1971-09-09 Special MeetingMINUTES OF THE MEETING - CHAUNCEY & RAY CONST. COMPANY SPACE - NEIGHBORH00D YOUTH CORPS - Mr. Harriss presented request oP Mr. McCluey Hewett £or extention of time for use of Nurses Quarters of the Community Hospital for the Neighborhood Youth Corps. Mr. Hall stated he would like to relieve them of the tension they are under about whether they are going to have a place for the next several months and moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board grant the Neighborhood Youth Corps an extension for an indefinite period of time with the understanding building is to be reclaimed when needed after ample notice. Mr. Marks stated when he was in Whiteville recently he made some investigation about the Youth Corps there. There is a question of how much longer they will continue it there; it seems to be getting in about the same situation as the one did here and for the same causes. Mr. Marks wanted the County to be in position of getting back the use o£ the building anytime when the Board feels it is not used to the best of the County's interest. vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. CANCELI,ATION OF WELFARE LIEN - Mr. Fox discussed release of a welfare lien on the property of M. D, and Rosa Sills in payment of $900. Property was appraised at $1800 but lien is in effect on one-half of the property only, which would be $900. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Resolution be adopted and signed re- leasing the property. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no £urther business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/pb MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - 5135 5% 180 $14'7 , 280 . 00 ASSEMBLY - Special Meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building v~ith the follovair~g present: Chairman Neares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. WAIVER OF NOTICE OF MEETING - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the formal three days motice reauired for special meetings of the Commissioners be waived. Motion carried unanimously. BID OPENING - JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER - The following bids were opened by Mr..Frank Ballard, Architect, Ballard, McKim and Sawyer, on.the building: G~1v r,ttAL CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBERS Bzn BonTn COMPI,. DAYS BASE BID Alt. G 1 - change terrazzo to v.a.t. Alt. G2 - metal deck Alt. G-3 - Facade to Glasweld Alt. G4 - change steel windows to alum Alt. G-5 Hardware Change 7, 1971 ~CONTINUED) 9. 1971 HARNETT CONST. COMPANY 4934 5% 300 ~157,989•00 - 500.00 - 1,500.00 - 800.00 - 1,500.00 - 2,850.00 - 3,200.00 - 1,110.00 - 1,250.00 - 1,795•00 - 1,a5o.oo KITCHEN E6UIPMENT Food Equipment Contract Compa~y, Inc. David Jacobi Supply Company Thompson & Little, Inc. LICENSE NUP'IBERS 811 i o65 o23U ~+ RF:AGAN CONST COMPANY 3359 5% 360 $196,040.00 - 1,200.00 - 1,500.00 + 2,000,00 - i,2oo.00 - 2,250.00 IlID COMPI,. BOND DAYS 5/ LL•rt~x T. ROGERS INC. 962 5% 360 $175,000.00 SIMON CONST. COMPANY 3579 5~ 365 ~i~8,9o0.00 - 1,650.00 - 1,600.~0 - 1,600.00 - 1,600.00 - 3,000.00 - 2,800.00 - i,19o.00 - 1,200.00 - 1,~00.00 - 1,650.00 BASE BID $ 3,862.00 5/ 60 ~ 4,995•00 5% ~ 7,085.00 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 9, 1971 (CONTINUED) BID OPENING - JUVENILE DETENTION CEiVTER (CONTINUED) - PI,UPIBING LICENSE BID . ~ CONTRfiCTORS NUMBERS BOND BASE..BID AL'~'. P-1 Goodyear Plumbing Co. 597 5% $41,160.00 -$250.00 Hilco Mechanical Contractors, Inc. 1384 5% ~38,960.00 - $200.00 Sneeden, Inc. 480 5% $42,645.00 - $205.00 Whiteville Plumbing 102~ 5% $39,200.00 - $200.00 HEATING AND LICENSE BID COMPL. AIR CONDITIONING NUMBERS BOND DAYS BASE BID Advance Heating & Air Conditioning 4181 5% $16,6'79.00 Cannon Heating & 3062 5% $13,545.00 Air Conditioning, Inc. , Hanover Iron Works, Inc. 23'73 5% $1'],692.00 Hilco Mechanical Contractors, Inc. 1384 5% $15,848.00 Jordan Blanton Myers Co. 13'72 5% $15,249.00 Sneeden, Inc. 480 5% $13,700.00 Temperature Control Co. 1855 5% $14,500.00 EI,ECTRICAL Acme Cape Fear Hodges CONTRACTORS Electric Electric Electric LICENSE NUMBERS 3129-u 44']0-U 32~6-U BID BOND 5% 5% S% COMPL. DAYS BASE BID $38,824.00 $32,841.00 $31,850.00 Alt. E-1 - T.V. etc. not provided - 3,694.00 - 3,650.00 - 4,288.00 Alt. E-2 - electric door locks . - 1,536.00 - 1'75.00 - 1,631.00 Alt. E-3 - delete lights, pole, cable - 3,580.00 - 2,400.00 - 3,539.00 At Nr. Harriss' request meeting recessed for five minutes. Meeting reconvened. Bids for Kitchen Equipment, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, and electrical were opened at this time. (See bid figures above) At Mr. Marks' request meeting recessed for five minutes. Meeting reconvened. Short discussion was held on bids following which Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxen- feld, the bids be referred to the architect for evaluation and recommendations to the Board on September 20, 1971. Motion carried unanimously. ~ NEW FOSITION IN AUDITOR'S OFFICE - Mr. Oxenfeld stated he would like to clarify his position on an item that came up at the regular meeting of the Board on Tuesday, September 7, pertaining to the budget. Mr. Oxenfeld read the