HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-11-01 Regular Meeting~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - OCTOBER 18, 1971 (CONTINUED)
rir. ~sowaen pointiea ouL ru~s. atuart W111 de xssistant Tax Supervisor and only makes ~'7164.
P'fr..Williams pointed out there is an appraiser in the Tax Listing Office making well over what
Mrs. Stuart is making. Mr. Williams stated this is due to individual capabilities involved.
Mr. Bowden stated because of the inheritance o£ the entire Tax Collector's office this will
have to be allowed for. Mr. Harriss stated the County is not committed to the proposition
that it has to pay everybody in the County that has been here the same length.o£ time.an equal
Mr. Williams stated Mr. Bowden is referring to Mrs. Stuart making less than Mrs. Straughn.
Mrs. Stuart would have one person in the department, he supposed under her supervision, making
far more than she is.
Mr. Harriss pointed out Mr. Blake is listed as Appraisal Supervisor on the chart and Mrs.
Stuart as Listing Supervisor. Mr. Williams stated this was probably jusitication for not pay-
ing Mrs. Stuart as much as rirs. Straughn; Mrs. Straughn has an overall position, in his opinion,
under Mr. Powell. Mr. Harriss stated Mrs. Straughn's position, in his opinion, i~s''really ahead
of that of Mr. Blake. Mr. Bowden pointed out normally Tax Supervisors make 10'~ more than Tax
Mr. Powell suggested asking the State Personnel Office to classify Mrs. Stuart and Mrs.
Straughn. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion this is a good idea.
Mr. Williams moved that with the new classi£ication, Mrs. Straughn's salary be the amount
as shown in the budget; namely, $8316. Mr:. Williams' motion died £or lack of a second.
Question was raised why Mrs. Strau~hn has not been paid the budgeted amount. Mr. Bowden
stated because the Board first agreed on a two step amount, but the City Manager requested a
three step raise, agreed to by Mrs. Straughn and the City Manager. The Commissioners then
went along with this when Mrs. Straughn assumed the new duties. Mr. Williams pointed out
Mrs. Straughn agreed to this based on assumption it would be for only a very shoi~t time.
~Mr. Hall stated he would ~o along with making the adjustment retroactive to October 1
when classification is received £rom the State.
Mr. Williams stated Mrs. Straughn has assumed basically the same responsibilities as
those Sam Johnson had for a lot less money; and stated he did not think a man in Raleigh can
give an accurate appraisal o£ the value of the employees in the Tax Supervisor's Office unless
he knows what the situation is here; the responsibility that Raymond Blake has versus the
responsibility that Mrs. Straughn has.
v B~ common conseit it was agreed to request Mr. Grubbs to contact the State Personnel
0£fice to furnish classifications on positions held by Mrs. Straughn and Mrs. Stuart.
Mr. Marks~gave report on progress of
Hospital Gling for the Health Department.
appointed to the committee to make study.
sioners' approval, to fl.irnish estimate of
study of possible renovation of the James Walker
Mr. Oxerifeld, Dr. Reynolds and Mr. Marks were
Mr. Mcgim was reguested, with the County Commis-
cost on the possible renovation, estimate to cost
Mr. McBim did this plus gettin~ an estimate £rom an engineering £irm, Henry von Oesen
& Associates, to make an outside estimate of the cost of utilities. They came up with a
cost of not exceeding $200,000 in which there is a cushion of from $25,000 to $50,000 for
any unanticipated items.
If the Medical Care Commission approved, it will participate no more than 40'~. Based
on this, it will cost the County $120,000. New construction is estimated to be $35 per
square foot compa~ed to $12 per square foot for renovatirig the building. Based on this
estimate, new construction would cost around $560,000 as compared to renovation cost of
$200,000, less 40'~, which is anticipated the County will receive from the Medical Care
Some criteria was flzrnished the committee £rom the Medical Care Commission as to pro-
cedure to follow to apply for assistance and one was a narrative from the Health Department
as to their needs, and drawings. The committee has these today.
