1975-08-04 RM Exhibitss . '~ r ~ ~ ~ r. July 30, 175 MEMORk~NDUM TO Mr. Dan W. Eller, County Manager New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FR Mr. Larry J. Powel^1 1?~ Tax ~dministrator_ '~-~ RE ~~batements & Refunds The folloz~:jing taxpayers request they be allov~,~ed the Senior Citizens Exemption. Each individual qualifies for this exemption, however, they failed to file for the release in January. 1. Nathaniel Leonard 2. Blanche D. Norman 38.74 130.29 (71-7~-7ti) Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside vaithin the City or Town limits, or the personal property is located ~•~ithin the County. 1. Thomas Mitchell 2. Samuel Long 3. David Paterson 38.61 38.61 15 . q0 ( Refund ) Request the folloTain~; taxes be abated. as they Y~.ave been double listed. 1. Lloyd Cox ~fi 5.51 2. William Evans 2.08 3. Eddie Ed~~~ards 37.42 4~. Lorena Frasier 17- 3`~ 5. Sheila D. Grady 18.47 6. Donald W. Jones 18.03 7. Wanda Williams 11.30 8. Winford Wright 18.03 Request the following taxes be released as these are clerical errors. 1. W. Earle Beale a 40.92 (Refund) 2. Herbert L. Hoffman 4.74 (Refund) L. & B. Motors request a refund of x$434.66 as they reported_ and paid on incorrect inventory figures. This has been verified. by copy of revised. State Return. Request these items be placed. on the agenda of the next County Commissioner's Meeting. cc Mrs. Lise K. King Mr. James C. Fox LJP/ess ~~ RESOLUTION CONCERNING APPROVAL of • GREATER WILMINGTON AREA 201 FACILITIES PLAN (PART I) TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N C WHEREAS The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has entered into an agreement with the City of Wilmington and the Town of Wrightsville Beach to act as the "Lead Agency" to participate in the preparation of a 20t Facility Plan for the Greater Wilmington Area, AND WHEREAS In view of the advanced state of planning attained on improvements to the Wrightsville Beach wastewater treatment facility the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management and the Environmental Protection Agency have agreed to accept and consider the I~Jrightsville Beach 201 Facility Plan as an advance partial submittal of the Greater Wilmington Area 201 Facility Plan, AND WHEREAS The Engineer (Henry von Oesen and Associates, Inc ) has completed . preparation of the Wrightsville Beach portion of the Greater Wilmington Area 201 Facility Plan, hereinafter referred to as "The Plan", AND WHEREAS The plan was presented to the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen for review and approval and a series of Public Hearings concerning the plan were held on 18 July 1974 for the citizens of Wrightsville Beach, and for the County citizens at large on 7 April 1975 and 19 May 1975, the results of which have been incorporated into the Plan, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT (I) The Board of County Commissioners do hereby accept and approve the Wrightsville Beach 201 Facility Plan (Part I) as modified as an integral part of the Greater Wilmington Area 201 Facilities Plan and concur in the selected phased construction plan and the implementation procedures recommended in said Plan (2) It is the stated intention of the Board of County Commissioners to take all necessary steps to cooperate and assist in the immediate :~' implementation of construction, operation and maintenance of the r: selected plan under authorities provided in the provisions of the N C General Statutes 160A-3t2 through 160A-314 A.,~ uS~" This the ~~h day of 1975 ATTEST Dan W Eller, Manager COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER State of North Carolina Peter R Davis, Chairman Board of County Commissioners