1975-11-24 SpM Exhibits~~ CONTRACT ~dITH COUNTY AND DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENTS For the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1975 This Contract is entered into between the Division of Health Services of the North Carolina Department of Human Resources and the Nex 1lanaver County or District Health Department, subject to the following conditions I That in order to administer public health activities in the County or District of Nest :ianOVer , for the fiscal year July 1, 1475 to June 30, 1976, it is agreed that funds will be appropriated or allocated to the Nex Hanover County or District Health Department from the following sources in the amounts listed County $ fi22~t:4$ Cities and Towns $ State S (d~bU~6 ;II That it is understood and agreed that funds from other sources, such as Other Local or Other Non-Local, shall be in addition to these amounts, and shall be included in the State Official Budget for Local Health Activities III That for District Health Departments, County and City appropriations shall be paid in twelve (12) monthly installments to the t+ex Iianover ^,ounty District Health Department or paid in accordance with a plan mutually agreed upon by the local governing bodies and the local health director IV That the payment of State funds shall be based upon the percentage of the State appropriation to the budgeted salaries in the Local Health Department's original "Annual Budget", such budget having been approved by the Division of Health Services - 2 - A That payment by the Division of Health Services for the first quarter shall be equal to one-fourth of the total allocation for the fiscal year and shall be made no later than August 29, 1975 B That payment by the Division of Health Services for the second and third quarters shall be made not later than the 20th day of the second month of each quarter, and any adjustment which may be necessary in order to reflect the actual expenditures for approved salaries as originally budgeted for the preceding quarter shall be made in each of these payments C That the amount due from the from the Division of Health Services for the fourth quarter shall be made in two payments as follows 1 Two-thirds of the quarterly allotment, less any adjustment which may be necessary due to actual salaries in preceding quarter having been less than the approved salaries as originally budgeted, shall be paid not later than: May 25th 2 The balance due for the year shall be paid not later than June 21st after receiving the "Memorandum of June Payroll," as stated in paragraph XV, Section A, Subsection 4 of this Contract, which is a report of the salaries which will be paid for the month of June V That these funds shall be expended only for those items for which they are budgeted and approved VI That the total State funds included in the budget shall not exceed the original allotment VII THAT, EXCEPT FOR THE FIRST QUARTERLY PAYMENT, NO PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE UNTIL THE MONTHLY BUDGET REPORTS FOR ALL MONTHS OF THE PRECEDING QUARTER ARE RECEIVED BY THE DIVISION OF HEALTH SERVICES IN PROPER ORDER IF THE MONTHLY BUDGET REPORT FOR ANY MONTH OF THE FIRST, SECOND OR THIRD QUARTER IS RECEIVED AFTER THE 12TH DAY OF THE SECOND MONTH OF THE FOLLOWING QUARTER, PAYMENT SHALL NOT BE MADE UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR PAY PERIOD, UNLESS A JUSTIFIABLE REQUEST FOR AN EXCEPTION IS SUBMITTED IN WRITING B`I THE LOCAL - 3 - HEALTH DIRECTOR, AND APPROVED BY THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR LOCAL SERVICES AND THE DIVISION OF HEALTH SERVICES VIII That it is further understood and agreed that any balance remaining to the credit of the Nex Hanover ~eurty County or District Health Department as of the close of business on June 30, 1975, whether such balance has accrued from County, City or Town, State, or other funds may be carried forward to the credit of the local health department in the succeeding fiscal year IX That the County or District Board of Health shall employ in accordance with the General Statutes 130-18, a qualified Health Director who meets the following requirements A Is of good moral character B Has met the minimum qualifications established by the State Personnel Board as provided in Chapter 378, Public Laws of North Carolina, 1941, and has been certified by the State Personnel Director that he has complied with all the requirements of the State Personnel Board X That all full-time County or District Health Directors shall not engage in the private practice of medicine or other professions or occupations other than the discharge of official duties XI That the County or District Health Director, as