1975-04-10 SpM Exhibits~ ~`" ~~ C ~~~~ ~~ ?~ ~ ~~ 16' ~„. SCRELULE A TRACT ONE B~EGINNIN3 AT A point in xhe Southern line of Prineass Street aeventp eight (78) i1~1~ Qne >~nurth (1/4) feet Eaetwardly from. the Eastern line of Fourth Street and running thence Eastwar3ly alon,R said Southern line of Priaeeas Street Fifty nine (59~ and three fourths (3/"4} feet thence 3put:znard2~^,para3.le~; with nourth S~r.est, one hundred sad thirty Five and one half 137-1fz} feet, th~~nc~s y7eatwardly, pa.^allel s~ith Princess Street, fifty sine (~~~ and three fourths (3/4) feet to the Eastern edge of a brick wall, thence North- Aardly along the said ec}ge of said Wall, and about parallel with Fourth Street, one hundred aad thirty five.. and 4ue ha;}f (135 1/2) feet to the Southern line of" Prinaesa Street, the Beginc~inc,; the ease being; past of Loth l,2 & 3, in Block 168 aecor3'ing to the Official Plan of said City of ~7iLaington; aogether with a perpetual easeaent and right of way 1n,to through aAd oven and .alley tv~y ten (10) feet in widen, abutting and.ad~oining the above deaeribe¢ property on the East and emending SouthWardly from rrinceee Street, Qrith an uR~.fprm width of ten (10) fegt, a distance of one hundred and thirty five and one half (~.3~-~~,~"'~~ feet; and,, al~an together with all and e~ngular t2ze tenements, heredita~enta and appurtenanasa unto said,property belo~ing or in anywise thereunto appertaining. TRACT TWO Eeginn~,ng ip the Eastern line of Fourt(q~ Ctreet, at a point 38 feet and g lacbem ~puthrazdly fraa- the $outheasteru intersection of Bourth and Princess :+treete= tuna tben.ee Squthwarc~ly alone the'Eaatern 11ne of court Street 43 feet and 9 inches; thence r.ast- Rardly aad parallel ~.$th Princess Street 78 feet and 3 inches, to Ll-e :+eatern edge of the Caney Brick 'g#lli tltgnoe `'carth~rardly slang t're aeatern ed6e of Bald all and parallel with r`ourth Street, 43 feet aad ~ iachee; thence ^lestwerdly and parallel Kith Princess Street 78 f ezt and j sashes to the poSq of beg},anina, ease ceind pert of lots 1 and 2 in Block 108, according to t~e officiaj ;,2~a o: tre pit;/ o ..._~ic~ton, :.ort!-, Carols ~a. TRACT TI3~tEE BEGIi12iIBG: in the Fanfare line of Bourth Street at a point Eighty-Two (82) feet aZtd sip (b) inehea South~rdly from it~a iatereeotion with the So.ut~hern line. of'Briacesa street and running thence ~,astvraxdly and parallel with Princess Street eighty two (82) Poet, thaaCe ~outhirar.dly and Parallel W1th Fourth Street forty eight (48) feet, thence rz Westwardly and parallel with Princeae Street eighty two (82) feet to the ea id pastern 1iAe of Fourth Street, thence 'yorthw-~+rdly along and with the Eastern line of fourth Street Forty ~i,ght (48) feet to tb;e point of peginning. The same being part of Lot ~2 in Block 16$ aaaarding to the official plaq of the aai'd 41ty of ~il.~ingtonv 3t.C. TRACT FQUR BEGINNING at a point in the Eastern line of r'ourth Street one hundred and thirty (1.3Q) feet;a nd six (6) inches 8puthwardly from its intersection xith the Southern.-];ins of Yrincesa Street and running thence Southwardly along the said pastern lane of Fourth, Street fortynf4Q) feet and six (61 inch®s~ thence r.astwardly and parallel with rrincess Street,. eighty two (82) Peet ~o the line of a lot lately belonging to the instate of john A. 1'e lore deceased; thence Northwardly and parallel with Fourth Street., forty t4O~ Yeet and six (6~ lnches•, thence tiVestwardly'and parallel with Pr~.ncess Street eightJ~btwo (82) feet to the sai3 lin® eP Fourth Street, the Beginning goint, the same being a part of the ti~estern halves of lots 2 and ~ ir3 ~31vck Ito.l6~ according to thsnOPfical Ylan o~ t'~e aforesaid City oZ ,~i7laingtaz TRACT FIVE BEGINNING ;Ln the Ee.starn lice of Fourth Street at a point 122 feet Northwardly from th3 1~orLheastarn intersection a!'t~nrket Street and fourth Street, running thence Northwardly aloha the acid Eaate~n line of Fourth Street ~9 feet; thence Fastwardly parallel. with t.