2012-12-17 RM Exhibits M �t . Exhibit »\ fi Book Page ,���[. -e�--�. I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS r } Oath of Office j 4 a 1, Thomas Wolfe, do solemnly swear that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as County { Commissioner of New Hanover County, so help me God. { a r Thomas Wolf IJ I j Sworn to and subscribed before me this Seventeenth day of December 2012 i i 4 Robin Wicks Robinson North Carolina District Court Judge Fifth District / 1 d P S a _ I s EAU Book 9 a .� j a NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover 1 Road(s) Description: Shoals Drive located within the Bayshore Estates Subdivision (Section 12) in New Hanover County(Division File No. 1186-N). WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated on a map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above } described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department a of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s)for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 17th day of December , 2012. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 17th day of December, 2012. O�,)NTY.ti O Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board O New Hanover County Board of Commissioners �Z �2 t t Form SR-2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. s 1 ' Woody white v N TY. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman ` 4 mop BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Beth Dawson Vice-Chairman ## O Jonathan Barfield,Jr. i 2 r) 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 175 Commissioner Z WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Brian M.Berger (910)798-7149 Commissioner a� (910)798-7145 FAX WWW.NHCGOV.COM Exhibit ,/ Sh @{la L Schutt Booker Page�to the Board s TggUSHfO� i i RESOLUTION i x AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR SOLID WASTE ENGINEERING SERVICES f WHEREAS,after due advertisement, qualifications were received and recorded by the Environmental Management Department at 2:30 p.m. on the 16`h day of October 2012, at the administrative offices of the Department of Environmental Management, 3002 U.S. Highway 421 North, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following companies submitted qualifications for the provision of solid waste engineering services for a contract period of three years with two additional one-year extensions: i i SCS Engineers,P.C. HDR Engineering Inc. CDM Smith,Inc. S&ME, Inc. I Garrett&Moore,Inc. Smith Gardner Inc. I URS Corporation TRC Environmental Corporation, and WHEREAS,the qualifications were evaluated and rated according to the criteria as established in the RFQ and the , list narrowed to three firms;and WHEREAS, SCS Engineers P.C., HDR Engineering Inc. and CDM Smith Inc. were further evaluated and references checked;and WHEREAS, following the evaluations staff further narrowed the list to two firms, SCS Engineers P.C. and CDM Smith; and based upon review scores, reference checks, national rankings, site knowledge, and responsiveness, and pursuant to General Statutes 143-64, the evaluation team agree and recommend that a contract for a continuing services agreement be negotiated and awarded to SCS Engineers P.C.,for solid waste engineering services;and 1 WHEREAS,$500,000 in funds for current projects are available in account number 70080200 901800 with work to I be conducted via individual task orders. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the award of solid waste engineering services for the New Hanover County Environmental Management Department to SCS Engineers P.C.,and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to negotiate and execute a contract,the form of which shall be approved by the County Attorney. ADOPTED this the 17`h day of December,2012. ,� G uN4Y.H NEW V C TY O OAP O � y p Woody White, ChaNnan O > T ST: � _ Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County is committed to progressive public policy,superior service,courteous contact,judicious exercise of authority,and sound fiscal management to meet the needs and concerns of our citizens today and tomorrow. Adopted 612012011 I Exhibit Book. k✓ Page AGENDA: December 17,2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13- 111 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13-111 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health,Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Provide health/wellness education,programs,and services 't a Fund:General Department: Senior Resource Center E nditure: Decrease Increase Senior Resource Center $1,547 Total $1,547 $0 Revenue: Decrease Increase Senior Resource Center $1,547 Total $i 47 $0 F A Section 2: Explanation On November 13,2012,the Board ratified the submission of a grant application for Title III-D Evidence Based Health Promotions from the Cape Fear Council of Governments.The Senior Resource Center received notification of the award in the amount of$4,000.The required match of$444 is in the Department's current budget. The grant amount of$5,991 was estimated in the FYI adopted budget.This I budget amendment reduces the adopted budget amount to match the award. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13-111,amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2013,is adopted. Govop O this 17th day of December,2012. (SE �y o o 3� a2 Woo y White,Ch Sheila L. Schult,Clerk to the Board 3 3 Exhibit Book)(& Page(,-, b AGENDA: December 17,2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 13- 116 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 13-116 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health,Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety/crime prevention Fund:General Fund Department:Sheriff's Office a E enditure: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office $8,385 Total 1 $0 $8,385 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriff s Office $8,385 l Total $0 $8,385 Section 2: Explanation % To budget reimbursement of$8,385 for overtime for the Detectives Division of the Sheriffs Office for the 3 period of September and October 2012.Reimbursement is from the FBI for overtime worked by the New Hanover County Sheriffs Detectives on FBI cases. t Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. s NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 13-116, ng the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2013,is adopted. f Adopted,this 17th day of December,2012. �NTY•N O SEF o 0 Woody White,Chairman 1 r az ti 'F A_BLI; Sheila L. Schult,Clerk to the Board S Y i{ 6 l 7 I F Exhibit AGENDA: December 17,2012 Book Page _p NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS k AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2013- 38 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina, E that the following Budget Amendment 2013-38 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Increase public safety/crime prevention l Fund: Controlled Substance Tax Department:Sheriffs Office E enditure: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office $1,524 1 Total $0 $1,5'24 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriffs Office $1,524 Total $0 $1 24 1 Section 2: Explanation To budget Controlled Substance Tax receipt of$1,524 on 11/19/12.Controlled Substance Tax is budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement as the Sheriff deems necessary.The current balance in the Controlled Substance Tax fund is$22,826.Funds are received on a monthly basis. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2013-38,amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2013,is adopted. G0\)bkvlb O this 17th day of December, 2012. o Woody White,Ch ' an Sheila L. Schult,Clerk to the Board d r 9 i i I Exhibit Book Page AGENDA: December 17,2012 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2013- 40 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2013-40 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2013. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education Strategic Objective(s): Understand act on citizen needs Fund: Room Occupancy Tax(ROT) Department:Engineering Exuenditure: Decrease Increase Transfer to capital project $2,178,600 Total $0 $2,178,600 Revenue: Decrease Increase Appropriated fund balance $2,178,600 Total $0 $2,178.600 Fund: Mason Inlet Relocation Department:Engineering Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Capital project expense $2,178,600 Total $0 $-22178-600 Revenue: Decrease Increase Transfer in from special revenue fund $2,178,7600 Total $0 178,600 Section 2: Explanation This budget amendment will advance funds from the Room Occupancy Tax Special Revenue Fund to cover the cost of the maintenance dredging event scheduled to be completed March 31,2013.These funds would be recovered through an assessment to the benefitted property owners on Figure Eight and the northern end of Wrightsville Beach. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2013-40,amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2013,is adopted. d,this 17th day of Decemb er,2012. 0 (S 0 WZ Woody White,-C—hairm I chult,ClerR fo the Board a t Exhibit Book 2LLLVPage E t AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA ti ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969,AND SUBSEQUENTLY AMENDED k a A-405(10/12) 3 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: i Section 1. The Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended } be,and the same is hereby further amended to read as follows in the section(s) noted: 3 The following language indicated in red shall be added to the Zoning Ordinance. Deletions have strikes through them: Section 112-6: Failure to Proceed in a Timely Manner If within 24 months from the date of approval of the petition for a special use permit conditional use district,conditional district, exceptional design zoning district