1974-01-07 RM ExhibitsThe 0.2 mile access road parrallel to the U. S. 74 ramp at the intersection of U. S. 17 and U. S. 74 just east of the N. C. 132 overpass Describe toad in Above Space NORTH CAP~LINA COWi TY OF NEW HANOVER RE~LTEST FOR ADDTTIOI~T TO STATE T~IAINTA~'TED 5ECOTTDARY ROAD S3'STET•4 TN~P~AS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the Cour~t~r of NEW HANOVER requester,; that the above described road, the location of t~~hich has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road system; and Tr~~~EA5, the Board of Count~* Com,~ issioners zs of the opinion that the above described road should be added to t:~e Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established bar the State HigT7~~ray Commission for the addition of roads to the SJrstem. T~OT~J, TI-iEREF03E, be it resolved bT* the Board of CountTr Commissiazeis of the Count~r of NEW HANOVER that the State TTigh1•ray Commission is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance i.f it meets established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted b~T the Board of Commis- sioners of the County of NEW HANOVER at a meeting on the 7th da~r of January ~ 1974, and appears on the minutes of the said Commission. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 8th day of January 19_? ~t c~~,~ ~~ Clerk, Board of C 'ssioners County of NEW HANOVER Form SR-2 Tdovember 1, 1959 (All previous forms obsolete) PLEASE NOTE: Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, State Highway Commission. i; ti ~ ~ ~i _ HENRY VON OESEN AND ASSOCIATES i~~~~'13 ~>~ , C O N S U L T I N G E N G I N E E R S TELEPHONE 763-0141 A N D P L A N N E R S , ~ ~_ ~ ~ 611 PRINCESS STREET P. O DRAWER 2087 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 December 4, 1973 Mr. Dan Eller County Manager New Hanover County Courthouse Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Mr. Eller: We are pleased to present the attached scope of services and estimated fees to perform a structural investigation and report on the New Hanover County Courthouse. We have separated our proposal into a complete study or an interim study. We would suggest our final fee be based on the actual subsurface investigation cost plus our direct labor costs times a factor of 3.0. Please let us know if you have any questions. Very trul your , HEN Y OESE AN ASSOCIATES, INC. ohn R. Andrew, P. E. JRA/lm Enc. r SCOPE OF SERVICES Structural Study and Report New Hanover County Courthouse (1892 Building) A. Complete Study: 1. Inspect structural system of courthouse including roof and floor framing, walls, and foundations. 2. Evaluate settlement problems in floors and walls. 3. Evaluation of future settlement in htem (2). 4. Determination of subsurface conditions and bearing capacities. (Subsurface exploration required with six borings and other associated tests). 5. Evaluation of loads and soil borings. 6. Suggested structural repairs and stabilization to avoid continual failures if any. 7. Estimated initial repair costs, stabilization of subgrade, and future structural repair costs. Time - 90 days B. Interim Study: 1. Same as (1) above. 2. Settlement investigation only where critical. 3. Subsurface investigation taking three borings. 4. Suggested initial structural repairs, foundation stabilization costs, and estimated costs. Time - 45 days ESTIMATED FEE SCHEDULE A. Complete Study: 1. Subsurface Investigation mobilization $ 150.00 six borings 1200.00 undisturbed samples 60.00 consolidation test 100.00 report 200.00 $ 1,710.00 2. Structural report, estimates, inspection 1,500.00 Total $ 3,210.00 B. Interim Study: 1. Subsurface investigation mobilization $ 150.00 Three borings 600.00 $ 750.00 2. Structural report estimates 600.00 Total $ 1,350.00 ._ ' PLANNING DESIGN 1 CONSULTING JOHN T TALBERT. JR P E. WILLIAM E COX. P E. ROBERT M WILLIAMS, JR P E FRANKLYN L ELMORE JOHN C BLACK, ASSOC A I.P JOSEPH W JOHNSON FRED J COXE III Sohn Talbert & AIRPORT