1972-02-07 Regular MeetingNINUTES OF THE MEETING - FEBRUARY '], 1972 - 9~00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners ~aas held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the £ollowing present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. County Attorney James C. Fox was absent. Mr. Fox v,as in Greensboro to attend court hearing on the New Hope Dam Case. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Doyle E. Bo~ti~ers, Pastor, The Alliance Church, to give the invocation. LTEI,COME EXTENDED TO CANDIDATES FOR COUTdTY COMMISSION SEATS - Chairman Harriss welcomed Mrs. Viviah Wright and Mr. George Croom who have filed as • candidates for seats on the Board of County Commissioners. They were observers at the meeting. APPROVAI, OF MINUTES - Nr. Bowden called attention to a letter from the County Attorney to the Clerk suggesting first paragraph on Page 9 under heading "Amendment to Sand Dune Protection Ordinance" read as follows: "Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Sand Dune Protection Ordinance be amended to designate the County Engineer as the Shoreline Protection Officer and that the application for a permit affecting the sand dunes be amended to require the applicant to show names and addresses of adjoinin$ property owners and that the applicant should forward a copy of the application to them whereupon the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: "Resolved, it is herewith ordained by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Sand Dune Protection Ordinance of New Hanover County adopted December 6, 19~1, is amended to delete the words 'County Building Inspector' wherever they appear therein, and to insert the words 'County Engineer' in lieu thereof. "Resolved, that the standard form of application, as set forth in the Sand Dune Protection Ordinance, is amended to add immediately after the paragraph entitled 'Zocation of' Proposed Work' the following sections: "NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS "I agree that, as a condition to the issuance oP this permit for which application is herein made, (a) to forward copies of the same to all adjoining property owners, (b) all restoration requirements specified in the permit or directed by the shoreline protection officer will be complied with; (c) the work proposed, and all restoration required U~ill be completed on or before ; and (d) I will pay ar~y damages to the sand dunes or vegetation thereon, assessed by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County. Signed: Applicant" Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the change in the minutes be accepted by the Board. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. 4iilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT OF COLI,ECTOR OF REVENUE - Mrs. Janie Straughn, Collector of Revenue, gave the following report on taxes collected as of February 1, 19'72: Charged Per Scroll $5,405,684.48, Added-Tax Supervisor $116,231.2'7, Supplement $'73,640.62, Corp. E~cess $168,865.65; less abatements $16,685.62; leaving balance on books $5,747,'736.40; less collections in January $890,'7~5.72, prepayments ~337,618.49, collections August through December y~3,976,504.59; total collected of 19'71 levy $5,204,898.90, leaving balance to be collected $542,83'7.50. Back Taxes Collected during January amounted to $'7,864.49, bringing total collected to date to $']5,369.46; leaving balance of back t~es to be collected $368,422.89. Delinquent Personal Property Taxes collected during January amounted to $4,838.98, bringing total collected to date to $20,1'76.33. - Mrs. Straughn reported that $819,062.33 more has been collected this year than on the same date last year. By common consent the Board accepted Mrs. Btraughn's report. BII,L FROP1 MR. I~IAYD MEMORY ~ ASSISTANT CORONER - The County Auditor informed the Board the County is in receipt of bill from Mr. Lloyd Memory, £ormer Assistant Coroner, for services rendered in connection with 14 deaths at $25 per case, totaling $350. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that payment be authorized and bill be charged to the appropriation made at budget time for the Coroner's salary. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks raised question of whether or not it is necessar~ £or both the coroner and medical examiner to be called on the same case which costs the County double. Mr. Marks reguested clarification from the County Attorney and the Chairman requested Mr. Bowden check this out with Mr. Mr. Fox. Mr. Oxenfeld joined the meeting at this time. MIAIUTES OF THE MEETING-- FEBRU?