1975-10-20 RM Exhibits~' ~~~ ~~~. s' ~~{~, ,~.. r ~~xfl~M: r F. r= ~, 'LARRY 0, P(J~V~GL ,~ Rc.~"{~; .~, :'Tax ~ldminlgtra~ar ~.,'f~h'`,i. `~,1~'A74YM.CIAIQ E, 9l.AKE; JR. ~~r` ~,ac `H,ppr~isal. $uPeruisQr i.'_- u ~{ ~ ~Ix7~~yp ~~~1{~sji~ 6 `dr~7~r~ a~~~ ~ at ~ gar ,~ .~, r"fit ~~,r~. ~r;t ~< :i, ,; _?.~ w. F* ~, ka~r~Scra11 'Charges. ~'verie~ Added s..Ab~tements 'Taxes .Due N. H, Co . :" `~:~.~l:~c~~cl rta T. s:nd'~;ng Balance ~;ta~e 'CcalTectea id~i«"~ ia;;s~ 'h ~, F.. ~pv n '~ea1,~ _£s~~~e `Takes Cr~1`2:ect~ons try .Date Ou.ts~azidii~g Balance ;. t-x ~ ~% .JJ $ $ a.12 1..15 .'0 0 $ 8,1'2'5, 391.15' '41,x.1'8.-61 $ 8,084_,272,5-4 $. 7, 995,214 73~y ,. i., 1_o MAE B. STUART ~.isting Supervisor JAMIE 8. STRAUCMN Collector of Revenue r-. "~t :1=9 ~ 4 ~. '$ 6, 5.1:0::" ,~~~+7,1, 5~ ~~ '86,54:0 62 ~ 6~597,.012,~1 ~,,;` :1, 019 7 7 ~ ~~-r $ 6,5-95,99.2.x+'4 662,8'97 62 ~.S 5,933,094 82 1d .:.1 a i $ 3'32.,35`6 :19 k $ X05,089 15 .. ~.g~ 1'2' ~. ,. . . , 3 8 6 , 6 6 `',. ~, ,3 ~ ,'9 6 5'. ~,6`7 ~ , ' ,- 3~8 ., 8 4'7 4 6 ~`~h . $ 297 -299 .4=0 ~; $ 265,855 03 .,._:,~ 7'2 _7 °~ vim: .,~,.,,~xn..,~,.~r.a. .!i,-. w..:-+.' ...~me~..,.,,.r...~+wwA~urhw,,...,w~n ~~,.,,*...'rN.,a~.•+.:..mw« e:.w,:.~.L`p~«~t ,yM3t.... ,+7r ., 'SAC-K,~-.T.A~ES ~. , P S' ~~ $ ~~343,~87.4 '95 $ 343,'627!23 ~,~i L_es.~. ~.bat.eman,ts; ~ .9 ~ 9 6 2 3 9 , 0.2. ,., .~~w. ~.~~iT;3::eett-~.o.hs- .~ Date-., ._, ~, Nw..,..,.,.,.,~~~~~-k 7, 219 24 ~`.~~. 0-u^~sta,nding 'Balance S ,~ x.31,,1°44 63~ $ .336,16.3 97 ~~ .f Percen~,a,ge 'Collected ,~ `3., ~6 ~ ~ -.~~, :s ,, ; ^; 2 1 0 ,,, ~_Y: ~. 'To~a1 .money process~d.throu~h collection office .for New Hanover County-,, .~;~" City,{„ p~ Wilmi'ng->:on, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to '.sr date $3..20, 5.34.,.4.7 This report .i's .for' the .fiscal year beginning July 1, '1.7.5,,, ..y ~ yj;1 .~M y. i C .A. ..t&. ~yr`~._. .V. .~~ , .. .~. ~~~__ O~ fi~ ~~. ~i[tntngtot~, .~• ~ 2801 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, TAX CQLLECTTONS COLLECT-TONS THRU SEDTEMBER 30, 1975 13,,espect~u ly submitted, C C1l,Mi.~.X~ A Janie B Straug Collector of Rever>.ue ,~ V t ~~, fr' ..~ , October 15, 1975 MEMORANDUM TO Mr Dan W Eller New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FR Larry J Powell ~~~~'~ Tax Administrato RE Abatements and Refunds The following taxpayers request they be allowed the Senior Citizens' Exemption Each individual qualifies for the exemption, however, they failed to file for the release in January 1 Walter W Bordeaux $ 29 00 2 Margaret Parker 33 72 3 Doskie McCallop 29 00 4 Ellza Leboo 72 52 5 Nellie Holmes 72 52 6 Lubin F Bullard 16 21 7 Callie D Beaton 62 50 8 Mattie B Larkins 72 52 9 Dan Williams 24 66 10 Katheen Smith 13 37 11 Jewell Jackson 72 52 12 Pearl W Mason 29 00 13 Vandilea Keith 72 52 14 Robert E Bell 29 00 15 Kathlyn Block 29 00 16 William J Bryan 69.18 17 Valera Whitaker 72 52 18 Harry Burke 72 52 19 Walker Spivey 7 66 20 Mary L Smith 72 52 21 Margaret Marshburn 29 00 22 Mary B Jordan 51 62 23 Laura Johnson 72 52 24 John D Jones 56 60 25 Ruth T Hamer 2 32 26 Mabel Grossnickle 29 00 27 Clyde Dooley 24 73 28 Vennie C Davis 7 40 29 Floyd Young 1 25 30 Rufus Yow 72 52 31 W L Wheeler 29 00 Request the following taxes be abated as this is exempt property 