2013-07-10 Minutes Final New Hanover County Airport Authority July 10, 2013 Page I NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY REGULAR PUBLIC MEETING July 10,2013 CALL TO ORDER The New Hanover County Airport Authority met on Wednesday, July 10, 2013, at Wilmington International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Chairman Kays called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. Airport Authority members present were Charles Kays, Chairman; Tom Barber, Vice-Chairman; John Lennon, Secretary; Carter Lambeth; Al Roseman; and newly appointed Airport Authority members Jonathan Crane and John Perritt. Also present were Jon Rosborough, Airport Director; Julie Wilsey, Deputy Airport Director;Jim Morton, Finance Director; Gary Broughton, Operations Director; Whitney rease, Facilities Director; Rose Davis, Executive Assistant; Wanda Copley, New Hanover County Attorney; Sheila Schult, Clerk to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners; and Steve Bright and Amy McLane, Talbert & Bright, Inc. Guests Present included Laura and Sean Crane, wife and son of Dr. Jonathan Crane;Jerry Raynor, Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDENR); Beth Dawson, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners; Gerry and Ann Tremblay, Acro Service; David Culp, Wilmington Aviation Foundation; and IL M staff members Dani Neathery, Phyllis Stevens, Jackie Mungo and Caitlen Buffkin. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Authority has reviewed the minutes of the Regular Public Meeting on June 5, 2013. Dr. Roseman asked that the new Board members be provided with a copy of Mark Chambers' General Aviation presentation and he was informed that new members were provided a copy in their orientation packet. Mr. Lennon MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Barber, to approve the minutes of the June 5, 2013 Regular Public Meeting as submitted. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. SWEARING-IN AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chairman Kays turned the meeting over to Ms. Schult to administer the Oaths of Office to new Airport Authority members Dr. Jonathan Crane and Mr. John Perritt. Chairman Kays turned the meeting over to Mrs. Copley who asked for the nominating committee report. New Board members were seated at the meeting table. Mr. Lambeth, nominating committee chairman, recommended the following slate of officers: Chairman: Tom Barber Vice-Chairman: John Perritt Secretary: Dr. Jonathan Crane Mrs. Copley called for nominations from the floor for each position and there being no nominations from the floor a vote was taken for each position and each were APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. New Hanover County Airport Authority July 10, 2013 Page 2 Chairman Kays passed the gavel to Chairman Barber. Chairman Barber addressed the Board, welcomed the new Board members and asked them to tell a little about themselves. FAREWELL A slideshow presentation highlighting the eight year history (2005-2013) of Dr. Charles Kays and Mr. John Lennon on the New Hanover County Airport Authority was viewed and awards were presented to Dr. Kays and Mr. Lennon. Following the presentation and comments by Dr. Kays and Mr. Lennon, they departed the meeting. Chaff an Barber called for a brief recess at 5:26 pm. The meeting was called back to order at 5:34 pm. During the break all guests departed except Gerry and Ann Tremblay, Aero Service. Chairman Barber shared information regarding his visit with the Airport Director of the Asheville, NC airport. Chairman Barber made the following committee assignments: Dr. Roseman - Finance(upon request of Dr. Roseman, changed to Marketing) Mr. Lambeth - Marketing & Public Relations (by agreement, changed to Finance) Dr. Crane - Facilities Mr. Perritt - Planning & Development Chairman Barber stated his priorities for the Airport Authority: 1) Develop air service—encourage more commercial flights, more frequency, and more destinations. 2) Develop the business park—bring revenue and jobs into Wilmington and change the mix of revenue at ILM. 3) Select new Airport Director—start selection process in January 2014, including internal and external candidates, and make decision by June 2014. 4) General aviation development—ways to bring in more GA traffic, more military traffic and how to interact to enhance GA activity. Chairman Barber indicated he would do his best to keep meetings on time, fair and unbiased and initiated discussion regarding possible change to meeting time, keeping meetings short and no longer having dinner following the meetings. The consensus was to keep the meeting time at 5 pm due to business commitments of members. There was no objection to no longer having dinner after the board meetings. There was discussion among board members about going back to two meetings a month and other ways to stay informed between meetings to include weekly updates by the Airport Director and this will be discussed further at the August board meeting. New Hanover County Airport Authority July 10, 2013 Page 3 PUBLIC C Chairman Barber recognized our guests and asked for introductions. At Dr. Rose man's request, Mr. Tremblay announced that Saturday,July IP, Aero Service is sponsoring a trip to the Outer Banks and offering a discount on gas prices to entice more people to fly out of Aero Service. SPECIAL EVENTS None. FINANCE REPORT Mr. Morton reviewed actual revenue and expenses for the month of May. Mr. Morton reviewed IL. 