1974-10-21 RM ExhibitsA .I~ Chairman Powell Mr Shaffer and Mr Brown would you care to come up and join us. I think the Commissioners have been furnished a copy of the P.esolution proposed by t~iz Lower Cane ~ 2ar Fiatar and Sewer ~ ut^ority t-Zr Brown The Resolution is somewhat of a routine proposal on our part It is in conformity with the State Statutes It has been adopted after due hearings in Brunswick County, and subsequently in the other Counties of Pender, Columbus, and Bladen after consideration there and adoption by their County Commissioners. Trle have appeared before each of the bodies to answer any questions. The final act of approval is an approval by this Board, and tomorrow I am meeting with the City Council on the same matter The procedure and the prepared Resolution is in accordance with the Bond Attorney, who has been steering us in this matter all along It is the New York firm that is guiding our hand. Commissioner Davis Brunswick County stayed out on their own? C~~,: ~~rc~an That`s right. Trey had baen _nvited ever since it I.as been formed, and they didn't sea fit to take any action until last spring cehen they passed a Resolution in May Commissioner Davis Didn't they plan to get their own water from Town Creek and that proved unfeasible so they - PAL Brown Yes Commissioner Davis I would move that we approve this Resolution Chairman Powell Is there a second to the motion? Commissioner O'Shields I'll second Chairman Powell Is there any discussion? P•ir Brown I'll try to satisfy P4rs Wright's question here The motion is made to present a unanimous front We have been pursuing this matter diligently for some years. :4e have stated publicly that it is Southeastern North Carolina's desire to do this and then when one county stands out it's sort of like you've got your tonet~ in your cheek when you say it is unanimous and then when they ask if all Counties belong, the answer is all but Brunswick. After much delibera- tion on their part, they had several hearings, asked a lot of questions, and in April they asked us down to their Board meeting where they unanimously approved to join They can't participate until it is officially approved by this Board and by the City Those area the two final actions. Commissioner Davis This will spread the cost and probably make it easier to get grants? P~Lr Brocm That's right! That's the purpose of it! ,. -2- Chairman Powell Is there any further discussion or questions? Commissioner Vaughan Yes, I am going to vote against it! Not that I object to Brunswick County coming into the Authority, but I would like to point out things which probably have been forgottn by the community to the pleasure of the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority Back about ten years ago the Authority was created by the City and County. The purpose was to furnish water to New Hanover County, and sewerage, I believe, to New Hanover County T'r_ere have been so many changes since, it is hard to tell The question was raised at that time as to whether this was strictly for industry or whether this was for the people of New Hanover County as a whole And the position was taken by those wanting to organize it, it was for the community as a whole and that it wasn't for a few industries About that time Hercules was coming here and we had considerable discussion with them about water supply They were digging wells up here and they weren't quite sure they would get the water they needed for their operation. We had a Iot of meetings with them and the County has a contract with Hercules that we would, I believe, issue revenue bonds, so that it would not be an obligation of the citizenry, to build a line from the City water line to the Hercules plant The City was very concerned about guaranteeing any water to Hercules. Their engineers in Raleigh told them they would have to build a whole new line, but Hercules told them that they would only have to double track their present line for just a few miles t~~ get all the water Hercules could possibhr use Cver a period or" time since then, this thing has been built up by tha Lower Cape Fear ,~Jater and Sewer Authority, which, in my opinion, is a legal extension of the Committee of 100 Rather than devoting our efforts to supplying water that is needed by the City of Wilmington, they are in critical need of water at the present time, and to help with the sewerage situation around the community, they have pursued this matter of getting water that will be 40 years ahead of our needs The minimum flow of the Cape Fear River is adequate to supply, even under the worst conditions, a community, I think, of 1,500,000 people a year This design, as I understand it, is predicated upon the New Hope Dam providing a uniform supply of water To what degree that is tied in with it I don't know. A legal decision, I believe, has been made by the Federal courts of the government of the New Hope Dam being only an emergency dam As I understand it, the gates are closed if you have an emergency such. as a flood, but you do not build up water and level out the Cape Fear River so that it has an even flow I have seen that done out in the west and it is a bad condition tdature didn`t provide that the Cape Fear River should be evened out. Things that happen when the flow goes up and down maintain a river in the condition that it is, which makes it a desirable river, control of hardwoods and softwoods and that kind of thing. I think that the Committee has pulled the wool over the eyes of the community, and that it's an effort to get more bodies in here Right now we ]snow that we are in bad shape as far as bodies are concerned. we don't have the proper traffic controls, and it is hard to get around your community The City of Wilmington says it is short of water, and