1 Winter Park Cemetery $ 14 04 2 U S Government 1,855 42 3 Pine Valley Baptist Church 2,374 40 4 Macedonia Fbh Church 204 35 5 Town of Carolina Beach 8,607 59 6 Shaws Boy's Club 531 43 7 Seventh Day Ac:vent Church 1,335 15 8 Second Baptist Church 97 46 9 Roman Catholic Diocese 1,849 86 10 Redevelopment Comm 281 64 11 N C State Ports 377 81 12 Mount Zion African Methodist 14 07 13 Lake Side Baptist 192 07 14 Holy Sanctified Church 420 88 15 Delegdo Presbyterian 951 54 16 City of Wilmington 293 53 17 Church of Jesus Christ 39 61 18 Cemetery Cape Fear River 28 83 19 Forrest Hill Cemetery 217 55 20 Cemetery Adj Babcock ~ Wilcox 65 83 21 N C Conf of Meth Church 4,906 36 22 S E Meth Church 697 16 23 Board of Education 5,433 55 24 Bella Highsmith Cemetery 78 88 25 Bellamy Mansion 1,055 39 26 Graee Meth Church 97 90 27 Wrightsville Vol Fire Dept 115 48 28 Wesley Meth. Church 5,989 74 29 State Highway Comm 26 10 Request the following taxes be released as this property is to be State appraised 1 Southern Bell $ 954 30 2 Seaboard Coastline 274 36 3 Carolina Power 8 Light Co 10,647 12 Request the following taxes be abated as taxpayer reported In- correct information 1 Claude Jordan $ 7 40 2 Taxicabs Inc 1,136 80 3 Paul Williams 96 24 4 Reginald Dixon 16 68 5 David Allen 3 52 6 Homer Johnston 26 06 2 r Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the city or town limits, or the personal property is located within the county 1 Virginia B Orrell $ 7 40 2 Charlie Miller 48 55 3 Maurice Latham 39 27 4 Catherine Hester 16 10 5 Robert Bishop 19 21 6 Fred Boyles 97 26 7 Bonnie Bozeman 61 14 8 Agrico Discount 18 52 9 Rodney Shaver 28 64 10 James Wetherell 51 89 11 Mary A Sutton 28 92 12 Lois Holland 38 8 5 13 Gilbert Evans 30 72 14 Helen Browning 27 20 15 Billy Davis 97 99 The following taxpayers request listing penalty be released as they received listing sheet late, or listed other property which they felt covered all tracts 1 Lewis D Davis $ 4 51 2 John L Browning 322.01 3 Shoffner Ind 48 98 4 Edward Dereef 31 22 5 James S Parker 139 27 6 Ralph Cumming 34 05 7 R J Davis 3 47 Request the following taxes be released as the incorrect amount was charged due to CLT keypunch error 1 William J Kelly $ 408 41 2 Albert S Boney 7 83 3 Eugene Tate 38 63 4 Theodore Maurogianis 22 91 5 Alma Guthrie 5 80 6 Dixie Realty Co 13 98 7 Arthur Davis 15 80 8 Westminster Co 1,35 27 3 Request the following taxes be released as these are clerical errors in addition, pricing motor vehicles, etc 1 Louis Quinn $ 9 57 2 Eric Matzka 5 95 3 D D Melton 80 67 4 Irving Fogler 123 26 4 5 Mamie P Everett $ 17 40 6 William M Taylor 111 32 7 I C Arnold 29 01 8 William Brunjes 6 38 9 E A Schulz 1 88 10 F 0 Schulz 6 25 11 Arthur Gore 77 89 12 Carl Schutt 19 45 13 M Co Schweitzer 3 44 14 Richard Strlckney 2 37(Refund 1974) 15 James Adams 183 00 16 David Daland 8 39 17 Dorothy Bellamy 44 06 18 John C Smith 2 54 19 Johnny Sinclair X07 62 20 Leasing Service Inc 14 50 21 Charles Russ 79 22 Fred Royal 12 11 23 Bennie Ross 3 85 24 John Hunt 19 84 25 J E Fergus 36 55 26 Louis A Davzs 3 00 27 College Court Est 148 52 28 James Butler 9 86 29 Lucille Buck 4 77 30 Robert W Hooker 3 43 Request the following taxes be released as taxpayers were charged on Incorrect acreage 1 