~2Y '7, 1972 - 9:00 k.M. (CONTINUED) MEDICAL SILL FOR PRISONER IN JAIL - The County Auditor presented bill in amount of $516 for medical services to a prisoner who was hurt in the jail by falling out of bed on September 2, 19'71. A£ter discussion, by common consent, it was agreed to defer action until February 21, 19~2 in order for investigation to be made as to whether the County is covered by insurance for such claims or whether the prisoner has ar~y insurance. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - MUSEUPi - Request from Mr. Gary E~ster, Museum Director, for transfer of $400 from Insurance Account to Travel Account was discussed. Mr. Eyster stated in his request travel is required for staff's increased needs to attend the State Department of Archives and History Seminars on prob3ems the Nuseum is having and to finance visits between the Museum staf£ and the Valentine Museum staff in Richmond to investigate possibilities for a Junior Center to be sponsored by the Museum and the Junior League. Mr. Marks questioned whether the Board o£ Commissioners should not be approached con- cerning the Museum sponsoring a Junior Center. By common consent it was agreed to dePer action and request Mr. BoVrden contact Mr. E~ster for further information on the possibility of the Museum sponsoring a Junior Center. MENTAI, HEAI,TH REQ.UEST FOR TRAIQSFER OF FUNDS - Request from Southeastern Mental Health Center £or permission to transfer ~5300.50 £rom non-matched Budget. Item Equipment (Old) to Rent Item ~•aas presented to the Board. Necessity for request for additional rent is because.of the relocation of the center to larger quarters. The Southeastern Mental Health Center also requested ~b250 be transferred from Budget Item Drugs, which is a matched money item, to Moving Expenses. The Center .stated it had per- mission from Raleigh to use matched money for this expense.. In addition to the above requests, Mr. Bowden informed the Board the Mental Health Center ~~ill need an additional 9b125.for rent at the old location, because stipulation in the lease on that property requires rent be paid through March, i972. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the requests be approved, the additional $125 to cone from the item "Equipment (Old)" as well as the ~300.50 requested for additional rent and $250 from Budget Item Drugs. Motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR SF~RIFF'S AUTO._E~PENSES - Mr. Shepard stated during 19'70-']1 $21,000 was spent for Sheriff's Auto Expenses. As of January 1, 19'72 expenses are $25,000. The County Garage serves all the County vehicles, in- cluding Sheriff's Department, Health Department, Bookmobile, and Civil Defense. Bill just received from the garage has depleted money budgeted for the Sheriff's Auto E~penses for this budget year. Mr. Shepard requested $12,000 be appropriated from the General Fund for remainder of the year. Mr. Shepard stated this ma9 not be enough but suggested this amount at this time. Mr. Shepard stated char~es to each department by the garage is based on charges of other garages. The County is not trying to show a profit, but it is trying not to operate the garage in the red. It was pointed out this is the first year the garage has been operated, therefore it will take until end of year to determine what charges actually should be. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that $12,000 be appropriated from the General Fund to cover the Sheri£f's kuto Expenses for the remainder of the year. Motion carried unanimously. BILL FRON CITY FOR REPAIRS TO CITY OWNED BUS - Mr. Sowden presented bill from the Chief of Police H. E. Williamson, in amount of ~350 for repairs to bus which the City used in assisting the County on Sunday, November 14, 19'71 when there was trouble at Hugh MacRae Park. The bus was damaged by individuals being trans- ported to jail. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by P~r. Marks, that the bill be paid, funds coming from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. APPROPRIATION OF ~1700 FOR SCHOOLS - PROPERTY PURCHASE - Chairman Harriss discussed this item. ~bl'700 is a binder, or down payment, on a pieoe of property located at the southwest corner of Thirteenth Street adjacent to New Hanover High School. This amount will hold the property until Budget time leaving a balance due of ~15,300 to be budgeted in the 1972-73 Budget for this purchase. The School Board has requested funds be provided for this purchase, and Mr. Harriss recommended it be approved. Mr. Shepard recommended if request is approved, money come from the School Fland Balance. Mr. 4,~iiliams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval of the request for ~1'700 for binder of the purchase, funds to come from the School ~znd Balance. Motion carried unanimously. kPPROVAL OF BOND FOR CORONER - Public Official Bond No. 4109619, in the amount of $2,000, issued by the National Surety Corporation, and approved by the County Attorney, covering Mr. Robert Wayne Smith, Ne~a Hanover County Coroner, was presented to the Board for approval. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by P1r. Oxenfeld, that the Bond be approved and recorded in the Office of the Register of -eeds. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING REQ,ifEST Chairman Harriss announced Public Hearing open for consideration of request to rezone property on the southeast side of U. S. Highway l~ approximately 2100 feet southwest of the intersection of S.R. 1402 and U.S. 1'] in Zonin~ Area No. 5 from R-.15 (Single Family District) to I-1 (Industrial District). Mr. Jerry Ramsey, Assistant Planning Director, stated. request for rezoning is for the purpose of owner to establish a boat manufacturin~ operation on the property, and the Planning Commission recommends approval. • Mr. Ramsey, when guestioned by Mr. Hall, stated no one expressed objections at the meeting held by the Planning Commission. Mr. Marks expressed opinion it may be well to have re- strictions or limitations to require the business be set back with an access road. Mr. Ramsey stated there nere no speci£ic points in the Zoning Ordinance to require this. Mr. Marks ex- pressed opinion the Board should determine if it has authority to require businesses to be set back. If not, to seek such authorii;y. r~ G~ MIn'UTES OF THE MEETING - FEBRUARY '7, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTIIWED) PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING REQUEST (CONTINUED) - Mr. Ramsey suggested this should be made a part of the Zoning Ordinance itself so every one will be treated the same way. There were no persons present who wished to be heard. Mr. Harriss declared the public hearing closed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the request be approved with the provision the property owner agrees to a set back with development of an access road satisfactory to the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. (For Ordinance adopted, see Zoning Ordinarcee Book I, Section 5, Page 1.) REPORT kND RECOMMENDATIONS ON R-10 ZONIT?G - This subject was tabled by the Commissioners on December 20, 1971 in order to obtain answers to the following guestions: 1. Is 10,000 square feet ade9uate for a residential lot ~ahere a septic tank is used as the method of sewage disposal, even though community vaater is available? 2. Does the density created by R-10 Zoning increase the possibility of future slums? 3. What protection does a customer have that is using community water, should the owner abandon the system or not provide adequate maintenance? Mr. Jerry Ramsey, kssistant Planning Director, presented the Planning Commission's answers to these questions and made recommendations. First, Mr. Ramsey: stated,in order to protect the environment, it is the responsibility of the local Health Department to establish minimum standards for sewage disposal. The IVeti~ Hanover Cou.nty Board of Health has adopted the following minimum lot sizes where an on-site sewage disposal system is used: fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet if both well and sewage disposal systems are to be provided, and ten thousand (10,000) square feet if a public water supply is available and only sewage disposal systems must be provided, except a smaller lot may be accepted at the discretion of the Health Officer or his authorized agent; provided, it meets the necessary sanitary qualifications as to oaater supply and sewage disposal. In addition to the above requirements, a percolation test is reguired on each lot where a septic tank is to be installed. The Health Department r~ill not issue a permit if it is indicated the soils are not conducive £or septic tank use. klso, the test might result in the Health Department requiring additional lot area. Mr. Ramsey stated FHA minimum lot size where both well and septic tank are used 20,000 square feet is required; cases where either well or septic tank, the minimum lot size is 10,000 square feet. The above applies to single family structures. The minimum lot area for multiple family units shall be that heretofore set forth multiplied by the number of family units.who are to use the lot. It was pointed out in the report even though an area may be zoned R-10, the lot size is subject to the requirements of the Health Department. The Planning Commission recommends the R-10 Single Family District be retained in the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance since the Health Department permits residential use on lots 10,000 sguare feet that are served by a community water system. Should the Health Department alter their standards, the Zoning Ordin'ance should be changed accordingly. Second, the question of 10,000 square foot lots allowing density that is too high, thereby creating future slums was