1975-12-08 SpM Exhibits (D b (D ch ~~ `~ 09 CD A~ O (D ~i n O ct~ ct N• a 0 b m N~ 09 ;~ ~ • \ 0 , ~ ` \ ~{ ~l u ~.I ' , ~ S J rvl ~~-{ P u 'f'JJ G ~ rye ll 5 `D ~ ,~ ~ a ~ ~~ ~ ~ 0 ~ a ~. o O an ~r ~ I I H O F 3 a ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m td y 9v as .- ~ oa ~, t~ .~. ~ ~ 6~ '~ o ~ '"~ ( ~ L'1 ~ ~ , C N o (o . Io IQ ~0 1$ ~ ~ o b m m a ~. .. ct (D Sv ct Cp n N cf- SU ct 0 m rnrn~ lV ^~^, ~W~..~1 'J ll m~m \V ~r b~ H d O b L=J H ~\ 1 d iU W 1 ~) Y ~ 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY OFFICE OF PURCHASING AGEN'P ROOM 513, COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA REQUESTS FOR BIDS ON SHERIFF'S DEPT UNIFORMS Sealed bids will be accepted on the above item(s.) subject to the attached specifications and in accordance with the Purchasing Laws of North Carolina NAME OF BIDDER THE HUB UNIFORM COMPANY, INC. ADDRESS 514 N. COLLEGE ST. , BOX 209 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAR(~„INA AGENT SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED ' /~ TITLE PRESIDENT _~ MANUFACTURER THE HUB UNIFORM COMPANY. INC. WARRANTY WORKMANSHIP AND FIT UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED, DELIVERY TIME 30 DAYS ON ALL ITEMS EXCEPT PANTS - 60 DAYS PRICES: 180 Pairs Trousers (d $24.50 = 54.410.00 180 Summer Shirts Cd 10.50 = 1, 890 00 180 Winter Shirts @ 11.50 = 2,070.0,0 60 .rackets @ 47 00 = 2, 820.00 60 Winter Hats @ 16 00 = 960.00 60 Summer Hats @ 12 00 = 720 00 TOTAL; $ 12, 870.00 REMARKS (SEE LETTER) A ~ THE HUB UNIFORM COMPANY, INC 514 NORTH COLLEGE STREET • P O BOX 209 • CHARLOTTE, N C 28230 November 28, 1975 (AREA CODE 704) PHONE 333 6681 Mr. George F Cooper Purchasing Agent Office of County Finance New Hanover County Admin. Bldg. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 513 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Mr Cooper We are pleased to enclose our bid on your Sheriff's Dept. uniforms. We have mailed today by parcel post a sample shirt and pair of trousers, however, please allow us to be flexible on these items according to your requirements. Our sample shirts are the Elbeco make however, if you desire the Flying Cross or the Jaguar (conqueror brands, we can furnish these equally well. Regarding the trousers, we can sew the braid on top of the side seam like the sample or made into the side seam if you prefer. Regarding the belt loops, if the size or shape is not what you want, we can change and space according to your specifications. If we are favored with your order our representative will take in- dividual measurements for each man upon delivery will be responsible for any alterations or exchanges. We will sew on emblems without charge that you supply to us, however, if we are to supply emblems we will be happy to quote these at a special low price. Please call or write us if there are any questions on this bid. Sincerely yours, THE HUB UNIFORM COMPANY ~ cam` M' t~n ~~. T er President ~~ The Nation's Leading Uniform Dealer l~lember National Association o f Uni f orm tyl anu f acturers '~_ _- -_ - v J, IJJ ~'~' ~~ _ IiJll!.J ~r~ ~~/~ ~. Fr. r NEW HANOVER COUNTY OFFICE OF PURCHASING AGEN'1' ROOM 513, COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA REQUESTS FOR BIDS ON SHERIFF'S DEPT UNIFORMS Sealed bids will be accepted on the above item(s) subject to the attached specifications and in accordance with the Purchasing Laws of North Carolina. NAME OF BIDDER Fligel's Uniform Company ADDRESS 207 East Trade Street Charlotte, N(~. C. 28202 STGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT ,A~~_,u~,~ 1~-., '".F- ,~k-.;~ TITLE Vice President MANUFACTURER The Fechheimer Bros. COmDanY WARRANTY Unconditionally guaranteed DELIVERY TIME 30 days or less PRICES: 180 Pairs Trousers 180 Summer Shirts 180 Winter Shirts 60 Jackets 60 Winter Hats 60 Summer Hats TOTAL: @27.9.5 ~5o'il. 00 @ 9.95 1791.00 @10.95 191.00' @51.75 3105.00 @16.9 5 loll. o0 @12.50 '7 ~~ . 