HCCBG FY14 additional allocation Sept 13Crime Tarr C, f %W.! t of Govm -jwwn s IMPORTANT INFORMATION: SFY 2013 /2014 ADDITONAL STATE74ICCBG ALLOCATIONS TO: Region O Lead Agency Directors Jim Fish, BSRI Amanda Jernigan, Columbus County Dept. of Aging Ben Brow, New Hanover County Senior Resource Center Wes Davis, Pender Adult Services, Inc. FROM: .lane Jones, Region O AAA Director J,S f DATE: September 17, 2013 RE: SFY 2013/2014 HCCBG Additional Allocations HCCBG_ Additional Fundine Allocations I am happy to report that the Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) has advised the Area Agencies on Aging of a modest increase in state HCCBG finding for SFY 2013 -2014. As I shared in an earlier email, this restored state HCCBG funding of $500,000 statewide is occurring because the General Assembly's final budget state did not include diversion of state monies to support Project CARE. You may convene your HCCBG Committees for recommendations on distribution of funds or simply inform the Committee of the amount of increase and service(s) selected. Funding is being distributed based on established county percentages and requires 10% local match. The allocations are as follows: COUNTY ALLOCATION REQUIRED COUNTY MATCH TOTAL Brunswick $8,244 $ 916 $ 9,160 Columbus $4,999 $ 555 $ 5,554 New Hanover Pender $9,551 $4,096 $1,061 $ 455 $10,612 $ 4,551 TOTALS $26,890 $2,987 $29,877 Please complete DOA 732R & 732A HCCBG County forms to reflect the service areas where you wish to allocate your additional funding and forward to Ginny Brinson on or before Oct. 15t ". Please remember this requires additional matching funds, and signatures from County Finance Officer and Chair of Commissioners are required. Please contact either Ginny or myself if you have questions. Thanks!!! CC: Ginny Brinson, AAA/COG Chris May, COG Director AJ McClure, COG Finance Officer County Managers COG Board Co Commissioner Reps Serving Brunswick. Columbus Nei ✓ I bnover c,,?d Pender Counties 1480 Harbour Drive • Wilmington, NC 28401 • (910) 395 -4553 • (800) 218 -6575 � Fax: (910) 395 -268 : - -- w sr"n Capefea Lucg.Ceg A,^ Faud O� ,aorkA:y1A,I,r.T cA d, Ac,ic-- JADA'employer/Poom," vs _ •a � � r A A •� H vi CD yr o 'o e" � V x M a as N n rnm h y ca C7 00 C� W; b r 06 .'`.:: Zi rMi 00 R m 00 co Oa h •M-e ;C N1 � wa c�j Ua Qa V 'O �G C U U Q ON 4 M` cc O9 O 04 O O O O O O O � V} cd kn 00 �p w IXY d U vy A yr Z b 1010, a o 0 o a o o m b * O k® M 0% O ti O M o o� m m n �s cr U ® m p p ® O O ® O ® ® O ® cn U a" $ a N di N � M a. In I ® O v as o o x b V Q o a oC-4 `v e 0 V N r°n � v a cq cl I�r 00 00 m 00 x M cn A d Z d _ - V Ix � _ x U a w c Q Cd o a �? 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Yes X No Federal/State Home & Community Care Block Grant Funding: Total $9,551 Additional Allocation FY 2013/2014 What amount of monies should the identified services receive? Service Provider Allocation Difference Allocation Recommended Additional Transportation: General Medical SRC SRC 28,000 47,509 < $ 10,360 < $ 3,099 $7,435 Home Delivered Meals SRC 293,981 < $ 2,116 2,116 Congregate SRC 82,248 < $ 4,225 Case Assistance/I &R SRC 180,629 < $7,576 Senior Center Operations SRC 34,275 > $ 1,615 In Home Aide Services SRC (Interim) 208,166 < $ 9,837 Adult Day Care/Health SRC (Elderhaus, Inc.) 101,320 < $ 5,356 HCCBG Total $ &1,017,082 $976,128 S9,551 Due to delays in DOT funding of r that w be used for Medical r po "r "r significant r r r r this or, allocation Ir . ir at a very critical time for r p w a r r r recommending applying , portion 1 Medical Transportation and the lesser amount r restore Home to its previous of 1'I clients (from reduction to 290). Brenda "Ben" Brow, SRC Manager ATTENDEES: Elizabeth Grace Jane Jones Frannie Shively THE HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE BLOCK GRANT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING September 24, 2013 EXCUSED: Kathy Mullen Teresa Hewett Susan Sprenger GUESTS: Ben Brow Gwen Stahl Chris Dodson Yvette Gosline Ginny Brinson Telephone/Email Proxy: Kathy Rawlings Lillie Shrewsberry The Advisory Committee meeting was called to order by Elizabeth `Betty" Grace at 9:20 AM. Committee members and guests introduced themselves. Ben Brow reported that contact had been made with Rawlings and Shrewsberry and they gave a verbal approval from information presented and will submit their votes via email once they review minutes. Ben presented allocation recommendations as noted on proposal (enclosed). Discussion: Chris Dodson, Transportation Coordinator addressed questions regarding current transportation costs. WAVE Para- transit cannot offer "charter" service (direct travel from point A to point B), thus clients may travel in excess of 25 -30 miles and be on the Para -transit van for up to two (2) hours each way. Many clients are transported via Taxi (van) service as it is less costly and the ride is more direct and reduces ride time, especially for dialysis clients. DOT grants have been delayed due to the political environment, and funding is needed to meet expenses until grants are processed. Yvette Gosline, MSW Social Work Supervisor, addressed questions regarding the Home Delivered Meals Program. Betty Grace inquired about number of clients on waiting list for HDM. Yvette explained that there are 130 clients on the waiting list, but due to attrition, this number is fluid and no one has been on the list for an extended time. Ginny Brinson inquired about the Frozen Meal Program for waiting list clients. Yvette explained that the frozen meals temporary service to waiting list clients is currently capped at S clients until they can be moved to the home delivered meal weekday service and can be replaced by another waiting list client. Frannie Shively commended Chris on his concern for the clients and budgetary awareness. Betty Grace requested a motion to accept the proposal as presented, Frannie Shively so moved, seconded by Jane Jones, Approved by all voting members in attendance. No negative votes. No fiuther questions or comments. Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 AM. Respectfully submitted by B. Brow, Manager SRC