2012-12-13 Agenda Review NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING,DECEMBER 13,2012 PAGE 537 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review Meeting on Thursday, December 13, 2012, at 4:00 p.m. in the Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington,North Carolina. Members present: Chairman Woody White: Vice-Chair Beth Dawson; Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr.:and Commissioner Brian M.Berger. Staff present: County Manager Chris Coudriet; County Attorney Wanda Copley; and Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schuh. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS Chairman White called the Agenda Review to order and announced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the Board's December 17, 2012, Regular Session meeting agenda. The Board revielved the following items: Consent Agenda Item 1—Approval of Minutes. Consent Agenda Item 2—Adoption of State Road Resolutions. Consent Agenda Item 3—Approval of Settlement of Administrative Appeal. County Attorney Wanda Copley provided an overview of the request highlighting that the Board is being requested to approve the settlement of the administrative appeal of Jean McNeil,former Animal Control Director. In response to Board questions, Ms. Copley reported that the settlement was in the amount of$120,000 with the County's contribution to the claim in the form of the$25,000 deductible. The insurance company weighs the cost of litigation against the cost of settling and is responsible for maldiig the determination. After discussion concerning recent legislation which allows counties the flexibility to consolidate health and social sei ices under the County Manager, staff was directed to bring a recommendation foiNvard for the Board's consideration. Consent Agenda Item 4—Adoption of Resolution Awarding Solid Waste Engineering Services to SCS Engineers,P.C. County Manager Chris Coudriet provided an overview of the request highlighting that the Board is being requested to adopt the resolution awarding the contract for Solid Waste Engineering Sei ices to SCS Engineers, P.C. and authorization for the County to negotiate and execute a contract for sei ices, the form of which shall be approved by the County Attorney. SCS Engineers,P.C. currently seines as the engineer of record. Consent Agenda Item 5 — Authorization to Submit a Grant Application to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources for Recycling of Products Containing Mercury. Consent Agenda Item 6—Ratification of a Grant Application Submitted to the North Carolina Communicable Disease Branch and HIV/STD Prevention Program. Consent Agenda Item 7—Adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendments. Regular Agenda Item 8 — Presentation of Service Awards to Retirees and Employees and New Employee Introductions. Regular Agenda Item 9—Presentation of a Resolution of Appreciation from the North Carolina Drug Treatment Court Advisory Committee. Regular Agenda Item 10—New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Annual Update. Regular Agenda Item 11 — New Hanover County Risk Management Advisory Committee Annual Update. Regular Agenda Item 12—Presentation of the Audit Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30,2012. Finance Director Lisa Wurtzbacher reported that Bryan Starnes, Audit Partner with Martin Starnes & Associates will present the audit report for the year ended June 30,2012. Regular Agenda Item 13—Consideration of Contract Approval for the Maintenance Dredging of the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. County Manager Chris Coudriet presented the request for the Board's consideration to approve the contract to Norfolk Dredging in the amount of $2,178,600 for the maintenance dredging of the Mason Inlet relocation project and adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 2013-40 transferring finds from the Room Occupancy Tax Fund to the Mason Inlet Project Fund: the finds will be repaid through assessment of the benefiting property owners. The actual contract amount was well under the budgeted amount. Planning and Inspections Director Chris O'Keefe provided an overview of the following planning items: Regular Agenda Item 14 — Public Hearing and Request by Staff to Amend "Section 112-6" of the Zoning Ordinance to Clarify the Process for Obtaining a Formal Extension of an Approved Planning Action. The proposed amendment establishes a process for requesting extensions on the expiration of valid site specific development proposals. Currently each of our conditional style districts has no mechanism for granting an extension. The proposal relies on a staff determination that site conditions have not changed and requires Commissioner NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING,DECEMBER 13,2012 PAGE 538 approval when conditions have changed. At their November 1, 2012 meeting, the Planning Board voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the text amendment. Regular Agenda Item 15—Public Hearing and Request by Staff to Amend "Section 23: Definitions" of the Zoning Ordinance to Clarify the Term Building and/or Structure. This amendment clarifies the definition of Structures and Buildings in our zoning ordinance. The change allows for roof overhangs up to 2 feet to be exempt from setback requirements. At their November 1, 2012 meeting, the Planning Board voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the text amendment. Regular Agenda Item 16—Public Hearing and Request by Staff to Amend "Section 69.11: Building Setbacks" of the Zoning Ordinance to Clarify When Roof Overhangs are Used as the Reference Point to Measure Building Setbacks. The proposed text amendment clarifies the building setback language and establishes when the setback must be applied. The language also explains how to measure building setback in situations where the roof overhang exceeds 2 feet. At their November 1, 2012 meeting, the Planning Board voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the text amendment. Regular Agenda Item 17—Public Hearing and Request by Staff to Add "Section 53.1"to the Zoning Ordinance to Create a By-Right R-7: Medium Density District. Currently the zoning ordinance does not provide a mechanism for medium density residential development as a by-right use. The R-7 zoning district fills this void. The district is structured in a similar way as the County's other residential districts but it allows up to 6 units per acre in areas where infrastructure to support the proposed density is in place. The proposed district may be appropriate positioned as a transition between more intensively developed areas and lower density residential areas. At their November 1, 2012 meeting,the Planning Board voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the amendment. Regular Agenda Item 18— Consideration of Appointment of Commissioners to Various Community and County Boards for 2013. Chairman White led the Board in the discussion of appointment of Commissioners to various community and County boards for 2013 coming to consensus for each one. The appointment sheet will be updated and disbursed to the Board in anticipation of Monday's vote. Regular Agenda Item 19 — Committee Appointments. The Commissioners are being asked to make appointments to the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority, NHC Board of Health, NHC Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee,and NHC Tourism Development Authority. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman White adjourned the Agenda Review meeting at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board