2013-04-08 Transcript Exhibit Page 1 ( SHE FOLLOWING IS A TRANSCRIPTION OF A PORTION OF A 2 MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 3 WHICH WAS NOT REPORTED BY AURELIA RUFFIN & ASSOCIATES, 4 INC . THERE ARE PORTIONS OF THE MEDIA THAT ARE 5 INAUDIBLE . ) 6 * * * * * PROCEEDINGS 7 CHAIRMAN: We have had one person sign up 8 on the non-agenda items of business and I would invite 9 to the podium to speak Mr. Ricky Meeks for a period of 10 three minutes . Welcome, sir. 11 IR. MEEKS: Thank you very much, Madam 12 sir. Not madam but Madam Vice Chairman and Madam and 13 all those County Commission members and staff. 14 I come today for two things real fast . One is 15 the -- take a look at it ' d be nice if we could put a 16 pipe, a drainage pipe, along North College Road from 17 Murrayville all the way to the Food Lion Northchase and 18 put a sidewalk if the County and DOT could work 19 together. 20 And across the street from Trask Middle School 21 therels a crosswalk with a crosswalk signal and the city 22 busses do drop people there off and it is very 23 undangerous (sic) place because a ditch on the other NHC Board of Commissioners Page 1 side of Trask Middle School and if there was a way to 2 put another pipe over there with a nice sidewalk, make 3 it more even. 4 So, if you had a sidewalk from Murrayville all 5 the say to the Food Lion at Northchase, it would give 6 people in the neighborhood an opportunity to walk on the 7 side of the road and also a crosswalk, which is right 8 there, from .Trask Middle School across the street .: 9 That ' s very simple . 10 The other thing I 'm here I went to my very 11 first County Commission agenda briefing this past 12 Thursday. I made the news . My golly, I made the news 13 with Mr. County Commission Berger. That ' s what I 'm here 14 tonight . New Hanover County, we are a blessed county. 15 I 've lived here almost 45 years as of 4th November. 16 And I 'd like to say some things „ I just want 17 to respectful that for people who votes, I do vote for 18 County Commission, School Board. I ran for City Council I 19 a few times with you, one time maybe . I ran for Mayor 20 of Wilmington 2003 and also the School Board a few 21 times . j ii 22 What I 'm asking is we have a great employees I 23 of this great county. we have a nice County Manager. I NHC Board of Commissioners Page 1 don ' t know you that well, Mr. Chris, but I know you do a 2 great job. We 've got a nice city -- County Clerk here 3 does a great job. We 've got the magnificent county -- 4 County Attorney in the great state of North Carolina, 5 Ms . Wanda Copley, always a smile, always says yes, ma 'am 6 and no ma ' am to a lot of things she does .. Shop at my 7 favorite grocery store nearby. 8 And we have great employees in all departments 9 (inaudible) fire, Sheriff ' s Department, library, Health, 10 DSS, Parks, Planning, Register of Deeds, Senior Resource 11 Center, New Hanover County Museum, Tax Department, 12 Budget, Board of Education, the Board of Elections, the 13 schools, the Town of Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, 14 Wrightsville Beach, and my City of Wilmington. We all 15 support New Hanover County. We got -- we got the 16 future, we got a lot of things to do. 17 I ' d like to ask -- I know it ' s been so much a 18 stuff for this county the past two years with you, Mr. 19 Berger. ild like to ask a few things . This security 20 detail for the County Commission meeting I hope is a 21 temporary thing, a short fix. We 're not a big city. 22 We ' re not Phoenix, we ' re not Atlanta, Georgia, we ' re not 23 Los Angeles and all those things and I ' d like for it to NHC Board of Commissioners Page 7 1 be -- go back to the way it was to come in here and just 2 make yourself at home . 3 Mr. Berger, I 'd like to ask of you to do a few 4 things for me, if you would. Just think about it, sir, 5 CHAIRMAN: Mr. Meeks -- 6 MR. MEEKS : Yes . 7 CHAIRMAN: -- your three minutes is up . 8 As a privilege of the Chair I 'm going to extend your 9 comments to one more minute, sir. i 10 MR. MEEKS : If you would, would you -- it would you -- will you give yourself a chance to give 12 yourself a break from the County Commission through 13 three months? Not to resign but give yourself three 14 months to take a little break, talk to your family, go 15 to a doctor, get some help. I 15 If there ' s some medications you need, this 17 county would be very happy for you to get the proper 18 help, come back and get a fresher -- and I know you as a 19 good person, I ' d like to ask of you to take a leave of 20 absence for three months from New Hanover County so we 21 can go on to the future of the people business of this 22 great county of New Hanover County and the great state 23 of North Carolina. NHC Board of Commissioners Page 1 Thank you so much. 2 CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Meeks . 