1974-10-07 RM Exhibits__ _. _..... d b. ~ .,,. 1-- w ~ - + ~. t ~n~~ ~A-.,.,[-~1-~ ~f ~ 3 3 September 20, 1974 New Hanover County Commissioners In Re Rezoning property on south side of Theresa Drive, and lying between Holland Drive and Castle Hayne Road, owned by Linda Buck, Patricia Allen and others r ti-e, anti each or us, whose names are signed her below, reside in or own property within the area surrounding the proposed mobile home park, set out above Many of us now own our homes and have owned them for many years in this exclusive residential section We are convinced that to rezone- the above property from R-20 to R-15, permitting it to be used for a mobile home park, will greatly reduce the value of our property, it will create congestion on the Castle Hayne Road which is .already heavily traveled, and will otherwise .create a condition in our community which will be undesirable and not for the best interest of the community We and each of us, therefore, urge that the request for rezoning set out above be denied /l,Y r %~~~. S ~- ~''~2'. ,~u~~ / JS ~ ~_. ~' p ~.~. e ~~~, ,~ ~~ b' 4 ° ~~~~ ~ /~ a ~' _ ~J ~. , ~ i'Y.Lri ?'. •w'7 ~,p~~ ~ru, ~~1 ~~~~~~~ ~- Septemb®r 20, 1974 Now Hanover County Commissioners __ In Re; Resoc~ing property on south side of T1d'®resa Drive, and lying between Holland Drive and Castle Hayne Iioacl, owned by Linda .Buck, Patricia Atl~~n and others W®,~;aad each of ua, whose named ~-.re ~i$p~,~,,:he~e;b.e~o~w,, '~'~~,,,~,~ ,~ - in or awn property within the a~s;a.„sarrout~ding thes~ropoged mobile horns park, set out above Many of ue now own our homes and have' owned them fur many years in thin exclusive re$idential section, We are convinced that to rezone th® above property from !T-2d to R-15, p¢rmitting it to be used for a mobile home park, will greatly reduce the value of our property, it will create congestion on the Castle Hayne Road which is already heavily traveled, and wf.ll otherwise create a condition in our community which will b® undesirable and not for the best interest of the community.. We and each of us, therefore, urge that the request for rezoning set out above be denied, ~~~ a.~,.~ ~ f/ tee,., a~ ~J , / ~~ ~ ~~°~ -- ~, ~~~ ~t~!t _.__. -- ,~. r ~~ ~' ~~~, v ~- ~~~ ~-- i i i Y s e n ~' ,. 3 September 20, 1974 New Hanover County Commissioners In Re Rezoning property on south side of Theresa Drive, and lying between Holland Drive and Castle Hayne Road, owned by Linda Buck, Patricia Allen and others Wc., and each of'us, whose names:::are signed>,her~below, reside in or own property within the area surrounding the proposed mobile home park, set out above Many of us now own our homes and have. owned them for many years in this exclusive residential section We are convinced that to rezone the above property from R-20 to R-15, permitting it to be used for a mobile home park, will greatly rdduce the value of our property, it will create congestion on the Castle Hayne Road which is already heavily traveled, and will otherwise create a condition in our community which will be undesirable and not for the~~best interest of the community We and each of us, therefore, urge that th ue or~,rezp,rrin set out above. be denied .~44~~-- °°`` ~~ _~//~~ ~ ~~ --~%~ ~p~~ ~~ ~1 ,/ ,GP~P~z~ !~~ his-1,~~, ~ ~/ ~°' ~ r -/_-~/ D ~ ~ s~~~r~~~~ ~-' ,, ~ ~~~ .~ ~~~% -~ ~~ ~. /~~' ~' ~! ~~~~ r .0 ~. 1 r ~. r ~°'~ (~ n \ ~~. ,(,/ '~~ Y ~...~/' ~! ~~~ ~~ G~~ `, ~. .~,.. ~- . '~~ R ~ ~y ~. s^~ *~ ~~. . ~~.~,. ., '1 ~~ ~~ ~ ~ sand Todd ATemue, P~. ~ We, the undersigned, rea~idemts •f Holland Drif~ r®quest that the '1Y'ilsaiangto~n ~esr HamiYer Planning Comaissiom aad the Neer Heuaover County Board of Conomiasior~ers mot approTe the application ~'®r Speesial Use Permit to u®e property •m the southside of Ales TrasY DriTe approximately 342 feet seat •f Holland Drive for a Private Club in Zoning Area ~10-d. .