2008-08-18 RM Exhibits NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: Seabuoy Circle, Crosswinds Drive, Out Island Drive, Down Rigger Drive, Makb Drive and Neelys Circle in Crosswinds Subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No 1113-N) WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated on a map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the SecondaryRoad System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County ofNewHanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take overthe road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and etitet'ia. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 18~` day of August , 2008. WITNESS my hand ~_...~ _ 2008 ~F~~. ;~ t~' ~ ~~'r , tzi ~ ~~ _~ i ~ ~ , ' , :, ~ ~ . :;~- \•t sl~_~~lY \~, and official seal this the ~_ day of ~~~~ ~- ~s~:~~~ Sheila L Schult, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 Please Note• Forward directly to the Distract Engmeer, Division of Highways. resolute.doc NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 175 - WILMINGTON, NC 28403 (9 i 0) 798-7 i49 ~ (9 i 0) 798-7145 FAX ~ www. NHCGOV.COM Robert G. Greer, Chairman • William A. Caster, Vice-Chairman Ted Davis, Jr., Commissioner• WilliamA. Kopp, Jr., Commissioner• Nancy H. Pritchett, Commissioner Sheila L. Schutt, Clerk to the Board ~ `~~~ ' ~ ~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION DESIGNATING STAFF AS MAP REVIEW OFFICERS WHEREAS, General Statute 47-30.2 requires that every County appoint one or more Map Review Officers to examine and approve plats and maps prior to recordation at the Registry of Deeds; and WHEREAS, a review officer must examine and approve plats and maps to ascertain mapping accuracy and consistency; and WHEREAS, a resolution was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on June 4, 2007 that for the unincorporated New Hanover County and the Towns of Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach, that the designated Review Officers be Chris O'Keefe, Planning Director; Billy Oakes, Land Records Supervisor; or Sam Burgess, Principal Development Planner; and that for the City of Wilmington the designated Review Officers are; Ronald H. Satterfield, Jr., Planning Manager; James A. Diepenbrock, Associate Planner; David E. Cowell, P.E., City Engineer; Carl H. Farmer, Jr., P.E., Division Engineer; and John Fullerton, Zoning Administrator; and WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County have requested that the staff listed below be designated as Map Review Officers in addition to those listed above. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, that the following staff be designated as Map Review Officers: Derek Pielech, City Project Engineer Joey W. Taylor, P.L.S., City Surveyor Ted Anderson, City Staff Engineer Robert L. Harris, County Planning Specialist ADOPTED this the 18"' day of August, 2008. NEW H /~' VER COUNTY Robert G. Greer, Chairman AT S ~- `~~~ Sheila L. Schutt, Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 613012008 X~ 3 I. I ?. 3a- 08/08/2008 CURRENT TAX YEAR AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL 5,729,610.31 446,251.67 DISCOVERIES ADDED 176,161.31 0.00 ADJUSTMENTS /ABATEMENTS -258,307.90 -5,424.70 TOTAL TAXES CHARGED 5,647,463.72 440,826.97 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 3,803.62 0.00 TOTAL LEVY 5,651,267.34 440,826.97 COLLECTIONS TO DATE 5,603,789.83 378,687.04 OUTSTANDING BALANCE 47,477.51 62,139.93 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED (%) 99.16 85.90 BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY 159,595.07 CHARGES ADDED 0.00 ADJUSTMENTS /ABATEMENTS -10,779.25 TOTAL TAXES DUE 148,815.82 COLLECTIONS TO DATE 60,076.96 OUTSTANDING BALANCE 88,738.86 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED (%) 40.37 THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2007 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED MICHELLE D. HARRELL COLLECTOR OF REVENUE COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE: (%) 98.20 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THROUGH COLLECTION DIVISION FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILIMINGTON, CAROLINA BEACH, KURE BEACH, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH TO DATE: 10:31:51 AM 202,797,174.94 X83l.