3 Commissioner Berger, if you 'd like to respond, you are 4 welcome to do so. 5 MR. BERGER: Well, certainly, Mr. Meeks, 6 your -- I know we were talking the other day and saying 7 that you might be New Hanover County' s most famous 8 resident and I might be its most infamous resident.. 9 But that being said, I have seen and observed 10 how this Board has operated for at least the last decade 11 and I know that my presence and my independent style is 12 not -- not something that is something that everyone who 13 has been involved in working with this Board is 14 accustomed to and I realize that . And I certainly 15 recognize that because I have a bit of a different style 16 and different agenda than what this Board and previous 17 members of this Board and the County itself and 18 residents have become used to. 19 When somebody comes along and has a different 20 way of looking at things, that can create some shock and 21 that ' s certainly been the case. I don' t think that in i 22 any way, shape, or form that justifies some of the 23 comments that have been made by other members of this r, NHC Board of Commissioners Page 1 Board, certain members of the media which have really 2 crossed the line and gone way beyond any level of 3 decency and any level of intelligent discourse where 4 there could be and where there ' s room for some of the 5 issues which I think have become very public with this 6 Board and my coming from a different viewpoint and 7 having a different way of doing things and being a 8 little more independent than I think has been the case 9 in recent years . 10 And I certainly accept a substantial amount of 11 responsibility for that . I think there ' s certainly 12 enough blame to go around. I don' t think I 'm the only 113 one that ' s had misunderstandings . I think there ' s been 14 some growing pains . I think we all know that , 15 But to suggest that I would attempt to 16 assassinate a governor that I supported and it ' s 17 unfortunate that the main documents, and I don' t think 18 there ' s anything inappropriate with one elected official 19 greeting another elected official when a elected 20 official is -- comes to your town, your county, and we 21 all have a responsibility to make those delegates from 22 other areas feel welcome here and certainly should let 23 them know that New Hanover County as one of 100 counties NHC Board of Commissioners Page 10 1 in North Carolina is more than willing and in fact eager 2 to work with the 99 other counties where there ' s common 3 ground. 4 And the reality is that I think if -- Ricky, 5 if you and I were to sit down and you were to give me 6 five minutes to bring you up to speed on some of the 7 unnecessary obstacles and treatment that I ' ve received 8 in trying to -- and I think I perhaps have gone maybe 9 too far in making it a point to keep every single one of 10 the promises and pledges that I made when I campaigned 11 and I may be too rigid in that and maybe need to be a 12 little more open minded and little more willing to 13 rethink and accept that there may be more times and more 14 instances where I need to rethink and find perhaps a 15 better balance between keeping the promises that I 've 16 made and also taking into account new information that 17 becomes available as we move forward. 18 It was several years ago when I did run for 19 office and a lot of new information and a lot of changes 20 have taken place in those past couple years . so, maybe 21 I do need to rethink just how much weight I put on 22 keeping my promises . But to me I take honor in keeping i 23 my word extremely seriously. Perhaps too seriously. NHC Board of Commissioners Page 11 1 And that can rub people the wrong way and I understand 2 that and that ' s something that I take responsibility 3 for. 4 By the same token I 'm not going to be bullied 5 and intimidated and threatened and harassed when I have 6 a different viewpoint on an issue than certain other, 7 whether it ' s Board members or groups within the 8 community where I don' t necessarily see eye to eye with i 9 them. 10 CHAIRMAN: Would Commissioner Berger yield 11 to a question? 12 MR. BERGER: Absolutely. 13 CHAIRMAN: Can you give us an example of 14 where you've been bullied or threatened or harassed by 15 any Commissioner or any member of the staff? 16 MR. BERGER: Well, I 'm glad you brought up 17 staff because there ' s been a lot that ' s been said about 18 my supposedly being highly critical of staff and I don' t 19 pay too much attention -- 20 CHAIRMAN: The question is can you give an 21 example of where you've been bullied or threatened or 22 harassed by any of us or any member of staff . That ' s -- 23 if it ' s yes, then that ' s something that we ' re interested NHC Board of Commissioners Page 12 1 in hearing. 