. Mr:..,Masks stated there ia no money available now, but by the next Congress there will
be some, and the earlier the County gets in on this the better chance it will have to get
At the last Health Board meeting no decision was made. The Health Board has gone on
record previously as a majorit~ preferring a new facility out at the hospital, although
this will cost about three times as much.
There being no ~rther business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Hazel Savage
Clerk to the Board
PLUVU~rr~S OF THE MEETING - NOVEMBER 1, 1971 - 9:00 A.M.
The regular semi-monthly meetin~ of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the
above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares
Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. ?~. Marks,
County Attorney James C. Fox; Assistant to the Auditor Mrs. Elizabeth Edens; County Administra-
tor Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board.
County Commissioner John R. Oxenfeld was absent.
Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked The Rev. Thomas Holden,
Pastor, Carolina Beach Presbyterian Church, to give the invocation.
Mr..;Hall requssted_t}ie~following'chculge to the minutes: On Page 2, Fifth Para-
graph, last sentence should read: "Substitute motion carried urianimously."
Mr. Harriss re~q~ested the following changes to the minutes: On Page 4, Fifthc Para-
graph, first sentence should read: "It was pointed out the purpose oY this group is to
get the truth out to combat rumors." On Page 9, Seventh Paragraph, first sentence,
word "revocable" should be .!.irrevocable". On Page 10, Eighth Paragraph, fourth sentence
should read: "... to the Tax Administrator who will ..."
Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as corrected.
Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Janie Straughn, Collector of Revenue, gave the following report on taxes collected
during October, 1971: Charged per scroll $5,405,684.48, added - Tax Supervisor $6,048.92,
Supplement $~3,640.62, Corp. Excess $168,865.65, less abatements $10,969.84, balance
$5,643,269•$3; less collection in October $l,1Q4,124.35, prepayments ~337,618.49 and
August-September $']91,380.94, leaving balance on books $3,410,146.05. Back taxes collected„~
to date $55~797•74, leaving balance of uncollected back taxes, less abatements of ~363.4'],
~388,395•~• Delinquent personal property taxes collected during October amounted to
~2,228.82 bringing total collected to date to $11,759•99•
Mr. Harriss asked how these figures compared with last qear's figures. Mrs. Straughn
stated collection of delinquent personal property taxes are a little more this year and
real property collections are about the same moneywise.
Discussion~swas`held~on~•hok~r~fa'r•baek th~~:8ount;y:.ir pexraii;tc;3~to collect back taxes.
Mr. Fox stated a law will go into effect July 1, 19~2 whereby the County can collect
taxes no flzrther back than ten years. Mr. Harriss suggested moving toward collection o£
taxes due prior to the ten year cuto£f, and stated it would be the sense of the Commis-
aioners to concentrate on those years.
Mr. Harriss declared public hearing open to consider the closing of "Old Road",
North of Northeast River Bridge.
' Mr. Fox stated the Board o£ Commissioners had been requested by the Ideal Basic
Industries, Inc., owner of adjoining property, to close the road in question. Notice was
advertised in the Star News Newspaper, and all.persons owning property adjoining this road
had been notified by registered mail of the proposed closing of this road. Mr. Fox stated
he was not aware o£ any protests to the closing of the road. There were no persons present
who wished to be heard concerning this closing. Mr. Harriss stated the road had long been
Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Resolution and Order authorizing the
closing o£ this road be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. Following is the resolution
and order:
wr~r,xGAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County
held on the 20th day of September, 1971, Ideal Basic Industries, Inc., the owner o£ certain
property adjoining the following described tract of land, requested that said tract, forming
a portion of an Old Road lying in the Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, as particulax~
ly described on the Notice attacheihereto, be closed by said Board of Commissioners pursuant
to the authority vested in them by the provisions o£ North Carolina General Statutes,
Section 153-9(1'J):
BEGINNING at the northeast corner of Lot No. 102 of Pocomoke Iiills
Subdivision said point being located in the western right of way
line of an old paved road which existed prior to the construction
~_ of the present U. S. Hi~hway No. 421, said point being located
perpendicularly distant 210 feet £rom a hi~hway right of way
monument in the eastem ri~ht of way line of II. S. Aighway No. 421;
running thenc~ along the western•right of way line of ~he said old
road North 04 45' East, 1838.83 feet; thence South 85 15' East,
60 feet to a point on the eastern right o£ way of the said old
road; th~nce along the eastern right of way of th~ said old road
South 04 45' West, 1838.83 feet; thence North 85 15' West, 60
feet to the point o£ Beginning.
