2010-06-28 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 31 JOINT MEETING WITH NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE COMMISSION,JUNE 28,2010 PAGE 854 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a j oint meeting with the New Hanover County Board of Fire Commissioners on Monday,June 28,2010,at 5:00 p.m.in the Ogden Elementary School Cafeteria,3637 Middle Sound Loop Road,Wilmington,North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Jason R. Thompson;Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield,Jr.;Commissioner Robert G. Greer;Commissioner Ted Davis,Jr.;County Attorney Wanda M. Copley;Clerk to the Board Sheila L.Schuh and County Manager Bruce T. Shell. Commissioner William A. Caster was absent. Fire Commission Members present were: Chairman Alex Stanland;Dominic A.Bianco;John C.Bower;Harry B. Simmons and Gary Waters. Jason R. Thompson was in attendance in his role as New Hanover County Commissioner. Chairman Thompson and Chairman Stanland called their respective boards to order with Chairman Thompson requesting staff to make the Fire Services Master Plan presentation. County Manager Bruce Shell stated that based on the following benefits he recommends the consolidation: • Reduction in insurance premiums for many property owners; • Operating cost efficiencies; and • Sustainability with enhanced training opportunities and improved response effectiveness. FIRE SERVICES MASTER PLAN New Hanover County Fire Chief Donnie Hall presented the Fire Services Master Plan: • The current system is as follows: • NHC contracts with four Volunteer Fire District to provide fire services within the Fire District (Castle Hayne VFD, Wrightsboro VFD,Myrtle Grove VFD, and Federal Point VFD). • New Hanover County(NHC)pays Volunteer Fire District's(VFD)operating expenses,debt service and necessary equipment purchases. • Since 1993,NHC purchases all apparatus for County and VFD's and pays for all maintenance of this equipment. • NHC staffs each VFD station 24/7 with paid professional staff. • Per contract requirements, volunteers must be fit for duty and pass medical, physical, and job performance physical ability test. • As of 2008,all new members must have Firefighter I Certification. • As of July 1,2010 all interior structural firefighter volunteers must have Firefighter 11 Certification; these requirements are identical to those for paid staff. • There has been a 43%decrease in volunteer numbers since 1997-231 down to 131 while call volume has increased 81%. • Frequency of individual response has also declined with 1/3 of the volunteers responding to three calls or less a month. • Volunteers have difficulty accessing training which directly impacts VFD's ability to provide trained/certified volunteer responders. • The VFD's cost more to operate due to their lack of buying power,not required to competitively bid, significant maintenance and repair expenses on older apparatus;redundant equipment;retention and recognition, and pay for outside training and conferences. • Annual expense per VFD station: • Federal Point-$172,487 • Castle Hayne-$214,065 (includes mortgage payment) • Myrtle Grove- $230,363 • Wrightsboro-$357,142(includes mortgage payment) • New Hanover County-$88,000 • The proposed consolidation plan: • NHC will become the lead agency for fire and rescue services within the unincorporated County. • Consolidation of Castle Hayne VFD,Wrightsboro VFD,Myrtle Grove VFD,Federal Point VFD with NHC Fire Services. • The number of insurance districts will be reduced from five to two. • The benefits of the consolidation include: • More consistent level of service. • Improved response times-move from district boundaries to closest available. • Lower insurance rating for many areas: • Get additional credit for one department. • Decrease in insurance premiums up to 35%. • Better position to maintain and improve ratings post-annexation. • Enhanced training for volunteers. • Lower operating cost than current system. • Financial impact of plan: ■ No personnel added as a result of the consolidation. Fire district will add staff in future years NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 31 JOINT MEETING WITH NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE COMMISSION,JUNE 28,2010 PAGE 855 to handle increasing call volume and improve service levels. • Operating costs significantly reduced at VFD stations. Retire redundant equipment;more efficient allocation and development of existing vehicles;lease buildings and two vehicles. • Maintain current funding level for volunteer programs - $50,000 Volunteer Incentive Program;Volunteer Coordinator and Training Coordinator already in budget. In response to concerns by the Fire Commissioners concerning the plan implementation of volunteer staff,NHC Volunteer Fire Coordinator Susanna Williams presented an overview of the recruitment plan and reported that she will be working to recruit and transfer-in volunteers into the Firefighter program (emergency) and Fire Corps program (support)based on their skills and in compliance with the requirements. In response to concerns by the Fire Commissioners concerning the consolidation plan,Fire Chief Donnie Hall reported that once the decision has been made to consolidate, NHC Fire Services staff will work closely with the volunteers in recruitment and training. The stakeholders are an important part of the transition once a decision has been made to consolidate. It is the expectation that volunteers will be included in the system as long as they meet the requirements. In response to questions by the Board,the Fire Commissioners shared the following comments on the proposed consolidation: • Fire Commissioner Bower stated that he supports the consolidation plan. Consolidation is happening all around the state and country. He encouraged the Volunteer Fire Chiefs to be proactive in assisting in the consolidation. • Fire Commissioner Bianco stated that for the younger volunteers this will be an excellent opportunity but has concerns how the older volunteers will be affected. Castle Hayne VFD has not made a decision of what to do. • Fire Commissioner Chairman Stanland stated that although they knew consolidation was coming it came quicker than they thought it would. He stated that he was concerned about the cost and staff issues. • Fire Commissioner Simmons commented that he felt they should be discussing the specifics of the implementation plan. In response to questions,Deputy Attorney Kemp Burpeau clarified that if the individual organization chooses not to consolidate,the debt service will become the responsibility of that organization. In response to questions,Fire Chief Hall responded that if an organization chooses to consolidate, an inventory control of equipment apparatus will be conducted and the equipment that is not needed will not be kept. If the VFD owns the equipment they will be able to keep it, sell it, or donate it. Volunteers will be hired to fill support positions such as traffic control and accountability. There are a lot of support functions that will be needed other than fighting fires. • Fire Commissioner Waters commented on how smoothly the consolidation process was for the Ogden Fire Station stating that is the model that should be used for the current consolidation; people working together, trusting each other,with no time pressure. Commissioner Davis encouraged the process of communication to continue. Commissioner Greer encouraged the Fire Commissioners to continue taking the time they feel is necessary to get their questions answered to their satisfaction. Vice-Chairman Barfield concurred with the comments of Commissioner Davis and thanked the volunteers for their service to the County stating that the goal is to continue to move forward engaging the volunteers. Chairman Thompson directed staff to continue working with the Fire Commissioners to answer any remaining questions with a goal to address the consolidation issue at the Board's second meeting in August;additional time will be granted,if requested. After brief discussion,the consensus of the Board was to direct staff as follows: • Continue to work closely with the Board of Fire Commissioners to answer any questions and concerns, especially concerning staffing and equipment issues. • Work with the VFD's concerning contract renewal details with the option of renewing the contracts on a month- by-month basis. • Place the Fire Service District consolidation plan on the Board's August 16, 2010 meeting agenda, for consideration,if no continuance is requested. After hearing no further comments, Chairman Thompson adjourned the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting at 6:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board