agent of the local Board of Health, shall have sole authority to employ, direct and replace all other members of the staff of the County or District Health Department Such actions shall be subject to the following provisions A They shall conform with the State Personnel Department Principles as outlined in Chapter 378, Public Laws of North Carolina, 1941, with amendments currently in force, and the rules and regulations adopted by the State Personnel Department B Appointments shall be made from the qualified list, certified by the Director A copy of rules and regulations may be obtained from the Director of the State Personnel Department - 4 - C That the signature of a member of the Local Board of Health selected by said Board, shall be recorded on all State Personnel forms relating to employment or change of salary or classification of the health director to signify that the Board is apprised of and approves the rates of pay involved XII That administration of salaries shall be subject to the following conditions A All salaries shall conform to the Compensation Plan approved by the State Personnel Board as provided under Chapter 378, Public Laws of North Carolina, 1941, with amendments currently in force, or by special action of the State Personnel Board, before approval shall be granted by the Division of Health Services B All salaries of the staff of the County or District Health Department shall be approved by the Division of Health Services C All requests for budget revisions involving additional local funds, salary increases for personnel already employed, and revisions necessitated by new personnel or new budgeted positions, shall be in the form of a letter addressed to the Assistant Director for Local Services, Division of Health Services D No salary supplement shall be paid on a fee basis E Any person assigned to perform certain services shall, if in the opinion of the Health Director, and the duties justify, receive a salary adjustment only when such adjustment conforms to the Compensation Plan approved by the State Personnel Board XIII That Provision for annual leave, sick leave and petty leave shall be consistent with personnel regulations adopted by the State Personnel Board, G S 126-9, and approved by the Division of Health Services, subject to modification of the local governing body Each local health department shall keep a current written record of annual and sick leave on each employee on a cumulative basis in accordance with State Personnel Department regulations XIV That each District Board of Health shall appoint a Finance Officer for the District Health Department who shall have the powers and perform the duties set forth in GS 159-25 - 5 - XV That each County or District Health Department shall submit promptly the following records and reports (the composition and due dates of which it is understood and agreed are subject to change as needs arise) to the A DIVISION OF HEALTH SERVICES 1 Local Budget - Form 1471 - Due not later than October 15 2 Annual Contract - Three copies Due not later than October 15 3 Monthly Budget Report - One copy Due the 12th of each month The "Monthly Budget Report" and bookkeeping system shall be prepared and maintained in accordance with the method approved by the Division of Health Services The Monthly Budget Report is to be jointly certified by the local health director and the finance officer 4 Memorandum of June Payroll - One copy Due June 17th List all personnel to be paid in June on a plain sheet of paper and the salary each is to be paid (The salaries which shall be shown in the "Monthly Budget Report" for June must agree with this Memo- randum) 5 Expenditure Report or Requeat for Payment, Form 211 Due as soon as all clinics or services of a kind have been held or rendered in a given month or at the end of a pay period 6 Monthly Vital Statistics (consolidated counties) One copy Due the 5th of each month 7 Inspection Sheets of Sanitarians - One copy of each inspection Due on or before the 7th of each month 8 Monthly Report of Sanitation Activities - One copy Due on or before the 7th of each month 9 Special reports may be required on projects for which a county has received funds B REGIONAL PERSONNEL OFFICE 1 Monthly Budget Report - One copy Due the 12th of month XVI XVII That the records of activities shall be maintained on forms supplied or approved by the Division of Health Services That the books and records of the County or District Health Department shall be available for inspection and audit by the Division of Health Services at such periods or dates as the Division of Health Services may - 6 - require XVIII That all items questioned by the State Personnel Board shall be cleared before