1972-03-27 Special MeetingMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - MARCH 27, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. ASSEMBZY - Special meeting of the New Hanover Countg Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commission Building with the following present: Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., H. A. Marks, John R. Oxenfeld; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; County Engineer Richard Epling; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Others present were Mr. Aenry von Oesen and Col. Paul Denison, Henry von Oesen and Associates; Col. William Shaffer, Lower Cape Fear krater and Sewer Authority; Mr. Robert Coleman, Director of Public Works; City~of Wilmington; and Mr. Jerry Ramsey, Assistant Planning Director. INVOCATION - Chairman Harriss.called the meeting to order and asked Mr. Marks to give the invocation. DISCUSSION OF ENGIivr:r,xING STUDY & REPORT FOR WATER AND SEWERAGE SYSTEMS IN NEW FiANOVER COUNTY - Chairman Harriss asked Mr. Henry von Oesen to discuss the Engineering Study & Report for Water and Sewerage Systems in New Hanover County, prepared by his firm and submitted to the Board of Commissioners in the Fall of 19'71. Mr. von Oesen began his presentation by showing map oY area where proposed water and sewerage service will be. Map showed distribution line which will go to the Marine Science Center being built at Fort Fisher. Shown on the map were sewerage systems utilizing gravity flow to the pumping stations and which are located in various positions along the south and along the river. The force mains come through various parts of the County and come to the present sewerage treatment plants o£ the City of Wilmington. There are five sewerage treat- ment plants in the County: one in the northside and one in the southside (which is presently being constructed) in Wilmington; one at Wrightsville Beach; one at Carolina Beach; and one at gure Beach. The County will have collector lines which will flow into the outfall system and from there into the pumpin~ stations and then into the treatment plants. Mr. von Oesen stated the concept is regional in every respect. He has tried to gather x~aste into as few treatment plants as possible and tried to take best advantage of existing treatment plants. In the sewera~e waste system the intent is to move all of it from the better class waters, which are in the sound and ocean, and dischargin~ it into the river which is a lesser class water and which can tolerate it better. The water system will be supplied water entirely from the City's water plant which is located at Hilton. This plant supplies water to the entire City .and to certain industries around the City. This plant, with its present setup, is capable•of producing at rate of 12 million gallons o£ water per da,y. It is possible to increase the capacity of the plant. The real problem with the City water plant is the amount of raw water they can get from Kings Bluf£ through their pipe line. This problem is being handled now by the w'ater Authority in•a program they are working on. The Uiater Authority has received a grant of $150,000 £or the purpose of planning the acquisition of adequate ravr water to the entire regional area which would include the City and New Hanover County. In the plan that the Water Authority is now workin~ on actually two of the trunk mains are shown on the map; one extends along Route 117 out to the General Electric Plant. It is proposed to provide this plant with an adequate de- pendable supply o£ water. This pipe line would be financed by the Water Authority. The other line is being planned to run out the old Shell Road to Wrightsville Beach to provide Wrights- ville Beach with Water. Mr. von Oesen stated.proposed system is designed to pick up waste from private sgstems that are now operating in subdivisions in the County. Mi~. von Oesen stated they had come to the conclusion capacities available both in the Citq Water Plant and in its two new sewerage plants ~vould be suitable for expansion in the case of the water plant and without expansion until year of 1988 in the case of sewer plants. This would be capable of taking care of the County. Mr. von Oesen's study does not plan for the sewerage system o£ Wrightsville Beach to be a part of the plan because they have a secondary type of plant, and it appears the cost of changing this would be in excess of what it would cost them to maintain their present plant. Their plant is acceptable to the State. The pumping station shown on the map will be able to take care o£ Wrightsville Beach should it become necessary, and the waste would come back to the northside sewerage treatment plant. Chairman Harriss asked whether this plan could be tied into as far as Leland. Mr. von Oesen said this had been considered, however it Vzould be cheaper to build a treatment plant at Leland. Col. Denison stated the Council of Governments is conducting a regional study at this time. Regional concerns outside of this plan will be dovetailed into plan being presented this morning. Mr. von Oesen stated there was no question in his mind but the only economical, reasonable system of water supply in the County ro~*ill necessitate a connection to and operation with the systems now in GJilmington. Mr, von Oesen stated the State Department of Natural Resources is not going to allow any great number of sewerage treatment plants to be built in New Hanover County. rir. von Oesen stated the matter is up to the Board_of Commissioners now; it is up to them to decide whether or not to ~o along-with the plan. If the Board should decide to go along tdith the plan today, with the necessary sequence of construction, planning, approval, permits, etc., it will be mid 19`]4 before the first part o£ the system would be completed and probabl9 would be two years after that before it can be finished. Mr. Harriss