CON6ULTANTS Mr. W. Douglas Powell, Chairman Board of County Commissioners New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Mr. Powell: ~,~, tt ~`v~a l~ Associates, lr~c. CONSULTING ENGINEERS t-. ~, <'S -~", i ~ ~~ 916 5 SEV ENT EENT Fi STREET P O S T O F F I C E B O X 3 3 3 3 WILMINGTON, N C 28401 TELEPHONE 919 762-5204 CABLE: "TALBERT" WILMINGTONNCAR December 28, 1973 Subject: New Hanover County Court House Wilmington, N. C. Proposal for Structural Analysis In response to a request by Mr. Dan Eller, County Manager, we are pleased to sub- mit to you our proposal to conduct a structural study of the New Hanover County Court House. We propose that the study will be limited to the original structure constructed in 1892 and further, that the study will have the following specific objectives. 1 . To determine if the building is safe for its present use and occupancy. 2. To determine the possible effect on the existing building of future construction in the immediate vicinity such as pile driving. 3. To determine generally when the County might be required to make major structural repairs . We understand that there are no plans or details of the original construction, found- ation or structure available which might be used to determine the sizes or spacing of the structural components. Thus, in our opinion, it will be necessary that the floors, ceilings, and walls be exposed for examination and measurements in an estimated four different places each. In addition, the foundation of the building should be exposed at an estimated four locations for examination. Those areas which are opened up will have to be repaired upon completion of the examination and measurements. Our proposal is based upon all work involved in opening and repairing the inspection points being accomp- lished by the county. Our preliminary examination of the structure indicates that it may not be necessary to obtain borings to evaluate the sub-surface soil conditions. Our proposal considers that we will reserve this judgement until the latter phase of the study at which time we would decide whether borings are, in fact, necessary, If the borings are required, we estimate that four holes, each twenty-five feet deep, would be needed with Laboratory WILMINGTON, N C. CHARLOTTE, N C. ATLANTA, GA, COLUMBIA, S C ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA 'ice` . - 2 - classification made of the soils encountered. Our proposal is based upon this work being paid for directly by the County. We would, of course, assist in the negotiation for the service . We propose to furnish the professional services necessary, in consideration of the foregoing, to produce a written report accompanied by such drawings and sketches as may be required to depict the analysis and conclusions made in the study for a lump sum fee of two thousand five hundred ($2,500) dollars. Should you have questions regarding this proposal, we shall be pleased to discuss it in detail with you and your Board. We shall look forward to hearing from you. Very truly yours, Robert M. Williams, Jr. RMW j r/dw _ ,a ~ r- ~~ iL Cl ~ ~ ~ - ,~~~'~ ~~ !D W O ~ "7 ~ ''O ~ C ~ Oq G i/1 '~ 7d ~ n r'rozc' n ~ o n ~ 5 ~9c~ + ~ b C~ Z r r ~ ] G rt W O H CrJ '~v H f7 ~C OQ CrJ H Z rt ~ d ~ r• m o t7 ~ ~ z c~ O rt rt by r• co r• l~ W ~ C] ~ H I--` ° ° rt w ~ ~ o o o ~ • ~ ~ a o ~ W r-i o rt rt n H r• ru N F~ E-+ F-~ H ~ ~t w N o0 ~ o cu w bd v, o o g rt w W O O O N fn fD N (n a m w t~ H F-' U1 y In W In In In r• ~ ~ rn ~ H ~ C w r+ V o w r• w o0 o w ~ ~ ~ v V o. U, U, r ~ N N ~` H ~ ~ ~ 0o rn .o b r• rt i m ~ i v o o p' v~ ~ ~ r ,~ H ~ ~ H ~ V7 V V 00 C w N o cn w rt ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ n r ~ D H ~ f L=J b ~ v o~ oo ~ n N U't In C!1 r• ~ O O O ~ QQ H raw w cn G H ~t ~i w Lb w N o o rn ~, w w V ~ v, ~ ~ w ~ o 0o ao w I'I.) N N N QO V O~ ~D N ~ H ~ ~O y H I-N F-~ N O d ~ yJ ~i V O W Ui W p ~ / ~ f~ ~~ ,5 ~~ Roads in Brandywine Subdivision Describe