction along the Atlantic Ocean and Carolina Beach, N C City Limits to the point of beginning Property within corporate limits of Carolina Beach, N C and Kure Beach, N C is hereby excluded ~ ~~ `~' l~ /~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ _.~'~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~, ~. ~ /tJ ~ i ~ ~ _ ~ 4 r ~~ ~, Mi t 526 ~ / ~ , ~ ~, 1 ~/ ~OtI1~`D ~ 1148 ~~~ M ,, ~ i r.. 5 , ,~ ~ I ~ I ~ /~ y j ~ 1564 // / I '~ 34 ~ I ~ „ OS - } i ,~~ , ,~ 34 'OS r 1 / • i ~ ~ / „ ~ ~~ // ~ 1 ~ ~ 4 h 1527 ~ i //; ~ ~ `~ ii -, C <9NU[.Lti 4 Rh.-NCH /tiL~ i ~ r, ~ Sea ~ / (~,~ 1576 fee ~/ ^~ 1 ' 1100 ~ i ,_ ~I ___ ~ _ A ~ i ' ()AST. , f ~ TR:aC o ~ I Bend ~ ~ ~ ~ N .. y ~, r~2 S`f'd'~' J rt j ~ 1534 ~ 1 11 ~ ~ ~' ~ / ? 1 ~~ /~_. p i'~AROLINA BEACH `~~ ~ POP 1192 ' * r 1 ~ 4 ,B 1540 1 _ ~ ,a B XNAmmgton Beach 1 I J ~ 153 ~ ~._ . ~ ~ -9 _,_ ~ _ - // 34 00 ~~ 'K~1RE BEACH ~~ ~ `7 ~ - -'~ --~ POP 293 j. c ~, ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~~ v~"/ k~..J ~, ~ ~ 1 ~/ ~ --- ` tit ~ 1 ;'~~.: ~~=~.~'~'~. /~O,ftr2' t:: ~ ""'"_ 1 ~~~ ~~ j~ ~ ~ 15a2 SG~t.G;, ~ iL~.~~~.~ 17 •PoO~ Fisher ~~ ~.~~ i 1a ,,; /r" ~f5. ~:.: ,,.~ d" k +, ~«.. ~// ~ fi% / 4 21 ~" / f ,L.-O ~° /~ "T'c~ /~'° ~ 11.00. / 1 15 I5- ~ / Federal ~ Point / i ~ y ~ (132 r~ / ~