1971-10-04 Regular MeetingMINiTTES OF THE MEETING - SEPTEMBER 20, 1971 (CONTINUED) ~~ ISE41 HOPE DAI t - Mr. Marlis suggested le~al fee be obligation of the Water and Se~~jer Authority, since this is a joint authority. Mr. Harriss deferred this until a later meeting. ADDITIONAI~ STAFF FOR PERSONAI~ PROPERTY TAX DIVISION - Mr. Plarks raised question of addition of heln in the Tax Zisting office for the search of personal property tax. Mr. Bowden stated he was not ready to make a recommendation. Mr. Marks suggested it be proceeded on immediately. AD~70URNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that/the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/mw MINUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 4, 1971 - 9:00 A. M. ASSENNiBLY - The reguZar semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Sava~e, Clerk to the Board. County Auditor Shepard was absent due to illness. INVOCATION - ~ Chairman Harriss cal7.ed the meeting to order and asked The Rev. Robert H. Rub, Jr., 1'astor, Messiah Lutheran Church, to give the invocation. APPROV.AZ OF MINUTES - The following corrections were called to the attention of the Commissioners by the Clerk: On Page 3, next to last paragraph, first sentence, typographical error in"attendance" should be corrected. On Page 5, firs~ sentence, "curricular" should be "curriculum." Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unani~ously. ADVAIdCE REOUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD OF COMrIISSIOiVERS. ALSO, QUESTIONS $E SUBMITTED IN ADVANCE OF MEETINGS - ~ Mr. Harriss restated position that the Board had informally taken for the purpose of ge~ting it officially recor@ed and that was concerning persons appearin~ before ~he Board with questions concerning County Government. Mr. Harriss stated that because of the increasing complexity of County Government, along with other Governments, and because the Board of Commissioners is a deliberating body, which should have before it all possible information in order to answer questions posed either by the exigencies of the day or by citizens who might come before it, inso£ar as possible, the Board requests that the party or parties requesting to appear before it flzrnish the $oard any items and questions they wish to discuss in tiariting with as fu11 informa- tion as possible contained in the reguest. Mr. Marks added that he ti,~ould like to add to P1r. Harriss' statement that such requests be in advance suf£iciently for the Commissioners to re- search whatever necessary to give a competent answer prior to the meeting. Mr. Marks moved, seconded b~ Mr. Hall, adoption of this principle. Mr. Hall did not want anyone to think that unless tney ~ive notice of intention to appear, they cannot appear. Mr. Williams stated he would like to encourage people, even though they have not put their ideas in writing, to appear. before the Board if they i~~ish to but with the understanding that if they come up with a com~~;i~ga t~d guestion at the last minute, the Board will defer action unti]. such time as the Board researches the question in order tb avoid being rushed into a decision that is ill advised. Vote was called on the motion. It carried unanimously. ACTING TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT - Mrs. Janie Straughn, Acting "~ax Collector, gave the following report on taxes collected: Charged per scroll ~5,405,684.4-8, added by Tax Supervisor $3,243.49, less abatements $10,09'7.']9, balance taxes ~5,398,830.18, less collections in September yG~']8,050.7g, prepayment $337,60g.32, collections in August ~13,330.15, balance uncollected 19'71 taxes ~4,269,83°.92- Back taxes collected in September amounted to $10,4~?.56, less abatements $243.94, leaving balance of un- collected taxes ~39~,202.54. Delinquent Personal Property taxes collected in September amounted to 9~2,586.30, bringing total collected to date to $9,531.17. Question Vras asked by Mr. Williams when garnishments will get underwa,y. Mrs. Strau~hn stated they t~ill begin in January. I~tr. Williams sta~ed Mrs. Straughn has been doing an exceptional job in the past several months; she has assumed tremendous responsibility. Mr. Willaims asked what pro~ress is being made in securin~ or nariling a person to assume tlv.s responsibility. Mr.. Williams stated Mrs. ~traughn has assumed ~he added responsibility, but has not, in his opinion, been adequately compensated for it. PYr. Williams stated he felt it was time to Pace up to what he, I`(r. Williams, felt taas the Board's responsibility in making an adjustmeni; to a serious ineguity in salary for the person oaho has assumed the responsibility at this time. Mr. Williams asked NLr. Bowden to bring the Board up to date at this t~.me. Mr. Bowden stated Pir~ Strau~hn, Mr. Grubbs, and he had met, and there are two or three peculiar problems here. P1x~. $owden stated Mr. Powell is bein~ used temporarily in charge o£ both of£ices, Tax Collector and Tax Supervisor, and Mrs. Straughn is working under his super- vision and has been doin~ so for sometime. Mrs. Straughn is doing a very