P~oad in Above Space NORTH CAPJJLITVA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER RE~ULST FOR ~.DDITIOI~T TO STATE T~IAINTAITTED SF,COTTDAF~Y P~OAD SYSTIIi w~EAS, the attached petitior. has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the Count~~ of NEW HANOVER requesting that the above described road, t:ie location of larhich has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road system; and ~~~~?EAS, the Board of Count~* Co:cmtissioners is of the opinion that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the State Highway Commission for the addition of roads to the System. I~101~1, TI~R£FORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Couunissia~xs of the Counter of NEW HANOVER that the State Iiigh~~~ay Commission is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted bJr the Board of Commis- sioners of the County of NEW HANOVER at a meeting on the 7th da;,r of January , ],9 7~ and appears on the minutes of the said Commission. in'ITNESS my hand and official seal this the 8th day of January 19 ?4 ~,~~ ~ Clerk, Board of 'ssioners County of NEW HANOVER Form SR-2 Alovember 1, 1959 (AU previous forms obsolete) PRASE NOTE: Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, State Highway Commission. / 7 . ~_ ~.,;_,, ~ ~ 5 Deerwood Drive in Brookfield Subdivision Describe Road in Above Space NORTH CAP~.OLIi~IA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER RF ?UST FOR ADDITIOIvT TO STATE T~IAINTAIi'IED SECOTIDARY ROAD SYSTET4 WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commis sinners of the Count~• of NEW HANOVER requesting; that the above descri'~ed road, t'rie location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondar~* Road s~rstem; and T~~'FIGFtiEAS, the Hoard of Count~* Cormnissioners ~s of the opinion that the above described road should be added to th.e Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the State Highti~ralr Commission for the addition of roads to the System. NOI~J, TI-~REFORE be it resolved by the Board of County Commissicrx~s of the Counter of NET HANOVER that the State Iiighl~ray Commission is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take ovor the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted bar the Board of Commis- sioners of the County of NEW HANOVER at a meeting on the 7th day of January , 19 ?; and appears on the minutes of the said Commission. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 8th day of January 1974, C1 rk, Board of Casioner: County of New Hanover Form SR-2 I~;ovember 1, 1959 (All. previous forms obsolete) PI.~ASE NOTE Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, State Highway Commission. -~ ~~ ~ ~ ~w''''~"~" .h ~`' ~ December 31, 19 7 3 Q~ MEMORANDUT~I T0: New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners Mr. Dan Eller, County Manager y ~~ FRONT: Larr J. Powell Tax Administrato SUBJ: Computer Contract At the County Commissioners' meeting of February 5, 1973, a one-year contract for computer service was awarded to National Data Processing, Inc. At that meeting it was decided that the contract issued in 1974 would be for three years. On December 6, 1973 I forwarded specifications for the required computer service to the following companies, and each have submitted their bids as reflected below for a three-year contract: Computerecords Inc. $ 60,600 Burlington Management Services Co. $ 59,460 National Data Processing, Inc. $ 59,755 Cole-Layer-Tremble Company $123,600 Mr. Eller, attached herewith to your copy of this memo are the pi^oposals submitted by each company. My recommendation would be to award the contract to Computerecords Inc. as they are a local company and are very convenient to the Tax Office. They have the required equipment to process the live-data appraisal work and have had the experience of working with other counties with the tax mapping system. I feel they are capable of processing the required services. Burlington Management Services Company's bid of $59,460 does not include travel costs and related expenses such as telephone expenses and shipping the data from this office to Greensboro. This additional cost could be quite expensive if they are required to send one of their employees to Wilmington to become familiar with our operation. National Data Processing Inc.'s bid of $59,755 requires monthly payments to begin in January 1974. However, our first work will not be processed until March or April, with the greatest volume ,.,..