2010-05-13 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 31 JOINT MEETING WITH THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY,MAY 13,2010 PAGE 825 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a j oint meeting with the New Hanover County Airport Authority on Thursday,May 13,2010,at 7:50 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Wilmington International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard,Wilmington,North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Jason R. Thompson;Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield,Jr.;Commissioner Robert G. Greer;Commissioner William A. Caster;Commissioner Ted Davis,Jr.;County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schuh and County Manager Bruce T. Shell. Authority Members present were:Chairman Charles R.Kays;Vice-Chairman Paul G.Burton;Secretary Robert S. Rippy; and Authority Member Harry W. Stovall,III. Authority Member John D. Lennon arrived at 8:15 a.m. Chairman Thompson and Chairman Kays called their respective boards to order. Chairman Kays introduced the following staff members: Airport Director Jon Rosborough;Deputy Director Julie A. Wilsey; Finance Director James Morton; Operations Director Gary Broughton; Facilities Manager Whitney Prease and Executive Assistant Sandra Routh. Chairman Kays requested Director Rosborough and staff to present an update to the Board of Commissioners. Director Rosborough presented the introduction to the annual report Revving the Economic Engine. Operations Director Gary Broughton presented the following information: • ILM matched its record year of 2008 with 807,126 passengers. • Current market share at ILM: US Airways 75%;Delta 22%; and Allegiant Air 3%. • General Aviation traffic continues to rebound in 2010;down 22%in 2009 and up 4.2%in 2010. • 150 General Aviation aircraft based at ILM. • US Customs activity was down 27%in 2009;up 13%in 2010. • Current issues: • Airline three hour tarmac delays—not likely at ILM,but not impossible. • Airline prevention plans - $27,500 per passenger in fines; $1.3 million for a 50 passenger aircraft;$5.4 million for a 200 passenger aircraft. • Results in cancelled flights. • Advanced Imaging Technology will replace scanners within eighteen months to four years. • Good news: • New fire truck- $850,000 • Wildlife Hazard Management Plan • FAA Certification Inspection • Special Events: • County Fair • Circus • Movies • County Recycling Project • NHRMC Foundation Gala • School tours • 80a'Anniversary • Honor Flight Deputy Director Julie A.Wilsey presented an update on ILM facilities highlighting the following information: • Storm Water Phase II • Air Carrier and Customs Ramp Rehabilitation Air Wilmington Ramp Rehab • New passenger bridge at Gate 5 • Refurbished passenger bridge at gate 8 • Runway 17/35 Instrument Landing Systems and ALS: • Planned projects: • Airport Boulevard paving and street lights • Second customer credit card parking lot • Turnway A and H pavement rehabilitation • LED airfield signs and turnway lights • Secondary water source on the terminal side • Mission Statement: ILM will become an industry leader in stewardship of energy by reducing energy used and purchased by 20%by 2025. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 31 JOINT MEETING WITH THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY,MAY 13,2010 PAGE 826 Finance Director Jim Morton presented the following information: • Airport Improvement Projects total grant funds from 1998-2009 in the amount of$58,726,788 • Operating revenues: • Parking 42.5% • Airline revenue 21% • Rental cars 14.2% • General Aviation 8.2% • Building and land 8.2% • Food 2.5% • Advertising 2% • Other 1.4% • ILM Marketing includes radio spots on eight stations; TV advertising on nine stations; print in newspapers and magazines;community support/advertising • Economic Impact of Veterans Administration Outpatient Clinic: • 162 employees • County property tax estimate-$136,000 annually • Visits per day—240 estimated • Construction cost estimate- $30 million • ILM Business Park Investments: • Purchasing four parcels of land totaling 34.5 acres this year • Relocating waterline and sewer- $150,000 • Upgrading airport sewer lift station-$175,000 • Airport Employment: • Total airport employers—29 • Aviation related employment—371 • Other employment— 131 • 2009 Update—Economic Impact of Wilmington International Airport Report: • Output impact total including direct,indirect, and induced—$641,463,200 • Employment impact total in jobs including direct,indirect, and induced—3,483 • Payroll impact total including direct,indirect and induced-$184,069,900 • Property tax impact of General Aviation aircraft and property— 153 aircraft;value of aircraft in the amount of$137,329,500;value of property in the amount of$7,035,600;tax revenue at tax rate of $0.45 per$100 in the amount of$643,200. In closing,Airport Director Jon Rosborough presented the following information: • Future Air Service Development: • Retention of current air carriers • More nonstops to top ten destinations • Line of flight proposals • Obtaining an additional carrier and new market(s) • International service • Key Aviation Issues: • Depressed Economy • Funding—FAA Reauthorization • Airline Viability/Airline Mergers • Capacity/Congestion • FAA Next Gen Implementation • Customer satisfaction • Security • Fuel prices After a brief question and answer period,on behalf of the Board,Chairman Thompson expressed appreciation to the Airport Authority and Administrative Staff for the informative presentation. After hearing no further comments, Chairman Thompson adjourned the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting at 9:10 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board