2012-06-08 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 SPECIAL MEETING,JUNE 8,2012 PAGE 418 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for a Special Meeting with the Wrightsville Beach Board of Alderman on Fridav, June 8, 2012, at 8:50 a.m. at the Holidav Inn Resort, 1706 North Lumina Avenue, Wrightsville Beach,North Carolina. Members present were: Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.: Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.: Commissioner Jason R. Thompson:and Commissioner Richard G. Catlin. Commissioner Brian M.Berger was absent. Staff members present were: County Attorney Wanda Copley: Deputy Clerk Teresa P. Elmore: and County Manager Bruce T. Shell. Wrightsville Beach members present were: Mayor David L. Cignotti: Mayor Pro Tem Susan Collins: Alderman Elizabeth King:Alderman Danyl Mills:and Alderman William E. Sisson. Wrightsville Beach staff members present were: Town Manager Robert F. Simpson and Town Clerk SvI is J. Holleman. Chairman Davis and Mayor Cignotti welcomed everyone present and armounced that the purpose of the meeting was to hold a joint meeting with the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen. DISCUSSION WITH WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH BOARD OF ALDERMEN Discussion was held with the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen concerning the following issues: • Sales Tax Distribution Formula—Mayor Cignotti reported that the Town of Wrightsville Beach prefers no change in the sales tax distribution formula. Discussion was held on Wilmington City Council's desire to change the distribution formula to be based on a per capita distribution formula. The change would have a negative impact on the County and Wrightsville Beach. • Revenue Neutral Property Tax - Mayor Cignotti reported that the Town of Wrightsville Beach plans to adopt a revenue neutral budget for next fiscal year. Discussion was held on the importance of keeping the same tax rate until the economy improves. • Prohibition on Plastic Bags — Conunissioner Thompson offered to work with the Board of Aldermen in getting legislation to ban the use of plastic bags along the waterways in the County. Past discussion included asking the legislators for the same statute as Dare County: however, the Senate is working on making changes to that statute. In the meantime, NHCTV staff will work with Wrightsville Beach in creating public sei ice armouncements about the negative impact of plastic bags on the environment. • No Discharge Zone(NDZ)—Discussion was held on the need to educate the public and especially tourists visiting the area and mooring boats or yachts in the County's waterways of the No Discharge Zone Ordinance. Alderman Sisson reported on the continual problems of jet skis on the environment and safety concerns. They have learned that plumes from the jet skis are damaging the area's bridges by causing more corrosion. Discussion was held on updating the County's Watercraft Ordinance to address their concerns as well as implementing additional No Wake Zones under the bridges. • Beach Nourishment Contingency Plan and Interlocal Agreement — Discussion was held on the County's commitment to Wrightsville Beach and the other beach towns in securing fimding from the State and Federal governments for beach nourislunent projects. The County plans to hire an engineer to oversee beach renourislunent efforts that will be fimded by the Room Occupancy Tax. • Recycling and Solid Waste Processing—Assistant County Manager Chris Coudriet reported on the County pursuing a contract with Covanta for the operation of the Sustainable Energy Facility and hiring a new Environmental Management Director Joe Suleyman. Discussion followed on recycling efforts. • Impact of Private Wells on Water Quality — Wrightsville Beach Public Works Director Mike Vukelich spoke on concerns with the influx of private wells for irrigation systems due to increase water rates from Cape Fear Public Utilities Authority. The private wells are drawing water from the Pee Dee Aquifer,which will eventually cause salt-water intrusion into the town's drinking water supply. It was suggested that firrther discussion with CFPUA may provide other means of protecting the water source. • Future Wrightsville Beach Emergency Operation Center Location—Mayor Cignotti reported that the town continues to want space at the County's EOC when space comes available. County Manager Shell replied that staff continues to look for space that will meet the compliance standards for emergency management operations. In considering the County's Executive Development Center, they found modifying the building would be too costly to consider. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Cignotti expressed appreciation to the Commissioners and staff for meeting with the Wrightsville Beach officials. There being no firrther discussion, Chairman Davis and Mayor Cignotti adjourned the Special Meeting at 10:15 a.m. Respectfirlly submitted, Teresa P.Elmore Deputy Clerk to the Board