1972-01-17 Regular MeetingMINUTES OF THE MEETING - JANUARY 1'7, ~972 - 9~00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Sava$e, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Father James R. Jones, Pastor, St. rary's Catholic Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MIN-UTES - MEETING JANUARY 4, 19~2 - There being no corrections to the minutes of ineeting of January 4, 19`]2, Mr. Williams moved, seconded b9 Mr. Oxenfeld, that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION AND REVIEW OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - The County Auditor presentea r'inancial Statements as of December 31, 1971 explaining them as follows: As of June 30, 1971 the County had Cash Balance of $2,20'7,258 and has re- ceiyed $'7,338,304 as of December 31, 19']1. As of December '>1, 1971 the County had expendi- tures of $4,638,180, leaving Cash Balance of $4,907,382; represented by Demand Deposits of $254,430, 05.1~% and Certificates of Deposits of $4,663,952, 94•83/• As of December 31, 19']1, $1,105,793 had been received in G.-eneral Fund Revenue which is a little better than half of what had been anticipated for the entire year. The North Carolina One Cent Sales Tax was anticipated for the year in amount of ~893,000; ~459,537 has been received. Mr. Shepard stated the County's expenses are in line and the County is in good sound financial condition. Mr. Shepard stated bonded indebtedness is the same as 1971• The County will pay out $663,000 on bonded indebtedness this year. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - COUNTY ATTORNEY FEE - NE4J HOPE DAM ZITIGATIOTd - Statement from the County Attorney in amount of $3,455•55 for services rendered from October 11, 19']1 through December 31, 1971 on the New Hope Dam litigation was presented to the Board. The fee for the New Hope Dam litigation is not part of Mr. Fox's normal retainer fee, therefore it reguires an appropriation from the General Contingency Fund. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board approve amount of $3,455-55 . for the County Attorney fee in the New Hope Dam litigation for quarter ended December 31, 19`]1, funds to come from the General Contingency F~nd. AIRPORT COMMISSION REQUEST FOR $50,000 FOR Il`1PROVEMENTS TO AIRPORT TERMINAI, - Discussion was held on above reguest. Mr. Shepard stated these funds would have to come from non-ta3c monies. Mr. Harriss explained to the news media this is an appropriation which has been made to come from a bond issue that was passed by the citizens approving the terminal, and the County has not been dilatory in deciding what to do but has been at somewhat of a loss in deciding how. Finally, it appears it is practical and necessary to increase the size of the terminal by using type of addition which will not ordinarily be considered permanent. It will provide additional space inside the terminal where it is needed, and this money will come from the $254,000 owed to the County by the FAA. This money has been appropriated and set aside, contingent on the County finishing the clearing of the approaches. rir. Shepard stated $200,000 had been budgeted in Anticipated Revenue in the General Ftiind for the Airport and there would be available for the Airport money in excess of the $200,000 budgeted in "Anticipated Revenue". SUBDIVISION PLAT - Q.UEEN'S POINT. SECTION 2-C - _Mr. Jerry Ramsey, Assistant Planning Director, presented the above subdivision plat for approval and signature by the Chairman. Two sections have already heen developed; A and B. All o£ the improvements are in. The plat has been revieH~ed by the Subdivision Review Committee, and they recommend approval. Mr. OxenPeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board approve Subdivision Plat of Queen's Point, Section 2-C, and the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat. Motion carried unanimously. DISCOUNT ON TAX PREPAYMENTS Mr. Harriss stated Mr. Powell, at the reguest of the Commissioners, had discussed schedules for discount on prepayments of taxes with Mr. Roger Ellis of the State Board of Assessments. Mr. Ellis informed Mr. Powell when discounts are allowed they should be within the guide lines of the old G.S. 105-345 which allows a maximum discount of 2%. Mr. Marks was still of the opinion 2'~ is not sufficient incentive to urge persons to prepay their t~es. Mr. Williams stated the way the interest market is today it may continue to come down instead of increasing, and the County is not in the business of speculating on the money market. Mr. Williams was o£ the opinion consideration should be given, between now and the next date when the Commission has to make this determination, as to whether to reduce