1972-03-20 Regular MeetingMINUTES OF THE MEETING - MARCH 6, ~972 - 9:0o a.M. (CONTINUED) OCEAN-HIWAY MEPBERSHIP - ~r. Marks discussed letter of February '10, 'l0'72 from the Chamber of Commerce concerning New Hanover County's membership in the Ocean Hiway ~lssociation. Mr. Marks stated he felt the membership is valu~ble to the County and would like to see it continued. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board notify the Chamber of Commerce that New Hanover County desires to continue membership in the Ocean Hiway Association and that dues be paid £or from the Advertising Fund. Motion carried unanimously. SALARY OF CORONER - ' Discussion was held on setting salary of Coroner Smith. Fees for February based on $25 per call amounted to ~~'75 (3~ calls). Mr. Bowden recommended salary of ~6'100 per week ($5,200 per year) for the coroner and $75 per month for an assistant. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, recommendations of Mr. Bowden £or $5,200 per year for the coroner and $`J5 per month for an assistant be accepted, retroactive to March 'I, '1972• Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Oxenfeld pointed out budget hearings will be coming up shortly and this can be reconsidered at that time. It was also pointed out additional appropriations have been made for Medical Examiners in addition to what was budgeted. CORPS OF ENGIiv~~xS HEARING~ MARCH '16, '1972 - NORTHEAST CAPE FEAR RIVER PROJECT - Mr. Bowden requested the Commissioners attend this meeting due to the importance of it including perpetual easements for disposal areas and the cost of diking required for such disposal areas. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs Mailed 3-9-'72 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - MARCH 20, '19'72 - Q:00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - The re~ular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Vice-Chairman Berry A. Williams, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - ~ Chairman Harriss called the meeting to order and asked Rev. J. A. Humphrey, Pastor, Mt. Olive AME Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MEETING MARCH 6, '1972 - Mr. Williams requested change on Page 8 under heading: "Salary o£ Coroner" as follows: Zast paragraph should read: "Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, recommenda~ions o£ Mr. Bowden for $5200 per year for the Coroner and ....". Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously. JWENILE DETENTION SERVICES STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT - P1r. Charlie Srown, Chairman of the Committee on Juvenile Detention Services, and Judge Gilbert H. Burnett, member of the Committee, were present to give report on meeting of the Committee held on March '16,, '1972. ~Mr. Brown gave the report which had been prepared by Mr. Ray L. Grubbs, Administrative Officer, who was appointed by Chairman Harriss to work with the Committee. The report stated it was the consensus of the Committee that the line of authority of the Center cJOUld be to the Courts and to the County Commissioners. This is the same recommendation as stated in the Juvenile Services Center Committee report given on January '15, '19'7'I (Page 6). The overall direction orill be coordinated through the County Commissioners and the Courts. The report stated the basic concept of the Center will be one which is diagnostic and rehabilitative in nature rather than to act as a"holding station" for juveniles. This is the same concept as stated in the report submitted by the Juvenile Services Committee on January '15, '19'7'I (Page A-4 under Concepts). This means the Center will have its own professional staff. The report also stated because the Center is a 24-hour, seven day a week operation, it will be necessary to utilize other agencies for supportive activities. The report stated the Juvenile Services Committee is recommending basically the same staff as recommended by Mr. Grubbs and ~r. Bowden at the County Commissioners meeting of February 2'i; only change is that the Social Worker II position has been ~~ NINUTES OF Tf~ MEETING - MARCH 20, ~9~2 - 9:00 A.M. (CONTINUED) JWENILE DETENTION SERVICES STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT -(CONTINtJED) eliminated. The report cited reason for variation in the staf£ recommendation and the original recommendation of January '15, '1971 as follows: ('I) Salar,ies have increased 'IO% since that time; (2) Since the original report was made the Committee has found that a LEAA Grant is available to supplement a professional staff and is to act as "seecl'mone~; C3) 47hen part-time help was listed, vacation time was not included; and (4) An additional Program Counselor was added to the staff. If this position were not included, additional part-time help would be required. A work schedule was also presented by the Committee. Mr. Williams asked if the Commissioners wished to consider the desirability of using this Center primarily as a holding center rather than what