1971-09-07 Regular MeetingMINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 20. 1971 -~CONTINUED) - SCHOOL BOARD APFEAI, OF PLAN "B" ORL~;xr~D BY JUDGE ALGERNON I,. BUTZER -~CONTINUED) - Mr. Marks stated he felt the Board of Education should be authorized to get the most competent legal assistance that they feel they can get wherever they can locate such assistance and give everything it can to it. In answer to Mr. Oxen£eld's question as to procedure to be followed Mr. Hill stated a notice must be £iled within 30 days of entry of the order; within ten days record must be prepared (record of last hearing); and within forty days the papers will be sent to 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. Then it will be up to the Court of Appeals to hear it; it taill go on the regular docket and they meet certain times and in various places during the year. Mr. Harriss called attention to the fact that two Federal Judges in Atlanta have ruled the exact opposite of Judge Butler under similar circumstances. Mr. Hill stated he will try to find out the facts in these cases. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfl~lly submitted, Hazel Sava~e Clerk to the Board HS/pb MINUTES OF THE MEETING SEPTEMBER '], 1971 °r:00 A. M. ASSEMSLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners oaas held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the follooaing present: Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorne~ James C. Fox, Mrs. Elizabeth Edens (the County Auditor being absent); County Administrator Zaurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - In the absence of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman Williams called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Ruflzs Stark, Pastor, Grace Methodist Church, to give the invocation. UNITED FUND - ~ice-Chairman Williams introduced Mr. E,Ligene Merritt, Chairman of the United Fund Campaign. Mr. Merritt showed film on "Zets Get Together" which is the theme of the United Ftand Campaign this year. Chairman Harriss joined the meeting at this time. T'Ir. Merritt displayed a chart which showed amount each organization is reguesting this year, totaling $410,000. Mr. Merritt stated the goal is for every man and iaoman in IQew Hanover County who work and every firm give their fair share. PSr. Merritt stated people could ~ive by payroll deductions each month but were unable to give in one lump sum. Mr. Merritt requested the Commissioners endorse the United Fund this year and suggest to County employees that they give through the payroll deduction plan. After a brief discussion, in which it was determined voluntary payroll deductions are legal, and hav~.ng been advised by the County Auditor it will not create a problem in his oYfice, Mr. Marks;moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board authorize voluntary payroll deductions in all County departments. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr. Williams stated he would like £or the County Auditor to be present when the minutes of budget meetings held on July 12 and re~ular meeting of August 16 are discussed, since a couple of items have to do vaith the County Auditor's appropriation. Mr. Williams stated there appears to be a discrepancy in the appropriation in the Auditor's Office based on what was originally proposed and what was finally approved. Mr. Williams stated he saw no objections to approving all ~he minutes tiaith the ex- ception of July 12 budget meeting and August 16 regular meeting. Mr. Harriss askEd what specific objections Mr. Williams had to the minutes of those two meetings. Mr. Williams stated the Auditor's budget as originally presented did not make a request for a new position and at no time during budget discussions when he was present, and in none of the meetings is there any indication that a new position was requested. Mr. Williams stated the bud~et minutes of July 12 indicated that the Auditor's budget was tentatively approved as presented. The Commissioners turned in their budget books to have them filled in and when he, Mr. Williams, received. his book back it showed new position, Steno I, $4,356, penciled in. Mr. Williams quoted a paragraph from the minutes of ineeting of August 16 reading: "Chairman Harriss stated Mr. 6hepard has a new employee in his of£ice and the County Administrator stated this should be quite a benefit to him. Mr. Shepard stated she came hi~hly recommended and this position was budgeted." Mr. Williams stated it appears the budget was "doctored"; it was not included in the budget discussions, and it appears the figure was arbitrarily ~I°fINUTES OF MEETING - S~r~r~;i1BER 7, 1971, - CCONTINUED) - APPROVAI~ OF MINUTES - CCONTINUED) - added, and as far as