the interest or keep it where it has been in the past. Mr. Williams stated he would be reluctant to raise the discount rate at this time without giving it more consideration than has been given. Mr. ~,lilliams stated the motion to establish discount rates at 2%, if paid by July lst, 1'f~~ if paid by July 31st, and 1% if paid by September 30th for the coming year was made, seconded and tabled for action at the last meeting, and called for guestion on the motion. Mr. Fox suggested motion be amended to include effective date of February lst in order to allow for time to get approval of the State Board of Assessment. Mr. Williams agreed to amending his motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, as follows: That the discount rates be established the same as last year; namely, 2% if paid by July lst, ly~~ if paid by July 31st, and 1% if paid by September 30th, discounts to become effective upon approval of the State Board of Assessment. Motion carried four to one. ~r. Marks voted "No". After the meeting it was learned due date is September lst, therePore 1% would be given if paid by August 30th instead of September 30th. The following resolution was signed by the Commissioners: ~~~ F bb MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JANUARY 1'7, 1972 - 9:00 A.M. (CONTINUED) DISCQUNT ON TAX PREPAYMENTS (CONTII~TUED) - "STATE OF nvx'rn CAROI,INA : COUNTY OF NE4! HANOVER . RESOLUTION "WfiEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, at their regular meeting January 1'], 19'72, discussed the discount rate for prepaid taxes and "WHEREAS, General Statutes 105-360 authorized the Board of Countp Commissioners to adopt a schedule of discounts to be applied to taxes paid prior to the due date, "THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, at said regular meeting, adopted the following discount schedule: 2% if paid prior to July 1 1'r~~ if paid prior to July 31 1% if paid prior to August 30 "Dated at Wilmington, North Carolina this 18th day of January, 19'72. (s) Meares Harriss, Jr. Chairman (s) Berry A. 4lilliams Vice-Chairman (s) H. A. Marks Commissioner (s) John R. Oxenfeld Commissioner" SAI~E OF COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY TO REDEVELOPMENT CdMMI8SI0N - Mr. Bowden stated the Commissioners are in receipt o£ reguest from the Redevelopment Commission for a statement from the County to the effect the County will sell its land in the project area (Northside I Urban Renewal Area, Froject No. N.C. R-6 (c)) to the Redevelop- ment Commission at Yair market value or, in the event agreement is not reached as to fair market value, will submit to eminent domain proceedings and let the courts decide fair value. Mr. 4iilliams suggested a letter be written agreeing to this procedure and that the Commissioners agree among themselves that the Board will not deviate too far from the past procedures it has followed in determinin~ the value; that is appraisal by the appraisers in the T~ Department. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that a letter be written the Redevelopment Commission that the Board of Commissioners will be glad to negotiate with them on the basis as set forth in their letter. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks stated he felt when the Redevelopment Commission takes land off the tax base in New Hanover County, there should be some provision made whereby in lieu of taxes, the County might get some revenue from the property. Mr. Hall stated something might be built which would increase the tax base. Mr. Marks stated he was referring to federal buildings such as housing projects. Mr. Marks stated the County is not receiving taxes from some of the current Housing Projects. Mr. Harriss stated these were being investigated at the present time and the Board should have a report by the next meeting. T/iX ON PROPERTY OWNED BY NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITkL - . Property in guestion is 306 North llth Street which Vias owned by Catherine H. Bear as trustee £or the Women's Hospital in 1968. On August 28, 1968 it was transferred to New Hanover Memorial Hospital and was placed on exempt status for i969, 19'70 and 1971. On November 19, 19'71 the property was transferred to James E. Richburg and was subse- quently placed back on the tax books for 1972. On November 11, 19~1 New Fianover Memorial Hospital paid the 1968 taxes in the amount of $260.98 plus $50.93 interest, or a total of $311.91. The Tax Administrator informed the Board Mrs. Bear did not quali£y for the exemption as the property was rented and never established as a hospital. When the property was trans- ferred to the hospital the 1968 taxes were unpaid, therefore the ta~c lien followed the real estate. Mr. Powell recommended New Hanover Memorial Hospital be required to pay the 1968 taxes. Mr. Hall suggested forgiving the tax since it appeared it was taking out of one pocket and putting into another. PTr. Williams questioned legality o£ forgiving the tax. Nr. Fox stated property was not being used for a charitable purpose vahen taxes accrued. Mr. Harriss stated there did not appear to be any basis for forgivin~ the tax. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that request for abatement of the tax be denied. Motion carried unanimously. SALE OF COUNTY OWNEll PROPERTY TO WANET'S SAUSAGE COMPANY - Mr. Karl McGhee, Attorney for Wanet's Sausage Compa~y, appeared before the Board, re- lative to Wanet's Sausage Company's proposal to purchase approximately 4.413 acres of County owned property adjacent to its plant. Glanet now has a perpetual easement over the westerly portion oP the property. There is only about two acres of land above vrater, the remainder is swamp. Wanet needs land to comply with government and state re~ulations to improve their existing treatment of water before it goes into Smith Creek. Land is not only covered by easement Wanet holds but is crossed in its entirety by a lar~e CP&L Company easement, large poles and wires. There is no access to the land except by Wanet's, therefore it has no value to anyone but Wanet's. Mr. Harriss stated appraised value is $3,69~.10. Mr. McGhee offered $2500 for the property. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JANUARY l~~ 1972 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED) SALE OF COUNTY OWPTED PROPERTY TO WANET'S SAUSAGE COMPANY (CONTINUED) - Mr. McGhee pointed out sale would have to be with consideration of the CP&I, Company easement. Mr. Marks asked if there were any Airport easements involved. Mr. McGhee stated there were not and assured the Board he would personally remove any tree or trees if any should ever inter£ere with any Airport Easement. Mr. Williams stated the Board has consistently declined to sell County owned property for less than the appraised value of the T~ -epartment. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that the County offer the land in guestion £or appraised value o~ ~3697•10 with stipulation avigation easement will be part of the contract and the CP&I,. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. McGhee agreed to purchase land for his client at this figure. RE9.UEST FOR REFUI~TD OF TAXES (MRS. ANITA RIVENBARK) - Mrs. Rivenbark appeared before the Board requesting refund o£ taxes due to fact the trailer was removed from the lot in 196'7. P1rs. Rivenbark stated when she listed taxes each year thereafter she had notified the lister the trailer was no longer on the lot. Trailer was taken to Pender County. Mr. Fox stated if it were a clerical error of the Tax Lister, it is his opinion it can be corrected, but he would like to have an opporturtity t.o check it out. By common consent it was agreed to defer matter until next meeting. Mrs. Rivenbark was requested to furnish letters from the Power Company and Water Company as to when service at the trailer was discontinued. APPOINTMENT MEMBERS TO ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AI°IDULANCE SERVICE - Mr. Bowden had, prior to tne meeting, Yurnished the Commissioners a list o£ names from which to select persons for the Advisory Committee for Ambulance Service. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to appoint a workable number to this committee. Motion carried unanimously. REIACATION OF MENTAL HEAI,TH CENTER - Mr. Harriss in£ormed the Board of proposed contract for leasin~ space on~the second floor of the former Southside Baptist Church for the Mental Health Clinic. Mr. Harriss stated cost per year for the lease will be $8400 without renovations and $8800 per year with renovations (for a period of three years). Mr. Bowden stated renovations cannot be done by the County for $1200 and recommended lessors do the renovation. Mr. Marks stated lessors can do this by February 15th if they are notified promptly. ` Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board accept the contract based on the $8800 figure (for a period of three years), renovations to be completed by lessors no later than February 15, 19']2. Contract is subject to approval by the County Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed at 10:05 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 10:15 A.M. SANITARY LANDFILLS - Mayor Sch~~iartz, City Manager John Jones, Town Manager Jack Webb (Carolina Beach), City Clerk Hugh Perry of Wrightsville Beach, Mr. Roy Rudd, Alderman of Ulrightsville Beach, Mr. Bob Coleman, Director