1974-02-04 RM Exhibits2/ new ~anover ~unzane c~ociet~, ~nc.'I a~l~~ ~i~inin~ton, n. Box 1822 January 22, 1974 N. H. County Commissioners Mr. W. Douglas Powell, Chairman 14 North Third Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Lady and Gentlemen: As secretary of the New Hanover Humane Society, Inc. , I have been asked by our President, Mrs. James Evans, to write and formally withdraw our petition and appeal for rezoning the area referred to as Seagate on Olean- der Drive. We would like to take this opportunity and thank you for your consideration and help in this matter. There still remains a dire need of a shelter in the area. and we are surging ahead and investigating our possibilities on the land on 23rd Street. Your recommendation to look into this land further was an aide and we hopefully will be able to get some estimates and plans for our shelter. Once again, let me thank you for your consideration. If our Society can be of any use to you , please do not hestitate to tail us. Sincerely, ,~~ l t~~, /~v~~. ~/~l~l~. ~,~ ~ ~ z Ruth Anne Maness Secretary RESOLUTION CONCERNING AGREEMENT TO ~~ ,~ ~F, ~~ UP?DERTAKE DEVELOPMENT OF A SECTION 201 FACILITIES PLAN ~A WHEREAS, it is desired by the County of New Hanover to insure the provision of wastewater treatment services and facilities in a most effective manner; and WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover recognizes the benefits which can accrue from the cooperative planning of such services and facilities; and WHEREAS, for purposes of federal grant-in-aid assistance such planning is a prerequisite: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: (1) The County of New Hanover does hereby agree to cooperate and participate with the Town of Wrightsville Beach and the City of Wilmington in the preparation of a "Section 201 Facilities Plan" as required by Public Law 92-500 and in conformity with Federal Regulations governing facility planning. (2) The County of New Hanover agrees to the designation of the County of New Hanover to serve as "Lead Agency" for making a grant application and for preparing the facility plan for the area, provided that such designation is not meant to presume or otherwise imply any particular role of the Lead Agency concerning the provision of sewer services or facilities since such determinations are to be agreed upon among the jurisdictions as a part of developing the plan; and provided that the required Plan of Study for the planning area, which is acceptable to all three units, be prepared indicating that the Town of Wrightsville Beach and the City of Wilmington be included in a review process at predetermined staged intervals prior to plan completion in order to assure full coordination between all three units; Cape Fear Council of Governments staff shall be afforded the same review opportunities as the City of Wilmington and the Town of Wrightsville Beach. (3) The County of New Hanover agrees to pay its pro-rata share of the cost of preparing such a plan based on the share of its population residing outside the boundaries of any in- corporated municipality within the 201 Facilities Planning Area as defined by the North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources. (4) The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County is hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this Resolu- tion. This the 4th day of February, 1974. _...._.. ~... airman er o e oar ~. ;~ ,, ommissioner ommissio er ommissio e ~_-_ ommissio e d~ ~~ a ~~~9~= . •~~..