1975-08-18 RM Exhibits ~f. .~ '~i',, ~• ~, , ~':. ,, 5 te. 1 .~, , M '~, , Thc~ r~la~p~ n~~; ~ ~nt,.i.« az a f' X01-,~,_:IJriy~,.r -`.I,'.r~~mb~. r_~ h~a 1'c;;.rr~d thr--~ :Col].oyrin~ , ta,;~~ayer~= 'dial x,.ct r~~cf~.v;7 c~nrx~~. c~i at~a~ t ra.r~ t~7 c~.~ a? ~l,:o ~1.i t--outs or ` c~Ya,~r~;e:d. ~n wr~c~xx~*_ x~ 4iin~;K ~~c~r~;tc,~~~ t;he~~• U~, ~ ~.~,r~raT,r~~~:j ~p tale may mail ,• corree#-er1 ~~~j a ~z :,~~a~xt ~:,. ~ a~ y f ,y ., , ..; I I3r,1x.~i~t Cc ~or~~,t:i.~r ~~.i, ..~. Ir: ~ , `, , ,. ' ., I ~.I, ;~' ~~ , ~ ,,~ 71 ~~' .~ I ,, ,.#, ~;: 1z~ra 1'~ ~~~ir~V'r.~ A t A, li n 'd ;~ p 17 ' .1 1. ~ , ~r 1 f' .y l ~Y ~1' ~ r. 1, 1 ti S , 1; r+ '~~ . ,~. ~7©hn P N~~.ir~r. oci ~ ~' ., ~ .,,..ta ; I I ~ ~. ,, ,. ~ ,; o, 1 + ~ 14i licar~xieth I~_ Stzeec]~t-.l (, 1- 'r 1~ 4; 4 ; ~ ~~ . ~3 Y +~ll~t~a a ',~ ~' y, ,t' Y '~I' I ~ ~~,. ~,. ~7 r,. I F. ~ ' ,~ ,, 1 q, { ~. .j. 1 4 ., ~ ~' ~ ~ ', A : k~ 1 IF:', ~ ~~: ,4+ 1~ f;+ +ti ~~~ '~ i . i, ,, ,.~ I, ' I ;1, d ;~ +, ,, <! ~: ~. 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I , t' s ~~I I Ir t' 1 t I, ; ~ , i i i t 1~' ~ ~ 1, , I ,~.~ '~ 1 ~d. q. l :~ ' I .1 , I+ . x ~ . r Y, J I IY 14 t i ~ ,~~Y, I ' G ~, , ~' . f , , ,~ •1,i~ a ° ' I 1 1 I t ,,,1 ; ~t ep 7"j(tili'. I f I !' ~1 t Sk s' P~ ~ ~' it a „p {'~ ~, yy{P5 r~ , /I ~ n+ o~: ', 1~~~1 'a4 ~''. n m• 6 V~r 71I ~i +Y I} ~ •' , ' Y ~ f '' Y i„~7 ~ ~ ' ' '~ ' l "~ I 7 I I ~ ~~ I 'a, 1' k i p~,; ~ li ''i ~i r},~.~,: d~ a 1• ;~7 ~E 'i a I 1 1 ~ I ¢. -'? ',I, t 1',F c I I :1 •( r ~~r,.y ~, 7S ( +l+ ,~ +I t I.i• c ~ll ~l' 1 15~^ ~ ~~P~it Rlk -~ 4 I ~4 .t t ~ ( + ' } s i, alp t ,.) l r~ Pylr yl >,Y'k`I a ,d ~~o,i, >vl~'b~{;( , .n ~Y ~ ~p~f~ 1 ~ ~ A5l(.'91 I! 1t I Y7~ I~J1'd``M', x, ~ J - ~;, fl Yr dg T~"~T,.. l ,;1 t, ~,r„h ~ d ~~ ~ 1 k~ 'j' I'~ ~ 1 ^ ,Ir t. r I !C'; cl~ 1, } n 4 l .i, 1' ~'~+Jill ` (~ 49~ ~~? 1 ' yr , I ~~ b". ~ 4 5V{'1 I }~ ll,i~ Pt ~ ~ l,' q ~ 1~y ~'' ~ ~ 9. ~ i lpr a r :1 y ; 19 ,. ~I °y.'$ I. ' e4 I' ~~~, ~ 1 ~ p~ J ~Y' ~ ~ s f P ~, C. I. YI ~ , 4 'It I: ~ f' J 1 .