the line should have gone in years ago. I would like to point out to you all a section in the Commissioners National County newspaper, if you haven`t read it, last week or the week before, September 30 It says in here, "Recent events serve notice that growth is no longer the unassailable ethic County officials are now devoting considerable measures to evaluate the impact of development proposals at the same time they -3- seek to improve mechanisms to strengthen their authority over growth I don't want to read all this but there are some things in here, for anybody who hasn't read it, that it would be well wo ~h reading The study of one new subdivision in Albemarle County, Virginia, concluded that the total county expenditures associated with the development would exceed county revenues from the development by an annual amount of $120,745 The thing for the City of Wilmington to do is to go ahead and stop fooling around with the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer A.zt'r_ority, and gat means to double tract: this line back to the point where the pressure is reduced enough so that they can get all the flow that they need at the present time One other thing I would like to point out to you Those of you who have read, those who have made the study on the water project, will find that it isn't necessary to go up 24 miles from Wilmington. You can ga to a place a little bit above the DuPont plant and put in that line, and the only reason for going up there in the first place, I understand, is according to salinity, how much salt you have in the local water supply. The first thing, if the New Hope Dam should go through, the supply will be evened out enough to cut down your salinity problems, because you wouldn't have to build this line that far back If the New Hope Dam is going to be built, then perhaps the engineering on this thing is not satisfactory I would say that we are having the wool pulled over our eyes in the community, and, as a result of the thir_g being tied in ~,vith desires for Beater growth than we need You have ielayed vita? utilities to the City of y>>ilmington I might point out that Hercules was considering a vast expansion at the plant up here, the kind of thing the community could need, where the investment is very, very large They have gone to Columbia, S C , and one of the reasons is that at the time they couldn't get people here. A certain small group of people in this community was trying to get business or industry with bodies in from every direction. As a consequence, in my opinion, there is a strong possibility that we lost a $100 million to $150 million investment, the kind that really tax-wise is worthwhile You will also note that the DuPont plant, rather than being expanded, they have started a completely new plant i.n Charleston, S.C., and the reason is that they can't get labor here All the time they were not able to staff their plant, the newspapers were full of ads, Hercules was running all over the State hiring motels to interview people The Committee of 100, which guide the Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority, was trying to get more people in here to compete with existing industry I don't think it's right. That's all I've got to say Mr. Brown I would like to comment first for Mr Vaughan's education that the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority is not, has nothing whatsoever to do, in any way, shape or form, with the Committee of 100 It was formed by the City and the County. The purpose of it was noted properly by everybody, and it was so formed Now, I am not the engineer that you are, Mr Vaughan Commissioner Vaughan I am not. Pair. Brown Well apparently you must be, because your comments of an engineering nature and your statements were made that you didn`t see it from an engineering point of view If that's true, Alexander Potter's wrong. The City and County paid for his survey Mr Vaughan That's right -4- Ms I3rocan When you talk about doubling a line you are making an engineering judg- ment and I don't feel gaulified to make it, and no engineer has recommended that to us The other thing is, if you think the City of Wilmington, the City is in dire need of more water to satisfy the citizens within its boundaries and also the people in the County, and the County has indicated a desire to have some of that water. If we are unsuccessful in this effort, the citizens of ti^lilminaton are going to have to pay for a much smaller line, for at least two- Lhirds of the cost, according to our engineers estimates So, if we ars success- ful in this endeavor, we'll save the citizens of New Hanover Coun~iand Wilmington somewhere in the neighborhood of $8 million Commissioner Vaughan Who's going to pay it? Mr Brown All of us are going to pay it Commissioner Vaughan I just want to point out one more thing. Expenditures that you are going to the Federal Government for, may be way outrof-hand and that the whole thing could have been done a long time ago, if we hadn't been grabbing for so much. Cha_~^.an Powell ?1nv further comment or question? P4r. Shaffer Please may I add one thing Let me say that the requirements for water supply are computed through the year 2020 Actually it is the next 50 years you are talking about. Our requirements in the five-county region for this water total around 90 million gallons per day. The requirements through approximately 1990 total around 45 million gallons of water per day. Now the reason that water is needed is because of the normal economic development of the area and the normal population growth of the area The original City-County Committee that was formed back in 196b and 7, to which you referred and from which the Authority developed, recognized the need in the City and the County When