The same being that portion of the said old road v~hich lies across
the property of Ideal Basic Indust'ries, Inc., and being in Cape
Fear Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina.
Wnnnr.AS, at said meeting, on motion of Commissioner Berry A. Williams, it was
resolved: (1) that the question of closing the above described tract, said tract
forming a portion o£ an Old Road in Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, be acted
upon at the regular November l, 19']l, meeting of the Board of Commissioners of New
Hanover County, at which time any interested person, firm or corporation would be heard;
(2) that all persons, firms or corporations owning property on said Old Road from Lot 102,
Pocomoke Aills, on the south, to the property of Secor, Inc., on the north, and all persons
having or owning any interest in the tract heretofore particularly described, who did
not join, in the request for closing the above described tract, said tract forming a
portion of said Old Road, be notified by registered letter that the question of closing
the above described tract, forming a portion o£ said Old Road, was to be,acted upon at the
November 1, 19'71, meeting of the said Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County; C3) that
notice of said meeting at which said request would be acted upon should be published once a
week for four successive weeks in the Wilmington Morning Star; and (4) that the State
Fiighwa~ Commission should likewise be notified of said meeting by registered letter, and,
Y~REAS, at the regular meeting o£ the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover
County held in the Count~ Commission Building at the City of Wilmi.ngton at 9~00 a.m. on
November 1, 19'71, the guestion of closing the above described tract, forming a-portion of
said Old Road in Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, was considered, and,
WI~REAS, upori presentatiori of testimony and exhibits to said Board o£
Commissioners having discussed the closing o£ the above described tract, forming a portion
of said Old Road, and having £ound: (1) that the above described tract lies within the
limits of New Hanover County; (2) that the above described tract, forming a portion of said
Old Road has for many years been removed from the maintenance and mapping system of the
State Highwa~ Commission; (3) that the closing of the above described tract, £orming a
portion of said 01d Road, is not contrary to the public interest; (4) that neither an~ per-
son, firm or corporation owning property in the vicinity of the above described tract,
nor any person, firm or corporation having or owning an~ interest in the above described
tract, will be deprived by reason of said closing of reasonable means of ingress and
egress to the property owned by such person, firm or corporation; (5) that all persons,
firms or corporations owning property on said Old Road from Lot 102 Pocomoke Hills on the
south to the property o£ Secor, Inc., on the north, all persons having or owning any
interest in the above described tract, and the State Highwag Commission, were notified
by registered letter of the time and place of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners of
New Hanover County, at which time the closing was to be acted upon; and (6) that notice
of the time and place of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners o£ P1ew Hanover County
at which the closing was to be acted upon was published once a week for four successive
weeks in the Wilmington Morning Star, and
WHEREAS, upon motion made by Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. and duly seconded
by Commissioner H. A. Marks, it was voted upon, and ~~.d motion was passed and it was there-
by unani.mously resolved that the above described tract, forming a portion of an old road,
in Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, be ordered closed pursuant to the provisions
of North Carolina General Statutes, Section 153-9(l~).
l. The following described tract, said tract forming a portion of an old
road in Cape Fear Township, Neva Hanover County, North Carolina, be and the same is hereby
declared and ordered closed:
BEGINNING at the northeast corner of Lot No. 102 of Pocomoke
Iiills Subdivision said point being located in the western right
of way line of an old paved road which existed prior to the
construction o£ the present U. S. Highway No. 421, said point
being located perpendicularly distant 210 feet from a highway
right o£ way monument in the eastern right of way line of U. S.