~, ;, ~I I 1' 1 ~ ~ ~ . a ~. v 1 i 1 !' e 1 dl. ~ I qi I_ i.l,' i ',1 is 1',~ ? ~'It :~' ~ ~ ~'~ t~k':5,. It.i:tYb,~~!;ti,~'~;i. 5 : ( ~ , P ,~~ ~,; j. ~. t ~, ~,~~,.;, .i ~ 1 ~11.;b; ~ I >St,'~;~ i ;I 1 ° pln,; I ~9"' 5',' y '~' I;r'1+, b I { f, ~ d , I i. ~ I (ii 1 7 I r P. ;ta1'.~I,t~,4!i~'.,,j ,'-,JI,,~~ ~';°u•, `; „~il l d ly~ 1 ^ A fl' ~`: •p h 'i~ ,i. ~ ~ ( 1 ~ I 1 I n ~~1 4 'h.i , . F ~ i 1 ~ ~ ~-, .. ~i~ ~I I f ryry1 ~ I ~ ~ 11' ~3 ~~NI •G r.+ LFj31-.,.,P ucr, + F u;.~h,P~.c' ~t~~ .R ~ ~ ti N d ~ I ------ . , ~ --___- ~. - ~~la a, ~. Request the ~ollasaing vali.ies be changed a.s shown below riy staiff has reviewed these p~`ape~ties and feels tl.u-:sc act}ustm~nts should b~~ ntr~dc: i TA:~Pt"1YPR 1'1AP Y~Ui•_I3[~R VM1h~ ITE ~ R.EC',Oi~tNIENPED VALIJF I D. J. Lanier ~+$-15-13 -03 $21,420 ; X20,7 0 .arlton G. Ha11 b3-07-11»03 57,9b0 50,510 Gerald B, Faig,le 60-11-06-Of, 61,580 61.,710 Jack i;vexett: 61-19-{Jb-09 47, 290 46, 500 riildred B. ttobbs "~ 79-06-05-12 7.1,200 20,4].0 79-LO-07-05 23,490 22.,670 79-10-0.7-03 75,fa10 f 23,380 79»Ofi-O L-07 19 ~ 6'~0 i 18, 470 79-10-01-2f1 2,000 j 23,050 ~ 72-0 5-01-0 5 20, .510 ~ 19, 730 72w05-02-1? 22,780 ~ 21,620 b7-17-04-0~-+ 3, 58f) 2,b90 Hrs J, ~ ianglish 79-00-Ob-O1 2~37~030 283,410 ::lbrrt Id, ~xinson r 44-07~Q4-20 47,21.0 53,290 ~cnneth ri. ~needen S5-19-~25-07 4G, 230 44,920 F~ L. G1~rlick bl-Ofi-05-27 13,800 12,880 ~~., F, Fal.es Hrs, 68-OOWOI.-04 500 70q Carl B. GacidS= 76-00-021.5 ~2~y,99~J ~ 2b,.340 ;•). li, BraiaSon b3-O8~16-09 8,9~g0 20,940 :3ahby Lec~ Foc,rler ~ 6l.»16-05»O1 5,7.50 ~ 32,420 George L. ~Jownin~ '~ 6b-10-04-0?_ 3{,x,950 ~. 37,510 ~3arn~.e ~1. 0lasper I 29w00-O1-~50 6,140 q b,840 . Itiichard I3 Dunn S6-1fi-O1-07 25,730 ~~ 27,090 xii lion L. babas r 38-0 `;-0~+-(13 41, 730 45, 930 Samuel Orady , ~6«~00...02»06~,~'~ 2,6'0 1,100 ~ T.1a~-i~pn isnitt~ b1-12-E3i+~d)7 38,2,2q 3b,74Q Tohn P.. tlir)as 62-06--1.313 l7', `130 i{. 16,03Q John D. Phi.lla.l,s ~ 61-1.7-04-08 30,~f30 ~ 29,950 Arrlep C ~ Ro 11ins 61-18-Q~+»07 31, 2 5() i ?9, 370 F D~ Fick 57-2{l~l i~r07 ~k4, 7~0 i 39, 570. i Fedcril Rea1t~~ Tnc ~>4~11.-+]1-29 988,940 1,049,t.2Q 1~-1. .~. laent? 60-~1.7.~i15-»02 F,7, 5Q0 l 78,440 T<~ames iii. Devane, ,Y~~ 57-20w31.-111 ?0,3"x0 a 1+8,790 J. lt. ltobbc ~ 54-I.