~~.36 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 6/30/2008 08/08/2008 10:31:51AM CURRENT TAX YEAR AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL 131,348,529.46 8,942,640.03 DISCOVERIES ADDED 6,220,765.96 0.00 ADJUSTMENTS /ABATEMENTS -7,289,547.45 -121,983.76 TOTAL TAXES CHARGED 130,279,747.97 8,820,656.27 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 89,465.02 0.00 ADVERTISING FEES 19,357.00 0.00 CLEANING LIENS 13,250.00 0.00 TOTAL LEVY 130,401,819.99 8,820,656.27 COLLECTIONS TO DATE 129,251,229.04 7,543,050.88 OUTSTANDING BALANCE 1,150,590.95 1,277,605.39 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED (%) gg,12 85.52 BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY 4,990,387.18 CHARGES ADDED 0.00 ADJUSTMENTS /ABATEMENTS -174,222.33 TOTAL TAXES DUE 4,816,164.85 COLLECTIONS TO DATE 1,751,897.57 OUTSTANDING BALANCE 3,064,267.28 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED (%) 36.38 This month ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS 823,421.47 RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLECTIONS 33,736.98 PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 112.50 THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2007 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED MICHELLE D. HARRELL COLLECTOR OF REVENUE COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE: (%) 98.26 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THROUGH COLLECTION DIVISION FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILIMINGTON, CAROLINA BEACH, KURE BEACH, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH TO DATE: Fiscal YTD 8,121,290.57 360, 237.99 20,871.52 202,797,174.94 ~r3 3 i , i'-1.~q AGENDA: August 18, 2008 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 09-007 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 09-007 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Departments: Sheriffs Office, Emergency Management, Planning, Health, DMC, Aging, Library, Parks, Museum, Commissioners Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Sheriff's Office: Safe Summer Pro ram-Good She herd Grant $ 2 000 Salaries-Road Ra a Grant $ 57 028 FICA-Road Ra e Grant 4,274 Retirement-Road Ra a Grant 2 563 401K-Road Ra a Grant 2 616 Medical Insurance-Road Ra a Grant 11 008 Disabili Insurance-Road Ra e Grant 146 Su lies-LEL 2008 Grant 3 202 Trainin and Travel-LEL 2008 Grant 4 898 Ca ital Outla -LEL 2008 Grant 13 500 Su lies-Port Securi Grant 1,550 Trainin & Travel-Port Securi Grant 2,000 Su lies-DHS Ex losive Devices Grant 64 454 Su lies-Com uter-SCAAP Grant 26,665 Trainin & Travel-SCAAP Grant 29,652 Su lies-SCAAP Grant 950 Salaries-GHSP Traffic Control Grant 34,801 FICA-GHSP Traffic Control Grant 2 456 Retirement-GHSP Traffic Control Grant 1,2gg 401K-GHSP Traffic Control Grant 1 279 Medical Insurance-GHSP Traffic Control Grant 5 992 LTD-GHSP Traffic Control Grant 93 Cell Ex ense-GHSP Traffic Control Grant 1,542 Radios-GHSP Traffic Control Grant 12 000 Su lies-Auto-GHSP Traffic Control Grant 32,927 Su lies-Com uter-GHSP Traffic Control Grant 8,820 Motor Vehicles-GHSP Traffic Control Grant 8,996 Salaries-Pro'ect Safe Nei hborhoods Grant 1 691 FICA-Pro'ect Safe Nei hborhoods Grant 125 Retirement-Pro'ect Safe Nei hborhoods Grant 1 401 Medical Insurance-Pro'ect Safe Nei hborhoods Gr 8,013 Disabili -Pro'ect Safe Nei hborhoods Grant 11 Cellular Ex ense-Pro' ect Safe Nei hborhoods Gr. 790 Su lies-Pro'ect Safe Nei hborhoods Grant 500 Uniforms-Pro'ect Safe Nei hborhoods Grant 245 Em to ee Reimb.-Pro'ect Safe Nei hborhoods Gr. 2,080 Emer enc Mana ement: Safe E ui ment-DHS-USAR Grant 34,619 Su lies-DHS-USAR Grant 4,800 Plannin Tem Salaries-CAMA Grant 1,029 Contracted Services-CAMA Grant 2,571 Ponta e-CAMA Grant 1,000 Printin -CAMA Grant 2 619 Su lies-CAMA Grant 3,784 Ez enditure: Decrease Increase Health: Su lies-Asthma Grant 544 Advertisin -Asthma Grant 1,032 Su lies-Ministerin Circle Grant 6 670 Su lies-MOD-Bab Love 11,514 Su lies-CFMF Diabetes 4,297 Contract Services-CFMF Col osco ]4,492 Su lies-CFMF Col osco 1 876 Salaries-CFMF Famil Counselin 20 701 FICA-CFMF Famil Counselin 1,650 Retirement-CFMF Famil Counselin 1,000 Disabili Insurance-CFMF Famil Counselin 50 Cellular Ex ense-CFMF Famil Counselin 100 Ponta e-CFMF Famil Counselin 100 Su lies-CFMF Famil Counselin 500 Em to ee Reimb.