2 MR . BERGER: There have been instances of 3 retaliation -- yes . 4 CHAIRMAN: For example? 5 MR. BERGER: To be perfectly honest, I don' t 6 know if this is the time and place for that discussion. 7 CHAIRMAN: It ' s in front of the citizens, 8 there ' s no better time or place . And I welcome the 9 evidence of that because it ' s troubling if it ' s true . 10 MR. BERGER: Particularly because some of 11 this goes back to when there were different members of 12 this Board and I don ' t want to give the impression that 13 those of us that are sitting up here now are necessarily 14 -- this is not necessarily the same Board when some of 15 those efforts to retaliate and harass and intimidate and 16 bully me into policy directions that I didn' t think were 17 right at the time . I probably would still maintain that 18 view that I made the right decisions at the time even 19 though I probably took a fair amount of beating for it 20 at the time. 21 But I would ask that maybe -- in fact, I would 22 implore the Chair that if that is something that you ' d 23 be interested in discussing, that I think that would NHC Board of Commissioners Page 1 1 warrant a full discussion and I ' d be all for having it 2 be through a public open meeting. 3 CHAIRMAN: This is a good time . We ' re 4 here, we ' re listening. 5 MR. BERGER: Well, you' re asking for 6 specifics and, again, because a lot of this -- 7 CHAIRMAN: You did spend a few minutes 8 with Mr . Meeks trying to give some specifics which we 9 appreciate . And this is a good time for you to give 10 more specifics . We ' re listening and if anybody' s acted 11 illegally or mistreated you in any way, I would like to 12 know and I know the other Commissioners would share -- 13 they want to know because that ' s inappropriate if it ' s 14 happened. 15 MR BERGER: Would the -- would the Chair be 16 willing to entertain initially a confidential document 17 outlining some of those instances and then from there 18 determining after you 've had a chance to look at them 19 whether you are of the opinion that those are areas that 20 should be and would not be breaching confidentiality to 21 discuss those openly? I would be all for that . 22 CHAIRMAN: what would be the basis of the 23 confidentiality? NHC Board of Commissioners Page 1 1 MR. BERGER: There are a number of both 2 federal and state laws that -- 3 CHAIRMAN: Have you contacted the FBI or 4 the SBI about any alleged wrongdoing? 5 MR. BERGER: Absolutely I (inaudible) -- 6 CHAIRMAN: Has there been an investigation 7 convened? 8 MR. BERGER: I 'm not so delusional as to 9 think that the FBI would come running if and when I 've 10 pointed things out to them. But I think it should be 11 telling that not only am I willing to stay 20 years in 12 the federal penitentiary and I 'm not crazy but I ' 13 willing to because I 've studied these laws and what the 14 potential direction that federal or state regulatory 15 agencies, whether it ' s FBI, SBI, or other agencies with 16 enforcement powers I 've looked very closely at that . 17 In fact, it ' s been unfortunately much more of 18 a drain on my energy and efforts the past couple years 19 than should be . And it ' s unfortunate that it ' s even 20 necessary to have to appeal to a higher power. Not the 21 highest power but the federal government sometimes think 22 of itself as the highest power. 23 But this to me is such an important issue that NHC Board of Commissioners Page 15 2 CHAIRMAN: Now, what -- what specifically? 3 What is an important issue because if it ' s important to 4 you, it may be important to all of us, too. What is the 5 specific issue involving the federal government that you 6 think maybe we should look at? 7 MR. BERGER: Again, going back and looking 8 at the federal laws, state laws --- i 9 CHAIRMAN: Concerning what? 10 MR. BERGER: Concerning everything from laws 11 such as the ADA and it ' s something that being an 12 attorney yourself I would think that you would 13 understand that because of the technical legal issues 14 involved and how those are interpreted to simply have an 15 informal conversation without a little more of a formal 16 process for getting out and stating what some of the 17 issues are and whether there is in fact an issue to 18 begin with or whether it ' s just me just whining and 19 complaining in which case shame on me. But if there are 20 actual issues there and I believe that there are - - i 21 CHAIRMAN: And so the federal law you 've 22 cited is the Americans with Disabilities Act and 23 potential violations of that . Is that -- is that all? NC Board of Commissioners Page 16 R. BERGER: That would be one that ' s 2 recent . I don' t want to impugn former Board members who 3 are not here today with the opportunity to present what 4 , 5 CHAIRMAN: Are you talking about your 6 removal from the Health and -- from the DSS Board? 