2010-12-02 Agenda Review NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING,DECEMBER 2,2010 PAGE 84 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review on Thursday, December 2, 2010, at 4:05 p.m. in the Lucie F. Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington,North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Jason R. Thompson; Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; Deputy Clerk to the Board Teresa P. Elmore; and County Manager Bruce T. Shell. Commissioners Robert G. Greer and William A. Caster were absent. Others present were: Commissioners-elect Brian M. Berger and Richard G. Catlin. Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order and announced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the Board's December 6,2010 Regular Session meeting agenda. The Board discussed Consent Agenda Item 1 — Adoption of Resolution Approving Code of Ethics. In response to questions, County Attorney Copley explained that the proposed code of ethics were a model provided by the Institute of Government and may be amended at any time by the Board. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 5—Consideration of a Resolution Supporting the Consideration of Airlie Road for the North Carolina Scenic Byway Desi ng ation. Mike Kozlosky with the Metropolitan Planning Organization was present and explained that if accepted, Airlie Road would be recognized on State maps and books as a Scenic Byway and may qualify for special funding for road maintenance or improvements. Planning Director Chris O'Keefe presented an overview of the following planning items: The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 7 — Public Hearing: Rezoning Request (Z-907, 11/10) - Request by H. Phillip Berman to Rezone 03.05 Acres at 5200 Castle Hayne Road from R-20 Residential to B-2 Commercial District The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 8 — Public Hearing: Conditional Rezoning Request (Z-908, 11/10) - Request by Thomas H. Johnson, Jr. with Nexsen Prnet, PLLC and Ryan Foster with Flournoy Development, on Behalf of Bayshore Estates, Inc., to Rezone 26.61 Acres at 7910 Market Street from B-2 Commercial District and R-15 Residential District to CD (R-15) Conditional District for the Purpose of Developing a High Density 270-Unit Apartment Complex. Mike Kozlosky with the Metropolitan Planning Organization was present and responded to questions pertaining to the road's level of service and stated that he would have NCDOT to re-evaluate the area without the anticipated Hampstead Bypass. Planning and Inspections Director O'Keefe reported that the developer has submitted a revised plan to include a buffer for the site. Concern was expressed that the revised plan was submitted after the Planning Board had heard and approved recommending the request. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 9—Public Hearing: Subdivision Text Amendments (A-387) — Request by the County's Technical Review Committee (TRC) to Amend Sections 20, 41-1, 52-4 of the County's Subdivision Ordinance by Incorporating Specific Language,Road Profiles, and Design Standards for Private Streets. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 10 — Public Hearing: Zoning Text Amendment (A-389) — Request by Staff to Amend Article VI and Article VII of the Zoning Ordinance to Allow for Establishment of Farmers' Markets and Produce Stands Under Certain Conditions. In response to Board questions, Planning and Inspections Director O'Keefe said that a request has been made for a farmers' market to be located on Middle Sound Road and staff looked at establishing standards to regulate the use. The Board discussed Regular Agenda Item 11—Public Hearing: Street Naming(SN-112, 11/10) -Request by Staff to Name an Unimproved Road Known as New Road to New Jack Road and Reassign Street Mailing Addresses Located Between Whipporwill Lane and Channel Haven Drive North, East of the 400 Block of Masonboro Loop Road. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS County Manager Shell requested the Board to consider an acquisition of property with the park bond funds for the northern part of the county. The properties adjoin the Castle Hayne Park and will provide future park expansion on 63 acres at a total cost of$1,410,000. An option to purchase will expire on December 16,2010,which is prior to the next Board meeting on December 20,2010. The Board agreed to consider the item at the December 6, 2010 meeting. Vice-Chairman Barfield presented a proposed resolution in support of an increase in the State's cigarette tax to $1.45 in order to persuade young people not to smoke cigarettes. The Board agreed to consider a resolution, but felt they should discuss the issue with our local State representatives before proceeding. A meeting with the local delegates is scheduled for January 14,2011. There being no further business, Chairman Thompson adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Teresa P.Elmore Deputy Clerk to the Board