Lowes Inv Co $ 192 02 2 Pine Valley Co Club 6 32 Request the following taxes be released as the property has been double charged due to change In map number by C LT, or double listed by taxpayer 1 Sarah Towles $ 103 26 2 L P Hinton 353 62 3 George H Currie 32 73 4 Marie Hawkins 44 60 5 A T Dombroski 73 08 6 Wanda Haynes 87 54 7 Katie Ikner 1 99 8 David M Stubbs 259 81 9 Smith Builders Inc 275 09 10 Herbert Roskind 313 25 11 H L Klander 368 52 12 Ernest James 113 12 13 Thetis Irving 45 59 14 A C Ingram 3 51 15 James C Huggins 22 85 16 Julius Hodge 191 50 17 Grover Hines $ 107 O1 18 Jessie Hall 157 47 19 Gregory Pool 12 25 20 Charles Gore 52 06 21 Jack Glazier 412 24 22 Edward Cunningham 48 23 23 City Coach Line 30 74 24 Manley Carr 23 20 25 Robert Calder 1,254 66 26 Robert Bell 222 26 27 James Reece 169 82 28 James Poole 170 64 29 William Peterson 342 63 30 A H Harrell 46 40 31 Roy Ward 10 73 32 Richard Wetherell 117 45 33 W R Grace 900 99 34 Curtis Hodge 718 97 35 Elizabeth O'Quinn 258 86 36 M R Zimmerman 431 38 Request the following taxes be released due to incorrect map numbers These numbers will be reassigned and the tax recharged in supplement billing, with correct personal value 1 John Hill $ 131 90 2 B B Willoughby 193 77 3 Matilda Atkins 32 38 4 John Thompson 45 95 5 H I Summerlin 11 08 6 Lois Stephens 426 00 7 Joel M Somersett 176 67 8 Norval Smith 77 73 9 Marvin Smith 405 06 10 G L Smith 191 25 11 Edward B Smith 173 62 12 Bennie Ross 49 71 13 Billy Rooks 67 22 14 Dennis Richard 400 75 15 J D Orrell 93 65 16 John Ormond 556 27 17 Ibrahim Orgun 150 54 18 Richard Moore 93 22 19 William Meyer 247 07 20 Elizabeth Meier 489 86 21 Agnes Mayer 1,48.1 33 22 Paul Marinto 339 46 23 C Dana Malpass 48 08 24 Hampton McKinney 359 75 25 Marie McGregor 486 55 6 26 Michael McGee $ 25 26 27 George Mandy 32 19 28 David Loughlin 452 12 29 James Lee 96 07 30 Ethel Lee 484 11 31 Leonard King 1_,059 87 32 William B King 224 69 33 Mac F Jones 1,034 91 34 Norman Johnson 33 50 35 John R Ingram 438 95 36 Whitley Hood 277 20 37 W J Hollis 17 54 38 William S George 169 53 39 Ada Garrett 342 53 40 J H Fussell 81 35 4I Katherine Hall 415 37 42 Hollle Dale 378 05 43 Henry L Crotts 375 89 44 Coastal Service 125 15 45 Cleave Cardwell 320 51 46 Betty Burton 307 23 47 Juliet Burnett 1,427 82 48 J E Burriss 60 77 49 Robert Bryan 352 85 50r Annie Bordeaux 165 71 51 Noah Boney 11 74 52 Eloise Batson 164 21 53 Jimmy Barfield 363 56 54 Thomas Baker 377 57 55 Arnold Russell 326 41 56 Olive Benton 158 40 57 E A Rivenbark 156 60 58 Clarence Berry 387 26 59 Cora Poteat 499 50 60 David Watson 307 40 61 Hugh Williamson 294 91 62 James Battle 40 45 63 Ester Downing 164 95 Request the value of Mrs Thelma Tolar be rec3.uced to $42,730 from $45,400 This change is made due to the removal of one fireplace, and changing the points for the additions Thls property was inspected by Mr Montgomery Request the 1974 taxes for Frank H Anderson be abated In the amount of $208 09; the house was double charged Since this is an extensive list, request if you have any questions to come by the tax office to review the cases in question Request this be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners .. meeting of October 20, 1975. cc Mr. James Fox Ms . A~~~c~ Brown