1975-09-15 RM Exhibits~~~ LARRY J. POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMpND E. BLAKE, JR. Appraisal Supervisor "~ ~ 9 N. 5th st . ~~anober ~Y ~ o~~ ~ l ~ SS ~Q~l ~~ MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue ~iirntngtott, ,~. ~. 28401 September 9, '-975 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS 762-o3g~ COLLECTIONS THRU AUGUST 3'1, ~ 975 '-975 X974 Prepayments Collected to Date ~ 41,480.29 ~ 64,25'1.2 Back Taxes Real Estate ~332,356.~9 ~305,089•~ Less Abatements - 9~•~2 - 334.9 Collections to Date - 22.,826.44 - 27,760.8 Outstanding Balance X309,438.63 X276,993.3' Percentage Collected 6.9/ 9•~` Back Taxes Personal Property X343,874.95 X343,627.2 Less Abatements - 93.96 - '138.2' Collections to Date - 6,76.46 - ~,~83.'I Outstanding Balance ~337,0~3.53 X338,'100.7' Percentage Collected 2.0•~ ~•5` Total money processed through collection office for New Hanover County City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach to date $'194, 369.54. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 'I, '1975- espec{t,~fu~ly submitted, Janie B. Stra ghn Collector of Revenue JBS/swr NEW HANOVER COUNTY SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1974 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Interest Collected Advertising Cost Collected Delinquent Real Estate 188625.31 Delinquent Personal Property ?9929.65 Prepayments to 6/30/74 6,,013.43 Deposited - Wachovia Bank 7~?17~012.55 Deposit in transit 6/30/75 29.31 6~ 510s4?1.59 1,492,124.29 8~002~595.88 - 25,018.14 ?,9775??.74 12,501.19 1,400.?5 7J991,479.68 Over Remitted Known overpayments (Prepayments) - Net Over Remitted Due Town of Wrightsville Beach Rec. #38098 #38989 60.29 Due City of Wilmington Rec. ~61257~ #72509 29.31 Unknown Overage 40.35 129.95 7,991,610.25 130.57 .62 129.95 ,tip, 1 J LJ~-0.L wv Janie B. Straughn Collector of Revenue r ~ ~ t. t I, Janie B. Straughn, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and lavas of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as Collector of Revenue of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and that I will not allow my actions as Collector of Revenue to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God. (Mrs.) Janie B. Straughn Collector of Revenue The above oath was administered to Mrs. Janie B. Straughn on September 15, X975, before the Clerk of Superior Court and filed vaith the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners on this date. Honorable Clerk of Superior Court i~ I, Janie B. Straughn, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the Constitution and la~•~s of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as Collector of Revenue of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and that I will not allow my actions as Collector of Revenue to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God. ~,\\ -Ltd i\~.t (Mrs. ,~~ Janie Collector of The above oath was administered to Mrs. Janie September 15, X975, before the Clerk of Superior C Clerk of the Board of Commissioners on this date. J l~ ~?'Lr`r , ~ f~~~ 1. B. StraughnJ Revenue B. Straughn on curt and filed with the ~~ -~~ ``~~ ' ~~ , 1 ~~onorable Clerk o~ Sup~rio~ Court DEPARTMENT (;~F THE ARMY SA~/A~NNAH DI5TRICT CORP'S OF ENGINEERS P O. BOX 889 SAVANNAH. GEORGIA 31402 SASR~I-~1 Mr Peter R. Davis, Chairman Board of Cornnissioners New Hanover County 14 North Third Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Re Right-of-Entry, New Hanover County Airport Dear Mr Davis: 5 September 1975 This office has received verbal authority from the Office of Chief of Engineers, Washington,., D.C , through theix South Atlantic Division, Atlanta, Georgia, for the issuance of a right-of-entry