~ ~. of wor}c being in August. In my opinion, if we are to make advance payments, we should have a Performance Bond to assure that the work is completed. National Data Processing has stated if a Performance Bond is required, it would be at the County's expense. I checked with ~larold Wells ~ Son and they advised the premium on this type of bond would be approximately $1800 for three years. Cole-Layer-Trumble Company's bid is based on 59~ per real estate parcel for 1974, $1.00 per parcel for 1975 and 1976, and 50~ per parcel for the remaining 6 months in 1977. I estimated there will be approximately 40,000 parcels each of the three years. Request this item be placed on the agenda of the County Commissioners' meeting of January 7, 1974. Copy: Mrs. King LJP{pjr * ~ ~ r ~. ~ _ n 7 hf !~ 7~ .. L1v ~~ USE VALUE SCHEDULE Land Classification Use Value Open Cultivated or Pasture Land #1 Good $970jac. Cultivated land suitable for Good (-) 870/ac. production of crops #2 Average C+) $820/ac. Value - Subject to soil class, Average 770/ac. typical management practices, Average (-) 670/ac. local market conditions, topography, etc. #3 Fair $390/ac. Fair (-) 360/ac. Variations from Grade - See: Supporting Schedule #1 for #4 Poor (+) $190/ac. open cultivated or pasture land Poor 180/ac. Forest Land #1 Good $250/ac. Is the land being utilized fully #2 Average $200-185/ac. as directed by the State Forestry Service Wasteland #1 Fair $150/ac. Land not suitable for the produc- #2 Poor 100/ac. tion of crops. Marsh land. . ~ r 2 The income estimates used in this analysis were based on local prices obtainable for corn crops produced in the county since corn is the basic crop for New Hanover County. It was determined from local opinion, the County Agriculture Agent, and individuals with the State Property Tax Commission that typical corn yields were about 75 bu. n~~r acre, ranging to 90 or 100 bu./a.cre under optimum conditions. The average market price (over four year period) for corn was estimated to be $1.45 per bu. Next, a schedule of production levels was derived for the prevalent soil classes and management levels evident from soil maps and local management practices. The schedule is indicated thusly: Soil Class Av. Yield Gross Income Net Ratio Net Income From Product From Product I 75 bu. 1.45/bu. 400 $43.50 II 65 bu. 1.45Ibu. 25% 23.56 III 55 bu. 1.45/bu. 15~ 11.96 Thus dividing the total net income by the sale price (for open cultivated land only) one may estimate the proper rate for capitalization of farm income. Acreage Soil Class Income 3.3 ac. Class I land @ 43. 50/ac. = 143.55 29.7 ac. Class II land @ 23. 56/ac. = 699.73 33.0 843.28 Therefore: Income Remaining SP for land only 843.28 - 14,000 = 6.020 ~~.. .b.y' ~. .,. z . s ..... __. , ~, Based on the foregoing information, the supporting schedules were 3 developed as follows: Supporting Schedule #1 Soil Class ~~ ~f1 Production in bu/ac.(corn base) ~ 100 q5 90 Gross Income From Product 1.45 1.45 1.45 Ratio of Net to Gross Income ~ 40° 400 40~ Capitalized Net Income 58.00 55.10 52.20 at 6 Value _~ $970/ac. 920/ac. 8701ac. #2 85 80 70 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 °, 400 400 40° 49.30 46.40 43.70 40.60 820/ac. 770/ac. 720/ac. 670/ac. #3 60 1.45 1.45 250 25's 23.60 21.70 390/ac. 360/ac. #,~4 50 1.45 1.45 150 15~ 11.90 10.80 190/ac. 1801ac. Forest Land 250/ac. #~1 200/ac. ;r2 185/ac. ~k 3 100/ac. Wasteland (Marsh) i {:,