asked if the Board adopted the plan and set about implementing parts of it, would it be the advice of Mr. von Oesen that the sewerage portion of the plan be implemented first or the water. Mr. von Oesen said it would be his advice that the Board do both at the same time. Mr. von Oesen stated the County needed revenue from the water to help cover the cost of the sewerage. Cost of the proposed systems was discussed next; thirty-nine million dollars. Mr. von Oesen stated cost of water system is approximately 9-7 million dollars. Of this amount the Federal grants which the County can look for will amount to 2.'7 million dollars, State grants 1.1 million dollars and County bonds approximately 5.8 million dollars. ~9 MINUTES OF SPECIAL NiEETING - MARCH 2~, 1972 - 9:0o A.M. (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF F1\GIivr,r.tcING STUDY & REPORT FOR WATER AND SEIdERAGE SYSTEMS IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY (CaNTINUED) Cost of the proposed sewerage system is 29.2 million dollars. It is anticipated the County will receive 10.8 million dollars in Federal grants, 4.8 million dollars in State grants and 13.6 million dollars in County bonds. Of the County bonds, which amount to 19.4 million dollars, 12.1 million dollars would be repayable by assessments and '7.3 million dollars would be repaid from service revenues for ti~ater and sevaerage service. Mr. von Oesen recommended minimum cost per month for water of $5 and an additional charge above minimum of 3,000 gallons and $5 for sewerage per month. This is hi~her charge than the City has. The charge will roughly be a little over twice as much as the City's present rates. This is due to the fact the City has an extremely favorable rate. The Town of Wrightsville Beach has rate of $5•, Mr. von Oesen stated 12.1 million dollars of bonds will be retired in ten years by assessments. Assessments are vrhere water and sewer lines are placed in front o£ a person's property; these persons are assessed a certain portion of the cost. The presence of the pipe line increases the value of property and provides service. Mr. von Oesen was of the opinion septic tank owners will find assessment to be less than it costs to maintain septic tanks. It is estimated $3 per £ront foot of property raill be assessed for the water system and $5 per front foot for sewerage system. Mr. Hall asked Mr. von Oesen if he had an order of priority if the County cannot accomplish the whole plan. Mr. von Oesen presented another map showing area where 64% of people do not live in municipalities. Cost of this system is 23.'] million dollars. The Count~ can anticipate ~etting in grants from the State and Federal sources 13.2 mi7lion dollars, and it would take 10.5 million dollars in bonds. Of the 10.5 million dollars, approximately 4.1 million dollars would be repaid from assessments and approximately 5.9 million dollars would be paid £rom revenues. This system would serve over 21,000 people. In Mr. von Oesen's opinion it would be economically feasible to implement this plan. He stated he felt it could be financed with assessments and revenues from utilities; it would not require an9 additional ad valorem taxes. Under the State Law the County has the right to require an,qone to hook up to the seH~erage system and there are methods through the Law to require them to hook up to the water system. Mr. von Oesen stated the map showing system in part o£ the County would bring in enough revenue to pay for cost of the system. Mr. von Oesen's report recommends: (a) both water and sewer lines be installed in areas throughout the County at the same time; (b) all structures be required to connect to both utilities vaithin one year after instaIlation; (c) initial connection fees be reduced and possibly financed by delayed monthly pa,qments so as to encourage early connection and assist home owners with pa,pment of such fees•2 (d) water and sewerage rental shown in Part 3 be considered £or initial service fees; le) assessment methods set out in Part 5 be considered as a means o£ a£fording the systems; and (f) because of the presence of sizable grant pro- grams in Federal agencies and possible programs in the .~,tate of North Carolina it is re- commended that this program be reviewed by the Board of Commissioners and other governmental agencies having jurisdiction and that the First Phase program be submitted to the State Clearinghouse, Cape Fear Council of Governments, and the several agencies listed in Part 5 for consideration by them for loan and grant participation. Mr. von Oesen stated the Board can approve the entire system toda,y or reduce it to the most populous areas of the County as shown on the map or do nothing about adopting the plan. Mr. von Oesen outlined necessary steps for the County to take (a) work out policy with the City; (b) need to agree with Citg on re ional concept; (c) need to agree on procedures in event of annexations by the City; and (d~ need to basically give the City certain guarantees and assurances as to the procedures of operating and taking care of the systems. Mr. von Oesen outlined methods of implementation as follovas: (A) County Commission undertake intial construction of systems and then ask City to ,take them over, operate them entirely and return whatever part of money agreed to by the County. (B) In event of inerger of both governments, systems could be constructed by the re- sulting consolidated governments. (C) In event of either of the situations, action by the County Commissioners or a con- solidated government, the responsibile government could request the County systems be under- taken and constructed by the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority. Discussion of whether to finance under revenue bonds or general obligation bonds was discussed. Mr. von Oesen su~~ested if £inanced with revenue bonds the Water Authority be