1971-10-18 Regular MeetingMIIVIJTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 4, 1971 (CONTINUED) 2 1 PRESENTATION BEFORE HIGHWAY COI~Il"IISSION - DIRECTION OE .uvlt~ttSTATE 4Q .(.CON.TINUED~ - Mr. Harriss stated 1"!r. Bowden, at his direction, had been in touch with PZr. Doss who is handling the matter from the standpoint of the ~hamber of Commerce and felt~it should be coordinated. Mr. Iiarriss suggested Mr. Williams turn the material over to Mr. Bowden and he, Mr. Harriss, would get with Mr. Bowden and Mrs. Doss to prepare a statement and he, Mr. Harriss, would present it. ' PROPOSED PUF2CHASE OF A I,UW BOY - Mr. Marks reported on his investigation with Mr. Bowden on the used low boy that had been offered to the Count~. It was decided the low boy was not suitable for the County's needs. The tractor of£ered was not considered; it was a single axle drive and the County needs a dual a~cle drive. ' In answer to question concerning bids submitted, Mr. Bowden stated he had asked Mr. Shepard to contact the bidders about extension of time, and Mr. Shepard had advised him there was no question about this. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion they should be followed through and one accepted. Mr. Marks stated Mr. Bowden had plans with the I3i~hway Department and Mr. Harriss asked for recommendations at the next meeting. ADJ~uturi°lENT - There being no further business to come before by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion hs/mw the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Sava~e Clerk to the Board P2INTJTES OF THE MEETING. OCTOBER :1rfi. 1971 - 9:00 A. M. ASSECIDLY - ~ . The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. 4lilliams; Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; Assistant to the Auditor Mrs. Elizabeth Edens; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked The Rev. W. J. Daigle, Pastor, Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, to give the invocation. 9PPROVAI, OF Pu.ivu'r~S - Mr. Oxen£eld requested the £ollowing correction to the minutes o£ October 4, 1971: On- Page 8, fourth paragraph, first sentence should read: "Mr. Oxenfeld suggested a•study be made as to the best possible accounting procedures to be used." Mr. Harriss requested the £ollowing corrections':~~ On: Pag.e7;.~+~,.:sixtl3rpa~sgraph, first sentence should read: "Mr. Powell suggested going back to the'10 times monthly rent ratio..." Second sentence should read: "... was raised to the 20 times monthly rent ratio." Mr. Marks requested following corrections: On Page 1, seventh paragraph, third sentence should read: "... to give a competent answer..." On Pa~e 13, thii~d paragraph, last sentence should read: "... it was a single axle drive and the County~needs a dual axle drive." Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. RECONIl`1ENDATIONS ON F.l`~PLOYMENT OF CPA TO P1A%E STUDY OF THE PROCEDURES IN THE TAX DEPARTMENT - Mr. Bowden called attention to memo he had written the Commissioners sometime ago requesting the Tax Office be set up with more fiscal procedures and controls then what the County presently has. Mr. Bowden stated he had discussed this with Mr. Shepard and one of the local CPA firms at length, and Mr. Shepard concurs wholeheartedly a change is needed i:n some o£ the present procedures. The study to establish written manuals on each job is essential. It will be necessary to appropriate funds for the study; amount is not l~own because it will be on a time basis. Mr. Bowden estimated it would cost between ~3,000 and $4,000 to set the o£fice up as it should be, and he strongly urged it be done. Mr. Harriss pointed out, with Mr. Bowden concurring, that this study is recommended by Mr. Henry Zewis of the Institute of Government. Mr. Marks pointed out the suggestion in Mr. Bowden's memo that the Auditor's office be the only agent to write checks involving flznctions of New Hanover County and moved this be incorporated into the procedures of the Auditor's office and that the firm of Cherry, Bekaert & Holland be employed to provide the study. Mr. Oxen£eld seconded the motion. Mr. Williams asked for clarification of each job being set out. Mr. Bowden stated•he was re£erring to job procedure not job~description. Mr. Hall wanted the Board to make it clear there is nothing wrong in the Tax Department, nor with the way it was run by the former Tax Collector, but the County wishes to set up more efficient procedures. Vote was called on the motion. It carried unanimously. SELECTION OF OUTSIDE AUDITOR FOR FISCAL YEAR 1971-72 - P1r. Marks suggested to the Board it might be advantageous to the County and to the auditing firm who is selected to audit the County's books £or this fiscal 9ear if the firm is chosen substantially in advance of the actual end of the fiscal period. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr: Oxenfeld, that the firm of Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, be named to do the audit for the subsequent year: • ~ Mr. Harriss made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the motion be tabled until the next meeting. Substitute motion carried UnaT~iIIlOU5~.9. 