you get down to the facts of going further, then it was developed obviously, that there was a need outside of the City and outside of the County, and that need is also in the other four Counties that are involved here Now when we say normal economic development we are talking about the needs of, for example, Pfizer down in Southport Their needs are beyond what they are going to get out of the wells that the County of Brunswick is furnishing One reason that the County of Brunswick is interested in the Authority is so that they can tap some of this water for Pfizer's need, because they, like you with Hercules, have committed themselves to supply water to Pfizer You have committed yourself to supply water to Hercules and DuPont, if it's needed You actually have contracts caith them The need for Hercules is the normal need, not some unusual expansion General Electric needs water from the City They have committed themselves! They want 2 million gallons per day The City can't give it to them. That is not some wild expansion of General Electric This is the current need! Dlornal economic development will probably bring some new industries in. .!e have an Industrial Development organization like the Committee of 100 in each of these Counties, and they are not dictating to the Authority and neither is the Committee of 100 dictating to the Authority With regards the engineering bit, of course we are open to anybody's suggestions an the design of what, and hoca, and when, and how much money, etc We have had two preliminary studies done The County and the City paid for the Alexander Potter Study and the Authority, through their Coastal Plains grant, paid for a study by Henry von Oesen Those two studies came out caith the same recommendations When we to to detailed design, there will be a designer who w:i~i make a study and do a design and I < .. -5- stake his professional reputation on that At that time, which we hope will be very soon, any suggestions that anybody has in regards to the engineering will obviously be accepted by the Authority I think, as regards the idea that the County, New Hanover County, needs water, of course they need a water system and you are proceeding to that Of course, the original thought was that perhaps this Authority could take over that function The Authority, in order to get the water to the Counties, including this County and the City, found it had to go regional to gei the grant *_noney to get started, to be able to sell the bonds, to get the revenue to pay off the debt service, etc As a result, we have committed, contracted, obligated with the various municipal- ities, counties, industries, etc , e g , Wrightsville Beach Wrightsville Beach can't be served until the line gets going, when the City can give them the water they need The same way with the County of New Hanover for the County system you all are studying through your current engineering report Commissioner Vaughan I would like to comment on your comment. I have it on pretty good authority that your Authority went to DuPont and General Electric and more or less said please, please give us some commitments on this thing so that we can come up high enough to justify it I would like to make it plain that Hercules has year after year been pushing when are you going to give us this water, when can you guarantee it to us? They ::ave been waiting for this ~ut~^ority to come through with a guarantee because they ara good guys, but they were promised that the City and the County would go ahead with this thing years ago if they needed it, and this has complicated the matter Chairman Powell If there is no further discussion or comment, I call for a vote Commissioners Powell, Wright, O'Shields and Davis Aye Commissioner Vaughan No ~? /~ ~t'~ Draft Date September 23, 1974 page 1 of 8 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, AND NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION IN COOPERATION WITH THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WITNESSF.TH THAT WHEREAS, Chapter 136, Article 3A, Section 136-66 2(a) of the General Statutes of North Carolina reQuire that "Each municipality with the cooperation of the Board of Transportation, shall develop a comprehensive plan for a street system that will serve present and anticipated volumes of vehicular traffic in and around the municipality The plan shall be based on the best information available including, but not limited to, popu- lation growth, economic conditions and prospects, and patterns of land development in and around the municipality and shall provide for the safe and effective use of streets and highways through such means as parking regulations, signal systems, and traffic signs, markings, and other devices The Board of Trans- portation may provide financial and technical assistance in the preparation of such plans ", and, WHEREAS, the said Chapter 136, Article 3A, Section 136-66.2 (b) provides that "After completion and analysis of the plan, the plan may be adopted by both the governing body of the municipality and the Board of Transportation as the basis for future street and highway improvements in and around the municipality As a part of the plan, the governing body of the municipality and the Board of Transportation shall reach an agreement as to which of the existing and proposed streets and highways included in the plan will be a part of the State Highway System and which streets will be a part of the A4unicipal street system As used in this article, the State Highway System shall mean both the primary highway sys- tem of the State and the secondary road system of the State within municipalities ", and, R page 2 of 8 WHEREAS, Section 134 (a) of Title 23 United States Code states "It is declared. to be in the national interest to