2011-06-20 RM Exhibits Exhibit Book XXXI VPage AGENDA:June 20,2011 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11-263 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11-263 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2011. Section 1:Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department:Juvenile Services/Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Expenditure: Decrease Increase Juvenile Services/Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention: Grant Expenditures—Teen Court $__92120 Total $9120 R Revenue: Decrease Increase Juvenile Services/Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention: Grant-Federal $9,120 Total $9120 Section 2:Explanation During FY10-11 budget preparation, grant revenue from the Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention for the Teen Court program was estimated and budgeted at $40,000. This budget 1 amendment will increase the Teen Court revenue and expenditure to match the grant award of$49,120.This is a flow-through grant and requires no County match. Section 3:Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11-263, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year en ' June 30,2011,is adopted. Adopted,this..�hLday of 2011. GOVr1TY�^r0 o 3 a2 "'ti nathan B 'Ffr� E Shei chult,Clerk to the Board Exhibit (✓ AGENDA:June 20,2011 Book page.L. 1 b NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11-286 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11-286 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2011. Section 1:Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department:Emergency Management and 911 Communications/Tropical Storm Nicole Expenditure: Decrease Increase Emergency Management and 911 Communications / Tropical Storm Nicole: Contract Services $593,500 Capital Outlay-Equipment 1 159 Total $594,659 Revenue: Decrease Increase Governing Body/Appropriated Fund Balance: Appropriated Fund Balance $594,659 Total $594,659 Section 2:Explanation At the October 18'', 2011 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners moved $650,000 in funds from Appropriated Fund balance to cover estimated costs that would be incurred due to Tropical Storm Nicole for pumping and hauling leachate at the Landfill. At the recommendation of Commissioner Rick Catlin, Environmental Management installed aerators (at a cost of$55,341) in lieu of using the pump and haul method for the leachate, which resulted in significant savings. This budget amendment is a technical correction to return the balance of the unused funds. Prior to actions taken at this Board of County Commissioners meeting, the Appropriated Fund balance is $3,161,653. Section 3:Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11-286, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year end' June 30,2011,is adopted. Adopted,this` day of ,2011. � OUNTY.�O O > na irman •F'�'t.Ig Ht0 Sheila L. cult,Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book Xxxr�Page L—IC- AGENDA:June 20,2011 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 11-287 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North x Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 11-287 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2011. Section 1:Details of Budget Amendment: Fund:Environmental Management Department:Environmental Management/WASTEC Administration R Expenditure: Decrease Increase Environmental Management/WASTEC Administration: Maintenance and Repair—Building $445,000 Total $445,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Environmental Management/WASTEC Administration: Transfer in from General Fund $445,000 Total $445,000 i Fund: General Fund Department:Governing Body/Appropriated Fund Balance;Finance/Nondepartmental z Expenditure: Decrease Increase Finance/Nonde artmental: Transfer to Environmental Management Fund $445,000 Total $445,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Governing Body/Appropriated Fund Balance: Appropriated Fund Balance $445,000 a Total $445,000 Section 2:Explanation This amendment is to increase the Environmental Management Fund budget and Interfund Loan balance to immediately address structural safety hazards at the WASTEC facility.Prior to actions taken at this Board of County Commissioners meeting, the Appropriated Fund balance is $3,161,653 and the existing Interfund Loan Balance is$4,185,900. Section 3:Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. E NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New k, Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 11-287, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2011,is adopted. �uN7Y.N ,�G pted,this _day of ,2011. O � C r0 t Shei a L. cult,Clerk to the Board i x Exhibit BookkKU/Page 10 AGENDA:June 20,2011 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2011-57 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2011-57 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2011. Section 1:Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: Controlled Substance Tax Department: Sheriffs Office Expenditure: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax: Supplies $5,880 Total $5,880 Revenue: Decrease Increase Controlled Substance Tax: Controlled Substance Tax $5,873 Interest on Investments 7 Total $5,880 Section 2:Explanation To budget Controlled Substance Tax receipt of$5,873 on 5/19/11 and budget interest on investments of$7 for period February 2011 through April 2011. