2011-03-10 Work Session NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 STRATEGIC PLANNING WORK SESSION/WEBINAR,MARCH 10,2011 PAGE 136 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for a Strategic Planning Work Session on Thursday, March 10, 2011, at 3:10 p.m. in the Harrell Conference Room of the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington,North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Jason R. Thompson; Commissioner Brian M. Berger; Commissioner Richard G. Catlin; Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schuh County Manager Bruce T. Shell;Assistant County Attorney Sharon Huffman;and Deputy Clerk Teresa P.Elmore. Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. was absent. Chairman Barfield welcomed everyone present and stated that the purpose was to meet with the Azimuth Group through a webinar (phone/internet connection) on the final draft policy level work for the strategic plan. David W. Eisenlohr, Managing Partner, and Wendy Skinner, of the Azimuth Group, Inc., were present through a phone connection and presented a review of the workshop discussions held in January. Mr. Eisenlohr presented an overview of the final document on the policy level work for the Board's acceptance and concurrence on strategic themes and goals. • Vision: o A vibrant,prosperous, and diverse coastal community committed to building a sustainable future for generations to come. • Mission Statement: o New Hanover County is committed to progressive public policy, superior service, courteous contact, judicious exercise of authority, and sound fiscal management to meet the needs and concerns of our citizens today and tomorrow. • Organizational Values • Integrity-Being forthright, honest and respectful in our interaction with each other and the public at all times, building and reinforcing confidence in our ability to consistently delver high quality service and results. • Stewardship-The responsible management of resources entrusted to our care,using sound decision- making to ensure services,programs and tax policies are affordable and sustainable over time. • Professionalism - Behaving responsively and proactively in our delivery of service to the public, characterized by the quality and diligence with which it is carried out. • Innovation — Applying progressive thinking, creativity and adaptability to continually improve all areas of operations,resulting in a more agile and efficient organization. • Accountability — Taking personal responsibility for our actions and decisions, as well as their consequences, in order to engender the public's trust. Discussion included adding a statement in Accountability Value to broaden accountability to include mutual trust in all relationships including within the organization. • Situational Assessment • Community Trends • Political Factors • Economic Climate • Organizational Trends • Technology Factors • Citizen Needs • Uncertainties • Strengths,Weaknesses, Opportunities,and Threats(SWOT)Analysis • Key Strengths • Excellent senior county management • Dedicated, competent,high quality staff • Strong current financial condition • "Customer first"organizational focus • Excellent information technology and IT management • Creative,innovative organizational culture—willing to try new things • Good air, sea,rail,highway access(port city) • Comparatively strong local economy • Key Weaknesses • Inadequate long range planning-no clear vision for the future of the County • Insufficient investment in infrastructure maintenance • Lack of Board/senior management consultation with expert line staff • Low staff morale • Limited collaboration/cooperation with other jurisdictions • Shifting Board of Commissioners priorities • Aging County workforce—impending retirement bubble • Public lacks understanding of the County's value proposition • Not leveraging local talent pool for volunteerism NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 STRATEGIC PLANNING WORK SESSION/WEBINAR,MARCH 10,2011 PAGE 137 • Lack clarity/understanding of citizen needs and wants • Inherently slow government business processes • Significant Opportunities • Create a compelling vision for the county • Attract green/high tech industry • Increase city/county partnership&collaboration • Enhance public understanding of county government • Focus on citizen needs • Improve long range planning • Leverage technology to drive service efficiency/quality • Invest in aging infrastructure • Restore employee morale • Key Threats • Growing public distrust/skepticism about government • Likely reductions in state/federal funding • Increasing unfunded mandates • Continued rise of health care costs • Natural man-made disasters • Persistent weak economy • Changing federal and state regulatory requirements • Growing crime rate/substance abuse-social ills Discussion included adding a statement under key threats to include air quality issues and non-attainment regulatory concerns. • Ranked Strengths (Elected Officials Only) 1. Desirable,attractive,destination community 1. Excellent information technology and IT Staff 3. Excellent senior management 4. The City of Wilmington itself 5. Port city 5. Dedicated,competent,high quality staff 7. Strong business community 7. Natural resources 9. Local natural resources 9. Higher education presence,readily available workforce 11. Good air, sea,rail,highway access 11. Creative,innovative organizational culture 13. Comparatively strong local economy 14. Strong current financial condition 15. "Customer First"focus initiative Discussion included adding the beach towns as one of the ranked strengths either in the attractive coastal destination or similar to the City of Wilmington designation. As some of the strengths are similar in nature, such as port city(river),and local natural resources,these could be condensed or grouped together. • Ranked Weaknesses(Elected Officials Only) 1. Inadequate long range planning/lack of clear vision 2. Lack of clarity and knowledge of citizen/customer needs 3. Public lacks understanding of the County's value proposition 4. Limited collaboration/cooperation among other jurisdictions 5. Insufficient infrastructure investment 5. Failure to fully/adequately capitalize on the community's volunteer resources 5. Inherently slow governmental business processes 8. Low staff morale 8. Shifting Board priorities 10. Lack of Board/Senior Management consultation with expert line staff Discussion included adding the weakness of having a lack of internal economic development capability. Addressing this weakness may require funding of in-house resources instead of outside organizations in order to plan for a robust economic program. • Ranked Threats (Elected Officials Only) 1. Likely reductions in state/federal funding 1. Increasing unfunded mandates 1. Persistently weak economy 4. Changing regulatory requirements(non-attainment) 5. Continued rise of employee health care costs 6. Growing crime rate/social ills 7. Growing public distrust/skepticism about government NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 STRATEGIC PLANNING WORK SESSION/WEBINAR,MARCH 10,2011 PAGE 138 8. Natural and man-made disasters • Evidence of Success(Selected) • Reduced unemployment • Decreasing crime rate • Improved health • Declining debt per capita • Improving high school graduation rates • High citizen satisfaction ratings • Positive media coverage • Eliminated deferred maintenance obligations • Competitive tax rate [discussion included to add"and fees"] • AAA Bond rating • Increased county workforce productivity • Decreased reliance on outside funding Discussion noted that success in workforce productivity might need to be measured by effectiveness and efficiency in systems and improved delivery of services. • Strategic Focus Areas/Strategic Themes • Maximize Strategic Partnerships • Establish elected official forums focused on collaborative planning,regional government • Create think tank for volunteer opportunities • Partner with municipalities on open space(parks,walking trails,etc.) • Work with legislators and other jurisdictions to influence regulatory laws (annexation, corporate taxes,etc.) • Work with cities to improve cooperation in providing services versus competing • NCDOT,DENR • Enhance Local Autonomy • Fight back on unfunded/costly mandates • Reevaluate Cape Fear Public Utility Authority • Develop aggressive legislative strategy • Take control of local government • Minimal government intervention in people's lives • Enable Robust Economic Development • Capitalize on existing assets • Develop a comprehensive economic development strategy and process to attract new business and sustain/expand existing businesses(incentives,job creation) • Create foreign trade zone at airport • Research"think tank"'focused on coastal communities • Provide workforce housing (ordinance that require developers to include affordable housing in subdivisions) • Promote Public Health and Safety • Collaboration- Sheriff and City Police departments(reduce crime) • Partner with schools and non-profits to provide after school care(reduce juvenile crime) • Work with community organizations to improve citizen's physical health • Develop public safety program that deals with underlying issues (i.e., social services, probation,incarceration, etc.) • Protect environment and public health • "Surge"against drug abuse and crime • Ensure Financial Performance • Work with legislators to eliminate or reduce unfunded mandates • Develop contingency plans for loss of state funding • Develop budget to drive goals,implement activity based budgeting • Control spending to mitigate potential for future tax increases • Maintain strong reserves • Contingency plan for potential human or natural disaster • Support Superior Public Education • Collaborate with Board of Education to develop a vision and accountability model • Partner with schools to improve education and decrease drop-out rate • Partner with schools and volunteer community to develop tutoring and mentoring programs Discussion included the need to work with the Board of Education in setting priorities on maintenance of school facilities and the need to have some control over funding provided by county taxpayers. Additionally, may need to include another bullet: Partner with other key stakeholders to improve education and decrease drop-out rate. • Maintain Effective Management • Develop public communication, education programs that"tell the story" and increase trust in government • Expand successful policies, stop unsuccessful ones • Respond to citizen feedback(surveys) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 STRATEGIC PLANNING WORK SESSION/WEBINAR,MARCH 10,2011 PAGE 139 • Continue Citizens Academy, 3rd grade school program,NHCTV and social media programs • Review organizationally for appropriate levels and structure, organize to advance Board policies and priorities • Empower employees, develop a merit program, eliminate furloughs • Develop and execute a strategic plan • Prepare a succession plan • Own mistakes • Take prudent risk • Implement Intelligent Growth-Environment Infrastructure and Quality of Life • Develop an intelligent growth plan • Update land use plan • Fully integrate land use and infrastructure(i.e.,facilities,utilities,water/sewer, schools, etc) • Fund infrastructure projects(new and maintenance)based on need • Create an innovative solid waste program • Invest in public transportation (reduce traffic congestion) and improve mobility (air, rails, roads) • Provide adequate resources to enrich quality of life programs • Prioritization Matrix of Focus Areas • Immediate Opportunity: Plan and Invest Now—Potential Under Allocation of Resources 1. Intelligent Growth 2. Economic Development • Mid to Long Term Opportunity: Research and Plan 1. Strategic Partnerships 2. Local Autonomy • Givens: Primary Focus Areas 1. Financial Performance 2. Superior Education 3. Effective Management • Foundational: Must Haves(Potential Over Allocation of Resources?) 1. Public Health and Safety • Next Steps-High Level Strategic Planning Schedule • February • Document output of strategic planning work session • Provide initial draft of the vision,mission,values,and strategic themes • Obtain additional feedback and make refinements • March-April • Identify specific objectives and measures within each strategic theme • Identify and align departmental initiatives • Develop a strategy map • Develop and review a strategy deployment and implementation program • May • Present the County's strategic plan to Board of Commissioners and executive staff • Make final refinements • Adoption of the strategy by the Board of Commissioners • June • Develop and execute a strategic communications plan • County staff begins execution of strategic plans • Integrate strategic goals and targets into employee performance plans • Develop and report on strategic performance quarterly In closing, Mr. Eisenlohr confirmed consensus of the Board's acceptance of the strategic direction for the County and said that he would move forward in working with staff and the departments to plan for the operational elements of the strategic plan. Visits to the departments will begin next month. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Barfield adjourned the work session at 4:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Teresa P.Elmore Deputy Clerk to the Board