additional payments may be made by the Division of Health Services in accordance with a ruling by the State Attorney General XIX That the Policies of the Division of Health Services for Allocation of State Aid Funds to Local Health Departments are a part of this Contract and are attached XX That the conditions of paying travel allowance shall be as follows A A specified sum shall be budgeted for the official travel, including car depreciation in applicable cases, for each employee B Each employee shall be permitted to draw his budgeted travel allowance at any time during the fiscal year, to the extent that it has been earned XXI That it is understood and agreed that each district health department shall have its accounts audited annually and meet the other provisions of GS 159-34 XXII That it is understood and agreed that all district health departments created and operating in accordance with G S 130-14 shall submit to the Division of Health Services not later than September 30, 1976 an annual audit report of the cash receipts by sources and the cash disbursements by objects for the year ending June 30, 1976 XXIII That all activities under this contract shall be conducted in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 XXIV That the Division of Health Services reserves the right to cancel this Contract upon 30 days' written notice to the County or District Health Director if, in the opinion of the Division of Health Services, the provisions of this Contract are not complied with by the County or District Health Department and that each County or District shall have the similar option of cancellation XXV That the terms of this Contract may be modified from time to time by the mutual agreement of the parties thereto through the addition of appropriate clauses or riders - 7 - APPROVE D FOR THE LOCAL GOVERNING BODY Signature ~,~t~rw~.- ~ \.~t.--,.•~-~ Date ti ~-l'~ -'1 County/District Finance Officer Signature Date Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Signature Date Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Signature Date Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Signature Date Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Signature Date Chairman, Board of County Commissioners FOR THE DIVISION OF HEALTH SERVICES Signature Date Assistant Director for Local Services * For district health departments, the signature of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of each county is required DHS 1827 Office of Local Administration Department of Human Resources POLICIES OF THE DIVISION OF HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FOR ALLOCATION OF STATE AID FUNDS TO LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTS For the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1975 In order to receive the maximum allocation of State funds, each local health department must meet the minimum standards approved by the Division of Health Services A minimum standard health department shall consist of at least a full- time health director, a full-time public health nurse, a full-time sanitary in- spector, a full-time secretary and a dental health program approved by the Division of Health Services Each local health department is encouraged to participate in the Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System for the benefit of its personnel and must maintain its local funds at least at the current level When any local health department is temporarily without the services of a full- time health director and it becomes necessary to employ a part-time health director, pending the selection of a full-time health director meeting the State Personnel qualifications, the salary of the part-time health director shall not exceed one-half of the salary of a full-time health director having the same State Personnel classi- fication Any health department serving a population of thirty thousand or more shall be required to budget for a full-time health director The Division of Health Services will equitably allocate funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975 on the following basis 1 Each county, regardless of whether it is a part of a district health department or is a separate county health department, will receive an allocation from the Division of Health Services for fiscal year 1975-76 equal to the allocation received for fiscal year 1970-71 2 Additional State-Aid-to-Counties Funds appropriated by the 1971 General Assembly and the 1973 General Assembly will be allocated to each county, regardless of whether it is a part of a district health department or is a separate county health department, based on the following criteria (a) population of the county, (b) appraised