7 MR. BERGER: No . 8 CHAIRMAN: No? 9 MR. BERGER: I 'm talking -- I 'm talking 10 about Commissioners who are no longer County 1.1 Commissioners but as of a year ago were . I don ' t think 12 it would be right for me to bring them into a discussion 13 without providing them the opportunity to be either 14 present to present what their decisions were at the 15 time, why they made those decisions, whether they were 16 retaliatory or not -- 17 CHAIRMAN: What decisions because we can 18 ask them. We can -- because if they did something that 19 was unwarranted, we ' d like to know about it . 20 MR. BERGER: Again, I think as a matter of 21 fairness to them and -- because ultimately I ' d like to 22 see this Board -- and I 've stated this in the past that 23 I 'm not sure this Board is always as respectful and as NHC Board of Commissioners Page 17 1 willing to abide by state and federal laws, as well as 2 laws, general statutes, that govern how Boards of 3 Commissioners, both Commissioners , Board Chairman, 4 County Managers what specifically under North Carolina 5 General Statutes each are empowered to implement or 6 pursue and where legally there have been times when the 7 general statutes, at least from my reading of them, have 8 been ignored or overlooked. 9 CHAIRMAN: Can you give us an example of 10 one or more examples of that? Because if that ' s true, 11 that ' s of concern to us and we want to pursue it ® 12 MR. BERGER: well, I hate to come back to 13 the Social Services Board but the general statutes are 14 very clear that this -- that -- for that matter any 15 Board of Commissioners and for any county in the state 16 there are I believe four boards that a Board of 17 Commission (sic) such as this one and in at least 98 of 18 the other counties across the state are very 19 specifically and without a whole lot of gray area from 20 at least my reading of the statute it ' s pretty clear 21 that for example, with the Board of Social Services, the 22 Board of Health, Board of Elections and there ' s one more 23 that ' s escaping me at the moment it ' s very clear that NHC Board of Commissioners Page 1 the local Board of Commissioners cannot change the 2 makeup or the manner in which those boards are appointed 3 and positions filled and replacements made when there ' s 4 a vacancy, if there happens to be a vacancy. 5 CHAIRMAN: Are there any other 6 Commissioners wishing to -- we ' re in the additional 7 agenda items . Commissioner Berger I think in responding 8 to Mr. Meeks has said some things and we can move on to 9 additional items from other Commissioners, if that ' s 10 okay, and certainly can come back to Commissioner Berger 11 if he ' d like at a later time . 12 MR . BARFIELD: Mr. Chairman? 13 CHAIRMAN: Commissioner Barfield. 14 MR. BARFIELD: I had a great opportunity this 15 weekend to be one of the final judges for the Boys & 16 Girls Clubs Youth of the Year for the State of North 17 Carolina and we had clubs from all over the state 18 convene here in Wilmington and they culminated at the 19 Blockade Runner this past Saturday and I had a tough 20 task of weaning down the five to the one youth of the 21 year for the whole state. 22 A young lady from the Charlotte area won. I 23 think she got a $6, 0004. 00 scholarship and she ' ll be able NHC Board of Commissioners Page 1 1 to compete in the national competition. I think they' ll 2 compete for a $50 , 000 . 00 scholarship there . 3 But it was great to see so many young people 4 come into our community that were bright and talented 5 and gifted and done hard work in school and to hear 6 their stories of triumphs that they overcame to get 7 where they are . 8 And I shared with my daughters they just 9 really don' t know how blessed they are to have food in 10 their refrigerator every day and clothes to wear and not 11 worrying about whether the lights are on or off and 12 those kind of things that many of these kids have had to 13 deal with. But really enjoyed that . 14 I also had the opportunity to attend the 15 Creekwood South reopening a few weeks ago. It was great 16 to see homeowners be able to move back into that 17 community as well . 18 And a few weeks ago I was invited out to Cape 19 Fear Community College . They had what they call a 20 student political forum and what it was was a forum to i21 encourage students to get involved in the student 22 government . And I was a keynote speaker there and 23 talking about leadership and community service and what NHC Board of Commissioners Page 20 1 it really means to give back. And it was just great to 2 be part of that event as well .. 