is recommended, would there be any appreciable cost in local funds. The ouestion asked by Nr. Williams was clari£ied by asking hoU~ would it affect the grants and number of employees required if the facility is used as a holding center. It was agreed there would be no appreciable changes. Chairman Harriss raised question of whether this facilitv v~as approved as a detention center or a services center, and how many children could be held at one time. Jud~e Burnett stated ei~hteen children can be housed at one time. Inasmuch as it was Mr. Williams' responsibility as Chai~rman of the Planning Unit to appoint this Committee, Mr. Williams stated he would like to e~cplain the intent of the Committee. The Committee was called the Juvenile Det:ention Facilities Committee; it was charged with responsibility of coming up with recommendations as to the best type of Juvenile Detention Facility and the best operation. Mr. Williams stated this is what the Committee did and Yelt.the Commissioners are very grateful for the amount of time they put in it. The minutes approving the Juvenile Detention Facility were read by Chairman Harriss wherein the motion stated the plans were approved as recommended by the Juvenile Services Committee. Judge Burnett read the objectives as set out by the Juvenile Services Committee in its report of January 15, '19'7'I; ('t) provide secure custody with good physical care in a manner that will ofYset the damaging effect of confinement; (2) provide constructive and satisfying activities, not merely to amuse the child or to take up his time, but to provide an opportunity for him to develop and recognize his strength and to help him to find socially acceptable ways of gaining satisfaction. These activities can provide both a basis for positive staff child relationship and the setting for observation and study; (3) provide individual and group guidance to help the child use his detention experience positivel,y; and (4) provide observation and study leading to a better diagnosis upon which to build a better treatment plant. Mr. Oxenfeld moved, secended by Mr. Hall, that the report given today be accepted by the Commissioners for further study and that recommendations be forthcoming, very soon. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Harriss requested this subject be included on the agenda for the next meeting of the Board. TRANSFER OF F[JNDS - INSPECTION SERVICES DEPARTMENT - Request to transfer $250 to Office Supplies was received. The Board tvas informed b~ letter £rom Mr. Richard J. Epling, P.E., County Engineer, the County had received $649 as result of plumbing test given on March 6, '1972, and $250 had been spent or is anticipated to be spent from Office Supplies in connection with this test. Mr. Shepard recommended the $250 come from the General Contingency Fund, even though the $649 received as result of test goes into General Fund in the Inspection Services Department. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval of the transfer of $250 from the General Contingency Fund to Office Supplies in the Inspection Services Department, as recommended by the County Auditor. Notion carried unanimously. TRANSFER OF F~DTDS - HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Heq_uest from the Health Department for the following transfers V~as received: $ 2,000 From Health Department Surplus to Insect and. Rodent Truck Maintenance 600 From Health Department Surplus to Drainage Gas and Oil 6,000 From Drainage Labor to Drainage Repairs and Parts 'I'I,000 From Landfill Capital Outlay to Landfill Repairs Mr. Bowden stated there is a possibility the County might have to replace the small dragline in the next budget because it has been used•extensively and in salt water marsh which is bad on the dragline. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the transfers requested be approved. Motion carried unanimously. APPROPRIATION - COST OF SURVEY AND OPERATIONS MANUAL FOR TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE - Mr. Shepard stated the Commissioners in October, 'ly']'I authorized a survey and study of the Tax Collector's Office for approximately ~4,000. The appropriation was not made at that time. The County has been billed for $4300 by Cherry, Bekaert & Holland who conducted the study. Mr. Shepard recommended funds for this bill come from the General Contingency Fund. Mr. Harriss stated, to further identify matter, this study was made at the recommendation of the Local Government Commission, Messrs. Bowden, Shepard, and Powell. Mr. Harriss suggested Mr. Henry Lewis of ttie Institute of Government and the Local Government Commission be furnished a copy of the bill. Mr. Harriss pointed out Mr. Powell found the Survey and Operations Manual very helpful. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - MARCH 20, ~972 - 9:0o n.M. (CONTINUED) kPPROPRIATION - COST OF SURVEY AND OPERATIONS MANUAL FOR TAX COI~LECTOR'S OFFICE (CONTINUED) Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, the bill in amount of ~4300 be approved, funds coming from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - GARAGE - I,etter Prom Nr. F2ichard ~ of ~995 in the Salary Account for garage personnel who have service. Amount owed to date Mr. Hall moved, seconded Motion carried unanimously. J. Epling, P.E., County Engineer, was presented requesting surplus of the County Garage Budget be transferred to Travel Allowance . to utilize their own cars for transportation for a£ter hours totals $46,.50. b;~ Mr. Oxenfeld, that the transfer requested be approved. APPROPRIATION REQUEST - OFFICE EXF'ENSE - CORONER'S OFFICE - Mr. Shepard presented request from the Coroner for $'100 for office supplies oahich will last him for remainder of the fiscal year. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the request be approved, funds coming from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. APPROPRIATION REQUEST - SHE£tIFF'B DEPARTP~NT - TRAVEL TO SCHOOLS - Mr. Shepard presented request of the Sheriff for ~200 for travel to schools. The County will be reimbursed by the State, but at this time the Sheriff's Travel Account is exhausted. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the appropriation be granted, funds coming from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - SCHOOL BOARD - Request from Dr. Heyaaard C. Bellamy, Superintendent of Schools, for transfer of $'t7,000 from 4lages of Janitors to Wages of Bus Drivers raas presented to the Board. -r. Bellamy stated transfer is possible from Wages o£ Jznitors because the School Board projected ten months employment for janitors thinking teachers would also be employed for ten months. The reason for the need ~o Wages of Bus Drivers is because more adult bus drivers have been hired this year than ever before. These drivers work in schools when not driving busses. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. LJilliams, the request be approved. Motion carried four to one. Chairman Harriss voted "No". CONTINUATION ON PAYROLL MR. JESSIE BRASWELL, DEPUTY SHERIFF - Mr. Shepard informed the Board Nr. Jessie Braswell, Deputy Sheriff, who is ill, will ha've used all his sick leave on April 5, ~972• Mr. Shepard requested permission to continue to carry Mr. Braswell on the payroll without setting a precedent. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that Mr. Braswell be continued on the payroll. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF JAIL MEDICAL BILLS - Captain Joe Jol~nson, Chief Jailer, appeared be£ore the Board because o£ his concern over the increasing cost of jail medical bills. Captain Johnson advised the Commissioners a log is kept on all prisoners who are sent from the jail to the hospital and arhen bills are received from the hospital they are checked against the log for accuracy. IP correct, they are Oked £or payment. Captain Johnson stated he felt some of the bills were out of line and returned some with a letter to the hospital about six months ago, but never received a reply, bud did receive duplicate bills of the ones he returned to the hospital. Captain Johnson discussed bills on inebriates who are jailed for treatment at the request of other individuals. Captain Johnscn was of the opinion the individuals requesting treatment for the inebriates should, if possible, assume responsibility for the medical bills. Captain Johnson stated if a person is committed to the hospital, the Social Services will pay the hospital bi11 but not the doctor bill. Chairman Harriss stated with the concurrence of the Commissioners, he was asking Captain Johnson, Mr. Bo~rden, Mr. Shepard, and Mr. Williams to get tivith Mr. Morrison, Hospital Director, and call his attention to these bills, and come up with some recommendations. Mr. Johnson suggested bills accruing for prisoners before they are admitted to the jail be passed to the Judges with request they include them in Court costs. The Commissioners k*ere of the opinion this was a good suggestion. Chairman Harriss read proposed policy, prepared by Mr. Williams, for payment of hospital and doctor bills for persons assigned to the jail of New Hanover County: "Proposed Policy for Payment of Hospital and Doctor Bills for Persons Assigned to the Jail of'New Hanover County: "Bills to be paid by the County only if the following conditions exist: "'I. The person does not have insurance or independent funds to cover the cost of hospitalization, or "2. The County will pay only the portion of the bill not covered by insurance or independent'funds, and "3. That in no case will New Hanover County pay a bill for hospitalization for persons who are carried to the hospital by anyone other than the Sheriff's Department "4. It is understood that New Hanover County is responsible for payment of hospital bills for prisoners who have been committed to the New Hanover County Jail if other funds are not available to pay the hospital "5. The hospital has the responsibility to make every effort to collect bills from patients be£ore calling on New Hanover