2~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 18, 1971 (CONTINUED) BILL FROM unr;xtcx, BEKAFRT & HOLLAND FOR 1970-1971 AUDIT - P7r. Bowden stated the ~ounty 3s in receipt of bill from Cherry, Bekaert & Holland iri the amount of $9,168.25 £or recent audit. Mr. Bowden stated only $8,000 had been budgeted; therefore, an appropriation of $1,168.25 is needed. Mr. Williams moved, seconded b~ Mr. Marks, that $1,168.25 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund for the payment of this bill. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON EMERGENGY EMPIAYMENT AC~ - Mr. Ray Grubbs, Administrative Officer, reported the Emergency E~ployment Act Program is now operational, and the £irst reguest for flznds has been submitted to the Atlanta office o£ the Manpower Administration. Thirteen jobs have been created and approved with the $83,900; namely, Registrar-Secretary, Museum; Mech~^~c, Carolina Beach; Public Works Assistant, gure Beach; General 0£fice Clerk, IINC-W; Music Teacher, Public School System; 2 Waste Treatment Operators, 1 Recreation Leader, and 1 Building Inspector, City of Wilmington; 2 General Office Clerks, 1 Clerk-Typist and 1 Deputy Sheriff, New Hanover County. To date two General Office Clerks for the County, one General 0£fice Clerk for UNC-W, and the Music Teacher have been hired. Mr. Grubbs expects to have all persons hired by the end of the week or the majorit~ o£ them. Mr. Grubbs stated most of these postions are positions that were requested in the bud~et but denied for lack o£ funds. Mr. Grubbs stated there is a definite need for these positions. ' Mr. Williams asked if the County is agreeing, when funds are no longer available from the Federal Government, to hire these persons. Mr. Grubbs stated he had informed all department heads receiving this help that jobs are fluided through August 30, 19~2 only and there is no guarantee they will be continued, but every effort will be made to use these persons in other employment in the County if jobs are available. Mr. Grubbs stated it is a good training area £rom which to fill permanent positions. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Board: Zip Mart #1'], 5302 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington and The Outside Inn, 5112 Market Street, Wilmington. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the requests be £orwarded to the Sheriff's Department for investigation and recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. PUBI,IC HEARING - JUNK ORDINANCE - Mr. Harriss declared Public Hearing on proposed Junk Ordinance open and asked if anyone had any comments. Mr. Williams commented on Section V, stating he £elt some of the requirements are too "stif£" and it might be difficult to get anyone to take part in the program. Mr. Williams felt require- ment that a person's garage remain open twenty-four hours per day, seven days a week, would limit the County to one or possibly two operators. The requirement that one have available at all times equipment capable of moving any size vehicle would limit the County to only one opera- tor. The requirement to have storage space facilities to protect from the elements is also a little "stiff". Mr. Harriss stated as to requirement of eguipment capable of towing any vehicle, regardless of size, these people.are qualifying for automatic business. If they are not qualified to handle it, then they should not be in the business. This is a public service rather than set up: for an~one's private benefit, because the County is trying to avoid the storage of wrecked automobiles £or months around residential areas. Mr. Williams stated he wanted such an ordinance that would justify a man investing in the equipment and facilities necessary~;: so he will be willing to pick up the junk automobiles. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the_Attorne~* be requested to redraft the ordinance to take care of these objections. Motion carried unanimously. ~ Mr. Flarriss declared public hearing closed at this time. FORMAI~ APPROVAI. TRANSF'ER OF FUNDS WITHIN SCHOOL BUDGET - Prior to meeting, by poll vote, the Commissioners approved Dr. Bellamy's request to transfer $12,943.49 from Reserve E1xnd and $4,~56.51 from Burglar Alarm, total $1'],'700.00 to Bus-Garage- Capital Outlay. Mr. Hall moved, seconded b~ Mr. Williams, this request be formally approved. Mr. Iiall remarked that at the last budget discussions the Board approved the School Budget as a total bud$et which is a departure from the Board's usual procedure of line items. This was done due to the uncertainty and con£usion by the loss of the administrative building and equipment. It was hard for them to bring up to date all the possible line item expenditures under the circumstances. Mr. Hall stated it was not the intention o£ the Board to do this again but will revert to the line system in the future. Vote was called on the motion. It carried unanimously. APPROPRIATION RUMOR CONTROL CENTER YOUTH COUNCII, - Mr. Harriss stated the City has tentatively agreaito ftzrnish $150 to the Rumor Control Center, and the County has been reguested to do likewise. The expenses of this center will be chiefly rent and phone expenses. It will be served by volunteers. The organization is apply- ing for federal aid and hopes to be funded within three months. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the $150 be appropriated from non-tax funds for this purpose based on the~City furnishing $150 also. It was pointed out purpose of this group is to det the truth out to comba~ rumors. Vote was called on Motion. It carried unanimously. APPROPRIATION TO COMPLETE RELOCATION OF GRAVES FROM FORMER COUNTY CEMETERY - Mr,:- Harriss stated families o£ persons buried in the former County Cemetery have been satis- fied so the interred can be moved to a local cemeterp where the graves will receive permanent care. An appropriation of $2,150 is needed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded b~ Mr. Marks, that the appropriation be authorized, fluids coming from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. This will give the County title to the plat. PROCLAMATION OF INDUSTRY Arrtcr;CIATION WEEg - Mr. Harriss read the following resolution recognizing week of October 25-30 as Industr9 Appreciation Week in New Hanover County: ' MINUTES OF TAE MEETING - OCTOBER 18, 1971 (CONTINUED) .~j ~ J STATE OF NORTH CAROLIN.A : . RESOZUTION COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER: . WI~REAS, October 25 through 30, 1971 has been o£ficially designated Industry Appreciation Week in North Carolina, and WI~REAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and a11 the citizenry recognize the tremendous importance oY our local industry to the community, and GII~REAS, our local industries have proved their worth as good citizens and neighbors in our County, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners officially recognizes with profound appreciation the ef£orts our local industry and their promotion of good relations and assistance to New Hanover County and hereby proclaim October 25-30, i97i as Industr.v Appreciation Week in New Hanover County. Signed this day of , 19'71 : Chairman Vice-Chairman Commi.ssioner Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: Clerk to the Board Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, adoption of the resolution. Motion carried unanimously. MENTAI, HEALTH NEW EMPI,OYEE - PSYCHIATRIST - Mr. Marks informed the Board the Southeastern Mental Health Center had been negotia~~; ing for someone to replace Dr. Schulte. The E~cecutive Committee met with Dr. Angelina Knox k~ho applied for the job two years ago. An offer was made her at that time, but she w.ent with the State. The Executive Committee of the Mental Health Advisory Board recom- mends to the Commissioners Dr. Angelina Knox be appointed as Medical Director with Salary Grade of 88, Step 5 at an annual salary of $29,760. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Dr. Angelina Knox be appointed as re- commended. Motion carried unanimously. BID Urr.~v~uvG - COMMITNICATION E9UIPMENT - ANIMAZ CONTEOI, CENTER - The following bids were received and opened to flarnish a complete two-way radio sys- tem for the New Hanover County Ani.mal Control Center: Broadcasting & Communications, Inc. Lumberton, N. C. Federal Sign & Signal Corporation Atlanta, Ga. Communications Specialists Wilmin~ton, N. C. $4,919•50 - 90 days delivery $5,126.30 - 11 weeks delivery $4,58'7.50 - 45 days delivery Discussion was held on hauing all county s~stems, with exception of the.Sheriff's Department, on one frequency. Mr. Donald Loftin of ComTmin~cations Specialists Company stated i£ the County desired to make these units two frequency for operation, it is possible the Commission taould assign a channel that would be within two frequency capability to the Sheriff's Department. Mr. Loftin recommended the County investigate another channel at this time because £requencies are limited. •If tional channel at this time and in the future it wants to together, it would already have a channel available. Mr. separate the systems and think about making them two Preqi at a very nominal cost. assignment on a separate the County can secure an addi- consolidate or use two systems I,oftin recommended the County zency type which ~~ould be done Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that~the contract be awarded to Communica- tions Specialists Company, inc., provided bid meets specifications, and any additional flxnds required to come from the General F~ner~ency ~nd. Motion carried unanimously. • DIINE BUGGY ORDIIdANCE - SECOND READING AND ADOPTION - Mr. Fox stated this is the Second Reading of the IJune Buggy Ordinance which is requir ed no earlier than 30 days after the first reading which was on September ~, 19~1. Mr. Fox advised the ordinance is ready for adoption to become e££ective twenty days £ollowing publication. Mr. Fox suggested November 15, 1971 as the e££ective date. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Iiall, that the following ordinance be adopted, effective November 15, 19'71. Motion carried unanimouslp. 