1975-09-22 SpM Exhibitst TABULATION OF BIDS RECEIVED 16 SEPTEMBER 1975 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 1975 F A A OFFICE ADDITION TO AND INCLUDING REMODELING OF TRAFFIC CONTROL BUILDING NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL CONTRACTORS Luther T. Rogers, Inc Frank King Construction Company Dixie General Contractors A G Carter Smith Construction Company Miller Building Corporation GASCO Corporation Kay Building Company McGinnis Construction Company Harnett Construction Company Jere LeGwin Construction Cc. William & Frink, Inc. z BID BOND 5% ~ 5% ~ I s% I ,) 5% 5% I 5% ~ ~ 5% ~ 5% ~ ~ 5% 5% ~ 5% I~CHANICAL CONTRACTORS ~ BID BOND I Jordan-Blanton-Myers Company ~ 5% Hanover Iron Works, Inc. ~ 5% ~ Cannon Heating & Air Conditioning ( 5% ~ Tidewater Heating &.Air Conditioning ~ert Ck. $5~0 Blanton Heating & Air Conditioning I ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ~ Caoe Fear Elects is Company, Inc ~ Graves Electric Company Paul T Turner Electric Company Hodges Electric Company I Watson Electrical Construction Co, BID BOND ~ 5% 5% ~ 5% ~ 5% ~ 5% I JL A L~l lea.:, L~~L Ill •jiLl By William J Bone ~ ~ ~. W ~ ~, ~ e~ Leslie N Boney, Architect BASE BID 45,900 36,646 45,330 42,872 48,343 47,000 48,316 40,400 40,139 53,999 38,673 BASE BID 8,640 8,100 7,223 9,283 BASE BID 26,711 20,348 24,750 22,385 33,400 Total 64,217 i. i i / ~~, ~ ~. .. , COUNTY OF PERSONNEL OFFICE N E W H A N O V E R TELEPHONE 762 7590 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 September 18, 1975 MEMORANDUM TO Mr Dan Eller FROM Jack DiSarno RE Public Service Employment I was recently informed that this County is eligible for Public Service Employment Funds, (P S E ) Public Service Employment is one small part of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (Title II) The Emergency Jobs Program is funded under Title VI of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (C E T A ) I suggest that New Hanover County accept all P S E funds offered This program is more beneficial to local government for a number of reasons (1) The funding is fairly stable It should not fluctuate to the degree that E J P funding has This will enable us to plan and manage the program efficiently (2) Employees under P S E receive a full range of fringe benefits This should reduce turnover (3) A considerable amount of money (up to 10% of the allocation) can be spent for training, office supplies, mileage reinbursement, etc This provision will allow us to reduce turnover and reduce the amount of operating expense the County will have to absorb We will also be able to establish specialized positions, e q Office Machine Mechanic which require extensive training The only significant disadvantage in this program (P S E ) is the requirement that we transition 50% of the employees by the conclusion of the program An identical requirement was included in the old Emergency Employment Act (P E P ) contract and we exceeded the 50% goal The County must simply agree to make a "good faith effort" to transition half of the employees with any area employer i Page Two There has been a considerable amount of discussion as to whether New Hanover County would be a "Program Agent" or "Contractor" in P S E At your request I contacted Dick Crawford and suggested they become a Program Agent for their P S E Program Dick stated, after discussing it with Joe Dixon, Personnel Director, that they would prefer the County to be "Program Agent" and the City to simply be a "Participating Unit " According to the Office of Manpower Ser- vices the County would not have to write checks, or keep detailed records for the City Additionally, I was informed by the Office of Manpower Services that there is no extra administrative workload associated with Program Agent status Last winter I was informed by Manpower that Program Agent status would have asso- ciated with it additional statistical requirements The only difference in Program Agent status and Contractor status is that additional administrative funds (10%) are available to Program Agents I would like to point out that the Office of Manpower Services has suggested and we have agreed that the predetermined allocation for the City and the County be adhered to ($34500 - County and $64630 - City) ~ ~ PROPOSED BUDGET SALARY & CLASSIFICATION GRADE SALARY BENEFITS Personnel Technician 59(52) $646 $6390 Training 1900 Office Machine Mechanic 61 676 5904 Protec Clothing 41 Accounting Tech II 65 809 7966 Machine Rental 500 Maintenance Mech IV 64 773 5078 Mileage Reimburs 150 Maintenance Mech II 60 646 6390 Stationary & Off 181 Supplies Sub Total $31728 Sub Total 2772 31728 Total Allocation $34500 Page Three Requests for Manpower Positions As you know, in recent months the County has received numerous requests from non- profit agencies for positions funded by the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act The requests have come from a wide variety of agencies including private non-profit agencies Most agencies that have submitted requests have not specified whether they were requesting Emergency Jobs or Public Service positions However, at this time this is an academic point because all of the Emergency Jobs funds available have been committed for some time A decision should be made with respect to whether or not the County will assign positions to non-County agencies I feel that we should limit this program to agencies which receive County funds Also a priority should be established I would suggest that we give primary consideration to requests from County departments and the Board of Education I would also suggest that only agencies demonstrating a real need be considered Agencies that have had their workload increased due to the