encourage and. promote the development of transpor- tation systems embracing various modes of transport in a manner that will serve the States and local communities efficiently and effectively To accom- plish this objective, the Secretary shall cooperate with the States, as authorized in this title, in the development of long-range highway plans and programs which are properly coordinated with plans for im- provements in other affected forms of transportation and which are formulated with due consideration to their probable effect on the future development of urban areas of more than fifty thousand population After July 1, 1965 the Secretary shall not approve under section 105 of this title any program for pro- jects in any urban area of more than fifty thousand population unless he finds that such projects are based on a continuing comprehensive transportation planning process carried on cooperatively by States and local communities in conformance with the ob- jectives stated in this section No highway project may be constructed in any urban area of 50,000 popu- lation or more unless the responsible public officials of such urban area in which the project is located have been consulted and their views considered with respect to the corridor, the location and the design of the project ", and, WHEREAS, a transportation planning process includes the operational procedures and working arrangements by which short and long-range transportation plans are soundly conceived and developed a.nd continuously evaluated in a manner that will 1 Assist governing bodies and official agencies in determining courses of action and in formulating attainable capital improvement programs in antici- pation of community needs, and, 2. Guide private individuals and groups in planning their decisions which can be important factors in the pattern or future development and redevelop- ment, and, WHEREAS, various sections of the Federal-Aid fligliway Act of_ 1973, Public I,aw 9'~-87 provides for new transportation pro- grams and modifies some existing programs, and page 3 of 8 WHFREAS, it is the desire of these agencies that a pre- viously established continuing, comprehensive, cooperative transportation planning process as set forth in a Memorandum of Understanding dated June 24, 1965, be revised and updated to comply with the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973, and the United States Department of Transportation Order No 1130 2 and Federal Highway Administration Policy and Procedure Memorandum SO-11 dated September 21, 1973 (copies of both are attached), the following Memorandum of Understanding is made Section 1. It is hereby agreed that the CITY OF WILMINGTON, NEW HA ~ NTY, AND THF. NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF TRANSPORTA- TION in cooperation with the UNITED STATES DEPARTr2ENT OF TRANS- PORTATION, will participate in a continuing transportation planning process with responsibilities and undertakings as re- lated in the following paragraphs 1. The area involved, the WILMINGTON iJrban Transpor- tation Study Planning Area, will be the Wilmington Urbanized Area as defined by the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, plus that area beyond the existing urbanized area boundary that is expected to become urbanized within a twenty year planning period This area is hereinafter referred to as the planning area. 2. The projected planning area boundary will be periodically reassessed and revised in the light of new developments and basic data projections for the current planning period 3. The continuing transportation planning process will be a cooperative one and all planning dis- cussions will be reflective of and responsive to the program of the Board of Transportation, and to the comprehensive plans for grolath and develop- ment of Wilmington, New Hanover County, and the Cape Fear Council of Governments 4, The continuing transportation planning process will he in accordance with the intent, procedures, and programs of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 S. Transportation policy decisions within the planning area are the responsibility of the North Carolina page 4 of 8 Board of Transportation, the Wilmington City Council, and the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 6. To facilitate coordination and communication between the several policy boards and between the policy boards and agencies represented on a Technical Coordinating Committee hereinafter de- fined, a Transportation Advisory Committee is hereby established with the responsibility of serving as an intermediary in keeping the policy boards informed of the status and requirements of the transportation planning process and to assist in the dissemination and clarification of the decisions, inclinations, and policies of the policy boards. The Transportation Advisory Committee will also assist in the development of a coordinated multimodal transportation capital improvements program for the planning area The Transportation Advisory Committee will con- sist of one or two members of each of the policy boards or their representatives. The Transportation Advisory Committee will meet as often as it is deemed appropriate and advisable. On the basis of majority vote of its membership, the Transportation Advisory Committee may appoint a member of the Committee to act as Chairperson with the responsibility for coordination of the Committee's activities A member of the staff of the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission will serve as secretary to the Committee 7 A Technical Coordinating Committee shall be es- tablished with the responsibility of general re- view, guidance, and coordination of the transpor- tation planning process for the planning area and with the responsibility