1975-11-03 RM Exhibits CALDER AND STANLEY ATTORNEYS AT LAW 411 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA 28401 ROBERT CALDER RICHARD L. STANLEY October 31, 1975 P O Box 1297 Tee. 919 763 1683 'Mx. Terry frown X26 etorth Crestwood Drive Wilmington, Vii. C. Z8~01 Dear Mr, Brownm I am writing this letter to you in my capacity as attorney far G & F Construction, Inc., and the President and Secretary of that corporation, ~. t~. Grathwol and Ann F. Grathwol, and with the authorisation of the corporation and Mr. and Mrs. Grathwol. I ats addressing th+e letter to you but it is directed to all of th® pre,~ent homeowners of Crestwood Subdivision. Thi,~ letter is t© confia:~ the agreement made by G & F Construction, Inc., and Mr. and Mrs. Orathwol, to your group orally concerning the development of the ?valance of the Crestwood tract of Land. Their afire®ment with you is as fallowsm 1. They will not construct any houses in the subdivision having lase than 1,t1~0 square feet of heated living space with a garage nor less than 1,30t~ square feet of heated living space if the house is without a garage or carport. (They do not at the preeeant time. intend to have any carports). 2. They are going to restrict the new sections of Crestwood Subdivision, beginning with Section 7 and 8, so as to require that any house constructed with a garage must have a minimum of 1,Ofl0 square feet of heated living area and if constructed without a garag®. must have a >~minimum of 1,~0© aquas f~-et of living area. 3. That th® average lot sis~e of the total remaining iota of the Cr®stwoo$ tract, which will include Sections 7 and 8 and all additional Sections, will not average less than 1Z,OOt~ square feet per lot. The 12,t?Ot3 square foot average wi11 b® determined by the area actually enclosed within the various lot lines, which will include any easements or right of ways crossing the lot but would not include any portions of the land devoted to roads, parks or fireen area which is not included in a particular lot. .~ '~ ~~- 4ctober 31, 1975 To: Mr. Terry EroKn 4. In maintaining an average lot sise of not less than 12,000 square fe®t, ther® will necessarily b® some lots larger than 12,000 square feet and some lots smaller than 1,000 square feet, but there will be no lots in the nsw Sections that will have 1®ss than 10,5&0 square lest. As stated to you and the other hoz~eowners at our meeting, I am going to present a copy of this letter to the County Comraisaionsra to®etinq on Monday, November 3, 19?5, and inform them that w® have had this mA~etinQ and reached an amicable agreamont with the homeowners. An behalf of blr. and blrs. Grathwol, G 6 F Construction, inc., and myself, I want to thank you and the other homeowners for arranq- inq to meet with us and for having the meeting in your home. fir. Grathwol also agpreciat®a the sugqestions concerning the fire prob- lem anc~ other ssrtters and hopes that you and the other hor~aeoanere will continue to ba in touch with him and make any sugqestions that you ~aay haves frog tip to time, and bring to his att®ntioa and any coamaents that you may have. YOUrs very traly, CA~,DER AN© STA~+1LgY Attorneys for Q ~ F Construction, Ino., W. fit. Grathwol and Ann !'