2011-10-17 Regular Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,OCTOBER 17,2011 PAGE 277 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, October 17, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC. Members present were: Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; Vice-Chairman Jason R. Thompson; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; Commissioner Brian M. Berger; Commissioner Richard G. Catlin; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schuh and County Manager Bruce T. Shell. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pastor Eugene Ridley,Long Leaf Baptist Church,provided the invocation. Commissioner Davis led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Barfield asked if any member of the Board would like to remove or discuss any item on the Consent Agenda. Hearing no comments, Chairman Barfield called for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes—Governing Body The Commissioners approved the minutes from the following meetings as presented by the Clerk to the Board: Agenda Review meeting held on September 29,2011 Special Meeting held on September 30,2011 Closed Session meeting held on October 3,2011 Regular Session meeting held on October 3,2011 Approval of 2012 Schedule of Agenda Review Meetings and Regular Board of Commissioners Meetings — Governing Body The Commissioners approved the 2012 schedule of Agenda Review meetings and Regular Board of Commissioners meetings. A copy of the meeting calendar is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 18.1. Adoption of State Road Resolution—Governing Body The Commissioners adopted the North Carolina Department of Transportation State Road Resolution supporting the addition of Randy Place Court located within the Glen Arbor Subdivision (Section 3A) in New Hanover County to the State Road System(Division File No. 1173-N). A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 18.2. Acceptance of Glaxo SmithKline Child Health Recognition Award and Adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendment 12-064—Health Department The Commissioners accepted funds in the amount of $5,000 from the Glaxo SmithKline Child Health Recognition Award and adopted the associated Budget Ordinance Amendment 12-064. The funds will be used for the Refugee Health Program. No new positions are requested and no local match is required. A copy of the budget ordinance amendment is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 18.3. Approval to Change Health Department Fee Policy to Increase the Fee for Tuberculin Intradermal Skin Tests—Health Department The Commissioners approved changes to the Health Department fee policy to increase the fee for Tuberculin Intradermal(TB) skin tests from$10 to$15. A complete copy of the Health Department's fee policy is available for review at the Health Department. Adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendments—Budget Department The Commissioners adopted the following Budget Ordinance Amendments for fiscal year ending June 30, 2012: 12-066-Health 12-070-Youth Empowerment Services/JCPC 2012-19- Sheriff's Office NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,OCTOBER 17,2011 PAGE 278 Copies of the budget ordinance amendments are hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 18.4. REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS ADOPTION OF PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING NOVEMBER 2011 AS ADOPTION AWARENESS MONTH IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY Department of Social Services Director LaVaughn Nesmith and Assistant Director Wanda Marino presented the request for the Board's consideration to proclaim November 2011 as Adoption Awareness Month in New Hanover County and were present to receive the proclamation. Commissioner Davis read the proclamation into the record and moved for adoption. Motion: Commissioner Davis MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Berger, to adopt the proclamation recognizing November 2011 as Adoption Awareness Month in New Hanover County. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the proclamation is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 18.5. PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY SERVICE AWARDS County Manager Shell requested the following employees to step forward to receive service awards: Five Year: Matthew Collogan-Parks, Gardens&Senior Resource Center Gregg Sales-Parks, Gardens& Senior Resource Center Ten Year: Eric Peterson-Human Resources&Community Relations Fifteen Year: Marcy Smith-Health Department Twenty-Five Year: William Eubanks-Planning&Inspections Department On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield presented a service award to each employee, expressed appreciation,and thanked them for their years of dedicated service. RECOGNITION OF NEW EMPLOYEES County Manager Shell requested the following new employees to stand and be introduced: Linda Brothers-Finance Department Meredith Hartsell-Health Department Sandra Howell-Health Department Cory Hugus-Department of Social Services Tami Kinman-Department of Social Services Shirline Leboo-Property Management Alexandra Lysik-Risk Management Caree Varughese-Health Department On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield welcomed the new employees to County Government and wished them success in their new positions. COMMISSIONER DAVIS EXCUSED FROM MEETING Vice-Chairman Thompson offered the following motion to excuse Commissioner Davis from the meeting due to a work conflict. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Berger, to excuse Commissioner Davis from the meeting due to a work conflict. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 0. Commissioner Davis was excused from the meeting at 9:14 a.m. DOW ROAD CORRIDOR PLAN PROJECT JOINT RESOLUTION PRESENTATION Kure Beach Mayor Dean Lambeth presented the resolution adopted jointly by Carolina and Kure Beach Town Councils requesting the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Advisory Committee to strongly encourage the North Carolina Department of Transportation to prioritize and accelerate the construction of the Dow Road Corridor plan project. Improvements to Dow Road have been discussed, requested or in the planning stages since 1983. Mayor Lambeth requested the County's two votes on the Metropolitan Planning Organization's Transportation Advisory committee support the improvements to Dow Road over the Military Cutoff Extension project or find additional funding to complete the project. In discussion of the issue, Commissioner Catlin and Vice-Chairman Thompson stated that Pleasure Island is an integral and vital part of the County and voiced their support of the Dow Road project. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,OCTOBER 17,2011 PAGE 279 In response to Board questions, North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway Division 3 Engineer Alan Pope reported that the Transportation Advisory Committee voted to remove the Dow Road project from the funding list in order to reallocate the funds to cover current project needs in the amount of$80 million, including the $50 million deficit for the Military Cutoff Road Extension project which is a priority due to capacity issues. Due to a lack in funding, the Dow Road project will continue to be identified as a need and will be reprioritized on the funding list. Hearing no further questions or comments, Chairman Barfield thanked Mr.Pope for the update. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ABC BOARD ANNUAL UPDATE New Hanover County ABC Board Chairman Thomas Wolfe presented the ABC Board annual update reporting that the audit revealed an increase in sales and gross profits and a decrease in operating costs with a continued improvement in the bottom line. In Fiscal Year 2010-2011 the following information was highlighted: • The total paid to local municipalities is in the amount of$3,249,886. • Current projects include a new store in Hanover Shopping Center and expansion of the 17ffi Street store. • The value of land was reduced by$1.4 million, as prior land purchases including demolition costs, were written down to market values. • The total paid to North Carolina agencies is in the amount of$9,540,000. • Assets totaled$19 million. • Distributions were in the amount of$12,789,890. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield thanked Mr. Wolfe for the update. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ANNUAL UPDATE New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment Chairman Robert F. Cameron, Jr. presented the annual update stating that the Board is comprised of five citizen volunteers who serve as part of zoning enforcement to hold quasi-judicial public hearings to interpret the zoning ordinance and grant variances when practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships if the zoning ordinance was strictly applied. The applicant is required to show five areas of criteria and the variance must be granted with at least four of five members voting in favor of granting the variance. Since October 2010, five cases have been heard with the following results: two variances were granted, one case was denied,and in the remaining two cases the County's interruption of the Zoning Ordinance was upheld. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Barfield thanked Mr. Cameron for the update. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION SUPPORTING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES ADDRESSING A POTABLE WATER SUPPLY Commissioner Catlin presented the request for the Board's consideration to adopt the resolution supporting an agreement with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources to address a potable water supply. Currently,four counties draw water from the Cape Fear River. The General Assembly recently enacted legislation authorizing the State Department of Environment and Natural Resources to work with the localities and utility authorities to address long range water supply needs. The Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority and the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority have adopted resolutions requesting that the State enter into a contract with them for such purposes; the two water Authorities will bear the costs of the feasibility study and associated analysis. After brief discussion, Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Catlin MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield,to adopt the resolution supporting an agreement with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources to begin the process to insure a sustainable water supply for the future. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 0. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 18.6. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING THE UPDATED FIRE INSURANCE DISTRICT MAPS FOR UNINCORPORATED AREA OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY Fire Chief Donnie Hall presented the request for the Board to adopt the resolution approving the updated Fire Insurance District maps. Due to consolidation of Fire Services in 2010, the Fire Insurance District maps were required to be updated with the North Carolina Department of Insurance. The former five districts have been reduced to two, one northern and one southern district. After brief discussion, Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to adopt the resolution approving the updated Fire Insurance District maps as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 0. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,OCTOBER 17,2011 PAGE 280 A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 18.7. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR IN-HOME AIDE SERVICES TO INTERIM HEALTHCARE OF THE EASTERN CAROLINAS,INC. Parks, Gardens & Senior Resources Director Jim McDaniel presented the request for the Board's consideration to adopt the resolution awarding the contract for In-Home Aide Services to Interim Healthcare of the Eastern Carolinas, Inc. New Hanover County is designated as the Lead Agency for the Home and Community Care Block Grant dollars, a portion of the grant is used to contract In-Home Aide Services for eligible senior citizens. The federal and state funds available for the contract through June 30, 2012 are estimated to be $160,000 and the 10%match required to be provided by the proposer is$17,778. The County solicited proposals for a second time from providers to provide In-Home Aide Services and received three proposals. After careful review and calculation of the points awarded for each proposal, the review committee recommends that the contract be awarded to Interim Healthcare of Eastern Carolinas, Inc. Interim received the highest score and was ranked number one by all of the reviewers. After brief discussion, Chairman Barfield requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Berger, to adopt the resolution awarding the contract for In-Home Aide Services to Interim Healthcare of the Eastern Carolinas, Inc. as presented. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 0. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXIV,Page 18.8. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Appointments to the Cooperative Extension Advisory Council Chairman Barfield reported that vacancies exist on the Cooperative Extension Advisory Council with two applications available for Board consideration. Motion: Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Catlin, to appoint Robert C. Murray III and Shari Ricks to serve three-year terms on the Cooperative Extension Advisory with the terms to expire on May 31, 2014. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 0. Appointments to the Board of Examiners of Electricians Chairman Barfield reported that two vacancies exist on the Board of Examiners of Electricians with two applications available for Board consideration. Motion: Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Thompson, to reappoint Charles A. Harrell and Michael Pulley to serve two-year terms on the Board of Examiners of Electricians with the terms to expire on September 1,2013. Upon vote,the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 0. Appointment to the Jury Commission Chairman Barfield reported that one vacancy exists on the Jury Commission with one applicant eligible for reappointment and three applications available for Board consideration. Motion: Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Thompson, to reappoint Alice Boykins- Fennell to serve a two-year term on the Jury Commission with the term to expire on October 31, 2013. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 0. Appointments to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Chairman Barfield reported that up to nine vacancies exist on the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council with four applicants eligible for reappointment and eleven applications available for Board consideration. Motion: Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Thompson, to reappoint Deshon Montrael Barfield, Chris Coudriet, Ryan Estes, and Nora Hargrove to serve two-year terms on the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council in their present category with the terms to expire on September 30, 2013. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 0. Commissioner Catlin nominated Maryann K. Nunnally in the At-Large Category. The nomination was seconded by Chairman Barfield. Chairman Barfield nominated Abeeku Ankrah. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Catlin. Commissioner Berger nominated Justin W.LaNasa. No second was received. Chairman Barfield nominated Kristen DeVall in the At-Large Category. The nomination was seconded by Vice-Chairman Thompson. Chairman Barfield nominated Lyana Hunter in the Public Defender's Office Category. The nomination was seconded by Vice-Chairman Thompson. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,OCTOBER 17,2011 PAGE 281 Vice-Chairman Thompson nominated Cary D. McCormack in the At-Large Category. The nomination was seconded by Chairman Barfield. Hearing no further nominations, Chairman Barfield called for a vote on the nominations. Motion: Commissioner Catlin MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Barfield, to appoint Abeeku Ankrah, Kristen DeVall, Lyana Hunter, Cary D. McCormack, and Maryann K. Nunnally to serve two-year terms on the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council in the categories presented with the terms to expire on September 30, 2013. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 0. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Barfield announced that time had been reserved to allow the public to present an item that was not listed on the regular agenda. No items were presented. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 10:15 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting. The entire proceedings are available for review and check-out at all New Hanover County Libraries and on www.nhcgov.com/NHCLive or www.nhggov.com paQes.BOC/asps