he, NLr. Williams, knew no Commissioner knew anything about it. Mr. Williams stated this position did not come up durin~ budget discussions at all, and if one budget can be "doctored" without the Board being aware of it until a late da1;e such as this, he wondered if possibly there are some other discrepancies. Mr. 4lilliams stated £or these reasons he felt the Auditor should be present when the minutes are approved. Mr. Harriss stated his recollection was that this was not a new additional employee but an employee replacement. Mr. Bowden stated he and Mr. Shepard had discussed the need for an additional employee in the Auditor's Office with Mr. Lyman Melvin, State Personnel Officer, when he was here, and Mr. Shepard was to have mentioned it during bud~et discussion, but the tapes of the meetings do not show he did. Mr. Bowden stated he was not present at the Ju1y 12 meeting. In the discussion Mr. Bowden pointed out the job had not been established by the Board of Commissioners and job is not filled. It taas pointed out ~4356 was included in the total budget of the Auditor's Office, but it iaas not properly done. Mr. Hall asked that the minutes of this meeting show the Board takes exception to the statement made in minutes :of. .Atzgust._16.:that:.this position was .bndgeted. _ . . ' . , . ~ - , '.. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, this item $4356 be tagged as not expendable at this time. Motion carried unanimously. The following corrections to the budget minutes o~ere requested by Mr. Williams: July 12 Meeting, Page 3, Fifth Paragraph should read: "Mr. Williams asked Miss Hall did he understand correctly...". July 23 Meeting, Page 2, I,ast Paragraph should read: "Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the above resolution be adopted and that the tax rate be set at '79 cents per 100 dollars based on 100;o valuation and estimating 94% collection. Motion carried unani- mously." Mr. Bowden reguested the following corrections to the budget minutes: July 13 Meeting, Page 3, next to last paragragh, last sentence should read: "Item was set at $3500". July 13 Meeting, Page 6, Sixth Paragraph should read: "$'75,000 appropriated for 19~1-~2 fiscal year. Law requires makin~ provision for this in advance." July 14 PTeeting, Page 2, 9th Paragraph should read: "..Administrative 0£ficer I(6'7) which starts at $9,000 and who taill take over personnel and~other duties. Remainder to go for consultin~ services." Mr. Williams moved, seconded by T'Ir. Hall, that the budget minutes of July 12-23, 1971, be approved with the above corrections. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by N"ir. Hall, that the minutes of regular meeting of August 16, Special Meetings of Au~ust 18 and 20 be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON TAX COLLECTIONS FOR AUGUST, 1971 - Mrs. Janie Straughn, Acting Tax Collector, gave the following report: Charged per Scroll $5,405,684.48, less abatements $5,502.03, balance $5,400,182.45 less collections and prepayments during August ~350,939.4~, balance uncollected $5,049,242.4']. Back taxes collected during August $18,134.60; total to date $36,612.65, leaving balance of $40'],894.27. Delinguent Personal Property Taxes collected during August $2,509.28, total collected to date $6,944.8'7. Showing location of property on tax bills furnished taxpayers oras discussed. Mr. Hall suggested showing township on the bills. Mr. Bowden stated this is a good suggestion, but there is a possibility of going strictly alphabetically and doing away with townships for taxing purposes. If townships are kept, they will be identified. _ Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxen£eld, that Nirs. Straughn's report be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING 4904 and 4908 CAROI,INA BEAG`H ROAD REZONING 600 FEET OF U.S. HIGHWAY '74 , SPECIAL USE PERMIT - LOT 8, BIACK 5 and LOT 7. BI,OCK 4- Chairman Harriss declared Public Hearing open fbr discussion of the above. Mr. Mallory, Planning Director, discussed rezoning 4904 and 4908 Carolina Beach Road be- tween Horn Road and Silver Lake Road on the west side of the street in Zoning Area ~+ from R-15 (Single Family District) to B-2 (Business). This is an extension of B-2 in a northerly direction to Horn Road. The Planning Commission on August 12, 19`71, recommended approval of this request. S:',.. There were no persons nresent who wished to be heard_ on this reguest. Mr. Mallory presented the next rezoning request of 600 feet of U.S. Highvaay '74 between Motts Creek and Southerland Avenue on the south side of the street in Zoning Area #2 from R-15 (Single Family District) to B-1 (Business). Depth of request from U.S. '74 is 200 feet. The Planning Commission also recommended approval of this request. Mr. Mallory stated the property is now vacant; it is a low area, the petitioners are in the process of fillin~ it in and they plan to use i~ for some business activity. Mr. Mallory stated a restaurant was mentioned, but they will not be obligated to use it for this purpose. Discussion discclosed there are now residents in the B-1 Area, but this area is going commercial. Mr. Mai~ks raised question of necessity of rezoning until some definite plan for a business is made. MI1vu~r~;S OF I°IEETING - SEPTEMBER 7. 