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary. Section 3:Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2011-57, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year en ' June 30,2011,is adopted. Adopted,this '1, ` day of ,2011. 0 'f7 O Chairman Sheila .Schult,Clerk to a Soard Exhibit Book XxXI V a e L 0• �e AGENDA:June 20,2011 -- 9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2011-58 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2011-58 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2011. Section 1:Details of Budget Amendment: Fund:Federal Forfeited Property Department: Sheriffs Office Expenditure: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Property(DOJ): Supplies $3176 Total $3176 Revenue: Decrease Increase Federal Forfeited Property: Federal Forfeited Property(DOJ) $3,151 Interest on Investments 25 Total $3,176 Section 2:Explanation To budget Federal Forfeited Property(DOJ)receipt of$3,151 on 5/17/11 and interest on investments of$25 for period February 2011 through April 2011.Department of Justice(DOJ)receipts are for drug seizures and Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms cases. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary. Section 3:Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2011-58, amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2011,is adopted. Adopted,this_ day of ,2011. 3 0MTV•N ca AL) �y O 4 O r Aona7leTd—, hairman F� She a L. ult,Clerk to e o d Exhibit Book M rJPaP 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 BUDGET ORDINANCE E BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina: f Section 1: The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the General Fund for the operation of the New Hanover County government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012, in accordance with the Chart of Accounts heretofore i established for New Hanover County: GENERAL FUND Function Appropriation r General Government $31,470,314 Human Services 55,242,386 Public Safety 45,972,761 Economic & Physical Development 899,730 Cultural & Recreational 10,255,878 Education (Cape Fear Community College) 6,191,767 r Debt Service 28,650,587 Transfers to Other Funds 82,857,206 F Contingency 735.000 Total Appropriation - General Fund $262.275.629 t Section 2: It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the General Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012: r Revenue Source Amount Ad Valorem Taxes $156,967,697 Sales Taxes 46,541,536 Room Occupancy Taxes 36,000 Other Taxes 2,997,332 Charges for Services 8,472,180 Interest on Investments 145,000 Intergovernmental Revenue - State 3,426,048 Intergovernmental Revenue - Federal 28,263,872 s Intergovernmental Revenue - Other 5,781,141 s Special Assessments 125,968 E Miscellaneous Revenue 4,944,706 Transfer In From Other Funds 1,574,149 Appropriated Fund Balance 3,000,000 Total Estimated Revenues - General Fund $262,275.629 s z NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS FUND } Section 3: The following amounts are hereby appropriated and allocated in the New x Hanover County Schools Fund pursuant to G.S. 115C-429(b) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012. Allocations made to the New Hanover County School Board through G.S. 115C-429(b) bind the Board of Education to the following directions and limitations in regards to these funds: f 1) The Budget Resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Education shall conform to the specific allocations by purpose and function as set forth in this Budget Ordinance. t 4 E 1 3 { t• Y - 2) The Budget Resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Education may not be amended without the prior approval of the Board of Commissioners if the proposed amendment increases or decreases the Current Operating Expenditures appropriations allocated to a purpose or function by 25% or more. Catenory A_ppropriation Instructional Services: Regular Instruction $10,888,696 Special Populations 6,050,983 Alternative Programs 1,090,127 School Leadership 6,771,529 Co-Curricular 1,809,943 School Based Support 3.307.602 $29,918,880 System-Wide Support Services: Support and Development $1,057,955 Special Population Support and Development 427,509 Alternative Program Support and Development 286,085 Technology Support 2,629,379 Operational Support 19,762,841 Financial and Human Resources 4,140,972 Accountability 207,392 System-Wide Pupil Support 349,240 Policy, Leadership and Public Relations 1.599,159 $30,460,532 Ancillary: Nutrition Services $96,150 $96,150 Non-Programmed Charges: Payments to Charter Schools $1,320,878 Scholarships 12.000 1,332,878 Total Current Operating Expense $61.808.440 Capital Outlay: System-Wide Support