-CFMF Famil Counselin 1 500 Trainin and Travel-CFMF Famil Counselin 500 Juvenile Da Treatment-DMC: Salaries 18,008 FICA 1 400 Retirement 1,000 Medical Insurance 5,600 Disabili Insurance 60 Contract Services 5,700 Cellular Ex ense 350 Ponta e 200 Printin 200 Su lies 350 Su lies-Com uter 500 Em to ee Reimbursements 400 Trainin and Travel 2 017 Youth DMC 911 Ain: Tem ora Salaries-CFMF Prescri lion Asst. 6 298 FICA-CFMF Prescri lion Asst. Grant 481 Airlie: Contract Services-CWMTF Grant 4 963 Parks: Other Im rovements-Middle Sound Grant 97,000 Contract Services-River Road Pier Grant 4,600 Su lies-River Road Pier Grant 300 Su lies & Materials-River Road Grant 18 400 Contract Services-Smith Creek Access Grant 5,300 Su lies-Smith Creek Access Grant 8,880 Su lies & Materials-Smith Creek Access Grant 1 000 Museum: Contract Services-Humanities Council Grant 2,601 Advertisin -Humanities Council Grant 600 Administrative Reservice-Grassroots Science Grant 153 684 Total $ 88 865 $720 442 Revenue: Decrease Increase Elections: HAVA Accessibili Grant $ 26,505 Sheriff's Office: Good She herd Safe Summer Grant $ 2 000 DOT Road Ra e Grant 07/08 $ 9,671 LEL 2008 Grant 21 600 Port Securit Grant-B Land and Air 2 662 Bullet roof Vests Grant-2007 25 783 DHS Ex losive Devices Grant 64,454 SCAAP Grant 57,267 GHSP Traftic Control Grant 161 490 Pro'ect Safe Nei hborhoods Grant 1 637 Emer enc Mana ement: De t. of Homeland Securit -USAR Grant 55 539 EMPG Grant 2 Egg Plannin CAMA Grant 11,003 Health: Asthma Grant 1,576 Ministerin Circle 6 670 MOD Bab Love Grant 11,514 CFMF-Diabetes Su lies Grant 4,297 CFMF-Col osco Grant 16,368 CFMF Famil Counselin Grant 26 101 Juvenile Da Treatment-DMC: GCC DMC Grant 36,696 Ain: CFMF Prescri tion Asst. 6 779 Airlie: CWMTF Grant-Bradle Creek 4 963 Parks: Beach Access Grant-Middle Sound Park Grant 72,750 Waterwa Access Grant-River Road Pier 18 975 Waterwa Access-Smith Creek Nei hborhood 12 700 Museum: Humanities Council Grant 3 201 Grassroots Science Grant 165 045 Commissioners: A ro riated Fund Balance 175,741 Total $187 049 $818 626 Fund: Fire Services Department: Administration Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Fire Services Administration: Travel & Trainin -CEDAP Grant $ 1 000 E ui ment-CEDAP Grant 8,500 Su lies-Get Alarmed Grant 1 000 Total $10 500 Revenue: Decrease Increase Fire Services Administration: CEDAP Grant $ 9 500 Get Alarmed Grant 1 000 Total $10 500 Section Z: Explanation To rollover unexpended grant funds from FY07-08 to FY08-09. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 09-007, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fis~cLal year ending June 30, 2009, is adopted. OvNTY ,~ ted, this ~ ~C'` day of , 2008. ti n O _~ / a2 Robert G. Greer, Chairman It, Clerk to the x a 3-.~~.~-b AGENDA: August 18, 2008 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 09-015 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 09-015 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Departments: Various The following appropriation is hereby made to the General Fund, Automation Enhancement & Preservation Fund, Fire Services Fund, Environmental Management Fund, and that the following revenue is estimated to be available to meet this appropriation. Ex enditure: Decrease Increase NHC-TV $127 394.00 Non-De artmental $64 900.00 Information Technolo $105,075.61 Tax $35,912.81 Board of Elections $30 218.89 Pro e Mana ement $418 086.71 Vehicle Mana ement $1 254.15 District Attorne $1,815.00 Public Safet Communications $276 513.45 Detention-Sheriff $171 096.50 Uniform Patrol $170 739.76 Emer enc Mana ement $136,062.41 800 MHZ Communications S stem $120.00 Plannin $21 163.00 Coo erative Extension $7 099.00 Women's Preventive Health $2,544.00 Communit Health $545.00 Famil Counselin Services $13].00 DSS -Administration $l7 033.80 WF Demo Grant-TANF $23,200.00 Libra $5 873.52 Parks $5,885.00 Airlie Gardens $38 407,64 Museum $21,000,00 Total $1 682 071.25 Revenue: Decrease Increase General Fund: A ro riated Fund Balance $1 654 605.27 Work First Demo Grant $23,200.00 Contributions from Escrow $4,265.98 Total $1 682 071.25 FIRE SERVICES FUND: Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Fire Services Administration $1 722.38 Fire De artment $9 960.00 Fire Services O erations $956 875.73 Total $968 558.11 Revenue: Decrease Increase A ro riated Fund Balance $968,558.11 Total $968 558.11 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FUND: Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Environmental Mana ement Landfill $58 573.00 Environmental Mana ement Rec clin $4 000.00 Environmental Mana ement WASTEC Maint. $21,368.00 Total $83 941.00 Revenue: Decrease Increase A ro riated Fund Balance $83,941.00 Total $83 941.00 Section 2: Explanation To budget appropriated fund balances for outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 2008. The amounts should be added to each appropriation as it appears in the budget ordinance in order to account for the payment against the fiscal year in which it is paid (adopted in the Budget Ordinances for FY08-09 dated June 16, 2008). Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 09-015, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, is adopted. ~vr1TY . pled, this ~~ day of ~ , 2008 \O,d ~ (S C~\ zO ~~ A Z ;,_ O Robert G. Greer, Chairman la L. Schutt. Clerk to the Xg31.!'7.`fc.. AGENDA: August 18, 2008 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 09-012 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 09-012 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Health Department/Vector Control Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Vector Control: Contracted Services $28 000 Total $28 000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Vector Control: Health Fees $28,000 Total $28 000 Section 2: Explanation The New Hanover County Health Department requests an amendment to the Vector Control budget. This change would reflect revenues collected by the Army Corps of Engineers from marinas that have entered into consent agreements with the Corps for waterway dredging activities. The funds are fees charged by the Corps of Engineers for allowing the dredged material to be deposited around islands. These funds are intended to support mosquito control activities. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 09-012, amending the annual budget ordinance for thenfiscal year ending June 30, 2009, is adopted. V NTY . dopted, this _ c~~~ day of _, 2008. ~~---~N /,`~~ (S ~ ~~y zO r, 9 x O 32 ! ~2 ~~ \ ~ ~. Robert G. Greer, Chairman to X~3~. i~.~,~C AGENDA: August 18, 2008 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 09-014 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 09-014 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Sheriff s Office Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Uniform Patrol: Ca ital Outla -Motor Vehicle $8 994 Total $8 994 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriff Administration: Miscellaneous Revenue $8,994 Total $8 994 Section 2: Explanation To budget insurance proceeds for a wrecked Sheriff's Office vehicle (totaled). Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 09-O14, amending the annual budget ordinance for the tigcal year ending June 30, 2009, is adopted. ~vr1~ TY A ^ ted, this ~~ day of ~_, 2008. /~Q- , 1~y ~ (SE ~~ ~ O ' ~ ", _ ~• \ , _ Robert G. Greer, Chairman to ~C 8 3 I . ! 7. ~, e. AGENDA: August 18, 2008 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2009-OS BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2009-OS be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Controlled Substance Tax Department: Sheriff s Office Ex enditure: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax: Su lies $10109 Total $10 109 Revenue: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax: Controlled Substance Tax $9,843 Interest on Investments 266 Total $10 109 Section 2: Explanation To budget 7/22/08 receipt of $9,843 and $266 interest earned for April through June 2008. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2009-05, amending the ~NTY . ~ get ordinance for the fiscal year ending`{J~une 30, 2009, is adopted. GO E ~ O d, this ~~ day of ~~f A1\ , 2008. w~ ~~ O r ~ ~ . 1' ~ ~~~~ '~ ~ ~ . O 3~~ %~ '.\1ti~ ~~~t*~t~~~~~F? Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schu t, Clerk to the Boar n~ cn X ~33I. l1. S NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS "TRINITY CHILDREN CHARITY DAYS" PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, all children are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; and WHEREAS, children are the highest priority of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the children are the future of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, Trinity Children Foundation was established to provide funding for non-profit organizations who directly offer programs and services to orphans, underprivileged, abused and neglected children; and WHEREAS, the annual Trinity Children Charity Ride was established to raise funds for child care and child abuse prevention and awareness programs in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, from August 20, 2008 through August 23, 2008, citizens shall unite in aiding to further the cause of hope for our children. NOW, THERF,FORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that August 20-23, 2008 be recognized as "Trinity Children Charity Days" in New Hanover County and that all citizens are urged to come together and participate in giving faith, hope, love and commitment to our children. ADOPTED this the 18''' day of August, 2008. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board ~~ C X ~33-. i~. ~. a. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION BOND ORDER AUTHO ON COMMUNITY COL O GE BONDS O GENERAL OBLIGATI OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WHEREAS, the Board of CommissioneredO ande County of New Hanover deems it advisable to make the improvements hereinafter describ , WHEREAS, the Board has caused tlicat on Ifor Comm ssioncapproval f the bonds hereinafter Commission of North Carolina an app described as required by The Local Govern d that the aCe lcation has been filed and acceptedofor Government Commission has notified the Boar pP submission to the Local Government Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners of th t es for Ca e Fear4CommunrtyaCollege ea chiding the determines that it is necessary to provide facil P construction and renovation of buildings f latedla arkin fac lb~es t and includ ng thecacquisition administrative offices and the provision of re p g and installation of furnishings and equipmen rovementscquisition of land or rights-in-land required therefore, and to pay capital costs of such imp Section 2. In order to raise the money required to pay capital costs of providing the improvements as set forth above, in addition to any funds that e care hereb e authorbzed and halube issued pursuanhto sources, bonds of the County of New Hanov y The Local Government Finance Act of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate principal amount of said bonds authorized by this bond order shall be $164,000,000. Section 3. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. A sworn statement of the County's debt has been filed with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and is open to public inspection. Section 5. This bond order shall take effect when approved by the voters of the County at a referendum. ADOPTED this the 18`h day of August, 2008. /~~ O z Q T 7 :~NTY n\ c NEW VE CO TY Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: ~~~ ~ ~ ~ Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board X ~3 31. I ~. (~, b NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING AND THE SUBMISSION OF A STATEMENT OF DEBT WHEREAS, the bond order entitled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $164,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION COMMUNITY COLLEGE BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER" has been introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on August 18, 2008 and the Board desires to provide for the holding of a public hearing thereon and the submission of a statement of debt in connection therewith as required by The Local Government Bond Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: (1) The public hearing upon said bond order shall be held on the 2°d day of September, 2008, at 6:00 o'clock, P.M., Room 301 of the New Hanover County Historic Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, in Wilmington, North Carolina. (2) The Clerk to the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copy of the bond order to be published with a notice of such hearing in the form prescribed by law in a qualified newspaper no fewer than six days prior to such public hearing. (3) The County's Finance Officer is hereby directed to file with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, prior to publication of the bond order with the notice of such public hearing, a statement setting forth the debt incurred or to be incurred, the assessed value of property subject to taxation by the County and the net debt of the County. ADOPTED this the 18th day of August, 2008. NEW HANOVER COUNTY If'~~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board X~33I .