~-~Og-2.9 10,890 ~~ 9,540 P~3che1 G. Sutton is 63-1911. ~02 5.ft,690 ~ 58,99Q I;lilliat~ >. Laing, Jr. 5.5»19-~LG-03 22,410 +, ~ 22,010 I~, F, Lee ~ E 48x13-1318 1,850 ; 1,550 a ~ y a r t ~ ~ F ~ '' 4 I ~'.I i i i f 5 ~~p .j li :iYl ~~ ,~ e p« w ~ti i ~„ n-aT ,. ;~ ' 7%29/7 ,, ~n CLT recent review of fiald proZ>e.rty record cards and the complzter -~ records the following errors Caere 1_ocated. Rec~uest permission to mail the correct valuation notices for the following taxpayers. '~~ ' OLD VALUE ~ ~ NEW VALUE ---_-_~_ ~,~ j: ~~. Elyse H. Carter `~ 25,070 ~ ', ~ 24.,790 Hrs. Noah $oney 2.6,880 6,840 a ,,. Hellen Hollingsworth 1,200 ~ 1,360 ;~ Maggie M, McGhee ; 1,960 1,480 " ' Hrs. Lillie Simpson t 3,1.60 ~ 3,000 Samuel McGuire 3,490 ?,470 , Hrs. Eddie Davis ?_2,810 31,550 ~ , James H. Davis, J.r, 8,820 ~ 8,620 ~~ Reavis domes, Inc. 33,600 34;40 ~ Harry p. Bordeaux ,3,~;0C3 33,490 ~,, William S, Funderburg, Sr. 63,290 61850 `'' Rotalfo Company 38,340 36;940 James E, Carted 35,6?a ~ ~' 35,320 ' ' ' Wilheiminia Seitter 2_,590 j 2,560 ` 960 ± " 1, 200 n -- ~ 6 C. F. Seitter, Sr, 15,2 0 ` 14,E?0 ~~` ''~ Robert L, Guyton 21, 920 ~ 21, 670 ~~ Mrs. Andrew J, Ritter 3p,650 X6,540 L, E. Herring 1, 850 an, ~ `~,; 1 ~ ~3Q0 '~ ~, .. , Clayton L, Long, ~ --- ~8, 2.80 , ~`- ,;'~ Cornelius Moore 5 ,100 ~ 6,100 ~.,, "' -~ ;.~' Ripwood Company, Inc. 7,500 6~1 0 ~, Walter P. Sp~znt, Jr. 9,000, ~ 4,5~Q J. N, Williams 5, 380 ry 6; 300 ,;~ ~ Mable F. Parker ?9,470 27;~30 , ? r Holland Simmons 7,370 ~+, G;3?0 ;„ ~~' J. R. Lewis, Sr. 16,420 13~~90 '~+ David Ma.11er 7,530 7i'~30 , ~; James J. Denning 1,680 1,000 ,y , ~ Suggs ~, Harrelson C,ons~, C6, 57,.30Q S7; 3~i0 , ~~~`~ Thomas Ferrell 26,87.0 26,,760 ., ~` J. R.. Lewis , Sr. (rTrs .'~ , 50, 81~-0 62, 2.T0, ,;. ;~. 4 J. R. Lewis, Sr, y ~ --- 8,840 ~~,:~„ L. A, Wells 4, 520 ' r ~ ,100 ,,, 'ja`',, New ~ianover. Development Co. 1,680 '; ,,. 1;620 „ Louis Spicer ~~,450 4, ~0 ~!`7J ,~, ~. ~~~ Sophia ~ N. J hnson o ~~ ~. 