~• C' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION OF SOCIAL SERVICES JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR. 325 N. SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH 27611 GOVERNOR DAVID T. FLAHERTY SECRETARY January 28, 1974 Mr. Dan W. E11er County Manager New Hanover County 14 N. 3rd Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Mr. Eller: RENEEWESTCOT" DIRECTOR IN REPLY REFER TO CODE MM Reference your letter of January 23, 1974, The change in classification from County Director of Social Services III to IV will have no local fiscal effect since the Directors salary is now within the standard 'range for County Director IV. There is no required adjustment in staffing levels other salaries or other items. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. Sincerely C. Riley Manpower Manager ECR:lp cc: Regional Manager Subject: Request for New Iianover County Leash Ordinance I12r. Chairman, P![embers of the Board of Commi:.7sioners: The bothersome problem of uncontrolled dogs has become a menace to the safety and general well-being of the citizens throughout New Hanover County. The dog population has increased concomitantly with that of the people. The time has come for county govern- ment to enact a stringent ordinance for control of the canine population. We believe a law which recognizes the rights of aJ_1 citizens can be written to deal with the situation. Vie are fully aware that, there are a significant number of responsible pet owners who make every effort to provide proper facilities and care for their animals. These repre- sent no nuisance in our communities. Our concern is in no way directed toward these individuals. The following list will serve to demonstrate problems attendant to unsupervised dogs. 1. The animals are endangered on our streets and roads. Hundreds are killed and maimed in New Hanover County every year. The high- way patrol picks up and disposes of dog bodies in the county-no record is kept. 2. They chase cars, bicycles, and pedestrians This results in traffic hazards, dog bites, damaged clothing and fear on the part of many people. S,ast year 249 people in New Hanover County required medical treatment for dog bites. The dogs of course are deliberately struck by cars, shot at with pellet guns, have rocks thrown at them or are sprayed with ammonia, etc. 3. They increase litter and cause potential sanitation problems by overturning garbage cans. -2- 4. Shrubs and plants are often broken or de- stroyed by one means or another. Hundreds and thousands of dollars are invested in lawns and ornamental plantings. 1Vlany property owners sustain damage and cannot fully enjoy the use of their yards. 5. Their droppings are a health hazard in our residential areas and on school grounds and certainly represent an unpleasant situa- tion. 6. All of our elementary schools have a problem or a potential problem with dogs. Numerous problems concerning the welfare of children and the efficient and safe operation of our schools arise as a direct result of unattended dogs. The absence of bike trails and side- walks combined with the confusion of children and errant dogs derives more danger of pedestrian and traffic accidents. The conditions at fine Valley School, where one road serves as ingress and egress, are acutely dangerous. Robert E. Lee Drive has blind curves and does not have the six-foot shoulder required by the state (between Early Drive and the entrance to the Pine Valley Elementary School). Shoulders of this street are badly eroded at this time. Dogs from nearby residences frequent the elementary school {rounds. School is disrupted in various ways. It is necessary to tie up large dogs and have their owners come for them. 7. Daylight Savings Time is scheduled to continue until October, 1975• Our school children wait in morning darkness for their buses. Some dogs are out day and night. Therefore, the bus drivers have to watch for dogs, motor traffic, -3- pedestrians , and bicylists when transporting children to and from school. 