2011-06-20 Regular Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,JUNE 20,2011 PAGE 214 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, June 20, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington,NC. Members present were: Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Jason R. Thompson; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; Commissioner Brian M. Berger; Commissioner Richard G. Catlin; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schuh and Assistant County Manager Andre' Mallette. Chairman Barfield called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Reverend Tracy Pryor, Covenant Moravian Church,provided the invocation. Commissioner Berger led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Barfield asked if any member of the Board would like to remove or discuss any item on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Catlin requested Consent Agenda Item 7 - Adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendments be pulled for clarification and discussion. Hearing no further comments, Chairman Barfield called for a motion to approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion: Commissioner Catlin MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes—Governing Body The Commissioners approved the following minutes as presented by the Clerk to the Board: Agenda Review Meeting held on June 2,2011 Regular Meeting held on June 6,2011 Approval of Amendments to the Cape Fear Museum Collections Policy—Cape Fear Museum The Commissioners approved amendments to the Cape Fear Museum Collections Policy, concerning among other issues, the requirement that additions to the collection undergo the same review and approval process as removal of objects. A complete copy of the Cape Fear Museum Collections Policy is available for review at the Cape Fear Museum. Approval of Seven Donations for Accession into the Cape Fear Museum Permanent Collection— Cape Fear Museum The Commissioners approved seven donations for accession into the Cape Fear Museum Permanent Collection. A complete copy of the Cape Fear Museum Permanent Collection June 2011 list is available for review at the Cape Fear Museum. Approval to Submit a Grant Application to the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, for Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program Funds—Parks,Gardens and Senior Resources The Commissioners authorized Parks, Gardens and Senior Resources to submit a grant application to the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Services, for Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program funds in the amount of$13,584. If awarded, the funds will be used to purchase equipment and supplies for the program. The value of volunteer hours will be used for the required match. Approval of Eagles Island Coalition Memorandum of Understanding—Planning Department The Commissioners approved the Eagle Island Coalition Memorandum of Understanding. The purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding is to enhance cooperation and communication regarding regional conservation issues and ecotourism opportunities. Eagles Island is owned by private and corporate individuals,the State of North Carolina(NC Division of Soil and Water Conservation,NC Department of Transportation and NC Ports Authority), the New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District,the Town of Leland,and the United States of America. A copy of the memorandum of understanding is available for review in the Legal Department. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,JUNE 20,2011 PAGE 215 Approval of Lower Cape Fear Sustainable Community Consortium Memorandum of Understanding — Planning Department The Commissioners approved the Lower Cape Fear Sustainable Community Consortium Memorandum of Understanding. The Consortium is preparing to submit a grant application for the 2011 program and requested the County sign the Memorandum of Understanding to demonstrate support for the grant application. A copy of the memorandum of understanding is available for review in the Legal Department. REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS ADOPTION OF BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS In response to Board questions, Budget Director Cam Griffin and County Manager Bruce Shell clarified that Budget Ordinance Amendment 11-286 in the amount of$594,659 is not additional money, but is money that was not needed to deal with expenses incurred due to Tropical Storm Nicole and are being added back into the General Fund reversing a transaction that was never needed. In response to Board questions concerning Budget Ordinance Amendment 11-287 in the amount of $445,000, Budget Director Cam Griffin clarified that the funds requested are to address immediate needs at WASTEC and will be allocated from the Environmental Management Fund. Hearing no further comments, Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Catlin MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to adopt the following Budget Ordinance Amendments for fiscal year ending June 30,2011: • 11-263 -Finance • 11-286-Emergency Management&911 Communications • 11-287-Environmental Management • 2011-57- Sheriff's Office • 2011-58- Sheriff's Office Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Copies of the budget ordinance amendments are hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 10.1. PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY SERVICE AWARDS County Manager Shell requested the following employees to step forward to receive service awards: Thirty Year: Ruby Holiday, Sheriffs Office Elizabeth Potter,Tax Department On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield presented a service award to each employee, expressed appreciation,and thanked them for their years of dedicated service. RECOGNITION OF NEW EMPLOYEES County Manager Shell requested the following new employees to stand and be introduced: Sandy Brooks,Department of Social Services Laura Schnelle,Department