2012-08-20 Work Session NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 WORK SESSION,AUGUST 20,2012 PAGE 466 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Work Session on Monday, August 20, 2012, at 11:05 a.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present: Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.: Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.: Commissioner Jason R. Thompson, Commissioner Richard G. Catlin;and Commissioner Brian M.Berger. Staff members present were: County Manager Chris Coudriet; Deputy County Attorney Kemp Burpeau: Assistant County Manager Tim Burgess:and Deputy Clerk Teresa P.Elmore. Chairman Davis called the meeting to order and stated the purpose of the work session is to hear an update on the status of the Mason Inlet Project. County Engineer Jim Iarmucci reported that Mason Inlet is facing a maintenance event for this year and the Board will need to be prepared to authorize a contract for the work. The proposed project would be assessed to the Mason Inlet Preseivation Group (MIPG), the homeowners who ultimately pay for the project. Room Occupancy Tax Funds are used initially to pay for the project: however, the MIPG reimburses all costs. He introduced Chris Gibson and Jamie Pratt with Gahagan and Bryant Associates of North Carolina (GBA), and asked them to give an update on the project. MASON INLET PRESENTATION Chris Gibson, Gahagan and Bryant Associates, provided an overview of the Mason Inlet Project and presented the following PowerPoint presentation: • In the 1990's Mason Inlet was migrating at a rate of+/- 1 foot per day. • Shell Island Resort was in imminent danger and protected by a geotextile tube revetment. • Properties south of Shell Island resort were threatened. • Figure Eight Island suffered from chronic beach erosion at the south end. • Management Area • Photographs showed the Mason Inlet Relocation Project Area. • Management Triggers: • Movement of the north shoreline of the inlet out of the inlet corridor • Infrlling of the sediment basin • Erosion of adjacent beaches • Goal to protect properties on both sides of the inlet area • Erosion is a guide for renourishment • Inlet migration • Mason Inlet Project History: • 2002—Relocation Project • 2005-2006—First Inlet Maintenance Event • 2008—Second Inlet Maintenance Event • 2009—Interim Truck Haul Project(finish Second Maintenance Event) • 2011—Third Maintenance Event • 2013 —Fourth Maintenance Event • Construction Techniques: • Successful with truck hauling and excavators. • Need for Upcoming Maintenance: • Inlet location is the trigger for this event. • Magnitude of the project: • Must remain under 300,000 cubic yards of beach placement or risk a property take. • Avoids a new relocation project. • 2012/2013 Maintenance Plan: • Funding: • A Special Assessment District was setup for the Mason Inlet Project. • Maintenance events paid as a loan from the Room Occupancy Tax Fund(ROT). • The Figure Eight Island Homeowners Association assessed at $5.50 per cubic yard of sand placed on Figure Eight Island. • Remaining costs assessed to 500 homeowners on Wrightsville Beach north of the Holiday Inn SunSpree. • Amount of assessment varies based on the distance from the inlet. • New Hanover County is the permit holder and is responsible for the maintenance. • Maintenance program the least costly coming in at 25%below budget. David Kellam of the Figure Eight Island Homeowners Association (HOA) said that the HOA would need the engineering plans and specifications as well as the costs before making a decision on whether to participate in the project. A vote of the membership will take a minimum of 60 days to determine whether Figure Eight Island will participate in the project. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 WORK SESSION,AUGUST 20,2012 PAGE 467 In response to questions about the timeline, County Engineer Iaimucci responded that the Board would be asked to approve a new contract in September with Gahagan and Bryant Associates, who will prepare engineering plans and specifications for the maintenance event. The County will need to get a state permit and Request for Bids for the dredging. Members of the MIPG will be informed and invited to attend the meeting. In further response, Mr. Gibson said that after the contract is awarded, plans will be finalized to begin the dredging project between November 15, 2012 and March 30, 2013,but most likely, the dredging will be scheduled between mid-Januaiv and mid-March. In response to questions about whether Room Occupancy Tax Funds should be used for the sand portion of the project,Deputy County Attorney Burpeau explained that in 2006,the legislators amended the definition of beach renourishment and that in his opinion, the change would not preclude advancing ROT funds for inlet projects provided that the sand is placed on the beach. The legislation said that ROT monies can only be used for beach renourishment, but it does not restrict or specify where the sand is obtained as long as it is good quality sand, reasonably priced,and comes from the inlet. The legislation does not prohibit using the ROT funds for this project. In conclusion, County Engineer Iaimucci said that a 30-year federal permit is in place for the construction and management of the upcoming maintenance event. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, Chairman Davis adjourned the meeting at 11:35 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Teresa P.Elmore Deputy Clerk to the Board