for making recommendations to the respective local and State governmental agencies regarding any necessary actions relating to the continuing transportation planning process. Tembership of_ the Technical Coordinating Committee shall include Technical representatives from all local and State governmental agencies directly re- lated to and concerned with the transportation page 5 of 8 planning pxocess for the planning area. Initially, the membership shall include, but not be limited to, the following a Director of Planning, Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission b Transportation Coordinator, City of Wilmington c Traffic Engineer, City of Wilmington d. Director of Public Works, City of Wilmington e City Manager, City of Wilmington f Director of Redevelopment, City of Wilmington g. Airport Manager, New Hanover County Airport h County Manager, New Hanover County i. County Manager, Brunswick County j. Director, Cape Fear Council of Governments k Representative, Wilmington Transit Authority 1 Manager of Planning and Research, Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation m. Division Engineer, Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transpor- tation n Thoroughfare Planning Engineer, Planning and Research Branch, Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation o Wilmington Transportation Study Coordinator Planning and Research Branch, Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation p. County Engineer, New Hanover County q. Representative, Town of Wrightsville Beach page 6 of 8 r. District Engineer, North Carolina Division, Federal Highway Administration, United States Department of Transportation s. Planning and Research Engineer, North Carolina Division, Federal Highway Administration, United States Department of Transportation (Non-voting). The Technical Coordinating Committee shall meet when it is deemed appropriate and advisable and at least once quarterly On the basis of majority vote of its membership, the Technical Coordinating Committee may appoint a member of the Committee to act as Chairperson with the responsibility for coordination of the Com- mittee's activities 8. A revised Operations Plan for Continuing Transporta- tion Planning for the Wilmington Urban Area was pre- pared in June, 1974, under the direction of the Technical Coordinating Committee The Operations Plan sets forth in detail the organization, agency responsibilities, work tasks, and financing required for maintaining a continuing, comprehensive, transpor- tation planning process The Technical Coordinating Committee will be responsible for maintaining the Operations Plan on a continuing and current basis and advising the Transportation Advisory Committee and policy boards of any significant changes that are required in agency responsibilities as they occur 9 A Unified Work Program for Intermodal Planning will be prepared annually which sets forth the transpor- tation and implementation activities which are to be carried out during the subsequent study year The Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission shall be the lead agency responsible for the annual preparation of the Unified Work Program under the direction and supervision of the Technical Coordinating Committee The Transportation Advisory Committee will have the responsibility fox annual review and approval of the Unified Work Program 10 An annual report will be prepared each year which provides a brief summary of the continuing trans- portation planning activities and project implemen- tation that were accomplished during the preceding year and outlines the current short range capital improvements program of transportation projects The Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission shall be the lead agency responsible for the preparation of the annual report under the direction and super- v is ion of the Technical Coordinating Committee Copies of the annual report will be made available to local. citizerS page 7 of 8 lI. The Policy Boards, and Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission, and appointed representatives of the people shall serve as the primary means for citizen input to the continuing transportation planning pro- cess During transportation plan reevaluation, citi- zen involvement in the planning process shall be en- couraged during reanalysis of goals and objectives and plan formation This citizen involvement will be obtained through goals and objectives surveys, neighborhood forums, and public hearings in accordance with procedures outlined in the Operations Plan 'S'ection ?, It is further agreed that the subscribing agencies wil~~ave the following responsibilities, these re- sponsibilities being those most logically assumed by the several agencies City of Wilmington The City will maintain required inventories of socio- economic data, parking, transit, traffic, major streets and traffic control devices, cooperate with other partici- pating agencies in the periodic reevaluation of the trans- portation plan by providing needed projections of socio- economic data and periodically reevaluating central business area parking needs, the transit plan, and. the transportation goals and objectives of its citizens, coordinate zoning and subdivision approvals in accordance with the transportation plan, and periodically reevaluate its administrative pro- cesses, financial administrative abilities, and its laws and ordinances, all in regards to the transportation plan for that portion of the planning area under the planning jurisdiction of the City New ~-:anover County The County will maintain required inventories of socio-economic data, cooperate with other participating agencies in the periodic reevaluation of the transporta- tion plan by cooperating in the projections