8 a 5 ,,~ ,boo, ~~,~ David Foy, Sr. ~ 4 , 530 ~~. " 4','590 ~' ~' J. F, Murray , ~ 20,.310 '~'~~;610 ` Trixie White 4 ~ ~, 5~, ~ ~'~0 45, 740 ,~:; {'• , `` Edith B. Green --- " ,6g0 7~ ~ ;~_ ~ , C. E. Mixon Jr. ;. ~ ~ ~ Gilbert. P, Johnson , ~ 14 ~ , 4~0 7 •, ' ,1;40 60 ~ , "',;. ";~~k ~`,P. Irving P. Hewlett 600 "' ,",, , , ~+-,'COQ , ~' ,. ,,. ~9 ` Dr. L, N, Johnston, Jr~ ~ 4,600 ~. 240 r' ~'' ~ i'` ' F. P. Fensel 76,910 ~ ,, 78;,.790 , ;4, ,,'~, ` R. A, S~eW 18,820 ~ '1~.,,'S5~ ~,,. ,,'',,` C. McD. David ~ 872, 2~0 ~ '' '869, 2~0 y +~ , ~~ 4 ~. ,. a' ~. ty. , :; ' , ~a ~'~, .x . ~ , ,, .. .,.., ... ~ ... . . ...... .. ~~. ~ ~ ~ . .. ~-, ~ P 1 , , i,,, ~ ~~~ ~h'v'tfl~4c~ a'~ ^~r a „i, utt '~Ifu l~' . K ~~' .. -~. 4 ;, ~. (Conti_nued ) ~ Page ~~2 `~` OLD V~~LUE NEW VAI.~UE Alma Murray P'~ary S. Evans Cornelius Nixon, Sr. R. J. • ~-Iaoker Shore Acres Company Carl B. Potter Eugene yA. Thomas Jim Pt Gurganus J. Don Bullard Margaret Willen .Edward Foy Carl Sanders, Jr, G. W, Trask, Jr. John U. Daniel., Jr. W. B. Beery W. ~'. Hollis, Jr. ~ Robert E, Huckabee, Sr. Augusta G. P~ner ~ Mrs. W, L. Wheeler Richard- A. Blake E. H. Bellamy Wilm~.ngton Fertil:i-zer Co. Elizabeth P. Adams Daniel B, Hardee Paul. C, Teachey, J.r, lr~ilmington Assgciate:;, Inc, Ramada Inns, Inc, Wllmingtori AssociateU, Inc. Waverly Development Agnes M, Mayer Wilmington Fe.r_tilizer. Co. Raiford Trask, Jr. ' Herbert B. Shaw Waverly Development Ca. ~~ ~~ ~~ A, T. I)ombr-owski Donald H. .Rouse Dorothy E, Murphy Harry E. Bro~~n. William J. Perm •' Bennie Ross Roy •Wade Blanche S. Tucker ~~ Ann~.e M. Wallace Marie P. Sikes Marie S,a'H. Hawkins William H. Butler Arnold. Sobol Ilrchie J. McGirt Garnett P. Sellers Hrs. John Baker Leamond T. Langley 13,030 26,880 , 54,050 ~7>530 15 , 21a-o , 1.4, 52.0 12_,600 ~ , ; 73,70 1.0,110 , 2,220 1,800 817,500 68,780 48 7~. y,0 41,20 2~ ~ 12Q ~ , ~, ~ L~70 13,420 ` 7~ , 000 27,500 l~ COQ ~~ 180 L~ 70 1i,5L~o X75 r~o0 ~t~ 7 ~-, ~;0 3~~,500 42 , 14~ ,, 100 116,~~0 1L~6,110 7,700 24, 5'~0 12,860 12c~,630 ]_~, 96D 8,80 24-, 270 , 71,000 231,].8Q , 11 , 7~{-0 l ~+5,190 ~ , 10,720 67;000 20,210 5 , ]_ 60 "' 5,200 10,>~~~~ 17 , ~~-'~0 12,780 26,480 ~~ `5,41.0 30 ,150 19 ! 500 ., 12,20 11 ~ 5 30 73;930 2, 570 4-,400 2.,400 81Q,000 56 , 3 30 5~~91.0 r' , ~~-., ~ 720 , . 