3 And I also went to the Best Foot Forward 4 Program at Brogden Hall a few weeks ago. It was great 5 to see all of our talented students from the public 6 school system here in New Hanover County competing and 7 performing -- not competing but performing and showing 8 their skills and talents of the arts . 9 I just had a great week overall . Been a 10 little sick, ready to go home and continue to recuperate 11 tour . "Fat ' s it, sir, 12 CHAIRMAN: Well , we missed you Thursday. 13 We are glad to hear that you' re feeling better and have 14 been active in the community. Thank you, Commissioner 15 Barfield. 16 At this time we ' ll recognize Commissioner 17 Wolfe . 18 MR. WOLFE: Yes , sir. Commissioner Berger, 19 I notice that you've made some serious accusations about 20 people . And one of the things I wanted to ask you is 121 that you were appointed to a lot of these committees, 22 don ' t you think you have a responsibility to attend the 23 meetings when they' re called, to be there punctually and NHC Board of Commissioners Page 21 1 on time, and participate and the fact that you didn' t 2 was one of the reasons that you were removed from these 3 committees? 4 MR. BERGER: Absolutely not . I ' d be glad to 5 hand you right now an attendance sheet at that time -- 6 CHAIRMAN: Brian, push your - - push your i 7 microphone so the citizens can hear what you' re saying, 8 MR. BERGER: I ' d be more than happy to hand 9 you right now a copy of the attendance at that time . 10 And I think what you ' ll see is that across the board the 11 attendance at that time was fairly almost identical at 12 that time and the makeup of this Board was different 13 then. This was several years ago. But despite what was 14 reported when looked at the actual attendance and I ' d be 15 happy to give you a copy of it -- 16 MR. WOLFE: Well, I just want to make some 17 observations . I know that you have turned in expense ' 18 reports for meetings that you 've put down that you 19 attended and I have been sitting at a table where your 20 name was and you never showed. So, I know that you have 21 a propensity to shall we say be there and not be there . 22 And I also know that you have made this staff 23 really completely uncomfortable in the -- I 'm talking NHC Board of Commissioners Page 2 1 about the female staff in the office to the point of 2 tears, fearful for their lives, and I would say paranoid 3 about you coming in there. 4 I know that you talk about these people, these 5 wrongs that have been done to you but you don ' t want to 6 discuss them publically. Yet you go to Washington and 7 hand out a manifesto about these wrongs quoting these 8 laws, slurring the reputations of many good people here 9 in Wilmington. 10 So, I 'm just -- I 'm just a little confused 11 about your rambling here about you don ' t want to discuss 12 it but yet you can go out in public and ostracize these 13 people in writing. 14 MR. BERGER: Do 'you know what that so-called 15 manifesto was? I don't know -- 16 MR. WOLFE: Oh, I saw it and I saw you in 17 Washington. 18 MR , BERGER: Because I will tell you that 19 the main documents had to do with a young woman who was 20 almost murdered by her husband at the time and -- 21 MR . WOLFE: I didn' t see any of that in 22 those documents . I just saw slanders and accusations 23 against our staff . NHC Board of Commissioners Page 2 1 MR. BERGER: I believe 2 MR. WOLFE: And I -- and I for one -- I for 3 one on this committee -- on this council are not going 4 to put up with you intimidating this staff . Somebody' s 5 got to take a stand. If it has to be me against you, 6 I ' ll do it . But you are -- you ' re a disgrace to what we 7 call a public office . And I haven' t chastised you 8 before but I 'm chastising you now. 9 I think the best thing you could do is resign. 10 You 've brought shame and dishonor upon this council . 11 And I 'm mad about it and I don' t want to put up with it 12 anymore . 13 MR. BERGER: we ' re going to have to disagree 14 on that and - - 15 MR. WOLFE: Of course we are, you can' t see 16 where you 've done anything wrong. You think you' re a 17 white knight on a shining horse . Well, I got news for 18 you, Mr. Berger, you' re not . You ' re a disgrace. Do the 19 community a right thing. Stand up like a man and 20 resign. 21 MR. BERGER: I think frankly -- 22 CHAIRMAN: I ' ll call on Vice-Chairman 23 Dawson at this point . Commissioner Berger, you ' ll have NHC Board of Commissioners Page 2 1 ample opportunity to talk again -- 2 MR. BARFIELD: Mr. Chair, if you don ' t mind if 3 I could be excused, I am not feeling well . I 'm holding 4 on trying to reserve my coughs but I am just not here.. 5 MS. DAWSON: Mr. Chairman? 