capable job. Mr. Bowden stated he asked Mrs. Straughn if she would be interested in the Tax Collector's job and reporting directly to this office. Co~ of her letter was furnished to each of the Commissioners stating her decision in the negative. I"ir. Bowden stated he was of the opinion N"Lrs. Straughn e MINUTES OF THE I`~ETING - OCTOBER 4, 19`71 (CONTINUED) ACTING TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT (CONTINUED) - accepted the position at a salary too loUi for the responsibilities involved, but until her job duties are chan~ed, there is a i~!age freeze to abide by. Mr. Bowden stated there remains for the Commissioners the question of whether to accept the table of organization presented. Mrs. Straughn is more than happy to be appointed as the deputy tax collector under that or~an- ization. She does not iaant to be "saddled" with the tremendous responsibility of Tax Collector without supervision such as on the proposed table of or~anization. Mr. Harris felt the matter was too complicated to discuss flzrther at this time and sug- gested the natter be deferred until it can be studied more. Mr. Williams stated he would like to see the Soard get on with the study and some action taken. P~ir. Glilliams moved, ~seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, this subject be placed on the A~enda for the next meeting. Motion carried unanimousl~ Mr. Narks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mrs. Straugl~n's report be accepted. Notion carried unanimously. Mr:..Har~3ss~rFa'is`ed question as to whether any garnishments would be issued before January, 197~ on taxes due prior to 19'70. Mrs. Straughn stated it ~aould be less complicated to issue garnishments for all back taxes due at one time, and also, the Tax Collector's office does not have time to do it at this time. Mr. Harriss stated it might be we11 to hire an additional person to get the garnishments out sooner than January on taxes past due noia and instructed P1r. Bowden to look'into the matter with the view of acting immediately on it, so that the County can get the money in. Mr. Marks e~rpressed feeling it ~~aould be taell to wait until January and send one garnish- ment out instead o£ tvao to the persons owing bacK taxes. After Mrs. Straughn left the meeting, Mr. Powell stated he had hoped to put someone on the garnish~ents around October 15 for a short time. Mr. Harriss stated there mi~ht be enough aaork in baclc taxes to almost set up a depart~ente TAX ASSESSMENT - SAFETY EQUIPMENT COT'~AIVY ~ Mr. Povaell su;gested ~645,395 be assessed a~ainst Safety Equipment Company who had failed to list its taxes after being requested to do so. Mr. Narks moved, seconded by P'Lr. Hal1, ~pproval of the assessment as recommended by the Tax Supervisor. T~otion carried unanimously. WAIVER OF TAX PENALTY - Mf~. HOUSTON L. SPIVEY 11rs. Houston L. Spivey appeared before the Board requesting taaiver of at least part of the penalty for failing to list her taxes. A£ter discussion it was pointed out ~o Mrs. Spivey that full penalty which is set by the General Assembly, has to be char~ed. The Board declined to waive the penalty. 41AIVER OF TAX PENALTY - HAROI,D W. DUBACH Mr. I3arold W. Dubach stated he ~aas delayed in moving from Plaryland to Wilmington by his employer from October, 19'70 to April, 1g71 and was unaVaare of the requirements of New Hanover County that property owners must list taxes in January. In Maryland real estate is automatical- ly listed. Prir. Williams stated based on the information presented in Mr. ]lubach's letter and his flzrther explanation, he felt the penalty should be remitted. Nir. tdilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the penalty be remitted. Motion carried unanimously. WAIVER OF TAX PENAZTY - MR. CILARLES S. NORWOOD. JR. FOR CAROLINA DEVELOPMEPtT COM1'ANY - P1r. Charles S. Noru~ood, Jr. of Goldsboro, 1V. C., representing Carolina Development Com- pany, appeared before the Board requesting waiver of tax penalty. He stated he was unaware he Vaas reguired to list taxes although he had received tax abstract from the Tax Of£ice. Zisting of real estate is automatic in Wayne County and Mr. Norwood was not familiar with listing taxes in Neoa Hanover Count~. After discussion Mr. Williams moved, seconded. by NLx~. Marks, that the penalty in this case be removed. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hall inquired ~-~hether or not it would cause more iaork to have automatic listin~. Mr. Poioell stated he would not recommend this until the county has tax mapping. There wou].d be a chance of losing some property. By common consent it was agreed to show in bold print that abstracts must be returned by January 31. APPROVAI~ OF 1972 TAX BII~ FORPi - Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the 19'72 Tax Bill form be approved as recommended by P7r. Powell. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAI, OF 1972 TAX ABSTRACT FORM Mr. Powell explained changes in the 1972 Tax Abstract. P1r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the 19'72 Tax Abstract be approved as recommended by the Tax Supervisor and that it contain a bold statement it must be returned to the Tax Zisting Of.