County for payment." ~e.j MINUTES OF TF~ MEETING - PTARCH 20, ~972 - 9~0o A.M. (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF JAII, MEDICAL BILLS (CONTIIQUED) - Mr. Harriss suggested following be added: "6. That on an inebriate commitment when release is requested the person requesting release also sign agreement to assume responsibility for medical bill." Chairman Harriss complimented Captain Johnson on his concern in saving the County these expenses which people are thrusting on it. Mr. Williams stated he was not pushing for adoption of proposal today; but some policy should be adopted after study has been given to the problem. Discussion was held as to whether prisoners are ever taken to Cape Fear Hospital. Captain Johnson stated not direct from the Jail because of the distance, but if any prisoners needing hospital care are pickei3 up closer to Cape Fear Hospital than New Hanover Nemorial Hospital, they are taken there. PUBLIC HEARING - SPECIAI, USE PERMITS - Chairman Harriss declared Public Hearing open to consider two applications for Special Use Permits. Mr. Neil Mallory, Director of Planning, presented the first application as follows: 'I. Application for Special Use Permit to use property on the east side of U. S. Highway 'I'J approximately 3'1~ feet north of Station Road for a duplex dwelling in an R-'15 District (Single Famils District) in Zoning Area #6. Mr. Nallory stated the Planning Commission recommended the issuance of a Special Use Permit subject to the following provisions: 'I. Subject to the plans submitted with the application for Special Use Permit. 2. Approval o£ source of vaater and method of sewerage disposal by Health Department. 3. Two off-street parking spaces per dvrelling unit shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the County Zonin~ Ordinance. Nr. Oxenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval of the application for Special Use Permit, as recommended by the Planning Commission, and the Chairman be authorized to sign Permit. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Mallory presented the second application for Special Use Per.mit as follows: 2. Application for Special Use Permit to use property on the northeast side of Masonboro Loop Road (S.R. 'i'148) just outside the City's zoning jurisdiction (part of Shamrock Village Tract) for a convenience food store in an R-'10 District (Single Family District) in Masonboro Zoning Area. Mr. Mallory stated a convenience food store is permitted as a Special Use in R-'10 and R-'15 Districts. The Planning Commission recommended the issuance o£ a Special Use Permit subject to the following conditions: 'I. The proposed structure shall be reduced in size by 250 sq. ft. in order to comply with Section '72-5 ('I) o£ the Zoning Ordinance. (Mr. Mallory stated this section states the size of the structure shall not exceed 3,000 feet and the proposed structure as indicated on the plans would be 3,250 feet) 2. Sign for the Convenience Food Store is to be limited to 32 sq. ft. and shall be located '10 ft. from the road right-of-way and 'IO ft. from any property line. 3. Buffer shall be provided as required in Section ~2-5 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. An additional off-street parking place, in add.ition to that sho~an on the plans submitted with the Application for Special Use Permit, is required in ord.er to comply with the Zoning Ordinance. 5. Curbing shall be installed along right-of-way of Masonboro Loop Road to control ingress and egress with a curb cut of 30 ft, maximum. 6. Oi~ner is to keep undergrowth cut to the south and north of the lot housing the Convenience Food Store in order to provide safe si~ht distance for vehicles entering Masonboro Loop Road from the Convenience Food Store. ~r. Mallory pointed out the proposed location is on the curve of the Masonboro Loop Road. The Planning Department when viewing site did observe traffic in the area, and if undergrowth is cut to the north and south, there ~aould be an added sight distance, so traffic cauld enter Masonboro Loop Road from the Convenience Food Store. Mr. Harriss asked if any one present wished to be heard. Mr. Bobby Fowler spbke saying he was the person requesting permit. He has built 28 duplexes there and his brother, Mr. R. C. Fowler, is going to build about 28 units there also. The store will be built at the entrance and leased to Mr. Bob Register. Question of water and sewerage was discussed. Mr. Mallory stated the duplexes are within Shamrock Village Subdivision and served by a community sewerage and water system, and there is no indication as to whether or not the store will be connected to this system. Mr. Fowler stated they are tying in with Central Sewage now which will include this store. Mr. Harriss requested the Planning Commission add the following condition to those they recommend: '7. The Convenience Food Store shall be served by the community sewerage and water system in Shamrock Village Subdivision. Nr. Nallory agreed to have this