Highway No. 421; running thence algng the western right of way
line of the sai~ old road North 04 45' East, 1838.83 £eet;
thence South 85 15' East, 60 feet to a point on the eastern
right of way o£ the said old road; thence ~long the eastern
right of taay of the said old road South 04 45' West, 1838.83 feet;
thence North 85° 15' West, 60 feet to the point of Beginning.
The same being that portion of the said old road which lies
across the property o£ Ideal Basic Industries, Inc., and being
in Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina.
2. A certi£ied copy of this order; together with (a) list of the persons,
firms or corporations owning property on said Old Road from Lot 102, Pocomoke Hills on
the south to property of Secor, Inc., on the north, and of persons, firms or corporations
having or owning any interest in the tract particularly described above; (b) copies of
the registered letters to said persons, £irms or corporations and to the State Hi~hway
Commission giving the notice required by the provisions of North Carolina General
Statutes, Section ~53-9C17); (c) the return receipts showing the evidence of giving
the required notice; and (d) the af£idavit of publication showing publication of the
notice o£ the November 1, 1971 meeting o£ the Board of Commissioners o£ New Hanover
County in the Wilmington Morning Star, which list o£ owners, copies of letters, return
receipts and a£fidavit of publication are attached to this resolution as "Exhibit A",
shall be filed for recording in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover
MIN[JTES OF THE MEETING - NOVEMBER 1, 1971 l~llV'Pliuu~;ll)
Done at the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, this lst day of November, 19~1.
Chairman of the Board o£ Commissiogers
Member of the Board of Commissionexs
Member of the Board of.Commissioners
Member of the Board of Commissioners
Member of the Board of Commissioners
Clerk of the Board o£ Commissioners
( SEAI, )
This 4th day of November, 19'J1, personally came be£ore me,
a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, Hazel Savage, who being by me duly sworn,
says that~she lrnows the common seal of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and is
acguainted with Meares Harriss, who is Chairman of the Board o£ Commissioners of New Iianover
County, and that she is also acquainted with H. A. Marks, Berry 47illiams, John Oxenfeld,
and J. M. Hall, who are members of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and
that the said Iiazel Savage is Clerk to the said Board of Commissioners, and that the said
Hazel Savage saw the said Chairman and members of the Board o£ Commissioners of New Hanover
County sign the foregoing instrument, and that the sa=1 Hazel Savage affixed said common
seal of said County of New Hanover to said instrument and signed her name in attestation o£
said instrument in the presence o£ said Chairman and members of the Board of Commissioners
of New Hanover County:
This 4th day of November, 19']1.
Notary Public
My commission expires: November 17. 1974
Hazel Savage, being duly sworn, deposes and says that she is Clerk to the Board
of Commissioners of New Hanover County, that she has read the attached copy of the Resolution
and Order of the said Board o£ Commissioners of New Iianover County, and that she does here-
with certiYy that the same is a true copy of the original ena:cted and executed by said Board
of Commissioners of New Hanover County on November 1, 19'71.
~ ~ ~ Hazel Savage
Sworn to and subscribed be£ore
me this 4th day of November,
Notary Public
My commission expires: November 1'], 19']4
Mr. Harriss declared the road closed and the public hearing closed.
By common consent it was agreed the proper procedures be followed to carry out the closing.
NOVEI°~ER l~ AND NOVEMBER 12. 1~71 -
l~r. Aarri ss opened dsicussion for formal approval of $200 for County's share o£ chartering a/
bus to transport i.nterested citizens to hearing on I-40 to be held in Raleigh on November 10
at 10:00 A.M. and in Smithfield on November 12 at 10:00 A.M.
Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the $200 be appropriated £or this purpose:;
funds to come from the General Emergency ~znd.