~.RJ 04. ~ w`l a ,~xAc.c-~ ~' l~ ti~~PdCQ~ ~ 3 ~ -#/f ~~ ~~~~~~,,,,tt ~~ U ~ ~.~~ ~ ~ Tea , ~ ~~- _.,~ ~,~, ,` ~ ~ ~~ .~ r~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v ,cs~ , ~#- 3 ~~ ~$ ~' ~~~~~ ~~, ~~Q1111 /1 1~ ~~ ~lz~~~~" ,~^t/ro. o..,o.~ , S~/ /~ `7~1~.e,,, .~~~~ v .~~~' .~ .~., , `"~~1 and Tod.~..~v®mue We, the u~ad.erai~ned, resialents •f Holluad. Drive, request that the Wil'eixgtam- NevP HaMever Plarar~i.xg Coiasio~ amd the Near Hanover Coumt~ Boarei •f Coffiniasie~tera mot approve the applioatiom for Specsial Use P®rmit to use property •n the aeuthaide of .ilex TrasY Drive apprsximately 342 feet east of Hellaffid Drive for a Private Club in Zonia~ A.r®a #ld Jl. w ~ ~ ~ ~~ .~:~ .~.~~ : -~ _ ~~~ ~ ~~ U ~ n~ ~~~® ~~~_ ~~~ ata~d ~Ca-dd i~ra~ceer 1[Pae~ 't~!+~ u~~e~ati~asd, s~~i8a~ta +~~' ~3a~T2ar~t t?x~i~r+~,~ ~~q~:lr~tt that '~~~~~~; ~'erw Fia~ta~ Pl~ixag ~ar~i~sr~r3M~t ~d~ ~ ~a~ Haua;~rrarr Cmu~-ty ~sa-rd at C«~smciarar~a~-ar~r "" Ap~n-rrrr tiro ar~p3.ie~-~3o~m t~rr ~peo~al Uae- Pe~.t '~+i urat~ 1~~1~'`t~' an the au+r~a~a~+~a- art ~~x llc l3tl.~-at a<p~pirti`=1~telq ffi!1~ fast ea-art art Hr~~.a-ad D~,rns ~~ • pr~.~e-tsa ~luY ~ Sa~S~~ l~!"rwr- ,4~. 7~~~~ ~ ~ ~l~~vr~ ~ y~% ,~.~~~~ ~..°,• ~~ ~`~ -/ l/ .._. ~w.. ~r.y~.Yrr~ /i S ~ ui~rfr.~ Yifi~~rfii nir r.rr~.s *'r''.'r~rrw~ , ~~ ~ ~~ - ~~.~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~r ~ ~ ~ fi r ~~ Ted ~r~e~rr,~ 1F~, t~~r +~r+terri6,ti-+~d, I"~~~.~Mt~* •t $iM1~.+N~d I~*~qr~; ~reQ~sar~ ~ "~~ ~'i1~-im~rm*~~r ~~~r~r+wr Plr-~mt3.it~ G+~eir~i+~n ~+~ ~~~ ~~ rarer C3a~tty l~ma~rd •!" C~rar~M~t~.~M~s~-~1 ~ a~rp~fs the r~p~-lirre~~cloe !br ~peoi,al tD'rrrr ~'ear~rit to ese ~~~~Y rr~ the reeut~:rri~~ •~' 1"~rrac Trr~.ark l~~ri~rs a~r~rr~tlaet~ly ~2 fast ~~~ ~! H~-~1a~ ~~.Yr i"awr ~- ~riws~e C'~mlr ~ ~+e~i>r~ Aar~a ~4~-~. ~~ ~ ~~ ,,.r....r.. ......r_._._...._ . ....... _ . .,, We the u~~~rQ3gned reeden~s of the ~ri~htsbc~~~ (~tat~brtity ha~re n+~ ob jectians to the Ja~ee~ i ~ edm~~g in to air 8~"e~t. ~ ~~~'~~ ` ~~.~~~ ` r" ~~ r ~ y ~ ~ ,ems ~ , ~~G~ ~ , ~ / / Y ~n ~ ~ / ~' k. l cr~ % ~ .~ ~a -~ ~ ~~ ~~ ,~ ~{'~ f ~,~ .__~___.~ ~ J ~~~~ ~. ~ ~ r~-~~- ~ ~~ } ~, ,~ -. ~~~ ~- ~' ~ Q-,-.r. ~~... 4rt N, ~~/6E'\ ~6-~~ 3~ ~,~~?.~,~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ 4~ ~~, :~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~<- ~~; ~~~' an ~,,.~, .-r,l ! s ~ g ~;~..~ ~~ z -~~~~. ~~ ~~ PLC ~~~. ~C c ~~ YL'y'~2 2-tj'c?-rte ~ ~`~1 ~ irk ~,u~~~"". ~.. ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~~ .- ~~ ~. ,~,~ ^. 1.. '~~.....:. 0 ~ ~- .Y~ r ;~,~ h~~ 1~~/aa'c'iT/~~~ ,~ -~ i~~' K ,/~ ~ ~ / ~ C ~.~° ~~~~~. ~~~ r n,. -~ / ~" V~ ,~ 1 t ~ ~.. ~ + r' ~ r~ ~~~ ~ . ~~C~+E ~~ ~ _.... ~~~ ~~ ~~ ,.. ~~ ~~ ~ ~' ~~~ ~% "Joe Allard Bible Class" - , Ypn ~~ K tle ove tist hu c~ ~-' yr Cr Bap C r Wilmington, N, C. 28401 ~~ ~-~,,,~Q September 22, 1974 ~' ~ ~~ ~~ ~`~~ ._ f few Hanover County Board of Education 1805 South 13th Street Wilmington, H, C. 28401 Attentions Members of the Kew Hanovex County Board of Education baar Ladies and Gentlemen; We, the man of the "Joe Allard Bible Class" of Myrtle Grave Baptist Church, do respectivelq ask the New Hanover County Hoard of Education to discontinue use of "The Curious Eye as a resource book in our public schools. We believe that qou, as elected school officials, have a respon- sibility to the public at large to try to opesate our schools as efficiently as passible and to provide courses that will aid our young people in building character and living responsible and pro- ductive lives. We belierre the language used in "Alien Tur#" by Pirf Thomas is mast obscene and offensive and can contribute nothing toward imprating the minds of our young people. We strongly urge the removal of this book from ouz public schools. Sincerely, ~~r~.~~j~~?~~ f~ Class P~ ent ~`~ X/ I 900" Class Secretary cc: Hew Hanauer County Commissioners Star Hews 1lewspaper Hanauer Sun biewspaper