6 CHAIRMAN: Vice-Chairman Dawson. 7 MS . DAWSON: In light of recent events -- 8 CHAIRMAN: Commissioner Barfield, you 9 don' t need my permission to be excused I don' t think. I 10 certainly know you feel bad but I think this is 11 important dialogue for the public .. 12 Vice-Chairman Dawson? 13 MS . DAWSON: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. In 14 light of recent events, citizens ' concerns, and due to 15 the commitment of four members of this Board of County 16 Commissioners to positively represent the citizens of 17 New Hanover County and to provide for a professional, 18 safe, harassment free workplace environment for our 19 staff and for all of our citizens, I would like to first 20 and foremost reference the Code of Ethics adopted by the 21 Board of County Commissioners, signed by Jonathan 22 Barfield, Jr. , Chairman, in December of 2010 which 23 currently stands on record could reference just the NHC Board of Commissioners Page 1 first three sentences , won' t take long. Anyone can find 2 this online . 3 "Whereas, New Hanover County citizens deserve 4 to be served by public officials who maintain the 5 highest ethical standards . And whereas, the stability 6 and proper operation of democratic representative 7 government depends upon public confidence in the 8 integrity of the government and upon responsible 9 exercise of the trust conferred by the citizens upon their elected officials . And whereas, Board members 11 must act in a manner that maintains their integrity and 12 independence and be responsive to the interests and 13 needs of those they represent . " Four members of this 14 Board do adhere to these Code of Ethics . 15 The citizens are looking to us for leadership. 16 Therefore, Mr. Chairman, I make a motion that the Board 17 direct our county staff to prepare for the April 22nd, 8 2013 , Commissioners meeting a public censure of Brian 19 Berger and to proceed with the necessary documents to 20 initiate an amotion proceeding. 21 Thank you That ' s my motion, Mr . Chairman. 22 CHAIRMAN: If I understand the motion 23 correctly, you' re directly staff to take any and all HH Board of Commissioners Page 26 1 steps necessary to consider a resolution of censure that 2 would include a possible remedy of removal from office 3 for Commissioner Berger. Is that your motion? 4 MS . DAWSON: Yes , sir, Mr. Chairman. i 5 CHAIRMAN: Is there a second to that 6 motion? 7 MR. WOLFE: I second. 8 CHAIRMAN: Seconded by Commissioner Wolfe . r 9 Any further discussion? 10 Just as a matter of discussing this I ' ll 11 direct our staff A, to consult with the State Bar, Ms . 12 Copley, to make sure that you are empowered to do that 13 and it ' s not a violation of the attorney-client 14 privilege . B, that any censure documents contain 15 allegations that are verified under oath with firsthand 16 knowledge of a violation of the ethics that is alleged. 17 The staff can take note of public documents 18 including domestic violence restraining orders, pending 19 criminal charges, and any and all email or firsthand 20 knowledge of verbal communication from Commissioner 21 Berger to members of the staff of which the staff have 22 firsthand knowledge of . 23 This censure document and its pleadings and NHC Board of Commissioners Page 27 1 verified attachments are to be served on Mr. Berger at a 2 time that precedes any hearing so that he can have an 3 opportunity to read it so that it has fundamental 4 fairness and guarantees of due process . And he might at 5 that point be in a position to respond to it at either 6 the April 22 meeting or a specially called meeting 7 alternatively. 8 I think just as a summary comment the last 15 9 or 20 minutes where Mr. Berger was given ample 10 opportunity to further demonstrate why he has the 11 opinions he has and failed to do so, A. And B, while we 12 have great sympathy for what obviously is a difficult 13 situation that he is in, I don' t think there ' s a citizen 14 that watched or listened to that exchange that believes 15 that Mr. Berger is fit to conduct public business, to 16 comprehend the serious business that we have and deal 17 with every day, Anyone that would conclude otherwise I 1s think would be wrong: 19 But having said that, I understand the 20 difficult position that Mr. Berger is in, that we all 21 are in, and therefore, that will be the extent of my 22 comments . 23 The motion is properly before the Board and NHC Board of Commissioners Page 1., before taking a vote, Madam Attorney, do you have any 2 clarification questions for us? 3 MS. COPLEY: (Inaudible) . 4 CHAIRMAN: Okay. Any further discussion? 5 Hearing none, all those in favor please signify by say 6 aye . 7 MS . DAWSON: Aye , 8 MR. WOLFE: Aye . 