£ice no later than Janu- ary 31. Motion carried unanimously. TAX VAZUE FOR HOUSEHOLD F'URNITURE FOR INDIVIDUALS RENTING - Mr. Pot~iell sug~;ested going back to the 10 times monthly ratio for computin~ taxes on household furniture for persons renting. He feels the County lost money because oP so many spot checks his office had to make when the ratio was raised to the 20 times monthly rent ratio. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, approval of the valuation of household £urniture by 10 times the monthly rental recommended by Mr. Powell. Motion carried unanimously. DISCISS~tDN DF TAX COE,I,ECTDR'S OFFICE COLLECTING CERTAIN ITEMS FOR THE CITY - Mr. Powell stated there had been no direction as to whether the Tax Collector's office should continue to collect several items for the City other than taxes. Mr. Harriss pointed out the Act states that the County collects "taxes and assessments levied by any of said municipal corporations and bodies politic." By common consent it was agreed the County has no choice but to collect £or this year and to discuss the matter ne~;t year when the contract comes up for renewal. rLLNUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 4, 1971 ADOPTION RESOLUTION - ZISTING BY MAIL - At I"Lr. Powell's suggestion~Mr. Fox prepared following resolution allowing the Tax Zistin~ Office to accept completed abstracts submitted by mail: "RESOLVED, that with the apnroval of the State Board of Assess~ent, that the general acceptance of completed abstracts submitted by mail shall be authorized, pursuant to N. C. Gen. Stat 105-311(b)." P"~r. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. PROTEST BY MRS. MANKIE HODGES OF INCREASE IN AMOUNT OF HER TA.XES- Mrs. Mankie Hodges appeared before the Board in protest of ~approximately, what she believed, tiaas an overchar~e of 3~ cents per year in her taxes £or 1~']1. The Board e~lained that in the past there was approximately $10 in valuation she tiaas not charged for on the 50'~ ratio but now under new 100'~ ratio system, she pays on flall valuation which accounts for the minor increase. After a lengthy discussion Mrs. Hodges was not satisfied, and i"Ir. Hall suggested she appeal to the State Board of Assessment, if she could not accept the Board's e~cplanation. T'tr. 47illiams moved that the Board instruct Mrs. Hodges by letter that it cannot change the additional charge legally. Plotion died for lack of a second. Mr. Harriss informed Mrs. Hodges the Board finds there is no error in the application of the tax rate to her assessment. PZr. Harriss stated if she needed further help, Mr. Bowden and Mr. Powell vaill help her. METHm OF HIRING NEW EMP~LOYEES - Mr. Joe Rogers of the Taxpayers Association asked th~hy Nir. Bowden and Mr. Powell hired someone £rom out of tovan i:o fill tax appraiser's job who does not knova the County, when qualified local people iaho applied were not considered. Mr. Powell named three local people who applied. Mr. Harriss stated the crux of the matter is; did Mr.. Bowden and Mr. Powell go out of town and hire someone ~~ahen the County had gualified people in town who had applied for the job. Mr. Bowden stated not at the time the job was available. Mr. Bowden stated they had a reasonably qualified person who was in the real estate business; he applied through a personnel agenc5r, paid his ot,an fee; he was interviewed, he Vaas a person that had good back~round, and at the.time we could not get a local person interested who the Tax Supervisor felt would work in. We hired him because we had to relieve a person in the Tax Listing Office; this person was his replacement. PAYMENT OF r~r;r~~ TO PERS~iviv.r,L AGENCIES - Mr. Rogers of the Ta:rpayers Association stated "According to the local offices the normal procedure for the £ees of the employment agency is to deduct the fees from the salary. Why is New Hanover County operating differently i~ith the ta~cpayers' money?" Mr. Harriss asked Mr. Bowden to anso~er this. Mr. Bovaden stated many times it is easy to add to a person's salary so that they can pay their own fee. Many times a person agrees to pay their own fee. The County had looked for over ti~io years for an Administrative Officer. We agreed to start him at a loorer salary and pay the fee ~ahich v~as cheaper for New Hanover County residente and a common business practice. Mr. Harriss stated the County paid a fee to the Personnel office to find it a gualified person that it could not find itself. Mr. Bowden stated when the County nays this fee it is paid lilie any other fee for a service such as a See for a CPA to audit books, en~ineering, etc. METHOD OF PAYING TA~S - Mr. Ro~ers' question raas "Why are the poor people and the ones on retirement with fixed in- comes being so hard pressed iahen they ~o to pay their taxes, with not accepting less than one-third or twenty dollars minimum? Plus increasing the percent penalty for la~ payment? NLr. Harriss stated that the County has required