2~ MINUTES OF THE MEETIlVG - OCTOBER 18, 1971 (CONTINUED) "AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE OPERATION OF MOTOR VIIiICLES OId THE PRvr~mPY IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY BORDERING TFiE ATLHNTIC OCEAN , Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: Section I Land situated in New Hanover County and lying within one-half mi.le of the high:.water mark of the Atlantic Ocean is herewith defined, £or the purposes o£ this ordinance, as the "dune area". Section II No person sha11 operate a motor vehicle in the dune area for the purpose of racing, for hire or for commercial purposes, or £or any purpose other than transportation. Section III Ido motor vehicles shall be operated in the dune area except: (a) By a person licensed by the State o£ North Carolina to drive a motor vehicle on the public highways o£ said State; (b) Either below the high water mark or on property within 25 £eet adjacent thereto; (c) I£ on private property, with the written permission of the owner thereof; (d) A motor vehicle U7eighing less than 5,000 pounds; and (e) At a speed of less than 25 miles per hour. Section IV This ordinance shall not be applicable to emergency vehicles, including ambulance, rescue and fire fighting vehicle, when operated for emergency purposes to save or protect human life or property. Section V Any person who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance shall be g~uilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine oP not more than $50.00, or imprisonment for not more than 30 days, in the discretion of the court, as provided by Section 14-4 0£ the General Statutes of North Carolina. Section VI This ordinance shall be effective within the corporate limits and extra territor- ial jurisdiction of any municipality within New Hanover County which shall so agree by appropriate resolution. Section VII This ordinance shall take e£fect on the 15th day of November, 1971." Meeting recessed at 10:z0 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 10:30 A.M. DATA PROCESSING CONTRACT - Mr. Powe11 advised the Board the County has received three bids for furnishing computer service to the Tax Listing Department. They are as follows: National Data Processin~, Inc. $6,034 - 18 month contract ~5,6'72 - 42 month contract American Computer Centers, Inc. $'7,110 - 1 year - No charge for design and programming of the system Independent Data Processing Corp. $6,950 - 1 year Mr. Williams stated he felt money should be spent at home when possible. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the contract be awarded to the National Data Processing, Inc. for a period of 18 months at a cost of ~6,034 with stipulation that the company spend sufficient time with Mr. Powell to see before contract is consummated, it has a working knowledge of the procedures Mr. Powell wants to put into effect and is capable of doing it. Mr. Powell recommended continuing with Independent Data Processing Corporation. Mr. Sherwood Thompson, General Manager, and Mr. Irving Z. Smith, Vice-President, Marketin$, National Data Processing, Inc. appeared before the Board. Mr. Marks asked v~hy they reduced their price two times. Mr. Thompson stated they deducted $2,000 for the initial set up, because this is a one time charge and they are operatin~ on the theory, although they do not have a guarantee, they will keep the business once they get it. The other charge, $1,500 per year for storage, was deleted because they felt they would lose the contract if they included this charge, although storage is more expensive to them than IDP due to the fact they use disks instead of tapes. They stated after dis- cussion among themselves they decided to absorb this charge in order tn get the County's business. Mr. Bowden pointed out National Data Processing, Inc. is cutting out the setup charge and storage in an e£fort to get the business and also, they have never done another County's taxes. IDP and American Computer Centers, Inc. were not contacted about resubmitting their bids. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 18, 1971 (CONTINUED) Question of who the disk belongs to was asked. National Data Processing, Inc. stated the information on the disk belongs to the County, and it can be printed for the County at a small cost should they not renew the contract. Mr. Williams stated he felt this is a decision for the Commissioners to make without placin~ the responsibility on Mr. Powell's shoulders to determine whether or not this firm is competent. Mr. Williams stated, based on what the representatives have said, he is of the opinion it is, and he, Mr. Williams, would like to see the contract given to them without the restriction included in the motion. Mr. Hall agreed to strike restriction from the motion. Two respresentatives from Independent Data Processing Corporation were present stating they had enjoyed their association with New Hanover County and that they had two other counties on their system at the present time and £elt they were qualified to continue doing businese with New Hanover County. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. I,ATE TAX I,ISTING PENAI,TIES - The following penalties were discussed by Mr. Powell: Mrs. Anne S. Mooney (19.39), Wrightsville Beach, stated in a letter she did list in January and has proof that she was seen at Town Ha11 by Miss Mary Nichols. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by P'(r. I"Iarks, that upon receipt of a£fidavit stating Miss Mary Nichols saor Mrs. Mooney at Town Hall, the tax penalty be waived. Motion carried unani.mously. Mr. Howard G. Godwin ($35.43:) advised~Lby;;letter.he'~wa°s sl3 sn Duke:.Ho~pital.,wlii.ch ac- counted £or his late listing. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that upon receipt of an affidavit to this ef£ect, the penalty be waived. Motion carried unanimously. J. M. Fields, Inc. ($648.20) stated they did not know why they failed to list. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the request for waiver of penalty be denied. Motion carried unanimously. Wilmington Iron Works ($116.48) contended they listed all three parcels and they ~r- nished a signed statement to that e£fect. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that this be deferred until the matter can be checked further. Motion carried unanimously. Lr.~vrAl, PROGRAM FOR IV"EW HANOVER COUNTY - Dr. Knox was present to discuss the State's request that the County supply an assistant for the Dentist, salary to be paid out of County funds. This would relieve the Dentist of the clerical work. Dr. Knox read figures showing the increase in the work load of the Dentist. Salary o£ this assistant would be $4,5~8 per year; $3,032 being required this £iscal year. Mr. Williams moved, seconded b~ Mr. Marks, the Board authorize the additional employee, f~nds to come £rom Health Surplus. Motion carried unanimousl~. ACCEPTABLE MATERIAI~S FOR SANITARY LANDFII,L - P7r. Hall prefaced Dr. Knox's remarks by saying the County once had a land£ill at the Airport and from that eacperience feels it is necessary to bar receipts of stumps, tree limbs, logs, and roots. Dr. Bnox stated materials of this kind do not present a health hazard, but he felt the County should have some place to put them, because the land will be used up by this refuse. Mr. Marks suggested Dr. gnox be requested to flzrnish recommendations as to procedures to follow and the reasons for them. Mr. Bowden stated Dr. Knox had presented suggested conditional acceptance (patterned after Gaston County), and if approved, with note at the bottom, "County Landfill Superintend- ent to determine how and where these wastes may be accepted" thi.s would settle the problem o£ industries' materials at the landfill sites. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, rephrased by Mr. Williams, that the Board of Health be requested to adopt regulations for procedures to follow in accepting materials for the landfill operation. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bowden called attention to his memo to the Commissioners dated October 15, 19']1 enclosing information furnished by Gaston County entitled "Gaston County I,andfill Fees," pointing out Items 6 and 8 of this information; namely (6) the County Health Department shall be responsible for flzrnishing the County Accounting Department with the necessary information for billing. The County Accounting Department sha11 be responsible for billing and collecting these fees and (8) the County Health Department shall be responsible for collecting the annual fees. Mr. Bowden stated in his memo, on August 25, the Commissioners established the fees that are in line with Onslow and Gaston Counties' collection rates. MR. SHEPARD'S REQUEST THAT MRS. EDENS BE PLACED IN COMPI,ETE CHARGE OF TF3E COUNTY AUDITOR~S OFFICE Wn11.e; t~ IS ILL - Brief discussion was held on Mr. Shepard's reguest that Mrs. Edens be placed in complete charge of the County Auditor's Office while he is ill. The Board Selt no action was necessary since Mr. Shepard had already done this. Mr. Harriss inquired whether or not Mrs. Eden's bond is sufficient and the County Attorney advised Mr. Shepard's bond will cover. CONTRACTS ON JUVENII~E LL"1'L' LVTION CB1V'1'L' R- Mr. Oxenfeld pointed out certification to the effect fl~.nds are available should be shown on the contracts awarded for the Juvenile Detention Center. Mrs. Edens stated the Auditor's of£ice will take care of this. PUBLIC E~EARING - AMENDMENT TO NEW IIANOVER COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGDI,ATIONS - Mr. Fiarriss declared public hearing open to alscuss proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Subdivision Regulations. Mr. Neil Mallory, Planning Director, read the following amendment: u c1 ~zlJ ~ffN1JTE8 OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 18, 1971 (CONTINUED) "9N.ORDINANCE OF THE COIINTY OF NEF1 HANOVER AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF NEW FiANOVER Cvuivl~x ADOPTED FEBRUARY 1'], 196g THE BOARD 0~ COMM~SSTONERS OF NEW HANdVER COUNTY DOTH vrcutiuv: Section 1. That the Subdivision Regulations of the County of New Hanover adopted February 1'7, 1969, are hereby amended by the following: 1. Amend Article V, Section 2, Subsection 2.1, Paragraph d. to read as follows: d. The first section of a subdivision,~submitted as a final plat, may be