~.arket Street 77 feet to a brick Wall, the tiYestertt line of a lot or parcel of land .lately belonrring to the hafts-at.law or devisees of the lets John A Ta~lop, formerly the property aP said Charles ~. Stedman} thence runuin6 S,outtncardly with said lima of said lot qr parcel of land referred to and pt~,rallel with Fourth ;Street 4~ feet; .and then ~Jeatwardly parallel with Market Street 17 feet to the beginning in 'the Eastern lire at' b'ourth Street, and being a ^srt of lots Nos. ~,aa~d 4 in Block No. 16$, ac~cordin$ to James and Hro~vns-Flan of said Citq, the said piece or parcel of land being a part of the lE~~' or parcel of land vr!!ich John Dawson and Sophia J Daw- aon, .hie wife, Conveyed to the said Charles b*. StedAan by deed of conveyance which boa s date Lha 15th day of duly, l,.D, 1,'8?6, and is registered in the office of the Register Po Deeds of the said County of New Hanpver in Book )}~dr~t Page 452 and 453, This being the same lot of land which was conveyed to Cornelia Y. ~'eVana by ~harlas M. Stedmand and Catrerfne Deli. Sted- maa >ay defied -dated the 26th dray of February,. 1£x80, which is record®d in the office of the Re- gfater of Deady or I<ew Hanauer County in Boole PPP, at Rare 34O j_ TRACT ~TX BEGIN2TNG ire, the- Brrthern line of Liarket Street at a point thirty-eight (38) feet six (6) inches east of the eastern line of fourth. street And runs thence east::ardly along Market Street thirty-eight+ (3$) feet fix (6) inches to the eastern line of a brick wall dividing said lot Pram the- iot next ad3cining being the lot of the "ilmington Light Infantry; and thence northwerdly along the erastern ~.~ne of said T'Fall one hundred Sixteen (116) f eet• thence T~est- t~ardly,parallel Mi_#~ khrk~et Street thirty-eight (?8) feet six (6) inches; and hence southw~:,rdly parallel with Fourth.stteet one hundred sixteen (116) feet. to the Beg~.nning on 1~arket Street. And being Farts of lots Four (4) and five (5) in block 16$, according to the official plan of said city of „~ilmic~ tort, llprth C•.rol3na; and being the same landconveyed to Herbert itoClamr.:y by A,G.fiicaud~,, recorded in Book 21, a t page 313, records of the Register of Deeds of Ttex Hanotrer County.. TRACT SEVEN HEGTIr~3I61G at tLe iF.tersection of the Southern line oP Princess Street with. the Fa;stern line oS Fourth Street, and runs thence Eastwardly along said 6outhern line of Prin- ogss Serest 8t3 feet more or less, to the iine of the property oP the party of the second. pert; thence Sauthwerdly and parallel with Fourth Street 38 Peet and g inches, more or less, to the line oi' the prapgrty c-f the party oY the second. part; thence ti'Jestv~ardly and parallel with Princess Street SO feet, ~s or less to the .Eastern lice oP Fourth Street; and thence Northwardly clang se.id. Eestexn'line of Fourth Street 38 feet and 9 inches, more or less, to the Beginning; sage being part. of .Lot 1 in i3lock 168, according to the official plan of the City oS ~Yilmington, 37.. C.; and being, the same tract of land devised by b;ary F. Cheek to Ethel Y~q Parries, i.argaret. ElQiae 3z~p11, Dorothy Maine Platters, and Frances Everett Johnson, by her Last 1Ji,1,l .and. Testacaex~t, duuly adnitted to probate and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Superior Got,~t; in. B.oak ~oP S`l~,i.ls "0" at page 352., et seq. TP;ACT EIGHT BEGINNTl~*C+~ at~. the Smtersectian of the Northern line of L~.arket Street with the Eastern ling of yourth Street .end runs thence Eastwardly along said Northern line of t+~arket Street, ~8 feat and ~,6 inches; t~henne No~thwardly and parallel with Fourth Street 112 feet to the line or the property of the: party oY the second part; thence lestwardly end parallel with b:arket Street 38 feet and 6 inches to the Eastern line of Fourth Street and thence Sauthwardly along the Eastern line of Fourth Street 112 feet to the beginning, the same being part oP Lots 4 and § in Block 168, alc.aarding `eta this n3"ficial plan of the City oP i'lilmington, N. C. Being the same tract of land devised to Alinnie P. Seery, Miz}aie L, Seery, Y7. L