requested to construct systems. Mr. von Oesen pointed out careful audit will have to be kept on all revenues received to go to the payment of these bonds. Mr. Harriss pointed out revenue bonds rrill require-no referendum. Mr. Oxenfeld inquired whether it o~ould be just as £easible to go with the master plan initiall~ as it would with smaller scope project. Mr. von Oesen stated they had not figured economic £easibility on either of the plans but felt the County could go with whole program wi.th exception of sbme small portions. Mr. Oxenfeld was of the opinion it arould be more economical to go with the master plan now. Mr. Williams stated he felt, assuming that details can be v~orked out with the City of Wilmington as to the operation of the systems, the Board should approve the entire plan but with the iznderstanding that the County start out in the area that is more densely populated as indicated on the map and with the understanding that the County ~5~i11 proceed to the other areas as rapidl~ as can be done from a practical standpoint. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - MARCH 2~, 19~2 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF ENGlivr.r:ttING STUDY & REPORT FOR WATER AND SEWFRAGE SYSTEMS IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY (CONTINUED) - Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Soard accept the general concept and more particularly Phase 1 and proceed with the necessary negotiations with the City. Mr. Oxenfeld stated he would like to see asked for clarification on Mr. Marks' motion. was to approve the o~*erall plan, to negotiate the plan as presented on the smaller map as t Williams stated he understood the Board is in is going to adopt the r~hole plan, but this is will be gotten to as soon as practical. the entire plan put into focus. Mr. 4lilliams Mr. tvilliams stated, as he interpreted it, it with the Cit~ for operation and to initiate Ze first phase of the total program. Mr. effect adopting and s~ying todag that the Board the £irst phase o£ it, and the other portions Col. Shaffer stated one of the things that is going to have to be faced is who is going to undertake the job. Basically the Water Authority right now is in the business of whole- saling raw water, so from a practical standpoint, the Authority is not in a position to im- plement "Plan C" that Mr. von Oesen mentioned. Col. Shaffer was of the opinion the best thing would be £or the County to make arrangements-with the City to be not only the operator but the constructor of these systems. Col. Shaffer stated the County does not have a Depart- ment of Public Ulorks and he did not think the County would want to establish such a department. Col. Shaffer stated he did not believe the County could afford to duplicate a department. He stated the County already has more work than the County Engineer can do, and thi-s is a major undertaking; the planning, design and construction. Col. Sha£fer pqinted out as long as the County is going to arrange with the City, as it has to do, because it is their water, their tr.eatment plants and sewera~e treatment plants, it would be best to start right at the beginning with them, if at all possible. Col. Shaffer recommended the overall plan be accepted; it is adequate and what the County will want to "shoot for" in the long run. Col. Shaffer was of the opinion the first priority plan, recommended by Mr. von Oesen, is a practical approach but a little too ambitious, because it will take 13.2 million dollars in grants and 10.5 million dollars in bonds. Col. Shaffer did not feel the County can get 13.2 million dollars in grants as one project. Col. ShafPer based this on the fact that allocation £or water and sewer out of the Clean Water Bond Act from the State was only for one and a quarter million dollars, so the maximum the County can get from the State over a period o£ five years is one and one quarter million dollars, assuming the Bond Issue passes, and the County is in competition V,ith Carolina Beach, Wrightsville Beach and the City of Wilmington who want part of this money. Col. Shaffer was of the opinion the County's taxes will go up; they always do when you add ~aater and sewerage because it enhances the value of property. Col. Shaffer suggested the Board seek advice from Harlan Boyles of the Local Government Commission about the sale of assessment bonds. Mr. Hall asked Col. Shaffer if th3s plan will jeopardize the 4,~ater Authority. Col. Shaffer stated it would not. If an,ything, it will help the Authority tremendously; the Count9 should be commended £or doin~ the study. Mr. Marks stated he felt the County should ask for the £ull amount needed in grants for the plan, and if it has to cut back, the County will do so. Mr. von Oesen pointed out how cut back could be made on Phase 1 Nap. Vote was called on motion. It carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss asked Col. Shaffer to work with Mr. Bowden, Mr. Epling, Mr. Coleman and to continue to seek the advice of Mr. von Oesen and Associates in getting program off the ground. Mr. Harriss stated the Board recognizes necessity of working with the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority because this is a regional authority and wanted to maintain regional concept of anything the Board does in this context. Mr. Marks suggested the City Manager and County Administrator get together and the two engineering departments get together and begin the phases as recommended by Mr. von Oesen. Meeting recessed at 11:05 A.M. Neeting reconvened at 11:10 A.M. SELECTION OF ARCHITECT FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUII,DING AND MENTAL HEAI,TH BUILDING - A representative of J. R. Altobellis and Associates was present and expressed his firm's interest in the project. Mr. Harriss read motions made at last meeting, one being made by him that the firm of Leslie N. Boney, Architects, be