8. Often dogs in season are "out" and attract other dogs. UnVranted pregnancies and injuries can and do occur to dogs in such instances. Vie respectfully request that the board enact a dog leash ordinance immediately. In light of the many nuisances and adverse effects described, v~re feel that a leash law will help make our communities cleaner, safer and more pleasant places in which to live. Yee recommend that every dog, male and female, over six-months-old, be tagged; to finance establishment and enforcement of the ordinance. New Hanover Citizens for a Leash Law February 4, 1974 i v <,' RHSOLUTION AUTHORI~InT~' THE TA~> ADMINI~Ti'~T~JR uF NEUd HANOVER COUT~TY TO ISSUE AND DIRCCT El CUTIGN:~ TO THE SHERIFF OF TvrEbd HAIvCfJER COUNTY UND>JR THE PR(N ISIONS OF G. ~. 105-?67(b) [~,'HEREAS under the provisions of North Carolin~l General Statutes 105-367(b) it is required that the Tax Administrator of T•deva Hanover County be specifically authorized and directed by the Hoard of Commissioners of New Hanover County to issue and direct executions to the Sheriff of New Hanover County for the levy upon and sale under execution of personal property for the collection of delinquent personal property taxes thereon payable to the County of New Hanover, NOW, THEREFORE, Hr~ IT R ;SOLVED by the Hoard of Commissioners of Ne~~~ Hanover County that the Tax Administrator of P1ew Hanover County be authorized and directed pursuant to the provisions of North Carolina General Statutes 105-367(b) to issue and direct executions to the Sheriff of New Hanover County for the levy upon and sale under execution of personal property for the collect- ion of delinouent personal property taxes thereon. Done this the 4th day of February , 1974, in 'd~dilmingtor~, New Hanover County, North Carolina. kTTEST: ~~ GcJ . - s/. o as Powell, Chairman ~ ~~ . ~~ ~ CZ .> Lise I{. I~~inS, Clem L January 30, 1974 MEMORANDUM T0: Mr. Dan Eller, County Manager New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FROM : Larry J . Powell-~ :~ Tax Administrator` SUBJ: Abatements 8 Refunds Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayer reported incorrect information: 1. J. E. Holton, Jr. $ 11.46 2. Frederick C. Burton 34.49 3. Mary N. Kelly 40.26 4. Paul P. Clemmons 2.20 Request the following taxes be abated as these are clerical errors. 1. Isaac Shain $ 15.82 2. Leroy Peoples 39.86 (Refund) 3. Fannie W. Benson 7.54 4. Juanita's Beauty Shop 20.52 (1970) 5. Walgreen Company 1442.15 Request the following taxes be released as these individuals do not reside within the city or town limits, or the p~;rsonal property is located in the County. 1. Robert E. Keene 2. Reliable Realty Inc. 3. John Jordan 4. Patti Williams 5. Roger Strine 6. Douglas M. Manning 7. Mildred C. Smith 8. Charles A. Pope 9. Robert W. Dobo 10. Clarice A. Murray 11. Kenneth N. Nunalee 12. Patricia F. Pate 13. Susan P. Soutwell 14. Mary D. Lassiter 15. Kathleen M. Reinhart 16. Dorothy Hucks 17. Ron J. Jenkins $ 91.87 (1972 & 71 Refund) 60.43 10.17 6.78 63.66 20.82 21.75 17.81 27.78 17.80 59.44 12.12 22.04 46.62 36.36 95.74 21.12 (Refund) 2 18. James P. Pittman $ 73.64 CRefund 19.20) 19. Cecil B. Harrison 31.36 20. Gene C. Riddle 34.18 21. G. B. Muse 20.07 The below listed taxpayers contend they listed their property during regular listing period and further request