Mr. Williams stated the Council of Governments has recently completed a study of the £our-
county area. The committee did an outstanding job in determining the transportation needs
of this area £or the next 20 years. The hearings will be on the first leg from Raleigh to
the Port of Wilmington. The Council of Governments included the entire project as the No;: 1
priority £or this £our-county area. There were members serving on this transportation com-
mittee from all four counties. The fact that the highway will not even touch two of these
counties should be evident this is of extreme importance to the area. Mr. Williams stressed
i.mportance of encouraging people, not only from here, but £rom all of the areas that will be
affected by the highway, to attend these hearings and get the highway headed in this direction.
Mr. Harriss pointed out the proposal is that the connector terminate at Smithfield which
would be on '70 where I-05 and I-']0 cross. This would mean I-40 would not reach this area ~
at all. An alternate has been proposed which would go by Benson into the Four Oaks area.
This would serve a great many more people who are not now being served by Interstate road
systems and provide for vital connections to the Piedmont and the Middle West from this area.
This vitally af£ects our ports and our entire Southeastern North Carolina economy. It was
pointed out the Mayor and Chairman will make short presentations at both hearings.
Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously.
Mr. Hall moved, seconded liy Mr. Marks, that Mr. Bowden be authorized to supervise the
moving of the remaining graves from the old Oak Grove Cemetery. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Harriss declared public hearing open to consider a rezoning request and request for
a special use permit.
Rezonin, - Request to rezone 200 feet west of the intersection of S.R. 1516 and Mason-
boro Loop Road on the south side of S.R. 1516 in Masonboro Zoning Area from B-1 (Business
District) to R-15 (Single Family District) was presented by Mr. Neil Mallory, Director of
Mr. Mallor~ stated the area originally was 300 feet west of the Masonboro I,oop Road.
This request will reduce the Business District to 200 feet. The applicant plans to use
the back 100 feet for residential use. The Planning Commission does recommend approval of
the request.
There were no persons present who wished to be heard concerning this request.
Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the rezoning re qu~est be granted. '
Motion Ca2`ried unanim0usly. (For Ordinance adopted, see Zoning Ordinance Book I, Masonboro Section, Page 6.)
Snecial Use Permit - Mr. Mallory read application £or special use permit to use pro-
perty at the southeast corner of the intersection of Masonboro Loop Road and Masonboro
Sound Road in Masonboro Zoning Area in a B-1 (Business District) for a convenience food
store with gasoline pumps. ~
There were no persons present who wished to be heard on this request £or special use
Mr. Marks moved seconded by Mr. Hall, that permission for the special use permit be
granted. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Mallory, Director of Planning, stated the next area that has been recommended for
zoning by the Planning Commission is the area between the Northeast River and the Cape Fear
River from the City's one-mile limit to the County line in a northerly or northwestern direc-
tion. Mr. Mallory pointed out the area on a land use map showing area would be predomin-
antlq industrial with exception of some of Flemington Subdivision that extends beyond the
one-mile limit of the City.
Mr. Mallory stated the boundary would be the channel of the two rivers and the County
line to the north and the City's one-mile limit to the South.
Mr. Mallory stated public hearing can be held at the Board of Commissioners' meeting in
December and zoning of this area could become effective on that date.
Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that public hearing to consider zoning of Area
7 be set for the first meeting in December.
Discussion was held as to whether or not adequate advertising of these hearings is done
to get people before the Planning Commission before hearings are held by the County Commis-
Mr. Mallory stated it might be that more people do not come to the Planning Commission
because they know the Planning Commissioners cannot take action. They, there~'ore, come be-
for the County Commissioners £irst. Mr. Mallory stated the Planning Commission would not
object to altering its procedure at all, but this is an observation they have made. It is
apparent more interest is generated at public hearings before the Board of Commissioners
since this board will take action.
Mr. Harriss was of the opinion the purpose for the Planning Commission to hold public
hearings is to clear up any miaunderstandings or misconception that would result in opposi-
tion on the part of the public and also, to hear valid objections which might change the
Planning Commission's recommendations.