34-,100 2 , 700 +, 13 , is-~ 0 „', l ; 200. ' 13 , Q00 1,000 '16Q ' ~~ L `~`~ i ~~ 11, 400 ; ~ ~..~, X68 ; OpQ ~~~ X53,160 92.5,000 ~ 44~i , 750 ,~ 23~2~0 ,,~~, 1.80 t07,~40 l~>75~? 52,840 ~~ 93,940 ~,, , '~/ ,~ 2 5 s 3 c. -~ ,, 16,L+00 .1.27,820 ~~, ~, :~ 15 , 960 ,, 8 ; 5?0 ~,~ ;, `' 7~, ~~0 ~~.,.~ 'i.''a. ,r '~' 2~ Q ,18'0 ~ ,. !~~ ,. ~- ~ , 82 0 ,.; 5~ , hlo ~, ~: , ; 15 a `?,30 ~ ' ,~8 ; 000 . j. 4. <, ~ i,; 3,h00 ' 16; 2~0 F , ,, } ~~ ~,. ~ , ~ ry, I, ~ , 1 ~ .1 i~~ 1 ,J' I ~ 1 li ~f 46 ~~ •L.;,e!''A~' a d ~1 ~~,~fi ~f 4 ,..la!E,~d .wu...~.u~~.. ... ,~ l~~ ~ ~ , ~` Ih ~ ( yid ~1~ ~y n.-1r-.~ .. ~ ~ ~~.. 1, 1~. ¢ , r~ ' 4~ b ~' ,,, ~. '~ ;. IJ ~. ~.. Via. I w r •: fl ' k ,, I~ Thomas Q. Murray James Moore- Zi~.la:~ -T~uesdale Harry ~', Hobbs, Jr. HrS . ~71n1~ ~?1.Tle ~ B, Edy~~rd Hill, Jr, '¢` Elizabeth I, HPrrin~ L, E. Herring J Thomas J, Head, Jr. , Hen.ry~ Harrell, IIT I Goorge,R, Honsley Rachel Hansley 1, Myrtle ~, Harker , Rosooe L, Goforth ~! Vial,e~ Jae ,~ , I~entleth L. Johnson y. Paul ~* ~Tohrisori Clain. ,{fit Efird, J:~, Spy W, Farmer Ea~r~ra L~~ HoY~~is ~. John R~. I~i,nes John. H.", Tones ~ ~ ~~ ~, Baysho:re' Estates, Inc,r L. F. Willi~~ms ,t, Bays}~.Qre Estates, Inc ~ " II u ~ II ' I1. ,~ n ~ „ ~ I, ~~ tr n II ~I. ~ 11 ,, I1 ~ 11 I~' Ifi n ' ' rr ~. II t tl 11 It n i It + ''~~' ~, rr ~. jt sl, U ~' .. Ir ~, ~r n. n ~ n p,Er .' ~I ~t II i It .~ , tt'1. ~j' If ~ f ti ~,„ ~' a f i t ~~' f' I I I I d It 11 ";,.lo p. It } { ~ ~ ~, ~:. (I rl , II r ,~, Ii 1,1 II ~- t.l ,. rr ~ Itl ~~. ~ '~I r ,. r ~{. ~I , Il.l ~ II II J„~: i„. i ~ 'I, ~ 11 -~ 11 ~~', '.t 11 { I; t l ~' 'j ' a`' i i. r,VI~ t1 ~i F.,; Its II ~, 1 } I1 ~ d' i Vu ~. ,,. ~ i ~, .~i ~,rv 'l,' ,i li~~ '1. 1 ~, QuF . a I ~ r ^i~,+ y,t {, r ~', 4 ,I. °'-rl i. ' ~ ~ „~ ,, 4~ .i ..: {, ~~. w I I 1 I l' J' ~~ rl' 1 I .. I x ', 1~ ~- i _....L.. ?"_~ I i ~rkl, '. n i ~, I I y ,. I {'~;~ (Cpn.tinuec~ ,~ ( ~ Pale ~~3 ~ J,,P I iy.,, ~ ~~ ;, OL~~ V~ILZTia '' ~ I NEW V11LiJE i 1 ~ Ir~ ~3 ~ X00 ~' ~~~ x, r~, ~~ IR ~-~ i >n0 '' '~' + (~ . . ll'' pp ... ~r , l>oo ~ 3 , X00 ~,{.J LI-, ~ ~i0 ,1:. ~-I~, 600 ,t' '~~'~ 2~ yti 50 ?2 2~C~ .I, ~,~,, j , ~. ~Q .I t rw 3 ~ r~JE~ y,. ~c , ~ 30 ,~ f,~, ~C , Eal~ ~ .6,,, 1,51}0 12.;~u-0 .