condition included. ~~ MINIJTES OF THE MEETING - MARCH 20, ~972 -°:00 A.M. (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING - SPECIAL USE PERMIT6 (CONTINUED) rr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the approval of the application £or Special Use Permit, as recommended by the Planning Commission, and including condition suggested by Mr. Harriss relative to water and sewerage, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the permit. Mr. Marks objected to the issuance of the permit due to the traffic on the road and the tremendous hazard. Also, the~store will be in the center of the curve. Mr. Marks suggested store be put on straight section of road. Mr. Marks stated he saw no reason for a convenience store, since there are a number of stores on the road. Nr. Harriss was of the opinion this store would not add very much to the traffic . hazard and maybe a contr•olled area ~~iill be necessary where speed limit will be 25 miles - per hour. Mr. Fowler pointed out that all accidents occur on the opposite side of the road and the store will actually not be in the peak of the curve but just at the beginning of the curve. Vote was called on motion. It carried four to one. Nr. Marks voted "No". ~r. Aarriss declared Public Hearing closed. APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION PLAT - HIGHLAND DUNES. SECTION 2- Mr. Jerry Ramsey, Assistant Planning Director, presented subdivision plat of Highland Dunes, Section 2, for approval. Section ~ has been recorded. This subdivision is on the Blue Clay Road, S.R. ~3~8. Preliminary plan has been approved by the Planning Commission. The plan has been approved by the Highway Commission, and. the Planning Commission recommended its approval. Mr. Williams moved., seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that the.plat be approved as recommended by the Plannin~ Commission, and the Chairman be authorized to sign the plat. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST TO NAME ROAD "KRAUSS LANE" - Request was presented to name paved road leading £rom the old County Home Road to 4Janet's Sausage Company "Krauss I,ane". The road is presently unnamed and it is difficult to get mail addressed to John Krauss, Inc., UJanet's Sausage Company, and Carolina Sausage Company. The request had the approval of the Planning Commission. Mr. O~cenfeld moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, approval of the request. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL MEETING - Mr. Harriss reported on meeting with Department of Water and Air Resources, Commercial and Sports Fisheries Division of the Conservation and Development Department, National Oceanographic and Aerospace Administration and several other department administrations in the State. The meeting iaas on solid waste disposal, particularly on tires and automobiles which are accumulating at an alarming rate in New Hanover County. Dr. Linton of Commercial and Sports Fisheries Division of the Conservation and Development Department is actir~ as Chairman for a committee to study federal, state and county participation in the feasibility of a pilot pro~ram to be established here to see if this u~aterial may be satisfactorily used in construction of artificial reefs which would benefit sports fishermen and marine scientists. Also, the material would not damage the ecology, and at the same time would rectify some of the harm done to the bottom by storms and other occurrences which has cleaned the bottom close to shore of growth, etc in which fish breed and hide. Mr. Harriss stated survey made by Mr. Ray Grubbs indicates from 60,000 to '70,000 tires and 5,000 automobiles are d.iscarded annually in New Hanover County. Tires cannot be burned under the law. Mr. Harriss stated one reef off of New Jersey took in excess of two million tires. This is an example of how many tires can be used in one reef. Mr. Harriss stated at present the County does have a permit to enlarge the reef of£ of Wrightsville Beach by addition of tires and several other types of solid waste such as concrete rubble. Mr. Harriss stated he already had authorization of the Commissioners to proceed ~aith the matter, but he thought the Board would have to work out some costs. Mr. Harriss stated with the concurrence of the Board, he would like for Mr. Bowden to develop some figures which would reflect what it would cost the County to dispose of the material by other means so that it can be determined in what measure the County can participate in a joint program which will be financed by State and Federal funds, in addition t.o County funds. Mr. Williams asked the Chairman if this could not be included in the Solid Waste Disposal Study, since it is certainly part of solid waste. Mr. Harriss said it could. Mr. Harriss stated it was clearly brought out at the meeting washing machines, refri~erators and this type of solid waste will not be used in reefs because they have certain metals that give off harmful reactions when in contact with salt water. Mr. Harriss stated he was informed the Kelly Springfield Tire Company in Fayetteville daily has around 200 tires they want to get rid of which they band in numbers or 6 or 7, and it might be necessary for the County to invest in such a machine to bind tires here. Nr. Harriss stated it would be necessary to have a collection and loading point which will be convenient to the water,.so barge transportation of these materials can be used and be readily accessible to Masonboro Inlet and navigable channels. Mr. Hall suggested including cost in the budget every year because tires and automobiles will be discarded annually. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - MARCH 20, ~97z - 9:0o a.M. (CONTINUED) DEMOZISHI`1ENT OF X-R.4Y BUILDING - JAMES WALKER HOSPITAI~ - Mr. Hall introduced discussion of demolishing the old X-Ray Building at James Walker Hospital now while other demolition work is being done. Hooks Salvage Company will demolish the building now at no additional charge. Mr. Hall pointed out the Medical Care Commission indicates it will cost as much to renovate the:old building for the Health Department as a new building will cost which will be more in line with what the Health Department needs. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Oxenfeld, that Mr. Hooks be authorized and directed to demolish the X-Ray 8uilding while he is out there. Mr. Hall stated the County is also experiencing the same problem with the Old Community Hospital. It has been impossible to get tenants for it, and i~ is deteriorating. Mr. Harriss pointed out people had been sleeping in the old James Walker Hospital building; people who are vagrants. A study has been made for the utilization of the building, but there seems to be no way to use the building. Mr. Narks was not in favor of demolishing the building. Mr. Narks stated the County will never know how much it could have saved by renovating the building. Mr. Marks stated he believed the Board could have saved the County $200,000. Mr. Marks stated he would. not a~ree to demolishment of a quarter of a million dollar asset to the County. Mr. Harriss pointed out a study has been initiated for a government complex building, and any office put in the old building at the James Walker Hospital site would be on a temporary basis. The cost of renovating the building would be in addition to rent iahich is necessary for the Tax Office. Mr. Marks stated the Board had competent estimate that if the building was renovated along plans that were planned on, it would have virtually the same economic life as a new building. Vote was called on motibn. It carried Pour to one. Mr. Marks voted "No: DEBIGNATION OF A.Rf;HZTECT FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUILDING - Diseussion~was held on naming architect to proceed with plans for the new Health Department Building. Mr. Oxenfeld asked to be excluded from voting on this decision. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that because of the fact the firm of Leslie N. Boneg, Architects, designed the hospital building and some additions, they be commissioned to furnish designs for the Health Department Building. Mr. Hall made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the matter be tabled until next meeting of the Board of Commissioners, either regular or special. Motion carried unanimously. REpUEST OF "NO WAKE" AREA BE EXTENDED AT WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH - Mr. Sowden informed the Board of request from Mr. Harold Wescott Wells that "No Wake" area extend through the entire area of Aoward's Fishouse-Sea Path Marina, Wrightsville Beach, N. C. Mr. Wells stated his slip is about half way between or in the approximate 200 yards of non-restricted water and due to irresponsibZe boatin$ causing rough water in his slip and possible damage to his boat, he is making this request. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Nr. Williams, that the Board set in motion action necessary to grant the request. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR PERMISSION FOR FIRE4a0R%S DISP7~AY - ~ Mr. Bowden presented request from the City to hold.fireworks display during the Azalea Festival on April '13 or April '14, '19'72 at I,egion Stadium. Mr. OxenfeZd move@, seconded by Mr. Ha11, the request be granted, subject to the usual safeguards as to insurance, etc. being complied with. Motion carried unanimously. CONGRATULATIONS T~ MR. JOHNNY SUTTON~ STAFF PI~ANNER, WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER PL~ANNING COMMISSION - Mr. Bowden stated Mr. Johnny Sutton who was studying to become a planner graduated ~ Number One in his class. The Cit9 is going to recognize Mr. Sutton's efforts and achievements with a motion and a letter congratulating him on his standing in the class and the work he has done. By common consent it was agreed the Board of Commissioners do likewise. ADJOURNMENT - There being no £urther business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board r ~ HS/BZ