2013-08-19 Regular Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 19,2013 PAGE 687 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, August 19, 2013, at 9:05 a.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC. Members present: Chairman Woody White: Vice-Chair Beth Dawson: and Commissioner Jonathan Barfield,Jr. Commissioner Thomas Wolfe was excused by the Board due to a family medical issue. Staff present: County Attorney Wanda M. Copley: County Manager Chris Coudriet: and Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schult. NON-SECTARIAN INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Tauheed Islamic Center Imam Abdul Rahman Shareef provided the invocation and Commissioner Barfield led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman White asked if anti- member of the Board would like to remove or discuss anti- item on the Consent Agenda. Hearing no comments, Chairman White requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion: Vice-Chair Dawson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield,to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 3 to 0. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes—Governing Body The Commissioners approved the minutes from the following meetings as presented by the Clerk to the Board: Special Meeting held on July 26, 2013 Agenda Review Meeting held on August 1,2013 Regular Meeting held on August 5,2013 Approval to Waive Landfill Tipping Fees for Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry — Environmental Management The Commissioners approved waiving the Landfill tipping fees for the Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministiv with a maximum of five tons per year: equating to $295 at the current tipping fee rate. This request must be renewed and approved annually, and is restricted to waste generated within New Hanover County. A copy of the application is available for review at the Environmental Management Department. Approval of Fire Dry Side Tanker Purchase—Fire Services The Commissioners approved the purchase of a 2014 Pierce KW DX Dry Side Tanker in the amount of $221,282 through the Houston Galveston Area Council Interlocal Purchasing Contract with fiords allocated from the FY 2013-2014 budget. The new tanker will be housed at the Highway 421 North Station: an aged pumper/tanker unit from the fleet will be decommissioned. Acceptance of 2012 FEMA Fire Prevention and Education Grant Funds and Adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendment 14-002—Fire Services The Commissioners accepted 2012 FEMA Fire Prevention and Education Grant Funds in the amount of $118,500 and adopted Budget Ordinance Amendment 14-002. The required match in the amount of$29,625 will be allocated from Fire Sei ices Fund Balance. The finds will be used to partner with agencies who seine the deaf and hard of hearing to install four hundred specialty smoke alarms. The grant also includes finding for compatible alarms that connect to the specialty devices of up to as many as 1,600 units. A copy of the budget ordinance amendment is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXVI,Page 14.1. Adoption of Resolution Approving the Donation of Miscellaneous Equipment to Bladen County Emergency Services—Fire Services The Commissioners, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 160A-280, adopted the resolution approving the donation of various pieces of equipment and supplies, with an estimated fair market value in the amount of$350,to Bladen Count-ti-Fire Sei ices. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXVI,Page 14.2. Acceptance of Eleven Items for Accession into the Cape Fear Museum's Permanent Collection—Museum The Commissioners accepted eleven items for accession into the Cape Fear Museum's Permanent Collection. A complete list of the items is available for review at the Cape Fear Museum. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 19,2013 PAGE 688 Adoption of Resolution to Dispose of Surplus Property—Finance Department The Commissioners,pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 160A-Article 12,adopted the resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus property. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXVI,Page 14.3. Adoption of Budget Ordinance Amendment—Budget Department The Commissioners adopted Budget Ordinance Amendment 14-009 - Community Justice Sei ices for fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. A copy of the budget ordinance amendment is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXVI,Page 14.4. REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS APPROVAL OF AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF 5500,000 TO THE TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH TO RENOVATE AND EXPAND THE BOARDWALK Carolina Beach Mayor Bob Leivis and Carolina Beach Mayor Pro Tem Steve Shuttleivorth presented the request for the Board's consideration to enter into a partnership to provide financial assistance to renovate and expand its current boardwalk. Carolina Beach is requesting an economic development grant in the amount of $500,000 