-~. 1~. c._ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR ABSENTEE VOTING WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wishes to provide for absentee voting at such election and to provide that notice of the availability of absentee ballots be given timely to voters in the County. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: (1) The questions whether the qualified voters of the County of New Hanover shall approve or disapprove (a) the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of the bonds of the County authorized by said bond order, which indebtedness shall be secured by a pledge of the County's faith and credit, (b) the levy of a tax for the payment thereof, and (c) said bond order, when adopted, shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said County at an election to be held in said County on November 4, 2008. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to publish on or about September 3, 2008 a notice that absentee ballots will be available for use at said election. (3) The New Hanover County Board of Elections is hereby requested to print and distribute the necessary absentee ballots. ADOPTED this the 18`'' day of August, 2008. _~TV _ /L c z a z NEW HANOVER COUNTY Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board X ~'3 31. -'1. 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby ordains that the New Hanover County Code, Chapter 56, Utilities, is hereby amended as follows: 1. Repeal Chapter 56, Utilities, except Sections 56-181 through Section 56-193, which are to be retained and recodified. 2. Section 56-181 through Section 56-193 are recodified in Chapter 23, Environment, as a new section, identified as Article IX, Flemington Wells. 3. The above referenced repeal and recodification shall become effective July 1, 2008. This the 18~' day of August, 2008. ~w~ O z 2 AT EST Ch~.J~ ) Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman XB 31. I`7. $a, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Oath of Office I, Marion D. Harrell, do solemnly swear that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as Collector of Revenue from August 18, 2008 until August 18, 2010 to the best of my ability, according to law and that I will not allow my actions as tax collector to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God. Marion D. Harrell Sworn to and subscribed before me this the eighteenth day of August, 2008. ~~~~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners X ~8 31 . -7. Sb August 2008 State of North Carolina County of New Hanover To the Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County: You are hereby authorized, empowered, and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax records filed in the office of the Tax Administrator and in the tax receipts herewith delivered to you, in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in the County of New Hanover and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require, and enable you to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof, in accordance with the law. Witness my hand and official seal, this 18th day of August 2008. Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Attest: t~~~nl l~ `- ~ ~ Jh~~ Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board I, Marion D. Harrell, Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County, hereby acknowledge receipt of tax books for real estate and personal property for Cape Fear, Federal Point, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Harnett, Wrightsville Beach, Masonboro, and Wilmington Townships, for New Hanover County. This 18th day of August 2008. Marion D. Harrell Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County X g 3r. ~7.q NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Oath of Office I, Roger L. Kelley, do solemnly swear that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as Tax Administrator from August 18, 2008 until August 18, 2010 to the best of my ability, according to law and that I will not allow my actions as assessor to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God. ~ ~. oger L. Kel ey Sworn to and subscribed before me this the eighteenth day of August, 2008. f~~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners