1975-05-12 SpM Exhibitsl~ffire (®f PETER R DAVIS CHM C LAUD O SHIELDS JR v-CHM GEORGE E ALPER WILLIAM C TAV LOR VIVIAN S WRIGHT DAN W ELLER COUNTY MANAGER JAMESC FOX COUNTY ATTORNEY LISE K KING CLERK TO THE BOARD 4~ix~1 II# ~.QIttI~CtSStIIl~PXB ~PfU ~ MItIIfIPI' t1.IILiItt~1 14 forth (~k[ira street ~ilmingtan earth (~Ittrolintt 28401 c'~ele~llntre (919) 7&2-D9D1 lVfi~R1:AS, wh-i,ee the Caun~y a 5 New Hanave~c ,cs ~.nde6~ed ~a a,22 a ~ .c~,s act,%ze-vs, we arse e3pec.ca,~2y ~,ndeb~ed ~a ~ha~e ci.#,izeivs avers ~-ix~y yeatc~ a~ age fan the-vr. ~s.cgwi.~~.can~ cav~tc,~.butiovvs ~a the deveeapmewt anal pnagne~~s a~ au~c Caurt~y; and wff~R1:AS, they can~,tnue ~a be a va.euab.2e ~.e~acvcce a~ Fznaw.~edge, ~sfzc.P~~s, expen.cence~s and 2eadelrship, anal GIH~RFAS, ass a pnagnea~s~,ve Caun~y, we mcvs~ be ~anevetr. cawsct"au~ a~ ~c,~s ma~~ va~2ued ne~aunce -- .ct~s peap2e; yet can~sxant,2y aware and appneacatc.ve a~ ~ha~e ec~,i.zens a~ the Cauwty ave~c ~stix~y wha~se can~%bu- fit,an~ have and ~ ha.2Q nema~.n the ~ aunda~,c.a n a ~ ~ a.ec.da~ y and evvs u,%ng gnaw~h; and G1H~RI:AS, we wr"ge the peap.~e a~ New Hanavetc Caunxy ~a ~eeFz ~a expand appantuniti"e~ fan ac~.c"ve pa~r~i,c,~.pa~,%an a~ a.2detc. adu~P.t~ ~hnough patid an va.2untcvcy endeavotr~s ~ha~ a~~sutce can~`,t"nued wsebuene~~s and nan- d-c~sc~uync.na~atcy tinva.Lvemev~t ~,n heep~.ng ~a cus~se~s~s and meek bath ~Gle gnaw~,ng needs a~ acvr. a.2de~c. c,%t,%zev~s and the needy a{~ the Caunty ups a wha~2e ~hnaugh a.P.e pub.P.%c and ptu.vate angan.%za~.t"an~s p2anvu"ng ~age~hen ~a meet ~he~se needs e~ ~ec~c.veey; 7H1=R1=1=0R~, we pnaeeaim the man~h. a~ May, 1975 OLDER AMERICANS MONTf1 IN N~IU HANOV~R CCUNTy and commend ~h-i~s ab~senvance ~a autc ci~,czerus 8y the New 1•IanaveJc ~iaand a~ Cauwty Camm~a~.anet~s Chcutrman amm.us~s~.ane~c Cam ~s~.ane~r. U !~ _ ~ _ amm-us .canetc ~' - amm-u5~5 ~,an elc ..y • Camm,us~5~,anetc - ~' •. -- ~ ~ ( a FINAL CONDEMNATION RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY On motion duly made by Comm o'shields and seconded by Comm Alper the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County adopts the following final condemnation resolution by the following vote Voting Aye Comm Alper, O' Shields and Taylor Voting No. Comm Wright and Chm Davis Absent None RESOLVED 1. In connection with the condemnation of the property of The Raney Company, Inc., a Board of Appraisers has been appointed to determine the compensation to be paid for the property acquired, as more particularly described hereinafter. The appraisers have submitted their written report to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, through the County Manager. 2. The report of the Board of Appraisers does not state separately the amount of damage, the amount of benefits, and the amount of compensation to be paid to the property owner, but by the concurrence of two of the three members of the board, the report fixes the amount of compensation to be paid to the owner at $370,000 3 New Hanover County hereby acquires the property described herein under the power of eminent domain and pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes, Section 153A-159 and Chapter 160A, Article 11 4. Schedule A attached hereto, and made a part hereof, contains the description of eleven (11) tracts or parcels of land in which property rights are acquired by New Hanover County. The nature of the estate acquired in each of .~ ` '~ the eleven tracts or parcels is an estate in fee simple 5. The property is acquired for the purpose of constructing, enlarging and improving courthouses, jails, office buildings and other buildings for use by New Hanover County. 6. The names of the owner and all other persons made parties to the proceeding are as follows The Raney Company, Inc. P. O Box 82 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 New Hanover County City of Wilmington 7. The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County determines that the County will take title to and possession of the property and began to exercise the property rights acquired on May 20 1975. All parties are hereby directed that, unless otherwise ordered or agreed, the premises shall be vacated, possession of the property shall be given to New Hanover County and control over the rights acquired shall be relinquished by said date. 8. The owner of the property will not be permitted to remove all or any portion of any buildings, structures, permanent improvements or fixtures situated on or affixed to the property. The owner may remove all personal property and trade fixtures 9 The owner of the property has thirty days within which to give notice of appeal to the General Court of Justice. New Hanover County has thirty days within which to give notice of appeal to the General Court of Justice, but only with respect to the issue of compensation 10. A copy of this Final Condemnation Resolution shall be served on all owners named in paragraph 6 above, by registered mail to each person's last known address. In addition, this final condemnation resolution shall be recorded and indexed in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County. t SC LL,.Lr a ~ TRACT ONE B.3GINt7I2.`1 AT A point in the Southern line of Princess Street seventy eight (78) and one fourth (1/4) feet Eastvrardly from the Eastern line of iou_~-th Street and runnir~ thence Eest:vs::ly alona~ se id Southern '_i :e o: Princess St=ee: fifty nine (59~ and three fourths (3/4) ;e°:, :zzr.ce Sou:':ard_„~::allel wit'r_ moo;::th 5:~~~t, one hundred a:3d thirty five an3 one half (13j-1/2) Stet, th ;cs ~'estw~:al_~, pn=^_llel ~i: Princess Street, fifty nine (59) and L'n.:ea fou.:ihs (j/~.) _eet to the Eastern ed3e of a brick wall, thence 27orth- trardly alonz the said edge of said wall, and about parallel with r^ourth Street, one hundred and thirty live and one half (135-1/2) feet ±o the Southern line of Princess Stree*, the Betinnir~; the sane beinv Hart of Lots 1,2 & Z, in 31ock 163 accor3lnS to the 0:'ficial Plan of slid City o, :Ti? ~ir.;,ton, together cith a perpetual easenent and right, of may in, to through and over and alley ray ten (10} feet in nidtin, abuttinS and ad3oinir~ the above described property on the Esst and ex~endir~ SouthFardly Eton rrincesa Street, rith an uniform width of ten (10) feet, a distance of one hundred and thirty firs and one half (135-1/2) feet; an3, x190 together with ell and singular the tene:aents, heredita~ents and appurtenances unto said property belonging or in any~rise thereunto appertaining. .. r TRACT TWO Beginning in the Eastern line of FourtE; Street, at a point j8 feet and 9 inches South-ardly from the Southea_ter^_tnteraect:on of rourth and Princess Streets; rung thence Southsardly along t`~e Eastern iitie of Foury Street 4j feet and 9 inches; thence Last- erardly and parallel with Prince:a ~trec t 78 feet and 3 inches, to ttie ~eatern ease of t}~e ~aney Brick Fall; ti,ence :~orihxardly along t're xeete.n edge of ea id -all sad parallel xitn rourth Street, 4j feet and ~ inches; thence :1_°t,verdly and parallel xith Princess Street 78 feet sad j 1nch~s to the =plat of Leginning, .-._ ~t ceir,6 ?art of iota 1 and 2 is Block 108, according to t'~e o:fici3~ ;.sa o` t: e amity o: •____~dto^, o. tY. Caroli :a. TRACT THREE gEGIN:tI.SG: in the Eastern line of Fourth Street at a point Ei6hty-TAO (82) feet and six (b) inches Southva rdly from its intersection with the Southern line of Princess Street and running thence vasty:ardly and parallel with Princess Street eighty two (82}' feet, thence South:-ardlp and parallel rith Fourth Street forty ei6ht (48) feet, thence ~: ~'est~•ardly and parallel vrith Prince°.r °t:°et eighty t~so (82) meet to the said La stern line of rourth Street, thence ryorthsro=aiy along and with the astern line of Fourth Street Forty Fight (48) feet to the ?pint of ~eginning~ The sa~iLinntonar~.C: Lot ~2 in Block lb8 according to the official plan of the said ity of b , TRACT FOUR BEGI;INZNG at a point in the Eastern line of rourth Street one hundred and thirty (1-30) feet a nd six (6) inc:~es SouLh~sardly frog its intersection with the Southern line oP Princess Street, and running thence SouL`~•h~ardly aloe; the said :-asternrrincess Fourth Street fortyn(40) feet and six (6) inches, thence :-astwardly and parallel with Streets eiolity t.YO (8?) feet to the line ~f a lot lately bsloni;ing to the testate of uo?zn A 1•a lot, deceased; thence .+orthwardly and parallel with fourth Street, forty (~O) feet and six (6) inches; thence hest:rar3ly and pc-allel wit`s Princess Street eisht,5two (82) feet to the sai3 line of Fourth Street, the 3e~inning ~.,~~ ,.; the same being apart of the ;lestern halves of lots 2 and 3 in Block :Zo l03 accordi_t; to th~n0~_'i.cial Plat c, '..'