the 100 listing penalty be removed. ~1. T. H. Wright, Jr. $ 9.59 2. Center Fishing Pier Corp. 67.87 3. E. C. Brewer 32 • l2 Request the following taxes be abated as they have been double listed: 1. Paulette Brown, Jr. 2. Donald R. Davis 3. Field Griffin 4. Julia D. Rhodes 5. Douglas W. Jackson, Jr. 6. Leland R. Pearson 7. H. W. Browning 8. Hrs. Joe Doon 9. Henry W. Grady 10,1 R. F. Lee 11. James G. Merritt 12. Henry L. Beatty 13. John R. Floyd 14. Johnnie B. Wallace 15. David E. Carter 16. Highwood Co. 17. W. R. Page $ 40.02 12.63 12.96 92.28 (1949-1973) 12.27 37.13 3.59 (1969 ) 15.27 (1967) 4.64 (1967) 47.45 (1968) 244.58 (1969) 38.24 9.73 16.34 21.69 38.95 (.1966-1973) 36.56 Request this item be placed on the agenda of the County Commissioners' meeting of February 4, 1974. Copy: Mrs. King LJP/pjr .~a' . .. -~ ..~ Y ~ u~. vpn,., .; ^~zc mm^, acs -- ~ .~, - ~~.<:~ ..,v.:~ W.3°,~. y±--:.;.,.,„,..,- ~. xN THE UfidZiET3 STAVES D~I5`1`P2YCT C03JRT FUfi Z'I-IE MIDY~I.:E3 ir~.5"1'RICT t7I' P3©~tsk~ C11RC}LINA NQ. C~lSd~t~w7~. - - fi x ., - -. C~NSERVATTOH COUNCIL 'f3F " f. }, _ ~ - , ti ~ ` ' ' , I~tORTH CARC?LINA, e t al . , ' " . - , ~ , _ - ' - - - - ... ,` _ • ~ !'•_ . ,,,- ~ ,,4 {, • _... ~.~ . P sin i , . ` l ~~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ : :. 1, -~ ,-. - ,. . - - - ''~~v. ) corasErr~ - JGDCP~fE~~T - . ,. _ . - . -ROBERT F. FRQEHLKE, etc.. ~ ) - - ,.. ' - ..- _ , _- r ~ . THIS` CAUSE ~ Gaming. on -to ~be considered ar~d being • ' ~ .: ~ _ _ -•,;:-.- ~ s.tonsidered, by the undersigned United States District .fudge; ' ,~, -. - .. - .t ~ ~ , ~ . ` }'J ''and- . it _ ' j ` "'- ~ appearing to the Court that, th© grties have- a '~ p greed a- ' . i;, ~~ _ ; ` 4 __ to' settle ~ al,l matters and .,thin s in controverg ~at-- the resent ~ ~ -. - - , - '-'~~~ - ~ ~ -t~tnc-' in tfi,i$ action., and ~ that the. fo~23_owing judgment is 'author ,, 'y ' `_ ~ ' ,,~ .,iced to be e~itered ~ b cons®nt of the y partie,~ y -it is now;.; therefor ~ . ' - _ _ : f. ~ . ~ ' - , r ..' , , _Y' 40RDEAEII ~ , AbJUDGED, AND DECREED s ' ~ ~ ~, _ "-. ~ ~ ~ - ..- - ,,.-- . . -., w ~ ' ,. . - .. ., , o" ~ ' -,' ~ '{~~~ ~ . ~.~ ~~ ~ - ~: y ;,~ Defendants may, proceed with the completion of the D'. . ~ -. ,_ '' F-~ Everett 'Jordan -Dam: gro3~ct (Formerly known as- I~ew .Hope. Rama , ' .`- ~~- ~ ~ ' 'except as specifically provided herein and as mcadif ied in "- ~ . - ~ ~ ~ ' - . - , - - ~~ paragraph` 5 hereof . a , ~ - £' - - - .: - ~~a~` : 'All -existing roads that provide . access to the Eiaw ~ - - kk . ~° ~• , -'.; ~~~.ver and th_e New Y~ope River within th® pro~e~ct..boundaries'. shalt, ~~ ~~=~~~`~ ~:t :::. ~_ ~ not be removed, -or closed, ;except that -!.imitation 'of use .can 'be - ~~ ~ , .~+ , ~ ~ _.~~ ~ made in ,the interest of public esafety, and except a~z required -_ r r x --. - . _ - " - inflependently by~ the State of t3arth Carolina D®partment of ~ - r• , -I: ~ . ~ w, ~ - Y - Y~t:: ,~ - ~"ranBportation. ~ . ` .. ~., .., . .. f , ' •~ ~ - .~ ` .. -- .- ' ' {b? Reservoir clearing -is. prohibited; except < { i~ -all , F ~: . ~ ' . . "~3~' ~ ~~ cc~mmexcia3.~ timber harvesting contracts heretofore entered inta ~ , i~. ~~ , , `~. :: ' ~ : ,Y ~'. ~ ' ixs the area de,signated_as Pard+~l ~I in, the. Group I clearing . ' - . . ji,_ . i`? `- .. _ _-~.- ~ozitzacts ~.et by the Wilmington a~ia~trict Eangineer, .E7nited ~ ' . r , - >~<-~ - . States Army .Core of £nginee~rs'~ except for those- aretis" up-~ ` , ` F~ - .d,~ -.. - fir'.- .. _S~• ~• i; - ` ~ ... .- f• ` ` •4~ ~"~ •1. _- " ' ~ :, i ' .. a ; :- - ' • €~ Curtis ~ ~ ~. ~ - .` \` A _ . ' ~ aa~riii ~to I Patterson . Follin ~?