44___ 5~,~.665.00 REMARKS We have worked. closel~~ with the She ri #'_F' c, nP= t .__in the past and have measurements on all ~prsonnei m hiG will canable us to give the fastest possible dei;t,or~.- ou g' armantc ara the highest quality available and our shirt is the onl.v one wedtested and adopted by the California Highway Patrol. We t~ersonally fit each deputy to assure complete satisfaction. NEW HANOVER COUNTY OFFICE OF PURCHASING AGENT ROOM 513, COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA REQUESTS FOR BIDS ON SHERIFF'S DEPT. UNIFORMS Sealed bids will be accepted on the above item(s.) subject to the attached specifications and in accordance with the Purchasing Laws of North Carolina. NAME OF BIDDER STINNETTE UNIFORM SALES, INC. ADDRESS 2413 PAULA STREET RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA ~- ... ..~-. -- ---- SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENP~~s~,:'e-~"~~ ~ ~~-,rs~i~--~ ----- TITLE MANAGER MANUFACTURER FECHHEIMER BROS. & HORACE SMALL MEG. CO. WpR~Ty GUARANTEE QUALITY AND FIT IN EVERY ARTICAL SOLD.. DELIVERY TIME 4 to F WEEKS 180 Fechheimer BrOR 2Q ~5 PRICES: 180 Pairs Trousers 1q0 Horace Small 29 50 180 Summer Shirts $ 11 50 180 Winter Shirts $ 12,50 $531 00 P, 51 3n n0 $ 2mo 00 $2250 00 60 Jackets $ 45.00 ~?700 00 60 Winter Hats $ 14 95 $ 897 00 60 Summer Hats $ 11.95 $ 717 00 TOTAL: $ 14,025 00 TOTAL BID FIGURED ON FECIiHEIMER, MFG. REMARKS THE ABOVE ITEMS QUOTED MEET ALL YOUR SPECIFICATIONS. PANTS QUOTED ARE HORACE SMALL $28 50 each, same braid called for, in spec ifi.cations and with Sam Brown Belt Loops, PANTS QUOTED ARE FECHHEIMER $pnS $~a 4~ also faith braid.(but game as you are now using.) and with Sam Brown Belt I.oopa. SAMPLRS ARE BEING SENT UNDER SEPARATE COVER. ~"' ~,. i NEW HANOVER COUNTY OFFICE OF PURCHASING AGEN'1' ROOM 513, COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA REQUESTS FOR BIDS ON SHERIFF'S DEPT UNIFORMS Sealed bids will be accepted on the above item(s) subject to the attached specifications and in accordance with the Purchasing Laws of North Carolina NAME OF BIDDER The Fechheimer Bros Co ADDRESS 4545 Malsbary Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 WARRANTY SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT ~ Vie,-zt/ ~ /''~~f'C-GLz t.~--L-t-- .. v TITLE Vice President MANUFACTURER The Fechheimer Bros Co DELIVERY TIME Approximately 60 Days PRICES: 180 Pairs Trousers $30 10 180 Summer Shirts 11 50 180 Winter Shirts 11 95 60 .iackets 55 00 60 Winter Hats 17 95 60 Summer Hats 13 95 TOTAL $ 5,418 00 2,070 00 2,151 00 x,300 00 1,077 00 837 00 14,853 00 REMARKS Shirt Emblems to be furnished to us at No Charge Certified Check $745 00 enclosed COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA INVITATION TO BID ON SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT UNIFORMS Pursuant to Section 143-129 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, sealed proposals addressed to George F. Cooper, Purchasing Agent, Office of County Finance, New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 513, Wil- mington, North Carolina 28401, and marked "PROPOSAL FOR SHERIFF°S DEPARTMENT UNIFORMS - BID ~k15-75" will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 