of socio- economic data and reevaluation of area transportation goals and objectives, coordinate zoning and subdivision approvals in accordance with the transportation plan, and periodically reevaluate its administrative processes and laws and ordinances, all in regards to the transportation plan fox that portion of the planning area under the planning jurisdiction of the County r r-c~ - North Carolina Board of Transportation The Board will maintain required inventories of traffic accidents, traffic, and major roads and highways and traffic control devices on the State Highway System, provide financial and technical assistance in the periodic cooperative reevaluation of the transportation plan on a cost-sharing basis in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 136, Article 3A, Section 136-66 2, and to the fullest extent possible and as permitted by existing State and Federal regulations, will provide assistance in the protection of necessary rights-of-way for those thoroughfares designated in the transportation plan to be a State responsibility Section 3 Parties to this Memorandum of Understanding may terminate their participation in the continuing transpor- tation planning process by giving 30 days written notice to the other parties prior to the date of termination Section 4 In witness whereof, the parties of this Memoran um o: nderstanding have been authorized by appro- priate and proper resolutions to sign the same, the City of Wilmington by its Mayor, New Hanover County by its Chairman, and the Board of Transportation by the State 19g~way Adminis- trator, This aa-f-~ day of , (Seal) CITY OF WILMINGTON ~I ~. ~~~~ Clerk ~/ Mayor (Seal) NEW HANOVER COUNTY i i --~ B ~~~~ C ~~'' ~"--~ ~ ~.c,-`"~ y ~ 'hairman Clerk /1 v BOARD OF~RANSPO TATION By ~~. _~„''~. State/ Highway "Adm~.nistrator Approved for Execution Attorney General of North Carolina By s ttorney en~eral Resolution Passed by The County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina The following resolution was offered by Comm Peter R Davis and seconded by Comm M H Vaughan and upon being put to a vote ioas carried 4 to 1 on ttie 21st day of October 1974 THAT WHEREAS, it is recognized that the proper movement o~ travel within and through the Wilmington urban area zs a highly desirable element of a comprehensive plan for the orderly growth and development of the area, and WHEREAS, there are a number of governmental jurisdictions within the Wilmington urban area which have been authorized implementation and regulatory responsibilities for transportation by North Carolina Gonoral Statutos, and WHEREAS, it is desirable that a coordinated, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning process be maintained zn the tiVzlmzngton urban area to insure that the transportation system is maintained on an efficient and economical basis commensurate with the public health, safety, and welfare, and WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of ti+ilmington, County of New Hanover, and North Carolina Board of Transportation has been prepared that sets forth the responsi- bYlities and working arrangements for maintaining a continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning process, NO~V, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMbIISSZONERS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA That the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of tiCilmington, County of New Hanover, and North Carolina Board of Transportation, draft date September 23, 1974, be approved and that the Chairperson of the County Board of Commissioners and County Clerk are hereby directed to execute the Remorandum of Understanding I , I,ise K Kinr~ Clerk of the County of New Hanover, ~'~'orth Carolina, do hereby certx.fy that the above is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the minutes of the Board cf Commissioners of said County. VIITNESS my hand and the official seal of the County of i1`ew Hanover this the 22nd. day of october, 1974 , ATTEST (Seal) .~' C;ler~, Resolution Passed by The City Council of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina The following resolution was offered by Councilman Aalterman and seconded by Co~incilman e and upon being put to a vote was carried t,nanimougly on t e 22nd day of October ~ 1974 THAT WHEREAS, it is recognized that the proper movement of travel within and through the Wilmington urban area is a highly desirable element of a comprehensive plan for the orderly growth and development of the area, and WHEREAS, there are a number of governmental jurisdictions within the Wilmington urban area which have been authorized implementation and regulatory responsibilities for transportation by North Carolina General Statutes, and WHEREAS, it is desirable that a coordinated, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning process be maintained in the Wilmington urban area to insure that the transportation system is maintained on an efficient and economical basis commensurate with the public health, safety, and welfare, and WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington, County of New Hanover, and North Carolina Board of Transportation has been prepared that sets forth the responsi- bilities and working arrangements for maintaining a continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning process, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WTLMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA That the Aemorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington, County of New Hanover, and North Carolina Board of Transportation, draft date September 23, 1974, be approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to execute the Memorandum of Understanding I, Claire Hughes Clerk