~T11t}l r ' s , - _ n, ' ,, ~ ': _ ~ i, t ~ ~ t . ,- ~ ^~ `_ K , AT'LOR NYS AND COUNSELORS AT CP.VT ~ ... ~ ~, .. '` ~ ~ S - „ - M1 . ~ t.: ,:a',s. _ ;r. ~ -- v~~.;w.,;'I,, ` _,x; - C+,^». -.!Y ~,` r.: a ~-~~l~y'o;^:y-.i? ~ - aiP it zl ~ ., -.ti ~ *V45 ~ ~'' ~ ~ A'~~' 'L~ . a~.,a v`~`~ (9~r4 ~~u yr ~mV~(4~'> aF :~~,y~~+~"~'~~ f ydcs llP",,. ~ '}J . : ~ rd ~ ~~ k ~f l~ , - • ' M IpI i .- ..1. f`.. *dF4:fi~: ., ,. M+.,N~t v.s f 4.s~L.~ ... ':1 : _~S ~~ ~ „ .JM .. ., ,..> .. .v~h•I%`.+, .. t .. -... .-1 M _ _ y•. ~ 4 ..;~ ~• ,~rlkyd pa~+ .'f". n~a'~° K,. +I ~. 1 'r~ 'r','~i !i~ ! -~+.~ m+« ,1., ,R _;~. ~ '~ ] . . . • i. stream ©f the bridge on State Road 19~~ over the Haw River, 4 {ii} modified clearing may be undertaken in accordance with I'~; c existing plans and specifications for the project, ~.~.: ;:f.~ the stump +el®vation of 197 feet mean' sea .Level,' in the sa:~.t'm :~~arceL I, ' - ~ except for those areas upstrearu of the bridge on 6tate Road- C' ~, i, . ~ 1943 ovor the FIaw Rivor, and.. tiii} a log boors may be in- ~ ~ , y ', - 8ta~11®d upstream of the dem, ~ ~ . ~~~ Gdnstruction oP boat launching ramps is prohibited. F, ,: ~ - . ~ ~ (d} £onstruction for the relocation of they road designated "` =.~~-4, running between State P.o~ds 1713 andl~41, is prohibited. t ~-~ ~ , ~ ~~ : -~®}' ~'Bermanent impoundment of water isprohibited; anQ • • _ ,. ~. .` ~- =_-_+d~~endants,shall permit the water to be discharged from the . , ., . `:~QUtiet structure. o~ the -dam at ,the maximum: flow rate edn~~' . ~ ~~ _ ~` 7 ~ A. ,_ -• r~istent with ,the flood protection needs of~ down~atream ar~ae. ,. ,.4 : - 2. ;, ,I~ePendants' ,environmental. ~.rnpact statement •cons3.d.ered h; - ' - -`.and evaluated the ~ratex~ quality aspecte~ of tha project.~~ In ~ ~ ~. . view`-of' plaintigfs• .stated.,aoncerne, defendants agree~to; re- ~ `: , ', ' r =; ~ ' - - aaaess~~tha reservoir water duality aspects of the prod evt. - '.This wil~'~be done ae a supplement to th® final environmental r.. ~. itaipaet ~statement ~ ~.n acaordance~ with the ~pzovision® of the ~.,. ~ :- ~` ` ' ~~ ~aaitional Environmental Polioy Act: and the regulations of Rthe ~° r -. =~ ~ Ccirpa Qf Fngineers~. The supplement will consider at least - :r. - -- the. following studies :. - ~ , . , . _ X ~ ` . ~ ~- , ~ . ~. ° ~~ {a~ : `Water quality ;criteria report on, monitoring ~of , t`he.`~ ~ `" " , _ • lama psramete~rs and at the samr~ stations as .set ©ut ~in the ~ . r --- _ publications eater Resources Pesearch Institute Report ~o.~ ~` ,:. ~ . `.~ = s. < -.48.~~ ,~t~ater, 4ua11~ty Characteristics o:~ -the- Nsw' Hope and Lower , :r _~ .. , v ~ ~. ~, ~aw< Rivera, ~'uly 19f 6--February 1970., With Estimates of -the •,~~ '. - . ,~ _ - - ~ probable Quality of Nets F~ope Lake" (.1971)' and.. Water Resou~ceg ~; ,~. ~ `~ ;~ : ~tesemrc~i Znstituta Report ~NQ.. `~73, ~"Further Charaateri~ation of }, " , -; . tha stater Qe~~li.ty of the, I~ew dope and. Lower Haw Rivers,, Including , _ ;Be~sthic ~acroinvertebr~-te Diversity . ar-8 Tracy Metal Analyses:", ~ ;, ` "t . , _ ., ',#3.972j', - toget2ier with imonitoring solids and nutrients a~ovinc~ -~ ~ :. :.: i `" .:Sxaath, ~ Cafrran$ton, Patte son, Follin &~' Curtis ~ - ., "'~ ~ ~ ' ~: ", ,- j'r AT°T()R1dEY$ ANB COUNSELQRS AT LAW ~ ~ , r •~'~. ,~~. e `~ ,. , . .:.a,~t ~~ ~ s ~' ~ ~ ° ~ r ' ~~- i.. ...Y .. Ux..w~a~.+S.~ ~a.~~~~_'' N 44 _ t ~- v. .. . ~ _A _ln. ~:feiil~. ~ zi~*t {~~~i..M J' _ ~. rR ."_~L` i„yy~ ..Y., n,,~ .. ,_ ~ z, -J.. ~ 1 '~, -T`.~ .~'~~ P ,Ar W'~ 'dt~ •.~ Y~_ ,.+4r iy3` ~ 1 ~ `~,,.