TDA Board Meeting May 29 2013 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAY 29, 2013 PRESENT: Commissioner Jonathan Barfield—New Hanover County David Cignotti,Mayor—Wrightsville Beach Kim Hufham, President/CEO—NHC TDA Neal Johnson, County Vacation Rental Property Frank Jones, Hotel— 150 (-) Wilmington Mike Keeler, Hotel— 150 (+)Wilmington Dean Lambeth, Mayor—Kure Beach Carl Marshburn, County Attractions Sabina Newman, Greater Wilmington Area C of C Chuck Pennington, County Bed and Breakfast LeAnne Pierce, Carolina Beach Hotel/Motels Angela Rhodes— County Restaurants Bill Saffo, Mayor— City of Wilmington Lisa Wurtzbacher, Authority Finance Officer EXCUSED: Anne Brodsky, Anne Marie Hartman ABSENT: Bob Lewis STAFF: Connie Nelson, Communications/Public Relations Director Karla Thompson, Technology/Systems Manager Mikie Wall, VP of Sales and Services Shawn Braden, Executive VP of Marketing Linda Brothers, NHC Financial Analyst GUESTS: None Chairman Carl Marshburn called the meeting of the New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority Board to order at 5:30 p.m. at the Hilton Wilmington Riverside. ITEM #1 —EXCUSED Chairman Marshburn acknowledged excused absences for Anne Brodsky and Anne Marie Hartman. 1 ITEM #2—MINUTES APPROVAL—MARCH 27, 2013 [Motion made by Frank Jones, seconded by Sabina Newman and unanimously accepted to approve the March 27, 2013 TDA Board minutes as read.] ITEM #3— FINANCIALS/ROT REPORT—LISA WURTZBACHER Lisa Wurtzbacher, Authority Finance Officer presented the financial report for the 10 months of FY 2012-2013 (July, 2012 April, 2013.) She noted our total first 3% of expenditures was budgeted at 1.7 million and we are currently at $1,287,000, showing we have spent 75% of the first 3%. 2"a 3% expenditures budgeted at $2,694,000 with $1,463,000 spent or roughly 55% of the budget. Convention Center expenditures budgeted at $303,742 and current spending is $239,675 or roughly 79% of the budget. Total administrative revenues budgeted at $1,646,000; thus far $1,052,000 received. Roughly 64% received which means we are currently on target from the previous Fiscal Year (year to date.) 2"a 3% total budgeted revenues at $1,864,000; received $1,257,000 or 67% of budget. FY to date, collections are showing an increase of$89,000.00. Carolina Beach 2"a 3% showing an increase of$28,000 for current Fiscal Year; Kure Beach showing a $12,149 increase with Wrightsville Beach showing a $19,873 increase. City of Wilmington's current Fiscal Year showing an increase of$106,000 with the Convention Center showing a $16,667.00 increase. [Motion made by Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, seconded by Frank Jones and unanimously accepted to approve the Financials/ROT report as presented.] 2 ITEM #4— BUDGET REVIEW—FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 - KIM HUFHAM President/CEO Kim Hufham began the Fiscal Year 2013-2014 budget review with budget highlights for the upcoming new FY followed by projected ROT revenues for the first 3% and 2"a 3% collections. An expense breakdown allowed percentages to be shown in administration, visitor services and marketing and promotions. Kim did note that we would not be using any fund balance this year and hope to add to it for the upcoming fiscal year period. Each of the above categories was broken down into individual account expenses. See attached presentation 2013-2014. A copy of the budget can be found in Exhibit Book X. [Approval by Mike Keeler, seconded by Frank Jones to accept the budget as presented. A public hearing and formal budget adoption will be held on June 26, 2013.] ITEM #5— PRESIDENT'S COMMENTS—KIM HUFHAM President/CEO Kim Hufham presented an update of happenings since the last TDA Board meeting: • Annual presentation to City Council on April 16, 2013 was well received. Mayor Saffo made several favorable comments on the CVB and tourism, etc. The Wilmington Convention Center asked the CVB to present also to the Convention Center Advisory Committee (was presented in May.) • The Customer Service Seminar which we held in conjunction with the Cape Fear Community College, Brunswick and Pender Counties tourism offices and WAHA was held on May 13 and over 75 people attended. Had a great speaker and good feedback from the industry. These are the types of things we are hoping to continue. One of the request during our Executive Committee meeting was to work with Cape Fear Community College to see if we can do these annually instead of every two years which we now do. • National Tourism Week was very successful. The County Commissioners approved our proclamation for Tourism Week. All of our visitor information centers had signage and gifts to hand out and ribbons were made available for our industry partners. • We are in the process of beginning our Strategic Marketing Plan preparations for the destination, convention marketing and the beaches. • Into full gear on the visitor profile study. Intercepts have been done (first round completed for the spring; second round to be done in a few weeks for the summer.) • Have had some really great media coverage (samples viewed by the Board.) • January-March Activity Report disseminated. 3 • Reminder that a quorum will be needed for our June 26, 2013 public hearing and formal adoption of the budget. To be held at the CVB offices at 5:30 p.m. ITEM #6— OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS No old business. New Business: Chuck Pennington wanted to thank the City for establishing bus parking spots in the downtown area. He also discussed the need for additional public bathrooms. The City needs to step up and do something about this for our many tourists who visit the downtown area. Chairman Marshburn also commented on this which he says is definitely trying to be addressed. After further discussion concerning the issue of bathrooms at the riverfront, motion was made by Frank Jones and seconded by Chuck Pennington for the TDA to send a letter to the City in support of moving forward with bathroom improvements. Motion was carried by an unanimous vote. Commissioner Barfield says he understands the Susan B. Korman Race for a Cure may be moved to Mayfaire next year as the City wishes to charge another $1.00 per racer to race in the downtown area. This is equivalent to $2500 and would affect revenues in the downtown area. ITEM #7— CHAIRMAN'S COMMENTS— CARL MARSHBURN N/A There being no further business, motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 6:45 p.m. Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Kim Hufham, President/CEO Chuck Pennington, Secretary Minutes located in TDA Board Minutes Book XI 4 5