~.`, ,. 7 ~ ~~o ~. ;~. ,I ~ ~~o. ~ ; .~ ,~ ~J.,w,,l ' ~, ~t-, 200' ' ~' ~ Oz(~ ~~,' 31, ~ ca0 ~ ` 3a, loo ~: ' "~ ~ 13 670 r. ~~.,,, ~ I~~ ],>, Old ~r~,i~~.~~ 39,50 ( ±IJ,~ ~ ca ~p 5 ~ , ... + , ~ ? 600 . ,, 71. 5`~0 ;: 30 57Q ~. ~ ,, { „a ~, ~~ ~ F;1.,.0 ,ti , ,, 2~1- , X310 ? ~ :'4(? 1, 630 `' ,, I r { .~ z0, <<~-0 ,~~, s ~~ L' 36,.260 ~ ,I: ~„ ~ a t. ~ , „{; .,,. ` _ 32 ;1.~0 ~ ~ -- - 4 ~ 4~0 M,' '° la . ~ ;. --- ~, 5 ; ~~o p~~, ` ~,, i~ 5 3'~ ~ ,I 'l y. ~ a~_ ~~ i ,, F. ,, b i. a, .; ~ V'p!'.I'. ~~~.~;; ., ~ ~. sj I. ~ ~ .l 3p ;. ~, { .I y -~+r~n il.l 1~ .y'~?~(.JO .~,, 1~i I?~1,1~~LEr ~~ '~ 1rN :,~ :~I --,~ ,a ~}-; 880 ;,, ~;,, I (, I ,. ~ I i 1't~' ~~ t ~~. ~r ~ ly c~(~ yl~ .,~ ~k,~ 47 ' ~~' ~ I - _ ~~ '~ Yi H ~, <~, v; vi ,~r1 ~ ,~70,,~,, ,, ~. ,, iF r ~ ~ ~ ~ c, q a jl, ;~ ~ 1 ~I Jib i ~S~ ~~1 ~J ,~ 11 ~ ' ' ' / t del F 1 , IM nn ~~Fkd ~~r~~w~~>'.1'1:&hV~~ h 1+4 ~. ,~. 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V 1, 11 .v,", ' ~ -- - ~~ ~ ,E' ,~: ~ ~ ~, ;e ,ioy 9;. 5;,3so ;, ;, . ~ ~~ ,,~ , ,,s,l. ~~;r ~I'~ ,r ', , ! 4 h '' ~ ~; ,p.;j', a,. ,1.1 .,. ,i~l, '~~ I f'~ ~ ~, n[ ''V'! . y i a 'r ti L q p ' ~ ~ July d', 30 ~ x.975 .. ,, , ~' , ~''4 ' I • ~ ~ec~u~~t the follo~rair~~ values be cha,r~~;ed as kz,own below. My staff,~..,_ has reviewed these' p.raperties and feels these ad'ju'stment s should be ~~ I'~" ;~ made. , 'i' ,~` T~XFAYER ! M~1P NU1`T}3T.,R , .I,, tiTA'LUE ~ RECOMMENDED VALU --~- E. V. S. Draper 57-20-05-03 ~a ~9', 358 ~' 42,850 '" ~~.',°;;f, Hiram ~~. Zee 61-12-07-14 7,7', 580 38 , 820 ~, ~' Di;-r~can M. Borneman~ 7 O1-12-0 -1.6 370 3~3., ~ , "~;; , 39 420 Robert C. Morris 4 `~7-20--15-IO . 47,60 ,,, 48, 390 ~-+''I' ~ lIilda G1. C7ordon 57-20-15-oq ?5., 5y0' 23,100 ,. ,~. Dr,. H. ~. laaton ~ '" 54-00-~12--03 76, 530 ~ 35, r.,,~-:,.~ ~, 790 .,' ' , ~ ' ` E.. 'C~. I~e~;•;is Estate, 88-].0-04-27 35,050 ' 27,60p ",;,,}{ ,~ ~'c~~_~:~%~' R. Lewis, J,r, f~£3-10-0~+-27.002 ~--- ,; , ", ;v'''. 1,3,000 a,~ , ~d,_ ~'~. .~q~'be~'t ~+1-00--01--02 £31',894 ` , ,. .~~';j'~'; ~ 87,400''' Harry- C~~~.