that payments be not less than one-third or twenty dollars minimum for partial payment of taxes because it cost in excess of the f.4J0~ three and four dollar payments just to enter them. The one-third or minimum was established on recom- r~endation of the Tax Supervisor. I~ir. Harriss suggested persons can save up until they get the ~20 and then pay their taxes. ~ P~ir. Rogers' next guestion was "Wouldn't the ~oney you would make on investin~ the discounted prepayment of taxes, that many people take advantage of, more than offset the small amount of interest lost on the prepayment schedule that has been a'trailable in the past? The two percent interest starting in Januar~ is going to hurt a lot of people ~aho have higher expenses in the winter. The Federal Government even e~ctended income tax from Marcn 15 to April 15 for the tax- payers. How are you helpin~ the taxpayers?" I`1r. Powell stated the Machinery Act spells out exactly how much interest the county must char~e and ~ahen it is to apply. BOND ISSiTr~ - WILMINGTON COLLEGE - Mr. Rogers of the Ta3cpayers Association stated "The people voted for a bond issue for Wilmington College. What is the status of this bond issue now that the college is part of the State University? Mr. Williams stated the County is still payin~ on the bond issue which is customary. Three buildin~s were turned over to the State University who have more than matched them in additional buildings and a dormitory. The State University has not reimbursed local governments anywhere in the State, as he understands it, for any bond indebtedness tiahen they have taken over an institu- tion of this kind, and he was of the opinion if they were reguired to do so, they taould take it out of the future construction that the County would be entitled to, which would probably retard the growth of the college. Mr. Plarks sug~ested the County Auditor could give him information on the balance and method of payments. Mr. Harriss stated he was of the opinion that, i£ it had not been for the County's investment originally, t~ae ~aould not have the University of North Carolina-Wilmington here now. Mr. Harriss also pointed out while the CountV does not ~et taxes from the college; it does from the people U,~ho raork there. Also, the out-of-town students brin~ in income. This was the end of P1r. Rogers' questions, and Mr. Harriss requested tYLat in the future the Board be furnished questions in advance in order to be prepared better to answer them. Mr. Bowden stated to i°Lr. Rogers that he believelcnow ivith the enployment of the Administrative Officer tnat the guestions he is having on the qualifications, etc. will take care o£ themselves. ~. ~ MINUTES OF TI~ MEETING - OCTOBER 4, 1971 (CONTIIVI7ED) RECONQ`TEIVDATIONS JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER BIDS - Mr. Frank Ballard and Mr. Ronald Knoff appeared with recommenclations for the Juvenile Detention Center. Total funds available amount•;;{p $244,770.00 (this includes the supplemen.tary Law and Order appropriation approved on September 25, 19'71 of $26,250). Contracts amount to 96248,282.36, including equipment. Discussion was held on what to eliminate. Mr. Ballard stated they thou~ht about purchasing some of the equipment under State contract prices and possibly some of it going into next year's bud~et. Also, cutting back on amount of TV surveillance system had been discussed. Mr. Ballard stated a savin~ might be effected in the type of sewerage disposal system used. Nr. Williams tiaas of the opinion the I,aoa and Order Committee vaill aid in equipping the facility. Mr. F~noff suggested the equipment £igure be reduced to $9,000 and take priorities as they come about. P1r. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by PTr. Marks, tY~ the figure for equipment be reduced to $9,000 and the recommendations of the ar.chitect Ue accepted. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss stated the Board o~,~ed Mr. W. B. Julian a"vote of thanks for his assistance in getting the supplementary allocation from another fund and reguested T'ir. Bowden write him. Mr. Williams inquired as to the responsibility of the committee now who was appointed to tiaork up this project. I~ir. Harriss stated the committee will now be dissolved. Mr. 4Jilliams su~gested a seoarate letter be written signed by the Chairman to each member of the committee expressing appreciation for their efforts. Mr. Harriss stated the chair will be deli~hted if Mr. Williams will assist in this. PrLr. Ballard spoke hi~ly of the committee. Meetin~ recessed at 11:15 A. M. Meeting reconvened at 11:25 A. M. TAX COMP[JTER SERVICE - Mr. Hall stated he nad requested Mrs. Savage last year to bring this item to his attention for discussion at the first rneeting in October in order to give other firms a chance to bid on this service. Mr. Hall reminded the Board the County purchased the tapes from IDP last year and now can do business with whom the County pleases. Mr. Ha11 stated it iaould be better to do business with a local firm if it can be worked out. Mr. Harriss