of Public Works (Wilmington), Mr. Henry Cranford, Health Depart- ment; Mr. Jerry Ramsey of the Planning Department; and others were present for discussion of the need for Sanitary Landfills and method of operation. Representatives from Browning- Ferris Company and Waste Industries, Inc. were also present. Mr. Bowden opened the discussion by stating the Health Department is presently operating two Sanitary Landfills with Health Department personnel. They are rapidly running out of space. It has been discussed several times whether it might be in the best interest of the County for the County to continue operating the landfills or have private industry perform this service for the County. Browning-Ferris Representative Mr. Mike Zawlor of Houston, Texas spoke for his com- pany. Mr. Lawlor stated his company is the only company engaged in waste disposal publicly owned on the Stock Exchange. Browning-Ferris operates in 36 cities throu~hout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico and operates sanitary landfill sites in 2'7 of them. Ntr. Lawlor stated his company feels sanitary landfills are the answer to the problem today but does not feel it is the only answer; they are looking into recyclin~ and are presently operating a recycling plant in Houston, Texas. Mr. Lav,~lor stated a sanitary landfill would be satisfactory here if the proper real estate can be acquired where waste will not be dumped into water. This company would be willing to purchase property for landfill site and have personnel on the site all during the working hours of the day. Mr. Harriss asked if they could diPferentiate between sanitary waste disposal and solid waste disposal, that there is a di£ference. Mr. Lawlor stated he oras speaking of garbage and trash, not car bodies, etc., so they are really talking about sanitary waste materials. Mr. Lawlor stated they have a shredder~for tires. Also, they can furnish pick-up service. I'1r. Lawlor suggested his company come in to study problem more thoroughly on a con- sulting basis, coming in to operate a county owned landfill site or under contract whereby his compa~y would purchase a site. Mr. Harriss asked about operating on a regional basis. Mr. Lawlor stated his company h~ould be very interested. Mr. 4~illiams stated this has been given a lot of study and th~ere are obstacles which cannot be overcome such as land involved and low density population. ~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JANUARY 1'], 1972 - 9.00 A.M. (COPdTINUED) SANITARY LANDFIZLS (CONTINtTE-) - Mr. Bowden stated two or three meetings have been held with the CofG concerning regional landfills. It was concluded if the County can work out something with municipalities, it would be more feasible. The CofG has recommended New Hanover County should operate separately; therefore, the County has planned to operate independently from a regional basis. Mr. Williams stated CofG at first thought operating on a regional basis might be the proper approach but the study indicated it would not be practical. Mr. Lonnie Poole, Jr. of Waste Industries, Inc. spoke next. Mr. Poole stated he had met with City and County on this subject. During the month of December he went through all the information he had obtained and came down to talk with different people about the situation. The City Landfill was visited as well as the County's. Mr. Poole read letter written by his company requesting they be permitted to operate landfills in New Hanover County. The proposed disposal system is designed to provide a long term county-wide service that in every way complies with local and state regulations pertaining to the disposal of solid waste. Further, that the disposal system be operated in cooperation with County government to protect and preserve public health and safety. Mr. Poole's letter stated if they were permitted to operate landfills they would proceed according to a line of action that would include (1) development of a comprehensive solid waste plan which would be a written plan; (2) selection and negotiation of contracts with public bodies and private concerns for utilization of the landfills; (3) secure all necessary approvals for local and state levels;(4) hire and train personnel; (5) selection and procure- ment of all equipment and site improvements; and (6) launch.a public service campai~n to insure usage and maintain favorable public opinion. Mr. Poole stated prior to and after the system is in operation the County shall maintain complete control to insure the desired level o£ service on a timely basis. Operation of landfill will commence 180 days after approval o£ franchise. Mr. Poole will purchase assets County now has., Mr. Harriss