to New Hanover County with the full coordination of Region 4, General Services Adminis- tration Acegrdingly, due to the urgency of the use and assumption of custody and protection of the property, you are hereby granted an .immediate right-of- entry on approximately 41.27 acres of land and facilities thereon as shown in red on Exhibit "A" attached hereto This right-of-entry is subject to 1 Full coordination with the Adjutant General, State of North Carolina, Army National Guard., Raleigh, North Carolina, Colonel Elbert McPhaul, tele- phone (919)-829-3775. 2 Fair market value less cost of care and custody of facilities. 3 For a one year term with no assurance as to the ultimate recipient of this property 4 Use of property will not interfere with the disposal action 5 That the United States shall not be responsible for damages to property or ink uries to peraons which may arise from or be incident to Y ~JOwT,ONQ~ °~~` ~_ »,B_,s~s Y t, y ..r ~!'~, v A. 8 SASR1~1 5 September 1975 Mr. Peter R. Davis, Chat~man the exercise of the privileges herein granted or far damages to the property of the granteee, or for injuries to the person of the grantee, or for da~ma.ges to the property or injuries to the person of the grantee's officers, agents, servants, or employees, or others who may be on said premises at their invi4tation or the invitation of any ane of them, and the grantee shall hold: the United States harmless from any and all such claims. 6. This right-of-entry may be cancelled by the Government at any time by thirty (30) days writtsen notice 7. That New '~iiaaover County agrees to accept and be bound by the conditions of Standard Form, Department of the Army License, when presented, including any monetary consideration that may be specified Inclosed is a copy of ENG Form 808. It is requested that you acknowledge receipt of this right-of-entry by sign- ing in the space below and returning this copy to this office, keeping the signed duplicate for your files. S~.ncerely yours, 2 Inc1s as stated W. K MIMS Chief, Real Estate Division Right-of-Entry is received and acknowledged together with assumption of cu~sltody and accauntab3.lity of the property thereon this _ day of ~g~cte~...~,-e !' , 1975 at !/' 3~ o'clock (a.m ~~~-:) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TITLE ~. ~ .„ '^] 4 i r' ,~ • NORZ+g CAKQI~INA N~ gANOV.ER COIII3TY C~ AGREEMENT _ THIS AGREEMENT, made this ~ day of 1975, by~and between New Hanover County, a municipal corpora- tion and'. political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as County, and the Board of Trustees of First: Baptist Church, situated at the corner of Fifth and Market Streets, in the Town of Wilmington, North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as Church. County and Church, for the considerations set forth herein, agree as follows: unt shall furnish at its own cost and I. Co y a aterial and work for the expense alI labor and services triedL~w Enforcement Center Building and related construction and completion of/the installation of concrete includings and steel' tiebacks beneath the property of Church in Block 168 of t3ze City of Wilmington. County will cause the same ,, tip ba constructed in a thorough, workmanlike and substantial :: . ~;, ~. ~ ,~,~ ~~ ~pstt aAd iA strict accordance with drawings ~~` -0. ~~~ " ~at~d tp~itieatie~s prap~~ DY Ballard, McKim ~ Sawyer, ,- ~, , uchitsets, copy of which is appended hereto. ,:• 2. County shall be responsible for any damage to ui ment of the Church that may ~~~ ~- - .r the propez•t,~, building and eq p the construction and completion of the Law Enforcement Center Ceanplex be caus~eci by the installation of tiebacks, and for any injury and done or•compensation required to be paid under any present or future law, to any person and for any damage to any property occurring or resulting from the work. County shall indemnify Church against all such injuries, damages, and '<_7~ construction and c letion of compensation arising or resulting from the / n~tLa~'ia~fQOno t enter Conn plea and said tiebacks. 