property value of the county, and (c) the 1973-74 county appropriation to the local health department budget Additional State-Aid-to-Counties Funds referred to in this paragraph are those funds appropriated by the 1971 General Assembly as requested in the Division of Health Services' "A" Budget Request for State-Aid-to-Counties and those funds appropriated by the 1973 General Assembly as requested in the Division of Health Services Change Budget Request for State-Aid-to-Counties 3 Funds appropriated by the 1973 General Assembly pursuant to House Bill 280 will be allocated from the following categories (a) funds for improving substandard salaries of local health department employees, (b) funds for improving services and expanding programs in those departments serving populations in excess of 50,000, and (c) funds for assisting in consolidation and contracting with the Division of Health Services for the direct provision of health services All State funds are allocated for a Generalized Public Health Program In an effort to effect the employment of State Dentists in a manner that makes their services available to the maximum number of counties, the Division of Health Services will withhold State-Aid-to-Counties funds to help offset the expense of the Division of Health Services' Dental Health Program For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975, the withholding will be according to the following schedule - 2 - 1 For each county with a population of not more than 10,000, State-Aid-to Counties allocation will be reduced by $300 2 For each county with a population of 10,000 to 25,000, State-Aid-to-Counties allocation will be reduced by $500 3 For counties with a population of 25,000 to 60,000, State-Aid-to-Counties allocation will be reduced by $1,500 4 For counties with a population of more than 60,000, State-Aid-to-Counties allocation will be reduced $2,700 5 Departments employing full-time public health dentists or dental hygienists are an exception and will not have State-Aid-to-Counties funds withheld for this purpose Because of the necessity for safequarding the health of the people of North Carolina, the Division of Health Services is of the opinion that any decrease in the amount of new local funds below the current fiscal year would require the Division to decrease the allocation of State funds in the amount equal to the decrease in local funds Any balance at the end of the f fiscal year may be carried forward in the budget for the succeeding fiscal year The Division of Health Services will not allocate funds to a local health department unless the health director and other personnel employed in the department meet the requirements of the State Personnel Department, provided whenever and where it is necessary to employ inadequately trained personnel, the Division of Health Services will approve such employment as a temporary measure only Counties, cities, towns, townships, boards of education, trustees of special chartered school districts, private individuals, foundations, etc , may appropriate money to their local health departments in order that the program may be expanded, salaries may be raised and the health needs of the community may be more adequately met DHS 1827 Office of Local Administration Department of Human Resources ~- a ~' ~~ 7 //~~ d~~S" i ~ ~ ~ Altobellis & Associates ARCHITECT /3805 CHERRY AVENUE/WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401/919-791-3642 RECAPITULATION OF COST ITEMS FOR RENOVATION OF LEGION STADIUM/PHASE II November 18, 1975 1 Newspaper Ads 2 Fertilizer and Seed Allowance (For Parks Department) 3 Scoreboard (Boseman's Sporting Goods) 4 Scoreboard Wiring (1974-Turner Electric Company) 5 Architectural Fee 6 Electrical Contract (Electrotek, Fayetteville, N C ) 7 Plumbing Contract (Goodyear Plumbing Company, Wilmington, N C ) * 8 Aluminum Seating Contract (Stadiums Unlimited, Inc Raleigh, N C ) ** 9 General Contract (B R Dorsett Construction Co , Wilmington, N C ) 10 Total Cost Sum *** 11 Total Available Budget Sum 12 Contingency Amount Remaining u ia~n A Altobellis Architect $ 124 76 $ 500 00 $ 2,626 24 $ 1,189 29 $ 16,500 00 $ 18,846 40 $ 36,081 00 $ 10 ,881 05 $138,298 00 $225,046 74 $226,000 00 $ 953 55 * Bid sums includes new aluminum seating for new concrete bleachers and renovated existing stadium box seat area only ** General Contract Base Bid $142,798 00 Deduct Alternate for Quarry Tile in Toilet Rooms 4,00 00 $138,98 00 *** Original Allocation $200,000 00 Allocation from City of Wilmington 26,000 00 Total Funds Available $226,000 00 r m m v v -~-~ ~ °v r r r -i -i --~ o O O C") h C'7 ~ i ~ W N N O ..