approved without installation o£ required improvements with the understanding that £inal plat approval o£ succeeding sections of the subdivision will be withheld until the required improvements have been installed in pre- ceeding sections. Final plats approved under this provision shall be limited to a maximum of twenty-£ive (25) lots in size. A second section of twenty-five (25) lots or less may be approved as a final plat after the street rights-of- way have been cleared and graded, road base installed, and drainage culverts installed under the streets in the first section that was approved under this procedure. However, prior to the approval of another section o£ the subdivision, allimprovements in the first section approved under this procedure shall be installed accn~ding to the requirements of the ~bdivision Regulations. This procedure may be con- tinued provided at least twenty-five (25) lots of the approved preliminary plat remain unrecorded. Final plat approval o£ the last section of a~subdivision or a final plat constitizting the entire subdivision will be granted only under the conditions stated in a, b, or c above. Section 2. Any ordinance or part o£ any ordinance in con£lict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, and general wel£are of the inhabitants o£ the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and sha71 be in flzll force and efPect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 18th day of October, 1971. Chairman and Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ~~ Discussion was held on the possibility of developers developing a 25 ~ot subdivision and moving out. Mr. Mallory stated this is possible now. Mr. Mallory stated that only about half what was read is the actual amendment; the actual amendment provides that amending Paragraph d states that the second 25 lot section can be brought in after the street rights- of-way have been installed, cleared and graded., road base installed, and drainage culverts installed. The amendment allows the developer that is using this procedure, which is alread~ in the ordinance, to go on to the second section before he puts the final dressing on the shoulders and the roadway drainage ditches. Mr. Mallory stated that when the developer used the 25 lot procedure, once they finish the installation of the improvements all of the 25 lots have not been built upon. This means concre~ trucks, building materials trucks, etc. continuing to come in tearing up the shoulders of the road in getting to the lots and filling in the drainage ditches. What this amendment states is everything is in but the £inal dressing to the 25 lot section, and the Planning Commission will then recommend that the second 25 1ot section be approved, but approval of the third section will not be recommended until everything in the £irst section is installed, including the £inal touches to the shoulders and drainage ditches. Mr. Marks e~cpressed concern over the possibility of developers abandoning 25 lot sub- divisions and £elt the Commissioners should do something to protect the taxpayers. Mr. Harriss pointed out the developers can develop by metes and bounds. Mr. Mallory stated the ordinance has been in effect for nearly two 9ears and he does not know of any developer abandoning a 25 lot subdivision during this time. Question of bonds was discussed. Mr. Mallory stated bonds are required on subdivisions of more than 25 lots. Mr. Mallory stated that in order to record the 25 approved preliminary plat for their entire subdivision By this time they would have done topo information and spent a lot of money, and'in order to get it back, the; under 50 lots, improvements have to be put in first or 25 lot procedure cannot be used. lots, the developer has to have an that must be at least 50 lots or more. detailed surveying. They would have ~ will have to go on. If tract is developer must f~zrnish a bond; this MIIQ[TTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 18, lg~l (CONTINUED) ~~ PUBLIC HEARING - AP1ENLi°~rr TO NE41 HANOVER COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGUI,ATIONS (CONTuvu~D) - Mr. oxenfeld moved, seconded by i°~.r. r~ali, Lna~ ~c~e auiecidment be, adopted as presented. Motion carried unanimously. SHEARIN HILLS, SECTION 1, SUBDIVISION PLAT - Mr. Jerry Ramsey, Assistant Planning Director, presented a 25 lot subdivision plat of Section 1, Shearin Hills located in the Castle Hayne area just east of the Seabo~rd Coast Line Railroad tracks and just south of the spur to the Ideal Cement Company. The developer has had his street plan and drainage approved by the State Highway Commission and wants to begin developing under the 25 lot procedure just discussed. Subdivision will contain approximately 120 lots. The P1~^^~ng Commission recommends approval. Mr. Hall moved, seconded b~ Mr. Williams, that subdivision plat of Section 1 of Shearin Hills be approved and the Chairman be authorized to sign. Motion carried unanimously. PARHWOOD ESTATESz SECTION 4~ SUBDIVISIQN PLAT - Mr. Jerry Ramsey, Assistant Planning Director, presented subdivision plat of Parkwood Estates, Section 4, which covers more than 25 lots and the developer has presented an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of $16,341 to insure the installation of im- provements and subdivision requirements. The plan itself ineets the subdivision requirements, and the Planning Commission recommends approval. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that subdivision plat of Section 4 of Park- wood Estates be approved and the Chairman be authorized to sign. Motion carried unanimously. SOIL SURVEY - Mr. Bowden stated he was in receipt of letter from Mr. Sam Cox of the Soil Conserva- tion Service, and they are requesting the County continue the present contract through the year with the County's share not to exceed $].3,000. The County has appropriated this ~ear $13,625. Mr. Bowden recommended approval of the amended contract and the Chairman be authorized to sign it. Mr. Oxen£eld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the amended cooperative agreement between the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners and the Soil Conservation Service be approved and the Chairman be authorized to sign. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT MFSIBER TO PLA1vlv.uvG COP'II"LCSSTON - Mr. Oxen£eld moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that this appointment be deferred until persons recommended c~ be contacted concerning their willingness to serve. Motion carried unanimously. APIBULANCE SERVICE - Mr. Harriss discussed report of Mr. Bill Morrison, Chairman o£ the Committee on Ambulance Service. Mr. Fox, Mr. Bowden, Dr. Robert Williams, and The Rev. Bill Milholland were also on the committee. Their chief recommendation is that both ambulance services when they qualify be paid by Social services. Mr. Williams stated his recollection of the motion was that the Chairman appoint a commi.ttee to go into a more detailed study, and this small committee recommends that this be done. Mr. Fox stated he thought he should not serve on this committee since it will involve policy recommendations. Mr. Bowden felt he was in the same category. Mr. Bowden stated it wi11 take a large committee to pursue all the £acets and stated one of the most quali£ied people he thinks can be found is The Rev. Bill Mi1ho11and who has £or sometime been working with this problem here and in other areas. Mr. Bowden stated this study might require county fluids. Mr. Williams stated the Chairman is already authorized to appoint a committee to make a detailed study. REO~GANIZATION OF TAX DEPARTMENT OFFICES - Nir. Bowden presented reor~anization chart of the Tax Department which he stated was based on Mr. Henxy I,ewis' recommendations. Mr. Bowden stated structure is used in several counties. Mr. Bowden stated Mrs. Janie Straughn is now Acting Tax Collector and is doing a good job; she is not interested in the job of Tax Collector unless this type of structure or something si.milar, which no one else has come up with any better, is adopted. She would report to the Tax Administrator who will be over both of£ices.l In effect, Mr. Powell will continue his supexvising on a permanent basis, and Mrs. Straughn would be the Tax Collector. This was a stipulation Mr. Lewis wanted to be very sure was understood that one person not act as Tax Collector and Tax Supervisor. At this point Mr. Bowden asked Mr. Powell to briefly bring the Commissioners up to date on changes in the Machinery Act. Mr. Powell stated the Board of Commissioners now has the authority to establish a discount rate, if it so desires, and insofar as interest is concerned, the Count~ is pretty we11 locked in according to the General Statutes. In appraisal the thing that will concern the County is the appraisal of public utilities (CP&L, Southern Bell, etc.). They will no longer be appraised at a local level but a state level. Mr. Powell stated the State will not be able to certif9 these £igures in time for them to be included in the County budget. The County will now only get a per- centa~e. Mr. Powell stated he did not believe the County will suffer a great loss but the County will not have these figures at budget time. Mr. Marks su~gested de£erring action on the organizational chart presented by Mr. Bowden until recommendations are received from the CPA, employed to make the study, on office procedures. Mr. Harriss was o£ the opinion tsble of organization might help the CPA in assigning a system. VMr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. FIa11, that Mrs. Straughn be named Collector o£ Revenue and Mr. Powell continue as Tax Administrator with overall supervisory responsibilities. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Marks voted "No". J Mr. Williams asked if salary of Mrs. Straughn had been adjusted to compensate for the added responsibility she has already assumed. /Mr. Bowden stated salary was increased approxi.mately 15% shortly after she took over the d,u.ties of the Tax Collector. ~ Mrs. Straughn's salary is.~7536. $8316 was budgeted. ~/ Mr. Hall expressed feeling the Commissioners should increase Mrs. Straughn's salary to the amount budgeted. O J~ ~ ~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 18, 1971 (CONTINUED) -` REORGANIZATION OF TAX DEPAi3TMENT OFFICES iCONTINTJED) - rir. ~sowaen pointiea ouL ru~s. atuart W111 de xssistant Tax Supervisor and only makes ~'7164. P'fr..Williams pointed out there is an appraiser in the Tax Listing Office making well over what Mrs. Stuart is making. Mr. Williams stated this is due to individual capabilities involved. Mr. Bowden stated because of the inheritance o£ the entire Tax Collector's office this will have to be allowed for. Mr. Harriss stated the County is not committed to the proposition that it has to pay everybody in the County that has been here the same length.o£ time.an equal amount. Mr. Williams stated Mr. Bowden is referring to Mrs. Stuart making less than Mrs. Straughn. Mrs. Stuart would have one person in the department, he supposed under her supervision, making far more than she is. Mr. Harriss pointed out Mr. Blake is listed as Appraisal Supervisor on the chart and Mrs. Stuart as Listing Supervisor. Mr. Williams stated this was probably jusitication for not pay- ing Mrs. Stuart as much as rirs. Straughn; Mrs. Straughn has an overall position, in his opinion, under Mr. Powell. Mr. Harriss stated Mrs. Straughn's position, in his opinion, i~s''really ahead of that of Mr. Blake. Mr. Bowden pointed out normally Tax Supervisors make 10'~ more than Tax Collectors. Mr. Powell suggested asking the State Personnel Office to classify Mrs. Stuart and Mrs. Straughn. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion this is a good idea. Mr. Williams moved that with the new classi£ication, Mrs. Straughn's salary be the amount as shown in the budget; namely, $8316. Mr:. Williams' motion died £or lack of a second. Question was raised why Mrs. Strau~hn has not been paid the budgeted amount. Mr. Bowden stated because the Board first agreed on a two step amount, but the City Manager requested a three step raise, agreed to by Mrs. Straughn and the City Manager. The Commissioners then went along with this when Mrs. Straughn assumed the new duties. Mr. Williams pointed out Mrs. Straughn agreed to this based on assumption it would be for only a very shoi~t time. ~Mr. Hall stated he would ~o along with making the adjustment retroactive to October 1 when classification is received £rom the State. Mr. Williams stated Mrs. Straughn has assumed basically the same responsibilities as those Sam Johnson had for a lot less money; and stated he did not think a man in Raleigh can give an accurate appraisal o£ the value of the employees in the Tax Supervisor's Office unless he knows what the situation is here; the responsibility that Raymond Blake has versus the responsibility that Mrs. Straughn has. v B~ common conseit it was agreed to request Mr. Grubbs to contact the State Personnel 0£fice to furnish classifications on positions held by Mrs. Straughn and Mrs. Stuart. RENOVATION OF JAMES WA7~KER HOSPITAI, WING Mr. Marks~gave report on progress of Hospital Gling for the Health Department. appointed to the committee to make study. sioners' approval, to fl.irnish estimate of ~300. EOR AEAIti'H DEPARTMENT - study of possible renovation of the James Walker Mr. Oxerifeld, Dr. Reynolds and Mr. Marks were Mr. Mcgim was reguested, with the County Commis- cost on the possible renovation, estimate to cost Mr. McBim did this plus gettin~ an estimate £rom an engineering £irm, Henry von Oesen & Associates, to make an outside estimate of the cost of utilities. They came up with a cost of not exceeding $200,000 in which there is a cushion of from $25,000 to $50,000 for any unanticipated items. If the Medical Care Commission approved, it will participate no more than 40'~. Based on this, it will cost the County $120,000. New construction is estimated to be $35 per square foot compa~ed to $12 per square foot for renovatirig the building. Based on this estimate, new construction would cost around $560,000 as compared to renovation cost of $200,000, less 40'~, which is anticipated the County will receive from the Medical Care Commission. Some criteria was flzrnished the committee £rom the Medical Care Commission as to pro- cedure to follow to apply for assistance and one was a narrative from the Health Department as to their needs, and drawings. The committee has these today. . Mr:..,Masks stated there ia no money available now, but by the next Congress there will be some, and the earlier the County gets in on this the better chance it will have to get funds. At the last Health Board meeting no decision was made. The Health Board has gone on record previously as a majorit~ preferring a new facility out at the hospital, although this will cost about three times as much. ADJOURNMENT There being no ~rther business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board hs/mw i~ PLUVU~rr~S OF THE MEETING - NOVEMBER 1, 1971 - 9:00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meetin~ of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. ?~. Marks, County Attorney James C. Fox; Assistant to the Auditor Mrs. Elizabeth Edens; County Administra- tor Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Commissioner John R. Oxenfeld was absent.