Mr. Mallory stated maybe a feature stor~ can be worked up which will generate more in-
terest before the Planning Commission's flzture hearings.
Vote was c~~ly7~ed on motionrfor public hearing to be held at Commissioners; first meeting
in December. It carried vnanimously.
Mr. Mallory presented subdivision plat of I,ong Lea£ Acres, Section 9(Final), which
is an extension of 25 lots. Section 8 was put in under the 25 lot provision and the
improvements have been installed according to the Highway Commission, and the developer
is now eligible to record a second section of 25 lots. The developer is Mr. Raeford G:
Trask. The map is in order except for the signature of the Dis~rict k.hgineer which will
be obtained in a day or two. Mr. Mallory reguested the Chairman of the Board of Commis-
sioners be authorized to sign the plat when the signature of the District Engineer has
been affixed.
Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Chairman be authorized to sign this
plat when the signature of the District Engineer has been obtained. Motion carried
Mr. Harriss asked Mr. allory if he was aware of any drainage problems and road main-
tenance problems in some recently approved subdivisions. Mr. Mallory stated he was not
aware of any. Mr. Harriss said he had been informed there were problems which will be
brought up later.
Meeting recessed at 9~55 A.M.
Meeting reconvened at 10:05 A.M.
Mr. Harriss read the following bids submitted for £urnishing four patrol cars for
the Sheriff's Department:
Port Citv Chrvsler-Plvmouth, Inc:
$3350 each, $13,400 total, plus $268 N. C. Sales Tax
Less allowance for trade in of 3 used Fords $2700
~10,968 - Delivery 40 to 60 days
Ca~e Fear Ford:
$13,5'78 less $1500 for trade-in of 3 used Fords
$12,0~8 - Delivery 4~ to 60 days
Tom Reich Chevrolet. Inc.:
$3441.44 each
$ 68.82 N. C, Sales Tax each
$14,041.04 total less $1950 trade in for 3 used Fords
Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the bids be referred to the County Administra-
tor to determine if they meet specifications and to award contract to the lowest bidder.
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Harriss read the following bids submitted for furnishing truck for the County
Port Citv Chrvsler-Plvmouth, Inc.:
1972 'GMC
$3219.98 plus $64.40 Sales Tax
$3284.38 - Delivery 30 to 4Q days
Cape Fear Ford:
1972 ~'ord F-35o
~2731.07 pius $54.62 Sale: Tax
Tom Reich Chevrolet. Inc.:
~2']85.36 plus $55•70 Sales Tax
$2841.06 - Delivery 30 to 45 dags
Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the bids be referred to the County Adminis-
trator Por review and award be made to lowest bidder meeting specifications, ftinds to
come from the General Contingency F1znd. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bowden stated originally the Board of Elections had some
willing to use to buy a truck an@ a1Zow the garage to use it with
County would furnish personnel to assist them in relocating votini
mary and general elections. Mr. Bowden stated he had tentatively
brought it to the Commissioners' attention. It was discussed and
in constant need of a truck and should have it in its name.
capital money they were
the understanding the
; machines during pri-
agreed to this and
decided the garage is
Discussion was held as to whether a lift will be purchased and by whom. Mr. Henry
Bost stated there are only 36 voting machines which have to be moved back and £orth and
estimated cost of rental of a truck would be approximately $30 to $35 plus cost of
Mr. Williams asked if more consideration will be given to the justification o£•the
purchase of a lift. Mr. Bowr3en stated he was sure the Board o£ Elections would purchase
the lift i£ the Commissioners would permit them to trans£er funds. Mr. Williams
guestioned whether or not the lift would be justified for a once a year operation. Mr.
Williams wondered if it would not be be~ter to continue to hire a truck £or the Board
of Elections instead of buying a lift.