of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the minutes of the City Council of said City WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the City of Wilmington this the zznd day of Oct. 1974 , ATTEST (Seal) / -i ~ ~, C 1 e ~1c r NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CUMMTSSIUNERS AND NEW HANUVER CUUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE W H E R E A S 1 Pursuant to the provisions of N C Gen Stat Section 108-30 1 a Notice of Claim of Lien was filed in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County against the real property of Hampton Sanders Said Notice and Claim of Lien was docketed on the 13 day of July, 1972 2 Hampton Sanders owns property in New Hanover County generally described as 9 6 acres, Federal Point Township 3 The Trustees of A M E Zion Church, New Hanover County have purchased 1 03 acres of said tract from Mr Sanders and Elijah Leonard and wife, Lillie Leonard, have purchased 53 acres of said land from Mr Sanders by deeds dated August 15, 1974 and recorded in Book 1013 at Pages 291 and 289 respectively of the New Hanover County registry 4 Said 9 6 acre tract was appraised on January 1, 1974, by the Tax Supervisor of New Hanover County, and on said date, after full investigation, the fair market value of said property was determined to be $8,640 00 ($900 00 per acre) 5 The sum of $927 00 has been paid by the Bowens Chapel A M E Zion Church, Trustees, to and received by New Hanover County in lieu of foreclosure and sale of said property 6. The sum of $477.00 has been paid by Elijah Leonard and wife, Lillie Leonard, to and received by New Hanover County in lieu of foreclosure and sale of said property 7 It is in the best interest of New Hanover County to accept said sums and release said 1 03 acre and 53 acre tracts from the lien heretofore referred to NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREWITH RESOLVED THAT 1 The property hereinafter described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference is re- leased from the Notice and Claim of Lien against the property of Hampton Sanders docketed on 13 July, 1972, in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County 2 A copy of this resolution be attached to the aforesaid original Notice and Claim of Lien in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County 3 A copy of this resolution be placed in the New Hanover County Board of Public Welfare case records pertaining to the assistance furnished to Hampton Sanders This 21st day of October 1974 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOARD OF COMMISSIONPRS ~ ~ .) ~' J _.~~ ., ~.~ o..____._.__ __ ._. ~~~~. ,, -~, ,, ~ ~. Exhibit A 1 03 Acres Bowens Chapel A M E. Zion Church Beginning at an old iron pipe in the western right of way line of Carolina Beach Road (U S. Highway 421) (80 0 feet from the centerline thereof) and in the dividing line between Tracts 1 and 2 of the Division of the J H. McDonald land as shown on a map prepared by E J. W Anders, C E and duly recorded in Book 285 at Page 304 1/2 of the New Hanover County Registry, said beginning point also being the northeastern corner of Tract 1 of a Division of aforementioned Tract 1 of the division of the J H McDonald land as recorded in Map Book 13 at Page 4 of the New Hanover County Registry; running thence from said beginning point, along the western right of way line of aforementioned Carolina Beach Road, South 30 deg 36 min. West 215 0 feet to an old iron pipe, the present northeastern corner of the Bowens Chapel AME Zion Church property; running thence along the northern line of said Church property, North 59 deg 24 min West 139 0 feet to an iron pipe, the northwestern corner of said Church property; running thence along the western line of said Church property, South 30 deg 36 min West 105 0 feet to an iron pipe, the southwestern corner of said Church property; running thence along the southern line of said Church property, South 59 deg 24 min East 139 0 feet to an iron pipe in the western right of way line of aforementioned Carolina Beach Road (80 0 feet from the centerline thereof) at the southeastern corner of said Church property; running thence North 76 deg 47 min 30 sec West 203 52 feet to an iron pipe; running thence North 12 deg 02 min 30 sec East 187 75 feet to an iron pipe in the dividing line between aforementioned Tracts 1 and 2 of the J H McDonald land; running thence along said dividing line, North 81 deg 59 min East 325 0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.03 acres of land, more or less, the same being a portion of aforementioned Tract 1 of the Division of Tract 1 of the J. H. McDonald land .53 Acres Elijah Leonard and wife, Lillie Leonard Beginning at an old iron pipe in the western right of way line of Carolina Beach Road (U.S. Highway 421) (80 0 feet from the centerline thereof), said point being the southeastern corner of the Bowens Chapel AME Zion Church property, said beginning point being South 30 deg. 36 min. West 320 0 feet from an old iron pipe in the dividing line between Tracts 1 and 2 of the Division of the J. H. McDonald land as shown on a map prepared by E J W Anders, C. E., and duly recorded in Book 285 at Page 304 1/2 of the New Hanover County Registry; said dividing corner being the northeastern corner of Tract 1 of the Division of Tract 1 of the Division of the J. H McDonald land as recorded in Map Book 13 at Page 4 of the New Hanover County Registry; running thence from said beginning point, along the western right of way line of said Carolina Beach Road, South 28 deg 37 min West 54 2 feet to a right of way monument, the beginning of a. sight right of way at the intersection of said Carolina Beach Road and S R #1187; running thence along said sight right of way line, South 57 deg 17 min West 