~°_aioresai3 City_of ~til~ ~~ttZ .. "•~ _ _ ~ `•1'RACT FIyE ___ _ _ Bz'GIT?dII~G in the Eastern line cn 'rourth Street at a point 112 feet Northwardly from the Rortheastern intersection of 1_'^rke' .~`-~ =t-: ~ ~ rourth Street, running thence 23orthnardly along Lhe said °aste_n line of Fourth Streci +y 'feet, thence sastwardly parallel with Carrel Street 77 feel Loa brick wa21, the S~~esteri~ line of a lot or parcel of land .lately belonging to the ~. hefts-at-law or d°_-is<es of th° lets Tohn A Tavlcr, for:erly the rroparty of said Ch=ties Z! Sted~en, thence runn?n;, 3out'-c____; ~ _th sai'_' line o* sa13 lot o: ra-eel of lzrd :E'er:°d to and parallel ith rourth ~;,r°et 49 ;set, a*:d tYen ••°stwsrdly parallel with 1._arket St.e°t ?? fezt to Lhe beginning in the ~siern lire o: iourtr Street, and being a ^art of lots tips. j and 4 in 31oc's t_o. 268, according to James an3 Frowns clan of said Cites, Lhe said pi°ce or parcel of land be_ng a part of the 1G~' or parcel of land v:'rich John Dawson end Sophia J Da:v- son, Lis wife, conveyed to the said Chsrles L: Sted^en by deed of conveyance which bas s dove the 15th day of July, .,.sJ, 1s7b, end is registered in the ofi''_ce of the negisLer fo Deeds of the said County of :'ew Eanover in D003c L^_.~ r.t Page 452 and 453. Tris being the ssne lot of land which was conveyed to Cornelia Y. v°°°ns by Crarles tf.. Stedr•and and Catterihe De°. Sted- t~an by deed dated the 26th day of i°bruarq, 1550, which is recorded in the office of the ~e- gister of Deeds of 2:en Fanover County in nook PPP, at Pa qe 340. r v BEGI'~? IIiG in the ?.',,rthern lire of '_'arket Street at a port thirty-eight (38) feet siz (6) inchos east of the eastern line of fourth street arm' runs thence east ardly along '~'arket Street thirty-eight (38) feet six (6) i..^.ches to the eastern lire of a crick wall dividinE said lot fron the lot next 2d Joining, being the lot of the ilmir.gton Light Infantry, 2nd t!-ence northn2rdly along the eastern line of Said ;gall one hundred Sixteen (116) feet, thence rest- rardly~parallel ~^ith L'2rket Street thirty-eight (?8) feet siz (6) inches; and thence south~~rdly parallel with Fourth StLe~t one hundred sixteen (116) feet to the Eeginning on i:.arket Street. And being parts of Lots four (~) ar_d five (5) in blcck 168, according to the official plan of said city of ''~ilnir~ ton, I:prth C rolina; and being 'he sane lancconveyed to Herbert LcCla:~:y by A.G ricaud~ recorded in Book 21~ at page 313, records of the Register of Deeds of Iiew Hanover County.. TRACT SEVEN BEGII~.IlIG at the intersection of the Southern line of Princess Street with the Eastern line of Fourth Street, and runs thence Eastwardly elonp~ said Southern line of Prin- cess Street 80 feet Wore or less, to the line of the propert, of the party of the second psrt, thence SouthtrardlAr~nd fa~th lelrtitOfFthetsecondetart fthencedl7estnardly andeparallel~ to the line of the. prop ._ y PE Y P with Princess Street 8V Peet, Wore or less to the 'astern line of Fourth Street, and thence Northwardly e long said Eestern line of fourth Street 38 feet and 9 inches, more or less, to the Beginning, sane being Yart o1' l,ot 1 In ?31ock 168, according to the official pleas cf the City of 1Yilnington, I1 C., and bein6 the sa :e tract of land devised by }.'any r Cheek to Ethel h~.ay Farris, Carteret Eloise fisll, DorotL•y Eleiae ;'tatters, and 'rrances Everett Johnson, y her Last 1di11 and.iestanent, duly adnittad to probate and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court. in Book oS ~'lills "0" at page 352, et seq. TP,ACT EIGHT BE'GINNIi~'G~ at the intersection of the Yorthern line of J•`.arket Street Hith the Eastern line of Fourth Street and runs thence Eastv:ardly slang said Northern line of L`arket Street 38 feet and 6 inches; thence T;orth~:ardly and parallel with Fourth Street 112 feet to the line of the property oi` the party of the second part, thence .iesttiyardly and parallel with J•_ar{et Street 38 feet and 6 inches to the Lastern line of Fourth Street and thence Southaardly along the Eastern line or Fourth Street 112 feet to the beginning, the sate being part of lots 4 and 5 in Block 168, according to the official plan of the City of ililcington, N. C. Being the same tract of land devised to t*innie P Seery, b'.ihnie L. Beery, W L. Beery 7r., Fslizabeth fi ~Yingfield and Eva B Parks under the .fill of 'r! L Beery which is duly recorded in the office of tie Clerk of Superior Court of iievf F.anover County in Boost of '.Villa L: at Page 119. TRACT NINE b1,Gliv~vllrt2 at a point in the Southern line of Princess Street 7? b8 feet West from its intersection with the l•:estern line of Fifth Street and runs thence Southka rdly a'- ~ rallel with Fifth Street bb feet, thence Westkardly and parallel with Princess Street 42 32 .