or riverfront mixed use district a building permit has not been issued for the subject tract(s) the Planning and Inspections Director shall consider a request for an extension if submitted in writing to the New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Department prior to the expiration. The Planning and Inspections Director may grant a one (1)year extension so long as site conditions have not substantially changed since the original petition was approved. If site conditions have substantially changed the Board of County Commissioners will consider whether an extension shall be granted during a regularly scheduled public meeting The total vesting period for extensions may not exceed five (5)years. Section 53.6 Exceptional Design Zoning District(EDZD) 53.6-12 Effect of Approval Any area designated as an EDZD shall thereafter be developed using only the exceptional design standards and proposed conditions under which the EDZD is approved.Any reduction in the prerequisite standards after approval shall be considered a violation of the terms and conditions of approval. In i accordance with NCGS153A-344.1(c)and (d),approval of the master plan shall establish a vested right. After 24 months from the date of original approval, if no construction activity has been permitted,the approval of the original concept plan and any approved final plan shall expire and new approvals based on standards existing for EDZD districts at that time shall be required. Extensions of vested rights beyond the first 24 months may be approved in accordance with Section 112-6. by the T-R(;based 9A Felevant &cumstanc:es, iRcluding but not limited te the size and phasing of deVelOpMeRt,the IeVel Of 3 A-405 (10/12) Page 1 of 3 Section 59.7 Conditional Use District 59.7-6:Enforcement (1)Failure to Proceed in a Timely Manner—If within 24 months from the date of approval of the Conditional Use District, no building permit has been issued for the subject tract,the Planning and Inspections Department may schedule a hearing for the Planning Board to consider progress made. If it is determined that active efforts are not proceeding,the Planning Board may send forward a recommendation to the County Commissioners to simultaneously revoke the Special Use Permit and rezone the Conditional Use District to its classification prior to approval. (10/7/91 and 12/3/07) If an extension is desired, a request must be submitted in writing to the New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Department prior to the expiration. Extensions may be granted in accordance with section 112-6 of the Ordinance. Section 59.10 Conditional District 59.10-6: Enforcement (1)Failure to Proceed in a Timely Manner—If within 24 months from the date of approval of the Conditional district, no building permit has been issued for the subject tract,the Planning Department may schedule a hearing for the Planning Board to consider progress made. If it is determined that active efforts are not proceeding,the Planning Board may send forward a recommendation to the County Commissioners to simultaneously revoke the Conditional District and rezone the district to its classification prior to approval. If an extension is desired, a request must be submitted in writing to the New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Department prior to the expiration. Extensions may be granted in accordance with section 112-6 of the Ordinance. Section 59.9 RFMU Riverfront Mixed Use District 59.9-6:Procedural requirements for the establishment of a RFMU district (4) Failure to Proceed in a Timely Manner—If within 24 months from the date of approval of the petition for a riverfront mixed use district,a building permit has not been issued for the subject tract(s), the Planning and Inspections Director shall consider a request for an extension if submitted in writing to the New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Department prior to the expiration. The Planning and Inspections Director may grant a one (1)year extension so long as site conditions have not substantially changed since the original petition was approved. If site conditions have substantially changed,the Board of County Commissioners will consider whether an extension shall be granted during a regularly scheduled public meeting. The total vesting period for extensions may not exceed five (5) years. A-405 (10/12) Page 2 of 3 Section 71: Special Use Permits Issued by the Board of County Commissioners I 9 (4)In granting the permit the Board of County Commissioners may recommend and designate such conditions in addition and in connection therewith, as will in its opinion,assure that the use in its proposed location will be harmonious with the area in which it is proposed to be located and with the spirit of this Ordinance.All such additional conditions shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting at which the permit is granted and also on the certificate of the