discussed. Mr. Ramsey stated this is not the only factor, there are other factors. The Planning Commission recommended other programs be started as soon as possible that will prevent areas from becoming blighted. One such program should be a County recreation program so recreation facilities can be provided in residential area. Other programs should include County drainage, implementation of the County's Water and Sewer Study, minimum housing inspections, prevention of mixed land uses, and authority to require additional improvements in the County's Subdivision Regulations. Third, guestion as to what protection customer has should owner abandon a water system. Mr. Ramsey stated systems serving ten or more customers must be approved by the North Carolina State Board of Health. Mr. Ramsey recommended R-10 Zoning not be granted where less than 10 customers will be served by a community water system. The Planning Commission recommends that proposed system be approved by the State Board of Health and operated in accordance with the regulations of the State Utilities Commission, and before an area is zoned R-10, the project be approved by the Planning Commission Subdivision Review Committee. It is also recommended the County establish its otian standards for community titi~ater systems. This would be an advantage to the County in that whenever the County's system is extended to an area that is served by a private system, the private system could be connected to the County's system without new lines having to be installed to replace substandard ones. ~+~ Mr. Williams suggested the Board consider the+~requests £or rezoning that were presented at the F'ublic Hearing on December 20th and tabled. Mr. Ramsey presented tabled request concerning 332 acres in Masonboro Tovanship west of Silva Terra and Marquis Hill Subdivisions in Zoning Area No. 4 from I-2 (Industrial District)~ to R-10 (Single Family District). Mr. Ramsey stated most of the lots are over 10,000 square Peet, the State Highway has reviewed the plans for streets, the Soil Stability Study has been performed, and the Health Department has Oked the plans for a community water system. Nir. Ramsey stated the Planning Commission recommends approval o£ the rezoning request. Mr. 4lilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, approval of the rezoning request as re- commended by the Planning Commission including recommendations of PSr. Ramsey concerning the v~ater systems. Motion CaT'Tied unanimously. (For Ordinance adopted, see Zoning Ordinanee Book I, Seetion 4, Page 3.J Mr. Ramse~ presented another rezoning request which was tabled December 20; 19'71; namely property on the north side o£ Wrightsville Avenue 1,000 feet east of the intersection of Rogersville Road and Wrightsville Avenue in Zoning Area nTO. 6 from R-15 (Single Family District) to R-10 (Single Family District). 1he petitioner is also seeking a special use permit to erect duplex dwellings on the R-10 Zoning. The Planning Commission does recommend approval of both based on follovring conditions in special use permit: ~Q~ t MINUTES OF THE MEETING - FEBRUARY '], 1972 - 9~00 A.P1. (CONTINUED) REPORT AND RECaMMENDATIONS ON R-10 ZONING (CONTINUED) - 1. All proposed roads are to be installed to meet the requirements of the State Highway Commission for acceptance and maintenance. 2. There is to be no direct access to k~rightsville Avenue from Lot #1. 3. Subject to the installation of the proposed community water system. 4. Plat be revised to include changes required by Subdivision Review Committee for approval of the plat as a preliminary plat. 5. T~ot size subject to approval by the Health Department. 6. It is recommended that recreational facilities be provided by the developer at the proposed well site area. Mr. [Jilliams stated on the basis of the lengthy recommendations made earlier concerning R-10 Zoning he r~ould like to move the approval of this request for rezoning and the special use permit with the conditions set out therein. Mr. Marks seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. (For Ordinance adopted, see Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section 6, Page 2.) Mr. Ramsey then presented another zoning request which was tabled December 20, 19']1; namely, property on the north side of a public dirt road north o£ Royal Oak Drive in Zoning Area No. 4 from R-15 (Single Family District) to R-10 (Single Family District). Mr. Rams"ey stated the Planning Commission recommends denial because Mr. Parker, the property owner, plans onl~ five lots. Mr. Ramsey stated it was approved by the Health Depart- ment in the past, but it does not meet requirements just recommended. Mr. Williams pointed out this is not property for sale. It is to be strictly rental property. N'~r. Parker will be furnishing water to his oran property. Mr. Parker stated he has a house on Lot 5 and a trailer on Lot 3. There is a water system there now which has been approved by the Health Department. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval of request for R-10 Zoning in view of the fact Mr. Parker has been planning this for a long while and he does oo~n his own water system. Mr. Hall stated he would like for Mr. Parker to be aware of what he can put on his property. Mr. Williams pointed out 10,000 square feet is the very minimum requirement for a single £amil~ dwelling, subject to perk test. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimOUSly. (For Ordinanee adopted rezoning property, see Zoning Ordinanee Book I, Section 4, Page 4.) SUBDIVISION PLAT, SECTION 1 OF ARROW HEAD - Mr. Ramsey stated the developer wishes to develop this subdivision on a 25 lot basis. Lots were approved in the preliminary plan. The Planning Commission recommends approval of this 25 lot section. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the plat be approved and the Chairman be authorized to sign plat of Section 1 of ArroVa Head. Motion carried unanimously. SUBDIVISION PLAT, SECTION l, CASTLE ESTATES Mr. Ramsey presented subdivision plat of Section 1 of Castle Estates being developed by PTr. A. T. Dombroski. There is an approved preliminary plat which totals 59 lots. Ti~~enty- five lot approval is requested. The Highway Commission has supplied a letter stating that the roads meet their minimum standards, and the Health Department has supplied a letter statin~ wells and septic tanks can be used in this area. The Planning Commission recommends approval. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the plat of Section 1 of Castle Estates be approved, as recommended by the Planning Commission, and the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat. Motion carried unanimously. BID OPENING - PICK-UP TRUCK - HEALTH DEPARTM~TT - Bid Opening scheduled for this time was held and the following bids were opened for pick-up truck for the Health Department: Port Cit,y Chrysler-Pl.ymouth, Inc.: 19']2 GMC One-Half Ton Truck $2,963.42 plus Sales Tax $59.26 -$3,022.68 - del. 45-60 days Tom Reich Chevrolet, Inc.: 19']2 One-Half Ton Truck $3,'711.20 less discount of $716.94 $2,994.26 plus Sales Tax $5g.88 - $3,054.14 Cape Fear Ford: 1~72 One-Half Ton Truck $2,~03.'75 plus Sales Tax $58.0'7 - $2,961.82 Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, bid tie awarded to lowest bidder meeting speci- fications. T9otion carried unanimously. REPAIRS TO AIRPORT IiUILDING - Mr. Westbrook appeared before the Board requesting permission to use $12,000 from account titithin the Airport Budget, Building Repairs Line Item 11.421, erhich was to be used to replace a portion of their shop building that burned. Money vaill be used to put canopy over the sideb~alk in front o£ Terminal Building, replace all broken sidewalks, a new blast fence to protect the people from jet blast, loose gravel and sand blown from the ramp and neu~ lights under the canopy. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Airport Commission be permitted to proceed with the covered canopy over side~~alk in front of the Terminal and repairs as re- quested, cost to be charged to Line Item 11.421 in the Airport Budget. Motion carried unanimously. } Meeting recessed at 10:30 A.M. Meeting reconvened at 10:40 A.PY. ~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - FEBRUARY ~, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF POPULATION STUDY - Mr. Johnny Sutton of the Planning Department discussed briefly the population report which the Plannin$ Department prepared for the City and County. The report contains in- £ormation on the size and growth trends from 1910-19~0, migration, natural increase, population characteristics (age, sex, households, marital status and racial composition), summary, and future population projections. Mr. Sutton pointed out the study shows Neva Hanover County has for the past two decades, had substantial population increases. The City had a decrease in population from 1950 to 19~0 even though the City annexed approximately ~,000 people during this time. Mr. Sutton stated the report should be tied into any kind of services the County is trying to provide and the land development plan. Also, industries coming into the area like to see studies of this type to determine what percent of population can be considered a work force. REQUEST FOR REFUND OF TAXES - MRS. ANITA RIVEPdBARK - This subject was tabled on January 1']th. Chairman Harriss requested the Tax Administrator to review the matter. Mr. Powell stated Mrs. Rivenbark removed trailer from her property in 196'7, but the abstract did,not reflect the removal, therefore she has been taxed for the past four years for the trailer. Mrs. Rivenbark had requested these taxes be rebated £or the past four years. Mr. Powell stated he had statements from Mrs. Rivenbark the trailer was removed in April, 196'7; statement from the City water was discontinued on April 16, 1957; and a statement from CF&L electricity was discontinued on April 1~, 196~. - Chairman Harriss stated N1rs. Rivenbark had fulfilled the request made of her and would entertain motion taxes be abated for the past four years. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the taxes which were collected on trailer for the past four years, due to clerical error, be abated. Motion carried unanimously. FIVE YEkR EXTENSION PROGRAM - Mr. Ihzru~ood Baggett, County Extension Agent, appeared before the Board to present the Board v,=ith the IQ. C. Agricultural Extension Service Five-Year E~ctension Plan for New Hanover County. The plan is designed to (1) increase farm income through production and marketing pro~raans, (2) improve economic opportunity and the quality of life in rural areas, (3) protect and improve the quality of our environment, (4) facilitate the development of our youth, and (5) help families better develop and manage personal and family resources. Nir. Baggett stated many people have been involved in the development of the program, including the County staff of the N. C. Agricultural ~ctension Service, the County Extension Service, the County Extension Advisory Board, and a number of committees ~aorking on specific areas and problems. Mr. Baggett pointed out the program is flexible and is subject to change at any time with recommendation of the Advisory Commission who has the sanction of the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Baggett stated last week people from Knoxville, Tenn. were evaluating the program and he learned they had been recommended as one of the top of the nation. LATE TAX LISTING PENALTY - LEON R. SPARR04~', T/A BAME HOTEL - Gen. R. S. McClelland appeared before the Board requesting penalty and interest on 19'70 taxes be abated on charges for Leon R. Sparrow, T/A Bame Hotel. Gen. McClelland stated Leon R. Sparrow was the person who failed to list taxes for 19'70, and it was discovered when the property was turned back to the Bames that property had not been listed. Mr. Sparrow in the meantime has moved back to Virginia. Mr. Powell stated property transferred from H. B. Property, Inc. to Mr. Zeon R. Sparrow during 1969• During the month of January, 1970 Mr. Sparrow did not list the real estate or personal property. The Taac Office listed the real estate and charged a penalty of 10%. In November of 19']0 Mr. Sparrow oaas contacted, and he finally listed personal property and a penalty of 10% tiaas charged. By common consent it was agreed to defer action until February 21st without any prejudice in order to consult with the County Attorney. Question of interest still accruing was mentioned by Gen. McClelland. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that no further interest charges or penalties accrue during this time. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT TO WII,MINGTON-NEW HANOVER PLANNING COMMISSION - Chairman Harriss informed the Board Mr. Neil Mallory, Planning Director, had furnished four names from which to select one to fill the vacancy on the 4lilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission created by the resignation o£ Dr. H. M. Pickard. Chairman Harriss stated, with the Board's approval, he would like to appoint Mr. Jim Sabine to fill this vacancy. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that Mr. Jim Sabine be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Dr. H. M. Pickard on the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commis- sion. Motion carried unanimously. CP&L EASEMENT - Mr. Bowden presented easement from the CP&L Company which requested permission to go either underground or overhead in constructing line to the Juvenile Detention Center.. In November easement was ~ranted by the Board to CP&.L for overhead electric lines. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the change in the easement be approved, and the Chairman be authorized to sign the easement. Motion carried unanimously. SALE OF CITY-COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY - Mr. Bowden stated there is agreement bet~~een the City and County Administrationswhen an offer is made to purchase City-County o~~+ned property, regardless of who owns the largest portion, the County will have it appraised, and it rrill be brought before the Commissioners for consideration first. An offer has been made by Nr. James Perrett, 1806 Colwell Avenue, Wilmington, N. C., to purchase I,ot 17, Block A, Pinehurst Subdivision. The property has MINUTES OF TI3E MEETING - FEBRUARY 'J, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINTTED) SAI,E OF CITY-COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY (CONTINUED) - been appraised by the Tax Office for ~6'700. The City owns 93% and the County ~%. Mr. Bowden recommended sale of the lot, subject to approval of the City Council. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the sale be approved for no less than the appraised value o£ $6~00, subject to approval by the City Council. Motion carried unanimously. MOVE OF COLLECTOR OF REVENUE'S OFb'ICE - Mr. Bowden infor-med the Board he had received letter from the City Manager requestin~ ..time schedule the County plans to vacate offices in the City Hall now occupied by the Collector of Revenue's offices. Mr. Bowden stated he had made several efforts with the County's staff in order to try to find a place suitable to the public as well as having equipment such as a vault which is necessary for records. Mr. Bowden stated vahen suitable space is found with a vault, or where one can be constructed, he will try to arrange a lease arrangement and move offices out of City Hall. This move will consolidate the Ta~c Department. Mr. Hall stated, with all these problems and emergencies, he felt this group or some other group should begin thinking seriously about construction of a County-City municipal building or a new building for the courthouse~~rhere the offices can be consolidated. EASF1`"Ei NTS AT AIRFORT - Nr. Bowden stated he had a letter from Mr. Fox concerning acquisition of property at the pirport. Mr. Harriss stated FAA is holding money until all easements are obtained and trees cut. There is presently $22,000 in uncommitted airport bond proceeds. P1r. Fox stated the defendants may obtain eminent domain awards for compensation for their property in excess of $22,000. If so, it u~ill be necessary for the County to pay any sum in excess of the $22,000 from non-tax revenues. Mr. Fox wanted to kno~~,~ whether the Commissioners are willing to commit themselves to the appropriation of non-tax revenues for purpose of acquiring these easements should appropriation be required. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Fox be instructed to proceed; the Board u~~ill assume what responsibilities the Court puts on it. Motion carried unanimously. HEADBUARTERS FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION - Mr. Williams stated he saw in the newspaper that the Board of Education had employed an architect to proceed with plans for offices for the Board of Education and was wondering if this Board is aware where the money is coming from. Mr. 4iilliams stated he knew the Board of Education received funds from insurance for Hemenway Hall but questioned whether they can spend this without authorization from the Commissioners. There seemed to be some question of whether or not the Commissioners have control over this. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Bowden check N11tY1 MI`. Fox on this question. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs MINUTES OF THE MEETING - FEBRUARY 21, 1972 - 9:0o A.M. ASSEMBLY The re~ular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, ~r., Vice-Chairman Berry A. 4dilliams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John R. Oxenfeld; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked the Rev. George W. Ports, Jr., Pastor, Fifth Avenue Methodist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES-- Mr. Fox, in his letter of February l~, 19'72 to Mr. Bowden, stated the following correction should be made to the minutes of February '7, 19'72: On Page 10 under heading of "Request for Refund of Taxes - Mrs. Anita Rivenbark" the last paragraph should read: "Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the taxes be abated which were collected on a trailer for the past four years, due to clerical error." Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Llilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. BUESTION OF WIIETI~R CORONER AND MEDICAL EXAMINER SHOUI,D BE CAI,LED ON SAME CASE - Nr. Harriss questioned whether or not ansh~er had been obtained on this question which had been tabTed at last meeting. Nir: Bowden stated Medical Examiner attends with the Coroner because the Coroner cannot release the bodies. Mr. Bowden stated the Medical Examiners and Coroner are working closely together to get the most out of both services. INVOLVII`1ENT OF THE MUSEUI`i IN A JUNIOR CENTER - ~r. Bowden stated this ~aas a preliminary undertaking for the Museum. The Board of Education looks upon this ~aith £avor, but the Advisory Board of the Museum has not approved it; therefore, Mr. ~ster has repuested this matter be tabled today. Mr. E~ster has red,uced amount he formerly requested £or travel v.hich will be reflected in Mr. Shepard's report on reguests for transfer and appropriations.