2011-08-15 Regular Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 15,2011 PAGE 244 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, August 15, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC. Members present were: Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Jason R. Thompson; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; Commissioner Richard G. Catlin; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schuh and Assistant County Managers Andre' Mallette and Chris Coudriet. Commissioner Brian M.Berger arrived at 9:12 a.m. Chairman Barfield called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Reverend Richard G.Elliott, St. Andrew's On-the-Sound Episcopal Church,provided the invocation. Vice-Chairman Thompson led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Barfield asked if any member of the Board would like to remove or discuss any item on the Consent Agenda. Hearing no comments, Chairman Barfield called for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin, to approve the items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 0. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes—Governing Body The Commissioners approved the following minutes as presented by the Clerk to the Board: Agenda Review Meeting held on July 28,2011 Regular Meeting held on August 1,2011 Approval of Eight Donations for Accession into the Cape Fear Museum Permanent Collection— Cape Fear Museum The Commissioners approved eight donations for accession into the Cape Fear Museum Permanent Collection. A complete copy of the Cape Fear Museum Permanent Collection August 2011 list is available for review at the Cape Fear Museum. Approval of Deaccession of Seventy-Six Negatives Deemed Hazardous—Cape Fear Museum The Commissioners approved the deaccession of 76 negatives, numbered 1998.146.1 —76, that have been deemed hazardous from the Cape Fear Museum Permanent collection. A high-resolution digital scan will be done and then the originals will be destroyed following the guidelines of hazardous material professionals. Adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendments—Budget Department The Commissioners adopted the following Budget Ordinance Amendments for fiscal year ending June 30, 2012. 2012-05 - Sheriff's Office 2012-06- Sheriff's Office Copies of the budget ordinance amendment are hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 13.1. REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY SERVICE AWARDS Assistant County Manager Andre' Mallette requested the following employees to step forward to receive service awards: Five Year: Darryl Bonheur,Property Management Mark Clemens, Sheriffs Office Allison Davis,Department of Social Services John Davis,Department of Social Services Shawn Flores, Sheriffs Office Stacey Jones,Department of Social Services Corey Graham,Property Management NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 15,2011 PAGE 245 Jocelyn Graham,Health Department Gregory Marino, Sheriff's Office Starsheta McKoy, Sheriff s Office Cesar Moya,Property Management Stanley Silas, Sheriff s Office Alonzo Wilmer,Parks/Gardens/SRC FifteenYear: Joseph Sheppard,Library Twenty Year: Harold Adams, Sheriff s Office Ed McMahon, Sheriff s Office Douglas Price, Sheriff s Office Twenty-Five Year: Teresa Elmore, Governing Body Thirty Year: Harry Tuchmayer,Library On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield presented a service award to each employee, expressed appreciation,and thanked them for their years of dedicated service. RECOGNITION OF NEW EMPLOYEES Assistant County Manager Andre' Mallette requested the following new employees to stand and be introduced: Marissa Arey,Youth Empowerment Lori Colon,Finance Department Penny Craver,Drug Treatment court Ester Guasch,Department of Social Services Jamillah Galvez,Department of Social Services Teresa McCormick,Development Services Pamela Rockwell,Health Department Andrea Simmons,Information Technology On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield welcomed the employees to County Government and wished them success in their new positions. ADOPTION OF AMENDED AND RESTATED SERIES RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE AND SALE OF NOT EXCEEDING$100,000,000 AGGREGATE HOSPITAL REVENUE BONDS Chairman Barfield reported that for the Board's consideration is an amended and restated resolution providing for the issuance of hospital revenue refunding bonds and approving the appointment of a financing team to effect the issuance of such hospital refunding bonds. The bonds are being issued to refund all or a portion of the County's Hospital Revenue Bonds Series 1999 to generate debt service savings. The Board adopted a series resolution on November 15, 2010 to effect the refunding of the Series 1999 Bonds. Unfortunately,favorable market conditions dissipated and the refunding needed to be delayed until a more favorable interest rate environment existed. Therefore, an amendment and restatement of the 2010 Series Resolution is necessary to update the terms. The Series Resolution delegates to the Finance Director the authority to determine certain terms of the Bonds subject to limitations set forth in the Series Resolution. In response to Board questions, Finance Director Avril Pinder and New Hanover Regional Medical Center Finance Officer Ed 011ie reported that the refinancing is anticipated to have a net savings of approximately $4.6 million. The current rate is 4.9%with the refinancing rate of 4.25%and does not extend the life of the loan. Chairman Barfield requested a motion to adopt the resolution as presented. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin, to adopt the resolution authorizing issuance and sale of not exceeding$100,000,000 aggregate hospital revenue bonds as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 13.2. ADOPTION OF 2010 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM CITIZENS PARTICIPATION PLAN RESOLUTION AND APPROVAL OF THE OPTIONAL COVERAGE RELOCATION POLICY Community Development Planner Wanda Coston reported that the 2010 Community Development Block Grant program requires the Board's adoption of the Citizen Participation Plan and Resolution and approval of the Optional Coverage Relocation Policy. The 2010 CDBG Economic Recovery (ER) Program and the 2010 Scattered Site Housing(SSH) Program will involve the demolition and clearance of houses, the reconstruction of houses, and provide temporary relocation assistance to the households benefiting from these activities. The CDBG Guidelines allow the County the option to NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 15,2011 PAGE 246 adopt an Optional Coverage Relocation Plan that details the plans to provide relocation assistance. New Hanover County must also certify that a detailed citizen participation plan is being followed which provides for and encourages citizen participation during all stages of the CDBG projects. This plan is necessary in order to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in the CDBG grant requirements. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Berger, to adopt the New Hanover County Citizen Participation Plan Resolution and approve the Optional Coverage Relocation Plan. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 13.3. A copy of the Citizens Participation Plan and Optional Coverage Relocation Plan is available for review in the Planning Department. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AWARDING MULTI-TERM CONTRACT TO MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES FOR THE PURCHASE OF FIRE SERVICES TURN-OUT GEAR Fire Chief Donnie Hall presented the request for the Board's consideration to adopt the resolution awarding the multi-term contract for the purchase of Fire Services turn-out gear. The specifications used were approved and adopted for use by New Hanover County Fire Services, City of Wilmington Fire Department, and the City of Wrightsville Beach Fire Department. Bidders were advised to base their proposals on the County's purchase of approximately 60 coats and 60 trousers per fiscal year; however, no guarantee or minimum purchase was given by the County. Municipal Emergency Services (MES) based on the overall cost and specification compliance was deemed to be the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. The estimated yearly purchase is sixty sets and will be purchased as needed. The estimated annual dollar value is $102,780. The budgeted amount for turnout gear in the FY 2011-2012 adopted budget is $162,527. The initial term of the contract is three years from date of award with the option to extend for two additional years. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Berger MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Thompson, to adopt the resolution awarding the multi-term contract for the purchase of Fire Services turn-out gear as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Pagel 3.4. PUBLIC HEARING AND AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT A RURAL OPERATING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION Wave Transit Director of Planning and Development Matthew Kunic reported that New Hanover County is eligible to receive grant funds in the amount of$252,724 from the North Carolina Department of Transportation's Rural Operating Assistance Program for FY 2011-2012. Funding must be used to provide transportation services to specific populations of the unincorporated areas of the County. No local match is required. A public hearing is a requirement of the grant submission. The funding categories and amounts as determined by NCDOT are: • Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program in the amount of$118,882 • Employment Transportation Assistance Program in the amount of$47,837 • Rural General Public Transportation Program in the amount of$86,005 Chairman Barfield requested a motion to open the Public Hearing to receive comments concerning the submission of a Rural Operating Assistance Program grant application. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to open the Public Hearing to receive comments concerning the submission of a Rural Operating Assistance Program grant application. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Hearing no comments from the public, Chairman Barfield requested a motion to close the Public Hearing. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin,to close the Public Hearing to receive comments concerning the submission of a Rural Operating Assistance Program grant application. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Barfield requested a motion to approve submitting the grant application for Rural Operating Assistance Program funds as presented. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 15,2011 PAGE 247 Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin, to authorize the submission of a Rural Operating Assistance Program grant application in the amount of$252,724, direct the Chairman and staff to execute the appropriate certifications and assurances, and accept the grant funds if awarded as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Rural Operating Assistance Program Application for FY 2011-2012 is available for review in the County Manager's Office or the Wave Transit Office. AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION,INC.ANNUAL UPDATE Airlie Gardens Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors President Jim Morton stated that the mission of the Board is to establish an outstanding historic garden with cultural and environmental education programs that serve the residents and visitors of New Hanover County and presented the following update: • The mission is to establish an endowment, receive donations, and distribute monies for funding of capital improvements at Airlie Gardens. • The Board also serves in an advisory capacity to the gardens staff and County Commissioners by providing support for operations,policy, capital improvements,and program development. • In Fiscal Year 2010-2011 revenues were posted from events, gate, rentals, and grants in the amount of $682,000 and incurred an operational expense in the amount of$541,000. These expenses include improvements to gardens, general operations, school program funding and grant funded salaries to county. • The development and net earned income for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 was in the amount of$283,000, which includes a deposit towards the endowment. • Our assets and endowments to date is$1,977,000. • Airlie Gardens opened the Airlie Butterfly House in May of 2010, the only one of its kind in the Coastal Carolinas. We have seen an increase in visitation by over 30% since opening the new attraction. Funding for the$364,000 butterfly structure was provided through private donations. • Last year Airlie Gardens attracted 85,000 tourists from around the world with over 110,000 additional visits from local families,members, guests, or business groups located here. • Over 16,000 New Hanover County residents toured Airlie during County Attraction Days, which offers free admission for all wishing to see the gardens each month. • Airlie's Environmental Education program hosted more than 7,200 students on visits to Airlie for hands-on learning without charge. • Airlie events such as Enchanted Airlie, Summer Concert Series and the Oyster Roast, hosted over 68,000 guests. In closing, the Airlie Gardens Foundation Board of Directors is committed to ensuring that quality programs in both indoor and outdoor spaces are available for our citizens and visitors to New Hanover County. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield thanked Mr. Morton for the update. NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD ANNUAL UPDATE New Hanover County Planning Board member Richard Collier reported that one of the roles of the Planning Board is to hear zoning requests and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners for approval or denial. Three new members have recently been appointed and will bring diversity and expertise. During the past year the Planning Board has worked closely with staff and interested stakeholders on the Market Street Corridor Plan and several text amendments. Currently the Planning Board is reviewing the Industrial District Special Use Permit zoning ordinance and long range planning ordinances including the CAMA Land Use Plan. In response to Board questions, Mr. Collier reported that the Planning Board is anticipating a vote on the Industrial District Special Use Permit zoning ordinance at their meeting on September 1, 2011 and for Board consideration on October 3,2011. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield thanked Mr. Collier for the update. JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL ANNUAL UPDATE New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Chairman Tommy Taylor presented the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council annual update highlighting the following: • The strategy is to fund community-based programs that work with children that are currently involved in the juvenile justice system or are considered at high-risk. The focus is on reviewing best practices and providing recommendations for funding to help improve the over-all juvenile delinquency position within the County;look at treatment, counseling and rehabilitation services. • Key funding priorities included: • Youth Empowerment Services — funding in the amount of $347,000 was allocated focusing on kids between 6 and 17 years of age and provides psychological evaluations, clinical assessment, and provides behavioral and mental health treatment;most are court ordered to participate. • Teen Court—funding in the amount of$38,000 was allocated to serve as alternative to traditional court system for first time offenders,peer-based program;good recidivism rate. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 15,2011 PAGE 248 Hearing no comments, on behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield thanked Mr. Taylor for the update. ACCEPTANCE OF COMMUNITY CHILD PROTECTION TEAM ANNUAL REPORT AND MEMBERSHIP LIST Chairperson of the Community Child Protection Team Elizabeth Mandel, New Hanover County Department of Social Services Director LaVaughn Nesmith and Assistant Director Wanda Marino presented an overview of the findings of the Community Child Protection Team(CCPT)and the Annual Report. The following major gaps/needs in the service area for children have been identified: • Mental Health services remain at the top of the list due to limited funding for uninsured individuals and those who can't afford to pay, the need for a public education initiative to build awareness of available services, system access, customer service and quality control, and the need for a coordinated effort among service-related agencies to hold mental health providers accountable to supply high- quality, cost-effective care and services that ensure positive outcomes. • A growing concern for children using heroin and"bath salts." New legislation went into effect on June 1,2011 making bath salts illegal. • Child sexual abuse. • Inadequate childcare financial support for working families and families in crisis. • The need for appropriate, consistent child abuse protocols in place to educate and improve reporting at schools, hospitals, businesses, childcare facilities and other areas. A standard protocol exists and the CCPT members can offer the training at no-charge. The CCPT requests the Commissioners to consider mandating such a protocol and annual training for all county departments and other agencies receiving county funds. • Services to address needs and resources for adolescents aging out of the system. The suggested list of at-large members is as follows: Elizabeth Mandel—Child Advocacy and Parenting Place Exchange Club Center Mary Ann Lama—Domestic Violence Shelter and Services,Inc. Amy Feath—Rape Crisis Center Robert Speight—District 5,Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention April Scott—Carousel Center Barbara Buechler—Women's and Children's Hospital at New Hanover Regional Medical Center Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Davis MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to accept the Community Child Protection Team Annual Report and approve the list of names to be appointed as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A complete copy of the report is available for review in the Department of Social Services. UPDATE ON THE 2012 REVALUATION Tax Administrator Roger Kelley presented examples of estimated property values and percentage changes for the January 1, 2012 Revaluation highlighting the following information: • Mission is to list,map,assess property,bill and collect all ad valorem taxes in New Hanover County. • Revaluation: • Mandatory advancement. • The last revaluation was completed as of January 1, 2007. • The next revaluation is January 1, 2012. • The value of real property shall be determined as of January 1" of the County revaluation year. • Valuation,Notice, Appeal,Billing Timeline: • Values completed-November 8,2012 • Notices mailed-December 16, 2012 • Informal Appeals-January 9, 2012 thru March 30, 2012 • Appeals to Board of Equalization-April 9,2012 thru June 8,2012 • Rate set by Commissioners-by June 30, 2012 • Tax bills mailed-August 20, 2012 • Tax bills due-September 1,2012 • Tax bills delinquent-January 7,2013 In response to Board questions, Mr. Kelley reported that staff is currently working on the models now, analyzing the impact of "good" sales, short sales, and foreclosures which impact some areas more than others; information should be ready by September/October. In response to Board questions, Mr. Kelley offered an explanation of revenue neutral on the tax rate emphasizing that it does not mean that the tax rate will stay the same. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 15,2011 PAGE 249 On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield thanked Mr. Kelley for the update. PRESENTATION ON PROPOSED 2012 SCHEDULE OF VALUES As required by North Carolina General Statute 105-283, Tax Administrator Roger Kelley presented the proposed 2012 Schedule of Values. Staff is requesting the Board authorize a Public Hearing to receive comments on the Schedule of Values to be scheduled for the Board's meeting on September 6, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter. Approval of the 2012 Schedule of Values by the Board will then be scheduled for the Board's September 19,2011 meeting. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin,to authorize staff to schedule a Public Hearing to receive comments on the Schedule of Values at the Board's meeting on September 6, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the proposed 2012 Schedule of Values is available for review in the Tax Department. ACCEPTANCE OF COLLECTION SETTLEMENT REPORTS AND CHARGE OF THE 2011 LEVY Collector of Revenue Michelle Harrell reported that as required by NCGS 105-373(a)(3)the Tax Collector must make an annual settlement to the Governing Board. The Collector will also ask the Board of Commissioners to release the 2001 unpaid taxes as they are barred from enforced collections per NCGS 105-378. The 2010 combined collection rate climbed to 98.69%without audits,with a collection rate of 98.25%with audits. During the 2010 tax year, $24,742.55 was collected from delinquent taxpayer's refunds from the North Carolina Department of Revenue. • Other taxes collected: • $7,789,820.82 in Room Occupancy tax payments • $475,442.26 in Rental Vehicle tax payments • $194,656.75 in Heavy Equipment tax payments • $56,654.39 in Business License tax payments • Total additional taxes processed in the amount of$8,516,574.21 • Increase in all taxes from 2009-2010 of+$750,000 • $63,954.89 collected from notice of debt set off letters • Fire Services District collection rate 97.54% Staff is requesting the Board accept the 2010 Collection Settlement Reports and charge the Collector with the 2011 Tax Levy. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Berger, to accept the 2010 Collection Settlement Reports and authorize the Charge of the 2011 Tax Levy. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the charge sheet is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 13.5. VOTE IN OPPOSITION TO THE MONKEY JUNCTION AREA ANNEXATION REQUEST BY THE CITY OF WILMINGTON Finance Director Avril Pinder reported that recent Legislation allows property owners in a proposed annexation to approve or deny the proposed annexation. The City of Wilmington's proposed annexation of the Monkey Junction area is subject to this law. The County, as a property owner in the proposed annexation area,has the ability to complete a petition for Real Property Parcel #R07600-002-028-000. If "for" the annexation, no action or signature is necessary; if "against" the annexation, the Chairman or authorized person will need to sign the petition and return to the New Hanover County Board of Elections. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Davis MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Berger, to authorize the County Manager to sign the petition, thereby,voting in opposition to the proposed Monkey Junction area annexation and be returned to the New Hanover County Board of Elections as required. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the petitions are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 13.6. BREAK Chairman Barfield called for a break from 10:44 a.m.until 10:58 a.m. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 15,2011 PAGE 250 APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH AUDUBON NORTH CAROLINA FOR MASON INLET WATERBIRD HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN County Engineer Jim Iannucci presented the request for the Board's consideration for contract renewal with Audubon North Carolina for the Mason Inlet Waterbird Habitat Management Plan for 2011, year 10 of a 30 year contract,to meet permit requirements of the Mason Inlet Relocation Project in an amount not to exceed$20,833.81. Audubon North Carolina has successfully implemented the management component of the Mason Inlet Waterbird Habitat Management Plan since 2003. The nesting of waterbirds and shorebirds has increased dramatically, and habitat for waterbirds and shorebirds was restored. Staff recommends that this contract be renewed for continued monitoring and management of waterbird habitat on the northern end of Wrightsville Beach in the amount of $20,833.81 and authorize the Chairman to execute the contract. There are sufficient funds available for the contract in the Mason Inlet Project fund. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Catlin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Thompson, to approve renewing the contract with Audubon North Carolina for the 2011 Mason Inlet Waterbird Habitat Management in an amount not to exceed$20,833.81,as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the contract is available for review in the Legal Department APPROVAL OF ALLOCATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $168,750 FOR THE DREDGING OF CAROLINA BEACH INLET AND LETTER OF COMMITMENT TO THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES County Engineer Jim Iannucci presented the request for the Board to contribute to the dredging of Carolina Beach Inlet. Funds were authorized for release from the Division of Water Resources. The US Army Corps of Engineers estimates the funding required to dredge Carolina Beach Inlet is in the amount of$450,000; the required local match is$225,000. Carolina Beach has allocated up to$55,000;the Port, Waterway&Beach Commission has allocated $1,250, or up to $2,250; Wrightsville Beach has approved a contribution of $5,000 and the City of Wilmington is considering a contribution of $5,000; at this time, Kure Beach has declined to participate. The County is being requested to allocate the balance of the amount of$168,750. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. In response to Board questions, Budget Director Cam Griffin reported that the funds can be allocated from the General Fund, Contingencies, Economic Development fund (fund total in the amount of$271,000) or from the additional parking deck fees generated from an approved fee increase. In response to Board questions,Mr. Iannucci confirmed that the letter of commitment needs to be generated first with the funding following when the Memorandum of Agreement has been executed between the State and the Corps of Engineers. In response to Board questions, Dan Wilcox, Carolina Beach Town Councilmember, reported that in discussions with the Kure Beach Mayor Dean Lambeth, Kure Beach has agreed to reconsider the request. The Carolina Beach community and organizations continue to explore ways to fund beach inlet dredging and wants to be part of the solution. Commissioner Catlin voiced his concern that there needs to be a discussion now on how to cover dredging expenses going forward since Federal funding is no longer an option. The Port, Waterway & Beach Commission has representatives from all the municipalities and would be a good resource to conduct a review on sustainability options. Chairman Barfield reported that he has had discussions with Representative Susi Hamilton concerning the option of General Assembly approval to raise the Room Occupancy Tax by 2 cents earmarked for dredging; this option would be at no cost to the local taxpayers. Motion: Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin, to authorize the allocation in the amount of$168,750 for the dredging of Carolina Beach Inlet with the funds allocated at the discretion of the County Manager. In response to Board questions, Commissioner Catlin reported that below a depth of 6 feet,the Coast Guard will pull the navigation buoys creating a safety hazard. In response to Board questions, Dennis Barbour,former Mayor of Carolina Beach,reported that in 2005 a study revealed that the inlet had an economic benefit to the area of approximately $115 million over a five-year period. Substitute Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin, to authorize the allocation in the amount of $168,750 for the dredging of Carolina Beach Inlet with funds allocated from the Economic Development Fund and direct the County Manager to reimburse the Economic Development Fund with monies collected from the increased parking fees and other sources, within his discretion. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 15,2011 PAGE 251 Motion: Commissioner Catlin MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Thompson, to authorize the County Manager to submit a Letter of Commitment to the Division of Water Resources, contingent upon the receipt of commitment letters and/or resolutions from the municipalities to total $56,250, to be combined with the County's allocation in the amount of$168,750 for a total of$225,000, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Motion: Commissioner Catlin MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, to request the Port, Waterway & Beach Commission to investigate sustainable funding alternatives for dredging and make recommendations to the Board within ninety days. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF PARKING DECK CHANGES TO EXTEND HOURS OF OPERATION Finance Director Avril Pinder presented the request for the Board's consideration to extend the County's parking deck hours of operations on Thursdays and Fridays from 7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. and on Saturdays from 7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. with an evening deck fee of$5.00 due upon entry for the times listed. Staff is also requesting approval to increase the event fee on the deck from $5.00 to $7.00 flat rate for special events to include the following: Azalea Festival, July 4th,Riverfest, and add New Year's Eve as another event for a flat rate fee of$7.00. The proposed rate changes would become effective September 15,2011 and would result in approximately$112,000 of additional revenue per year; $42,000 of the increased parking revenues would be used to upgrade Scan Net, the parking financial software, and pay the increased labor cost to cover the extended hours. In response to Board direction,the Sheriff has increased patrol on the deck to 2-4 visits per deputy assigned to assist the Wilmington Police per night. Currently five deputies are assigned downtown, equating to 10-20 more patrol visits on the parking deck during peak incident times. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Berger, to approve extending the parking deck hours of operation and increasing the flat rate fee for special events and allocate the additional revenues above the one-time software upgrade to the Economic Development fund. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADOPTION OF RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR MEETINGS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MANUAL Chairman Barfield reported for the Board's consideration is an update to the Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Manual. The current version was adopted on February 15, 1993. The updated version includes, among other more minor changes, a new section on closed sessions and closed session minutes; updated terminology; meeting calendar; order of business; committee appointments;and a section on the required Code of Ethics. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. After brief discussion, Vice-Chairman Thompson suggested that he and Commissioner Berger review and propose a process for Board members to bring agenda items forward. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield,to adopt the Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Manual as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the amended manual is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 13.7. APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO RECOGNIZE THE NEW HANOVER COMMISSION FOR WOMEN Chairman Barfield presented the request for the Board's consideration to reinstate and begin making appointments to the New Hanover Commission for Women. New Hanover Commission for Women Chairwoman Khalilah Olokunola and Treasurer Amy Feath requested the Board reinstate and make appointments to their organization reporting that they currently have$180 in their treasury and have approximately 5%of their survey results in. Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to recognize the New Hanover Commission for Women and publish their committee information on the County's website providing interested parties with the contact information.Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Appointments to the Library Advisory Board Chairman Barfield reported that four vacancies need to be filled on the Library Advisory Board with two applicants eligible for reappointment for a total of four applications available for consideration and requested nominations from the Board. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 15,2011 PAGE 252 Chairman Barfield nominated Kemp M. Burdette and Delores H. Rhodes for reappointment and H. Conrad Luhmann and John Osinski for appointment. The nominations were seconded by Commissioner Berger. Hearing no further nominations Chairman Barfield closed the nominations and called for a vote on the nominations. Vote Results: The Board voted unanimously to reappoint Kemp M. Burdette and Delores H. Rhodes and appoint H. Conrad Luhmann and John Osinski to serve three-year terms on the Library Advisory Board with the terms to expire on August 31, 2014. Appointments to Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Chairman Barfield reported that up to six vacancies need to be filled on the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee with two applicants eligible for reappointment for a total of three applications available for consideration and requested nominations from the Board. Chairman Barfield nominated Catherine Davis and Denise L. Shuart for reappointment and Mechelle Sheree' Gay for appointment. The nomination was seconded by Vice-Chairman Thompson. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Barfield called for a vote on the nomination. Vote Results: The Board voted unanimously to reappoint Catherine Davis and Denise L. Shuart to serve three-year terms on the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee with the terms to expire on August 31, 2014 and appoint Mechelle Sheree' Gay to serve a one-year term on the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee with the term to expire on August 31, 2012. Appointments to the Risk Management Advisory Committee Chairman Barfield reported that two vacancies need to be filled on the Rick Management Advisory Committee with one applicant eligible for reappointment for a total of two applications available for consideration and requested nominations from the Board. Chairman Barfield nominated Deborah D. Watts for reappointment and George Chadwick for appointment. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Berger. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Barfield called for a vote on the nomination. Vote Results: The Board voted unanimously to reappoint Deborah D. Watts and appoint George Chadwick to serve three-year terms on the Risk Management Advisory Committee with the terms to expire on September 1,2014. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Barfield announced that time has been reserved to allow the public to present an item that was not listed on the regular agenda. No items were presented. RECOGNITIONS RECOGNITION OF CHAIRMAN BARFIELD FOR ACHIEVING THE NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' LOCAL ELECTED LEADERS ACADEMY MENTOR LEVEL Vice-Chairman Thompson announced that Chairman Barfield has been recognized as a "Mentor" in the Local Elected Leaders Academy by the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners in partnership with the North Carolina School of Government. Chairman Barfield is the first and only commissioner to achieve the Mentor level and will be recognized on August 20th at the Annual Conference in Cabarrus County. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH OCEAN RESCUE TEAM RECOGNITION Chairman Barfield congratulated the Wrightsville Beach Ocean Rescue Team for winning the 2011 Regional South Atlantic Lifeguarding Association competition in the small beach division (agencies with less than 100 lifeguards)and accumulated enough points to finish second overall when compared to the large beach division, a very notable accomplishment. This is the first time Wrightsville Beach Ocean Rescue has won this highly competitive and prestigious award. The team's regional achievement awarded them the opportunity to travel to Cape May, New Jersey and participate in the 2011 United States Lifesaving Association's National Lifeguard Championship,where they accumulated enough points to finish eighth in the Nation. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 12:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 15,2011 PAGE 253 Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting. The entire proceedings are available for review and check-out at all New Hanover County Libraries and on www.nhcgov.com/NHCLive or www.nhcgov.com/pyges.BOC/asps