commissioned to furnish designs for the Health Department Building. At that time Mr. Hall .:made a substitute motion, which carried unanimously, that the matter be tabled until next meeting of the Board, either regular or special. Mr. Williams reminded the Board that Mr. Oxenfeld had requested at the last meeting he be allowed not to vote on this matter in view of the fact he is an architect. Mr. Williams moved, seconded b~ Mr. Hall, that Mr. Oxenfeld be excused from voting on this matter. Motion carri~ed unanimously. Mr. Marks suggested that the Mental Health Department Building be included as well as the Aealth Departmerit Building since they both have been considered being built at the same vicinity, and for the same reasons stated previously, the same architect be commissioned. Mr. Harriss stated if Mr. Marks wished to add this to his (Mr. Harriss') original motion he would be glad to accept it. The motion now read as follows: Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that because of the fact the firm o£ Leslie N. Boney, Architects designed the hospital building and some additions, they be commissioned to furnish designs £or the Health Department Building and the Mental Health Department Building. MINUTES OF SPECIAI, MEETING - MARCH 2~, 1972 - 9~00 A.M. (CONTINUED) SELECTION OF ARCHITECT FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUILDING AND MENTAL HEALTH BUILDING (CONTINUED) - Mr. Williams pointed out it has been the practice of the County to use different architects from time to time.to spread the work around, and stated he would like for the Board to con- tinue this practice in the future. Mr. Hall raised ouestion of how the Board was going to determine if the work is being spread around; dollar-wise or item-wise. ~ Mr. Marks pointed out the firm suggested iaill be able to better tie the two buildings in with the hospital. ~ Vote was called on motion. It carried by four votes. Mr. Oxenfeld abstained from voting as he was authorized to earlier in the meeting. Mr. Harriss was excused from the meeting at this time, and Mr. Williams assumed the Chair. RECOPII`7ENDATIONS - JUVENILE SERVICES CENTER - Mr. Bowden stated he did not believe Mr. Grubbs and he were at a point where they could make any firm recommendations due to wide variations in salary scales £rom four counties which were.surveyed. Mr. Williams stated since the Administrator and Administrative Officer do not have complete information today, action will be deferred until next regular meeting, iP there are no objections. Mr. Hall suggested there be an understanding not to hire the staff until 60 days before the opening and asked that the Board be furnished with a fairly accurate estimate of cost and opening date at the next meeting of the Board. JURISDICTION OVER OIV~MILE AREA - Mr. Williams stated the City of Wilmington and, as far as he knew, none o,f the other municipalities, have applied £or continued planning and zoning responsibility in the one-mile area surrounding the municipalities involved. The information the Board has gotten, although not official, is the City o£ Wilmington, at least, is not going to make application for zoning jurisdiction in the one-mile area. Mr. Williams stated if this is the case, it will be necessary for the County to conduct hearings and take action needed prior to July 1, 19'72 to bring this mile area under the responsibility of the County. Otherwise, the Count9 would be for sometime without building inspection authority, planning or zoning control in the one-mile area. Mr. Williams stated he was of the opinion the Board should reouest the Planning Depart- ment to make whatever preparation is necessary to schedule public hearings and things of that nature, so the Board can bring the area under the County's responsibility as o£ July 1, 1972• Mr. Jerry Ramsey, Assistant Planning Director, stated Mr. Bowden had discussed this about a taeek and half ago with the Planning Director. Mr. Bowden requested some figures on different inspections to determine what the County will get into by taking over the one-mile area. The Planning Department is working on this information now. Mr. Ramsey stated they are ready to make some recommendations £or zoning in the one-mile area. There will be only two Planning Commission meetings before June. Mr. Boiaden stated he had asked for official notification oY the intent of the City o£ Wilmington. Mr. Williams stated the information he received £rom the North Carolina Association o£ County Commissioners' staff is that unless a municipality officially reo,uests continued jurisdiction, it automatically expires as of July l, 1972"- Mr. Bowden stated this will relieve the City of this one-mile area but it will be added to the County, and it is obvious the County will have to increase its sta£f to take care of this. Mr. Williams stated he was inclined to discourage az~y municipality from applying, because he felt strongly that the people that live in the one-mile area should be subject to regulations by those people who they have an opportunity to vote £or or against. Mr. Hall pointed out these people have no recourse whatsoever insofar as elections are concerned. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, the City Council and all other municipalities, be written stating that unless the Board of Commissioners hears from them immediately making request for continued jurisdiction in the one-mile area, the County will ask the Planning Department to proceed with public hearings and whatever is necessary in order for the County to assume this added responsibility as of July 1, 19'72. Motion carried unanimousl9. Time element was discussed and it was agreed there will be time for the County to pre- pare to assume this responsibility by July l, 19'72, if the municipalities are heard from immediately. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board /hs