agreed with Mr. Hall. Mr. Powe11 stated he had contacted several com~anies about a month ago and had planned to submit information to the Board at its next meeting. Mr. Bowden stated getting a computer might be feasible since there is so much work that can be computerized in the Tax Collector's o£fice. Mr. Hall guestioned services of an operator. Mr. Bowden stated he was not talking about programming. Mr. Marks stated he felt this was premature. Mr. Harriss stated an insurance compariy he represents is on its fifth computer; they change every year. This would be very expensive. Mr. Harriss stated all of the County computer services should be considered being put under one contract. • Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board ask Mr. Powell to secure informal guotations £rom several different firms, including 1oca1 firms, not only for services to the Tax Zisting Office, but also alternate proposal for handling computer service for the entire County, other than Neva Hanover Me~orial Hospital and the Board of Education. Since this wi11 require Mr. Powell to have information from the Auditor's office and Board of Elections as to their involvement in data processing, he was instructed to obtain this necessary data to complete his study. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. Mr. Oxenfeld suggested a study be made as to the best possible accounting procedures to be used. Mr. Harriss stated the County has so~e suggestions from the Institute of Goverrunent and from the Local Government Commission on certain accounting procedures to be instituted which should be determined by an auditing firm. Mr. Oxenfeld stated this is the time to do it betore selectin~ the service. T'ir. Bowden stated he did not believe there is time for a study. EMPZOYT''iENT OF A CPA FIRM TO Pril~ A THOROUGH STUDY OF THE PROCEDURES TN TI3~ TAX DEPARTMENT - By common consent it was agreed to request Mr. Botaden and Mr. Powell to make recommenda- tion ~Jhen they report on the computer service. APPROVAI, OF REVISED BY-I,AWS - SOUTHEASTERN MENTAL HEAi~TH ADVISORY BOARD - Mr. Marks discussed the revised by-lao~s stating it brings the old document that they had been operating under for years up to date and in keeping with present practices and procedures. The neti•~ document is more specific in the areas of responsibilit~s o£ the membership and different committees. One of the main changes was to change the date of appointment of inembers of the board from May to September to coincide with date officers take office. Mr. Marks recommended an alternate member be appointed from the Board of Commissioners to serve in the absence of the re~u7.ar member from the Commission and su~gested Mr. Hall be con- sidered. Mr. 4Jillaims stated he would agree but wondered if a provision in the by-laws would not be necessary. Mr. Harriss questioned whether Mr. Hall ~~~ould want to take on added responsibilities. By common consent it i,~as a~reed the regular member from the Commissioners be permitted to appoint an a~:ternate from their respective Board to serve in their absence. This ~aill be on a meeting by meeting basis. 1y MINUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 4, 1971 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF REVISED BY-LAWS - SOUTHEASTERN ME2dTAi~ N~AI~TH ADVISORY BOARD CONTINUED) Mr. Williams raised question on rage 2 under f concerning ex officio members not voting. Mr. Williams asked Mr. I`Tarks if he did not think it would be well to authorize the ex officio County Commissioner to be able to vote. Mr. Marks stated he declined to V~te beoause the Ntental- Health Advisory Board mi~ht take it as direction from the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the representative from the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners be a voting member. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Marks was allot•aed to abstain by motion made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, which carried unanimously. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the proposed by-lai•rs be adopted with the changes as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. CONFIRMATION REAPPOINTMENT MEMBER TO JURY CONBKISSION - Mr. Ha11 moved, secohded by Nir. Oxenfeld, that confirmation be made at this time of the reappointment of Mr. Jack D. McCarley to the Jury Commission of Ne~o Hanover County, effective October 1, 19~1 for a tldo year term to e~ire September 30, 1973. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Fox joined the meeting~~ this time. APPOINTMENT TRUSTEES TO FIREMAN'S RELIEF FUND - MYRTLE GROVE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - P~1r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Mr. Joe E. Piner be appointed for two years and Mr. T. N. Simmon5 for one year as Trustees on the Firenan's Relief Fund - Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department, effective October l, 1971. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT REPLACEPTENT. I~`iEMBER TO PI,ANNING COI~II`1ISSION - This matter vras deferred until ner,t ~eeting. TERPIS OF REur.ivt~LY APPOINTED MEMBERS TO HOSPITAL BOARD - P1r. Hall advised the Comnissioners the Hospital Board wished the Commissioners to appoint the persons they (the Commissioners) appointed on interim basis at their last meeting to five year terms, terms beginnin~ October 1, 19']1 and expirin~ September 30, 19~6. The persons are as follows: Messrs. Seymour L. Alper, William H. Sutton, Hendrik Swart, and James E. Whitted. Mr. Hall so moved, seconded by I°ir. Williams. Motion carried unanimously. DUNE BUGGY ORDINANCE - Mr. Fox called attention to the fact the Dune Buggy Ordinance vaas adopted prematurely at the last meeting. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that action taka,n at last meetin~ adopting the Dune Buggy Ord.inance be rescinded until second readin~ at,the next regular neeting. Motion carried unanimously. ~ A.B.C. PERMIT RE9UESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Board: New David Jones Grocery, 211 I,ake Park Blvd., Carolina Beach, N. C. and Bames Esso & c~rocery, Cape Fear and Woody Hewett Streets, Carolina Beach, N. C. T'ir. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the requests be referred to the Sherif£'s Department for investigation and recommendations. Motion carried unanimousl,y. ORDINANC~ GOVERNING DISPOSITIOV OF JUIVI{ VEHICT~ES AND OTHER ABANDONED ITEMS - First reading was held on proposed ordinance governing disposition of junk vehicles and other abandoned items. By common consent it passed first readin~ and required public hearing was authorized to be held after proper advertisement. CHERRY. BEKAERT & HOI,LAND AUDIT REPORT ~pR YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. 1971 - Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall,~that receipt of the above audit report be acknowledged. Motion carried unanimously. BOWDEN NURSING HOME COMPLAINT - Mr. Harriss called attention to a letter £rom Mr. James E. Bowden, operator of Bowden Nursing Home. Mr. BoY1~en's letter pointed out there is a month and one-hal£ period `~ in collectin~ for indigent patients. Mr. Hall stated he experiences the same thing at his drug store. Also, 1"ir. Lowden stated the State Social Services is reguesting payment £rom him of a Blue Cross Settlement vahen they actually owe hin a great deal more. Mr. Harriss reguested Mr. Bowden furnish the Commissioners a complete copy of the correspondence and suggested they contact Mr. J. E. Bowden if they have any questions before the next meeting in order that the Board might be prepared to make some recommenda- tions. Mr. Marks su~~ested the County Aclministrator discuss the matter with Miss Hall. ~ SOIL CONSERVATIONIST SURVEY - Mr. Bowden advised the Board he had received a letter from Mr. Sam Cox, District Conservationist, stating they aiticipate the study will now cost from $90,000 to $100,000 instead of the estimated $50,000. In view of this Mr. Cox has asked the Board to give consideration to increasing its financial participation in this survey. I"ir. Aall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Mr. Bowden be authorized to negotiate with Mr. Cox for the completion o£ this soil survey, and let him know the Board is not hostile to the idea. T'1s~. Marks was of the opinion the appropriate time to consider this would be when the survey has been completed and the exact cost is lmown. Mr. Ilarks felt it might s~ a precedent for others tor~k for incr.eases in contracts. Vote was called on motion. It carried four to one. Mr. I`riarks voted "No." PHYS2CAL EXAMINATIONS ON SII~ECTIVE BASIS FOR NEtiJ EMPI,OYEES - Mr. Bowden stated he needed consideration by the Board the question of requiring physical examinations for new employees. He stated persons are being hired for the in- spection offices and various office and sometimes a person's age should probably require that they have a physical examin~tion. Mr. Bowden stated T'ir. Grubbs has requested 2~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 4, 1971 (CONTINUED) a PfiYS2CAI~ EBAMINATION ON SFZECTIVE BA.SIS F'~R NEW ~LOYEES (CONTINUED) - this and he, Mr. Bowden, thinks it is a very good idea: T~:- ow~den requested this be allowed on a selective basis; this will not be for everyone employed by the County. Mr. Bowden re- quested use of facilities in the jail £or such examination if idea is approved. The Board did not agree to t}ie use of the jail facilities. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion that a person applying £or a job requiring a physical examination should bear the expense himself. By common consent it was agreed applicant bear the expense of the examination. Mr. Harriss requested Mr. Bowden to list the positions on which he would like persons to be required to have physicals and the reasons therefore and to present it at the next meeting. Mr. Iiall and Mr. Fox were excused from the meeting at this time. CONTROL OF CATS - , Mr. Bowden stated due to dilemma the County is having with cats, he is requesting appro- priation of $5,380 to dispose of the cat problem. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that $5,380 be appropriated from the General Contingency Fund £or this purpose, subject to the City's consent in paying their proper portion. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bowden's next request was the authorization for the Animal Control Center to pick up the stray cats, answer calls for stray cats, provide housing £or cats £or prescribed time, and to humanely dispose of them in one of the three methods (1) putting them to sleep, (2) procure license to sell to labs, and (3) adoption. This should be subject to Mr. Fox's approval. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, approval of the request, subject to Mr. Fox's approval. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bowden stated all monies received from disposition of cats will go to defray the cost of operation. C3VII, Dc~FINSE iiE9UES~ - TRAVEL ALLOWANCE WITIiIN THE COUNTY BE RESTORED TO BUDGET - Mr. Bowden stated he had received letter from General Andrew H. Harriss, Civil Defense Director, requesting $200 - Travel Allowance within the County, which was requested by him at budget time and approved, be restored to ~e budget. This item was inadvertently left out of his budget when it was finalized. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, t~ the $200 be appropriated from the General Contingency ~zn.d to the Civil Defense budget. Motion carried unanimously. T~ETTER FROM CIVIL li~rr:~vSE DIRECTOR COMMENDING VARIOUS AGENCIES AND VOLUNTEERS FOR THEIR SERVICES DURING t~r.ur.NT HURRICANE - Mrs. Harriss advised the board that he had received a copy o£ a letter commendin$ the Red Cross, Salvation Army, National Guard, Civil Air Patrol, local new media, and numerous persons~ who volunteered their sexroices durin~ the threat of the recent hurricane "Ginger". COMMUNICATION E9UIPMENT FOR ANIMAI, Cviv~i"tt~L vr;~ri•~R - Mr. Bowden stated the Auditor had been ~equested to advertise for communication equipment for the Animal Control Center. Mr. Bowden stated this is one way the County can save on the cost originally projected for cat control. PROPOSED PURCAASE OF A TRUCK BY TAE BOARD OF ELECTIONS - Mr. Bowden stated he was in receipt of a letter from the Board o£ Elections on the trans- portation problem of voting machines. The Board o£ Elections has some money left in their Capital Outlay Account, and by mutual consent it is agreed, if the Commissioners will transfer the funds within their budget, to purchase a truck and leave it for use of the County ~ara~e except during the time they will be moving the voting machines. At that time he, Mr. Bowden, would provide them with a man to help them. Mr. Bowden stated they would purchse a used truck.~ Mr. Bowden stated a 1968 truck would cost around ~1500 and the lift approximately $900. Mr. Bowden stated this is an over sized body with heavy duty springs. Mr. Williams suggested i£ the County needs a truck, let the County garage buy it, own it,, and control it and rent it to the Board of Elections when needed. Mr. Williams did not think the County could justify the Board o£ Elections owning a piece of rolling stock., Mr. Marks questioned price o£ $1500 for a used truck as compared to cost of a new one for $2400. He was of the opinion a truck depreciates more than that in three years. He also was of the opinion it might be better to purchase a new truck. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Bowden request the Auditor's office to advertise for a new one-ton truck for the garage and work out a rental agreement with the Board o£ Elections. It was also concluded that a li£t would be very useful and,possibly the Board of,Elections might buy the lift. SALE OF IAT AT PATILANDA - Discussion was held on selling lot at Patilanda which the County purchased due to ditch being cut through it by the County. The appraised value is $900 and Mr. Bob Bumby has a~reed to pay this amount. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the lot be sold. Motion carried ~~r~*+~mously. FRESENTATION BEFORE HIGHL7AY COMI'~LSSION - DIRECTION OF INTERSTATE 40 - Mr. Williams advised the Board that sometime ago he was requested by the Chairman to check into the direction of Interstate 40 which he had done and he has quite a bit of information on it. The Chairman of the Highway Commission has stated the Board will be notified in time before the hearing at which time the decision will be made. Mr. Williams was of the opinion a deter- mination should be made soon as to who is going to present the County's case at the hearing. Also, all those in the area that will be affected, not just those whose city, town or county it will come through, should be encouraged to be at the hearing. Mr. Williams inquired whether it would be in order to turn what in£ormation he has over to the Chairman and that he be the person to appear before the Aighway Commission and present the case. Mr. Marks sug~ested Mr. Fox present the case. Mr. Williams stressed the fact it would be more ef£ective i£ presented by a local elected governing board member. MIIVIJTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 4, 1971 (CONTINUED) 2 1 PRESENTATION BEFORE HIGHWAY COI~Il"IISSION - DIRECTION OE .uvlt~ttSTATE 4Q .