where the principal would be repaid through additional tax revenues from new property taxes, sales taxes, and room occupancy taxes generated through the additional investment. The Town has also suggested repayment to the County through traditional methods if the anticipated tax revenues are not generated at the end of the 59-month term. In response to Board questions, Mayor Pro Tem Shuttleivorth reported that the total cost of project is approximately $1.55 million: the Town has received one grant in the amount of$250,000 from the Department of Water Resources and one in the amount of $603,000 from LAMA. There is a required match for the Water Resources grant in the amount of$250,000, which will be allocated from Room Occupancy Tax fiords leaving the balance in that account slightly over$150,000. Vice-Chair Dawson voiced her support of the partnership with Carolina Beach for a grant to renovate and expand the boardwalk as a ivin-win situation highlighting the Town's vision and commitment through infrastructure improvements, economic development efforts and the recruitment and retention of businesses. She requested the Board be kept apprised of the project progress. Commissioner Barfield voiced his support of the request based on the return on investment that will be realized. In response to Board questions, Mayor Lewis reported that the project is anticipated to begin in September with a six to eight month build. Chairman White stated that although he would prefer the fimding come from Room Occupancy Tax dollars,he will support the request based on wanting to partner with the Town of Carolina Beach for an amenity that can be used by all Count-v citizens. Hearing no firrther comments, Chairman White requested direction from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chair Dawson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield, to grant$500,000 to the Town of Carolina Beach for the expansion and renovation of the boardwalk project by appropriation of fiord balance and the transfer of fiords to the Town of Carolina Beach. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 3 TO 0. PUBLIC HEARING TO SOLICIT CITIZEN COMMENTS CONCERNING AN AMENDMENT TO THE 2010 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ECONOMIC RECOVERY PROGRAM AND APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT Community Development Plarmer Wanda Coston reported that in accordance with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program regulations, a public hearing must be held to solicit citizen comments concerning a budget and program amendment to the 2010 Economic Recovery Program for New Hanover County. Economic Recovery program fiords must be used to address the most critical housing needs of very low-income households residing in the unincorporated county. The amendment proposes to reallocate fiords from reconstruction assistance to relocation assistance, as reconstructing a house on the existing parcel is no longer an option due to a conflict in ownership. As a result, the beneficiary will have to be permanently relocated to a different parcel. Relocation assistance will involve the construction of a house on the newly identified parcel. Chairman White opened the Public Hearing to receive comments. He noted that no one had signed up to speak on this item, closing the Public Hearing and requesting direction from the Board. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 19,2013 PAGE 689 Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chair Dawson, to approve the amendment to the 2010 Community Development Block Grant Economic Recovery program for New Hanover County as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 3 TO 0. A copy of the grant application amendment is available for review in the Planning Department. ADOPTION OF BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 14-007 ACCEPTING DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS MERGER SETTLEMENT FUNDS FOR DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS LOW-INCOME RETAIL ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS Department of Social Sei ices Assistant Director Wanda Marino presented the request for the Board's consideration to adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 14-007 accepting Duke Energy Progress merger settlement fiords in the amount of$487,227. The disbursement is part of an order issued by the NC Utilities Commission on June 29, 2013, to the Department of Social SeivIces to provide assistance to Duke Energy Progress' low-income customers. The piimaiv use of the fiords is limited to delinquent bills, deposits and hookups. No more than 7% ($34,105)may be used for administrative costs necessary to disburse the fiords. No County match is required. After brief discussion,hearing no firther comments, Chairman White requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chair Dawson, to adopt Budget Ordinance Amendment 14-007 accepting Duke Energy Progress merger settlement fiords in the amount of $487,227 to the Department of Social Sei ices to provide assistance to Duke Energy Progress' low-income customers