- -`_nce Northr~rdl}~ and parallel with Fifth Street bb feet to the Southern line of Pri::=~,_ ;, ~-^'i thence Eastra rdly along the Southern line of Princess Street 42 32 feet to the =eon '" "=Te being part of Lot. I, block 1b8, according to the official plan of the City of ~ti'ilmino:_ _ :d being the sane tract of land devised to the party of the first part by the Last •tiill and is of Annie ~1.. Freemen, which said will is duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of the 5uper~:" Court of iyew I:anover County in Book of `ills "P" at Page 353 et seq and being designated in Item Third of said Wi31 as A41b Princess Street, Wilmington, N C. TRACT TEP1 - " Beginning at. a point in the southern line of Princess Street one hundred and thirty eight and nine-tenths (138-9) feet east fron its intersection xith the 'eastern line from fourth Street, &L the intersection of said sauthern line of Princess Street with the western line of a ten {10) foot alley, and runs thence eastuardly along said sauthern line of Princess Street seventy two and six-Ler.ths (72.6) feet to a brick xall, the same dividing the property hereby crnveyed and the property of the party of the second part, running thence southwa.rdly, and parallel with Fourth Street, eighty' eight {88) feet thence westhardly, anti parallel to Princess Street, seventy two and six-tenths (72 6) ±'zet to the western line of t're alley stores=-id, and thence nortrxaruly and _ parallel to fourth Street eighty eight (06) feet to the sou:.i:era li^.e of °ri.^.cess StreeC the beginning. The sa:.e teirg a part of lots 1 and 2 in bleck 158 according to the official glee of Lhe said City of :ailmir.gtca, su5ject, roxever, to a right-of-ti:ay ove: the alley of the width of Len (10)feet comprising t:*._ western Len (10) feet of the property hereby conveyed, it being try name tract of land. devised to :,delaide Adrain Fox by John B. c.var.s, by Will duly recorded of the office of the Clerk of the Court of New Fanover Ccunty, t:orth Carolina, in Book P, Page 552, and which xas devised by Adelaide Ad rain Fox to Beulah Fox Rogers, one of the parties of the first part, by her Will duly recorded in the office of the Cleric of the Superior Court of New Hanover County in Book bi, at pale 208, and v'hich also descended to Beulah Fox Rogers as the only heir at lax of Adelaide Adrian. Fox.. l - 2 - _~ ~` • ~ 'TRACT RLEVEN EIEGI*7?."I?IG" at a point in the l~'estcrn line of an alley, Eighty-eight (88) feet Southwardly from the Southern Line of Princess Street, and One ll~~ndred, Thirty-ei.^,}~t and nine-tenths (135- 9/10) feet Eastwardly of the Eastern lane of Fourth Street, and running thence Southwardly with the kcstcrn 'line of said Alley, and parallel with Fourth Street, Forty-Seven (47) feet and six (6) inches, to the Ar©ory lot; thene e Eastwardly with the Line of said lot and parallel xith Princess Street, Sevcr-ty-two and six-tenths (72-6/10) feet, to a point in line with a brick wall; thence Forthwardly, parallel with Fourth Street, Forty-Seven (47) feet and six (6) inches; and thence Westwardly, parallel with Princess Street, Seventy-Tug and siz tenths (72-0/10) feet, to the Western line of said Alley; TOGETHER tJITIi a pcrpcptual ridt~t-of-way and easement in, to, through and over the said alley, from said lot to Princess Street, the said Alley being a uniform width of ten (10) feet, the aforedescribed property beinv a part of lots 2 and 3 in IIlock 168, accordinv to the official plan of the city of Wilmino*ton, :{ C. k { ~_ a / - ~ - CERTIFICATION I, Lise K. King, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, do herewith certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of a Final Condemnation Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on the 12th day of May, 1975. ~,yy, ~ (SEAL) .~-~c_ L.i'se K King, Cler~