2010-11-10 Agenda Review NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING,NOVEMBER 10,2010 PAGE 72 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review on Wednesday,November 10, 2010, at 3:30 p.m. in the Lucie F. Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive,Wilmington,North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Jason R. Thompson; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; Commissioner Robert G. Greer; Commissioner William A. Caster; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; Clerk to the Board Sheila.L. Schuh and County Manager Bruce T. Shell. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order and announced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the Board's November 15,2010,Regular Session meeting agenda. Chairman Thompson announced that Regular Agenda Item 26 and Regular Agenda Item 27 have been postponed until the Board's December 6,2010 meeting. The Board discussed Consent Agenda Item 4 — Ratification of a Contract for Provision of Dispatch an d Emergency Communications Functions for UNC-W Police Department. Budget Director Cam Griffin, Assistant County Manager Andre' Mallette and County Manager Bruce Shell responded to Board questions. Prorated budget of$80,000 is for the balance of the year for three full time entry level positions. Cost for a full budget year is approximately$134,000 including benefits. The Board discussed Consent Agenda Item 6 — Approval of Ordinance Revisions, Animal Control Services,New Hanover County Code, Chapter Five: Animals. At the request of Vice-Chairman Barfield,this matter has been removed from the agenda until he has the opportunity to speak with Animal Control Services Advisory Committee. The Board discussed Consent Agenda Item 8 — Approval to Improve Delivery of Growing Readers and Raising a Reader Services by Changing Staff Designation from Temporary to Permanent. Positions are fully grant funded and will end when grant funds are spent. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 11 — Consideration of a Resolution Recognizing the 235th Birthday of the United States Marine Corps. Chairman Thompson will read the resolution into the record. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 12—Consideration of a Resolution to Recognize Brenda Tucker for Her Years of Dedicated Service. Commissioner Davis will read the resolution into the record. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 13 — Recognition of Museum Reaccreditation and Award of Excellence for Land of the Lonff_1eaf Pine Exhibit. Cape Fear Museum Director Ruth Haas will have a short presentation. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 14 — Consideration of USS Gravely Day Proclamation. Vice- Chairman Barfield will read the proclamation into the record. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 15 — Consideration of Adoption Awareness Month Proclamation. Commissioner Caster will read the proclamation into record. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 16 —New Hanover County Board of Elections Presentation on 2010 Election. New Hanover County Board of Elections Chairman Guinn confirmed through a letter to the Board that the Board of Elections members will attend the November 15,2010 Commissioners meeting. A brief discussion was held about how the presentation will be handled. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 17 — Consideration of Adopting a Preservation Easement Recognizing the Architectural, Historic, and Cultural Values and Significance of Airlie Gardens with the Common Purpose of Conserving and Preserving Airlie Gardens. Commissioner Davis made brief remarks about this matter. Parks, Gardens and Senior Resources Director Jim McDaniel and Deputy County Attorney Kemp P. Burpeau gave a brief overview of the easement being asked to be considered for approval by the Board and responded to Board questions. Discussion held on differences between conservation and preservation easements and rights of Grantee, Grantor and third party. Property could be sold but has to remain a public space (public garden, public entity and provide public access). At Board's direction, staff will provide verbiage options to allow more flexibility for Board of County Commissioners to have final decisions about Airlie Gardens. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 18 — New Hanover County Landfill Leachate Update. Chairman Thompson reported that Commissioner-elect Rick Catlin will attend the November 15, 2010 meeting to provide the Board with an update. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 19 — Consideration of Request for Renewal of Biological Monitoring Contract(Year 9)with Land Management Group, Inc. to Meet Permit Requirements of the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. County Engineer Jim Iannucci confirmed that Mason Inlet Preservation Group (MIPG) has reviewed this contract. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING,NOVEMBER 10,2010 PAGE 73 The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 20 — Consideration of Request for Renewal of Mason Inlet Waterbird Habitat Management Plan for 2010 (Year 9)with Audubon North Carolina to Meet Permit Requirements of the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. County Engineer Jim Iannucci confirmed that Mason Inlet Preservation Group(MIPG)has reviewed this contract. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 21 — Consideration of Series Resolution Authorizing and Approving the Issuance and Sale of Not Exceeding$100,000,000 Aggregate Principal Amount of Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds for the Purpose of Providing Funds to Currently Refund the County's Outstanding Hospital Revenue Bonds, Ratifying the Preliminary Official Statement and Authorizing and Approving the Form and Terms of the Official Statement, A Seventh Amendment to the Lease Agreement and the Bond Purchase Agreement and the Execution and Delivery of Such Bond Documents in Connection With the Public Offering of Such Refunding Bonds and Such Other Matters Related Thereto. Finance Director Avril Pinder responded to Board questions. This is the final amendment. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 22 — Public Hearing - 2010 Community Development Block Grant Scattered Site Housing Program Application. Planning and Inspections Director Chris O'Keefe gave a brief overview of the application. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 23 — Public Hearing - Rezoning Request (Z-903, 5110) - Request by Isabella Holding Company to Rezone 11.41 Acres at 799 Rivage Promenade from R-10 and R-15 Residential District to B-2. Item pulled by Petitioner. Candice Alexander, on behalf of Isabella Holding Company and Nathan Sanders, provided a letter requesting this matter be withdrawn to the Commissioners during the November 10, 2010 agenda review meeting. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 24 — Public Hearing - Rezoning Request Modification (Z- 880M, 9/10)—Request by Thomas Nuzio for River Bluffs Development Corporation to Modify the Master Plan for an Existing PD Planned Development by Rezoning 79.4 Acres Located at the West End of Chair Road in the Wetland Resource Protection, Natural Heritage Resource Protection, and Aquifer Resource Protection Land Classifications from R-20 Residential to PD Planned Development District for a Continuing Care Retirement Community. Planning and Inspections Director O'Keefe reported that the final letter of approval has been received from the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) verifying that the traffic impact analysis (TIA)recommendations were appropriate. Additional calculations explaining density allocation have been received and Petitioner has provided all needed information. Staff continues to be satisfied with the project. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 25 — Public Hearing - Rezoning Request (Z-906, 10/10) — Request by Withers&Ravenel for Swartz Properties to Rezone 0.35 Acre at 5946 Carolina Beach Road from R-15 Residential and B-2 Commercial District to B-2 Commercial District. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 28 — Committee Appointments. The Board reviewed the applications. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Thompson adjourned the Agenda Review meeting at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kymberleigh G. Crowell Deputy Clerk to the Board