3, 1975. The bids will be publicly opened and read immediately following the latest time for receipt of bids in the office of the New Hanover County Finance Officer, Room 513, New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, N. C. Instructions for submitting bids and complete specifications for the uniforms desired may be obtained at the County Finance Office or the New Hanover County Sheriff°s Department during regular office hours. A bid security deposit in the amount of 5% of the bid price in the form of cash, certified check, or bid bond shall accompany each bid. The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to make the purchase which will be in the best interest of the county. GEORGE Fo COOPER PURCHASING AGENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS F0~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT UNIFORMS WILMINGTON, N C TROUSERS Material Raeford 521-437 or equivalent, color pink tan 11-112 oz Gabardine, 2 ply 55% Dacron and 45% Wool STYLE Regular Army Officer Style Straight legs &plain Bottoms POCKETS Regular type with 2 front and 2 rear Left rear to be buttoned Material Dacron and cotton WAISTBAND 2" Wide, tan Dacron and Cotton lining with Snugtex and Ban Roll, Loops to accommodate 24" Belt FLY French fly with Talon (metal) locking type slide STRIPE 1" cloth similar to trouser material, color dark brown SHIRTS DELUXE TROPICAL, With absolute permanent-Press and Permanent Creases, 2 X 2 ply tropical 102/11 oz 65% Dacron Polyester and 35% Avril Rayon or equivalent 7 Baked-in Military Creases, 2 in front, 3 in back and 1 on each sleeve Velcro fasteners on pocket flaps Pleated pockets with scolloped flaps, and eyelets for Badge patch COLOR, Tan (Long and short sleeves) JACKET ANTRON, HIP LENGTH, Color Dark Brown, with 2 zip out liners, two way zipper in front, zipper side vents, leather trim, badge holder and detatchable pile collar HATS Winter, Sheriff's Style, 3X beaver fur felt, 2 & 3/4" brim, Color dark Brown, with eyelet for badge and head Straps Summer, Same as above except MILAN Straw THE APPROX AMOUNTS OF EACH ITEM ARE AS FOLLOWS 180 Pr trousers, 180 Summer Shirts, 180 Winter Shirts, 60 Jackets, 60 Winter and 60 Summer hats; Sample pr trousers and sample shirt material must accompany bid, also estimated delivery dates for each item Trousers should be stock item, and fitted to individual measurements Shirts and jackets should be nearest stock size to individual measurements, and price should include sewing on emblems on each sleeve Hat sizes to nearest individual measurements All Uniform items must fit and any alterations must be made at bidders expense ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY OFFICE OF PURCHASING AGEN'P ROOM 513, COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA REQUESTS FOR BIDS ON SHERIFF'S DEPT UNIFORMS Sealed bids will be accepted on the above item(s) subject to the attached specifications and in accordance with the Purchasing Laws of North Carolina. TITLE ~ k: S 1 '~~ N ~ r~ SIGNATURE OF UTHORIZED AGENT 7~"=`' ~~~ ~~ NAME OF BIDDER ~ ~ C ~-1 C.-Pr1~.~ ADDRESS ~ ~L~' ~ ~©l~~' ~"~ MANUFACTURER ~~0 USA izS - I~AR'f ~ N5 ~ H ~kTS -- ~~ ~ '-K- 1~~ ~«~ WARRANTY ~ ~' ~ ~" ~ DELIVERY TIME ''I S ~~'~~~ ~ N ~ ~~ PRICES: 180 Pairs Trousers ~~ ~'o ~-AG-~ 5 ~~~ ~'" 180 Summer Shirts ~Q? '7.~ t~ i 9 3 ~~ `~ 180 Winter Shirts ~e7'~ °~'~ u "'~ °~'° S ~`~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~'~'~'' c~ 60 Jackets 1 60 Winter Hats I ~ gc ~ ~~g `tom 60 Summer Hats ~`o c~ `j ~~ ~ ~,~' TOTAL: $ ~ ~. ~~~ ~~~ REMARKS