~. to -~ ~~~n +ca to _. -~ c-r c o ~ ~ ca o a ~~+ o .;-~•w~ ao -~ o `~•s-Jt~ O :n syi ~ o ~I ~ ~~ N a. ~ ~ ~~ o ~+ o ~~ ~~ ~ x ~t 1J' to ~n ['f_ U A ~~ ~~ ~~ ~: -+ .r. ...~ -t cn N r -_, .:~. ; ~ 4.s .~ ua l~ • 3 v ~ O z -~ m • ~ C7N r-+ n • ,~ ~ .moo a ~ -s ~ ~~t O L, :3 Z .. 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Z D c/> "o U~ r m C7 y v G• I ~ Z U C'7 ~O d 70 C J /~ (~ 'C J. f ."..~ Vl a ~' - m n c ~, -o rn N m '~ ~~ Z ~^ _V --1 0 N t7 G7 :~ -~ `~ ~L ~~` IQ Qu N `"'~1 ~+ o x~ r o m Z t' `.~ Q r-~ 'T7 y r seo m W A H i V O N m o c-a .-, v v v -~ •.• ..n w c ~-+ ~ ~ ~ ~ - . s z 2 V1 m O p.y ~ H ~ Z ~ ~ H ~ !-~i rn ~ n ` Fy r - Z n o - ~ n ~' o ~ ~ A v z v .., ~ .., o ~ z ~ o r ~ m y 3 W ~ m n ~ ~ z ,... o ~ Y fJ V Ul a- MEMO RAND~JM TO Mr Dan Eller New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FROM Mr Larry J Powell ~~~ Tax Administrator ~`„~ DATE November 19, 1975 RE Abatements and Refunds The following taxpayers request they be allowed the Senior Citizens' Exemption Each individual qualifies f_or the exemption, however, they failed to file for the release in January 1 Clifford Collins 30 89 2 Margaret M Nixon 72 52 3 R H Davis, Sr 82 00 01974) 4 A.ddie Collra 56 27 5 Louise L Johnson 29 00 6 Louise T Martin 72 52 7 Jessie K Jones 18 13 8 Louis Green 72 52 9 Sadie M Newkirk 72 52 10 Jessie Taylor 34 45 11 George Leonard 29 00 12 J [n] Page 7 2 5 2 13 John Player 72. 52 14 Marie B Croom 72 52 15 A W Bryant 29 00 16 Goldie Sidbury 72 52 17 Andrew Fields 72 52 18 F T Fergus 84 77 Request the following taxes be abated as taxpayers reported incorrect information 1 Hettie Shew 6 59 2 Roger Topke 56 53 3 Lester Wilson 19 92 4 Donna Berting 26 50 5 Dianna Lee 10 60 6 Gladys Astendorf 13 10 7 Sadie M Lea 21 40 8 Carl W Nodes 83 98 9 Sandra Cummings 7 20 2 Request the following taxes be released as these are clerical errors in addltlon pricing motor vehicles, pricing appraisal cards, etc 1 Robert Hamilton 13 45 2 Alan B Blake 77 26 3 William B Skelton 3 92 4 Marjorie Gause 13 40 5 Betty Smith 4 33 6 Caley Goodwin 13 92 (Reflznd) 7 H A Leeuwenburg 2 90 8 Anna C Baker 6 70 9 S A Nathan 48 65 10 Aaron Goldberg 4 32 11 Mutual Management 46 12 J P Lentendre 9 85 (Refund) 13 Wilmington Beach Inv 1 74 14 Lucille Williams 2 79 Request the following taxes be released due to incorrect map numbers Those numbers will be reassigned and the tax recharged in the supplement billing 1 Jack C' Cook 113 10 2 M A Abernathy 308 54 3 Alton Sessoms 71 81 4 John Calucci 185 64 5 Winfred Clemmons 474 10 6 Mary Lee Benson 19 15 7 Eugene Floyd 16 51 Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged 1 Mattie L Mack 19 73 2 Andrew Ritter 154 51 3 James W Jeffords 31 37 4 Raymond Holland 10 91 5 Charity P Sidbury 14 08 6 Granville Ryals 135 25 7 Charles M Caravati 433 84 8 Albert Smith 30 84 9 Donald Moore 30 31 10 Mildred B Hobbs 2 73 11 Luther T Rufus 258 88 12 G L Burleson 72 21 13 Raymond Smith 37 32 14 H L Barden 42 28 15 Burnett Enterprises 343 28 3 16 Helena Swart 40 83 17 Alton Brown 6 09 18 International Paper 4 64 19 Davzd Zilke 11 89 20 C W Taylor 155 90 21 Herbert Shaw 73 93 22 Williams Edward 122 21 23 Business Properties 3,267 72 Request the following taxes be released as taxpayers were charged on incorrect acreage or wrong lot size l W J Wilson 24 36 2 Eugene Nabill 27 82 3 Oleander Co 274 11 Request the following taxes be abated as this is exempt property 1 Laura S Johnson 60 19 Redevelopment Dev Com 12/3/74 2 Trinity United Methodist Church 13 57 3 Katie Williams (Cemetery) 49 65 Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the city or town limits, or the personal property is located within the county 1 Olivia Dlrsh 37 72 2 Thomas Glimp 20 02 3 Fred Welch 20 27 4 Elizabeth Guthrie 3.Z3 5 Joseph Gay 72 02 6 Richard Harris 38 02 7 Robert Hinson 6 84 8 Wilbur Cooper 75 93 9 Raymond Creech 31 76 10 R T Sinclair 6 53 11 Ray Potter 19 90 12 Reinhold Smerlus 21 98 13 Alethea Chambers 14 91 14 Gordon Tilden 725 05 The following taxpayers request the listing penalty be released as they received listing sheets late, or listed other property which they felt covered all tracts 1 Laura K Hall 6 57 2 Bessie Foy 19 02 4 3 James Clement 3 14 4 Robert Chapman 56 71 5 Lloyd Bradshaw 2 50 6 Jerry Sellars 17 13 7 Randall Given 15 25 8 Wachovia Bank 2,880 46 9 A W Hewett 19 35 10 Gustave Stefanik 37 19 11 Gene Knight 68 22 12 James Huff 21 75 13 T E Murrell 2 54 14 Mary H Boney 348 93 15 Stuart Carter 3~f 45 16 T A Holt 44 97 17 L L Hamby 12 21 18 Jerry Mayhew 17 34 19 Dexter Stucky 119 26 20 E 0 Marshburn 59 21 Loraine Kirkman 9 22 22 Hyman Harris 12 71 23 David Brehmer 16 00 24 Robert Hlll 13 76 Request this Item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners meeting of November 24, 1975 LJP/rc cc Mr Fox Mrs Brown