Beery .Tr., EZi~abeth B:. aYim;gfield and Eva 3. Parks under the dill of ~7. L. Beerq which is duly ~eaorded in the office: of the Cleric of Superior Court oI New Hanover County in Book oY iYills M at PaKO 119. TRACT NINE bkiFlausla+~l~~ at a gc-1.nt in the Southern line of Princess Street 77.68 feet West from its intersection; with the Western line of Fifth Street and runs thence 5o.uthwardly and parallel with Fifth Street 66- facet thence i~iestwardly and parallel with Princess Street 42.32 feet; thence Northwardly axed para31:e1 with. ,Fifth Street 66 feet to the Southern line of Princess Street and thence Eastwardly slang the Southern line of Princess Street 42.32 feet to the Beginning, the same being part of Lat. l,, Flack 168,, according to the official flan of the City of Wilmington, iv C and being the came tra,¢t.a~f land devised to the party of the first part ~y the Last .tiill and Testament of Annie tai.. Freeman, which said will is duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of New &anover Coumty iA Hoflk of Wills "P" at Fage 353 et seq and being designated in Item Third of said Wi31 aspt~4lb Princess Street, Yilmington, N.C. TRACT TEN Beginning at' a pcrint in the southern line of Princess Street one hundred and thirty eight _-- and nine-tenths (135.91 feet acct from its intersection with the eastern line from Fourth Street, at the. intersection. of said. southern line of Princess Street with the yrestern iine of a ten (10) foot alley, and runs thence eastwardly along said southern line of:Priancess Street seventy two and six-tenths f72.6} feet.to a brisk wall, the same dividing the property hereby conveyed and the property of the. party af. the. second part, running thence southwardlfly, :and parallel with Fourth Street, eighty eight (5.81 feet thence westwardly, and parallel to Princess Street, seventy two and six-tenths 072,6) feel to the w;:stern line of the alley aforesaid and thence northwardly and parallel to Fourth Street eighty eight {8&} feet to the southern ~.ne of Princess Street, the beginning. The same being a parrs of lots 1 and 2 in block lb$ accorrdng to•the official plan of the acid Gity of Wilmington, suaject, however, to a right-of=way over the alley of the width of ten (l0~feet comgrising the western ten {1Q} feet Qf the property.~hereby conveyed; it i;eing the came tract of Land: devised Ito Adelaide Adrain Fox by John B, Evans, 'by Will duly recorded of the office of the Clerk of the Court of New Hanover County, North Carolina, in Book P, Page 552, and which eras devised by ldeiaide Adrain Fox to Beulah. Fox Rogers, cue of the parties of the first part, by her-Wi31. duly recuz~ded is the office of the Clerk of the..,s-uperior Court of New Hanover County in Book A4 at page 2tdB, and Which also descended to Beulah..Fiax'Rogers as the only heir at lax of Adelaide Arian: Fox, - 2 - . ~ ~ ~; 2 ~J =C~ TRACT RLEVEN ~;,a i3t;GIN14IPiG' at a point in the tJestern lino of an alley, Eighty-eight (88) Feet Southwardly flrom the Southera line of Prinpess Street, and Qne ttundred, Thirty-eight and nine-tenths (13$- ~~1Q) feet Eastwardly o> the Eastern Tine oP Fourth Street, and running thence Sauthwardly with the Western line of said AIIey~ and parallel. with Fourth Street, Forty-Seven (47) feet and six (6) inches, to the Armory lot;'thenc a t:astwardly with the Line of said Iot and parallel with Princess Street,. Seventy-twa a{~d six-tenths (72-6/IO) feet, to a point in line with a brick wall; thcnca ]~Tarthwardly, parallel Frith Fourth Street, Forty-Seven (47) felt and six (6) inches; and thence Westxardly, parallel with Princess Street, Seventy-Two and sib tenths (72-6/IO) feet, to the Western line of said Alley; TQGETHEIi ~+IITH a perpeptual right-of-way and easement.in, to, thr~auah and aver the said alley, from said lot tq Princess Street, the said Alley being a uniform ~ridth of tern (10) fget, the afPredescribed property being a part of lots 2 and 3 in Block 168, aaCOrding to the afticial plan!of the city of wilmin~ton, N.C. f - 3 -