9 CHAIRMAN: Aye . Any opposed? 10 MR. BERGER: No. 11 CHAIRMAN: The motion carries three to one 12 with one absence. Is it necessary to make a ruling on 13 the excuse of Commissioner -- okay. 14 At this point is there any further agenda 15 items from the Manager, the Clerk, or the County 16 Attorney or any other Commissioners? 17 MR. BERGER: Mr. Chairman? 18 CHAIRMAN: Commissioner Berger. 19 MR. BERGER: I -- it would be irresponsible 20 of me not to point out that just within the past couple 21 days, particularly given comments you've made publically 22 as well as actions you 've taken at taxpayer expense 23 pointing to and accusing me of somehow posing a threat NHC Board of Commissioners Page 2 1 to anybody when I haven ' t been in a fight of any sort 2 since third grade going back three decades and you' re 3 accusing me of drooling and attempting to assassinate 4 the governor who I supported and frankly, I thought it 5 was a little inappropriate of you to put your hands on 6 me for simply asking the governor to -- well, welcoming 7 him,, to New Hanover County to have if you wouldn' t mind 8 is people take a look at a couple documents having to do 9 with an attempted murder that happened here at the New 10 Hanover Regional Medical Center and that somehow got i 11 lost in pulling of and I guess the Star News running a 12 piece of a draft of a document going back to 2011 , 13 That grossly misrepresents the message and the 14 request that I made of the governor to take a look at 15 the handling of that particular incident involving a -- 16 was really a domestic violence incident that escalated 17 to the point of attempted murder and -- 18 CHAIRMAN: will you yield to a question, 19 Commissioner Berger? 20 M . BERGER: Absolutely. 21 CHAIRMAN: Did you write in the manifesto 22 and infer that the Sheriff of New Hanover County faked 23 an investigation in the criminal misconduct? Yes or no. NHC Board of Commissioners Page 3 1 MR. BERGER: Well, I 'm not sure precisely 2 what document you' re -- 3 CHAIRMAN: The document that you authored 4 that you passed around in Washington and that you handed 5 to the governor. Did you say that? Did you -- did you 6 author that? And if that ' s the case, did you call the 7 SBI and suggest that the Sheriff did these things and 8 ask them to investigate him? 9 M :. BERGER: Well, I -- apparently there ' s i 10 five different versions at least going around of what I 11 did or didn' t give to the governor. But -- 12 CHAIRMAN: This is the one I saw you hand. 13 Is that your handwriting at the top page there? 14 MR. BERGER: Oh, I don' t dispute that . 15 CHAIRMAN: Okay. 16 MR. BERGER: My handwriting is very unique.. 17 CHAIRMAN: Did you comment in there, did 18 you author the phrase that -- I 'm not going to belabor 19 this point but I do want to ask you -- 20 MR. BERGER: And I don' t know that ambushing 21 me now is necessarily the most - - 22 CHAIRMAN: Well, this certainly is not an I 23 ambush, It ' s a public forum and I think it ' s NHC Board of Commissioners Page 3 i 1 appropriate for you and I and Commissioner Dawson and 2 Commissioner Wolfe to discuss this openly because you ' re 3 right, there has been a lot of opinions and things going 4 around in the press . And since you brought up the 5 governor ' s visit, I ' ll share with you what my firsthand 6 experience and my observations were of that exchange . 7 They were as follows . That you stepped up on 8 the stage, that you appeared disoriented to me . You 9 were shaking. You handed this document that I had 10 already seen to him. I was worried about his safety. i11 But you did not pose a physical threat to him. I 've 12 said that to the press and everyone else . 13 But knowing what I know about the troubles 14 you 've had when you stepped up there for those few 15 seconds , my heart skipped a beat and I was nervous .. 16 MR. BERGER: (Inaudible) . 17 CHAIRMAN: Things -- let me finish, hold 18 on a second. I 've let you go on and on and I ' ll give 19 you that opportunity again. Thankfully it was fine, you 20 were just handing him paper, the ceremony went on. And 21 a few minutes later I did not witness you knocking on 22 the window of the SW. I was in a building, I didn' t 23 see that . I heard about it and from his security NHC Board of Commissioners Page 32 1 detail that were in plain clothes . And I shared that 2 information with County staff because it worried me . I 3 shared it with members of the press who followed up and 4 in fact verified with the Highway Patrol that those 5 actions occurred. i 6 MR. BERGER: They 7 CHAIRMAN: I don' t think they thought that 8 any security risk was posed but that some threat of some I 9 sort and some odd behavior took place. No one has ever 10 used the word assassinate except you today. 