as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 3 TO 0. A copy of the budget ordinance amendment is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXVI,Page 14.5. NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD ANNUAL UPDATE New Hanover County Plarming Board Chairman Richard Collier reported that one of the roles of the Plarming Board is to hear zoning requests and text amendments proposals and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners for approval or denial. He provided an overview of the zoning requests and text amendments that have been deliberated over the past year. On behalf of the Board, Chairman White thanked Mr. Collier for the update. NEW HANOVER COUNTY JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL ANNUAL UPDATE New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Chairman Tommy Taylor presented the armual update highlighting that key fimding priorities for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 continue to be Psychological Sei ices, Community Sei ice and Restitution,Home-Based Family Counseling and Teen Court. On behalf of the Board, Chairman White thanked Mr. Taylor for the update. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM 2012-2013 FINAL REPORT PRESENTATION Planning Manager Shawn Ralston presented an overview of the New Hanover County Water Quality Monitoring Program Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Amoral Report highlighting the following information: • New Hanover Comit-v surface waters include: • Groundwater • Cape Fear River • Tidal Creeks • Intracoastal Waterwav • Atlantic Ocean • New Hanover County water quality monitoring: • 1993: Continued closures of shellfish waters • Impacts to County economy,fixture growth,fishing,recreational activities,tourism • Monthly water quality monitoring program • Address public health concerns: • Measure overall health of watersheds and respond to downward trends through policy, direct control efforts and determine whether controls are working. • Policy 1.1 -Make every effort to prevent firther deterioration of estuarine water quality and loss of public trust uses in the creeks and sounds and improve water quality in all surface water bodies so that each water body meets its use designation as determined by the Divisions of Water Quality, Marine Fisheries,Health,and Environmental Protection agency. • Policy 1.2 -Maintain water quality levels in all surface water bodies once their use designation has been achieved. • Policy 1.5 -Provide firrther protection and improvement of water quality through revisions to City and County ordinances that specify standards for water quality, buffers, setbacks, density, impei ious surface, and overlay corridors. Such standards should consider estuarine, lake, river and stream water quality: and should build upon existing information, including the Cape Fear Basinwide Plan,and ordinances. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 19,2013 PAGE 690 • Policy 1.6 - Employ stormivater BMP retrofits to mitigate eater quality impacts resulting from existing development. • New Hanover County Water Quality Task Force: • Data Clearinghouse • Issues/Action Items • Representatives: • NHC Plamring/Environmental Healtlr/Engineering • City Plaiming/Stormivater • NCDENR Surface Water Protection/Shellfish Sanitation/Recreational Water Quality/NPDES • CFPUA • UNCW Lower Cape Fear River Program/Center for Marine Science • Town of Wrightsville Beach • New Hanover County Water Quality Policy Initiatives: • No Discharge Zone • Low Impact Development • Exceptional Design Zoning District • Septic systems • Continued coordination with CFPUA • Water quality improvement projects(BMPs) • Comprehensive plan Coastal Planning and Engineer Brad Rosov continued reporting that nineteen monitoring stations within seven creeks were monitored on a monthly basis for physical, chemical, and biological parameters of water quality with the results highlighted below: • Turbidity and chlorophyll-a were rated``good"within all watersheds throughout the study period. • Dissolved oxygen was deemed ``good" in all creeks with the exception of Pages Creek and Prince Georges Creek where their levels, on average,were considered to be``poor." • Levels of enterococci were deemed problematic within a number of watersheds. Five of the watersheds were rated as``poor" including Barnards Creek,Motts Creek, Pages Creek,Prince Georges Creek,and Smith Creek. Futch Creek and Lords Creek were deemed``good" and"fait"respectively. • Fecal coliform, another indicator of bacterial contamination,was assessed monthly within Pages Creek and Futch Creek. These creeks generally exceeded the State shellfish standard for fecal coliform bacteria resulting in``poor ratings.'' • Long-term trends reveal that water quality generally decreases during the warmer months when the water temperatures increase and during the cooler months, when the water temperature drops, these parameters improve. • Source Tracking Study: • Four sites with chronically high Enterococci bacterial levels were assessed • Six rain events were assessed yielding 88% of the samples with strongly