1975-05-05 RM Exhibits -, ~ __. j i ~ ~ ~ We the undersigned do hereby oppose the rezoning request for the property on the north side of Gordon Road between Vii. S. Hwy. 117 and 23rd Street. We are opposed to this commercial environment into a residentially zoned area for the following reasons: 1. Our tax rate will increase too much. 2. The possibility of increased traffic due to commercial activities would be detrimental to the safety of the area. 3. The permitted uses under the B-2 district would in our opinion injure the public safety and welfare of the area. 4. With commercial zoning to the west and Timme Corporation zoned I-1 to the south--this proposed zoning would block us in thereby making our land prone to commercial development. 5. A number of homeowners on this lane are retired and living on a limited income. They cannot afford to move to a new location. 6. We love our homes and hope you can see why we want to keep this a residential lane. lJ Z,,.te~ -, , ~L..-- -. - ~GL.- ~~-- --~~-(-~-~~-~- Lam=/=/ -=L ------ =`~'=~ .r,- ~~ - ,~..-~- _ --=-~ - - v -,• ~ ~-~ ~.°~' ,~~.~' -T:,~.. _ .e..._ T ``• ~., ..o mac. ~- ~,--~'~~.-rz~ - ~ ~ ~, L ~, , ~ ,~ ,, . ~~ ~ .~ - - __ _ -... ~,, f ~~;P . ~ntif .~.-Y.rj.~/~ir,a - 7',~Vl / ,1 ~lL..fc~s~ ~~ / G <~ ~,? ~j4ils/ I~ Y/1.~~ C , ,, ~ ~' CORDON ROAD ~ l~~ ~ HW 11 (,~a.s-~ s~J~- .~/ n _._~_.___._ !~ T.IJl // ~f ! O .J/ /~.rJ? ~ V ~ .~G ~//%~_ ,~ ~ / We the undersigned do hereby oppose the rezoning request for the property on the north side of Gordon Road between U. S. Hwy. 11'7 and 23rd Street, We are opposed to this commercial environment into a residentially zoned area far the following reasons: 1. Our tax rate will increase too much. 2. The possibility of increased traffic due to commercial activities would be detrimental to the safety of the area. 3. The permitted uses under the B-2 district would in our opinion injure the public safety and welfare of the area. 4. With commercial zoning to the west and Timme Corporation zoned I-1 'to the south--this proposed zoning would block us in thereby making our land prone to commercial development, ~. A number of homeowners on this lane are retired and living on a limited income. They cannot afford to move to a new location. 6. We love our homes and hope you can see why we want to keep this a residential lane. Y ,, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WE, the undersigned residents of Gordon Road, support and join with Mr and Mrs Robert R Crews in their petition to have their property located at 117 Gordon Road rezoned from residential to commercial -~~ (SEAT) Clay on W Fountain 111 Gordon Road Wilmington, N C ` ~ ~. Mary H Fountain 111 Gordon Road Wilmington, N C ~~ Harvey R l~/Iidgette ~ 113 Gordon Road Wilmington, N C (SEAL) (SEAL) c'~~- ~.. (SEAL) Carolyn A ~Viidgette 113 Gordon Road Wilmington, N C ~-~'j ~'' .(SEAL) Lemuel L justice 119 Gordon Road Wilmington, N C .;„__-~ ~1.,,,..,'~~ rte- (SEAL) Thelma R Justice 119 Gordon Road Wilmington, N C '~~-°~~- ` ` ~'^' (SEAL) Frederick C Hansen, Jr 121 Gordon Road Wilmington, N C Allene Hansen 121 Gordon Road Wilmington, N C (SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER 7 I, ~,..~~~Cv ~.dG~c.~~,~~"`-~ a Notary Public in and for the above State and County, do hereby certify that Clayton W Fountain and Mary H Fountain personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due and proper ex- ecution of the fo/re~g/oing instrument for the purposes therein expressed This /°~ day of April, 1975 Notary Public My Commission expires STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, 4~.,r? ~ u~,~~_~" a Notary Public in and for the above State and County, do hereby certify that Harvey R Midgette and Carolyn A Midgette personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due and proper execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed This the ~ day of April, 1975 ~J ~ mac.: ~c ' -~.~«~-J Notary Public My Commission expires STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I , ~,~ l',r-.? ~ ~X `. ' _ ,~~ ~.,,, ,i~,,•1.~~ , a Notary Public in and for the above State and County, do hereby certify that Lemuel L Justice and Thelma R Justice personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due and proper ex- ecution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed This the ~o~. day of April, 1975 ~ Notary Public My Commission expires• ~ ~ o `y~l -2- A +1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, ~~ ~-~~~.Gc~~~*ri-~ a Notary Public in and for the above State and County, do hereby certify that Frederick C. Hansen, Jr and Allene Hansen personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due and proper execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed This the ~~ day of April, 1975 Notary ublic My Commission expires G~~r~ ~L~~r-. -3- v . l~ ~:, . i , YlTE~iiT 13A1~O~,T~R COUNTY FINANCE OFFICE WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA, 28401 (919) 762 7677 GEORGE F COOPER County Finance Officer May 5, 1975 Memorandum• To: Mr. Dan Eller, County Manager From. Felix Coope~.~--~---~ Subject• Sale of old Furniture The sale on Saturday went as follows: Item Sold To Min. Bid Bid 1- Sewing Machine J. Ange $25.00 $ 5.00 ~~ 2- Piano D. Phillips 75.00 25.00 -~ 3- Desk T. Hughs 50.00 75.00 4- Chest Mintz 20.00 12.50 %` 5- Chest D. Phillips 20 00 7.50 6- Table Newton 10.00 5.00 %° 7- Chair Dealer 20.00 3.50 -` 8- Chair Edwards 10.00 13.00 9- Chest ,J. Ange 20.00 6.00 10- Trunk Ferguson 10.00 16.00 11- Trunk Malchus 10.00 12.00 6~~ It is my recommendation that we sell the items marked with an asterisk for the actual amount bid. Mr. Dan W. Eller County Manager, New Hanover County 14 North 3rd Street Wilmington, North Carolina, 28401 Re: Appraisal Raney Chevrolet, Inc. Property Dear Mr Eller: The Board of Appraisers consisting of: Jack Perdue William A. Boehling Charles G. Johnson met to appraise the subject property and report as follows. May 2, 1975 Viewed the property and heard evidence from the property owners which included an appraisal report by Fred Little and a written summation by Mr William Raney. A written appraisal report of an appraisal by Julian K. Taylor was introduced by New Hanover County. After hearing this evidence, the Board adjourned at 1.00 p m. until 10.30 a m Monday, May 5, 1975. The Board met at 10 30 a m , Monday, May 5, 1975 to deliberate and analyze the information previously presented and to discuss the opinions of the individual members of the Board. Mr. William A Raney was present. After complete and thorough discussion the following opinions of value are submitted by individual appraisers of the Board. Jack Perdue _ $ 370,000 00 Charles G. Johnson 370,000.00 William A. Boehling 400,000 00 Respectfully Submitt Jack Perd e ~~ i Charles G Johnson -~- _ ./. Willi ern A Boehling • _.i- ~, • ~ 1 ,. ._ AMENDMENT TO PRELIMINARY CONDEMNATION RESOLUTION of the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY On motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County unanimously adopts the following amendment to the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution adopted by said Board on the 10th day of April, 1975: RESOLVED 1 The words "The Raney Company, Inc be, and hereby are, substituted for the words "Raney Chevrolet Company, Inc." in all places where the words "Raney Chevrolet Company, Inc appear in the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on the 10th day of April, 1975, said substitution being made necessary by an amendment to the charter of Raney Chevrolet Company, Inc., a copy of said amendment being attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2. In all other respects the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County shall remain the same as originally adopted. 3 A copy of this Amendment to the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution shall be served on The Raney Company, Inc. and all other owners named in paragraph 5 of the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution. CERTIFICATION I, Lise K King, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of an amendment to the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on the 5th day of May, 1975 /~-_~ .:~ k ~-~, :-, --~~ ~ Lise 'K. King, Clerk (CORPORATE SEAL) ~~ ~ ,~ FXS-~TRTT A ~~ f J r;;; rid \\ i ~ 7, ~ ~ l i'~-~i ~ y aA. "` Jrr.. _~.:~~ n ,/jar ~ 1 ~ v \ \~~ _ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~a~l~ ~a~a~rLa, ~a ~e~e~~ cea~~ ~e ~ ~c ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~iexe~a G~~c~~ie~~ Tlr: o ~ z ~ ~~ee~a) ~a ~e rz ~?ice ca yr n,~ ~~ 7" ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO Tf E CHARTER OF RANEY CHEVROLET COMPANY a~n,~~~e~'Uxa~~eQ ~~e~ea~, ~~e a~~~ia~,~a~ra~~;c~C cam c~ ~~~~ ~~ G7'Lf~Lftb4~~Cea?Z~SLe 5th ~~a~ Auguat 19 68 a~~ex~arL~c~u~r, ~eeaZ~„~a~cncz/~a can~.a~m ~a ~zct~. ~:r~ cL~~c:ze.