economic downturn should receive favored treatment If the County does decide to assign positions to agencies not under the supervision of the Manager's Office,tight administrative controls should be utilized Finally, only agencies that provide County-wide services should receive considera- tion, and requests from City of Wilmington Departments should be funded from the City's allocation The following agencies have requested Manpower positions United Way Wilmington Housing Authority U S Department of Agriculture Employment Security Commission St John's Art Gallery New Hanover Drug Abuse Committee Services for the Aging Council for the Arts Youth Help Inc Respite Care INSTRUCTIONS TO CONTRACTORS PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM CETA TITLE II I General Contracting Information All positions must be listed with the local Employment Security Commission office for 48 hours to provide ESC the opportunity to refer eligible applicants After 48 hours, the contractor may consider any applications In addition, positions should be advertised in local papers and by Public Service radio announcements Every effort must be made to employ a qualified Vietnam Era veteran The files of the contractor should contain written proof of such effort, prior to employing a non-veteran The most common method is a letter to local veteran's organizations telling of the position II Eligibility Requirements To be eligible for employment in the Public Service Employment program, a person must be a resident of the geographic area designated in the program operator's contract, and meet one of the following requirements 1 - Unemployed for no less than 30 days and actively seeking work, 2 - Underemployed or economically disadvantaged, a Working part-time and seeking full-time work (Should not be working part-time for contractor ) b Working full time but his or her family income, relative to family size, is below poverty level (Should not be working for contractor ) III Priority of Hiring 1 - Eligible disabled veterans (Vietnam Era) 2 - Vietnam Era veterans who received other than a dishonorable discharge within 4 years before they apply for CETA 3 - Unemployed 4 - Underemployed or economically disadvantaged NOTE Part-time jobs may be established for people who are unable to hold down full time jobs because of age IV Additional Guidelines A Contractor Can 1 - Continue participants currently on board in the Public Service Employment program without an intervening period of unemployment 2 - Transfer Title I participants to Title II positions only if the participant met Title II eligibility requirements at the time of their enrollment in a Title I program 3 - Transfer Title II participants into Title I funded programs without an intervening period of unemployment 4 - Fill all position vacancies that occur without prior approval of -2- this office However, the vacancy must again be listed with ESC for referral action V A Contractor Cannot 1 - Hire any person when any other person is on lay-off from the same or any substantially equivalent job 2 - Employ a relative in a PSE funded position if a member of his or her immediate family is employed by the employing unit in an admini- strative capacity 3 - Transfer employees from the regular payroll to fill a PSE funded position 4 - Establish a position under PSE that is covered by funds in the employing unit's budget 5 - Increase salary and/or fringe benefit rates without written approval of this office 6 - Add or delete positions without prior approval of this office VI Establishing Salaries and Fringe Benefits All participants must be paid no less than the current minimum wage ($2 10 per hour through December, 1975, $2 30 per hour January 1, 1976) When the minimum wage is increased, those participants being paid the minimum wage must have their salary increased to the new minimum wage The maximum salary authorized for a PSE participant is $10,000 per annum, plus normal fringe benefits However, the salary for a PSE participant cannot exceed that of another employee of the contractor performing a like or similar job Fringe benefits include the following a Contractor`s part of FICA b Contractor's part of Workmen's Compensation, if appropriate c Hospital insurance, if appropriate d Contractor's part of unemployment insurance, if appropriate e Contractor's part of retirement, if appropriate, and the participant is to be transitioned to permanent employment with the contractor It is recommended that you do not claim retirement benefits as the PSE participants are usually considered temporary employees VII Invoicing Invoices must be prepared in the original and three (3) copies The original and two (2) copies forwarded to this office and one (1) copy to be retained for employing unit file A new invoicing system is being developed and will be introduced shortly VIII Forms to be completed by contractors a Application for Enrollment in CETA, Mid 200 b CETA Enrollment Notice, MIS 201 c Project Leave Notice, MIS 203 -3- IX Employment Plan. for Transition of_Public Jobs Participants Prepare in duplicate Forward original to this office no later than 30 days after a participant has been employed Retain copy for your files X Monthly Time. and Attendance Reports A monthly time and attendance report signed by the participant and his supervisor must be maintained on each participant XI Project Information Record, MIS 300 XII Fiscal Project Operating Plan Note If fringe benefits other than FICA and Workmens Compensation are being provided, enter as - C Other 60300 XIII Participant Project Operating Plan XIV Contract Application for Funding Under CETA For Assistance Call your field coordinator or Office of Manpower Services - 919-829-4930, Raleigh, N C