90 6 feet to a right of way monument at the end of said sight right of way in the northern right of way line of said S R #1187 (50 0 feet from the centerline thereof); running thence along the northern right of way line of said S. R #1187, South 84 deg 04 min. West 130 0 feet to an iron pipe; running thence North 12 deg 02 min 30 sec. East 160 0 feet to an iron pipe; running thence South 76 deg 47 min 30 sec East 203 52 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0 53 acres of land, more or less, the same being a portion of aforementioned Tract 1 of the Division of Tract 1 of the Division of the J. H. McDonald land. t .. ~ 4~ i t MEMORANDUM October 15, 1974 TO Mr Dan W Eller, County Manager New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FROM Larry J Powell Tax Administrator SUBJ Abatements and Refunds Request the following taxes be released as they were double listed 1 William D Gay 2 Richard Oswald 3 Gregory-Murray Const Co 4 Ultronic Systems Corp 5 J Walter Winner, Jr 6 J Earl Sneeden 7 Virginia C Garrett 8 James T Watts 9 Michael H Walters 10 Daniel Jezewski 11 Lincoln-The Creek Associates 12 Edna Gabriel 13 Dianne Diehl 14 J C Fox, Jr $136 21 130 88 16 72 70 79 5 48 5 53 5 41 39 47 17 28 98 32 7 15 8 98 7 51 190 56 (1973) (1971) (1973) (1972) Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the city or town limits, or the personal property is located in the county 1 Charles B Lewis, Jr 4 06 2 Jame s B Swart 4 3 13 3 James A McKellar 45 00 4 Elizabeth Kehaya 4 55 5 Ery W Kehaya 17 00 6 Thomas W Cox 65 90 7 Gloria Rich 25 94 8 George Alford 75 43 9 Duane Josenhaus 74 59 10 Diana L Schulte 29 96 11 Mary L Ward 33 44 12 Richard L Bower 99 46 13 Melva E Pearsall 19 06 14 Eva Carter 20 00 15 Charles Thompson 48 75 16 Robert A Hounsell 48 13 17 Harold McArthur 86 44 18 Bette D Block 39 57 (1971 & 1974) (1972) (Refund 1973-$40 68) 2 19 Charles Raymer $ 4l 88 20 Robert A Guy 30 65 21 Margaret M Strickland 38 13 22 Frances V Smith 48 68 23 Martin V James 83 13 24 Elwood C Dixon 45 31 25 Robin Knotts 48 13 26 Myrtle Little 18 84 27 Country Squire Mobile Homes 2,088 14 28 Ralph B Neville 11 25 Request the following taxes be released as the property is owned and used by a religious organization 1 Wilmington Bible Chapel 21 55 2 Mt Zion A M E Church 10 32 Request the following taxes be released as these are clerical errors 1 Smith Refrigeration, Inc 4 68 2 Leroy Truelove III 14 54 3 Elizabeth Harris 131 20 4 Pearl Skipper 30 34 5 Ira C Merritt 479 98 (1968) 6 Jennifer S Collier 27 66 7 James G Daughtry 41 46 8 Robert E Anderson 89 47 01970) 9 Friendly C James 2 55 10 Henrietta Adams 28 06 11 Benjamin Hooks 37 95 12 Annie B Gainey 38 67 l3 William E Raftery 6 53 14 James L Pierce 123 09 15 Norman M Sorensen 17 75 16 Bertha Van Landingham 8 16 17 Quality Water Supply 54 99 (Refund 1972 & 1973) The following taxpayers request they be allowed the Senior Citizen's Exemption Each individual qualifies for the exemption, however, they failed to file for the release in January 1 Estelle Lamb 46 67 2 Lucille Baker 39 50 3 Sarah McCormick 13 27 4 Edith Ellis 102 00 5 Ida Green 36 85 6 D T Reynolds 102 00 7 0 T Trawick 39 50 8 Carrie Granger 82 81 9 Mabel B Davis 102 00 10 Johnson Canty 39 50 11 Carrie M Taylor 39 50 12 J W Page 102 00 13 Raye Wood 24 07 14 Euphelia Johnson 39 50 J 3 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect information 1 William Clark $ 49 20 2 Charles T Farrow 74 11 3 David G Willis 60 49 4 Meares Harris 14 93 5 Waitus Hickman 8 10 6 W F Brittain 2 37 7 Douglas Antonelli 3 36 8 Jacob D Robertshaw 82 27 9 Robert L Rouse 12 29 10 Raymond Schnell 14 28 11 J N Tew 18 57 12 Fred Willetts 207 14 (1973) 13 Steven M Levine 68 35 14 Charlotte Solomon 20 73 15 S A Stockard 11 71 16 Zora's Seafood Market 23 47 17 First Citizens Bank 8 Trust 183 60 The following taxpayers request the 100 listing penalty be released as they certify the listing forms were mailed during January 1974 1 Tri-Dent Group 98 54 2 Beulah Meier 92 88 3 Richard L Burnett 27 41 4 Donald D Anderson 19 44 5 Susie Bogue 34 65 6 Dorothy Williams 16 00 7 A G Massey 20 86 8 J H Burris 6 10 9 Susan Emerson 8 9l 10 Ronald Attkisson 42 41 11 Wilmington Baptist Assoc 11 79 I2 Bessie Foy 1 54 Request this item be placed on the agenda of the County Commissioners' meeting of October 21, 1974 cc Mrs King LJP/per ~~~ LARRY J POWELL Tax Administrator RAYMOND E BLAKE JR Appraisal Supervisor 119 No Fifth St 7~aAllObQi• IM~r, ~Irlttll~gtOlY, ~ (~ 2841 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU SEPTEMBER 30, 1974 1974 Regular Scroll Charges $6,510,471 59 Discoveries Added 86,540 62 6,597,012 21 Less Abatements - 1,019 77 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co 6,595,992 44 Total Collected - 662,897 62 Outstanding Balance $5,933,094 82 Percentage Collected 10 to Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 305,089 15 Less Abatem ents - 386 66 Collections to Date -38,847 46 Outstanding Balance $ 265,855 03 Percentage Collected 12 70 Back Taxes ~. , t ;• ;~„-. MAE B. STUART Listing Supervisor JANIE B STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 762-0391 1973 $5,636,844 85 51,183 35 5,688,028 20 - 4,280 18 5,683,748 02 -1,058,863 50 $4,624,884 52 18 60 $ 364,346 48 - 747 11 -44.471 14 $ 319,128 23 12 2% Personal Property $ 343,627 23 $ 316,199 39 Less Abatements - 239 02 - 79 05 Collections to Date - 7,219 24 -16,556 95 Outst:and>_ng Balance $ 336,168 97 $ 299,563 39 Percentage Collected 2 1% 5 2% Total money processed through collection office for New Hanover County, C>_ty of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to date $1,355,753 71 This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1974 Respectfully submitted, I J ie B Straughn Co lector of Revenue ~QO 4~ JBS/pjr