. Grathwol RC: barb Errol. CC: G i S Construction, inc. Mr. and Mrs. '~. 8. Grathwoi New Hanover County Hoard o! County Como~aissioner's Mr. Jaak G. Stocks October 30, 1975 MEMORANDUM TO Mr Dan W Eller New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FR Larry J Powell ,~~' Tax Administrator RE Abatements and Refunds The following taxpayers request they be allowed the Senior Citizens' Exemption Each individual qualifies for the exemption, however, they failed to file for the release In January 1 E F Loftin $ 72 52 2 A L Roberts 72 52 3 Pascal Camak 53 00 4 Van Everette 35 15 5 Mack Moore 72 52 6 D H Maultsby 72 52 7 Emma Padrick 72 52 8 Sara Wortham 72 52 9 Robert E Tapp 72 52 10 C W Yeopanis 42 78 11 Celia Jones 72.52 12 Rosie A Thompson 29 00 13 John H Hammond 72 52 14 Norman Hemby 29 00 15 Jeanette Fussell 72 52 16 John H Dudley 29 00 17 Katie Grady 29 00 18 Lillie Truesdale 26 68 19 Minnie Southerland 29 00 20 Fanny Benson 5 00 21 Emanuel Core 29 00 22 Sadie Atkins 57 72 23 Alice Sweat 62 79 24 Blanche Phillips 72 52 Request the following taxes be abated as taxpayer reported incorrect information 1 Blossom Dew $ 15 59 2 0 B Arrington 43 99 3 Z A Sneedens Inc 128 30 4 Hugh West 26 74 5 Oscar W Harrell 84 84 6 Althea Canady 40 61 7 Robert Thompson 34 53 8 Sandra Janicki 10.88 9 Julian Spencer 118 57 10 Mary Hugh 11 44 2 11 Howard Armistead $ 10 16 12 William Kelly 78 05 13 Mary Gage 12 06 14 Ila Ulmer 17 78 15 N C Apt Inc 449 79 16 Aaron Goldberg 58 O1 On October 8, 1975 Mr Billy Tyson appeared before the Board of Equalization and Review and stated he only had one bath and thought all houses_in Shearin Hills had only nne bath The Board requested this be checked The following taxpayers were charged with 1z baths and should have only been one bath 1 Paul Young $ 1 97 2 David Paul 2 17 3 Frank Root 2 17 4 James Moore 1 97 5 Rivera Peralta 1 97 6 Charles Rector 2 17 7 Patrick Russell 2 23 8 William Holloway 1 97 9 Jessie Edward 2 10 10 Herendon V Harmon 2 15 11 Randy Scott 1 97 12 Richard Williams 2 03 13 Emily Todd 2 23 14 Donald Albers 1 97 15 Ralpi: Bates 2 17 16 Robert Andrews 1 97 17 Martha Andrews 1 97 18 Melrose B Boyette 1 97 19 Clayton Burton 2 03 20 Donald Burris 1 97 21 Carlie Bullard 1 97 22 Edward Brenman 1 97 23 Larry George 2 23 24 David Croom 1 97 25 Steven Cook 1 97 26 Jackie Horne 1 97 27 James Nance 1.97 28 Billy Maultsby 1 97 29 William Lee 1 97 30 Irene Justice 1 97 31 Marc Jones 2 17 32 Nathan Riggs 2 03 33 Fred Rouse 2 17 34 James Rogers 1 97 35 Bertha Creech 2 03 36 Charles Styes 2 03 3 Request the following taxes be abated as this is exempt property 1 River Road Baptist Church $ 118 78 2 Redevelopment Comm 4 35 3 New Hanover Board Of Education 468 02 4 St Phillips Cemetery 7 77 5 - Board of Education 75 71 6 Sunset Park Baptist Church 526 61 7 State of N C 856 O1 Request the following taxes be released as these are clerical errors In addition, pricing motor vehicles, etc 1 Alvin Shipman $ 3 27 2 Glenora Hawkins 5 37 3 David M Daland~ 10 14 4 R H Seay 1 25 5 Abbie Blanton 60 03 6 Elsie B Smith 4 67 7 Louise D Taylor 3 02 8 Howard Pinson 12 33 9 C B Sellers 11 33 10 William Wood 14 21 11 Harlee Smith 3 94 12 Wilm Beach Inv 3 19 13 