of Social Services Felicia Jones,Department of Social Services Spencer Colby,Health Department On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield welcomed the employees to County Government and wished them success in their new positions. ADOPTION OF FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 BUDGET ORDINANCE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE SERVICE DISTRICT County Manager Bruce Shell reported that he is presenting the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Budget Ordinance for New Hanover County with constant tax rate in the amount of .4655 cents. The proposed budget eliminates furloughs, includes a 1% merit for deserving employees and allocates an additional $600,000 to the Schools for operating expenses. County Manager Shell continued reporting that he is recommending a tax rate of 6.75 cents for the Fire Service District, which is an increase of.75 cent from the FY10-11 tax rate. The increase is essential for services today and moving forward. In response to Board questions, Fire Chief Donnie Hall clarified that the three requested positions included in the budget will be used to staff the ladder truck for building fires. Additional funding proposed is needed for roof maintenance. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,JUNE 20,2011 PAGE 216 In response to Board questions, Fire Chief Hall reported that staff does not anticipate requesting a tax increase for FY2012-2013 even if/when Castle Hayne is incorporated. The requested increase is approximately half of what was required if the consolidation had not taken place. An inspection is due in November to determine new fire insurance district rates and will reflect the impact of the consolidation. Chairman Barfield asked for direction from the Board concerning the recommended Fire Service District tax rate of 6.75 cents. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to adopt the Fire Service District tax rate of 6.75 cents as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Board held a brief discussion on the proposed General Fund Budget Ordinance with the consensus to vote on items of disagreement individually as follows: Approval of 1%Merit Increase for County Employees After brief discussion concerning the proposed 1% merit increase for County employees, Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to approve a 1%merit increase for all New Hanover County employees. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 3 to 2. Commissioners Catlin and Davis voted in opposition. Approval of Additional Funding for New Hanover County Schools for Operations in the Amount of $1 Million After brief discussion concerning allocating additional funds to the Schools for operating expenses, Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield,to increase the operating budget allotment to New Hanover County Schools in the amount of$600,000. The Board held a brief discussion concerning where the additional$600,000 funds would be allocated from with the County Manager suggesting that the funds be allocated from the Schools' Fund 225. The funds are held by the County in the School's fund balance Fund 225. In response to Board questions, County Manager Shell confirmed that allocating the funds from the County's fund balance will not have a detrimental effect on the County's bond rating. Substitute Motion: Commissioner Davis MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin,to allocate$1 million to New Hanover County Schools for their operating budget. After further discussion concerning where the funds should be allocated from, Commissioner Davis offered the following amended motion. Amended Motion: Commissioner Davis MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin,to allocate $1 million to New Hanover County Schools for their operating budget with the funds allocated from the School's fund balance Fund 225. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Approval of Funding for Wilmington Downtown,Inc.in the Total Amount of$50,000 Vice-Chairman Thompson stated that he would like to award a one-year contract to Wilmington Downtown, Inc. in the total amount of$50,000 with the balance of $28,914 to be allocated from the Economic Development line item. He stated that after the one-year contract period, no additional funds would be allocated in FY2013-2014 if the following benchmarks are not met: • Increase commercial occupancy of available space from currently 77%to a minimum of 82%. • Recruit three new businesses from outside the greater Wilmington metro area to the central business district. • Add 100 new jobs to new and existing businesses through the Wilmington Downtown, Inc. loan program. After brief discussion with the Board consensus supporting tying funding of non-county agencies to benchmarks, Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Berger,to award a one-year contract to Wilmington Downtown, Inc. in the total amount of$50,000 with the balance in the amount of$28,914 to be allocated from the Economic Development line item. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Approval of Funding for Drug Treatment Court Program in the Amount of$81,880.86 Judge James Faison presented the request for the Board's consideration to provide funding in the amount of $81,880.86 for continuation of the Drug Treatment Court Program. The General Assembly cut the funding for the program in the State's Fiscal Year 2011-2012 budget. The total amount required to continue funding of two coordinator positions is in the amount of$111,000; Southeastern Center has agreed to provide funding in the amount of$10,000 and the Department of Social Services has agreed to provide funding in the amount of$20,000. There NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,JUNE 20,2011 PAGE 217 are currently 55 participants in the program for a savings of approximately $143,000 to be realized annually as the participants will not be housed in the County's jail facility. After brief discussion that the savings will be realized in the Sheriff's budget, Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Berger, to fund the Drug Treatment Court Program in the amount of$81,880.86 to be allocated from the Sheriff's budget. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Approval of Funding for NHC Keep America Beautiful Program Chairman Barfield reported that the NHC Keep America Beautiful program is requesting $15,000 in operating funds. The Airlie Foundation has agreed to fund the part-time employee if the Board will agree to fund the operating expenses for the program. In response to Board questions, County Manager Shell reported that the $15,000 can be allocated from the County's contingency fund. Motion: Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin, to fund the NHC Keep America Beautiful program in the amount of$15,000 to be allocated from the County's Contingency Fund. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. County Manager Bruce Shell reported that the ABC Board has agreed to increase their contribution to the County by $208,000 to fund three additional positions in the Sheriff's Office to work with the City of Wilmington Police Department on Law Enforcement in the downtown area. The ABC Board is meeting on Tuesday, and if the funding is not approved, staff will bring a budget amendment to the Board for consideration. Hearing no further discussion, Chairman Barfield requested a motion to adopt the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Budget Ordinance with the approved changes. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to adopt the Fiscal Year 2011- 2012 Budget Ordinance for New Hanover County with the ad valorem tax rate of 46.55 cents with the approved changes. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. After brief discussion, and with the consensus of the Board, staff was directed to schedule a work session on economic development,debt service and future non-county agency funding. A copy of the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Budget Ordinance is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 10.2. BREAK Chairman Barfield called for a break from 10:22 a.m.until 10:40 a.m. DENIAL OF MERIT COMPENSATION INCREASE AND BONUS FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY ALCOHOL BEVERAGE CONTROL BOARD CEO DAN SYKES New Hanover County ABC Board Chairman Tom Wolfe presented the request for the Board's consideration to grant a 1.75%merit increase, which is approximately $1,400, and award a one-time bonus in the amount of$5,000 to CEO Dan Sykes. Currently Mr. Sykes salary is in the amount of$104,998. Mr. Sykes was hired prior to the enactment of G.S.1813-700, which limits the CEO salary to that of the Clerk of Court which is currently in the amount of $102,536. CEO raises must be approved by the Board of Commissioners as the appointing authority of the ABC Board. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin,to deny the request to grant a 1.75%merit increase and award a one-time bonus in the amount of$5,000 to CEO Dan Sykes as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF BEACH NOURISHMENT CONTINGENCY PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY County Engineer Jim Iannucci presented the request for the Board's consideration to approve the Beach Nourishment Contingency Plan Executive Summary. Per Board direction, staff met with Coastal Planning and Engineering, Inc., as well as the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission, to amend the Executive Summary to accurately reflect the content of the plan. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Catlin MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to approve the Beach Nourishment Contingency Plan Executive Summary to be included with the Beach Nourishment Contingency Plan as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Beach Nourishment Contingency Plan Executive Summary is available for review in the County Engineer's office. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,JUNE 20,2011 PAGE 218 APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO RESTRICT HOURS OF OPERATION AT TRAILS END PARK Parks, Gardens and Senior Resources Director Jim McDaniel presented the request for the Board's consideration to restrict the Trails End Park nighttime hours, sunset to sunrise, to active fishing and boating only. The dock may be used for recreational fishing,but will be subject to all regulations by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and would require an active North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Saltwater Fishing License;launching and retrieving vessels will be allowed. New signs will be posted noting the rules stating no loitering in vehicles or the park and lighting will be installed; additional Sheriff Patrols will be added. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission has indicated they would support placing the same hours and rules for Riverside Park and River Road Park. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Catlin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Thompson, to approve restricting the Trails End Park nighttime hours, sunset to sunrise, to active fishing and boating only as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. REJECTION OF ALL BIDS, DIRECTION TO STAFF TO ENTER INTO A TEMPORARY CONTRACT FOR IN-HOME AIDE SERVICES AND THE ISSUANCE OF A NEW REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Parks, Gardens and Senior Resources Director Jim McDaniel presented the request for the Board's consideration to adopt the resolution awarding the contract for in-home aide services to Interim Healthcare of the Eastern Carolinas, Inc. The County acts as the pass-thru agent for the Home Community Care Block Grant. The County solicited proposals from qualified providers and received two proposals. The bid review committee, consisting of members of the Home and Community Care Advisory Board,the funding agency and staff, reviewed the proposals and recommends the contract be awarded to Interim HealthCare of Eastern Carolinas,Inc. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Vice-Chairman Thompson stated that to his knowledge the bidders did not all receive the same information,and therefore,were not able to submit the information needed to be considered equally. Chairman Barfield stated that he supports the staff recommendation and requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Berger,to reject all bids;issue a new Request for Proposal with a more transparent matrix for this specific type of work; and enter into a temporary contract, approximately 90 days, at staff's discretion. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 1. Chairman Barfield voted in opposition. DIRECTION TO STAFF TO SCHEDULE THE CAROLINA BEACH ROAD SIGN ORDINANCE TO BE HEARD BEFORE THE PLANNING BOARD FOR PUBLIC INPUT AND RECOMMENDATION Current Planning and Zoning Manager Jane Daughtridge presented the upcoming deadline to the ten year amortization period of non-conforming signs on Carolina Beach Road. In 2001, on recommendation of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Committee and the Planning Board, the County Commissioners established special standards for on-premises, freestanding signs along this corridor. The sign standards were intended to create a positive impression of the area and enhance the appeal for new development along the corridor. Freestanding sign standards along the Carolina Beach Road corridor are the same as for the County's Special Highway Overlay District(SHOD),which is in place along the northern gateways. When the new standards were adopted, existing signs not meeting the standards became nonconforming. Non-conformity is approached in two ways: • Allow the non-conformity to continue until it reaches a defined level of discontinuance without regard to time, or • Amortize the non-conformity so that it must conform within a defined period of time deemed reasonable to recoup the initial investment. Since 2001, new signage and substantial change-outs have complied with the 2001 standard for freestanding signs. There are now between 48 and 60 freestanding signs still non-conforming along the corridor. The exact number is uncertain because provisions in the ordinance allow existing signs to remain if they are within 15% of maximum sign area or within 4 feet of maximum sign height. Also, existing signs can remain if the only non-conformity is the front setback. Staff will have to evaluate signs on site to determine whether some might be allowed to remain. Owners can ask the Board of Adjustment for a variance from the standards of the ordinance,but only when hardships can be proven. Hardship must be peculiar to the land and must not be one of the petitioner's own making, so obtaining a variance will be challenging. Owners can petition to amend the ordinance to modify the standards or eliminate the amortization schedule. NC General Statutes require a zoning amendment to go through the Planning Board for recommendation prior to final decision by the Commissioners. Staff is requesting direction from the Board to confirm support for enforcing the ordinance as written; or NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,JUNE 20,2011 PAGE 219 provide staff with alternative direction on this issue. In response to Board questions, Manager Daughtridge stated that staff cannot verify the notification documentation that was sent ten years ago. After brief discussion, Chairman Barfield offered the following motion. Motion: Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Thompson,to direct the Planning Board to review the issue and hold a public hearing on the Carolina Beach Road Sign Ordinance and make a recommendation for the Board's consideration. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC HEARING AND APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO SUBMIT A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR 5310 ELDERLY TRANSPORTATION FUNDING Parks, Gardens and Senior Resources Director Jim McDaniel presented the request for the Board's consideration to submit a grant application for 5310 Elderly Transportation Funding to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). NCDOT requires a Public Hearing be held prior to submitting the grant application. Chairman Barfield requested a motion to open the Public Hearing to receive comments concerning submitting a grant application for 5310 Elderly Transportation Grant funds. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to open the Public Hearing to receive comments concerning submitting a grant application for 5310 Elderly Transportation Grant funds. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Hearing no public comments, Chairman Barfield requested a motion to close the Public Hearing to receive comments concerning submitting a grant application for 5310 Elderly Transportation Grant funds. Motion: Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Thompson, to close the Public Hearing to receive comments concerning submitting a grant application for 5310 Elderly Transportation Grant funds. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Davis MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Thompson, to approve the request to submit a grant application to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for 5310 Elderly Transportation Grant funds as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC HEARING, ADOPTION OF MARKET STREET CORRIDOR STUDY, AND DIRECTION TO STAFF TO DEVELOP RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ORDINANCE CHANGES TO IMPLEMENT THE STUDY USING THE MODEL ORDINANCE AS A GUIDE Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization Executive Director Mike Kozlosky presented the request for the Board's consideration to hold a Public Hearing and adopt the Market Street Corridor Study. The study includes a framework plan, general development plan, preferred access management plan, bicycle and pedestrian connectivity plan, collector street plan, roadway concept plans, market analysis and draft development ordinances for the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. The Study principles support the following: • Promote mixed-use development • Build walk-able neighborhoods • Require high quality building architecture • Limit franchise architecture • Promote architectural unity • Provide cohesive site design Chairman Barfield requested a motion to open the Public Hearing. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin,to open the Public Hearing to receive comments on the proposed Market Street Corridor Study. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Hearing no comments, Chairman Barfield requested a motion to close the Public Hearing. Motion: Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Thompson, to close the Public Hearing to receive comments on the proposed Market Street Corridor Study. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,JUNE 20,2011 PAGE 220 Planning and Inspections Director Chris O'Keefe reported that staff is requesting the following direction from the Board: • A motion to adopt the Market Street Corridor Study as a guide for development and redevelopment along the corridor within the unincorporated county; and • A motion to direct staff with developing recommendations for ordinance changes to implement the study,using the model ordinance as a guide. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin, to adopt the resolution approving the Market Street Corridor Study as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Motion: Commissioner Catlin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Thompson, to direct staff to develop recommendations for ordinance changes to implement the study, using the model ordinance as a guide. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 10.3. A copy of the Market Street Corridor Study is available for review in the Planning Department and on the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization's website. BREAK Chairman Barfield called for a break from 11:20 a.m.until 12:14 p.m. ADOPTION OF THE 2011-2016 NEW HANOVER COUNTY STRATEGIC PLAN Assistant County Manager Chris Coudriet and David Eisenlohr with The Azimuth Group presented the final draft of the New Hanover County Strategic Plan highlighting the following: • Vision statement — A vibrant, prosperous, diverse coastal community, committed to building a sustainable future for generations to come. • Mission statement—New Hanover County is committed to progressive public policy, superior service, courteous contact,judicious exercise of authority, and sound fiscal management to meet the needs and concerns of our citizens today and tomorrow. • A set of five core values—Integrity, Stewardship,Professionalism,Innovation,and Accountability. • Identification of important characteristics that differentiate the County from its competitors. • Documentation of key, high-level indicators of strategic success. • Five separate strategic focus areas around which key policy decisions can be evaluated. • Twenty-six specific strategic goals supported by over 200 distinct initiatives. • A set of key performance metrics for the monitoring of progress towards achievement of strategic goals and completion of strategic initiatives. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Thompson, to adopt the 2011-2016 New Hanover County Strategic Plan as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the strategic plan is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 10.4. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN BARFIELD AS VOTING DELEGATE TO THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES'2011 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Chairman Barfield presented the request for the Board's consideration to appoint a voting delegate to the National Association of Counties' (NACo's) 76th Annual Conference to be held July 15-19, 2011 in Multnomah County, Oregon. A voting delegate and alternate must be appointed and submitted to NACo by July 1, 2011. Chairman Barfield and Commissioner Berger have been registered for the conference. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Catlin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Berger, to appoint Chairman Barfield as the New Hanover County voting delegate to the National Association of Counties' Annual Conference to be held July 15-19, 2011 in Multnomah County, Oregon. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Appointments to the Airlie Gardens Foundation Board Chairman Barfield reported that two vacancies need to be filled on the Airlie Gardens Foundation Board with one applicant eligible for reappointment for a total of five applications available for consideration and requested nominations from the Board. Commissioner Davis nominated Hannah Holt for reappointment and Hank Estep for appointment. The nominations were seconded by Commissioner Catlin. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,JUNE 20,2011 PAGE 221 Hearing no further nominations Chairman Barfield closed the nominations and called for a vote on the nominations. Vote Results: The Board voted unanimously to reappoint Hannah Holt and appoint Hank Estep to serve three-year terms on the Airlie Gardens Foundation Board with the terms to expire on June 30,2014. Appointment to Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees Chairman Barfield reported that one vacancy needs to be filled on the Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees with six applications available for consideration and requested nominations from the Board. Commissioner Davis nominated Jason C. Harris for appointment. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Berger. Chairman Barfield nominated Veronica S.McLaurin-Brown for appointment. No second was received. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Barfield called for a vote on the nomination. Vote Results: The Board voted unanimously to appoint Jason C. Harris to serve a four-year term on the Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees with the term to expire on June 30,2015. Appointments to Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board Chairman Barfield reported that five vacancies exist on the Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board with two applicants eligible for reappointment for a total of three applications available for consideration and requested nominations from the Board. Chairman Barfield nominated Linda Fallon Chapman and Jack H. Mills for reappointment and Mechelle Sheree' Gay for appointment. The nominations were seconded by Commissioner Catlin. Chairman Barfield called for a vote on the nominations. Vote Results: The Board voted unanimously to reappoint Linda Fallon Chapman and Jack H. Mills and appoint Mechelle Sheree' Gay to serve three-year terms on the Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board with the terms to expire on June 30,2014. Appointment to Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Chairman Barfield reported that one vacancy exists on the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Board with one applicant eligible for reappointment for a total of five applications available for consideration and requested nominations from the Board. Commissioner Berger nominated Earl G. Grover, III for appointment. No second was received. Commissioner Catlin nominated Burrows G. Smith for reappointment. The nomination was seconded by Chairman Barfield. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Barfield called for a vote on the nomination. Vote: Chairman Barfield, Vice-Chairman Thompson and Commissioners Davis and Catlin voted in favor of reappointing Burrows G. Smith to the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority. Vote Results: By majority vote Burrows G. Smith was reappointed to serve a three-year term on the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority with the term to expire on June 30, 2014. Appointment to the ABC Board and Appointment of Chairman Chairman Barfield reported that one vacancy exists on the ABC Board with one applicant eligible for reappointment for a total of five applications available for consideration and requested direction from the Board. Chairman Barfield nominated David L Matthews for reappointment. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Berger. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Barfield called for a vote on the nominations. Vote Results: The Board voted unanimously to reappoint David L Matthews to serve a three-year term on the ABC Board with the term to expire on June 30,2014. Chairman Barfield reported that the Board is also required to appoint the ABC Board Chairman for the ensuing year suggesting rotating the chairperson. Chairman Barfield nominated Cedric Dickerson for appointment as ABC Board Chairman. The nomination was seconded by Vice-Chairman Thompson. Commissioner Catlin nominated Thomas Wolfe for reappointment as ABC Board Chairman. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Berger. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,JUNE 20,2011 PAGE 222 Chairman Barfield called for a vote on the nominations. Vote: Commissioners Davis, Berger and Catlin voted in favor of reappointing Thomas Wolfe as ABC Board Chairman. Vote Results: By majority vote Thomas Wolfe was reappointed as NHC ABC Board Chairman for the ensuing year. Appointments to the Airport Authority Chairman Barfield reported that two vacancies exist on the Airport Authority with a total of seventeen applications available for consideration and requested direction from the Board. Commissioner Davis nominated Robin Hiott Spinks for appointment. The nomination was seconded by Vice-Chairman Thompson. Commissioner Berger nominated Ben McCoy for appointment. No second was received. Vice-Chairman Thompson nominated Walter R. Conlogue for appointment. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Berger. Commissioner Catlin nominated Irvin (Al) Roseman for appointment. The nomination was seconded by Chairman Barfield. Commissioner Davis nominated Thomas C. Barber, II for appointment. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Catlin. Chairman Barfield nominated Augustus Codington Everett,Jr.for appointment. No second was received. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Barfield called for a vote to close the nominations. Motion: Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Berger, to close the nominations. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Vote: Vice-Chairman Thompson and Commissioner Davis voted in favor of appointing Robin Hiott Spinks to the Airport Authority. Vote: Vice-Chairman Thompson voted in favor of appointing Walter R. Conlogue to the Airport Authority. Vote: Chairman Barfield and Commissioners Berger and Catlin voted in favor of appointing Irvin(Al)Roseman to the Airport Authority. Vote: Commissioners Berger, Catlin and Davis voted in favor of appointing Thomas C. Barber, II to the Airport Authority. Vote Results: By majority vote Irvin (Al) Roseman and Thomas C. Barber, II were appointed to serve four-year terms on the Airport Authority with the term to expire on June 30,2015. Appointments to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Chairman Barfield reported that two vacancies exist on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board with one applicant eligible for reappointment for a total of three applications available for consideration and requested nominations from the Board. Chairman Barfield nominated Connie H. Branch for reappointment. Commissioner Davis seconded the nomination. Commissioner Catlin nominated Frank Amoroso for appointment. Chairman Barfield seconded the nomination. Commissioner Davis nominated William M.Beam for appointment. No second was received. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Barfield called for a vote on the nominations. Vote Results: The Board voted unanimously to reappoint Connie H. Branch to serve a three-year term on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board with the term to end on June 30, 2014. Vote Results: The Board voted unanimously to appoint Frank Amoroso to serve a three-year term on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board with the term to end on June 30,2014. Appointment to the Board of Social Services Chairman Barfield reported that one vacancy exists on the Board of Social Services with one applicant eligible for reappointment and one application available for consideration and requested nominations from the Board. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,JUNE 20,2011 PAGE 223 Chairman Barfield nominated Patrick G. Riley for reappointment. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Berger. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Barfield called for a vote on the nomination. Vote Results: The Board voted unanimously to reappoint Patrick G. Riley to serve a three-year term on the Board of Social Services with the term to expire on June 30,2014. DIRECTION TO STAFF CONCERNING NEW HANOVER COUNTY SOLID WASTE County Manager Bruce Shell presented for the Board's consideration the history and recommendation for the County's solid waste. In April 2011, the Board approved the layup of the County's Waste-to-Energy facility, WASTEC, and directed staff to develop a series of business plans and strategies to manage the County's solid waste. The following recommendations were presented: • Collection Service Recommendation - consolidate solid waste collection and disposal within the unincorporated area. • 1-2 collection zones(competitive bidding,exclusive right) • Services to include municipal solid waste, curbside recycling,yard waste and bulky item pick-up • Eliminate drop-off recycling centers • Hold northern and southern county public hearings on the issue • Sustainable Solid Waste System—Operational Recommendation: • Proceed with Sustainable Energy Facility(NHC owned): • Private operator • Sustainable energy • Sustainable economic plan • Landfill(NHC owned): • Smaller County run operation or private operator • Plan for: • Material recovery facility: • Ownership and operation determined through solicitation • County or regional solution • Construction and demolition facility: • When tonnage warrants • Ownership and operation by NHC,private, or combination • County or regional solution Assistant County Manager Chris Coudriet continued presenting an overview of the approaches that were reviewed by staff and that were not being recommended highlighting the value of WASTEC to the County in limiting the amount of trash that is put into our landfill. The following timeline is suggested if the Board supports staff s recommendation: • July 2011—hold public meetings on collection • August 15,2011—issue Sustainable Energy Facility Request for Qualifications • September 2011 — public hearing notice concerning collection consolidation; notify franchisees of record • September 19,2011 —Sustainable Energy Facility Request for Qualifications responses due • October 3,2011—issue Request for Proposal to pre-qualified respondents • October 2011—public hearing;Board vote on collection system • December 1,2011—Sustainable Energy Facility Request for Proposals due • January 2012—Sustainable Energy Facility recommendation to Board • February 20,2012—Request for Qualifications operating contract signed • March 12,2012—collection/curbside recycling bid package issued • May 7, 2012—collection bids due/opened • June 2012—new exclusive franchise awards • July 2012—Board awards collection contract(s) • January 1,2013—begin new collection system Staff is requesting the Board authorize staff to contract with a solid waste consultant to assist with the process in an amount not to exceed$50,000 and direct staff to hold collection system public hearings in the northern and southern sections of the unincorporated areas. In response to Board questions, Assistant County Manager Coudriet confirmed that all the previous consultant's expenses were recouped by the bond that was held by the County. After brief discussion, Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Catlin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Berger, to authorize staff to enter into a contract with a solid waste consultant in an amount not to exceed $50,000 and to hold collection system public NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,JUNE 20,2011 PAGE 224 hearings in the northern and southern unincorporated areas as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Barfield announced that time has been reserved to allow the public to present an item that was not listed on the regular agenda. No items were presented. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEM OF BUSINESS APPROVAL TO RECONSIDER MOTION CONCERNING MERIT INCREASE FOR CLARIFICATION AND APPROVAL OF 1%MERIT INCREASE FOR DESERVING EMPLOYEES Vice-Chairman Thompson requested the Board reconsider the motion concerning the 1%merit increase for employees for clarification purposes. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to reconsider the motion concerning the 1% merit increase for employees for clarification purposes. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. After brief discussion with County Manager Shell on the recommended wording concerning the motion for the merit increase for employees, Vice-Chairman Thompson offered the following amended motion for clarification. Amended Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to approve a 1% merit increase for deserving County employees at the discretion of the County Manager's implementation. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED 3 TO 2. Commissioners Catlin and Davis voted in opposition. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 1:39 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting. The entire proceedings are available for review and check-out at all New Hanover County Libraries and on www.nhcgov.com/NHCLive or www.nhcgov.com paQes.BOC/asps