3. Should the installation of said tiebacks, the3-r' cnntinned existence, or the abandonment thereof, ever interfere with the use of the property of Church by Church, County,. IIpon request of Church, shall have such tiebacks removed'. at its expense, or will reimburse Church for any cost or expense which Church might incur by reason of such tiehac~cs:having been placed in the underground portions of Churchz•'s< property. 4_ In consideration of the foregoing, Church herewi:.t~i grants County the right to install concrete and steel tiebacks beneath the ground level of the property of Church„ provided such installation shall be in accordance with the-specifications attached. I]~ 11Z1N'ESS WSEREOP, th• parties haw executed tbie a ~~~~ ~~etiday and year first above written. ~ „~---• ~~ ~~ ~~' i ~~~ ~4. l~ ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~,~ ,~ ~ ti~ '- ` ATTEST:: G~ty Clerk Chairman, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ~~ ~ ~'~. ~+ ~ ~C..~~ -~7:.., (SEAL) Dr. John S'tike ' _2_ ~2~~ ,~~ .~,'.2.~1~`, ~ (SEAL) Garland B. Garrett,_Sr. (SEAL) ~~ ~ ~"~ ~ ~ (SEAL) Gr Ville A. Ryals / ' -~F''`/,-~~ (SEALS rir.,~-'~nius Smith ' ~S °°-~"~-~ ~~J~ (SEAL) Waddell Corbett NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I ~ ~~G •~'-k-~rr, ct,O ~ , a Notary Public in and for the state county aforesaid, do hereby certify that Alyce Brown p sonally appeared before me, and who being duly sworn, says that she knows the common seal of New Hanover County and is acquainted with Peter R. Davis, that she, the said Alyce Brown., is Clerk of New Hanover County, and saw the said Peter R. Davis, Chairman of the Board of County Co~raissioners, sign the foregoing instrument, and saw the •aid coa~ooa seal of acid County of New Hanover affixed ~~ ~ ~-~ ~a~eat by •aid C2uisman, and that ahe, the said ~. ~l~ ~s+o~wo, Clrsk as atorruid, •igaed ~~rs Haar is attaata- F ~~ ~ :~ ,~~ ~ t~ of thr dw ot~ paid itutrv~t iu t2~r prsuno~- y ~~~ a. at paid Cluirsan .ot the ~oar~ o! Coua Coeamisaionara x ~ °~~ .. ,~bY,+ti~ ":3~IdF"° ;r. ~,~ ~,v r~r~J.~,~. ."' ~.~~~~ -: ,• g~~ 1y~q~ 1, {~yy ~ ~',~ ~ y,~;,• ~~~ ,+..'*r .kr~'~`.~ ~ ~, ,~ ,, , ~{" ~d" k 1.. xu.~~ . .p' "•G': • S"~ wi- '~e~' 'aY.6~..~ ' r'g .•C M'~' ~y~+"~" ~„ ' WI S . „mY hand and notarial seal this the' ' Jt~ dap o! , 1975. ,~ ~J ~dtary Public r ~~ ~~ ~`' MX Commission Expires: ~ ~ ~: i -3- ~ • w w • ~ a NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, ~~,~~( ~ , a Notary Public in and for the state and county af~'resai:d, do hereby certify that Dr. John Stike, Garland B. Garrett, Sr., Thomas G. Johnson, Granville A. Ryals, Dr. Junius Smith, and Waddell Corbett, each personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument as Trustees of First Baptist Church. r ~ WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this the day of `~~.~,.,- , 1975. J~ C2~~2~~ (/ Notfary .Public My Commission Expires: ~~ ~.- `~ o ~:~. ,~ ,,,. ~N ~ ~. ~ ~ A at _ ~ '; _ ~' hY ~ ~ ~ +~..r~~" ~ *~ ~ ~gM~" ~5 pew f+ s ~" 4 t'R +~. ~~ ~ ~y ~~y~M~+~~ wyp"~~41. ]p. 4 ~r .,,yc~~, ':V ` b ~ r fpv J" ++ ~ ~ ~k., " H.N.; 5 :{~, ii7[GG 74 ~ ~r ~ ~ r ~ I~ J ,y IFk ~~. _,~.~~.. .7`r .err ~ 5`'F~'r~' .. a ~ ' 3 t ~, -4- 3 x ~u ' ~. • MiSS1r1G~Urnent ~rccM~-~t W~ ~-h 11~cC~ Hanover ~cm ~ r, a l N os p~ tc~.l ~3oard D ~' ~ ~ Cc~'im~ Concern' "9 U S I-I ~4 (~o m b l~ 4 ~ c~ ~rorn 9/15/ 75 -~~~"~