Mr. Bost stated the Board of Elections is working hard trying to get two or three
more public buildings for voting machines which means they will stay in the schools and
finally get down to where they will be stationary. The Board of Elections hopes no
transportation will be required within a short time. Mr. Bost stated since he had be-
come involved in the discussion he assumed a h,pdraulic tail gate could be put on the
truck and other things could be moved which will be equally as £easible as moving voting
Mr. ~owden stated speciPications for the truck do not include a li£t. Mr. Williams
stated he was under the impression it was contemplated using the Board of Elections' funds
to buy it with, which are County funds just the same as anything else the Board appropri~
ates, and if it,cannot be justified, do not buy it. If it can be justified, then purchase it.
Mr. Harriss stated it could be more justified under the garage budget than it ¢ould
be for the once a year average transportation of voting machines.
After further discussion, Mr. Bowden stated if. it is determined a lift is needed, '~
he will come back to the Board Por it.
Mr. Larry Powell, Tax Administrator, presented the following requests for iaaiver o£
late listing penalties:
Mr. Frank R. Vass ($24.68) who advised by letter he did not receive his abstract,
called the office for one, completed it and Mr. Powell stated the office received it on
March 6, 19'71.
After consideration, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the request be
denied. Motion carried unanimousl~.
~r. John B. Codington ($90.89) stated in letter'he was in ~rope for most of January,
returning on the night of February 1, 19']1. He returned the listing on the £ollowing day.
Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the request £or removal of the penalty
be denied. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Fox stated he had met with the Attorney representing the City oY Fayetteville
and Cumberland County and others at which time th~y went over the complaint which had
been filed asking the court Yor an injunction to halt work on the New Hope Dam Project.
Mr. Fox stated depositions and answers have been £iled in the case, and that New Hanover
County is basin~ its intervention on the question of salt water intrusion and the de-
reased quantity and guality of water should the project be stopped. Mr. Fox is repre-
senting New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authorit~,
Pender and Columbus Counties. Brunswick County did not authroize New Hanover to re-
present it, but it is included in the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority. Mr.
Harriss pointed out the dam is vital to New Hanover County in order for it to have enough
water to meet the need created by the growth of this area.
Mr. Marks presented Miss Hall's request £or additional staff consisting of one Typist
I, Grade 50, annual salary $4176; one Eli~ibility Specialist, Grade 5'7, annual salary
$57o~; and one Social Worker II, Grade 66, annual salary ~8580• Miss Hall reguested the
Commissioners' approval with no additional appropriation, as vacancies in her agency have
created a surplus in the salary item.
Mr. Marks stated reason for this reguest is due to increased work load which has
doubled since budget estimates were prepared. The cause of the increase in the amount of
work is due to the Food Stamp Program and the strikes. With the increase in amount of
work, it is impossible to properly screen and keep persons of£ the rolls who do not
The commissioners were hesitant in going along tivith this request and guestioned
whether or not the County is required to flzrnish aid to strikers. Mr. Marks reminded
them the County is administering a Federal Program and has no choice. The law was made
by Congress, and the County has to comply with it. The Board also £elt the need for
additional personnel would not arise until February because North Carolina had obtained
deferment of three months be£ore it comes under the new Food Stamp Program.
Nir. Williams stated it appears that all the requests that come £rom Social Services
are written to convince the Board that a sudden and dire emergency has just arisen and
action must be taken immediately. Mr. Marks stated Mi.ss Hall had brought this before
the Social Services Board for the past three months.
Miss Ha11 was called to the meeting and stated substantially the same thing Mr. Marks
had stated earlier in support o£ her reriuest. She further stated that now a person is
eligible £or food stamps i£ theq do not make over $115 per month. When the new plan
goes into e££ect it will cover those under $1']0 per month. There are now 465 strikers
on the rolls plus 265 non-union workers who are out of work because of the strike. In
May $118,000 of £ood stamps were sold; in October ~155,000 were sold. Last month 1,000
persons were recertified for food stamps; last November 150. Miss Hall stated due to
lack o£ help, it is impossible to properly investigate the new cases. It is recommend-
ed case worker's load be limited to 85; hers have jumped to 135 per case worker. With
additional help she hopes to eliminate ungual£ied persons before they get on the rolls.