Services $750,000 Total Capital Outlay School Debt Service 22.315,646 Total Appropriation— New Hanover County Schools Fund $84.874.086 Section 4: It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the New Hanover County Schools Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012: Revenue Source Amount Transfer In From General Fund $81,774,086 Transfer In From Capital Project 1,336,547 Intergovernmental Revenue - Federal 263,453 Appropriated Fund Balance 1,500.000 Total Revenues— New Hanover County Schools Fund $84.874.086 E F In accordance with G.S. 115C-429(c), the Board of Commissioners requires the Board of Education to notify the Board of Commissioners in writing of any changes made to their planned capital fund expenditures. The notification should include: (1) nature of the change; (2) reason for the change; (3) dollar amount of any expenditure change by planned project; and (4) plans for, and estimated cost of, completing the planned project in the future if completion as originally anticipated will not be possible. t. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM FUND—ARTICLE 3 Section 5: The following amount is hereby appropriated in the Emergency Telephone System Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012, for the purpose of maintaining an Emergency 911 System in New Hanover County: C Total Appropriation — Emergency Telephone System Fund—Article 3 Section 6: It is estimated that the following revenue will be available in the Emergency t Telephone System Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012: Revenue Source Amount Other Taxes 535 090 Total Revenue— Emergency Telephone System Fund—Article 3 ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX FUND i Section 7: The following amount is hereby appropriated in the Room Occupancy Tax Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012: Total Appropriation— Room Occupancy Tax Fund Section 8: It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Room Occupancy Tax Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012: Revenue Source Amount Room Occupancy Taxes $3,409,730 Special Assessments 284.898 Total Revenues—Room Occupancy Tax Fund ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT FUND Section 9: The following amount is hereby appropriated in the Environmental Management Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012: Total Appropriation — Environmental Management Fund $12.320.000 Section 10: It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Environmental Management Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012: Revenue Source Amount Intergovernmental Revenue - State $220,000 Charges for Services 11,800,000 Miscellaneous Revenues 300,000 Total Revenues— Environmental Management Fund $12,320.000 SPECIAL FIRE DISTRICT FUND Section 11: The following amount is hereby appropriated in the Special Fire District Fund for the operation of fire protection services for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012, in accordance with the Chart of Accounts heretofore established for New Hanover County: Total Appropriation — Special Fire District Fund $10,630,804 Section 12: It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Special Fire District Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012: Revenue Source Amount Ad Valorem Taxes $8,429,197 Sales Taxes 1,951,573 Charges for Service 77,800 Intergovernmental Revenues - Federal 166,134 Interest on Investments 6.100 Total Revenues —Special Fire District Fund $10.630.804 Section 13: The following amounts are a summary of the foregoing appropriations as detailed in this Budget Ordinance for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012, in accordance with the Chart of Accounts heretofore established for New Hanover County: Estimated Fund Balance Total Summary Revenues Appropriated Appropriation General Fund $259,275,629 $3,000,000 $262,275,629 New Hanover County Schools Fund 83,374,086 1,500,000 84,874,086 Emergency Telephone System-Article 3 535,090 0 535,090 Room Occupancy Tax Fund 3,694,628 0 3,694,628 Environmental Management Fund 12,320,000 0 12,320,000 Special Fire District Fund 10.630.804 0 10.630,804 Total Budget $369 830.237 $4,500 000 $374.330.237 Section 14: There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of forty-six and fifty-five-hundredths cents ($.4655) per one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed as of January 1, 2011, for the purpose of raising revenue included in "Ad Valorem Taxes" in the General Fund in Section 2 of this Ordinance. This rate is based on an estimated total valuation of property for the purpose of taxation of $33,969,990,000 and an estimated collection rate of 98%. The estimated rate of collection is based on the fiscal 2010-2011 collection rate of 98.5%. Section 15: There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of six and seventy-five hundredths cents ($.0675) per one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed for taxes as of January 1, 2011, located within the Special Fire District for the raising of revenue for said Special