~: !r rv~h^"~+,~ ~~~: .r . ~ , ~~ ,t ~ ~ _ on the streatt~ bed below the wrat®r column in flood loads (to 9,, the extent practicable} as w®11 a~s narmal flows at these game -; stations; and ,with monitoring heavy metal.'conc+sntration,~ in ~ ^ - - ~ fish lifer ~ -- - - ~ _ ; s - ~ - ~ `- . ~ tb~ . Rec.®:cda o.f heights and 'durations ~ of all ~ floods. - . .. - ,. #~~~ imnpounc3ed behind the dsm, and; stream. €'low~~below the... r ; ' ~~ , ' _ ~ dame . ~ - ~ .~ ~ ~ • ~ . _ - 4 __ -- .Cc} Report on the observed effects of op~trating the - ., d '. ,>~gra~®ct fob flood control purposes upon forests, other plant ~~ r L -. ~ ., , _~ . ~ ~ -. ~ :.life, • Fish, _ :birds,- mammals, mosquitos and other v®ctors , ~ other " . , , ~. - , .. ~':,; . 'animal ~-f:fe'~-axed = si3,t deposits and sediment, abov® and below ' .. ~ .the dam.. ~ ~ ~. - . . _ ~ r ~ , ~. r. - ' ~ ~ ~.',. ' The, data fQr the etu~dies .referred ta~7 fir, • ar .V' a` . ~ = ` .~ shall be coliexst®d until March ~,; .1975..-The draft of the su - .,,plament~to the final.environmental. impact.statement~ref®rred ~ N , nA . , - +^_to .yin- paragraph ,~ shall be, filed wfth theCouncil' on Enviran= - ~ ~ - ~~ ' . . ~ - "msnta3'' Qualtlr on October 1~~ 1.975. There wi11 be .a 45 day ~ . ~ ~ ~- „review -.coms~erit` ;period aft®r publication ' of a' notice of ~ ~ ' S ~ t{f4.` ~. ~ ~ .~ ~ -_. `z .. ~ := ' draft t~f - teas sugp].ement to the en~rironmenta]. ~=impact stat®.- ° t . N. ~ l ~ i ~~ :~. - c.. S~' 4. .. ~; ~ ~nenty b~ `the Council onEnvironmental Quality .,in .they ~"ederal , - 'Register. ° Th® ~raiting geriods specified in sec. • 15Q0.11(b} ~, ~, - . .. of the C~4 ~ufdeiinee shall not apply. Th+s final supplement to .the envixQrntal ~ impact= statement shall he Piled with the - d .,~ . _ - .. ~ _ ., - Ceauxtcll oa _Enmitonmental Quality on January 2, 1976, Copies: . . ' = _ ~ = ~ of the draft -of the suppl®A-ent -to the environmental impact `' R } - ,~ s~taatern®nt~ and the final supplement to the. environmenal impact - _ . ` r ~ `~ atmtxement_ shall be distributed to the. parties ` to ,this action ~ `.n . .. a .~ y ~: N ~1' . _ . _ upon the f#lixaq with :CEQ. ~ ~ ' .' ' - ,r. s ` ~ , ~. _.: ~ ~ ~ : .~ ~ Q ~ ~ At ar~y tim+s after Compliance with the. ~ ~.:r. ~- - - ~ provisions of ~; ''. . r ., paragraphs 2 a~pd 3 hereof, defendants may file with the Court ~ ; t' ~ ~ - , , °_..~-~.'aad s®rve upon a,ll,-parties to this action a notice of their 8e~a~ai,o» to create the B, Everett Jordan Lake (permanent con- ~, •, _ sx~rvation p+col}. ,, 1~ny party ~whq oppos®s this d®cis,ion must Pile ., G _ ._ _ • . .t:- ... .s,. ~ . ., : ~~ y _ i ~ t .. _ ~a~tit~., Ca~~~$ton, `Pettersort, ~o~1in .€~ +Cnrtis - ~ ~ . , , _ _ _ ~' ,, y . ~ ATTQRNF.YS A11D C()[J~1.ORS Il.T d.AW - _ - ~ _ Wit:. _ n r +,. ,.. ~ 4~ n++ M _ .,. ,. - __vi., t~• ..r- x , z:: ,r h may,.,. `~ ~. 9' ~ .. •. s,,~~-. .... ~5.,,~:'~".".~~~r ~~w~W! ~.ctc..ie.~msgaa~.J.~~asr. xw:._w,,,aeu.*~ .'f5i~d~ --~~^,~:..,~a~:w~YAlr,ratr,.~rsrr~ ~..;~.~y:x~e.+w,~',~,_r.'a~nr~+ »~i;~uwwasaw:ia+wwur~w'4"a ~»rr.w.;, c~~~ :.~ ~ ~Pf ~ _ '~"~.. i ~' .- ~ - ''t ~. h ~ a response to this notice within 30 days after service, or be forever barred.. The response must state ,specifically the factual end legal, grounds for objection with detailed re- ferences to relevant docum®ntetion or affidavits, if the grounds ~, _ for objection are not contained in existing documents. Zf any ~~; - k. ,,response is filed,_th® burden shall b® upon the respondent to - "i .show that the d®eision was. arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of " _ discretion, az otheraris® not in accordance with law. , ~~ ~ ~ 5. _~ If na respons® opposing the notice of the decision to ~. . , - ;. " - ~-~-cr~at®, the B. ~Yerett.Jordan Laka is f~.led within the period, ~ .: ". F c ~ ~ pr©vidadyby paragraph 4, all prohibitions of paragraph,l shall i~ ,- ~~ ~,,, .. -~ .