~~rUr~ a~ ccz~~eat ~~c,'' fiII8 ~iru'3~`1~', C~~~%l.C~~~,~~,,~ ~~u6 6th ~ `~, ~~~ 4~ Auoust l/yLf~Le ,l,P.CX'I~a~aG!/XoLa~Q/~~ 68 „~~^^~~~ ~~ •~~~ ~ 1 c ~ c ~ < , < , < , < , ~i. ~' L ~ V _~ r - ____ j; ,_ ~ecr~ r i of ~tatr ~~ /, ~/ ~ ~ ~i rp~.,~ ~rcr tnr~ of o~tate a _~ .*~ ~ '••` t 1,3~~~)4z~~ 1~`~ c)t35 ~, Arc ~;5 9 of ~N 1068 $c R ~ ~ U ~ ~ ARTICLES OF A?IENIxiEAIT TO THE CHARTER ti ~i c.:r:Y f F 57A7E ,ii %:.nOLI;~A OF RAh'EY CHEVROLET CCtiPANY The undersigned corporation hereby executes these Eztielea of Amendment for the purpose of amending its charter 1 The name of the corporatlon 1a Raney Chevrolet Company, 2 The following amendments to the charter of Lhe corporation were adopted by its shareholders on the 2nd day of __Augu_s_t~-~ 19bg~ in the manner prescribed by law; RESOLVED That the first numbered paragraph of the Certificate of Incorporation of Raney Chevrolet Company which Is as follows 1 The name of this corporatlon is Raney Chevrolet Company be deleted; and that in lieu thereof th^ following be substituted 1 The name of this corporation is The Raney Compsny, Igo RESOLVED That the last sub-paragra~.h in the third numbered paragraph of [he Certificate of Tncorporatlon of Raney Chevrolet Company, which is as follows And in order properly to prosecute the objects and purposes abo~•e set forth, the corporatlon shall have full Power and authority to purchase, lease and other~:ise acquire, hold °ortSASe convey and otherwise dispose of a21 kinds of property, both real and personal, both in this State and is all other Stn[ea Territories and dependencies of the United States; to purchase the business, &ood will and all other property of any individual, firef or corporation as a going concern and to assume ell its debts contracts and obligations, provided said business is authorized by the powers cottained herein to construct, equip and nnintnin buildiaga, works, factories sad plants, water, electric or other motive Power, and generally to perform all acts which say be deemed necessary or expedient for the proper and successful prosecution of the objects for which the corporation ie created be deleted, and that in lieu thereof the following be substituted: ~~) To engage in guy other lawful ectivity, including, but not limited to conacructing, ranufncturing, reining or otherwise producing, and repairing, servicing, storing or otherwise caring for any type of structure, coT~odity or livestock whatsoever; processing, selling, brof.ering factoring, distributing, lending borrowing or investing in any type of propcrry whether real or personal, tangible or intangible; extracting and processing natural resources, trnnsporting freight or passengers by land, sea or air; coliectin3 and disseminating information or advertisement through anyr:medium whatsoever performing personal services of any nature, and entering into or serving Sa any type of m3negement, investigative, advisory, promotional, protective, insurance, guarantyship, suretytbip, fiduciary or represent- ative capacity or relationship for any persona or corporations whatsoever DnVID H, sco-rT anoencT ar uw WII NII~GTC!1. N.G l; ~N ~ _ .~_.. _~._ __ _r..._ ..r_____`___._--~_._-- _ _._ -- _ ~._~~__- c,~~ 4 3. The aumbcr of shares of the corporation outstanding at the tine :~ '; o! such adoption van 481; and all of the shares vcre voted in favor of the ~! 2bedtsment 4 'i"se amendment herein effected does not Five rise to dissenters' rights to pt+yerent for the reason that the only effect of such amendment is to change the name of the corppretton. I,I t:Ii.~*ESS W~CREOF, these articles are signed by the President and Secretary of the corporation thiso~ ~ da ~~~_.3. :~y:. ~nA _.'~e,•;o. FANEY C1/iF.VR~OLET CCf IPANY~^ ~:`-L?;~• ~., =•r ~ ~ /'President .' tic •. ;~ ^ v i ~QC ' _ / :-~~.-~-~`~ ~ccretary S%AT'E OF A'O?tTFi CAROLINA ccua-lY of z~~ xnsrn~R I' ~~~-L•_L-~L~~~, a Notury public. hereby certify that oa thls~'~-~,.,.~ day of /~~~,.,4, before me ~?~~~~ ! ~ a ~ 1196/8, •>troonally appcnred each bf tihom bcin~ b)~rst duly suornnddec aced hc~h ~~zed the foregoing document in the capacity indicsthd, and that the statements therein ~ontnined are true Notary Public Y Com:aission Explrea 10~ -,S -6~ Dwv~n M- aCOTT ATfORN[ry wr uw M~RYINOTON. M. L Recelvs0 and Recorded August 7, 1968 ate Sp P M• ~°~ n°. ~. ~a,~- Register of Deeds ~~ ~ r