Special Use Permit or on the plans I submitted therewith.All specific conditions shall run with the land and shall be binding on the original s applicants for the Special Use Permit,their heirs, successors and assigns.A Special Use Permit, issued by the Board of County Commissioners shall become null and void if construction or occupancy of the proposed use as specified on the Special Use Permit is not commenced within twenty-four(24) months j of the date of issuance. ! If an extension is desired, a request must be submitted in writing to the New Hanover County Planning and Inspections Department prior to the expiration. Extensions may be granted in accordance with section 112-6 of the Ordinance. i A Board of County Commissioners decision on a extension may be appealed in conformity with the requirements of Section 71-1(6)of this Ordinance. (5/2/83),(10/7/91) s Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in accordance with NCGS 153A-341 and the board of commissioners has found the amendment consistent with the policies adopted in the 2006 land use plan and reasonable and in the public interest. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted the 17th day of December, 2012. %3STY Lo �0 Woody Whit ,Chairman ti St: Sheila L. Schult,Clerk to the Board Date �\ A-405 (10/12) Page 3 of 3 } ExhibiVz—vpage Book a AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED OCTOBER 6,1969,AND SUBSEQUENTLY AMENDED A-409(11/12) i THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be, and the same is hereby further amended to read as follows in the section(s) noted: 1 The following language indicated in red shall be added to the Zoning Ordinance. Deletions have strikes through them: 1 Section 23:Definitions Structure and/or Building:Anything constructed or erected within a fixed location on the ground,or attached to something having a fixed location on the ground. , heroes,walls, fenees,and poster-paMel The terms building and/or structure shall be construed to include porches,decks, carports,garages, sheds, roof extensions,overhangs extending more than 2', and any other projections directly attached to the structure and/or building. t Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in accordance with NCGS 153A-341 and the board of commissioners has found the amendment consistent with the policies adopted in the 2006 land use plan and reasonable and in the public interest. 3 s Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health,safety, m d general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Ca lina,and shall be in fu force a d effect f om and after its adoption. Adopted the 17th day of December, 2012. vNTY. G� �0 Woody White, irman n O A \ Sheila L Schult,Clerk to the Board Date A-409 (11/12) Page 1 of 1 Exhibit Book Page � .�.. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969,AND SUBSEQUENTLY AMENDED k r A-411 (11/12) s THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: :7 t Section 1. The Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be, and the same is hereby further amended to read as follows in the section(s) noted: The following language indicated in red shall be added to the Zoning Ordinance. Deletions have strikes through them: Section 69.11:Setbacks For the purposes of this Ordinance, setbacks shall not be required for nonresidential structures located within Commercial, Office and Institutional and Industrial Districts that abut nonresidential i uses in Commercial, Office and Institutional and Industrial Districts. Setbacks shall be measured from the structure. If a roof overhang extends more than two(2') feet from the structure,the setback shall be measured from the drip line of the roof. distr-iets shall be ealeulated I t e The required minimum setbacks for structures located within Commercial, Office and Institutional and Industrial Districts abutting residential uses and/or platted lots on residentially zoned property shall be calculated from Table 69.11 utilizing the following formulas. Where the adjacent residential district is occupied by non-residential uses,the minimum setback shall be twenty(20) feet. (5/4/98) (1) Side yard Required setback (2) (Building Height) x (Factor from Column B, Table 69.11) (3) Rear yard Required setback (4) (Building Height) x (Factor from Column D, Table 69.11) (5) Reductions in setbacks (6) The required setbacks may be reduced as specified in Section 67. In no case, # however, shall any side or rear yard setback be less than specified in Table 69.11 (3/9/88) r s s A-411 (11/12) Page 1 of 2 i sI>I�E �>INI M DIS'T'RICT S FC '4R t : - B-1 2.75 25' 3.73 30' B-2 2.75 30' 3.73 35' O&I 2.75 25' 3.73 30' I-1 3.08 35' 4.33 40' I-2 3.49 40' 5.14 45' A-I 3.08 35' 4.33 40' Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in accordance with NCGS 153A-341 and the board of commissioners has found the amendment consistent with the policies adopted in the 2006 land use plan and reasonable and in the public interest. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted the 17th day of December,2012. OvNTY.N ,Q c' oR Woody White, airman 0 ��ti a2 Sheila L.Ichult, Clerk to the Board •FS�ABlItH�.O-' i Date A-411 (11/12) Page 2 of 2 Exhibik&-6age j Book AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED OCTOBER 6,1969,AND SUBSEQUENTLY AMENDED A-408(10/12) THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. The Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be,and the same is hereby further amended to read as follows in the section(s)noted: The following language shall be added to the Zoning Ordinance: Section 53.1: R-7 Medium Density Development Purpose:The purpose of this section is to encourage medium density development in Urban and Transition areas where adequate services are available. The district will allow greater variety of housing types provided that environmental impacts are minimized and adequate open space is provided. The intent of the medium density district is to: A. Provide for greater population densities to facilitate high quality affordable housing,a greater range of lifestyles and income levels in close proximate to commercial and employment centers. B. Provide for the efficient delivery of publi*c services and to increase residents' accessibility to employment,transportation and shopping. C.Serve as a buffer and transition area between more intensively developed areas and lower density residential areas 52.1-1: Conventional Residential Regulations Dimensional Requirements: (1) Minimum lot area:7,000 square feet(2/16/87) (2) Minimum lot width 50 feet (3) Minimum front yard 25 feet (4) Minimum side yard 8 feet (5) Minimum rear yard 20 feet A-408 Page 1 of 5 (6) Maximum height 35 feet 53.1-2: Parking-Parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII. 53.1-3:Signs-Signs shall be in accordance with Article IX. 53.1-4: Performance Residential-The maximum density of Performance Residential Development shall be 6 units per net tract acre (with net tract area determined pursuant to Section 51.5-2(11)). (1/4/82) 53.1-5:All Medium Density Developments shall comply with the following requirements: (1) Roadway access — R-7 zoning districts shall have direct access to at least one roadway classified as an arterial or collector on the most recent FHWA- approved functional classification map for the Wilmington urban area. R-7 zoning districts may also be located on streets which are designed and built to County or NCDOT collector street standards, which are not identified on the functional classification map. (2) Buffer Strip-Buffer strips shall be required in accordance with Section 67. (3) District Improvement Requirements - All medium density residential developments shall provide improvements as specified in the following table. Improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the standards set by the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority,County or appropriate local or State agency. CFPUA CFPUA Max. Imperv. Sidewalks on all roads Water Sewer Surface Ratio within district for Gross Site Area R-7 Yes Yes .50 Yes (4) Setbacks and Uses (A) The required minimum setback for Medium Density development utilizing attached single family shall be thirty-five feet from any existing detached residential development (not including Mobile Home Parks, High Density, Planned Development or other R-7 development),: 1. Reductions in setbacks (i) The required setbacks may be reduced as specified in Section 67. In no case, however, shall the minimum setback be less than 25 feet. 2. Uses in the yards A-408 Page 2 of 5 (i) The part of the yard adjacent to the residential uses shall be used only for buffer strips and as specified in Section 67. (B) In no case shall any part of a detached single-family dwelling unit be located closer than ten (10) feet to any part of any other detached single- family dwelling, and in no case shall any part of a multiple dwelling unit be located closer than twenty(20)feet to any part of another dwelling unit. f (5) When a development proposal is submitted under this Section, it shall be I reviewed in accordance with the same standards as established in the I Subdivision Ordinance even if the project does not involve the subdivision of land. (6) Maximum allowable height for structures shall be 35 feet. However, the maximum allowable height for piling supported primary structures which are located in "Coastal High Hazard Areas, V-Zones" and/or Ocean Hazard Areas as defined by the Coastal Resources Commission shall be 44 feet. 9 A A-408 Page 3 of 5 P R ; F R R ;'_ B ( I 0 A ; A S :.R RF Permitted Uses D Q 20 x.15 10 7 `. 2 1, 2 &t.. R ,l„ C '.;A, MU Commercial Marina(2/14/84) P ISs S ° V., S S r. P P Electric!Gas&Sanitary Services P `P P ( P P .„ P P .: P P p Electric Substations P S A S S P P P,' S t?, P Telephone&Telegraph Facilities P ., P P P P P V0 P 7 P E�" :' Other Communication Facilities Including Towers S y^ ;, S P ;° .