- -~ . - ~exminato.^ . If a response opposing the ~ notice ~:,~ filed, the - ~I,~: .. - r ;, _ ~.~ ~ _ prohibl.t-ions contained in paragraph 1 hereof shallterminate ~ ~ . * ~ ~ ~ '= 1Z0 days after the. filing ~of the notice to create the B. ' ,~ ~, `Everett Jordan Lake, unless otherwise ord®red by th® Court; ''r .~ . ~. 6. , Def®rtdants, ~ and the Mate of north Caarolina with- the ;; _ ~ authorization of defendants, if oth®rwise authorized by law, ~.. ~ ~ . ` ' - ~ anal, ~~ but are not required to,. construct. additional recreational - ".' .,- --sites within. the boundaries-of th® B. Everett Jordan Dam project,.c ~'-.` - for temporary or permanent usage unrelated to flat water recre- „ _~ - ~ ~ ~atioii, includingt but not being limited to, trails and roads_ - ' ' •~~ ;for access to the.: Haw River and th® New doge River. .Defendants '~~ - 's _ ~_ _ < ~~ `, •. may; if ©th®rwise authorix®d, by Iaw, make avai~.able to the State ~- ' ,'= of North Carolina on a short term and cancelable lease basis,.-~ ?, ' . - . ' all lands that are unimproved and in a natural state within ~~ ' - ° - `. the 8. Everett Jordar- project boundaries, for puacposes of main- ~' ~_ _ r ,- . ~, ~taining a wild~.ife management or refuge area. ~ ~ ..~ - ,, ~.,.. ~ { '' .~ ~7.~ _The Court retains jurisdiction over this- action to ~ 6. - ~~ ~- ~~enter such other and further orders as may b® appropriate. The - - _ .. - d~ " `;. entry of this order is without prejudice to the claims asserted ~, . _ _ t, - - ~ ,.by the plaintiffs-intervenors City of. Durham and Town: of Chapel. v _ e ~' ..; i .. ~ ~ y .. . ,.. ,. ~ ,. _. 4. - '~. . : .. ,, . .. . ,', ,. - - Y ~- ~ 4 ~~ ~ <- qtr ` r ": - . . -,. .. . ~.-' ~,.,. ~ v, ,.. _ . .. .. ~` ` .C.1YC11t11.~ ~rKl'T'111~j~C1T1~ PAft@TSQlls FOlllri C7''Cil1Tt1S~I - ~ 3 ¢'~ r ;,} ~ J ~{ ' ~ "'• ' ATTORNE.XS AND GOUNSLIARS A'L LAW '` ~ .' ' . , ~ - p . ' ~ ~ ~ .. ..,, .., .i~. ~ .~:~.~.:Tr~., ~'ry5g , .~ 'a rv "k:43" ^~-0It;`•:-`trP; s'xs~d~CSe.,_'•"e°f.x ~.. a-r - -- - . 1 , a .:~ M_~ sa, ,~~n ~~:,.. .;iV ~.__ ~ . ~. _ - + _ - -. ._ •- ..., _ ' ; ., . , -- '. _ .r <. ~ ~-`r,;9'1a:yy` ~:,Fp,~~r`Cr~' ~~'`.L'~.n.`.'~v'4"t~.~o ..,, - - Yu~ ~ y._V - _ ~.~(...d .r .. _, n..n .u.. .~. _ -.,fin+:4,~ ~ .. . .,. - 1,:k2ri'i `..'; ~;i, ",YT .' ~'. ihY r.F4~ nt..-~.'.~~L, ~.:~.Aa`r~w,.:.'F~..s._.......s±_av,..,..~,y~~.r"r.,w~....., o."s-iA~'#ta~f&_,..~i'~i. nr. Hx^~'''?.n.u- t... <. F::..r'r .. °'t rw:~`•-:5+~^~..•~"wA.u.!"u~'~ r~i-~l~iSfi!~'E,., ... .:.,:1~*Wr,~'~ y J ~ ' «~ '~' l' ~. - . n~ By- entering this order thv t~ourt directs the C1Qrk of this ',, -Court to set the cas® on for a hearing 43 days after filing of -~ •the notice by defendants of th®ir decision to create the B. Bvere~t ~' - ~ ,7ordan Lake. The hearing shall take precedence over all other ~ - - .: -; . • - ~' pending civil actions, and the Court agrees to expedite the ~' _ . • ' - .'hearing . - ~ - .. .. - .. , . ~ . _ ~ This ._____~ day of FebruaryR 1974. ~, ~ - ° ' `~ - .' :` ` Un to ,Staten D etr ct . Ju qe . .. - - ' ~~, _ ' . .. ~ _ - 4 .. - - • ~ •. ~ . ~ , , a' C©N3ENTED Ta ~: , ~ ~ - ,. ' . y ~ • 4 . ~,. :. ~ i. ~ - ~ - _ ~ - ~ ~- - ,. r' , is ..r ~ '~ , -Attorney or P ant ,' ~- _, • ~ ' • ' '- ~- -. - ~~.- ~..: .. ~ -~ 1• ~~~. _ _ .. {y Smith ' ~ Norman. $ . ~' , • ~ - . d - • ~ ~ . ~ . .. , ; Smith, Carrington, Patterson, : . - - a'- - ,. , ,,, ' • . f ~ Tollin ~ Curtis ; . ~~ .. _ ' '~ _ • ~~ ~~ ~.. < ' T04 Southeastern Building . , • -• -, ., .