~.es 4t`3-16-OLI-04- 16,21.0 , 25,490 ,~.~ Anxiie Gx+ay Sprunt 03-15-0~~ -0? 150, 090 135 ~, 31~ ,I. , ;~;, ,, ~~ " ~~ 63-15-01--1 10,430 12,830 ;x' ~~ ~~ I,~ 63-1.5-oti -2.001 ,--- ~' 200 ~...; . ~ , ,, r~. 1' I'4, :Ir .,. ~~~ i I 4 ,f 1 ~,~~ ~! ~ is ,;. z. ~' ~ ~, j r, r, .i J'•, I: ~ '~ i e I ~ i ~ IF,.Is•j ~, ~ 1 ~. ~T ~ky° ~~ ~ I f~' 1 ~ , .I i ~y 1, toy I1'~' ~f t' 1 }~ ^~ A 5 1 I I h I. 1' ~~ I h1 l ± ' I' ~t I 1 ~ ~ to ~~ v r'q ! ~ i r ,. ~, I 4:, ~~, ul~ ~ r I if i { I Ali ~ 1. ~1. ~~ I~j, I~ ~'~~i j'~ ~~) y .~{ .iA i , ° i .Q ~{ ~ . . ~I .r, 4 Y I ~,, ,. 1 > .~. ~ I ~: ~.~ya ~ ~ll , ~. ~I, I l~, '.4. y ;1~ ;YJ ~', i 1 ' .~ ~ , tr ~ ,yfY i r- idj1{i ~. , ~J i, !~, h' ~; ~+ I'. ~s ! '~ .li.. A1~+~,n,, J 'S ~1,4~ .~ I~ °( - I 1 C 5 i~ 1 ' .l~f~ I~~1~, .F~ ~1 I I 1~ I I~ I '~4'~~rF'I ~~~ .4{. ~,,,~'~ ,~l ~~, ~s 'i ~ ~l''n' ~ ~~ l r ' i. 1 1', ~ 1 .,.~., ..~~ ., .. ,...., ..~-... .. .. ,, . ., ~~ ~ ,., ~,., ~,.,, 6~ ~d.,..,~ ~,. ~ r ~ ~ ,~4~. ~ ., ~...~.° L.~~ m, _ - ~~ a.t " %r d ti. 9S. V.~ 1~ a. ~r„ ; ~tf' I LARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMONDE BLAKE,JR Appraisal Supervisor ~,anober II~17~Y C ~~Q N. Stn st. ~~Cm~ngton, .~ ~ 2801 NEW HA.NOVER COUNTY T~.X COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU JULY ~'! , 1 q`~5 PREPAYMENTS COLLECTED TO DATE Y 'I'1,55~.00 BECK T ~=1 XES ~~ ~ ~~ MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 'I ~ 4 w 31 73'~~• ~0 Real Estate $r73~,356.~~ h~~05,089.'!5 Less Abatements .00 - z3~E-.0? Collections to Date -'IF,80~.45 -2'I , 354.85 Outstanding Balance ~~5,546,`;l~ ~'~?~,'6~.3? Percentage Collected `.'i~ ~ 7`''' BACK TAXES Personal Property ;;34%,57u-.95 4r34.3,6?'7.~? Less abatements .00 - 'I?5.~~ Collections to Date - 5,03.?~ - 3,SO~.~F Outstan.ciing Balance 338,537.'ih 330,6?B•Q8 Percentage Col7_ected ~ . Sod ~ • ~o Total money processed through collection office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and. Wrightsville Beach to date "75,4-90.9• This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, '1975• Re,,pectfulJ~ submitted , Jame B. Straughn Co7_lector of Rever_ue ` / 3 ~tf !~0 ~~ JBS/swr.