Senior Center General Purpose Funding FY14TO: Region O Lead Agency Directors Jim Fish, BSRI Amanda Jernigan, Columbus County DOA Ben Brow, New Hanover County Senior Resource Center Wes Davis, Pender Adult Services, Inc. FROM: Jane Jones, Region O AAA Director 4J V DATE: October 4, 2013 RE: Senior Center General Purpose Funding Allocation & Proposal The NC Division of Aging and Adult Services recently notified the AAA and Senior Centers of the allocations for Senior Center General Purpose Funding. The funding amounts are based on the number of Centers of Excellence, Centers of Merit, and Uncertified Centers. I have attached the Administrative Letter 13 -18, including the list of Certified and Uncertified Centers. Please note that the Administrative Letter requires that "projected June expenditures must be reported with May services reported in June ". For SFY I3 /14 the amounts for Region O Centers are as follows: Each Noncertified Center listed as follows will receive $3,893 with a required match of $1,298 for a total of $5,191: Brunswick County: Leland, Shallotte, & Southport Columbus County: Whiteville, Bolton, Bug Hill, Chadbourn, East Columbus, Fair Muff, and Tabor City. Each Certified Center of Excellence listed as follows will receive $11,680 with a required match of $3,893 for a total of $15,573: New Hanover County Senior Resource Center Pender County: Heritage Place and Topsail Center Please complete the enclosed proposal(s) and return to the AAA by Friday, November 1, 2013. No money will be appropriated in ARMS until your Proposal Packet is received and approved. Please call if you have questions. Attachments (2) DOA Administrative Letter 13 -18 Senior Center General Purpose Funding Proposal CC: Ginny Brinson County Managers (Letter only) Serving Btunswfck. Columbus, New Nonover and Pender Counties 1480 Harbour Drive . Wilmington. IBC 28401 • (910) 395 -4553 ® (800) 218 -6575 Fax: (910) 395 -2684 www.copefeareog.org A- Fqucrl C7pmluni:yIA fIrR1cfve AcSc ^IA A GmpIoyPr /PWr:x- 1 1 ■ ■ M ■ 1 �' ■ AR ■ IMM ■ a 1■ FEAR AREA / AGENCY O AGING 1480 0 b o Drive Wilmington, , NEW HANOVER COUNTY SENIOR RESOURCE CENTER 2222 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28403 The Cape Fear Area Agency reserves the right to request additional information, references, to accept or reject any or all proposals to waive technicalities, to accept proposals in whole or in part, and to award a contract(s) which, in the opinion of the grantee, best serves the older adults. Introduction and Instructions 2 • 1 • i • • _ .;• - • - • - . -a *A • RINVeRIKINS.U."o i - - •= •• I - 1 Your center is eligible to receive: Local FY 13-14 Senior Center General Purpose Funding $111684; , Certification TOTAL $15,57ri. pages as needed). of _ of • (3) A budget for senior center general purpose activities. IL w a • • Project Name: New Hanover County Senior Resource Center Name of Project I Director: Allfll- R�C,6-,e Telephone Numb- Woo FAX: 7qg— 747 7 L f • • • IL • '6• - •0 • ' •- 'DI Location of Project: C —J Private-Non-Profit r • .w M yf •� s ' A (hereinafter referred to as ` °Subgrantee ") HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with all Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88 -352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1681 -1683, and 1685- 1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; and (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps. .A LiI D / .1 1211 Signature and Title of Authorized Official Date [e.g., Director, Board Chairman] It is understood that the following required 25 percent non - federal match will be used to match Senior Center General Purpose funds in FY 13 -14 and will not be used to match any other federal or state funds during the contract period. Total FY 13 -14 $5,425 minus $4,069- Projected Budget$ $1,356 [local match] (up to the amount of thfi grant) am Title: Date: i o 1 -,P- i E 3. Area served by Senior Center: 7/A.16i STATE APPROPRIATIOINS FOR SENIOR CENTER BUDGET INFORMATION STATE FISCAL YEAR 2013 -14 Organization Name: Senior Center Name: New Hanover County Senior Resource Center Address: Period Coveredjo4I 1, Zo13 - J'"ne39�, a 13 )6ate Prepared: f !n OBJECTS OF EXPENDITURE Salary and Fringe Benefits Supplies /Other Operating Costs Equipment Capital Outlay (Real Estate, Construction, Renovation) Other AMOUNT $ 111 Ca$D -#' TOTAL BUDGET (Including local match)$ �% 3 (Up to grant amount, only) Each organization that receives, uses or expends any state funds shall use or expend the funds only for the purposes for which they were appropriated by the General Assembly or collected by the State. State funds include federal funds that flow through the state. if the contractor is a governmental entity, such entity is subject to the provisions of the requirements of OMB Circular A -133 and the NC Single Audit Implementations Act of 1987. If the Contractor is a non- governmental entity, such entity is subject to the provisions of G.S. 143 -6.2. Additionally, any non - governmental entity except a for - profit corporation is subject to the provisions of OMB Circular A -133. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: TITLE: A55 r 4 Coin DATE: Id '.7-t 1 13