following statement: "During the period between 12 July, 19'71, and 23 July, 1971, the New Hanover County Commissioners conducted a series of nine meetings, to review the proposed budget for fiscal 9ear 1971-i9'72. It was very rev~arding to have attended each o£ these meetings and to have participated in the review, modification and adoption of the final budget of $13,318,23~.00. The budget is a well prepared document, consisting of 108 pages and many line items. Minutes of the budget hearings com- prise 38 pages. "At the regular Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, ~ September, 19'71, an item was discussed, regarding the General F~.nd, Department of the Auditor. The item pertained to a new position, Steno I, at an appropriation oS $4,356.00. Althou~h this specific item was omitted from the original budget presentation and although it does not appear in the minutes of the budget hearings, I recall the item being discussed informally during a recess during the budget hearings. During the pressure and tension of all parties concerned, in an attempt to complete the budget hearings, this item was apparently inadvertently omitted. I did realize, however, that this item was included in the final budget, as adopted. ' 11 MINUTES OF SPECIAI, MEETING - SEPTEfBER 9, 1971 (CONTINUED) NEW POSITION IN AUDITOR'S OFFICE (CONTINUED) - "Since the item pertaining to a new position, Steno I, Department of the Auditor, at an appropriation of $4,356.00, is included in the New Hanover County Budget £or the fiscal year 1971-1972, since this position was filled and vacated within a period of,approximately two weeks, and since the work load of the Department of the Auditor has continued to increase to the point of requiring additional personnel, I move that the unexpended portion of this appropriation remain within the Budget of the Department of the Auditor, under a line item entitled 'Salary". , "9 September, 19'71 John R. Oxenfeld" Mr. Marks seconded Mr. Oxenfeld's motion. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs MINUTES OF TIiE MEETING - SEPTEMBER 20, 19'71 ASSEMBLY The regvlar semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the £ollowing present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. ~Jilliams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - • Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. J. P. Williams, Pastor, First Christian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING SEFTII`1BER 7, 1971 - Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes o£ meeting of September 7, 1971 be approved subject to corrections furnished the Commissioners in memorandum of September 16, 1971. Corrections are as follows: Page 1, Last Paragraph, delete words "at nowhere" in third sentence. Page 8, Second Paragraph, sixth sentence should read: "... and they were on the spot when the recommendation was made by the Health Department." Page 11, Fourth Paragraph, Account from which to borrovr funds for this purpose should be general emergency fund. Mr. Bowden was advised of this b~ Mr. Fox in letter dated September lOth. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL MEETING S~rrr.~~'iBER 9~ 19~1 - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes of Special Meeting of Septem- ber 9, 1971 be approved as written. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Williams voted"No". RECOGNITION OF NEW CITY MANAGER. MR. JOHN JONES - Mr. Harriss welcomed Mr. John Jones, new City Manager, and introduced him to the other members of the Board. The Commissioners expressed their pleasure that Mr. Jones had assumed the position of Cit~ Manager o£ Wilmington. RECOGNITION OF REAPPOINTMENT OF JACK WEBB TO POSITION OF TOWIV MANAGER. CAROZINA BEACH, N. C. - The Board reco~nized the reappointment of former Totim Manager Jack Webb of Carolina Beach~to fill the same position. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to write Mr. Webb and welcome him back to New Hanover County. Notion carried unanimously. IDEAL BASIC INDUSTRIES. INC. - REQ.UEST TO CIASE ROAD - County Attorney Fox advised the Board o£ the request of Basic Industries, Inc. to close an old road just beyond Northeast Cape Fear River Bridge. Mr. Fox outlined the procedures necessary for the County to close the road, the first being for the Commissioners to adopt a resolution authorizing publication of notice of hearing on the request to be held November - 15, 1971. (AYter the meeting Mr. Fox changed the public hearing date to November 1, 19'71) Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the following resolution authorizing publi- cation of the notice of hearing be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. "STATE OF NORTH CAROI,INA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . RESOLUTION "Wf~REAS, "Ideal Basic Industries, Inc., the owner of certain property adjoining the following described tract of land, has requested that said tract, forming a portion of an old road lying in Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, be closed by the Board oY Commissioners of New Hanover County pursuant to the authority vested in them by the provisions of North Carolina General Statutes, Section 153-9(17)~