's cash report and summary of accounts for the month of May. Mr. Morton asked for the Board's consent to pursue the land acquisition of 1.5 acres at 2021 Gardner Drive under the Passenger Facility Charge project. Discussion followed concerning the history of this property, contamination issues, the Brownfield Agreement and potential uses for and possible restrictions on the property in the future if acquired by IL . It was agreed by the Board that this land acquisition should be pursued. Mr. Morton updated the Board on an incident from January involving Wells Fargo's contention that Air Wilmington's lease was not consistent with a survey done for financing purposes and adjustments were made to Air Wilmington's lease payment accordingly at that time. A subsequent survey matches the lease and supports the original lease payment so that is a non- issue now. Mr. Morton presented the Resolution of the New Hanover County Airport Authority to Impose and Use a Passenger Facility Charge for approval by the board. Dr. Roseman MOVED, SECONDED by Dr. Crane to approve the PC Resolution discussed above. The MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Resolution of the New Hanover County Airport Authority to Impose and Use a Passenger Facility Charge is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book III, Page 187. FACILITLES Mrs. Wilsey updated Authority members on the status of the Tree Bill for Airports (HB 646), the TWY B, C,J and G and RWY 17 Extension projects, and the Terminal Capacity Study, as well as the Secondary Water Project and the Rental Car Facility. Mrs. Wilsey advised that the kickoff meeting for the Ten-ninal Capacity Study would be August 8'h and will involve Chairman Barber and Dr. Crane. There will be 5 team meetings over the 9 'i month study and the Authority will receive 2 presentations at the end of the study. Mrs. Wilsey reported the RWY 17135 overlay job will bid on August 2nd. This is a $7 M project with the FAA using FY2013 funds. This is a 90 day project involving closures and details are being worked out with tenants. New Hanover County Airport Authority July 10, 2013 Page 4 Mrs. Wilsey stated that the appraisals for the 6 properties for RWY 17 Extension should be completed in August so just compensation can be set for those and staff can pursue those easements. GOVERNMENT Mr. Rosborough updated the Board on the status of the TSA exit lane proposal requesting airport staff man the exit lane positions in the future. Staff is preparing a letter in opposition to this proposal and they are due July 22"d. Mr. Rosborough reported that staff is gathering letters of support for the merger with American and US Airways to protect our DCA slots. MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Mr. Morton updated the board on new TV and radio ads, retargeting online advertising, Facebook ads around DC area, redesigning You Tube page, and updating the mobile version of the ILM website for use on handheld devices. In response to Dr. Crane's inquiry about e-blasts, Mr. Morton stated that you can sign up to receive them on the website and Dr. Roseman, encouraged staff to use marketing avenues to keep the public informed of the status of their Piedmont/US Airways club cards and points going forward after the merger with American. There was discussion about tour packaging deals, including rental car, hotel and airline packages, and use of travel agencies, either locally or in NY City or other areas where we want to pull people from or reverse packages from ELM to NY or DC, for example. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Mr. Morton updated the Board on the Transportation Impact Analysis, FrZ application, and various aspects of the Business Park Phase I. Mr. Morton informed the Board that Coldwell Banker Commercial is working on the strategy for the hotel marketing. Commonwealth Commercial Properties has declined to represent ILM for leasing the flex space. Coldwell Banker Commercial has agreed to handle leasing of the flex space building. Permits for the Business Park Phase I should be in place in 3-4 weeks Mr. Morton reported that the Air Wilmington hangar should be completed between July 15 and 20. OPERATIONS REPORT Using charts for illustration, Mr. Broughton reported IL 's airport statistics for the month of June, including fuel price comparisons, fuel flowage amounts, airfare comparisons with MYR and RDU, total passengers handled and total seats available. Mr. Broughton announced to the Board that on June 26 and 27 IL M had its annual FAR Part 139 Airport Certification inspection and that ELM has had 9 years with no written discrepancies under Part 139 for our certification. New Hanover County Airport Authority July 10, 2013 Page 5 DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Rosborough reported that Mr. Broughton, Mrs. Wilsey and Joseph Pickering of Mead & Hunt attended Jumpstart Air Service Development Program in Atlanta. IL M met with 6 different airlines during this event. Mr. Broughton and Mrs. Wilsey shared details of their experience and air service development discussions with the airlines. Mr. Rosborough updated the Board on the status of the Small Community Air Service Development Grant. The application is due July 20. This grant application requires public/private partnership and IL M has a commitment of$211,300 from 14 local businesses, including New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington. Mr. Rosborough shared details of the new Authority members orientation, status of the Customer Satisfaction Survey, and the Wilmington Business Journal article on ILM. UNFLNISHED BUSINESS Mrs. Wilsey reported that ❑LM received the $12,750 from the DENR grant for the propane mowers and that grant is now closed. Mr. Prease advised that DENR representatives have requested a site visit at ILM on July 3 1"and they hope to discuss funding of future projects by DENR. NEW BUSINESS No new business. ADIOURNMF,NT There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Perritt MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Lambeth to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Barber adjourned the meeting at 6:57 p.m. Prepared by: Respectfully Submitted: Rose M. Davis Dr. Jonathan S. Crane, Secretary Date of Approval: August 7. 2013