discussed problem of hard or solid wastes such as car bodies and appliances. Mr. Poole suggested taking auto bodies to landfill, have them crushed and hauled away, Mr. Poole stated landfill would take appliances and stumps. Mr. Harriss read a letter he had written Dr. Thomas Zinton of Commercial and Sports Fisheries, Department of Conservation and Development and others, concerning use of solid waste for fishing reefs: Mr. Harriss stated consideration of disposal of solid waste must be brought into the picture. ' City Manager Jones stated the State has served notice on Wilmington it must disconti•nue use of its landfill on the north side of town by the end of June and recommended that the City and County jointly go into the operation of sanitary landfills because it would be easier to work jointly with possible franchisers. Mr. Jack Webb, Town Manager, Carolina Beach, expressed willingness to cooperate and felt it is an overall county problem and Carolina Beach wishes to be in on the discussions. Mr. Roy Rudd, Wrightsville Beach Alderman, stated they were concerned and would be glad to participate any way they can. Mr. Hugh Perry, Town Clerk, Wrightsville Beach, stated Wrightsville Beach erill work anyway they can in solving the problem. Mr. Robert Coleman, Public Works Director, stated he would like to see action taken as quickly as possible on this problem. Mr. Harriss stated he thought the next step would be to get representatives from each community, Health Department, each ~overnmental agency and come up with recommendations in order to be able to draw up specifications required for bid proposals from franchisers. Mr. Harriss, with the consent of other Board members, requested Mr. Bowden to proceed with getting such a meeting together. Mr. Hall pointed out special consideration should be given to what will be allowed in the sanitary landfills. Mr. 4lilliams requested special consideration be given to question of franchising for pick-ups. PTr. Harriss was of the opinion types o£ material and hours should be discussed thoroughly. PUBLIC HEARING BY CITY COUNCII,,, JANUARY 24 - ADOPTION TAOROUGFiFARE PLAN - City Manager Jones advisea the Board of the Public Hearing to be held by City Council on January 24th for the purpose of adoption of the Thoroughfare Plan. Mr. Jones stated another public information session on the Thoroughfare Plan is scheduled Wednesday night, January 19 at '7:30 P.M. in the Superior Court Room to familiarize the public with the plan and invited all to attend the meeting. Nir. Jones also stated those who wish to view the plan may do so in the Conference Room on the second floor of City Hall. CIVIC AUDITORIUM - Mr. Harriss made the statement that he wanted everyone to be aware a study is being made as to whether or not a Civic Auditorium would be feasible for our area, and a consultant is working on it now. Nir. Harriss hopes the study will be completed very shortly. Meeting recessed at 11:20 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 11:40 A.M. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JANU?.RY 1~, 19~2 - 9:0o a.M. (CONTINUED) 6~ APIENDMENT TO SAND DUNE PROTECTION ORDINAI~TCE - Mr. Bowden stated when the Sand Dune Protection Ordinance was written it established the Chief Building Inspector as the Chief Shoreline Protection Officer. Upon recommendation of Mr. Jerry Ramsey, Assistant Planning Director, Mr. Bowden recommended to the Commissioners that the ordinance be amended designating the County Engineer as the Chief S~ioreline Pro- te:ction OYficer. Mr. Bowden also informed the Commissioners applications for permits affectin sand dunes wi11 be forwarded by the Chief Shoreline Protection Officer (County Engineer~ to the Planning Commission, Corps of Engineers, 5oi1 Conservation Services, etc. for their comments and approval. Mr. Bowden stated the application for permit should~ be amended to require the applicant to show the names and addresses of adjoining property owners, and the applicant should forward a copy of the application to them. Mr. Bowden stated the County will not be required to advertise. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Sand Dune Protection Ordinance be amended to designate the County Engineer as the Shoreline Protection Officer and that the application for a permit affecting the sand dunes be amended to require the applicant to show names and addresses of adjoining property owners and that the applicant should forU~ard a copy of the application to them whereupon the following resolutions ~aere unani- mously adopted: Resolved, it is herewith ordained by the Board of Commissioners o£ New Hanover County that the Sand Dune Protection Ordinance of Ne~e Hanover County adopted December 6, 1971, is amended to delete the words "County Building Inspector" wherever they appear therein, and to insert the words "County Engineer" in lieu thereof. Resolved, that the standard form of application, as set forth in the Sand Dune Pro- tection Ordinance, is amended to add immediately a£ter the paragraph entitled "Location of Proposed Work" the following sections: "NAP`~iES AND ADDRESSES OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS I agree that, as a condition to the issuance of this permit for which application is herein made, (a) to forward copies of the same to all adjoining property owners, (b) all restoration re- quirements specified in the permit or directed by the shoreline protection officer wi11 be complied with, (c) the work proposed, ' and all restoration reguired will be completed.on or before , and (d) I will pay any damages to the ~ sand dunes or vegetation thereon, assessed by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County. Signed: Applicant AMENDMENT TO JUNK ORDINAIVCE - Mr. Fox called attention to the Junk Ordinance vahich makes it illegal for a vehicle to be le£t on private property without the consent of the owner for two hours or more. Mr. Fox stated ordinance should be amended to show clearly the Sheriff's Department has authority to remove vehicles on private property as well as from public places. Mr. Fox suggested Section I, Para~raph 1, should be amended to read: "Any member of the . Sheriff's Department is authorized to remove or cause to be removed any abandoned or junk vehicle as hereinafter defined £rom the street or other public place, or from private property (when such vehicle is left thereon without the consent of the owner; occupant, or lessor of said private property) within Idew Hanover County and to have it removed to the designated garage or area." The reason for this amendment is Mr. Westbrook, kirport Nanager, is experiencing a parking problem in the parking lot at the airport. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Junk Ordinance be amended as re- commended by the County Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF CORONER TO FILL UNE3CPIRED TERM OF MR. Z. STARR P~',CMILLkN, DECEASED - Mr. Hall stated even though the County has the Medical Examiner System, he felt there are times when the Coroner has to be called on in view of the fact there is possibility these medical men might be tied up in some serious medical problem at the time they are needed, and there are times when immediate action is necessary. For this reason, Mr. Hall stated he felt the position, which was vacated by the death of Mr. L. Starr MacMillan, who served very faithfully on the job, should be filled. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Mr. Robert Douglas Smith be appointed, effective immediately to fill the unexpired term of the £ormer coroner. Mr. Marks raised question of salary and suggested it be reduced due to reduced activity of the position of the coroner, and suggested it be put on a fee basis. Mr. Hall was in favor of keeping position on a salary basis due to fact coroner is on call on a 24-hour basis. Question was raised as to v,~hether or not it would be legal for the Board to reduce the salary. Mr. Fox advised the Board it would be legal to set the new person's salary because he is not an elected official but appointed to fill an unexpired term. Duties o£ the coroner were discussed. Mr. Fox stated the functions of the coroner have been reduced to investigations as to whether there is any criminal activity in deaths or negligence. Almost_all other duties are filled by the medical examiner. The coroner has no power to order autopsies, etc. Vote was called on Mr. Hall's motion. It carried unanimously. r y r t ~ lJ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JANUARY 1'7, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. (COATTINUED) kPPOINTMENT OF CORONER TO FILL UNEXPIRED TF'RM OF I'~. L. STARR MACMILLAN, DECEASED (CONTINUED) - Mr. Hall then moved that Mr. Smith be paid on the same basis as Mr. MacMillan until such time as he may be acquainted with the £act that the salary is subject to a downward revision due to the possible curtailment of his activities. After further discussion on pay, Mr. Hall withdreoa his motion. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by NLr. Oxenfeld, that Mr. Smith be advised that in recent years the responsibilities of the coroner have been substantially reduced, and the Commis- sioners desire to re-evaluate an appropriate salary for the present responsibilities. During the interim period salary of this-position will be on the basis of $25 per case, effective immediately, pending the above study. Motion carried unanimously. NATIONAL GUARD The Adjutant General's office has advised that General Ferd L. Davis, Adjutant General of North Carolina, and Mrs. Davis will be at meeting at Carolina Beach Road National Guard Armory at 8:30 P.M. on Monda,y, January 24, 19'72 during a regular scheduled drill and has invited any of the Commissioners that will attend.. The program is designed to acquaint the communit~ with mission of the Guard. ENFORCING OF PARBING RULES ON HOSPITAI, GROUNDS - Mr. Hall introduced discussion on cooperating with the Hospital on enforcing parking rules on the Hospital Grounds. Mr. Hall stated it is County property though~' leased to the Hospital. Mr. Fox pointed out provision of Junk Ordinance concerning parkin~ after two hours on private property without permission of owner, however, Mr. Fox stated the County ordinance cannot be en£orced urithin municipalities unless ordinance is also adopted by resolution by the municipalities. Mr, Hall was of the opinion two hours is a long time in urgently needed parking places. Mr. Fox stated if the City has consented to the County Junk Ordinance, the Sheriff can have vehicles, parked longer than two hours, removed from the Hospital lot, if parked without hospital consent; the Junk Ordinance can be amended to provide for immediate removal without waiting; and the City of 4dilmington can pass its own ordinance affecting unauthorized parking within the corporate limits of the City. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion it ~aould be a good idea for Mr. Fox to remove the two- hour limit on illegal parking on private property. Mr. Fox sug~ested the Wilmington Police Department be responsible as well as the Sheriff's Department, if it is to be applicable in the City of Wilmington. Also, ordinance can include all municipal police within municipalities approving and adopting this ordinance. By common consent.it was agreed to request Mr. Fox rewrite the ordinance to reflect what the Board has just discussed. . ENGIiv~,~,ttING STUDY AND REPORT BY nr.ivx~ VON OESEN - Mr. Williams suggested the Board start determining as guickly as possible how Mr. von Oesen's report is ~oing to be implemented or what is going to be done about it. Mr. Williams stated all o£ the Commissioners realize there are real problems facing the County immediately or the Board would not have invested in the study. Mr. Harriss stated this is a matter that the County, along with the City, turned over to the Water and Sewer Authority, and he would like to have their report on it before doing an,ything. It has developed this report has not been turned over to the ~~Iater and Sewer Authority. Mr. Marks suggested re£erring this report to the County Engineer for stud9 and evaluation vaith request he come up with some recommended phases that can be taken one by one. Mr. Harriss was of opinion Water and Sewer Authority should officially receive a copy of the report. Mr. Boorden stated the Water and Sem~er Authority, along with the City Engineering Depart- ment, and he have planned a meeting probably for the first of next week and the Water and Se~aer Authority, of course, will head the meeting. Results of ineetings will be typed and mailed each Commissioner. It is recommended Mr. von Oesen return and answer the questions that have already been raised in the preliminary discussions of the report. This will be done at a Board meeting or possibly with a joint meeting tioith the City Council. SCI, RR ABANDONMENT OF SERVICE FROM GARLAND TO F1II,MINC~PON - Mr. Harriss informed the Board the SCI, RR proposes to abandon its road from ~arland to Wilmington. Closing of this line wi11 be done ~aithout public hearings unless protests are received. . ADJOURNP~NT - There being no £urther business to.come before the Board, Mr. Hall noved, seconded by Mr. Narks, the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. MEETING RECONVEESED - Chairman.Harriss reconvened the meeting. APPROPRTATION - ENTERTAIN OFFICERS AND OTHERS - BRITISH FRIGATE "DIDO" - Mr. Harriss requested approval of appropriation to entertain the officers and other dignitaries having to do with visit of the British Frigate "Dido". The City will also contribute to this expense. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that $200 be appropriated to match same amount by City from the Advertising Fund for the entertainment of officers and other dignitaries having to do with the visit of the British Frigate "Dido". Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNN~nTT - There being no further business to come be£ore the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, /hs Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board