Discussion was held on prosecution of persons who falsify to get assistance. It
was the £eeling o£ the Board steps should be taken to prosecute anyone guilty of this.
Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, request for the additional employees be
granted and that every effort be made to prosecute where prosecution is indicated.
Motion carried three to one. Mr. Williams voted "No."
Mr. Iiarriss was o£ the opinion the problem lies with administration at high levels
and it may be well for this Board to call to the attention of its representatives that
additional programs which are adopted, often with little thou$ht to the effect at the
local level, should be examined much more closely than apparently they are doing.
Mr. Williams asked who should be notified if a person thought someone was on the
Social Services rolls who should not be. Miss Hall stated such cases should be reported
to her or message left with her secretary. Mr. Williams stated he had discussed such
cases.with case toorkers at various times but had gotten the impression they did not
want such cases called to their attention.
~ e.l
Mr. Marks called attention to telegram Mr. Bowden was requested to send to our State
Representatives on October 2'7, 19'71 reguesting they "do everything possible to see that
proper legislation allowing counties to pay 25% of the amount above $14 of costs of
recipients in skilled nursing homes per day is supported. Otherwise, the County is to
be burdened with the total cost of nursing home care without State or Federal assist-
ance." This legislation was passed and mar.i.mum was increased to ~18 per day. Mr.
Harriss advised the Board he was in receipt of letter from Representative George Rountree
stating bill had passed the House, and he was in agreement with the Board's request.
Mr. Harriss stated Mr. Morrison, Director, New Hanover Memorial Hospital, who had
headed a committee to study ambulance service, advises there are ways to bring about
improvements in the future. Due to complicated nature of this subject in this county,
the Committee recommended a special committee be appointed of suf£icient size and
expertise to examine this matter in depth to bring specifications and obseivations
to the County Commissioners £or present and fliture needs of the County. Mr. Harriss
stated Mr. Morrison wanted it understood this is no indictment of the eacisting ambulance
services or that the County is being inadequately served at the present time.
Mr. Harriss suggested the Commissioners give thought to this and be prepared to
furnish names £or such a committee at the next meeting. Mr. Hall suggested some esti-
mate be given as to funds required for travel, etc. £or such a committee.
Mr. Williams stated this certainly has to do with a health service, and a grant
has just been made to the Council of Governments for an extensive study of health
services in this area. Some o£ these funds might be available for this purpose and
suggested the County Administrator discuss it with the Executive Director of the
Council of Governments to see i£ the two programs can be worked together.
Mr. Hall discussed letter £rom Mr. John Wilson, Mental Health Clinic, concerning
whether vacation and sick leave can be transferred from one county to another, speci-
fically £rom Dorothy Dix Hospital to the Mental Health Clinic for Dr. Knox, Psychiatrist
recently employed by New Hanover County. Mr. Harriss pointed out New Hanover County
had had no bene£it of the services of Dr. Rnox during this period. By common consent,
it was agreed vacation will not be permitted to be carried from one county to another.
Mr. Bowden will investigate sick leave with the State. By common consent this decision
was deferred until the next meeting.
The Commissioners received £inancial report for quarter ending September 30, 19']1
prepared by the County Auditor.
'1'here being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, secorided
by Mr. Hall, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Hazel Savage
Clerk to the Board
The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on
the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman
Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr.,
H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard;
County Administrator Zaurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board.
Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked The Rev. C. R. Tedder, Pastor,
Pine Valley Church of God, to give the invocation.
TZr. Williams requested the following correction to the minutes o£ November 1, 19'71:
On Page 8, First Paragraph, First Sentence should read: "Mr. Williams stated it appears
that all the requests that come £rom Social Services..."
Mr. Harriss requested the Yollowing corrections to the minutes: On Page 4, First
Paragraph, delete words "to use." On Page 9, First Paragraph, Last Sentence should read:
"... or that the Countq..."
Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes be approved as corrected.
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Harriss extended a welcome to Mr. Shepard who has returned to work after being
ill for several weeks.