2011-09-30 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 SPECIAL MEETING WITH TOWN OF KURE BEACH COUNCIL,SEPTEMBER 30,2011 PAGE 270 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for a Special Meeting on Friday, September 30, 2011, at 8:30 a.m. in the Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington,North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Jason R. Thompson; Commissioner Brian M.Berger;and Commissioner Richard G. Catlin. Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. was absent. Staff present were: County Manager Bruce T. Shell; Deputy County Attorney Kemp P. Burpeau; Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schuh Deputy Clerk to the Board Kymberleigh G. Crowell and Assistant County Manager Chris Coudriet. Town of Kure Beach Council members present were: Mayor Dean Lambeth; Mayor Pro-Tem Chuck Keener; Council Members Jim Dugan and Emilie Swearingen. Town of Kure Beach staff present was: Town Clerk Nancy Avery. Chairman Barfield welcomed everyone present and announced that the purpose of the meeting was to hold a joint meeting with the Town of Kure Beach Council. Chairman Barfield provided the invocation. DISCUSSION WITH TOWN OF KURE BEACH COUNCIL Discussion was held with the Town of Kure Beach Council Members concerning the following issues: • Dow Road Corridor Plan Project Update and Request For Support: The Town Council expressed their desire for the Board of Commissioners to support the resolution strongly encouraging the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization's Transportation Advisory Committee to support the prioritization and acceleration of the Dow Road Corridor Plan over the Military Cutoff Extension project or find other alternative methods to complete the project in a timely manner. The resolution will be on the Board's October 17th agenda and on the City Council's October 18th agenda. The project has been on the NCDOT project list since 1983. NCDOT has designated it as an exit route. Due to the increased traffic over several years, there is an even greater need for improvements such as straightening out the curve, adding in turn and bike lanes. Chairman Barfield provided a brief overview of the steps taken by the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) in reassessing the current project list in order to make the most of the reduced funds being provided by NCDOT. He further explained that based on such points as his role on the TAC, current project information and no available funding even if the TAC board voted in favor, he supports the TAC's decision to remove it from the project list at this time. Further discussion was held about local governments having very little say in how NCDOT handles projects and being left with having to figure out how to reconcile budgets when NCDOT funds run short. • Management of New Hanover County's Solid Waste: A brief update was given on the status of the management of the County's solid waste. Six proposals have been received and are currently being evaluated by County staff. In an effort to reduce costs, the Town of Kure Beach transports its own waste rather than contracting out due to distance to the landfill. A brief discussion was held on the advantages and disadvantages of using WASTEC in the future and the need to extend the life of the landfill. • Area Waterways, Inlets, and Beach Renourishments: Councilman Dugan thanked New Hanover County for being an integral part of the support for the Carolina Beach Inlet project. A brief discussion was held on the future of the area waterways, inlets and beach renourishments. Due to these becoming heightened issues moving forward, the Beach, Inlet and Management Plan recommends that regions have a sand manager position. Carteret County has initiated a sand manager position for its region and New Hanover County may need to do the same. The position would be a liaison with the State but work for the County and act as the advocate for our region. As far as funding, New Hanover County is fortunate to have the Room Occupancy Tax (ROT) and this fund may provide options to address future issues. Federal encumbrances make it difficult to use funds for beach renourishment. There is a concern that local governments will bear increasing monetary burden for these issues as the State increasingly shifts the responsibility to the local level. • Southeastern Economic Development Commission Membership (SEDC): A short discussion was held on what effects might be felt by Kure Beach if the County discontinued its SEDC membership. County Manager Shell gave a brief overview of the organization membership and reported that the County pays approximately $20,000 per year for membership. The County has previously dropped membership and doing so again may risk not being allowed to re-enroll in the future. In almost twenty-two years, New Hanover County has essentially received one grant for $50,000 and that was for Cape Fear Futures, which has a downtown focus. New Hanover County's median income is too NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 SPECIAL MEETING WITH TOWN OF KURE BEACH COUNCIL,SEPTEMBER 30,2011 PAGE 271 high to receive most SEDC grant funds. Funding is really focused on rural/agricultural areas. County Manager Shell plans to speak with the municipalities about the impact of dropping membership would have on each. County Manager Shell was asked to discuss with Marlowe and Company how funds from the Federal Jobs Bill would be funneled to the local level and if SEDC would be an avenue used for disbursements. • Consolidation of Parks: A brief discussion was held about the possibility of consolidating the Town's parks with the County. The Town does not have an actual Parks and Recreation department as the Public Works department maintains the parks. In response to Council questions, County Manager Shell explained that each municipality has unique needs/issues for its parks and those matters would be addressed when discussing any potential consolidation. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Chairman Barfield thanked the council members for their time and adjourned the Special Meeting at 9:45 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Kymberleigh G. Crowell Deputy Clerk to the Board