Jim Panagas 22 05 14 Jack Ashby 78 40 15 Elsie B Smith 7 95 16 Percy A Tartt 8 23 17 C Roy Malott 32 47 18 Walter Phelps 2 20 19 Anna Simmons 110 30 20 James Smith 19 55 21 L F Williams 2 09 22 Pine Valley Estates 9 22 23 Milton Finkelstein 212 11 Request the following taxes be released as these Individuals do not reside within the city or town limits, or the personal property is located within the county 1 Jerel Whitman $ 45 39 2 Benjamin Brown 63 82 3 Donald Fisher 39 64 4 Samuel Genes 26 90 5 Leota Hinson 14 07 6 Jackson Brown 19 15 7 Jeannette Bennett 17 59 8 Forest Meredith 47 18 9 Sasser's Auto Sales 68 34 10 Lewis Wade 33 11 11 Nancy Williamson 65 58 12 Joe Caston 14 65 13 Joseph Gay 72 02 4 14 Ethea Canady $ 2 83 15 James R Crawford 59 75 16 Michael Tartt 42 85 17 Raymond Schnell 31 55 18 Patricia Williams 23 50 19 W Parlser Tomlinson 41 77 20 David Thomas 53 85 21 L L Knoppe 39 19 22 Bertran Parmenter 28 28 23 Eli Gale Rose 4 96 24 Robert Heinisch 57 75 25 Maxton Radford 240 66 26 J H Hobbs 16 08 27 Fred Durant 16 54 28 Jerry D Vach 32 20 29 J 0 Whittington 1,370 85 30 Jerry W Hassell 62 62 31 Jeanett Benett 17 59 32 William White 28 72 33 Abbi~ McFarland 94 85 34 Thomas Gordon 64 56 35 Harold Parker Realty 596 24 Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged 1 E E Benton $ 24 25 The following taxpayers request the listing penalty be released as they received listing sheets late, or listed other property which they felt covered all tracts 1 Sue Sivertsen $ 38 61 2 Edwin West 15 61 3 Fred Jerome 05 4 George Canoutas 24 38 5 Janie Branch 13 67 6 Oscar Brown 87 39 7 Harry Shepard 38 83 8 Earl Withrow 16 48 9 James T Clark 1 60 10 C Sam Williams 16 10 11 Gerald Faigle 103 77 12 Movie Exhibitors 144 81 13 Foy Roe 8 Co 355 35 14 David Mitchell 5 56 15 Grifton Jones 6 06 16 Samuel Srnith 15 51 17 David Gainey 2 20 18 Elizabeth LeGwin 5 39 5 Request the following taxes be released as taxpayers were charged on incorrect acreage or wrong lot size 1 Grady Young $ 58 2 Business Properties Inc 13 92 3 Stanley Patelos 941 92 4 Charlie Taunt 2 76 5 Harry Potter 21 58 6 Seacor Inc 9 57 7 Beckers Builders Supply 251 78 8 Joseph Williams 7 02 9 J N Williams 5 34 10 Lucille Potter 60 49 11 Goldie Levine 5 22 12 David Bland 22 05 13 Wilmington Fertilizer 7 25 14 Franklin Lee 4 87 15 William Godley 10 Ol 16 Joseph Carter 852 78 17 Robert Kallman 102 10 18 David Rose 110 78 19 M S Willard 10 61 20 Edwin Smith 6 44 21 William Sammons 141 46 22 Grissella Ray 2 67 Request the following taxes be released due to incorrect map numbers These numbers will be reassigned and the tax recharged in supplement billing, with correct personal value 1 Jim C Robinson $139 69 2 B B Willoughby 369 11 3 Lillie Truesdale 8 41 4 G L Burleson 79 92 5 Resort Dev Co 331 74 6 Charles T Bell 48 37 7 Maybelle Lanier 228 22 8 John Hammond 161 82 9 David Bryant 75 13 Request the following taxes be released as there are errors in measurement, parches, fireplace, etc 1 Joseph Reynolds $ 11 87 2 Hettie McClain 1 57 3 Robert Duke 7 60 4 Harry Miller 4 12 5 John Britt 6 96 Request this be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners meeting of November 3, 1975 cc Mr James C Fox Ms Alyce Brown