(.CON.TINUED~ - Mr. Harriss stated 1"!r. Bowden, at his direction, had been in touch with PZr. Doss who is handling the matter from the standpoint of the ~hamber of Commerce and felt~it should be coordinated. Mr. Iiarriss suggested Mr. Williams turn the material over to Mr. Bowden and he, Mr. Harriss, would get with Mr. Bowden and Mrs. Doss to prepare a statement and he, Mr. Harriss, would present it. ' PROPOSED PUF2CHASE OF A I,UW BOY - Mr. Marks reported on his investigation with Mr. Bowden on the used low boy that had been offered to the Count~. It was decided the low boy was not suitable for the County's needs. The tractor of£ered was not considered; it was a single axle drive and the County needs a dual a~cle drive. ' In answer to question concerning bids submitted, Mr. Bowden stated he had asked Mr. Shepard to contact the bidders about extension of time, and Mr. Shepard had advised him there was no question about this. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion they should be followed through and one accepted. Mr. Marks stated Mr. Bowden had plans with the I3i~hway Department and Mr. Harriss asked for recommendations at the next meeting. ADJ~uturi°lENT - There being no further business to come before by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion hs/mw the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Sava~e Clerk to the Board P2INTJTES OF THE MEETING. OCTOBER :1rfi. 1971 - 9:00 A. M. ASSECIDLY - ~ . The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. 4lilliams; Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; Assistant to the Auditor Mrs. Elizabeth Edens; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked The Rev. W. J. Daigle, Pastor, Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, to give the invocation. 9PPROVAI, OF Pu.ivu'r~S - Mr. Oxen£eld requested the £ollowing correction to the minutes o£ October 4, 1971: On- Page 8, fourth paragraph, first sentence should read: "Mr. Oxenfeld suggested a•study be made as to the best possible accounting procedures to be used." Mr. Harriss requested the £ollowing corrections':~~ On: Pag.e7;.~+~,.:sixtl3rpa~sgraph, first sentence should read: "Mr. Powell suggested going back to the'10 times monthly rent ratio..." Second sentence should read: "... was raised to the 20 times monthly rent ratio." Mr. Marks requested following corrections: On Page 1, seventh paragraph, third sentence should read: "... to give a competent answer..." On Pa~e 13, thii~d paragraph, last sentence should read: "... it was a single axle drive and the County~needs a dual axle drive." Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. RECONIl`1ENDATIONS ON F.l`~PLOYMENT OF CPA TO P1A%E STUDY OF THE PROCEDURES IN THE TAX DEPARTMENT - Mr. Bowden called attention to memo he had written the Commissioners sometime ago requesting the Tax Office be set up with more fiscal procedures and controls then what the County presently has. Mr. Bowden stated he had discussed this with Mr. Shepard and one of the local CPA firms at length, and Mr. Shepard concurs wholeheartedly a change is needed i:n some o£ the present procedures. The study to establish written manuals on each job is essential. It will be necessary to appropriate funds for the study; amount is not l~own because it will be on a time basis. Mr. Bowden estimated it would cost between ~3,000 and $4,000 to set the o£fice up as it should be, and he strongly urged it be done. Mr. Harriss pointed out, with Mr. Bowden concurring, that this study is recommended by Mr. Henry Zewis of the Institute of Government. Mr. Marks pointed out the suggestion in Mr. Bowden's memo that the Auditor's office be the only agent to write checks involving flznctions of New Hanover County and moved this be incorporated into the procedures of the Auditor's office and that the firm of Cherry, Bekaert & Holland be employed to provide the study. Mr. Oxen£eld seconded the motion. Mr. Williams asked for clarification of each job being set out. Mr. Bowden stated•he was re£erring to job procedure not job~description. Mr. Hall wanted the Board to make it clear there is nothing wrong in the Tax Department, nor with the way it was run by the former Tax Collector, but the County wishes to set up more efficient procedures. Vote was called on the motion. It carried unanimously. SELECTION OF OUTSIDE AUDITOR FOR FISCAL YEAR 1971-72 - P1r. Marks suggested to the Board it might be advantageous to the County and to the auditing firm who is selected to audit the County's books £or this fiscal 9ear if the firm is chosen substantially in advance of the actual end of the fiscal period. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr: Oxenfeld, that the firm of Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, be named to do the audit for the subsequent year: • ~ Mr. Harriss made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the motion be tabled until the next meeting. Substitute motion carried UnaT~iIIlOU5~.9.