1971 -(CONTINUED) - Mr. G. B. Garrett, Sr., spoke to the point that he is planning a restaurant there. P'ir. Garrett stated the only person owning a home there has no objections to a restaurant. There were no other persons present who wished to be heard on this request. Mr. Mallory presented special use permit request to use Lot 8, Block 5 and Lot 7, Block 4, Section C, Silver Lake Subdivision in Zoning Area #4 on Horn Road in a R-15 (Single Family District) Zone for duplex apartments. Nir. Mallory stated the Planning Commission recommends the special use permit be approved, subject to the approval of the lot size by the New Hanover County Health Department based on method of sewerage disposal and subject to the plans submitted with the application £or special use permit which would indicate tiahere the facilities will be built in relation to the amount of front yard and side yard. Map indicates 20 feet side yard on each side, front set back 40 feet, and entire lot to be 200 feet in depth, so rear yard o~ill be in neighborhood of 100 £eet. There are existin~ duplex apartments on this road in the vicinity where these are requested. Mr. Harriss declared public hearin~ closed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the three requests be approved as recommended by the Planning Department. Motion carried unanimously.fFor ordinances adopted, see zoning ordinance Book I, Section 4- Page 2, and Section 2- Page 1.) DESIGNATION OF ZONING MAP FOR ZONING AREA 6 AS OFFICIAZ MAP - Mr. Mallory presented map which was adopted August 18 for Zoning Area 6. The Planning Department had prepared a map of the area as it was approved. Mr. Mallory stated map is now ready £or the Chairman's signature, attested by the Register of Deeds. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the map. Motion carried unanimously. SUBDIVISION PLAT. SECTION 5, WINDEMERE SUBDIVISION - Mr. Mallory advised the Board that at the second meeting in August the Chairman was authorized to sign a Subdivision Plat, once the improvements mere in order. They are still not in order at this time, however, a certified check has be:en received in the amount of $3,000 which is the amount suggested by the Highway Commission that would be needed to ~et this subdivision in order. The Chairman's signature is needed on the map which has already been authorized and signature on agreement so the plat can be recorded. Chairman Harriss signed both. APPOINTMENT MEMBER TO WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER PLANNING COP'II"LTSSION - Mr. 4Jilliams moved, seconded by Nir. Oxenfeld, that Mr. French I. Davis be reappointed, effective Augu.st l, 19'71, for a term of three5ears to the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission. Iiotion carried unanimously. APPDINTMENT MEMBERS CAROLIIJA BEACH ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS - Mr. Bowden presented following names, and suggested terms, which were recommended by Mayor Kepley, to serve on the Carolina Beach Zoning Board o£ Adjustments: Mrs. Juanita Dale, P. 0. Box 648, Carolina Beach, N. C. - Three Years Mr. Earl Blutz, Ge neral Delivery, Carolina Beach, N. C. - Two Years Mr. I. V. Shaver, P. 0. Box 696, Carolina Beach, N. C. - Two Years Mrs. W. R. Batson, Rt. 2, Box 286B, Wilmin~ton, iV. C. - Three Years Mr. Lehman Wood, G eneral Delivery, Carolina Beach, N. C. - Two Years Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that these five be appointed to the Board of Adjustments at Carolina Beach for the terms stated. Motion carried unanimously. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented: The Barbary Coast, 116 S. Front St.; Pizza Hut, 4016 Oleander Drive; Pizza Hut, 3406 Market Street; and Four Winds, 723 N. 4th Street. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by I~'ir. Hall, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff for investigation and recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. FINES - PER50NS FAILING TO OBTAIN PLifi1BING PERMITS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK - Mr. Bowden presented recommendation of Mre Louis R. Smith, Plumbing Inspector, that a $10 fine be placed on anyone not having a plumbing permit before work has started. The City of Wilmington and County Electrical Departments have this fine and. do not have these problems. PYr. ,Bowden recommended adopted of this procediire. ~Mr• Marks moved seconded by Mr. Hall, that the fines be adopted as regular procedure, effective October 1, 19'~1. Motion carried unanimously. COP~PLIN~NT TO NIIt. MILTON JORDAN - STAR-NEWS REPORTER - I`Zr. Hall complimented Mr. Jordan on his recent t~>>o articles on the employment of t;he black; statin~ he tnought P1r. Jordan had a wonderful approach to the subject and recommended ever-,~one read the articles. Mr. Harriss concurred stating they were very timely and to the point. BID OPENING -?_5 TON LOW,BEn SEI~iI-TRAILER - Chairman Harriss opened the following bids: A.E. Finley & Assocates A.E. Finley & Associates (Alternate Bid) Coastal Truck Sales, Inc. E. F. Craven Interstate Equi~ment Company Interstate Equipment Company (Alternate Bid) Mitchell Distributing Company y65,123 plus $102.46 Sales Tax Delivery 14 to 21 Days $6,'740 plus $120 Sales Tax Delivery 45 to 60 Days $6,058.60 plus $119.02 Sales Tax Delivery Within 90 Days $4,655 taithout Sales Tax $5,8']7 (Delivery 30 Days) $6,634.54 (Delivery 8 Weeks) $6,484 (Delivery 45-60 Da~s) ~ MINiTTES OF THE MiEETING - SEPTEi~BER 7. 1971 -(CONTINUED) - BI- OPENIIJG - 25 TON LOW BED SF.~'Ii -TRAILER -(CONTINUED) - ~ Mr. Ed Loftin appeared before the Board and offered to sell the County used equipment ~~rhich he stated meets or exceeds the specifications insofar as trailers are concerned. He offered the trailer he has for $2500 or the trailer and truck for $4500. This equipment has been at the County garage for inspection for vaell over a month. This is a military trailer and has a ramp on the back. Mr. Loftin stated equipment is in excellent condition. ,P1r. Marks raised question of whether the Count~ has anything to pull the trailer. The answer was "no" and no advertisement for such eguipment has been made as of this time. Mr. Harriss stated the State Hi~hway has been helpin~ the County out. Mr. Marks was of the opinion Nir. Loftin's equipment should be considered; the County would be much better of£ with tractor and trailer if this equipment is worth the money. Mr. Fox stated if equipment costs over $2,000, bids will have to be solicited for used ~ equipment the same as new eguipment. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board receive the bids for the new trailer today and refer them to the County Administrator for examination to determine if they meet sepci£ications, and he be requested to bring back recommendations to a special called meeting, if necessary, or a regular meeting. Notion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the Health Department and Purchasing Agent be authorized to advertise immediately for bids on a used trailer and a tractor adequate to handle the job. Motion carried unanimously. NLr. Bowden stated he had looked at Mr. I,oftin's equipment and Mr. Shepard, Shop Foreman, at the County Garage had looked at it. Mr. Shenard was reluctant to express opinion as to whether it would carry required load and suggested we look around. This is reason no action was taken. Mr. Loftin described trailer fvrther in reply to N'ir. Bowden's remarks. Mr. 4lilliams suggested any flzrther discussion be held in abeyance until other bids are received. DISCUSSION OF CRAWLER ZOADER CONTRACT - Mr. Fox stated he had been contacted b,y the North Carolina Eguipment Company as to the legality of County entering into agreement to lease equipment. Mr. Fox stated the County has authority to do so without any bidding procedure. Mr. Bob Williams, Vice-President of the North Carolina Equipment Company, appeared for the purpose of asking fair play for his company and the citizens of North Carolina. He asked why his company was not given a chance to offer a price. He stated his company felt they had been slighted, and pointed out his company has a branch office in Wilmin~ton. Mr. Harriss asked Mr. Fox oahat the bbligation is of the County in negotiating rental agreements on equipment. Mr. Fox stated there is no requirement for formal bids but there is always an obligation to follow informal bid proceedings and acguire prices. Mr. Harriss asked Mr. Bowden if this procedure was followed. Mr. Bowden stated it was not because E. F. Craven was the low bidder on the equipment purchased for the Carolina Beach Land£ill. Mr. Fox pointed out the County has authority to execute contracts for purchase of equip- ment without bids in event of emergency, such as riots. Mr. Williams contended that three companies, North Carolina Equipment Company, Gregory- Poole and E. F. Craven could have been contacted within fifteen or twenty minutes and the County would have had three proposals