positive results for at least rivo of the three human fecal contamination markers indicating that there is a strong likelihood for the presence of human fecal contamination. • Conclusions: • During the 2012-2013 sampling season, turbidity and Chlorophyll-A levels were deemed to be good in all creeks,while bacteria and dissolved oxygen levels varied between creeks. • Human-borne fecal contamination has been identified within several creeks. Additional testing to help direct potential remediation measures are recommended. After a brief question and answer period, Chairman White, on behalf of the Board, thanked Ms. Ralston and Mr.Rosov for the update. A complete copy of the Water Quality Monitoring Report for FY 2012-2013 is available for review in the Plaiming Department and on the Planning Department's webpage. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR THE TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM-DIRECT ATTRIBUTABLE Planning Manager Shawn Ralston presented the request for the Board's consideration to adopt the resolution authorizing staff to submit an application to the Wilmington Metropolitan Plaiming Organization for grant fiords in the amount of$90,000 to ftrrther extend the Middle Sound Greemvay to a residential development slated to be constructed along Middle Sound Loop Road. Extension of this geemvay is included in the recently adopted Wilmington/New Hanover County Comprehensive Greemvay Plan. The new development, Middle Sound Village, has pledged $15,000 towards the construction of bicycle/pedestrian facilities from their development to Ogden Elementary: their private contribution will be used towards a 20% cash match required. The remaining $7,500 required for the match will be provided through the County's Recreation/Open Space Payment In-Lieu Account. This will leave$95,033.76 in the Recreation/Open Space account. The total project is estimated to cost$112,500. Hearing no ftrrther comments, Chairman White requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chair Dawson,to adopt the resolution authorizing staff to submit an application to the Wilmington Metropolitan Plaiming Organization for grant finds in the amount NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 32 REGULAR MEETING,AUGUST 19,2013 PAGE 691 of $90,000 to extend the Middle Sound Greemvay to a residential development slated to be constructed along Middle Sound Loop Road with the required match in the amount of $7,500 provided through the County's Recreation/Open Space Payment In-Lieu Account as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 3 TO 0. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXXVI,Page 14.6. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Appointments to Library Advisory Board Chairman White reported that vacancies exist on the Library Advisory Board with three applicants eligible for reappointment and additional applications available for consideration and requested nominations from the Board. Vice-Chair Dawson nominated Elizabeth Stanfield and Virginia Teachey for reappointment and Harriet Smith and Bradford L. Walker for appointment to seine three-year terms and nominated Denise Chadurjian to seine the unexpired term. Commissioner Barfield offered a substitute motion nominating Nancy Ballard Cox,Elizabeth Stanfield and Virginia Teachey for reappointment and nominated Harriet Smith and Bradford L. Walker for appointment. Hearing no second to the substitute motion, Chairman White seconded the original motion. Vote Results: The Board voted 2 TO 1 to reappoint Elizabeth Stanfield and Virginia Teachey and appoint Harriet Smith and Bradford L. Walker to seine three-year terms on the Library Advisory Board with the terms to expire on August 31, 2016 and appoint Denise Chadurjian to seine an unexpired term on the Library Advisory Board with the term to expire on August 31,2015. Commissioner Barfield voted in opposition. Appointments to the Risk Management Advisory Committee Chairman White reported that Avo vacancies exist on the Risk Management Advisory Committee with Avo applications available for consideration and requested direction from the Board. Commissioner Barfield nominated Emily S. Goodman for appointment and Ronald H. Woodruff for reappointment. The nominations were seconded by Vice-Chair Dawson. Vote Results: The Board voted 3 TO 0 to appoint Emily S. Goodman and reappoint Ronald H. Woodruff to seine three-year terms on the Risk Management Ads-ismy Committee with the terms to expire on September 1,2016. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman White announced no one had signed up to make comments on non-agenda items. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no firrther business, Chairman White adjourned the meeting at 10:25 a.m. Respectfirlly submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board Please mote that the above minutes are riot a verbatim record of the l ew Hanover Couno)Board of Commissioners meeting. The entire proceedings are available for review and check-out at all Aei-Hanover Coulio)Libraries and on innr.nhcgov.com H('Live or innr.nhcgov.com )gges.B0('%aspy