2013-06-13 Agenda Review NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING,JUNE 13,2013 PAGE 648 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review Meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2013, at 4:07 p.m. in the Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Govermment Center Drive, Wilmington,North Carolina. Members present: Chairman Woody White: Vice-Chair Beth Dawson: Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr. and Commissioner Thomas Wolfe. Staff present: County Manager Chris Coudriet: Deputy County Attorney Kemp Burpeau: and Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schult. STAFF UPDATE: Finance Director Lisa Wurtzbacher reported that the resolution that the Board adopted concerning refimding of general obligation bonds will need to be revised as public market rates have changed and are not as favorable as they were. A revised resolution will be brought to the Board for consideration at a fixture meeting. The goal remains of attaining savings in the amount of$5 million with the refimding. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS Chairman White called the Agenda Review to order and armounced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the Board's June 17, 2013, Regular Session meeting agenda. The Board reviewed the following items with discussion as noted: Consent Agenda Item 1—Approval of Minutes. Consent Agenda Item 2—Approval of Four Donations for Accession into the Museum's Permanent Collection. Consent Agenda Item 3—Approval of Twelve Items for Deaccession from the Museum's Permanent Collection. Consent Agenda Item 4 — Second Reading of Ordinance Addressing Alcohol Use in County Buildings. Deputy County Attorney Kemp Burpeau provided an overview of the request to approve the second reading of the ordinance amending New Hanover County Code Chapter 38, Article II-Offenses against Property by adding Section 38-33, Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in County Buildings Prohibited. Consent Agenda Item 5—Review and Approval of New Hanover County Board of Education Capital Outlay Fund Budget Amendment #8. Budget Director Cam Griffin provided an overview of New Hanover County Board of Education Capital Outlay Budget Amendment #8 transferring $44,018 from the completed Wrightsboro Elementary School Project to the Noble Middle School HVAC project. Board approval is necessary since the budget amendment changes the Qualified School Construction Bond plan which the Board approved. Consent Agenda Item 6—Adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendments. Budget Director Cam Griffin provided an overview of the following Budget Ordinance Amendments: 13-256—Finance—to budget increase in transfer to the schools 13-253 -Non-Departmental—to budget expenses for medical claims above anticipated amounts Regular Agenda Item 7 — Presentation of Service Awards to Retirees and Employees and Introduction of New Employees. Regular Agenda Item 8 — Consideration of Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget Ordinance for New Hanover County and the Fire Service District. Regular Agenda Item 9—New Hanover County Board of Social Services Annual Update. Regular Agenda Item 10—New Hanover County Board of Health Annual Update. Regular Agenda Item 11—Update on the Miracle Field. Regular Agenda Item 12— Consideration of a Resolution for Determination of Cost for Mason Inlet Relocation and Maintenance Special Assessment, and Establish a Public Hearing on Said Assessment for August 5, 2013. Finance Director Lisa Wurtzbacher provided an overview of the request on the proposed public hearing to be held on August 5, 2013 concerning the special assessment to property owners of Figure Eight Island and portions of northern Wrightsville Beach. Regular Agenda Item 13—Presentation on 320 Chestnut Street Renovation. Regular Agenda Item 14—Appointment of Voting Delegate to the National Association of Counties' 2013 Annual Conference. Chairman White reported that the Board is being requested to appoint a voting delegate and alternate voting delegate to the National Association of Counties' 78th Annual Conference. County Commissioners Barfield and Wolfe are scheduled to attend the conference. By consensus Commissioner Barfield NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING,JUNE 13,2013 PAGE 649 was appointed as voting delegate with Commissioner Wolfe being appointed as alternate with this item being moved to the Consent Agenda for Monday's meeting. Regular Agenda Item 15—Committee Appointments. ADJOURNMENT There being no fiarther business, Chairman White adjourned the Agenda Review meeting at 4:28 p.m. Respectfially submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the l ew Hanover Couno)Board of Comndssioners meeting.