to choose £rom. Mr. Hall was of the opinion the Board did not have any ar~ument with Mr. Williams and the County would bear this in mind in the future. P~1r. Harriss stated he hoped the North Carolina Equipment would bid on any other eguipment the County will need. T•Tr. Harriss stated nothing but the total price will be taken into consideration other than meeting specifications. The £act the County is renting a piece of equipment from someone with the privilege of applying rent on the purchase price will not affect the decision of the County as to which piece of equipment t~~ill be purchased. T°ir. Harriss stated this was an emergency; the person contacted to maintain landfill had failed and County had to get somethin~ in right away. Mr. Harriss stated the Board regrets this; Mr. Bowden should have contacted you and agrees to that. He should have contacted several people but at the same this was an emergency situation because of a matter of public health. Nir. Harriss stated he did not know what prompted Mr. Bowden's actions, but he, Mr. Bo~aden, has the Board's backin~ on it. . The North Carolina Equipment Company was assured by Mr. Fox New Hanover County cannot purchase any equipment costing over $2,000 without obtaining £ormal bids. Zease agreement does nbt state County must buy any leased equipment. Mr. Bowden stated question of fair play keens coming up. The landfill was in a deplorable condition; Craven was successful bidder on last piece of equipment and was in direct contact when Mr. Cranford made his recommendation this be done. The recommendation to terminate contract ~aith contractor was long over due; his equipment had failed. Nir. Bowden stated he disagreed 100% with statement it only takes £ifteen minutes to contact three contractors to get a bid. There was no favoritism, there°hasn',t-ibee~5;the indication is that E. F. Craven has some kind of inside track, North Carolina Equipment Company had been treated unfairly. The transaction occurred because Craven was the success£ul bidder on the last piece of eguipment, and they were on the spot when the recommendation was made b9 the Aealth Department. Mr. Bowden stated t~ dounty has statutes to £ollow on advertisements and does. Mr. Williams stated if Mr. Bowden would call him if he ever runs into another emergency situation and needs equipment on a rental basis for three months, he would give him price in five minutes. Mr. Harriss ended discussion at this time. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - Sr.r~rr.i'1BER 7, 1971 -(CONTINUED) - RE9UEST FOR EASEMENT - MR. CARL MCGHEE - Mr. Carl McGhee stated he represented John Brouse, Inc., who has boughi; Wanet Sausage Company, Inc., of Wilmington, N. C. John Krouse, Inc., is a New York Corporation and the largest sausage maker in the world. This corporation intends to enlarge the business here. It will be necessary to ~o before the State and Federal Governments for approval of the effluent going into Smith Creek. For years Wanet Sausage Company has used a lagoon which New Hanover County allowed them bs-easement. Mr. McGhee requested the Board noi~a give John Krouse, Inc., an additional easement o£ four acres of swamp land lying south of a spur track that goes from the main track down to and around the buildings for a lagoon. Heretofore the la~oon in use now has worked perfectly but due to anticipated enlargement o£ the business it is £elt there is a need £or an additional lagoon. This will prevent pollution of Cape Fear River by Krouse. Mr. Hall inquired whether the Krouse Corporation would be interested in purchasing the land. Mr. McGhee stated :there would be no objection, if the price is right. Company, however, is under heavy debt service for purchasing business from Wanet. After flirther discussion, by common consent, it was a~reed to entertain possibility of selling land rather than giving an easement. P'ir. Marks suggested the land on which they nova hold an easement be sold to them also. Mr. McGhee was sailling to purchase this. P~ir. Harriss requested Mr. Booaden research possibility of sale and give a full report to the Board with recommendations. Mr. McGhee agreed to have property surveyed and have a topo made, furnishing the County a copy of each, a£ter which the County will have the property appraised. PROPOSAL FOR A SPECIkL REGISTRATIOIQ EFFORT, POSSIBLY A SFECIAL DATE FOR VOTER REGISTRATION - Mr. Williams stated he recognized the fact, as everyone,else does, that the County has a permanent registration system and special registrations are not required by law, however, with the new ruling in recent months the County has many people who will be able to vote if they get registered. Mr. Williams stated he would like to see the Board of Commissioners do whatever it can ~zithin reason to encourage this effort. Mr. Williams stated he had discussed this with the Executive Secretary to the Board of Elections, and he believed they would be ~lad to put on some type of special registration effort. There would possibly oe sone money involved. Mr. Williams stated he placed this item on the agenda with the idea o£ sug~esting that the Commissioners recommend the Board of Elections study the situation and come back with recom- mendations. Mr. Ed Boylan, Senior and President of the Student Body at UNC-W, and Miss Jane Divine, Editor of the College Paper, "The Seahawk", vaere present at the meetin~. They expressed interest in the procedures of voting. Mrs. Louise Rehder, Executive Secretary of the Board of Elections, vzas asked to join the meeting to clarify rules on registration. Mrs. Rehder stated to be eli~ible to register in IQew Hanover County a person must be a resident of North Carolina for a year. College students from out of totian have a student status and must register in the County of their home. To be eligible to vote in a Presidential election persons must be residents of the County 30 days prior to election. Mr. Boylan stated he and Miss Divine have met..with Mr. McEachern, Chairman, Board o£ Elections, on two occasions to discuss present laws and to request registrars go to the campus once during each semester. Mr. McEachern had requested statistics from them to determine if there is a sufficient number of students eligible to register to warrant a re~istrar bein~ sent to the campus. Mrs. Rehder was aware of the effort oT these students to stimulate interest on the campus and oY the consideration being given to sendin~ a special registration Commissioner to the campus of UNC-W for a special registration and also possibly to the two high schools. Mrs. Rehder stated it has also been proposed to the Board, but no action taken, that they have one Saturday registration in the precincts immediately prior to the primary and also, prior to the general election in 19~2. Mr. Williams stated if this is decided, he was sure the Commissioners would know about it because the Board of Elections would be requesting funds. Mrs. Rehder stated they would, since this item was not included in their budget. Both Mr. Boylan and Miss Divine expressed concern over the fact absentee ballots are not permitted in primar9 elections. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the special session of the legislature be asked to reconsider, at the first opportunity, the matter of permitting absentee ballots in primary elections. Motion carried unanimously. The Chairman encouraged Mr. Boylan and Miss Divine to continue their work on the campus to get eligible New Hanover students to register and call attention to the others that they will have to register in their counties. The Board, by common consent, endorsed the efforts of Mr. Boylan and Miss Divine in their campaign for voter registration at UNC-W. By common consent the Board of Elections was encotu~aged to make a special effort to encourage voter registration. Also, the Board of Elections was assured the Commissioners will do whatever they can to assist. MENTAL HEALTH - SERVICES OF DR. ROL'F FISSCHE~R AND DR. CHARLES VERNON - Mr. Marks advised the Commissioners that since llr. Schulte will be leaving shortly, it leaves the Mental Health Clinic without a Mental Health Director. Mr. Wilson, Local Health Administrator, has made arrangements with Dr. Rolf Fisscher and Dr. Charles Vernon to fill in to see that the same medical services are available to the public. Mr. Wilson was requested to prepare an interim agreement he had negotiated between these doctors to assist the County during this emergency. The County agrees to pay each $30 per hour for the following services. Dr. Fisscher will offer consultation to the-Mental Health Center staff 16.hours per month which will include direction in the treatment and diagnosis of patients, responsibility for medication and State hospitalization of patients and supervision of emergency cases. Dr. Vernon will pro- vide consultation to the Mental Health Center 8 hours per month. He will direct the staff in application of group psychotherapy and program planning for treatment of patients. He will also provide necessary supervision to the center staff in the area of education ancl consultations to the community. All consultations and supervision shall take place during normal clinic working hours. Specific scheduling of time shall be at the discretion of the Local Mental Health Ad- ministrator with approval from Dr. Fisscher and Dr. Vernon. It is understood that the terms of this agreement are subject to change at any time. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval of the interim agreement and the chairman be authorized to sign it. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss suggested some attempt be made to find a way to assure the Count9 it will not pay someone's moving expenses and have them leave after only a short while. Mr. Marks stated these directions had been given to the I,ocal Mental Health Administrator at the last meeting. Mr. Oxenfeld asked if other counties are involved. Mr. Marks stated Nera Hanover County is responsible primarily. '~ MIN`UTES OF THE MEETING - SFPT~ER 7, 1971 (CONTINUED) F:MFRGENCY EMPIAYMENT FUNDS PROGRAM - Mr. Raymond Grubbs, Administrative officer, appeared before the Board to explain the ~ above program. Ntr. Grubbs advised total amount of funds is $83,900. It was first thought the County would have to have matching funds, but it can be done in kind and he has made arrangements which will cause no problems. The stipulations, insofar as spending of funds is concerned, are they limit County on amount it can spend on salaries and types o£ jobs have to be of nature that will enhance an individual's opportunity for employment in the future. Jobs are not to be the menial type such as janitors. They ask special consideration be given to Vietnam veterans; they stated 33-1/3 percent have to be these, but if proper agencies are contacted and County is unable to do so, this is no problem. County's initial funding is a little over $13,000. Grant has been'approved which includes five jobs, two clerical employees in the Tax Office, two waste treatment operator trainees with the City and one general clerk that will be used in County offices where needed. This leaves a balance o£ $~0,000. Mr. Grubbs stated he had contacted all municipalities by letter and instructed them to contact him by phone so he could fill them in on the program and instruct them on the method of determining who will be able to have these funds. Mr. Grubbs stated most important part of stipulations is that the County hire one-half of the participants after the pro~ram is terminated. This is not a steadfast rule. If the County requests funds for the next fiscal year, the County would have to oblige their request. Mr. Grubbs was of opinion what-is meant is instead of putting a person back unemployed, employ him. Mr. Grubbs stated he did not anticipate any dif£iculties because.he is directing positions where there is a large turn over rate and the County will be able to place half of the people. He pointed out the UNC-W has expressed need for help.. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that formal acceptance of the $83,000 (which was approved by three Commissioners on August 25 by telephone), as outlin~d by Mr. Grubbs, be made official by the whole membership. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Grubbs stated it will be between 30 and 45 days before funds are received for im- plementation of the program. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded b~ Mr. Marks, that the Board authorize the loan of funds to this Emergency ESnployment Program from Unanticipated Revenue up to $6,000 expected from the Federal Government, subject to approval of the County Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. The County Attorney advised, in letter dated September 10, funds will have to come from the General Eatergency Fund. Mr. Grubbs stated it will be ~etween 30 and 45 days before funds are received for im- plementation of the program. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board authorize the loan of funds to this Eh~ergency Employment Program from Unanticipated Revenue up to $6,000 expected from the Federal Government, subject to approval of the County Attorney. Motion carried unanimousl~. EMPIAYMENT EXTENSION -.II`1PI~OYEE, TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE - Mr. Grubbs presented request of Mr. Powell to grant extension of one year employment to rir. genneth Johnson to permit him to rema'in employed in the Tax Collector's of£ice. Mr. Johnson is over 65 years of age and County Retirement Plan requires this be reviewed annually. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the extension be approved. Motion carried unaiiimously. MEETING WITH STATE PERSONNEL OFFICER IN RALEIGH - Mr. Grubbs reported on meeting he and Mr. Bowden Melvin, State Personnel Officer. The purpose of ineetin~ method by which to keep the County's offices consistent wise. This was a very helpful and beneficial meeting. Social Services, Mental Health and Public Health. attended in Raleigh with Mr. I,yman ; was to gain knowledge on setting up throughout, salary-k~ise and bene£it- People they met with represented Mr. Grubbs outlined two items that they all concurred in o~ould be helpful insofar as control is concerned in keeping salaries, etc. consistent throughout the County and suggested that items that are now submitted first to the State Agency in Raleigh come throu~h this office first. Item No. 1- Any change in salary such as hiring an individual above the minimum, when all papers have been prepared they be submitted to this oYfice £irst for review and determining whether or not it is warranted and consistent. Item 2- Aqptime there is an establishment, abolishment, or reallocation of a position, this should also pass through this o£fice. Other than these two items, the normal processes would be of no benefit that he could see inso£ar as control is concerned to this of£ice. It would only cause more paper work for the office. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these items be incorporated in the County Personnel Plan. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed at 12:15 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 12:25 P.M. FIRST READING DUNE BUGGY ORDINANCE Mr. Fox read proposed ordinance prohibiting the operation of motor.vehicles on the property in Neor Hanover County bordering the Atlantic Ocean. After discussion it was decided to allow motor vehicles weighing less than 5,000 pounds. Also, at Mr. Oxenfeld's suggestion, it was agreed to add provision stating ordinance not applicable to emergency vehicles, etc. By common consent the Ordinance passed first reading. Public Hearing will be advertised and held as soon as legall~ possible. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - CHAUNCEY & RAY CONST. COMPANY SPACE - NEIGHBORH00D YOUTH CORPS - Mr. Harriss presented request oP Mr. McCluey Hewett £or extention of time for use of Nurses Quarters of the Community Hospital for the Neighborhood Youth Corps. Mr. Hall stated he would like to relieve them of the tension they are under about whether they are going to have a place for the next several months and moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board grant the Neighborhood Youth Corps an extension for an indefinite period of time with the understanding building is to be reclaimed when needed after ample notice. Mr. Marks stated when he was in Whiteville recently he made some investigation about the Youth Corps there. There is a question of how much longer they will continue it there; it seems to be getting in about the same situation as the one did here and for the same causes. Mr. Marks wanted the County to be in position of getting back the use o£ the building anytime when the Board feels it is not used to the best of the County's interest. vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. CANCELI,ATION OF WELFARE LIEN - Mr. Fox discussed release of a welfare lien on the property of M. D, and Rosa Sills in payment of $900. Property was appraised at $1800 but lien is in effect on one-half of the property only, which would be $900. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Resolution be adopted and signed re- leasing the property. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no £urther business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/pb MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - 5135 5% 180 $14'7 , 280 . 00 ASSEMBLY - Special Meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building v~ith the follovair~g present: Chairman Neares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. WAIVER OF NOTICE OF MEETING - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the formal three days motice reauired for special meetings of the Commissioners be waived. Motion carried unanimously. BID OPENING - JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER - The following bids were opened by Mr..Frank Ballard, Architect, Ballard, McKim and Sawyer, on.the building: G~1v r,ttAL CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBERS Bzn BonTn COMPI,. DAYS BASE BID Alt. G 1 - change terrazzo to v.a.t. Alt. G2 - metal deck Alt. G-3 - Facade to Glasweld Alt. G4 - change steel windows to alum Alt. G-5 Hardware Change 7, 1971 ~CONTINUED) 9. 1971 HARNETT CONST. COMPANY 4934 5% 300 ~157,989•00 - 500.00 - 1,500.00 - 800.00 - 1,500.00 - 2,850.00 - 3,200.00 - 1,110.00 - 1,250.00 - 1,795•00 - 1,a5o.oo KITCHEN E6UIPMENT Food Equipment Contract Compa~y, Inc. David Jacobi Supply Company Thompson & Little, Inc. LICENSE NUP'IBERS 811 i o65 o23U ~+ RF:AGAN CONST COMPANY 3359 5% 360 $196,040.00 - 1,200.00 - 1,500.00 + 2,000,00 - i,2oo.00 - 2,250.00 IlID COMPI,. BOND DAYS 5/ LL•rt~x T. ROGERS INC. 962 5% 360 $175,000.00 SIMON CONST. COMPANY 3579 5~ 365 ~i~8,9o0.00 - 1,650.00 - 1,600.~0 - 1,600.00 - 1,600.00 - 3,000.00 - 2,800.00 - i,19o.00 - 1,200.00 - 1,~00.00 - 1,650.00 BASE BID $ 3,862.00 5/ 60 ~ 4,995•00 5% ~ 7,085.00