Fire District. This rate of tax is based on an estimated total valuation of property for the purposes of taxation of $12,729,700,000 and an estimated collection rate of 98%. The estimated rate of collection is based on the fiscal year 2010-2011 collection rate of 98.5%. s Section 16: All expenditures relating to obtaining the bond referendum and.or installment purchase will be reimbursed from bond proceeds and installment purchase proceeds in accordance with the requirements of the United States Treasury Regulations Section 1.150-2. i Section 17: That appropriations herein authorized and made shall have the amount of (1) outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 2011, and (2) grants unexpended by New Hanover County as of June 30, 2011, added to each appropriation as it appears in order to account for the payment against the fiscal year in which it is paid. { Section 18: The County Manager, and or the Budget Director as the County Manager's designee, is hereby authorized to transfer appropriations as contained herein under the following conditions: E f t a. He/she may transfer amounts between expenditure line items within a department without limitation and without a report being required. i f b. He/she may transfer amounts between appropriation units within the same budget k_ function and fund without limitation and without a report being required. t S c. He/she may make transfers up to $2,500 between budget functions within the same fund. Those transfers must subsequently be reported at the next regular meeting of the x E Board of Commissioners. d. He/she may not transfer any amounts between funds nor from the General Fund contingency appropriation without approval by the Board of Commissioners. Section 19: At June 30, 2011, the estimated outstanding Interfund Loan balance owed to the General Fund by the Environmental Management Fund is $5,500,000. This amount represents principal amount only. Principal is required to be repaid. No interest will be charged. i Section 20: This ordinance and the budget document shall be the basis for the financial plan for New Hanover County for the 2011-2012 fiscal year. The Budget Officer shall administer the budget. The Finance Director shall establish and maintain all records which are in concurrence with this budget and the budget ordinance and the appropriate statutes of the State of North Carolina. Section 21: Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and to the Budget Director and Finance Director of New Hanover County, North Carolina, to be kept on file by them for their direction in the disbursement of funds. ADOPTED, this 20th day of June 2011. GOilNTY.HoR - 0 Jr., Chairman • oard of Voun t Commissioners •F'�A4113i�" Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board s v N T Y. Jonathan Barfield,Jr. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman i ,l. Jason R.Thompson t i BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Vice-Chairman n Ted Davis,Jr. < Y Commissioner _ 0 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Brian M.Berger f y Z Wilmington, NC 28403 Commissioner Z Richard G.Catlin (910) 798-7149 Exhibit Commissioner (910)798-7145 Fax Book xx)dPag • '��N11���t� � e Sheila L.Schult www.nhcgOV.COm Clerk to Board f t 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS s RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MARKET STREET CORRIDOR STUDY r 3 WHEREAS,New Hanover County recognizes the need to improve mobility and safety along the Market Street corridor; and i WHEREAS, the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization, in collaboration with the City of Wilmington,New Hanover County and North Carolina Department of Transportation have developed the Market Street Corridor Study; and 6 F WHEREAS, the study area for the Market Street Corridor Study is an 11-mile corridor between Colonial a Drive in the City of Wilmington and the New Hanover/Pender County line; and x WHEREAS, the study combines the results of numerous land use and transportation studies into a consistent set of roadway and land development recommendations to address traffic congestion and safety as well as encourage sustainable development along Market Street; and I f I WHEREAS, the vision for the corridor came from a collaborative public process that involved local I residents, stakeholders, Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization, City of Wilmington, New E Hanover County and North Carolina Department of Transportation; and E F WHEREAS, the corridor study includes a framework plan, general development plan, preferred access management plan, bicycle and pedestrian connectivity plan, collector street plan, roadway concept plans, market analysis and draft development ordinances for the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. { NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners adopts the Market Street Corridor Study. p k b ADOPTED this the 20'h day of June, 2011. k g NEW HANOVER COUNTY GNU NT Y•'V � O J an B el , Jr.,Chairman ST: 3; - r ti a2 � k • gyp '• Shei a L. Schult,Clerk to the Board t 4 i