• , . ~ _ ~ ... - _ . = ~ ~. - 27401 ' , ~- . `,. • .. ~- -. Greensboro, ta. , , - . • ~~ - ,- ` - ~ ~-- ' Attorney for P ant f-intervenor ~ - - ' , _ •. ,_ City, of Durham - , - .~ -, ' . . - ~ .. ...: ~ - ..' _ ~ . ;:- • ~ .''. ' >. .. - . • - ' ~ Clauc~e V. Jones ~ . , ~ - ' - ~ 11113 Central Carolina Bank Building: ~ . _' - ' ~ ~ _ . ' • ~~ . ~ .~ = 111 Corcoran Street .. ~_. ~ - ' ' - • ~ " ` - ' } ' . _ ' , ~._ ' ~ ' •~_~ _, -Durham, N. C. 27701 _, '. ~ , -, ''" - . - - Attorney or F ant -IntevQnor . _ _ : '`~ ~. y ` "i -~ ~ -. ~ ~ 4 , . - .Town of Chapel Hill •, _ ,, . , - ,. ~ e' emery B. n©nny, Jr. ~ .. , . .` . . . . .:... . .. . . ... .. '. ` - . - . ,~ - Fost Office IIox 962 - .. - . • .. - . '- Chapel Hilly I~. C. 27514. . _ , _ .. , • _ . •. ` - ~~- ~ ~ .. -, Attorney or De en ants ~ . ' .. ~~ - Ronald Shearin. Assistant United - .' - ~... ; ,_ . < , - . ~ . ~. - .. States Attorney for ,the Middle ~ :~, ~ . _ ." ~ ... Listrict of north Carolina.. ~ ~ -, ~ .- ~ ' . ' .. ~ - Dnited states Post office and • ~ _ - _ - ` :,~-: Courthouse Building - .32.4 test Market Street ," , , .. ~ ~ - _ ~~., ` ~~~ ~.. Greensboro` . RI. C. 2'7401 - - ' ' - _, °_ -~ ~. - s ' ' a., iy >-ii. `+, ,.t ~y,~ - ;_r,: '.. ., . r ~ a ._yb F'F Y'. .sr. , 1 " • Siitith, C~i-rin$ton, Pattersoin, Follin ~ Curtis - ' • •' - " ` = ' _ ~ ' • 1 ATTQRNE~'S ANA COUNSELQRS AT LAVJ _ - .-uyr' ~ ,'.'"< ~S . ~ ~'f 5F"4~a .°--Y"~ :.. i ,a -'} 7.t G ~- is i ~ r -- ~ ~, rg- ~ y~ ~, - r~. ~, .s : 1 ~ .a~~~ ~ i t 3 ~, f l 4 ~ 'fi' '> y~! 1,, nF '~ ~'. 1,' eo Fr,, b -e'. ~a. ~h i-W '.d s°~~°..i`.7~>~~ _. _.:.:G,',`~.~~, - n'•tt~u.~ .. _ w~iV w~N ,; :x*F"f~fdd....- ~''~" v ~°... r.. ,r, i~'?: ..,... .~.,~ ~.r' n... .U ~. r... ., 1~'.. ~~~r,' ~' uj. ~,.+.p+.4 ,_:;, .. ",±t.,+a., _su~ __.~.~.a.~'-•,, .;~..--~e.„7>:;;,:i~~hi.iw:.+ ,._`=~~.~~•~r.iar~ r ~ _ -_,nr..,:,t.. ~ 4 t ~ v •1F - 1 \ w I . - r w ~ ~I i, At orney or D~a en a,n s W. Reeves Lewis, Jr., Assistant District Counsel ` _ Wilmington District , _ -~ United States Army Corps o~ Engineers - .~- "- Poet offic® Box 1890- g _ _ Wilmington, N. C. „28401 - ' - "- , -- : .' - i - -- - ' . ,- ~ _ ~ ~ -Attorney or A. De en an s~- n ervenore - - Rudolph G. 5~.ngleton, Jr. - - Nance, Collier. Singleton, Kirkman & Herndon _ •- ~• Suit® 300, First Union National Bank Buil8lnq '_ , . " ' Fayetteville, t4orth Carolina 28302 ~ u ' , ; ~ , . "Attorney or A •Dc en mnte Intervenors .~- ' "~ ,James C . Fox •~. , ,: ' ~ - ., . - ,+ _ ``°_ '~. .. `, Murchison," Fox & Newton - . " ` . - . ' - . , .~ `', - a ~ .. ~ ~, _ ~ -l6 t'~orth 5th ~5treet ' ~ . .. -- ,. ' ; .. . -. ~ - .-: ~ ~ - Wilmington N C 28401 - - '~:" ~ .. •_ r - _ ' ~ :; - - , . - . - - ' .. _ r. - . ~'r• r ~ -, r ~' ~ ;vii- • J - ' ,t i , \ ~ T Q ` ' , 3p t ~ G a .. i. - fa ~ .. ~ ~~• , ,. },+ _ • .rt• - " - Y - r ~'~4 ~ "a •. ~<a -~a ~' , •'\ \ .~C';:` . , _`a--. +,-''- ~?4 , l` - ~ ~ ~ x~ ~ ft ~,~ '~ / x , Y -,. ~ ~ . .. a - - - -.. ~ fx - ~ ~- . - .- _ . -.- ... _ `' ~/ t Vi ii o .a ~ ;, : j ' i,, / - 4._ \ - - y t p( ] Carrin$tQn, Fatterspn, Follin €~ Curtis - ~ ~ - ~ . ~ - •; ~Sxnit~ ~ ~ T~4' ~ ~• , 4 - \ ~ATTQRNEYS AND CQUNSELQRS AT LAW ~ ' ,-, - - .. ~ ' ' - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ' _ {. ~ .. rat :rtu`. - ' 3~~'~~,~'' Fn ~y; ~ r~~d.[''~+~~• r f.:~i , i a L di _ . ; L :`, ' ir~ a •~t,~ a S'~.jx 9 3 a'Sa s ~ M1 , ,~: >t .~`ar;§V~`~j ,r .,: ff ~y~~ a o a~, as '~31,+~~'rej < k- ~~.~ ~* t g ` : z7: , , ~ ry >~~ ,...~~"+r~i{'+~ ~~f i,.~,T~ r w z,~•l,',b~;'~" '~ ~.Sap~¢~~~ , ~{S~~~S~\ T ~ ~{ ~ ~.:,r..:1~'3., 2i r -> ~,' .. ~.,='r~a. y,+, ~ ,. s'l~fi"L`rt., ~ ~.. -r~'['~i• ~. 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