° S S :. (2/5/96) Cellular&PCS Antennas (See Section 69.17(H)) P P = P P M P .rl. P P .. P o Convenience Food Store(7/5/85) P r S S P 6 P S . Camping, Travel Trailer Parks(2/14/83) P S S S P " .' T . Golf Courses P �`" P P P x " 1 P t Indoor&Outdoor Recreation Establishments P Sri.`k S S P P S „ P ; r 3 (2/14/82, 8/16104) Parks &Recreation Area(4/2/07) P 101 P ' • P P p+)?' P P -_ P ! P Adult Day Care P `,�`�; S S S Children's Day Care(12/13/82) P S S S P S w ( _, Community Center P x S S S ;w ) ri P ` . Hospitals P S S S P ? .,.. Nursing&Personal Care Facilities P S _ : S S Residential Care(9/8/81) P P P S ` ,' 1 .,' P Educational Services a Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools& P 4{ ,' S (z S Technical Institutions ` e Elementary&Secondary Schools P ':' P P S Libraries P P P S P ` P P Museums(5/2/83) p ;.,� P P ,,.. Membership Organizations Churches P P P S „, P P P P #� Lodges, Fraternal&Social Organizations (5/2/83) P S �t S S P Other Accessory Buildings or Uses, clearly incidental to P P °�' P P °- P P P P the Permitted Use or Building(see Section 62) L Cemeteries S S r S Say l S d }' ' i ., k,77 Community Boating Facility (8/6/92) S f' S S S !""f Private Residential Boating Facility(9/19/92) P >'P P P P Duplexes P S t P S P '4 a A Evangelistic and Religious Assemblies not P r P.. P '�' P P `.`)�' P P Pip P F� conducted at a Church(7/6/92) ?' Government Offices&Buildings P $ S S S P P P { P 'r ' P High Density Development(3/22/82)Permitted only P S $ S within Urban Transition Area(2/16/87, 10111/95) Home Occupation P P P P P P P ' P A-408 Page 4 of 5 P R R ; R R R S B I 1 ' O A A S R RF Permitted Uses D 20S 20 ,15 10 7 " 1 2 1 2 "&1 R I C A MU Other Mobile Home S i P. P P , S S P 3S Mobile Home, Doublewide(6/7/82) P P P P P S P P Mobile Home Park(Density shall not exceed 2.5 P S S S $ Units beyond Urban Transition area)(2/16/87, 10/11/95). Mobile Home Subdivision(6/1/92) S S S S S $ Outdoor Bazaars excluding Yard Sales (7/6/92) P = P P =P P P P P P P P 1 P ='W Residential Private Pier P P P P? P P t" . P. Single Family Dwelling P P P P P P S S P P ' P Single Family Dwelling-Attached(1/4/82) P P P P P --.S. S P Special Fund Raising for Non-Profit Organizations P P P P P P P > P P P P P P P (7/6/92) Temporary Sign P P P P P P ',P P P P P r P_ P 9 P Recycling Facilities: (1/3/89) 6 Small Collection P S S S S P P P P ` S P P i Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in accordance with NCGS 153A-341 and the board of commissioners has found the amendment consistent with the policies adopted in the 2006 land use plan and reasonable and in the public interest. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted the 17th day of December, 2012. /�jr1TY. �° + 0 Woody White, irman A I ° Attest: 2 Sheila L Schult,Clerk to the Board �dttgr+�a . Date i I A-408 Page 5 of 5 t Exhibit Book KM0age NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONER 2013 APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Board/Committee 2013 Airlie Gardens Foundation Board of Directors Vice-Chair Dawson 5 Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees Chairman White Cape Fear Community College Long-Range Chairman White Planning Committee Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board Vice-Chair Dawson Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority/WAVE Commissioner Barfield # Transit AVE's representative on the MPO/TAC f Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Chairman White (expiring term 6/30/15 3 Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Commissioner Wolfe (expiring term 6/30/15 Chamber of Commerce Commissioner Barfield Chamber's Cape Fear Futures County Manager Coudriet Coastal Care, Inc. (Mental Health) Vice-Chair Dawson 3 Council of Governments Executive Committee Commissioner Barfield DSS Board (expiring term 6/30/13) Commissioner Barfield DSS Methamphetamine Task Force Commissioner Barfield Health Board Vice-Chair Dawson Legion Sports Complex Commission Commissioner Barfield Legion Sports Complex Commission Chairman White Local Emergency Planning Committee Chairman White Lower Cape Fear River Program Advisory Board Commissioner Wolfe Lower Cape Fear Water&Sewer Authority Commissioner Wolfe (expiring term 6/30/15 New Hanover County Financing Corporation, Inc. Chairman White New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Commissioner Barfield = Trustees Port,Waterway&Beach Commission Commissioner Wolfe Southeastern Economic Development Commission Commissioner Barfield Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness Commissioner Berger Tourism Development Authority Commissioner Barfield Wilmington Business Development Chairman White Wilmington Downtown Inc. Commissioner Wolfe 3 Wilmington Regional Film Commission Vice-Chair Dawson Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Chairman White Organization—Transportation Advisory Committee Approved 12/17/2012 i i