11 Wit . BERGER: That ' s absolutely physically 112 impossible because A, I never saw nor do I have any idea 13 what kind of vehicle the governor was in. When that - - 14 CHAIRMAN: The Highway Patrol -- 15 MR. BERGER: When that supposedly happened, 16 I was wJx.,th the County Manager and Commissioner Barfield 17 -- 18 CHAIRMAN: Mr, Coudriet, was he - - did you 19 have a meeting with Commissioner Berger on the afternoon 20 that the governor was here? Yes or no. 21 MR. BERGER: And we were walking i 22 CHAIRMAN: Yes or no? 23 CSR. .COUDRIET: We did not have a meeting. No, NHC Board of Commissioners Page 3 1 sir.. 2 CHAIRMAN: So, either you ' re -- 3 MR. COURDRIET: I did see -- 4 CHAIRMAN: Either you're not telling the 5 truth or you' re not telling the truth. 6 MR. BERGER: Were we walking in a direction 7 that it ' s safe to say was towards the Coastline 8 Convention Center and the nice railroad engine there and 9 you and I during that walk made plans to have lunch? 10 Commissioner Barfield was with us and you asked if you i 11 could join us and certainly was all for that . 12 CHAIRMAN: That ' s a -- he ' s asked a 13 question. You can 14 MR. COURDRIET: May I -- 15 CHAIRMAN: -- certainly clarify. Yes, 16 please . 17 MR. COURDRIET: Thank you. No, and I was 18 responding to the specific question was there a meetings 19 No. I did engage in a conversation twice with 20 Commissioner Berger before the event and immediately 21 after the event where we did agree to schedule lunch for 22 12 o ' clock on Monday. That meeting did not take place . 23 But, no, I did not walk off -- t NHC Board of Commissioners Page 3 1 CHAIRMAN: Why didn' t it take place? 2 MR. COURDRIET: I can ' t speak to that 3 CHAIRMAN: Understand. 4 MR. COURDRIET: -- Commissioner Berger did not 5 appear, 6 CHAIRMAN: Okay. Well, that ' s enough for 7 right now. Let me say -- clarify a couple of other 8 things for Commissioner Berger and for members of the 9 public because this is important . I didn't witness that 10 but 15 or 20 minutes later is when the State Highway 11 Patrol detail said that these things occurred and I 12 would defer any truth or untruth if that ' s the case to 13 them. IOm not sure why or how they would know to 14 prevaricate on something that important . 15 But, again, having said that, I think it ' s 16 evident, Commissioner, that you -- you have a different 17 view of the world than most folks . And, therefore, this 18 Board believes and has instructed its staff to take 19 whatever steps necessary to consider a censure for the 20 purpose of considering your removal from this County 21 corporate entity. 22 We have spent almost 40 minutes tonight 23 discussing something that could have been devoted to NHC Board of Commissioners Page 3 1 discussing a whole range of other important issues 2 facing these citizens . And - - and we 've done it in a 3 respectful way but it has been short on facts and long 4 on unsubstantiated allegations from you. And at this 5 point hearing no further business -- 6 MR. BERGER: I think there ' s one other thing 7 that needs to be stated and that is the fact that a 8 number of students working on a project asked if you 9 would take a few minutes to assist them with their project and you referred them to me . 11 CHAIRMAN: Okay, let me address -- 12 MR. BERGER: Now, if I 'm -- if I 'm such a 13 danger and such a threat, why would you refer students? 14 CHAIRMAN: Let me address that . I 15 received an email from a student from a university that 16 wished to interview a member of the Commission. I think 17 the student emailed all five Commissioners . I hit reply 18 all that I was unavailable but any of the other 19 Commissioners possibly could meet with them and answer 20 questions . I did not say Commissioner Berger. I would 21 not do that . 22 I did say some of the other Commissioners 23 might be available . And when I hit reply all, I failed NHC Board of Commissioners Page 36 i 1 to see that your name was up there . I would have 2 deleted your name had I noticed. That answers that . 3 MR. BERGER: Actually you specifically 4 stated Mr . Berger and I ' ll be glad to produce that . So, 5 let ' s be honest here . 6 CHAIRMAN: Well, I don ' t recall doing that 7 but I ' ll.. be happy to look at that email . I can ' t 8 imagine that I would have done that . 9 But in any event, I think you've had a good 10 opportunity to explain yourself here today, 1 Commissioner, and we look forward to you continuing to 12 do so when we consider your censure and your removal 13 from this Board. 14 Is there any other business to come before the 15 citizens of this great county? Hearing none this 16 meeting is adjourned. 17 (END OF TRANSCRIPT) 18 19 20 21 22 23 I NHC Board of Commissioners